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Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Health risk assessment -Part A

Name of assessor: John Welsh Date/ Time 17/05/2021 at 14.00hrs
Your Telephone number ***: Work area/department: Workshop

Risk Task being What health hazards Who may be What is the potential Degree of Existing controls Risk rating
no performed exist? harmed? harm to health? exposure (how L C R
much/how long)
Hand-arm vibration
Dust inhalation syndrome (HAVS). Vibrating Tool User
Register (monitors the
Grinding Vibration and noise. Engineers Loss of hearing time using the grinder 4 5 20
2-3hrs a day each day)
1 Dust particles scar your
Earplugs worn.
lungs, causing a
incurable lung disease Dust masks and safety
called silicosis visor

Dust inhalation Loss of hearing Monitoring sheet on

the door to be signed
Blast shed Noise Engineer using it Dust particles scar your 2hrs a week to indicate start and
operations. and the engineers lungs, causing a finish of operation. 4 5 20
in the area incurable lung disease
working. called silicosis Ear defenders
Air fed helmet.

Extraction system
tested monthly by
external company.

Burns, welding flashes

to eyes

Learner project HRA v1 26.3.18

Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Short-term exposure to Navitek safety

Sparks, Fumes, Heat Engineers the fumes can cause helmet with Airkos
3 Welding and Carcinogens nausea, dizziness, or 4hrs per week power pack & 5 5 25
eye, nose and throat gauntlets.
irritation. Prolonged
exposure to welding Portable LEV system
fumes can lead to
cancer of the lung, Trained personnel
larynx and urinary tract,
as well as nervous
system and kidney

Part B: Health action plan

Risk What additional action New risk Health surveillance How will the health risk will Who will monitor the Frequency of
no is needed to control the rating requirements be monitored? health risk? monitoring
health risks and why? (residual)

LEV to remove the dust OHS being used to record The vibration user register Monthly
when grinding in 2 5 10 Audio, HAV’s Tier 1 and will be monitored and Engineering workshop
1 operation. Lung function results from the OHS manager inspections
To fit anti-vibration provider and yearly
handles to all grinders. screening

Learner project HRA v1 26.3.18

Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Move the blast shed OHS being used to record The blast shed user register Monthly
outside away from the Audio, HAV’s Tier 1 and will be monitored and Engineering workshop
workshop or encasing it 2 5 10 Lung function results from the OHS manager inspections
in a sound proof provider and yearly
2 material to limit the screening
noise inside the

Build a purpose built OHS being used to record Site inspections carried out Engineering workshop
welding bay with a full 2 5 10 Audio, HAV’s Tier 1 and by the H & S department to manager inspections
extraction system and Lung function make sure that the correct and yearly
3 access prohibited only procedures are being screening
to the welder and followed and the OHS
interlocks fitted to the provider cut welding
process if illegal entry.
Review date: 17/05/2022
Training Provider name: First for Safety

Learner project HRA v1 26.3.18

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