180 Practice Questions On CHE 126 For CA2

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MEDICATHRON (08029335996)

…all questions are from the slides

9TH OF MAY, 2023

S/N Questions ANS


Which of the following is the ore in which lead is found? a) Magnesite b) Galena
c) Calcite d) Cassiterite e) None of the above

Which mineral is cassiterite? a) A compound of lead b) A compound of tin c) A

compound of germanium d) A compound of carbon e) None of the above

Which element occurs as traces in some silver and zinc ores? a) Carbon b) Silicon
c) Germanium d) Tin e) Lead

How is lead extracted from galena ore? A. By heating and blowing air through
it B. By roasting in air to give PbO and then reducing with coke or CO in a blast
4 furnace C. By converting PbS to PbCl2 and reducing the chloride with Mg or Zn
D. By converting PbS to PbO and reducing the oxide with coke or CO in a blast
furnace E. By distilling PbCl2 and reducing it with Mg or Zn

What is carbon black, and how is it produced? a) A type of natural graphite,

made by reducing SiO2 and scrap iron with coke. b) A mixture of mica, quartz,
5 and silicates, containing 10-60% C. c) A product of the incomplete combustion
of hydrocarbons from natural gas or oil. d) A high-purity form of silicon made
by distillation and reducing the chloride with Mg or Zn.

What happens when air is blown through molten mixture during the extraction
of lead? A. The iron oxidizes to FeS and floats to the surface B. The iron oxidizes
6 to FeO and floats to the surface C. The iron reduces to FeS and sinks to the
bottom D. The iron reduces to FeO and sinks to the bottom E. The iron is not
affected by the air blowing

Which of the following statements about germanium is true? a) It is well known

7 like the other group four elements b) It is a radioactive element c) It is a gas at
room temperature d) It is a liquid at room temperature e) It is a metalloid

What are the common carbon compounds found in the environment? a. Carbon
8 monoxide and carbon dioxide b. Carbon dioxide and methane c. Methane and
ethane d. Methane and propane e. Ethane and butane
What is the electron configuration of Group 4A elements? a. ns2 b. ns2np1 c.
ns2np2 d. ns2np3 e. ns2np4

Which Group 4A element often appears more noble than expected from its
standard electrode potential? A) Carbon B) Silicon C) Germanium D) Tin E) Lead

Which oxidation state becomes increasingly stable on descending Group 4A? A)

+1 B) +2 C) +3 D) +4 E) +5
Which of the following elements occurs in sand and quartz? a) Magnesium b)
Carbon c) Tin d) Silicon e) Germanium

Which Group 4A element often appears more noble than expected from its
standard electrode potential? A) Carbon B) Silicon C) Germanium D) Tin E) Lead

Which of the following is NOT true about diamond? a) It is transparent b) It is

14 the hardest natural occurring material on Earth c) It has a high boiling point d)
It has a sp3-hybridized atom e) All of the above are true about diamond

Which of the following elements occurs in coal? a) Magnesium b) Carbon c)

Germanium d) Tin e) Lead

How many valence electrons does diamond have? a) Two b) Three c) Four d)
Five e) Six
How many electrons are present in the outermost p-orbital of Group 4A
elements? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5
What is the main characteristic of tin and lead ores? a) They are rare b) They
are found in large quantities c) They occur in coal d) They are easy to extract
What is the process for reducing SiO2 to make silicon? a) SiO2 + Fe + 2C → FeSi
19 + 2CO b) SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO c) Si + 2Cl2 → SiCl4 d) SiCl4 + 2Mg → Si + 2MgCl2
e) 2PbS + 3O2 → 2PbO + 2SO2 + C
Which of the following best describes the relationship between germanium and
the other group four elements? a) They are all well-known like germanium b)
They are all radioactive c) They are all gases at room temperature d) They are
all liquids at room temperature e) They are all well-known except for germanium
In which block are the Group 4A elements found? a. s-block b. p-block c. d-block
d. f-block e. g-block
Which of the following is NOT true about graphite? a) It is a conductor b) It is
hexagonal c) It is opaque d) It is sp3-hybridized e) It can be used as a lubricant
What is the method for extracting lead from Galena? a) Reducing SiO2 and
scrap iron with coke. b) Converting Si to SiCl4, purifying it by distillation, and
reducing the chloride with Mg or Zn. c) Roasting SnO2 to give PbO and then
reducing it with coke or CO in a blast furnace. d) Partially oxidizing PbS by
heating and blowing air through it. e) Blowing air through the molten mixture to
oxidize the iron to FeO, which then floats to the surface.
What oxidation states are commonly adopted by Group 4A elements? a. +1 and
+3 b. +2 and +4 c. +3 and +5 d. +4 and +6 e. +2 and +3
What is the reason for the unreactiveness of Group 4A elements? a. They do not
form chemical bonds b. They are very stable compounds c. They have a surface
coating of oxide d. They have a high electronegativity e. They have a low
electron affinity
What is the main way in which germanium occurs in nature? a) In large
quantities in coal b) In pure form as germanium minerals c) As a trace element
in other metal ores and coal d) As a compound with carbonates e) None of the
What is the category of germanium in the periodic table? a) Nonmetal b) Alkali
metal c) Halogen d) Metalloid e) Transition metal
What is the trend in ionization energies for Group 4A elements as you move
28 down the group? a. They decrease b. They remain constant c. They increase d.
They first increase and then decrease e. They first decrease and then increase
Which of the following elements has the lowest abundance in nature? a)
Germanium b) Tin c) Lead d) Carbon e) Silicon
How is high-purity silicon made? a) By reducing SiO2 and scrap iron with coke.
b) By distilling SiCl4 and reducing the chloride with Mg or Zn. c) By roasting SnO2
30 to give PbO and then reducing it with coke or CO in a blast furnace. d) By
partially oxidizing PbS by heating and blowing air through it. e) By heating
natural graphite with coke at high temperatures.
What are the physical properties of silicon? a. Shiny, ductile and soft b. Grey,
brittle and shiny c. Black, malleable and hard d. White, conductive and opaque
What is the role of carbon in the steel industry? A. As a decolorizing agent B. As
32 a hardener for iron C. As a catalyst for chemical reactions D. As a semiconductor
material E. As a component of bricks and cement
Which of the following is NOT a way in which silicon occurs in nature? a) Silicate
minerals b) Clays c) Quartz d) Cerrusite e) Sand

In what form is tin typically mined? a) As a pure metal b) As an oxide c) As a

carbonate d) As a silicate mineral e) None of the above
What is the inert pair effect? a. The tendency of elements to adopt the most
stable oxidation state b. The reluctance of s-electrons in the outermost shell to
participate in bonding c. The tendency of elements to react with other elements
d. The tendency of elements to bond with other elements of similar
electronegativity e. The tendency of elements to lose electrons in chemical
What is the purest form of silicon found in nature? a. Quartz b. Feldspar c.
Pyroxene d. Olivine
What percentage of the Earth's crust is made up of silicon? a. 10.6% b. 26.7% c.
22.8% d. 27.6%
What is the ranking of carbon and silicon in terms of abundance by weight in
the earth's crust? a) Carbon is first and silicon is second b) Carbon is second and
silicon is first c) Carbon is tenth and silicon is fifth d) Carbon is seventeenth and
silicon is second e) Carbon is fourth and silicon is seventeenth
What is the process for making silicon? a) Roasting SnO2 to give PbO and then
reducing it with coke or CO in a blast furnace. b) Partially oxidizing PbS by
39 heating and blowing air through it. c) Reducing SiO2 and scrap iron with coke.
d) Converting Si to SiCl4, purifying it by distillation, and reducing the chloride
with Mg or Zn.
What is the primary use of activated carbon? A. Decolorizing agent B. Catalyst
40 C. Purification of chemicals and gases D. Radioactive dating E. Production of
Which radioactive isotope of carbon is used for dating ancient objects? A. C-11
B. C-12 C. C-13 D. C-14 E. C-15
How is natural graphite usually found? a) As a pure element in rocks such as
calcite and dolomite. b) As a mixture with mica, quartz, and silicates. c) As a
byproduct of the reduction of SiO2 with scrap iron and coke. d) As a trace
element in silver and zinc ores. e) As a rare mineral that is difficult to extract.
What is the primary use of silicon? A. Construction of electric motors B.
43 Production of transistors C. Pottery making D. Glass production E. Breast
What happens to the atomic radii of Group 4A elements as you move down the
44 group? a. They decrease b. They remain constant c. They increase d. They first
increase and then decrease e. They first decrease and then increase
What are silicones commonly used for? A. High-temperature greases B. Liquids
Crystal Display (LCD) screens C. Contact lenses D. Explosives E. All of the above
Which of the following is true about germanium minerals? a) They are abundant
46 b) They occur in silver and zinc ores c) They are easy to extract d) They are well-
known e) None of the above
47 What is the stable oxide of silicon? a. SO2 b. SiO4 c. SiO2 d. SiO
What is the purpose of hybridization? A. To explain the energy levels of atomic
orbitals. B. To create new atomic orbitals with different shapes and energies. C.
To help us understand bond formation and bond energies. D. To break down
molecules into their constituent atoms.
What is the primary use of germanium? A. Electroplating steel B. Making prisms
49 and lenses C. Making lead/acid storage batteries D. Protective shielding against
X-ray E. None of the above
What is hybridization in Chemistry? A. The formation of hybridized atomic
50 orbitals from two different elements. B. The process of mixing two atomic
orbitals to create a new type of hybridized orbitals. C. The combination of two

different elements to form a new molecule. D. The transfer of electrons from one
atom to another.
51 What is the main oxide of lead? a) PbO2 b) PbO c) Pb2O3 d) Pb3O4 e) PbO4
What is the primary use of tin? A. Electroplating steel B. Making prisms and
52 lenses C. Making lead/acid storage batteries D. Protective shielding against X-
ray E. None of the above
What is the shape of the hybrid orbitals in sp3 hybridization? A. Tetrahedral. B.
Triangular planar. C. Linear. D. Octahedral.
What is the main impurity found in tin extracted using carbon reduction? a) Iron
b) Carbon c) Oxygen d) Hydrogen e) Nitrogen
What is the boiling point of diamond? a) 4827°C b) 100°C c) 0°C d) -273°C e)
None of the above
What is the result of hybridization? a) The formation of atomic orbitals b) The
56 formation of hybrid orbitals with entirely distinct energies, shapes, etc. c) The
formation of molecular orbitals d) The formation of partially filled orbitals
What is the most important use of germanium? a) To improve the immune
57 system of cancer patients b) In fiber-optic systems and infrared optics c) In
transistors d) As a conductor (electrodes) e) None of the above
What are the distinguishing properties of a metalloid element? a. It exhibits both
58 metallic and non-metallic properties b. It conducts electricity and heat c. It is
malleable and ductile d. It is typically found in its metallic form
How does the reactivity of Group 4A elements change as you move down the
59 group? a. It remains constant b. It decreases c. It increases d. It first decreases
and then increases e. It first increases and then decreases
What is the most abundant chemical compound in the earth's crust? a) CO2 b)
SiO2 c) CH4 d) SO2 e) None of the above
61 What is the main ore of tin? a) SnS b) SnO c) SnO2 d) SnS2 e) SnCO3
What is the use of graphite as a lubricant? a) Its high melting point b) Its opacity
62 c) Its hexagonal structure d) Its loose attraction between planes e) None of the
How many unpaired electrons are available for bonding in the carbon atom of
CCl4? A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four
Which type of hybridization occurs in diamond? a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d) sp3d e)
None of the above
Which atomic orbitals are primarily responsible for hybridization? a) Orbitals
65 with the same energy level b) Orbitals with different energy levels c) Orbitals
with half-filled energy levels d) Orbitals with full-filled energy levels
How many hybrid orbitals are formed in sp3 hybridization? A) One B) Two C)
Three D) Four
Which elements in Group 4A are non-metals? a. Carbon and silicon b.
67 Germanium and tin c. Silicon and germanium d. Tin and lead e. Carbon and
What is the shape or structure of CCl4? A) Linear B) Trigonal planar C)
Tetrahedral D) Octahedral
What is the crystal lattice structure of graphite? a) Loosely attracted planes b)
Hexagonal c) Covalent d) Metallic e) Ionic
Can the hybridization process involve both fully filled and partially filled orbitals?
a) Yes, only when the energies of the orbitals are equivalent b) No, it can only
involve fully filled orbitals c) No, it can only involve partially filled orbitals d) Yes,
regardless of the energies of the orbitals
How many unpaired electrons are required for bonding in sp2 hybridization? A)
One B) Two C) Three D) Four

What is the method used to reduce SiO2 to silicon? a) Electrolysis b) Oxidation

c) Distillation d) Reduction e) Precipitation
Which molecule is considered having sp2 hybridization? A) BeF2 B) BF3 C) CCl4
D) SF6
Which theory is the concept of hybridization an extension of? a) Quantum theory
b) Thermodynamics c) Valence bond theory d) Molecular orbital theory
How does the energy of atomic orbitals change during hybridization? A. It
75 remains the same. B. It is reduced. C. It is increased. D. It is redistributed to give
orbitals of equivalent energy.
What is the temperature range used to reduce SnO2 to tin? a) 600-700°C b)
800-900°C c) 1000-1100°C d) 1200-1300°C e) 1400-1500°C
Which electrons are utilized in molecular bond formation? A) Electrons in the
77 innermost shell B) Electrons in the outermost shell C) Electrons in both the
innermost and outermost shells D) Electrons in the penultimate shell
Which of the following is not a characteristic of hybrid orbitals? a) They have
78 different energies b) They have different shapes c) They are formed by mixing
two atomic orbitals d) They are the orbitals of individual atoms.
Which orbitals overlap with the p-orbitals of the chlorine atoms in CCl4? A) The
79 s-orbitals of carbon B) The p-orbitals of carbon C) The hybrid orbitals of carbon
D) The d-orbitals of carbon
What is the byproduct of the roasting process used in the extraction of lead? a)
SO2 b) CO2 c) H2O d) N2 e) O2
What is the shape of the BeF2 molecule due to sp hybridization? A) Linear B)
Trigonal planar C) Tetrahedral D) Octahedral
How much energy is needed to promote an electron in the 2s-orbital of carbon
82 to the 2p-orbital in CCl4? A) 206 kJ/mol B) 306 kJ/mol C) 406 kJ/mol D) 506
What is the coordination number of the central atom in the PCl5 molecule? A) 2
B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Which material is used for making strain gauges? A. Silicon B. Germanium C.
Magnesium germanate D. Carbon E. Tin
What is the shape of the SF6 molecule? A) Linear B) Trigonal planar C)
Tetrahedral D) Octahedral
What is the hybridization of the central atom in SeCl6? a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d)
What is the angle between the hybrid orbitals in sp2 hybridization? A) 90° B)
120° C) 180° D) 360°
What type of molecule does sp hybridization typically form? a) Linear b)
Triangular planar c) Tetrahedral d) Octahedral
What is the purpose of blowing air through the molten mixture of tin during the
extraction process? a) To reduce the metal to its oxide b) To oxidize the iron in
the mixture c) To remove impurities from the metal d) To increase the
temperature of the mixture e) To speed up the reaction
Which of the following is a characteristic of sp hybridized orbital? A) Only s-
90 character B) Only p-character C) Half s-character and half p-character D) None
of the above

Which of the following Group 4A elements is unaffected by water, probably due

to a protective oxide film? A) Carbon B) Silicon C) Germanium D) Tin E) Lead

What is the hybridization of the Aluminium atom in AlCl3? a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d)


What is the coordination number of the central atom in the SF6 molecule? A) 2
B) 3 C) 4 D) 6
Which of the following statements best describes the trend in metallic properties
down Group 4A? A) The metallic properties decrease down the group. B) The
metallic properties remain constant down the group. C) The metallic properties
increase down the group. D) The metallic properties increase up the group.
Which type of hybridization results in a trigonal planar structure? A) sp B) sp2 C)
sp3 D) sp3d2
Which of the following molecules has a trigonal bipyramidal structure? A) BeF2
B) BF3 C) CCl4 D) PCl5
What is the purpose of excess SiO2 in the production of silicon? a) To prevent
the formation of carbide SiC b) To increase the yield of silicon c) To speed up
the reaction d) To reduce the cost of the process e) To remove impurities from
the mixture
What is the primary use of silicates? A. Glass production B. Pottery making C.
Construction of electric motors D. Production of transistors E. Breast implants
What is the primary use of lead? A. Electroplating steel B. Making prisms and
99 lenses C. Making lead/acid storage batteries D. detecting shielding against X-
ray E. None of the above
Which of the following elements is the fourth most abundant element in the
known universe? A) Carbon B) Silicon C) Germanium D) Tin E) Lead
What is a characteristic of the ions and compounds of transition metals? A) They
are usually colorless B) They are all paramagnetic C) They are more
electronegative than main group metals D) They form fewer complex ions than
non-transition metals
What is a difference between transition metals and non-transition metals? A)
Transition metals have lower melting points B) Non-transition metals exhibit
multiple oxidation states C) Transition metals are more likely to form covalent
compounds D) Non-transition metals form more complex ions
Which of the following is a property unique to transition metals? A) They are
103 non-malleable and non-ductile B) They do not conduct electricity C) They do not
form positive ions D) They exhibit multiple oxidation states
Which of the following statements about transition metal complexes is true? A)
They never have an excess number of negative ions B) They are less likely to
form than main group metal complexes C) They are always colored D)
Coordination number is equal to the oxidation number
Which statement accurately describes the electronegativity of transition metals
compared to main group metals? A) Transition metals are less electronegative
than main group metals B) Transition metals are more electronegative than
main group metals C) There is no difference in electronegativity between the
two groups D) The electronegativity of each metal depends on its oxidation
Which of the following is considered as a transition metal? a) Scandium b) Zinc
c) Copper d) Helium
Which type of compound is more likely to form a complex ion, a transition metal
compound or a non-transition metal compound? A) Transition metal compound
B) Non-transition metal compound C) Both types of compounds form complex
ions equally D) Neither type of compound forms complex ions
Which of the following is NOT true about transition metals? a) They may have
incompletely filled d or f orbitals b) They are all non-metals c) They are divided
into main transition metals and lanthanides/actinides d) Scandium and Zinc do
not count as transition metals

Which of the following is a similarity between transition metals and non-

transition metals? A) Both exhibit multiple oxidation states B) Both are more
electronegative than main group metals C) Both are less likely to form covalent
compounds than main group metals D) Both do not form complex ions
Which of the following oxidation states is not common for transition metals? a)
+2 b) +3 c) +4 d) +1
Which of the following statements about the stability of oxidation states of
transition metals is true? a) Higher oxidation states are more stable for elements
in the middle of each series b) Lower oxidation states are more stable for
elements down the group c) Higher oxidation states are more stable for
elements down the group d) Lower oxidation states are more stable for elements
in the middle of each series
Which of the following elements have full d levels in its electronic configuration
112 and is not considered a transition metal? a) Copper b) Scandium c) Zinc d)
Which transition metal is used in the production of H2SO4 using the contact
process? a) Ti b) V c) Mn d) Fe
Which of the following statements is true about the electronic configuration of
114 a Sc3+ ion? a) It has no d electrons b) It has full d levels c) It has one d electron
d) It has two d electrons
Which of the following is a difference between transition metals and main group
metals? a) Transition metals have lower melting and boiling points than main
group metals b) Transition metals exhibit multiple oxidation states c) Transition
metals do not form complex ions d) Transition metals are diamagnetic
Which of the following is not a general property of transition metals? a) They
easily form stable compounds with neutral molecules b) Their ions and
compounds are usually colored c) They form only simple salts d) They form many
complex ions
Which of the following groups of elements serve as a bridge between the
117 metallic elements of Groups I and II and the elements of Groups III → VIII? a)
p-block elements b) s-block elements c) d-block elements d) f-block elements
Which of the following transition metals has the most stable +4 oxidation state?
a) Vanadium b) Chromium c) Iron d) Manganese
Which of the following transition metals does not occur naturally and was first
prepared in 1937? a) Technetium b) Copper c) Iron d) Gold
Which of the following is an example of a transition metal in its highest oxidation
state? a) Fe2+ b) Mn2+ c) MnO4- d) Cr3+
Which of the following is NOT true about the abundance of transition metals in
the earth's crust? a) Scandium to Zinc are common, accounting for 6.79% of the
121 earth's crust b) Gold and silver have been known in the native state since
antiquity c) The second and third rows of transition elements account for 0.25%
of the earth's crust d) All transition elements are metals
Which of the following is true about the electronic configuration of copper? a)
122 It has a completely filled 3d orbital b) It has a completely filled 4s orbital c) It
has a half-filled 3d orbital d) It has a no electron in its 4s orbital
Which of the following is NOT true about the lanthanides and actinides? a) They
are f-block metals b) They are sometimes known as inner transition metals c)
123 They have atomic numbers that fall between the first and second elements in
the last two periods of the transition metals d) They are also known as rare earth
Which of the following is a powerful oxidizing agent among transition metal
compounds? a) PtCl4 b) CoCl2 c) MnO4- d) NiCl2

Which of the following is not a reason why higher oxidation states are more
stable down the group of transition metals? a) More effective shielding from
nuclear charge b) More readily available electrons for sharing c) Lower
ionization energy d) Higher polarizability
126 Which of these is odd? a) Scandium b) Titanium c) Iron d) Cobalt
What is the oxidation state of iron in the complex [Fe(CO)5]? a) +2 b) 0 c) +1 d)

Which of the following transition metals is the fourth most abundant element
(by weight) in the earth's crust? a) Iron b) Gold c) Mercury d) Technetium

What is the oxidation state of platinum in the complex [Pt(CN)4]2-? a) -4 b) -2

c) +2 d) +4
What is a similarity between transition metals and main group metals? A) Both
130 are non-metals B) Both form negative ions C) Both are malleable and ductile D)
Both have low melting points
What is the oxidation state of cobalt in the complex [Co(NH3)6]Cl3? a) +2 b) +3
c) +4 d) +6
Which of the following ligands is considered to have the weakest field strength?
A) F– B) CN– C) H2O D) CO
Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the crystal field strength of a
133 ligand? A) The charge on the ligand B) The size of the ligand C) The shape of the
ligand D) The electronic configuration of the ligand
Which of the following is NOT true regarding the absorption of light by transition
metals? A) The wavelength of light absorbed is related to energy B) White light
134 absorbed has a particular wavelength C) The wavelength of light absorbed is
not related to Δo D) The color seen is the complementary color of the absorbed
What causes the color of most transition metals and their compounds? A) The
135 splitting of p orbitals B) The splitting of d orbitals C) The splitting of s orbitals D)
The splitting of f orbitals
What determines the wavelength of light absorbed by a transition metal
complex? A) The energy gap between t2g and eg orbitals B) The splitting of s
orbitals in an octahedral field C) The presence of unpaired electrons in the d
orbitals D) The charge on the transition metal ion
What is the energy difference between t2g and eg orbitals called? A) Energy
barrier B) Energy gap C) Energy shift D) Energy split
What is the complementary color of light that is absorbed by a transition metal
complex that appears blue? A) Red B) Orange C) Green D) Yellow
Which ligand has the weakest field strength in terms of splitting d orbitals? A)
Cl- B) H2O C) NH3 D) CO
What is responsible for the color exhibited by most transition metals and their
compounds? A) The presence of unpaired electrons B) The splitting of d orbitals
in an octahedral field C) The presence of s orbitals in transition metals D) The
ability of transition metals to form colored ions
What is the relationship between ligand field strength and crystal field strength?
141 A) They are directly proportional B) They are inversely proportional C) They are
not related D) They are equal
Which of the following is a high spin configuration? A) d6 in a weak field B) d6
in a strong field C) d4 in a weak field D) d4 in a strong field

What is the relationship between the number of electrons in t2g orbitals and
whether a complex is in a high or low spin configuration? A) More electrons in
143 t2g orbitals favor high spin B) More electrons in t2g orbitals favor low spin C)
The number of electrons in t2g orbitals does not affect the spin configuration D)
The number of electrons in t2g orbitals determines the color of the complex
Which of the following ligands would cause a complex to be in a low spin
144 configuration? A) NH3 in a strong field B) CO in a strong field C) H2O in a weak
field D) CN- in a weak field

Which of the following is an example of a neutral coordination compound? a)

[Cr(H2O)6]3+ b) [Co(NH3)6]3+ c) [Ag(NH3)2]+ d) [Fe(CO)5]

What is the property that determines whether a substance is paramagnetic or

diamagnetic? a) The number of electrons in the substance b) The number of
unpaired electrons in the substance c) The number of paired electrons in the
substance d) The type of electrons in the substance

Which of the following describes paramagnetism? a) Repulsion from the poles

147 of a magnet b) Attraction to the poles of a magnet c) Neutral response to a
magnet d) None of the above
What determines the spin magnetic moment of a paramagnetic compound? a)
The number of paired electrons in the compound b) The number of unpaired
electrons in the compound c) The number of electrons in the compound d) The
type of electrons in the compound

Which of the following is an example of a ligand in a coordination compound?

a) A metal ion b) A Lewis acid c) A Lewis base d) None of the above
What determines the coordination number of a transition metal complex? a) The
number of ligands directly attached to the metal ion b) The oxidation state of
the metal ion c) The type of ligands attached to the metal ion d) The number of
electrons in the metal ion
What is the oxidation state of Fe in the complex [Fe(H2O)6]2+? a) +2 b) +3 c) -2
d) -3
What is the donor atom in a coordination compound? a) The metal ion b) The
152 ligand directly attached to the metal ion c) The oxidation state of the metal ion
d) The coordination number of the metal ion.
What is the function of haemoglobin in the human body? a) Transport of oxygen
153 b) Transport of carbon dioxide c) Production of glucose d) Production of red
blood cells
Which of the following ligands has the strongest field strength in terms of
splitting d orbitals? A) I- B) Br- C) Cl- D) F-
Which of the following is an example of an anionic coordination compound? a)
[Cr(H2O)6]3+ b) [Co(NH3)6]3+ c) [Ag(NH3)2]+ d) [Fe(CN)6]3-
What metal ion is bound to large porphyrin rings in chlorophyll? a) Iron b)
Magnesium c) Cobalt d) Copper
157 What is the coordination number of the complex [CuCl4]2-? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
Which of the following is an example of a neutral coordination compound? a)
[Cr(H2O)6]3+ b) [Co(NH3)6]3+ c) [Ag(NH3)2]+ d) [Ni(CN)4]2
What is the spin magnetic moment of a complex with n = 3 unpaired electrons?
a) 1.73 BM b) 2.83 BM c) 3.87 BM d) 4.90 BM

Which of the following cancels out to cause diamagnetism? a) Clockwise spin b)

Anticlockwise spin c) Both a and b d) None of the above
Which of the following ligands is a Lewis acid? a) H2O b) NH3 c) Cl- d) None of
the above
What is the oxidation state of Fe in [Fe(Cl)6]4-? a) +2 b) +3 c) +4 d) None of the
163 What is the ligand in [Co(NH3)6]3+? a) NH3 b) H2O c) Cl- d) None of the above
What is the trend of atomic radii across a period from left to right? a) Increases
b) Remains constant c) Decreases d) Unpredictable
What is the reason for the increase in atomic radii near the end of a period? a)
Increase in nuclear charge b) Increase in effective nuclear charge c) Greater
repulsions due to nearly filled orbitals d) Greater attractions between electrons
and nucleus
Which group of transition metals has nearly the same atomic radii as the 2nd
166 row transition series? a) 4th row transition series b) 5th row transition series c)
6th row transition series d) 3rd row transition series
Which element has smaller radii than expected due to f electrons having less
167 shielding than d, p, and s electrons? a) Scandium b) Titanium c) Vanadium d)
Which of the following is a catalyst in the production of polythene? a) TiCl3 b)
V2O5 c) MnO2 d) Fe
What is the Raney nickel catalyst used for? a) Contact process for H2SO4 b)
169 Decomposing KClO3 to give O2 c) Haber-Bosch process for making NH3 d)
Reduction processes
Which catalyst is used in the Wacker process, where C2H4 is converted to
CH3CHO? a) Pt b) PdCl2 c) CuCl2 d) Ni
Which catalyst is used in the Deacon process for converting HCl to Cl2? a) Pt b)
Pd c) CuCl2 d) Ni
Which element is used in 3-stage convertors for cleaning car exhaust fumes? a)
Pt b) Pd c) Cu d) Ni
Which element is used in the Haber-Bosch process for making NH3? a) Ti b) Fe
c) Cu d) Ni
Which catalyst is used in the production of CCl4 from CS2 and Cl2? a) TiCl3 b)
V2O5 c) FeCl3 d) PdCl2
Which of the following is not a catalytic property of transition metals? a) Haber-
175 Bosch process for making NH3 using Fe b) Deacon process for HCl to Cl2 using
CuCl2 c) Production of polythene using TiCl3 d) Synthesis of DNA using MnO2
What is the reason for the Lanthanide Contraction? a) Increase in effective
176 nuclear charge b) Decrease in effective nuclear charge c) Increase in shielding
by f electrons d) Decrease in shielding by f electrons
Which catalyst is used in the Contact process for the production of H2SO4? a)
TiCl3 b) V2O5 c) MnO2 d) Fe
Which of the following transition metals has the largest ionic radius? a) Sc3+ b)
Ti4+ c) Zr4+ d) Hf4+
Which of the following statements is true regarding the atomic radius of
transition metals? a) It increases from left to right. b) It decreases from top to
bottom. c) It increases from top to bottom. d) It remains constant across a
Which catalyst is used to decompose KClO3 to give O2? a) TiCl3 b) V2O5 c)
MnO2 d) Fe


1 B 19 A 37 D 55 A 73 B 91 E 109 A 127 B 145 D 163 A

2 E 20 E 38 D 56 B 74 C 92 B 110 D 128 A 146 B 164 C
3 C 21 B 39 C 57 B 75 D 93 D 111 C 129 C 147 B 165 C
4 B 22 D 40 A 58 A 76 D 94 C 112 C 130 C 148 B 166 D
5 C 23 D 41 D 59 C 77 B 95 B 113 D 131 B 149 C 167 D
6 B 24 B 42 B 60 B 78 D 96 D 114 A 132 A 150 A 168 A
7 E 25 C 43 B 61 C 79 C 97 A 115 B 133 D 151 A 169 D
8 B 26 C 44 C 62 D 80 A 98 B 116 C 134 C 152 B 170 B
9 C 27 D 45 E 63 D 81 A 99 C 117 C 135 A 153 A 171 C
10 E 28 A 46 D 64 C 82 C 100 A 118 A 136 A 154 D 172 A
11 B 29 A 47 C 65 A 83 D 101 C 119 A 137 B 155 D 173 B
12 D 30 B 48 B 66 D 84 B 102 C 120 C 138 B 156 B 174 C
13 E 31 B 49 B 67 A 85 D 103 D 121 C 139 A 157 C 175 D
14 E 32 B 50 B 68 C 86 D 104 C 122 A 140 B 158 D 176 D
15 B 33 D 51 A 69 B 87 B 105 B 123 C 141 A 159 C 177 B
16 C 34 B 52 B 70 A 88 A 106 C 124 C 142 A 160 C 178 C
17 B 35 B 53 A 71 C 89 B 107 A 125 D 143 B 161 D 179 C
18 D 36 A 54 A 72 D 90 C 108 B 126 A 144 B 162 A 180 C

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