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Disorders of Speech

By A dit Bh rdw j

• Stammering and stuttering

• Mutism
• Talking past the point (Vorbeireden)
• Neologism
• Speech confusion and Schizophasia
• Aphasia

Stammering and stuttering
• Normal ow of speech is interrupted by pauses or by the religion of fragments of
the word.
• Grimacing and tic like movements
• Begins by the age of four, more common in boys
• May be visible or noticeable when person is anxious
• Also occurs in - Severe Adolescent crisis or onset of acute schizophrenia
• Complete loss of speech and may occur in children with a range of emotional or
psychiatric disorders and in adults with hysteria, depression, schizophrenia or
organic brain disorders.
• Elective mutism in children who refuse to speak to certain people
• Hysterical mutism is rare, known as aphonia.
• Severe depression with psychomotor retardation may be associated with mutism.
• Always present in catatonic stupor
• Akinetic mutism associated with lesion of the upper midbrain or posterior
• Patient reports the answer to the question by talking about an associated topic.
• ‘Approximate answers’ may be a feature of gander syndrome which is a dissociative
• Talking past the point is found in schizophrenia especially among adolescents
• These patients nd this phenomenon amusing and assume a facetious attitude
towards it- seen in hebephrenic subtype of schizophrenia
• Also known as pseudo dementia
• New words are constructed or old words are used in a new way
• Individuals with motor aphasia use the wrong word or invent new word or distort
the phonetic structure of the word - paraphasia
• Seen in schizophrenia and Catatonia
• Severe positive formal thought disorder leads to neologism
• technical neologism- patient tries to use a new word for an experience that is
completely outside the realms of normal
• Hallucinatory voices may also play a part in neologism
• Malapropisms- conspicuously misused words, of no particular known psychiatric
signi cance
Speech confusion and
• Super cial resemblance to aphasia
• Schizophasia is regarded as a form of thought disorder
• Known as word salad or speech confusion
Receptive aphasia

• Three types- pure word deafness, agnostic alexia and visual asymbolia
• 1) pure word deafness- attributed to lesion in temporal lobe, patient hears words but cannot
understand them
• 2) Agnostic alexia- patient can see words but unable to read them, lesion of left visual cortex
and corpus callosum
• 3) Visual asymbolia- distortion of visual word schemas, words cannot be recognised and
therefore mootte word schemas cannot be activated. Lesions in supramarginal gyri.
• Visual agnosia- can see them but not recognise the object. They will however recognise the
object with kinaesthetic sense.
Intermediate aphasia
• In nominal or amnesiac aphasia the patient cannot name objects although they
have plenty of words at their disposal. They nd it di cult to carry out written and
verbal commands.
• Di culty in writing spontaneously.
• Found in di use brain damage.
• Substantial disturbances in language function with impairments of speech and
• syntactical aphasia- both receptive and expressive parts of speech are a ected.
Expressive aphasia
• Cortical motor aphasia- also known as brocas aphasia, verbal aphasia, or expressive
• Patient has di culty their thoughts into words and in severe cases speech may be
restricted to expletives and a few words.
• Presence of recurring utterances and these words are produced with di erent
intonations to produce di erent meanings.
• In less severe cases, Patients understand what is said to them but cannot reply with
right words, described as unable to nd the right words.
• In pure word dumbness the oatient is unable to speak spontaneously, to repeat words
and to read aloud but they can write spontaneously, copy and write to dictation.
Thank you

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