#106918 Nursing 00 wk2 Assignment

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Scholarly Communications Worksheet Answer Form

Student Name:

1. Provide a correctly formatted reference for the following journal article. Perform a search for
this article and provide the doi number also.

Authors: Jennifer Leeman, DrPH, MDiv; Margarete Sandelwoski, PhD,. RN, FANN
Title of article: Practice-Based Evidence and Qualitative Inquiry
Journal: Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Year of Publication: 2012, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 171-179

Leeman, J. & Sandelwoski, M. (2012). Practice-Based Evidence and Qualitative Inquity. Journal

of Nursing Scholarship 44(2), 171 - 179. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01449.x.

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is NCBI and page number is 171 - 178

2. In the above referenced article, on page 175 the authors state “Qualitative research can be used
similarly to identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies”. Provide a correctly
formatted direct quote citation using this information.


According to Sandelwoski and Leeman (2012), “quanlitative research can be used similarly to
identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies” (p.175).

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is NCBI and page number 175

NR500_W2_Scholarly Communication Worksheet 4-1-13 rr

3. Go to the NIH website (www.nih.gov) and find the information titled “Bad Air Day, Air
Quality and Your Health”. Provide a correct formatted reference using the following
information for the newsletter format.


NIH. (2011, 7). Bad Air Day Air Quality and Your Health. Retrieved from NIH News In Health :


What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is NIH and there is no page number.

4. Differentiate between a primary source and a secondary source in scholarly writing.


A document or a physical object that was written during the time of study is referred to as
a primary source. The source is considered to be a primary source because it was presented
during an experience or the time period, offering an inside view of an event. Secondary sources,
on the other hand, provides an interpretion and analysis of a primary source. Such sources are in
one or more ways removed from the event itself. An example of a primary source is an original
document like a diary or speech. Materials such as textbooks and magazine articles are
secondary sources.

Textbooks, magazines and even journal articles are listed as secondary sources since they
evaluate primary sources. In most cases, these materials try to avoid first person language, and
opt for a more formal language. On the other hand, diaries and and speeches uses either first or
second person language. In addition to, their speech tone depends on the event they are being

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is Princeton.Edu and there is no page number

5. The Running head is used in scholarly work. For this question you are to:

NR500_W2_Scholarly Communication Worksheet 4-1-13 rr

a. Develop a running head for the following journal article titled “Who Gives a Tweet:
Assessing Patients’ Interest in the Use of Social Media for Health Care ”.
b. Provide the correct format the running head in a scholarly paper on the title page and
subsequent pages of a paper.

Title page of document:

Running head: WHO GIVES A TWEET

Subsequent pages of document:


Running head is always ommitted.

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is NCBI and page number is 100 - 108

6. Identify two characteristics of a scholarly source.

Answer: the two characteristics of a scholarly source are:

1. Scholarly sources are written by scholars or experts. The name of the author is always
available, and sometimes the institute used for the research is included.
2. They makes sure to cite their sources. These sources have a bibliography, footnotes or a
list of references.

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document Colorado University Libraries but there is

no page number.

NR500_W2_Scholarly Communication Worksheet 4-1-13 rr

7. Scholarly papers contain headings and subheadings. Identify the format for a Level 1 and
Level 2 heading.


Level 1 headings are centered, boldface, uppercase and lowercase.

Level 2 headings are flush left, boldface, uppercase and lowercase.

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is APA and page number is 62

8. The article “Factors Influencing Advanced Practice Nurses’ Ability to Promote Evidence-
Based Practice among Frontline Nurses" published in 2012 has the following authors: Kate
Gerrish, Mike Nolan, Ann McDonnell, Angela Tod, Marilyn Kirshbaum and Louise Guillaume.
Provide the correct format for the first citation in text.


(Gerrish et al., 2012)

This format stands since there are six authors in the document.

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is NCBI and page number is 30 - 39.

9. What is a DOI and when is it used in references?

A DOI, which is a short form for Digital Object Identifier, is a unique alphanumeric string that a
registration agency assigns to identify specific content in order to provide a link that is persistent
to the document’s location on the internet.

NR500_W2_Scholarly Communication Worksheet 4-1-13 rr

A DOI is used mostly when one is citing a document using APA citation style. In fact, it is
recommend when available on a document.

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: source document is APA.org and page number is 19

10. Provide:
a. a full reference and
b. an in- text citation for lecture notes using the following information:

College: Chamberlain College of Nursing

Class: NR 500 Foundational Concepts and Applications
Year: 2012. Lesson in Week One

Full reference

Anon, (2012). Lecture on Foundational Concepts and Applications. Lessons in Week One.
Chamberlain College of Nursing.


(Foundations Concepts and Application, 2012)

What is the resource document and page number?

Answer: Source Document is NR 500 but there is no page number.

NR500_W2_Scholarly Communication Worksheet 4-1-13 rr

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