Sumptown Action Reference V3

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To activate a Ready fighter, remove their Ready token, DUCTWAYS

then take 2 actions. When activated, Leaders and Champions
may also choose to activate up to 2 other (Leader) or 1 other  CRAWL THROUGH (Double): If within 1" of a
(Champion) fighters within 3” as well. Resolve each ductway, move to the other side of the wall to within 1"
activation one at a time. of the ductway and not within 1" of any enemies or
touching friendly models.
Action Types: Basic (once per activation); Simple (any  FIRE THROUGH (Basic): If within 1" of a ductway,
number of times per activation); Double (takes 2 actions) make a ranged attack against an enemy within 1" of its
other side. Only hits on a 5+. A Template weapon
STANDING AND ACTIVE FIGHTERS automatically hits each fighter within 2" of the other
Fighters who are standing and not touching the base of side of the ductway.
standing enemy fighters are Active.
 MOVE (Simple): Move up to your Mv stat; climb
vertically [NRB 63]; cross a gap no wider than your  SMASH OPEN (Basic): If within 1" of a loot casket,
base; attempt to leap [NRB 63]; jump down [NRB 63] roll D6 and add fighter’s Strength. On 6+, casket opens;
 SHOOT (Basic): Make an attack with a ranged subtract -1 (min 1) when rolling to determine its
weapon. contents.
 AIM (Basic): Add +1 to the hit roll if the fighter makes  BYPASS LOCK (Basic): Within 1" of a loot casket,
a shoot action in the same turn. make an INT check. If passed, casket opens.
 CHARGE (Double): The fighter makes a Standard  CARRY (Simple): Make a Standard Move, carrying the
Move, adding D3” to the distance they can move. They loot casket or ammo cache. At the end of the move, set
can move within 1” of a Standing or Prone enemy but if up the loot casket in base contact with the fighter and
they do, they must make base contact becoming not on top of anything else.
Engaged; if they cannot reach, move them 1” away. If
they do this and are Engaged at the end of the action, GEAR
they can immediately make a free Fight (Basic) action
or a Coup de Grace (Simple) action against a Seriously  DROP RIG (Basic): Move up to 3” horizontally and
Injured enemy. 12” vertically downwards.
 TAKE COVER (Basic): Move up to 1/2 Mv and  GRAPNEL LAUNCHER (Double): Move up to 12”
become Pinned. NOTE: A fighter that is Prone and in in a straight line in any direction; cannot move through
cover is hiding and cannot be targeted! any terrain or models.
 COUP DE GRACE (Simple): Cause a Seriously  MAGNACLES (Basic): B2B target makes Init check.
Injured enemy within 1" and vision arc to immediately If failed, cannot move or Shoot, and Fight at -2.
go Out of Action. Break Bonds (Double): check Str on 2d6; escape if
 RELOAD (Simple): Pick 1 of the fighter’s weapons passed. Add +2 Str per friendly fighter in base contact.
that is Out of Ammo and make a D6 ammo check. If
passed, remove the out of ammo token; otherwise the SKILLS
weapon remains out of ammo.
 HIP SHOOTING (Double): Move up to twice normal
DOORS Movement then make a Shoot action with -1 penalty.
Cannot use this action with Unwieldy weapons.
 OPERATE DOOR (Simple): Open a closed door (or  HURL (Basic): Choose a Seriously Injured enemy
close an open door) within 1". within 1”. Move the fighter d3” in any direction, then
 ACCESS TERMINAL (Basic): If adjacent to a they become Prone and Pinned. If they hit terrain, they
terminal, make a INT check with a -2 modifier. If suffer also suffer a S3 D1 hit; if they hit a fighter, they
passed, the fighter makes a free Operate Door action on both suffer a S3 D1 hit and become Prone and Pinned.
the terminal’s door.  NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (Basic): Pick
 FORCE DOOR (Basic): If in base contact with a a friendly fighter within 6’’. That fighter can
locked door, roll D6 and add fighter’s S; add +2 for each immediately make a Move (Simple) action as though it
other friendly fighter also in base contact with the door. were their turn, even if they have already activated this
On 9+, the door opens. round. This action does not remove their Ready marker.
 OVERSEER (Double): Pick a friendly fighter within
6”; they can take a Simple or Basic action as though it
were their turn, even if they have already activated this
round. This action does not remove their Ready marker.

Created by Alex Flagg version 3.3, 1/15/2020

A fighter whose base is touching a standing enemy Fighters who failed a Nerve check and are Broken must
fighter’s base, is Engaged. perform this action when activated. Broken fighters may
attempt to Rally during the End Phase, losing the condition.
 FIGHT (Basic): The fighter makes close combat
attacks against one or more enemies they have Engaged.  RUNNING FOR COVER (Double): If the fighter is
 RETREAT (Basic): Make an Initiative check. If Standing and Active, they move 2d6”. If the fighter is
passed, fighter can make free Move, moving D6". Each Standing and Engaged, they must make a free Retreat
Engaged enemy may make an Initiative check: if they (Basic) action. If the fighter is Prone and Pinned or
pass, they may make Reaction Attacks against the Seriously Injured, they move half their Mv. The fighter
Retreating fighter. must attempt to end their action in the following
1. So they are more than 3” from all enemies;
 HEADBUTT (Basic): Choose an Engaged enemy and 2. So they are out of line of sight of all enemies;
roll 2d6. If result is equal to or higher than target’s T, 3. In partial or full cover;
they suffer an S+2 D2 hit from the attacker. If the result 4. As far from enemy fighters as possible.
is lower than target’s T, the attacker suffers a hit equal
to their own S and D1. PSYKER FIGHTERS
 HURL (Basic): Choose an Engaged enemy or Seriously Fighters with Wyrd Powers are Psykers. Note:
Injured enemy within 1”. If Engaged, the enemy may Sanctioned Psykers may reroll a failed Willpower test once
make an Initiative check; if failed, they are Hurled. per battle.
Move the fighter d3” in any direction, then they become
Prone and Pinned. If they hit terrain, they suffer also
 WYRD POWER (Varies): Choose a Wyrd Power and
suffer a S3 D1 hit; if they hit a fighter, they both suffer a
S3 D1 hit and become Prone and Pinned. make a Will test. If passed, use the chosen Wyrd Power
as described; enemy Psykers within 18” may attempt to
Disrupt. If failed with a double 1, fighter instead makes
PINNED AND PRONE FIGHTERS an immediate roll on the Perils of the Warp table. May
Fighters who are Prone (laying down) and face-up are only use this action once per power per activation.
Pinned. They are keeping they head down and cannot  CONCENTRATE (Basic): Add +1 to the Will check if
generally make attacks. the fighter uses a Wyrd Power this turn.
NOTE: A fighter that is Prone and in cover is hiding  MAINTAIN CONTROL (Simple): Make a Will check
and cannot be targeted! with a +3 bonus; enemy psykers within 18” may attempt
to Disrupt. If passed, the psyker’s current Continuous
Effect remains. If failed, the Continuous Effect expires
 STAND UP (Basic): Stand up and become Standing
at end of the fighter’s activation.
and Active; can choose any facing.
 DISRUPT (Active and Pinned Psykers only): Roll
 CRAWL (Double): Move up to half Mv.
2d6. If the total is greater than the enemy psyker’s
 BLIND FIRE (Double): Make a shooting attack, successful Wyrd Power or Maintain Control check, the
treating their vision arc as 360°. Subtract -2 from the enemy’s check fails instead. If a double 6 is rolled, the
result of any hit rolls. enemy’s check fails but the Disrupting psyker must
 RELOAD (Simple): Pick 1 of the fighter’s weapons immediately roll on the Perils of the Warp table. If a
that is Out of Ammo and make a D6 ammo check. If double 1 is failed, the enemy’s check succeeds and the
passed, remove the out of ammo token; otherwise the Disrupting psyker must immediately roll on the Perils of
weapon remains out of ammo. the Warp table.

Fighters who have lost their last wound, are Prone and 1-2 The fighter immediately becomes Broken; if they
face-down are Seriously Injured.
were already Broken, they flee the battlefield
Seriously Injured fighters attempt to Recover during the 3-4 The opposing player can control the fighter this
End Phase. Roll an Injury die (2 if a friendly Standing and activation, as if the fighter is part of their gang in
Active fighter is within 1”), and apply a result of your all respects until the activation ends. As soon as
choice. the activation ends, the Insane fighter no longer
NOTE: A fighter that is Prone and in cover is hiding counts as part of the opposing gang. In a
and cannot be targeted! multiplayer game, roll off to see which opponent
controls this fighter.
 CRAWL (Double): Move up to half Mv. 5-6 The fighter activates as normal. At the end of the
activation, make a Will test; if passed, lose
Insane marker.

Created by Alex Flagg version 3.3, 1/15/2020

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