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1. What are the components of environment?

2.Explain the natural environment.

3.Define different types of rocks.

4.Explain about the interior of the earth.

5.What are the effects of sea waves?
6.How does earthquake take place?
7.What is rainfall? What happens when excess rainfall takes place?

8.Explain the different kinds of layers of the atmosphere.

9.How a girl’s school differ from boy’s school?
10.House work is invisible and unpaid. Explain?
11.What is the difference between MLA’s and Bureaucrats?

12.How is an MLA elected?

13.What are the major differences between public and private health services?
14.How can the government provide healthcare to its citizens?
15.How did the interpretation of the term “Hindustan” change over the

16.What were some major religious developments in the medieval period?

17.How did Cholas come to power?
18..Discuss about ‘Prashastis’.
19..What were the administrative measures that were taken by Alauddin?
20.Give a briefing of the ‘Tawarikh’.
21.Write a short note on Akbar’s administrative policies
22.What was the role of zamindar in the Mughal administration?

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