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October 2008 ADN Student Newsletter

Breaking The Chain

It’s that time of year again when the
weather turns a bit cooler, people start Just some thoughts:
coming indoors, and we see an increased  If every person reliably practiced hand hygiene
incidence of cold and flu related complaints. before and after caring for a client, there would
As nursing students, we know how this all be an immediate and profound reduction in the
begins, and we may only be one link in the spread and development of resistant bacteria.
chain, but we can all do our part in breaking  It’s EVERYONE’S duty to remind each other to
the long chain of infection. On and off the clean our hands
floor, in our education to our clients, at home
 Hand hygiene should not be viewed as an inter-
with our families, first and foremost we should
Special points of interest: ruption, but rather, a part of client centered
be remembering to wash our hands.
 Breaking The Chain
 Annual influenza vaccination is strongly recom-
 Pinning and Graduation mended for the health care worker, to protect
yourself, co – workers and vulnerable clients.
 Breast Cancer Awareness  Remember clean hands save lives and can stop
 Sub—Committees
or prevent infection.
“We may only be one link in the chain,
 Send In Your Pictures but we can do our part in breaking the
long chain of infection”
 T—Shirts / Sweatshirt Orders

Pinning and Graduation

It’s hard to believe that we should be We are still in need of anyone who
thinking about the Pinning Ceremony would like to take over the fundrais-
and Graduation. But, it is coming, ing committee. We would like to
and preparations need to be made. cover the costs of pins and food for
the Pinning Ceremony, but this may
Congratulations to Mrs. Lamont as
not be possible without assistance.
she has been voted to help our class
at the pinning ceremony along with If you have any questions regarding
Mrs. Munro. the Pinning Ceremony, Graduation
or the fundraising committee please
We are in the process of selecting
contact an officer on campus or use
the pins to be used at our Pinning
the above link.
Ceremony, photographer for our
class composite, and caps and
gowns. More details will follow as
these decisions are made.
The Pinning Ceremony and Gradua- Graduation
tion are scheduled for May 8th, May 8th,
Page 2 ADN Student Newsletter

Breast Cancer Awareness

I’m sure you are all aware that Octo- Steps to performing a Breast Self-Examination
ber is National Breast Cancer Aware-
ness Month. Breast Cancer is the
number one Malignancy affecting 1. Start by looking closely at your breasts, disrobe and stand
Women in North America, and the in front of the mirror.
second leading cause of death in
Women behind Lung Cancer. Men are 2. Place your hands on your hips with your shoulders straight
also at risk for Breast Cancer, but the and look for any abnormalities or changes.
risk is much lower and only affects
less than 1% of the population. 3. Next, raise your arms over your head.

Risks for Breast Cancer include: women over 50, family history, 4. Feel your breasts while lying down; use your right hand to
first menstrual period before age 12, menopause after age 55, first assess your left breast and your left hand to assess your
pregnancy over age 30, women with no children, Hormonal ther- right breast.
apy, Radiation exposure, more than 5 drinks of alcohol per week,
high fat diet, obesity, and Benign Proliferative Breast disease in- 5. Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting.
cluding atypical hyperplasia and Lobular Carcinoma in Situ.

Prevention and early detection play a major role in the outcome of

this disease. The earlier Breast Cancer is detected, the better the
prognosis. Screening tests can be available for women that in-
clude Mammograms, Clinical Breast Exams, MRI’s for women who “Breast self exams (BSEs) are
carry the BRCA 1 or 2 mutation and Breast Self Exams. Breast Self an excellent way of detecting
Exams are an excellent way of detecting Breast Cancer early.
Breast Self Exams (BSE) should be performed monthly 5-7 days breast cancer early”.
after beginning their menstrual cycle, however if you are not still
having menstrual cycles, you should choose a day out of the month
that you will remember and perform them at that time. BSE’s
should start to be performed at age 20. What should I look for?
 Dimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin, that may only
be noticeable on palpation or a change in position.
 A nipple that has changed position, or become inverted.
 Redness, swelling, soreness or rash.
Sub—Committees  Nipple discharge that could be watery, milky, yellowish in
color, or bloody.
There are still openings on several sub—committees for those that  Any abnormal lump.
are interested. For a general overview of each sub—committee and All should be inspected by your Physician as soon as possible
the duties please see the ADN Student Newsletter September Edi-
tion. You can find a link to the Newsletter on the blog. Helpful hints:
 Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of
Contact the chair for the sub—committee you are interested in di- your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a
rectly or send a message to the sc4 future nurses mailbox. circular motion, about the size of a quarter.
 Follow a pattern to ensure that you have covered the en-
tire breast.
Have any Pictures?  Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side,
pay close attention to the upper outer quadrant of your
breasts near the axillary (armpit) area.
We are looking for pictures of clinical groups, classmates and nurs-  Some women find it more comfortable to perform BSE’s in
ing students in general for our ADN Display Case on the 1st floor of a warm shower.
the Main Building. If you have any pictures you’d like to see dis- Taylor Muir
played please give them to an officer or submit them to the sc4
future nurses mailbox. Sorry, but no photos will be returned. If
possible please include the name of the people in your photo. We T—Shirt / Sweat Shirt Orders
are also collecting the pictures for a DVD / Slide show for the end
of the year.
We are hoping to order another round of t—shirts and / or
So send in your pictures, we want everyone to be seen and immor- sweatshirts. Order forms should be out later this month for
talized on the SC4 DVD / Slide show. those who want to order.

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