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New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

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A review of break‐out floods from volcanogenic

lakes in New Zealand

V. Manville, K. A. Hodgson & I. A. Nairn

To cite this article: V. Manville, K. A. Hodgson & I. A. Nairn (2007) A review of break‐out floods
from volcanogenic lakes in New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics,
50:2, 131-150, DOI: 10.1080/00288300709509826

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New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50: 131-150 131
0028-8306/07/5002-0131 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 2007

A review of break-out floods from volcanogenic lakes in New Zealand

V. MANVILLE1,* which have caused major re-organisation of regional drainage

K. A. HODGSON2 networks. Post-eruption failures of the topographic rim of the
Taupo caldera have produced catastrophic releases of up to
I. A. NAIRN3,1 60 km3 of water, whereas intracaldera lakes hosted within the
GNS Science Okataina and Rotorua Volcanic Centres have also been the
Wairakei Research Centre source of repeated floods. At least four events have been
Private Bag 2000 identified from Lake Tarawera (Okataina Volcanic Centre) in
Taupo, New Zealand response to volcanogenic modification of the lake basin and
Western Heights High School catchment, most recently following the AD 1886 Tarawera
Old Quarry Road eruption. Paleohydraulic reconstructions of dam-breach
Rotorua, New Zealand hydrographs and downstream flood discharge rank some New
3 Zealand caldera lake break-outs as amongst the largest known
45 Summit Road Holocene floods on Earth.
RD5, Rotorua, New Zealand
*Corresponding author:
Keywords volcano-hydrologic hazards; caldera and crater
lakes; paleohydrology; floods; lahars; natural hazards
Abstract New Zealand hosts numerous lakes in its active
volcanic areas. These water bodies are developed in calderas,
volcano-tectonic collapse structures, explosion craters, and INTRODUCTION
valleys dammed by lava, pyroclastic, or laharic flows. They
range in scale and elevation from small shallow ponds a few Volcanogenic lakes in New Zealand
metres above sea level in Auckland, through volcano-tectonic
Volcanogenic lakes are here defined as those formed as a
collapse structures such as the Rotorua and Taupo calderas
result of volcanic activity: volcanic lakes are restricted to
that hold many cubic kilometres of water at a height of a few
those which host a vent. Volcanogenic lakes in New Zealand
hundred metres, to the summit Crater Lake of Mt Ruapehu,
are concentrated in four main areas that coincide with the
which contains c. 9 × 106 m3 of hot acidic water at an altitude
distribution of recent volcanism (Fig. 1): the Taupo Volcanic
of 2530 m. The combination of active volcanism and New
Zone, the Auckland Volcanic Field, the Bay of Islands-Kai-
Zealand's temperate climate means that new lakes can form
kohe Volcanic Field, and around Mt Taranaki (Lowe & Green
or old ones overfill rapidly following activity at any volcanic
1992). A few lakes are located on offshore volcanoes such
as Mayor Island, White Island, and Raoul Island. A number
Lakes in volcanic environments are often relatively short- of volcanogenic lakes are also developed along rivers drain-
lived features compared with those in tectonic settings, being ing the central North Island, principally the Waikato, where
prone to rapid formation and/or modification/destruction by volcaniclastic aggradation has dammed tributary streams.
both primary volcanic processes and the secondary effects of Most are relatively young, at least in their present form.
post-eruptive landscape re-adjustment. In addition to primary However, widespread diatomaceous and volcaniclastic la-
eruption-related volcano-hydrologic hazards, significant de- custrine sediments in the Taupo Volcanic Zone indicate that
layed hazards can also result from partial to total failure of large, long-lived lakes have been a feature for much of its
impounding barriers of volcanic material. For example, New 1.6 m.y. history (Grange 1937; Healy et al. 1964; Smith et
Zealand's worst volcanic disaster, the 1953 Tangiwai lahar, al. 1993). The most recently formed volcanogenic lakes in
which resulted in 151 deaths, was caused by partial failure of New Zealand include Lake Rotomahana, formed after the AD
the rim of Mt Ruapehu's Crater Lake 8 yr after the 1945 erup- 1886 Tarawera eruption (Nairn 1979; Walker et al. 1984); Mt
tion had ended. Most recently, post-1996 refilling of the lake Ruapehu's Crater Lake, which reformed in the active crater
behind a barrier of unconsolidated tephra laid down during after the 1995/96 eruption sequence; and the crater lake on
the 1995/96 eruption sequence culminated in breaching and White Island, which began to fill in August 2003.
failure of the dam on 18 March 2007, resulting in the release
of 1.3 × 106 m3 of water and generation of the largest historic Volcanogenic lake basins are typically formed by one or
lahar at the volcano. more of three main processes. The largest impoundments
develop in caldera collapse structures formed as a result of
Historical reports and geomorphic/sedimentologic studies magma withdrawal and surface subsidence during large ex-
demonstrate that many of New Zealand's volcanogenic lakes plosive eruptions (Williams 1941) and often superimposed
have been the source of large-magnitude floods, some of on regional tectonic depressions. Examples are Lake Taupo
(Lowe & Green 1992) and Lake Rotorua. Smaller explosive
eruptions produce craters up to 2 km in diameter, often at
G06017; Online publication date 14 May 2007 elevations several kilometres above the surrounding land-
Received 26 June 2006; accepted 2 May 2007 scape, such as the summit crater on Mt Ruapehu (Christenson
132 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50
Fig. 1 A, location map of ac-
tive volcanic regions in the North
Island, New Zealand. B, Distribu-
tion of volcanogenic lakes in the
Taupo Volcanic Zone, and late
Pleistocene lacustrine sediments
(striped areas).

& Wood 1993; Delmelle & Bernard 2000). Hydrothermal flows interacting with water (Brantley & Waitt 1988), melting
(phreatic) and hydromagmatic (phreatomagmatic) eruption of snow and ice by volcanic heat (Waitt 1989; Pierson et al.
craters (maars and tuff-rings) are typically smaller than 2 km 1990; Walder 2000), and volcanogenic tsunami (Latter 1981;
in diameter and comprise a central pit ringed by a raised ejecta Watts & Waythomas 2003). Volcano-hydrologic phenomena
rim (Lorenz 1973) and are common in the Auckland Volcanic indirectly associated or non-synchronous with volcanic ac-
Field (e.g., Lake Pupuke). The third main type of volcano- tivity include gas releases from crater lakes and/or magma
genic lake basin arises where existing drainage valleys are beneath crater lakes (Sigurdsson et al. 1987; Tazieff 1989),
blocked by lava flows, pyroclastic flows, debris avalanches, rain-triggered lahars (Waldron 1967; Tungol & Regalado
and laharic deposits. Volcanic-damming is responsible for 8% 1996; Hodgson & Manville 1999), and volcanic lake break-
of all naturally dammed lakes, making volcanism the third outs (O'Shea 1954; Waythomas et al. 1996; Manville et al.
most common dam-forming mechanism (Costa & Schuster 1999; Manville & Wilson 2004; Hodgson & Nairn 2005). It is
1988). Numerous lava-flow-dammed lakes occur within the the last that is the focus of this paper: previously such events
Okataina Volcanic Centre including Lakes Rotoiti, Rotoehu, have been reported either individually or in compilations
Tarawera, Okataina, Okareka, Tikitapu, and Rotokakahi; ex- of natural and man-made dam failures (Costa 1985; Costa
amples in the Auckland Volcanic Field are Western Springs & Schuster 1988; Schuster 2000; O'Connor et al. 2002) or
and Lake Waiatarua; and Lake Owhareiti is an example reviews of volcano-hydrologic hazards and fatalities (Neall
from the Bay of Islands-Kaikohe Volcanic Field. Lake Rere- 1976, 1996; Mastin & Witter 2000). Only recently has the
whakaaitu (on the margin of the Okataina Volcanic Centre) study of volcanogenic lake break-outs become a discipline
reached its present state after pyroclastic flow damming 700 in its own right, with evidence of extreme events reported
yr ago, while numerous lakes along the lower Waikato, includ- at Aniakchak, Alaska (Waythomas et al. 1996), Lake Taupo
ing Waikare and Rotongaro, were formed and/or modified by (Manville et al. 1999; Manville & Wilson 2004), and Lake
sediment aggradation in the aftermath of the 26.5 and 1.8 ka1 Tarawera (Hodgson & Nairn 2004,2005).
eruptions of Taupo (Green & Lowe 1985; Lowe 1988).

Volcano-hydrologic hazards
LAKe t A u p o
The combination of volcanic activity with standing bodies
of water, often at altitude and with unstable margins, gives Lake Taupo is the largest body of fresh water in Australasia,
rise to a number of unique hazards caused by a wide range covering c. 620 km2 and holding 60 km3 of water, with a
of different mechanisms (Neall 1996). These may be broadly surface elevation of 367 m. The modern lake owes its form
divided into those directly related to volcanic activity, such to volcanic activity since 50 ka, and in particular to the 26.5
as steam (phreatic) explosions (Moore et al. 1966), eruptions ka Oruanui eruption. Before 26.5 ka, the Taupo-Reporoa
through a crater lake (Mastin & Witter 2000), pyroclastic depression (Fig. 1) was occupied by a large long-standing
lake, informally referred to as Lake Huka (Manville & Wil-
son 2004), for much of the mid-late Pleistocene (Smith et
al. 1993). This water body developed in aNNE-trending and
All ages within the 14C range are reported in calibrated/calendar westward-deepening asymmetric graben, locally overprinted
years before present. with caldera structures, that formed as a result of long-term
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 133
regional extension and subsidence (Davey et al. 1995). Its
former distribution can be inferred from widespread diato-
maceous and pumice-bearing lake sediments seen in outcrop
and boreholes (cf. the Huka Falls Formation of Grindley
1965) between Taupo and Reporoa (Fig. 1), but subsequent
volcano-tectonic activity has obscured much of the detail.
Limited geological evidence (Thompson 1958; Manville &
Wilson 2004) indicates that Lake Huka drained via an ances-
tral Waikato River through the Ongaroto Gorge and thence
into the Hauraki Plains.
The 530 km3 (magma volume) Oruanui eruption at 26.5 ka

(Wilson 2001), one of the largest eruptions worldwide since
75 ka, effectively destroyed Lake Huka and created a new
closed topographic basin that eventually hosted Lake Taupo
(Fig. 2). Pre-eruption modifications to Lake Huka by minor
precursory eruptions and deformation associated with caldera
unrest are detailed elsewhere (Manville & Wilson 2004). The
Oruanui eruption involved 10 phases, virtually all mediated
by interaction between vesiculated magma and remnants of
Lake Huka, with pyroclastic density currents (mostly ignim-
brites) occurring throughout. The wholly unwelded deposits
of these flows occur to at least 90 km from the source, cover Fig. 2 Drainage diversions associated with the post-Oruanui 26.5
ka highstand and break-outfloodfromLake Taupo overlain on 20 m
c. 12 000 km2, and reach thicknesses of >200 m in proximal shaded digital elevation model (Land Information New Zealand
areas where they define a topographic rim c. 50 km in diam- data): (1) pre-eruption Waikato River route, Reporoa-Mangakino-
eter at an altitude of 600-700 m on the north and northeast Hinuera-Hauraki plains; (2) post-eruption highstand overflow route,
sides of the caldera (Wilson 1991). Generation of a sub- Waihora-Mangakino-Hinuera-Hauraki plains; (3) break-out flood
stantial caldera during the eruption is indicated by a sharply route and subsequent Waikato River course, Taupo-Reporoa-Man-
delineated c. 140 km2 Bouguer gravity anomaly of-50 mgal gakino-Hinuera-Hamilton basin.
that occupies the central northern part of Lake Taupo (Davy
& Caldwell 1998). This area is ringed by a collapse collar,
best developed on the western side of the lake, where mass
wasting and scarp retreat as a result of caldera collapse have Lake Taupo initially filled to a highstand level of c. 500 m,
produced a series of arcuate embayments that vertically trun- as indicated by the highest of a pair of irregularly preserved
cate thick sheets of welded Whakamaru Group ignimbrites. marginal shoreline terraces (Grange 1937; Manville & Wilson
The northern margin of the lake comprises a series of bays 2003,2004; Hughes 2005). These markers are best preserved
separated by intervening headlands formed by pre-Oruanui around the western side of the Taupo basin, where a pair of
rhyolite domes, all cut by NNE-striking faults of the Taupo 6-8 m high steps at 500 and 480 m are cut into a gently lake-
Fault Belt (Villamor & Berryman 2001). Vertical offsets of ward-dipping surface of Oruanui deposits above the cliffed
the Oruanui ignimbrite surface increase to the south on these topographic rim of the caldera (Fig. 3 A). Each step consists
faults, suggesting sympathetic movement on these structures of a wave-cut platform, with a veneer of beach sediments on
during caldera formation (Manville & Wilson 2003). The the terrace tread (Fig. 3B) and locally a back-beach berm of
southern part of modern Lake Taupo is identified from geo- rounded pumice pebbles emplaced by rafting and wave action,
logic and geophysical data as an asymmetric graben (Wilson and a wave-cut cliff forming the terrace riser (cf. Manville
et al. 1984; Davy & Caldwell 1998), formed or enlarged by 2001a); younger weathered pyroclastics and volcanic loess
sympathetic downwarping on regional structures during the drape both steps. Elsewhere around the lake basin, only the
Oruanui eruption (Wilson 2001). The eastern shoreline of the better developed lower step and coarse-grained beach sedi-
lake has largely been modified by post-Oruanui activity and ment lag are preserved.
collapse, particularly following the 1.8 ka Taupo eruption
(Davy & Caldwell 1998), and represents a flexural downsag Estimates of the time necessary to refill the basin to the
towards the caldera. highstand level are hampered by uncertainties concerning
such factors as: basin bathymetry; inflow rates; how much
water may have remained from pre-eruption Lake Huka;
Post-Oruanui 26.5 ka flood water volumes required to establish a water table in fresh
The Oruanui eruption had a number of profound effects on pyroclastic deposits; and evaporative losses under Last Gla-
the paleogeography of the central North Island, reflecting the cial Maximum conditions (Pillans et al. 1993). However,
complex interplay between levels of Lake Taupo, erosion, as a first approximation, it has been estimated that it would
volcaniclastic aggradation, and drainage diversions (Manville take <200 yr for the surface level of Lake Taupo to reach
& Wilson 2004). Caldera collapse, coupled with ignimbrite overflow at 500 m altitude, with the lake covering an area of
emplacement that formed a raised topographic rim around the c. 700 km2 and having a volume of c. 175 km3 (Manville &
eruption centre, created a large closed basin and constructed Wilson 2004).
a substantial geomorphic barrier between areas of different Overtopping initially occurred at c. 500 m elevation in
elevation. In the aftermath of the eruption, a nascent Lake the Waihora area, 20 km west of the modern outlet; overspill
Taupo began to accumulate in the southern basin, while a and consequent erosion of the outlet caused a lake level drop
second lake developed in the partially ignimbrite-filled Re- of 10-20 m to a level controlled by a resistant sill of welded
poroa basin to the north (Pain & Pullar 1975). ignimbrite (Manville & Wilson 2004). A better developed
134 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50

Fig. 3 A, Post-26.5 ka Oruanui highstand terraces above the western bays of Lake Taupo. B, Massive Oruanui ignimbrite (A) exposed
in subdivision road-cut, overlain by post-26.5 ka highstand shoreline deposits (B) capped by tephric loess (C) deposited after lake level

Fig. 4 Time-line illustrating

changes in the elevation of Lake
Taupo, together with significant
eruptions from the Taupo Volcanic
Centre (after Wilson 1993) and
the Okataina Volcanic Centre.
Solid stars are confirmed break-out
floods; hollow stars are possible.

Fig. 5 A, Outsize boulder form-

ing part of the Smythe's Quarry
Boulder bed (Thompson 1958), a
post-Oruanui 26.5 ka flood deposit
80 km downstream of the outlet to
Lake Taupo. Intermediate axis of
boulder measures 11m, scale bar
(arrowed) 1 m.B, Coarse bouldery
gravel facies forming the matrix
of the Smythe's Quarry Boulder

shoreline terrace at an altitude of c. 480 m within the lake likely by headward retreat of extracaldera tributaries of the
basin indicates a persistent stillstand, whereas overflow to the Waikato River, with the possible aid of groundwater sapping
north towards Mangakino stripped Oruanui pyroclastic depos- as Lake Taupo filled to a level above the underlying relatively
its from the area west of the lower Mangakino Stream. impermeable Huka Group lake sediments. The caldera rim
Meanwhile, the integrity of the Oruanui ignimbrite pla- was breached in the Taupo area some time before 22.5 ka, as
teau in the Wairakei area was being compromised, most marked by Okareka Tephra from the Okataina Volcanic Centre
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 135

Fig. 6 A, Transgressive shoreline and lacustrine deposits overlying an erosional unconformity (arrowed) cut into primary 1.8 ka Taupo
Ignimbrite, laid-down during the post-eruptive rise of Lake Taupo to c. 34 m above modern lake level (Acacia Bay, Lake Taupo). B, Post-
Taupo 1.8 ka highstand shoreline marked by the 1-2 m high step (arrowed) and transition between subaerially gullied Taupo Ignimbrite
to the left and smooth, wave-washed subaqueous deposits to the right (Acacia Bay, Lake Taupo).

(Newnham et al. 2003) draping the erosional unconformity. 3.5 ka Waimihia (Unit S) eruption, the largest eruption from
The level of Lake Taupo fell by 75-80 m in a single phase the Taupo volcano between the Oruanui and Taupo events.
(Fig. 4), as inferred from the absence of any intermediate At a single lake-edge outcrop, subaerial Unit V fall overlies
stillstand terrace levels within the basin, and consistent with weathered Waimihia-derived lake sediments (Wilson 1993),
the lack of any intermediate-level resistant horizons within whereas the top of Unit V also appears to be water-reworked,
the Oruanui ignimbrite that would have hindered downcut- suggesting a possible second brief highstand (Fig. 5). Choking
ting. This sudden release of c. 60 km3 of water is correlated of the lake outlet by Waimihia pyroclastics and damming to
with indicators of a catastrophic flood along the course of an elevation of 367-370 m would impound an extra 6 km3 of
the modern Waikato River between Taupo and Mangakino water, creating the potential for a significant outbreak flood.
100 km downstream. Evidence includes a massive bouldery
unit, the Smythe's Quarry Boulder Member of the Atiamuri Post-Taupo 1.8 ka flood
Beds, which can be traced between 68 and 88 km downstream The narrow outlet gorge to Lake Taupo was dammed by
of Lake Taupo (Fig. 5), and which unconformably overlies voluminous pyroclastic flow deposits of the Taupo Ignim-
primary Oruanui pyroclastic deposits filling a pre-26.5 ka pa- brite at 1.8 ka (Wilson & Walker 1985). At the climax of
leovalley (Thompson 1958). The Smythe's Quarry unit com- the eruption, much of the pre-eruption lake was expelled,
prises boulders up to 10 m in diameter arranged in imbricate evaporated, or drained into a subrectangular caldera collapse
cluster bedforms (Brayshaw 1984) and bar forms separated by structure beneath the current lake floor (Davy & Caldwell
anastomosing braid channels, in a matrix of finer gravels and 1998), as inferred from a sub-lake floor bench at a height of
coarse sand, and is buried by the main phase of post-eruptive c. 250 m visible on seismic profiles (Lister 1978). After the
fluvial volcaniclastics. Breaching of the topographic rim of the eruption, Lake Taupo refilled to a mean highstand level of
caldera in the Taupo area beheaded the Waihora-Mangakino c. 400 m, marked by a semi-continuous, tectonically warped
flowpath and added c. 60 km to the course of the upper and offset wave-cut bench and highstand shoreline depos-
Waikato River (Fig. 2); evidence that the flood also played a its (Clarkson 1996; Wilson et al. 1997; Riggs et al. 2001;
role in the switching of the course of the lower Waikato River Manville & Wilson 2003). Filling is inferred to have taken
from its post-340 ka route through the Hauraki Plains to the several decades (Wilson & Walker 1985; Smith 1991) and
Hamilton basin is inconclusive (Manville & Wilson 2004). produced a succession of onlapping, transgressive shoreline
The post-26.5 ka floodwater surface level of Lake Taupo, sediments (Fig. 6).
of c. 405 m, marked by shoreline sediments in the Taupo
Failure of the unconsolidated pumiceous pyroclastic dam
area, is inferred to have been controlled by a broad surface
filling the former outlet channel was initiated by overtopping,
of indurated Huka Falls Formation sediments immediately
and is inferred to have been catastrophic based on the absence
downstream of the modern outlet, where the surface is capped
of intermediate shoreline terraces between the c. 400 m high-
by a several-metre-thick lag veneer of dense lithic gravel
stand terrace and a wave-cut bench at 368-371 m elevation
locally cemented by hydrothermal activity. Subsequent en-
(Manville et al. 1999), releasing c. 20 km3 of water in a single
trenchment of the Waikato River below this surface gradually
phase. Flood deposits can be traced for over 220 km down-
lowered the level of Lake Taupo to approximately its modern
stream of Lake Taupo (Manville et al. 1999; Manville 2002)
elevation of 357 m some time before 12 ka, as indicated by
and include: a 12 km long vertical-walled spillway floored
the preservation of younger Taupo-derived pyroclastic units
with lithic gravel and boulder lags immediately downstream
within metres of the modern Waikato River level between
of the outlet; exhumed river terraces and streamlined land-
Taupo and Wairakei. This level is controlled by a resis-
forms sculpted from older deposits; bouldery fan deposits
tant horizon of silicified, indurated volcaniclastic sediments
and expansion bars downstream of valley constrictions;
and (?)primary ignimbrite at Huka Falls, 6 km downstream
fine-grained slackwater deposits in off-channel embayments
of the outlet. Limited evidence suggests a brief highstand
and hydraulically ponded depressions; valley-wide erosional
c. 6-10 m above modern lake level occurred following the
unconformities; and buried forests in distal areas.
136 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50

Fig. 7 Index map of the Rotorua,

b r <•"•»* i?r E Okataina, and Kapenga Volcanic
Centres overlain on a 20 m shaded
7j digital elevation model (Land In-
formation New Zealand data).

^ - ^ ^ ^*j b ^ v ^
\ caldcra ;**
0 Kni 10

LAKe t A r A w e r A A n d t h e h A r o h A r o covers 41 km2 between the western rim of the caldera and
cALderA resurgent lava domes to the north and east. The 2.3 km3 lake
currently overflows at an elevation of 298 m via the Tarawera
Lake Tarawera lies within the 50 ka Haroharo caldera in the
River, flowing 50 km northeast to the Bay of Plenty coast. The
Okataina Volcanic Centre (Fig. 7). Intermittently exposed la-
present lake outlet is controlled where Tapahoro lava flows
custrine sediments within the Haroharo caldera and subsidiary
from the c. 5.6 ka Whakatane eruption of Haroharo volcano
embayments indicate that the caldera was occupied by one or
onlap 13.8 ka Pokuhu lavas erupted from Tarawera.
more large lakes following the 280 ka Matahina Ignimbrite
eruption (Bailey & Carr 1994) and the 50 ka Rotoiti Breccia2 e a r l y history
(Nairn 2002). These water bodies have largely been displaced
to marginal moat lakes through growth of the Haroharo and Modern Lake Tarawera represents a remnant of a much larger
Tarawera dome complexes during a series of post-25 ka erup- water body that is inferred to have developed in the caldera
tive episodes (Nairn 1989,2002). The largest, Lake Tarawera, structures formed by eruption of the quartz-biotite tuffs,
Bonisch Pyroclastics, and the 280 ka Matahina Ignimbrite
from the Okataina Volcanic Centre (Nairn 2002). The proto-
lake overflowed into the subsiding Whakatane Graben at an
elevation of 150-200 m and cut the ancestral Kawerau canyon
Published ages for the Rotoiti eruption range between 74 and 40
ka (Wilson et al. 1992; Lian & Shane 2000). The 50 ka age adopted (Hodgson & Nairn 2004). Subsequent eruptions from the
in this paper is based on marine, terrestrial, and lacustrine records adjacent Rotorua (Milner et al. 2003) and Reporoa calderas
calibrated by Marine Isotope Stage data (Pillans & Wright 1992; (Nairn et al. 1994) partially filled the basin at 240-220 ka
Berryman 1992; Shane & Sandiford 2003; Shane et al. 2006). before renewed caldera collapse associated with the 50 ka

Fig. 8 Paleogeographic reconstruction of the evolution of the Rotorua/Okataina Volcanic Centres and their respective drainage systems. >
A, Post-50 ka Rotoiti 370-380 m highstand of Lake Rotorua overflows via a stable outlet, alternatively: (i) northwest through the Tikitere
Graben into the Haroharo caldera where a lake is developed at c. 100 m, overflowing into the Tarawera River via the Kawerau canyon;
(ii) north via a sill west of Mourea into the Kaituna catchment; (iii) north via subterranean paths into the Kaituna catchment; or (iv) south
through the Hemo Gorge into the Kapenga basin and Waikato River. Meanwhile, the Haroharo caldera accumulates a lake to a temporary
highstand level of c. 200 m. B, Between 28 and 26.5 ka the barrier between the Rotorua and Haroharo basins fails, releasing c. 10 km3
of water into the Haroharo lake/Tarawera River system as Lake Rotorua drops by 90-110 m. c , Growth of the Haroharo dome complex
during the 25 ka Te Rere eruption episode leads to the formation of Lake Rotoiti at 260 m and begins to restrict the Haroharo caldera lake
to the south-central basin. d, Continued growth of the Haroharo and Tarawera dome complexes further confines ancestral Lake Tarawera;
damming of the caldera outlet by 13.8 ka Waiohau eruptives forces its level above 220 m. e , The 9.5 ka Rotoma eruption episode blocks
the connection between the Rotorua and Haroharo catchments, forcing Lake Rotoiti to rise to a level where it overtops a southward retreat-
ing headwater of the Kaituna River system to establish a northerly drainage of the Rotorua-Rotoiti catchment. The 8 ka Mamaku eruption
dams the outlet to Lake Tarawera causing it to rise above 320 m. F, The 5.6 ka Whakatane eruption dams the outlet to Lake Tarawera,
resulting in a prolonged highstand that gradually declines from 330 to 315 m by 0.7 ka.
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 137

A: pddE-30 kA B: ka


F post-5.6 k? Wl-Ljih,i1ri™j cwTjpinxi

138 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50


moduli (Ifiiuyi d




3M 200 tf a 10

Fig. 9 Time-line illustrating changes in the elevation of the lakes developed in the Haroharo caldera together with significant volcanic
eruptions from Okataina and the Taupo Volcanic Centre (TVC). Mangaone Subgroup ages after Smith et al. (2005). Note changes in time-
scale at 60 ka and AD 1000. Solid stars are confirmed break-out floods; shaded stars are probable; hollow stars are possible.

Rotoiti eruption formed the Haroharo caldera in the northern supplemented by the sedimentary record (Fig. 8D-H). Lakes
part of the Okataina Volcanic Centre (Fig. 8). Blockage of the Okareka, Tikitapu, and Rotokakahi were created by emplace-
Kawerau canyon by Rotoiti pyroclastic flow deposits raised ment of the Okareka dome complex at 25 and 15.7 ka. Lake
the level of the intracaldera lake to c. 200 m: simultaneously, Rotoiti to the north and Lake Okataina to the west were pro-
blockage of the outlet to Lake Rotorua caused that lake to rise gressively confined between the caldera rim and lavas of the
to c. 380 m (see below). Exhumation of the Kawerau canyon Haroharo dome complex emplaced episodically between 25
lowered the level of the Haroharo caldera lake to its former and 5.5 ka, when Lake Okataina was finally separated from
level of c. 100 m before initiation of the Mangaone Subgroup Lake Tarawera. Lakes Rotoma and Rotoehu were formed by
phase of explosive eruptions. The Kawerau Ignimbrite phase lava extrusions at 9.5 ka, whereas Lake Rerewhakaaitu was
of the 33 ka Mangaone I eruption (Spinks et al. 2004) dammed progressively dammed by pyroclastic flows at 13.8 and 0.7
the canyon, temporarily raising the intracaldera lake level ka. Lake Rotomahana owes its existence to explosion craters
to c. 200 m again (Fig. 9). These early highstand lakes may excavated during the AD 1886 Tarawera eruption. Confine-
have been the source of outbreak flood events if their margins ment of Lake Tarawera commenced at 25 ka, with the lake
breached rapidly. reaching essentially its modern form following the 5.6 ka
Some time between 28 and 26.5 ka, the adjacent 500 km2 Whakatane eruption episode (Nairn 2002; Hodgson & Nairn
Rotorua catchment was temporarily captured by the Haroharo 2004).
system when the Rotoiti Ignimbrite barrier between the two
systems was breached in the Tikitere Graben area (Fig. 8B). Post-Waiohau 13.8 ka flood
The level of intracaldera Lake Rotorua fell by 90-110 m as it The 13.8 kaWaiohau eruption episode (Nairn 2002; Speed et
drained into the Haroharo caldera and thence into the Kawerau al. 2002) was the first post-26.5 ka event to have a major ef-
canyon (Kennedy et al. 1978; Esler et al. 2002; Marx 2004). fect on drainage from the Haroharo caldera. Emplacement of
The Rotorua catchment remained captured by the Tarawera a pyroclastic fan extending northeast from the Tarawera area
River system until emplacement of the 25 ka Te Rere erup- blocked the outlet to the proto-Lake Tarawera, constraining
tives, or the 9.5 ka Rotoma episode at the latest, combined overflow at 220 m where this fan abutted the caldera rim
with headwater capture, diverted drainage from Rotorua into to the northeast. If the Rotorua and Rotoiti/Rotoma/Rotoehu
the Kaituna River system (Fig. 8C or E). catchments remained captured by Haroharo at this time, then
The post-26.5 ka history of lake impoundment in the Haro- the doubled catchment area would have caused rapid lake
haro caldera is complex, but a sequence can be inferred from filling. Breaching of the fan dam, most likely by overtopping,
the ages of the confining lava and pyroclastic flow deposits, cut a 1 km wide and 3 km long channel through the fan toe
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 139
and lowered the lake overflow level to 160 m. There are no
exposures of post-Waiohau-age sediment in the Tarawera
River valley, so whether a catastrophic flood took place as a
consequence of this breaching remains unknown (Hodgson
& Nairn 2004).
Post-Mamaku 8 ka flood
Proto-Lake Tarawera was again substantially modified dur-
ing the 8 ka Mamaku eruption episode when lavas extruded
from the Haroharo complex advanced to abut against the
13.8 ka Pokohu lava flow from Tarawera (Fig. 8E). The lake
surface rose to a new outlet level of c. 300 m, but lake level
had fallen below 270 m, and more likely to 210 m, by 5.6
ka (see below), as a result of a catastrophic break-out flood.
Sedimentary evidence for the flood comes from post-Mamaku
bouldery gravels that outcrop along the Tarawera River val- Fig. 10 Oblique aerial photograph of the outlet to Lake Tarawera
ley and incorporate both 13.8 and 8 ka material (Hodgson looking west. X—Y is the line of schematic cross-sections shown in
Fig. 11. (Photo: D. L. Homer)
& Nairn 2004).

post-whakatane 5.6 ka sedimentation

Following the post-Mamaku 8 ka events, the next modifica- Pokohu lava flow surfaces are subaerial at 320 m, but later
tion to Lake Tarawera accompanied the 5.6 ka Whakatane beds are intercalated with lacustrine sediments, indicating
eruption episode (Kobayashi et al. 2005). Trees in vertical inundation towards the end of the Whakatane eruption episode
growth positions occur at 30 m depth (c. 270 m elevation) (Hodgson & Nairn 2005). After a prolonged stillstand marked
in Lake Tarawera (Nairn 1981) and are radiocarbon dated by development of extensive post-Whakatane terraces on the
as associated with this eruption. They are inferred to have western shore, lake level fell to c. 315 m prior to the 0.7 ka
been drowned when the lake surface level rapidly rose from Kaharoa eruption, presumably by slow incision of a narrow
below 270 m to a terrace-marked highstand level of 330 m channel through the indurated fan toe (Fig. 11B). Exclusion
as a consequence of eruptive activity. The post-Mamaku, low of the Rotorua catchment by growth of Rotoma lava domes at
elevation (c. 210 m) outlet to Lake Tarawera was dammed by 9.5 ka may have been a factor in overtopping outflows being
emplacement of the Tapahoro lavas (Fig. 10) while a block- insufficient to trigger catastrophic downcutting. Volcaniclastic
and-ash flow fan extended southeast from the leading edge aggradation in the Tarawera valley below the Tapahoro dam
of the Tapahoro lava flows to abut the 13.8 ka Pokohu lava filled the river channel to the caldera rim as a result of rework-
flow (Fig. 11 A). Early Whakatane tephra fall beds overlying ing of thick Whakatane episode pyroclastic fans.

Fig. 11A,B Schematic cross-

sections of the Lake Tarawera
outlet area. A, Following the 5.6
ka Whakatane eruption episode, the
narrow post-Whakatane channel
through the fan toes was blocked
by the 0.7 ka Kaharoa eruption. B,
At the present day, after removal of
the 5.6 ka pyroclastic fanby the syn-
Kaharoa 0.7 ka break-out flood.

140 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50

Fig. 12 A, Composite low-level vertical airphoto

showing syn-Kaharoa flood features in the middle
Tarawera valley from c. 5 to 11 km downstream of
the modern outlet. Flow direction left to right. B,
View from true right bank of Tarawera River valley
showing syn-Kaharoa flood boulders up to 8 m in
diameter scattered on recessional flood surfaces
7 km downstream of the modern outlet.

Syn-Kaharoa 0.7 ka flood occurred before the cessation of the eruption episode. Dam
The 0.7 ka Kaharoa eruption episode opened with a series failure was catastrophic, releasing 1.7 km3 of water as the
of vent-clearing explosions, followed by plinian eruptions, lake fell by c. 40 m. The main outflow excavated a 350 m
pyroclastic flows, and the extrusion of three lava domes that wide breach in the Tapahoro fan dam (Fig. 1 1B) and scoured
crown the modern Tarawera massif. A 4—5 yr duration has a 300 m wide and 3 km long spillway above the Tarawera
been estimated from erupted volumes and comparisons with Falls amphitheatre. A southeasterly directed offshoot of flow
historic dome effusion rates (Nairn et al. 2001). The level of deposited gravel in a broad channel across the Pokohu lava
Lake Tarawera appears to have initially fallen to c. 300 m flow and cut a 4 km long gully system through its southeast
during the eruption, possibly due to erosion of the outlet margin and into Kaharoa pyroclastics farther downstream
by increased discharges induced by the entry of pyroclastic (Fig. 7). The plunge pools, scoured surfaces, abandoned chan-
flows into the lake. Later rise to 325 m is indicated by water- nels, and streamlined landforms below the Lake Tarawera
sorted silt and sand beds overlying Kaharoa pyroclastics at outlet are all indicative of a very large magnitude, highly
this elevation. A highstand level of 330 m is inferred from erosive and competent flood (Baker 1985; Baker & Komar
the height of flood deposits immediately downstream of 1987). Below the Tarawera Falls amphitheatre, flood deposits
the present outlet (see below), corresponding with the post- include giant streamlined lateral, point, and medial barforms
Whakatane lake level and implying blockage of the narrow (Fig. 12A) composed of stratified bouldery gravels at least
post-Whakatane channel through the toe of the Tapahoro fan 10 m thick which occur for 10 km downstream of the outlet.
dam (Fig. 11 A) by a combination of Kaharoa block-and-ash Boulders up to 13 m in diameter lie scattered or clustered on
flow deposits and remobilised pyroclastic deposits issuing their surfaces, diminishing in number and size downstream
from the 3.5 km2 Tapahoro gully catchment (Hodgson & (Fig. 12B). Boulder lithologies are mostly glassy and spheru-
Nairn 2004,2005). litic rhyolite lavas and welded rhyolite autobreccia derived
As a consequence of the blockage, the lake rose by c. 30 m from pre-Kaharoa lava flows exposed below, in, and above
before failure of the barrier. The exact cause of breaching is the Tarawera Falls. Between 10 and 25 km downstream,
unknown, but it may have been initiated by overtopping, pip- these deposits are superseded by boulder-bearing cross- and
ing through the buried pre-eruption channel, or wave-induced planar-stratified sandy gravels up to 10 m thick confined
erosion and overtopping caused by tsunami generated by late- between pre-Kaharoa alluvial fans and terraces. The gravels
stage block-and-ash flows entering the lake (cf. Waythomas form broad, gently downstream sloping benches that are cut
et al. 1996). Late-stage Kaharoa fall units overlying flood by arcuate recessional terraces. Laminated silts at high levels
deposits above a scoured surface indicate that the break-out on terraces in the main Tarawera River valley and in tributary
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 141
streams were interpreted by Hodgson & Nairn (2005) as
slackwater deposits (Baker et al. 1983). Distal flood deposits
averaging 1 m thick resurfaced c. 700 km2 of the Rangitaiki
Plains and advanced the shoreline by c. 2 km (Pullar & Selby
1971; Hodgson & Nairn 2005).
Post-Tarawera AD 1886 flood
The AD 1886 basaltic plinian eruption of Mt Tarawera (Walk-
er et al. 1984) was followed by a reported 12.8 m rise in the
level of Lake Tarawera above its pre-eruption level by AD
1904 (Bell 1906). Heavy rain triggered a break-out flood on
1 November 1904, resulting in a 1 m drop in lake level before
the main flood phase on 3 November peaked at Kawerau,
24 km downstream, at an estimated 700 m3/s (Maclaren
1906). The flood overtopped the normally dry Tarawera Falls
3 km downstream from the lake outlet (Fig. 13), overwhelm-
ing the normal subterranean drainage of the Tarawera River
through fissures that emerge low in the 70 m high cliffed
margin to the Pokohu lava flow. A total lake level drop of
3.35 m was measured in AD 1906, with the lake apparently
stabilising at close to its modern elevation of 298 m. small
post-AD 1886 shoreline terraces around Lake Tarawera 2-3 m
above the current lake level are consistent with this observa-
tion (Hodgson & Nairn 2005). The AD 1904 flood caused
significant downcutting along the main stream of the middle
Tarawera River, triggering a phase of rejuvenation and inci-
sion in tributary streams. This released voluminous quantities
of volcaniclastic debris that aggraded the bed of the Tarawera
River, causing channel avulsion and flooding up to 30 km
The AD 1904 flood is attributed to collapse of a low vol-
caniclastic fan composed of remobilised AD 1886 and older Fig. 13 Oblique photograph of the Tarawera Falls during the AD
material extending from the mouth of the Tapahoro gully 1904 flood across the 70 m high margin of the 13.8 ka Pokohu lava
(Fig. 10, 1 1B) that would have blocked the Tarawera River flow. Normal outflow is subterranean, emergingfromfissuresabout
c. 1 km downstream of the lake outlet (White et al. 1997; half-way up the cliff face behind the waterfall on the left. The flood
Hodgson & Nairn 2000,2005). The river now flows through discharge was sufficient to occupy normally dry surface channels
a 10 m wide and c. 6 m deep channel cut through the fan toe (relict from the syn-Kaharoa 0.7 kaflood)and to overtop the amphi-
theatre to the left and right. (Photo: Rotorua archives)
during breaching failure. Elevation of the fan surface at the
river bank is c. 4 m above the mean modern lake level and
consistent with the post-AD 1886 highstand terrace level
around the lake. Timing of fan emplacement is unknown, but 1981, 2002; Hodgson & Nairn 2004). However, infilling of
Lake Tarawera would fill at 5-6 m/yr under normal climatic the Tikitere Graben by emplacement of the 50 ka Rotoiti
conditions. Breccia (Nairn 2002), erupted from the northern Haroharo
caldera, has buried any evidence of this. A V-shaped notch
in the southern caldera rim at the Hemo Gorge suggests the
possibility of an early post-220 ka drainage path towards the
LAKe r o t o r u A south into the ancestral Lake Huka/Waikato River system via
The 20 km diameter Rotorua caldera, formed at 220 ka by the Ngakuru depression in the Kapenga caldera, but outcrop
eruption of the voluminous Mamaku Ignimbrite (Houghton evidence is lacking and the viability of this route is potentially
et al. 1995; Milner et al. 2002), is now partially occupied by a compromised by immediate post-Mamaku eruption of the
shallow lake covering 80 km2 at a surface elevation of 280 m. Ohakuri Ignimbrite (Gravley et al. 2003) and the relatively
Extensive suites of highstand lacustrine terraces and shoreline late-stage subsidence of this area indicated by fault offsets in
benches fringe much of the Rotorua basin (Grange 1937; the Ngakuru Graben (Villamor & Berryman 2001). Eruption
Kennedy et al. 1978; Marx 2004), evidence of a complex of the Earthquake Flat Pyroclastics from the Kapenga caldera
history of lake level oscillations influenced by volcanic and just after the 50 ka Rotoiti eruption would have blocked this
tectonic activity at the adjacent Okataina and Kapenga Vol- alternative drainage path to the south.
canic Centres (Nairn 1981, 2002). The highest, tectonically In the aftermath of the 50 ka Rotoiti eruption, the level of
tilted lacustrine terrace (387-414 m elevation) corresponds Lake Rotorua rose to 370-380 m, enabling a broad highstand
to a post-220 ka highstand level associated with filling of the terrace to develop around much of the basin (Fig. 14). This
newly created basin in the aftermath of the Mamaku Ignim- implies either a single, long-duration highstand controlled
brite eruption (Marx 2004). The direction of overflow of this by a hard-rock sill outside an actively subsiding area, or a
lake is unknown. Development of a pre-50 ka northeasterly number of highstand cycles related to volcano-tectonic ac-
outlet via the tectonically subsiding Tikitere Graben (Fig. 7) tivity (see below). The location of the potential overflow sill
and thence northwards to the coast is usually assumed (Nairn is uncertain: Grange (1937) hypothesised that it lay 1.5 km
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50

Calibrated aqe (ka)

Fig. 14 Time-line illustrating changes in the elevation of Lake Rotorua together with significant volcanic eruptions. Note change in
time-scale at 60 ka. Shaded stars are probable break-out floods; hollow stars are possible (after Kennedy et al. 1978; Marx 2004).

west of the Mourea area, where a lake at 370 m would pres- Pickrill 1993). This drowned valley is much larger than that
ently overflow into the Hururu Stream headwaters to join the occupied by the Kaituna River, and must have been formed
Kaituna River 8 km downstream (Nairn 1981, 2002). Nairn by a catastrophic flood as Lake Rotorua drained into the Haro-
(1981,2002) also suggested some drainage via subterranean haro caldera. While the peak discharge of this flow will have
routes into the north-flowing Kaituna River. More recent been attenuated by ponding in the Haroharo caldera, it likely
work (Marx 2004) implicates the Tikitere Graben, requiring contributed to erosion of the Kawerau canyon downstream
either the balancing of continuous volcano-tectonic subsid- of the Haroharo caldera rim. Sedimentary evidence of this
ence with episodic pyroclastic aggradation to maintain an flood has been obscured by continued tectonic subsidence
effective barrier, or that the majority of downfaulting has and aggradation of the Tikitere Graben and Rangitaiki Plains
accompanied adjacent caldera collapse with long intervening (Pullar & Selby 1971; Pullar 1985; Nairn & Beanland 1989)
periods of relative stasis. Drainage to the south via the Hemo and volcanism in the Haroharo caldera (Nairn 2002).
Gorge is unlikely given emplacement of the Earthquake Flat Growth of the post-25 ka Haroharo dome complex pro-
Pyroclastics shortly after the Rotoiti eruption (Nairn 1971). gressively restricted outflow from the Rotorua catchment,
The duration of this highstand period is also uncertain. forming first Lake Rotoiti and then Rotoehu and Rotoma
Speculation that the level of Lake Rotorua fluctuated between until the level of Lake Rotoiti surpassed 294 m, enabling it to
its rise post-50 ka and its ultimate 90-110 m fall, bracketed overflow the basin rim to the north into the Kaituna River at
by the 28 ka Poihipi and 26.5 ka Oruanui eruptions from the Okere at c. 9.5 ka (Nairn 2002; Hodgson & Nairn 2005). Sub-
Taupo Volcanic Centre (Dravitzki 1999; Esler et al. 2002; sequent tectonic subsidence of the Tikitere Graben averaging
Marx 2004), requires either multiple dam-forming events in c. 2 mm/yr has lowered the level of Lake Rotorua to 280 m
the Tikitere Graben (Marx 2004) or a complex interplay be- (Fig. 14). Therefore, there have been at least three progres-
tween volcanism, tectonism, and subterranean drainage paths sively lower highstands of Lake Rotorua since its formation at
(Esler et al. 2002). The post-28 ka fall may have resulted from 220 ka, but sedimentary evidence of catastrophic break-outs
arrival at the rim of Lake Rotorua of a headward-retreating is lacking, due to rapid landscape modification and burial by
gully, initiated at the edge of the Haroharo caldera margin, later volcanic activity.
which had cut back through the Rotoiti Ignimbrite fill in the
Tikitere Graben over the intervening c. 27 ka. Alternatively,
breaching could have resulted from accelerated overtopping
flow due to a downfaulting event in the Tikitere Graben. c r A t e r LAKe, r u A p e h u
The corresponding release of c. 10 km3 of water apparently
Mt Ruapehu lies at the southern end of the Taupo Volcanic
scoured the c. 1 km wide, 60 m deep channel seen in the
Zone and is New Zealand's largest and most active onshore
bathymetry of the western arm of Lake Rotoiti (Nairn 1981;
andesitic volcano. This 100 km3 composite cone rises to
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 143
2797 m above sea level and is surrounded by a volumetrically the 1953 Tangiwai event. Long-term planning by scientific
equivalent ring plain composed of distal pyroclastic fall and and other response agencies including GNS Science, Massey
laharic and fluvial deposits (Houghton et al. 1987; Palmer University, the Department of Conservation, and Horizons
et al. 1993). Historic activity has consisted of very frequent, Regional Council has captured a wealth of time-series data
relatively small (VEI 1-3) phreatic, phreatomagmatic, and on this event at multiple sites downstream, making it the best
magmatic eruptions (Healy et al. 1978; Nairn et al. 1979), monitored volcanogenic flood and lahar in the world.
with the two largest eruption sequences occurring in 1945
(Oliver 1945; Reed 1945; Beck 1950) and 1995/96 (Bryan et
al. 1996; Johnston et al. 2000). The active southern crater is
normally occupied by a hot, acidic crater lake (Christenson pALeohYdrAuLIc AnALYSIS oF LAKe BreAK-
& Wood 1993), overflowing at an elevation of 2530 m, and OUT FLoodS
with a volume of 9 × 106m3. The lake has existed for most Identification of a past flood event from geomorphic and
of the last 2000 yr, based on the record of phreatomagmatic sedimentological indicators gives only limited information on
eruptions recorded by the Tufa Trig Formation on the eastern some key flood parameters of use to emergency planners such
ring plain (Cronin & Neall 1997; Donoghue et al. 1997) and as flow depth, velocity, and discharge. Paleohydraulic analysis
the intercalated sequence of laharic deposits forming the attempts to determine values for these from downstream field
Onetapu Formation along the Whangaehu River which drains evidence such as stage-level indicators, deposit sedimentol-
the lake (Hodgson 1993; Lecointre et al. 2004). Clast assem- ogy, and channel geometry (e.g., O'Connor & Webb 1988).
blages in the lahar deposits permit reconstruction of the link Alternatively, as is the case with break-out floods, the outflow
between eruption style and lahar production. Lahar triggering hydrograph is estimated from impoundment parameters in-
mechanisms include: (1) flank collapses of hydrothermally cluding lake volume released, fall in lake level, and breach
altered and unstable portions of the cone; (2) phreatic and geometry and growth rate (Walder & O'Connor 1997).
phreatomagmatic eruptions that generate snow-rich slurries Estimation of the potential flood hydrograph from a dam-
and hyperconcentrated stream flows; (3) rain-triggered re- breach is complicated by its dependence on four interrelated
mobilised tephra lahars; and (4) significantly, in terms of this factors: lake volume, dam height (or lake level drop), average
paper, sudden collapses of parts of the crater rim (Lecointre breach width, and breach development time. Techniques de-
et al. 2004). Two lahars in the past 2000 yr have had volumes veloped to assess the magnitude of potential dambreak floods
of 4 × 107m3, one of which crossed an interfluve to enter a from a range of natural and artificial dams include empirical
tributary of the north-flowing Tongariro River sometime after regression relationships, dimensional analysis, parametric
AD 1400-1660 (Lecointre et al. 2004). models, and physically based dam erosion models (Manville
Following expulsion of Crater Lake during the 1945 erup- 2001b). Regression relationships typically take a power-law
tion sequence (Oliver 1945; Reed 1945; Beck 1950), the lake form with empirically derived coefficients that seek to link
refilled behind a barrier of 1945 tephra and lava over the observed values of peak discharge and some dimensional
previous outlet channel, buttressed by the then extant Crater characteristic(s) of the lake, dam, or breach (Johnson & Illes
Basin Glacier. On Christmas Eve 1953, the barrier failed by 1976; MacDonald & Langridge-Monopolis 1984; Costa
piping, releasing c. 1.8 × 106m3 of water as the lake fell by 1988; Walder & O'Connor 1997). However, utility of the
7.9 m (O'Shea 1954; Stilwell et al. 1954). The initial dilute method is limited by scatter in the base data, differences in
flood rapidly bulked through entrainment of particulate ma- the way they were collected, and an absence of any simple
terial from the channel and banks of the Whangaehu River, or direct linkage between parameters of lake, dam or breach
to form a debris flow with a peak discharge of 2000 m3/s, size, and peak outflow rate. Dimensional analysis assumes
before rapid attenuation due to debulking and absorption of that the fundamental physical mechanisms are the same for
water into the substrate on the low gradient Whangaehu Fan all dambreak flood events, so that the dimensionless peak
reduced this by c. 60% (Manville 2004). The crest of the lahar discharge is primarily a function of dimensionless spilled lake
reached the Tangiwai Railway Bridge 39 km downstream, volume and the dimensionless breach erosion rate (Walder
2.1-2.3 h after the onset of breaching as a debris flow to & O'Connor 1997). The last two factors are most critical as
hyperconcentrated flow, carrying away part of the bridge and these govern whether or not substantial drawdown of the
resulting in the Wellington-Auckland express train falling into lake occurs before the breach has reached its maximum size.
the river with the loss of 151 lives. Earlier historical floods Parametric methods apply open-channel weir flow equations
in the Whangaehu River, including one in January 1925 that to determine outflow from breach dimensions and geometry
was accompanied by a drop in the level of Crater Lake and (Chow 1959; Price et al. 1977); these may be automated
scouring of the Whangaehu River bed at Tangiwai (O'Shea in a time-stepping numerical model that balances outflow
1954; Stilwell et al. 1954), and the AD 1861 lahar (Taylor through an enlarging breach against reservoir drawdown
1861; Crawford 1870; Cronin et al. 1997), may have resulted (Manville 2001b). Physically based breach erosion models
from partial collapse of the Crater Lake rim. couple sediment-transport models with weir flow equations to
estimate the rate of breach erosion for an iteratively calculated
The 1995/96 eruption sequence again expelled Crater Lake, discharge (Ponce & Tsivoglou 1981; Fread 1996; Coleman
and deposited c. 7 m of unconsolidated tephra across the rock & Andrews 2000).
rim forming the pre-existing outlet. Subsequent refilling of
the lake raised the possibility of failure of this tephra dam and Although paleohydraulic analysis of breach development
a lake break-out flood/lahar as much as 50-70% larger than can give information about the maximum potential peak
in 1953 (Hancox et al. 2001). On 18 March 2007, the rising discharge at the outlet, actual evidence of high-magnitude
Crater Lake breached the tephra dam, releasing c. 1.3 × 106 discharges is better obtained from farther downstream due
m3 of water in <2 h. The flood bulked up through entrainment to complications arising from channel conveyancing and
of snow, ice, colluvium, and older lahar deposits in the Whan- back-water effects. The existence of established relationships
gaehu Gorge to form a lahar estimated to be c. 25% larger than between hydraulic flow parameters (i.e., velocity, shear stress,
144 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50
stream power) and the maximum size of particles that can

n 2 21
be transported (Costa 1983; Komar 1989; O'Connor 1993)
permit local discharges to be estimated. Such regression
relationships are most likely to be appropriate where deri-
o vation is constrained by estimates of local flow conditions
l! o en
independently obtained from step-backwater models (see
below). In combination with estimates of flow cross-section
from channel geometry and stage level markers (where pres-
ent), discharge can be derived from such velocity estimates.
g Step-backwater analysis is based on the principle of con-
g Si o servation of mass and energy in a steady, gradually varying
-a o
o 00 flow. In paleohydrologic applications, a series of flow cross-
is sections defined by channel geometry and paleostage height
indicators can be used to calculate an energy-balanced water-
b surface profile that is a function of discharge, flow resistance,
O O O O O O N and channel geometry (O'Connor & Webb 1988). Calculated
'S profiles are iteratively fitted to the geologic data to estimate
peak discharge at various points along the flow path. However,
.3 ^|of the method is very sensitive to channel geometry, including
cross-section stability (i.e., no erosion or deposition during
the flood) and spacing, and the presence and size of areas
"I gggggg
of ineffective flow such as channel embayments and flood
plains. Hydraulic jumps arising from rapidly varying flow
o\ >n ^°
conditions (e.g., along steep irregular channels), can cause
numerical instabilities in the model, while the key assumption
of steady, slowly varying flow is often untenable for dambreak
oooooocs^o floods, which are characterised by a steep rising limb. The
O O O O O O ^ H O
technique has, however, been successfully applied to bedrock
en »© ^ ^ »©
^f en en gorge-confined reaches of paleofloods, such as the Missoula
(O'Connor & Baker 1992) and Bonneville (O'Connor 1993)

Reconstructions of volcanogenic floods in New Zealand

X Ifi O
•* f> vo oo
The lake break-out floods we have reported here and else-
where are well suited to paleohydraulic analysis. Fieldwork
has yielded information on the location and geometry of
former dams, pre- and post-break-out lake levels, and down-
> o oo stream flood features including channel cross-sections, water
> CN O surface slopes, and dimensions of transported flood boulders.
V) CO O *3" O\
i CO V) CO (N i—• Using the techniques outlined above, paleohydraulic recon-
structions have been carried out on a number of volcanic and
volcanogenic lake break-out floods in New Zealand (Manville
et al. 1999; Hodgson & Nairn 2005), and are summarised in

00 CO O\ 00 00 •
islSf Table 1.
Flood volume and lake-level fall were determined from
mapping of highstand and lowstand terrace elevations and
basin geometry. Elevation errors arising from post-terrace
1 in oo w development tectonic movements and burial by younger de-
f) iH iH
i-J O O posits generally exceed measurement errors from handheld
I GPS (±2 m), calibrated barometer (±0.5 m), or differential
GPS (±0.02 m). Peak discharge calculations were based on di-
mensional analysis, used representative parameters of breach
width/depth ratio, r = 3 and lake side-wall slope, m = 2.5, and
,J. vertical breach erosion rates, k, of 1,10 and 100 m/h (Walder
& O'Connor 1997). These calculations show that for some
o o o o o ^9 9 lakes, peak discharge is almost independent of breach de-
I OH OH OH OH OH 05 < . < . velopment time because of the very large surface area of the
I highstand lake (e.g., the post-26.5 ka and post-1.8 ka floods

from Lake Taupo). Other, smaller water bodies show more
sensitivity, so a mid-range breach erosion rate of 10 m/h was
used in Fig. 14. For comparison purposes, peak discharge was
also calculated for k values of 1 and 100 m/h using an auto-
mated broad-crested weir flow equation spreadsheet (Man-
1 M rl 1 1 1 o ville 2001b) and estimated breach dimensions with similar
Manville et al.—Volcanic floods review 145
Fig. 15 Plot of log of peak outlet WHOW
discharge versus log of clearwater
flood volume for break-out floods
from New Zealand and selected y-au
overseas intracaldera and crater DtftU-terMm
lakes, based on dimensional OtMTKft
analysis assuming a 10 m/h vertical
breach erosion rate. Comparisons \-*m Imw K S I J? S K»
with floods from other natural and
artificial lake impoundments show lHDH fa P
that only late Pleistocene events
from continental ice-sheet dammed
and pluvial lakes are larger (data 140W h in N
from Costa 1985; O'Connor et
al. 2002).

I + ••

5 .
I +


\* Iff pi ]

results. Downstream discharge estimates are also presented features attributed to catastrophic break-out floods along the
where independently calculated, using channel geometry and margins of the Laurentide and Cordilleran icesheets in North
the boulder flow-competence relation of O'Connor (1993). America and ice domes and valley glaciers in central Asia
These are typically much lower than the maximum estimated during the late Pleistocene (Baker 2002; Herget 2005).
at the breach due to flood-wave attenuation and other channel Modification of the landscape by volcanic activity and the
conveyance effects. subsequent (re)filling of lakes can result in drainage systems
developing in new areas through relocation of the lowest point
in the basin margin, as occurred at Lake Taupo following
the 26.5 ka Oruanui eruption (Fig. 2), and possibly at Lake
dIScuSSIon Rotorua after the 50 ka Rotoiti episode (Fig. 8). Overtopping
One of the simplest definitions of a flood is simply "too and breaching of the caldera/catchment rim can then entrench
much water" (Wolman in O'Connor et al. 2002). However, the outlet stream in a wholly new course, which, if narrow,
the actual magnitude of a flood reflects both the characteris- is vulnerable to blockage by subsequent volcanic activity, as
tic volume and release rates of the water source, whether it at Lakes Taupo and Tarawera.
be an atmospheric (weather system) or terrestrial reservoir A plot of peak outlet discharge versus volume of lake water
(lakes, snow and ice), and the physiographic properties of released shows that break-out floods from intracaldera lakes
the landscape that receives it (O'Connor et al. 2002). Large are amongst the largest known floods on Earth (Fig. 15), only
meteorological floods require that precipitation and run-off be being exceeded by late Pleistocene glacial and pluvial lake
integrated across a wide geographical area over what may be outbursts and continental-scale meteorological events such as
a substantial period of time, and even large weather systems Missoula and Bonneville (Baker 2002; O'Connor et al. 2002).
like hurricanes only release c. 50 km3 of precipitation over Break-outs from other volcanogenic impoundments such as
many thousands of square kilometres (O'Connor et al. 2002). valleys dammed by pyroclastic flows, lava flows, or debris
In contrast, large-scale terrestrial impoundments of water (i.e., avalanches are comparable with floods from the breaching of
lakes) are an effective source of major floods because they other types of natural dam such as landslides and moraines
can release huge volumes of water directly into a drainage (Costa & Schuster 1988; Schuster 2000). Jökulhlaups (e.g.,
route should their margins be breached. Volcanic lakes are a Björnsson 1975; Tómasson 2002), although influenced by
particularly efficient source of such events as water bodies subglacial volcanism as a mechanism for melting ice, are
in volcanic environments are often relatively short-lived functionally a class of glacier lake break-out because the out-
features, being prone to rapid formation, modification, and flow mechanism is controlled by the glacier, not the volcano
destruction by both primary volcanic processes and the sec- (Walder & Costa 1996; Clarke 2003).
ondary effects of post-eruptive landscape re-adjustment (e.g., Small scale, historical lake break-out floods at Lake
erosion, sedimentation, tectonic uplift and/or subsidence). Tarawera in AD 1904 and Crater Lake, Ruapehu, in AD 1953
Breaches of the barriers of these lakes can produce break-out and 2007, illustrate the hazards these phenomena present to
floods that have catastrophic effects on the landscape over life and property. Mitigation is hampered by the unpredict-
which the flood waters pass. Lake break-out floods at Lakes able timing of overtopping and/or failure, and there is no
Taupo and Tarawera were able to effect large-scale erosion discernible pattern in the floods reported here. However,
and create large-scale sedimentary landforms comparable to the delay between the cessation of volcanic activity and the
146 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2007, Vol. 50

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