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ROADMAP™ B2 Unit test 2

Grammar 3 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c to

complete the sentences. Change the form as
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs and
other words in brackets in the present perfect
simple or continuous form. 1 He was infuriated to find that his new car was
1 He says they ’ve been to six countries on this
a overwhelm b infuriate c tempt
trip. (be)
2 Slow delivery of an order can be a bit ,
2I the tickets for the boat .
but it’s not a huge problem.
(buy, yet)
a irritate b encourage c exhaust
3 Recently we to organise a surprise
3 You must be after working such a long
party for our daughter’s 18th birthday. (try)
4 you that report for me?
a insult b convince c exhaust
(not do, already)
4 The kids were to start eating the
5 She on that computer non-stop for
birthday cake, but they waited until everyone was
six hours and she’s still going. (work)
6 you and your friends for
a tempt b frustrate c depress
long? (travel)
5 When I was in hospital, the number of get-well
7 He’s happy because he a two-week
messages I received was really quite .
holiday to Croatia. (just, book)
a worry b alarm c overwhelm
8 How long they here?
6 Tom’s feeling a bit after losing his job.
a astonish b depress c entertain
9 You what kind of car to buy for ages.
7 I’m sorry, but we’re not with the
You need to make a decision soon. (consider)
service here and want to make a complaint.
/8 a tempt b exhaust c satisfy
2 Change the active sentences into passive 8 Research shows that our customers aren’t
ones. that our product is the best.
1 Some local parents set up a youth club. a convince b frustrate c overwhelm
A youth club was set up by some local parents. 9 She said the lack of communication with the
2 The police have taken action to stop road racing. supplier was .
______________________________________ a satisfy b convince c alarm
______________________________________ 10 I thoroughly enjoyed that film; it was very
3 Don’t worry, he’ll complete the project soon. .
______________________________________ a worry b entertain c depress
______________________________________ /9
4 You should always read the instructions carefully.
5 People are starting to understand the importance
of eating well.
6 You must always obey the referee.
7 Does he really need to have his hair cut?
8 They had experienced real problems before she
joined the team.
9 They’re sending an email invitation to David.

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2 Unit test 2

Vocabulary 6 Complete the email with one word from box A

and one from box B in each gap.
4 Complete the sentences with the words and A
phrases in the box.
aggressive broken cold customer
attention carried away in touch it
false faulty rude slow
on my nerves some rest
straight to the point the feeling to do B
advertising caller delivery product
1 Why don’t you get some rest – we’ve got an promise salespeople service staff
early start in the morning.
2 He used to get a bit, but we’re Dear Sir/Madam
friends now. I’m writing to make a complaint. Two months ago,
3 They asked if we’d like to get I had a 1 cold caller from your company
sometime, either for a meal out or at theirs. knock on my door. He told me I had won a prize
4 You just don’t get , do you? I’m not that I was required to collect from your central
interested in anything you’re trying to sell. store. The next day I went there, but was told that
5 I’m sorry, I got completely and the prize was no longer available.
didn’t notice how late it was. However, your 2 then convinced
6 An old friend from school got with me to buy a new XY3. I was told I would receive
me last night. It was great to hear from her. the new product within three days, but it took
7 The trip to New Zealand was amazing. We got nearly three weeks to arrive! There is no excuse
so many new things. for such 3 . Then, when I opened
8 I get he’s going to regret that the box, I found that it was a 4 .I
social media post. immediately returned to the store, but your
9 Stop avoiding the subject – get 5 showed no interest in the
and tell me what happened. problem and kept me waiting for ages.
10 We were waving and shouting to get his
Finally, I was told that someone would come to
, but he didn’t see us.
replace the product in two days’ time, but nothing
/9 has happened. It’s just another 6 .
5 Match 1–10 with a–j. I’ve never experienced such poor
1 A doctor was at school today to warn us b 7 . Also, your leaflet promoting the
2 They’ve started to enforce ____ XY3 states it is made out of metal – this is clearly
3 We should probably ban the ____ 8 because it’s 100 percent plastic!
4 It would be good if the café could offer ____
I request a full refund immediately and ask that
5 Authorities have been cracking ____
someone from your company comes to collect this
6 We’re pleased to announce increased ____
broken XY3.
7 My mum’s going to carry out ____
8 It’s really up to the government to take ____ Yours faithfully
9 There’s a new scheme to tackle ____ A N Grey
10 The older generation should do ____ /7

a down on illegal food imports recently.

b about the dangers of smoking. /50
c use of high polluting cars.
d a new law to stop young people driving at night.
e more to help young people.
f some alternatives to meat dishes.
g research into brain development for her PhD.
h funding for the community arts project.
i action to reduce urban crime.
j the problem of overfishing in rivers.

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