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CHATGPT complete two occupation-specific, incentiv-

ized writing tasks (21). The experiment took
Experimental evidence on the productivity effects place from 27 January to 21 February 2023
and involved GPT-3.5. The occupations that
of generative artificial intelligence we drew from were marketers, grant writers,
consultants, data analysts, human resource
Shakked Noy* and Whitney Zhang professionals, and managers. The tasks, which
included writing press releases, short reports,
We examined the productivity effects of a generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the analysis plans, and delicate emails, comprised
assistive chatbot ChatGPT, in the context of midlevel professional writing tasks. In a 20- to 30-min assignments designed to resem-
preregistered online experiment, we assigned occupation-specific, incentivized writing tasks to ble real tasks performed in these occupations.
453 college-educated professionals and randomly exposed half of them to ChatGPT. Our results Indeed, most of our participants reported
show that ChatGPT substantially raised productivity: The average time taken decreased by 40% and completing similar tasks before and rated the
output quality rose by 18%. Inequality between workers decreased, and concern and excitement assigned tasks as realistic representations of
about AI temporarily rose. Workers exposed to ChatGPT during the experiment were 2 times as their everyday work (see the supplementary
likely to report using it in their real job 2 weeks after the experiment and 1.6 times as likely materials).
2 months after the experiment. Participants faced high-powered incentives in
the form of large bonus payments to produce

high-quality work. They received a base pay-

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ecent advances in generative artificial raising wages, boosting productivity, and low- ment of $10 plus up to $14 in bonus payments
intelligence (AI) may have widespread ering prices (11–13). for output quality, with the average overall rate
implications for production and labor A potent generative writing tool such as of $17/hour substantially exceeding the Prolific
markets. Generative AI systems such ChatGPT could conceivably either displace or standard of $12/hour. We cross-randomized
as ChatGPT or DALL-E, which can be augment human labor. ChatGPT could en- the structure of bonus payments faced by par-
prompted to create new text or visual outputs tirely replace certain kinds of writers, such ticipants to show the robustness of our results
from large amounts of training data, are qual- as grant writers or marketers, by letting com- to different incentive schemes (see below for
itatively unlike most historical examples of panies directly automate the creation of grant more details). Output quality was assessed by
automation technologies. Previous waves of applications and press releases with minimal blinded experienced professionals working in
automation predominantly affected “routine” human oversight. Alternatively, instead of dis- the same occupations. Evaluators were asked
tasks consisting of explicit sequences of steps placing workers, ChatGPT could substantially to treat the output as if encountered in a work
that could be easily codified and programmed raise the productivity of grant writers and mar- setting and were incentivized to grade outputs
into a machine or computer, such as assembly- keters, for example, by automating relatively carefully on a scale of 1 to 7 (22). Each piece of
line manufacturing tasks or bookkeeping tasks routine, time-consuming subcomponents of output was seen by three evaluators, with an
(1, 2). By contrast, creative, difficult-to-codify their writing tasks, such as translating ideas average within-essay cross-evaluator correla-
tasks such as writing and image generation into a rough draft. In this case, these services tion of 0.44 (23).
avoided automation, a pattern scholars have would become cheaper and demand could ex- We randomly assigned 50% of participants
noted might change with the advent of deep pand, resulting in higher employment and to the treatment group and 50% to the control
learning, which now underpins generative greater productivity for companies, cheaper group. The treatment group was instructed to
AI systems. products for consumers, and potentially higher register for ChatGPT between the first and
The emergence of powerful generative AI wages for workers (14). Furthermore, inequal- second task, received guidance on using it, and
technologies reintroduces a host of classic ities between workers could either decrease if were told they were permitted to use it on the
questions in a new context (3–5). Automation lower-ability workers are supported more by second task if they found it useful. The control
technologies by definition perform specific ChatGPT or increase if higher-ability workers group was instead instructed to register for
tasks in place of humans. But more broadly, have the skills necessary to take advantage of the LaTeX editor Overleaf in an attempt to hold
these technologies may either displace hu- the new technology. the time and hassle costs of signup constant
mans completely from certain occupations or Which of these eventualities will generative between the two groups. The control group
augment existing human workers by increas- AI systems bring about? The answer depends was not told they could use Overleaf on the
ing their productivity (6–9). If automation on a host of research questions (RQs). RQ1: How second task and <5% of participants subse-
technologies such as industrial robots mostly does access to generative AI systems affect work- quently reported using it.
displace human workers, they can increase ers’ productivity in existing tasks? Do workers In addition to output quality evaluations,
unemployment. Moreover, their impacts on choose to use these systems? Conditional on we collected self-reported and objective mea-
aggregate productivity may be small or non- using these systems, how do workers interact sures of participants’ time spent on the tasks
existent to the degree that they mainly serve to with them and how do they affect productivity and took snapshots of participants’ outputs
redistribute income previously earned by dis- (15–18)? RQ2: Do these systems differentially each minute while they performed the task to
placed workers to the capital owners supplying affect low- and high-ability workers? RQ3: How construct objective measures of activity and to
their robot replacements (10). If automation do workers subjectively react to these technol- detect ChatGPT usage (see the supplementary
technologies such as computers augment ex- ogies (19)? materials).
isting workers, they can simultaneously bene- A complete description of our experimental
fit workers, capital owners, and consumers by Methods design, copies of relevant survey questionnaires,
This paper took the first step toward answer- and additional figures validating our central
ing these questions (20). In a preregistered measures and extending our main results are
online experiment, we recruited 453 experi- included in the supplementary materials. De-
Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. enced, college-educated professionals on the scriptive statistics about the sample, as well
*Corresponding author. Email: survey platform Prolific and assigned each to as balance and selective attrition tests, are

Noy et al., Science 381, 187–192 (2023) 14 July 2023 1 of 6


available in Table 1. The attrition rate was adjusting our estimates upward for imperfect with strong incentives to produce high-quality
6% in the control group and 11% in the treat- compliance. output (under the convex scheme) demon-
ment group. Balance tests indicate that across strates that the time-saving effects of ChatGPT
13 pretreatment characteristics, the treatment Productivity are not specific to linear payment regimes and
and control groups exhibited a small but sig- We first show results for our two productivity apply robustly across incentive structures.
nificant difference only for only two character- measures: time taken and evaluator grades In our third incentive arm involving 20%
istics: employment status and being a human (Fig. 1). The experimental intervention shifted of participants, we required participants to
resources professional. Our partly within- both outcomes substantially. In the treatment spend exactly 15 min on each task, thereby
person design, which controls for performance group, time taken on the posttreatment task holding effort fixed across the treatment and
on the pretreatment task, should eliminate any dropped by 11 min (0.75 SDs) relative to the control groups and allowing us to interpret
influence of selective attrition on our results. control group, who took an average of 27 min any difference in grades as a pure effect of
In the supplementary materials, we also re- (P < 0.001). Average evaluator grades in the ChatGPT access on productive capacity. In
port Lee bounds (24) on our main results and treatment group increased by 0.45 SDs (P < this arm, the treatment increased grades by
versions of our results controlling for employ- 0.001), with similar increases for overall grades a similar albeit not statistically significant
ment status and occupation, which confirmed and specific grades for writing quality, content 0.33 SDs (26).
that our results are highly robust to selective quality, and originality. In an additional intervention, after com-
attrition. These effects are not limited to specific pleting the second task, 30% of the treatment
pockets of the time or grade distributions. As group were shown their first-task human-
Results shown in Fig. 1, C and D, the entire time dis- created output and given the opportunity to
Take-up of ChatGPT

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tribution shifted to the left (faster work) and edit or replace it using ChatGPT. Of these
In the treatment group, 92% of treated par- the entire grade distribution shifted to the participants, 19% chose to replace their re-
ticipants successfully registered for ChatGPT, right (higher quality). At the individual worker sponse with ChatGPT’s output and another
and 80% chose to use it on the second task (25). level, as shown in Fig. 2, treated workers who 17% used ChatGPT to edit their original re-
Users gave it an average self-assessed useful- received a low grade on the first task experi- sponse, suggesting that participants viewed
ness score of 4.4 out of 5. enced both 1- to 2-point increases in grades ChatGPT as a means to improve output qual-
Before treatment, 70% of our participants and 10-min decreases in time spent, whereas ity as well as save time.
had heard of ChatGPT and 32% had used it workers who received a high grade maintained
before. Self-reported and objective measures their grade level while also reducing their time Productivity inequality
indicated that ~10 to 20% of the control group spent by ~10 min. The control group exhibited persistent pro-
used ChatGPT on the tasks (see the supple- These results are virtually identical across ductivity inequality: Participants who scored
mentary materials), meaning there was at our two main incentive schemes, which cov- well on the first task also tended to score well
least a 60-percentage point experimentally ered 80% of respondents: a “linear” scheme on the second task. As Fig. 2A shows, there
induced gap in usage between our treatment in which respondents were paid $1 for each was a correlation of 0.41 (P < 0.001) between
and control groups on the second task. Our point they received on each submission (each a control participant’s grade on the first task
estimates reflect the effects of ChatGPT on of which was graded on a 1- to 7-point scale), and their grade on the second task, holding
the average productivity of the 60 to 70% of and a “convex” scheme in which respondents the evaluator constant.
participants whose usage was determined by were additionally paid $3 for earning a grade In the treatment group, initial inequalities
their treatment assignment, and constitute of 6 or 7. The results shown in Fig. 1 are based were more than half-erased by the treat-
lower bounds on the effects of ChatGPT usage on these two incentive schemes. The fact ment: The correlation between first-task and
on productivity. In the supplementary mate- that treated participants reduced their time second-task grades was only 0.14 (P < 0.001
rials, we report two-stage least-squares results spent by a similar amount even when faced for the difference in slopes). This reduction

Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

Variable N (control) Mean (control) N (treatment) Mean (treatment) Difference

Annual salary in main job ($) 234 67,764 213 71,938 4173
Years of tenure in occupation 234 10.49 215 10.07 –0.43
Employed 226 91% 210 96% 5.0%**
Occupation: HR professional 235 6% 218 11% 4.6%*
Occupation: business consultant 235 13% 218 11% –1.3%
Occupation: data analyst 235 11% 218 11% –0.0%
Occupation: grant writer 235 16% 218 17% 1.2%
Occupation: manager 235 43% 218 41% –1.7%
Occupation: marketer 235 11% 218 9% –2.3%
Time spent (task 1, min) 227 26.10 212 26.58 0.47
Average grade (task 1) 233 3.63 211 3.77 0.15
Job satisfaction (task 1, scale of 1 to 10) 234 6.30 215 6.34 0.04
Self-efficacy (task 1, scale of 1 to 10) 234 6.89 215 6.90 0.01
This table presents descriptive statistics for our sample. We recode salary reports of >$500,000 to missing (affects two observations). “Employed” includes full-time and part-time employment.
*P < 0.10; **P < 0.05.

Noy et al., Science 381, 187–192 (2023) 14 July 2023 2 of 6


A Time Taken Decreases B Average Grades Increase

35 5.2
Treatment Effect: -0.75 SDs Treated
Self-Reported Time Spent (Minutes)

95% CI: [-0.55, -0.95] Control

Treatment Effect: 0.41 SDs
30 4.8 95% CI: [0.23, 0.59]

Mean Grade
25 4.4

20 4

Control 3.6
Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment

C Time Distribution (Second Task) D Grade Distribution (Second Task)

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25 Control, Mean: 27 Control: Mean 3.802
Treatment, Mean: 17 Treatment: Mean 4.53

Percent of Essay-Grades
Percent of Respondents


15 30

10 20

5 10

0 0
0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 >45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Minutes Spent on Second Task Second-Task Grade

Fig. 1. Treatment effects on productivity. Effects shown are restricted to of the within-participant change in outcome from before to after treatment
the linear and convex incentive groups. (A) and (B) Means (and 95% on a treatment dummy, occupation*task order fixed effects, and incentive
confidence intervals for those means) of self-reported time taken and average arm fixed effects. In (A), this is at the participant level and SEs are hetero-
grades in the first and second task separately in the treatment and control skedasticity robust. In (B), this is at the participant-evaluator level, the
groups. The results look very similar for the objective measure of time regression also includes grader fixed effects, and SEs are clustered at the
active (see the supplementary materials). Also shown are treatment effect participant level. (C and D) Raw graphs of the outcome distribution in the
coefficients and 95% confidence intervals, rescaled to be in terms of pretreatment treatment versus control group on the second task; (C) is at the participant level
SDs of the outcome variable. The coefficients are estimated from regressions and (D) is at the participant-evaluator level.

in inequality was driven by the fact that par- time editing and improving the draft or using most of this editing was superficial, such as
ticipants who scored lower on the first task it to brainstorm or edit? changing a placeholder or rearranging a sen-
benefited more from ChatGPT access. As Fig. Our evidence supports the first possibil- tence. Evaluator grades also suggest that
2A shows, the gap between treatment and ity. Almost everyone submitted lightly ed- this editing was ineffectual. There was no
control is much larger at the left end of the ited or unedited ChatGPT output, and we correlation between how long a participant
x axis. observed small time expenditures on edit- was active after pasting in the ChatGPT text
ing and no resulting improvement in re- and the grade they ultimately received, and
Human-machine interactions spondents’ grades. In the treatment group, treated respondents who used ChatGPT did not
What kinds of human-machine interactions 33% of participants reported submitting receive higher average grades than the raw
underlie the productivity results documented ChatGPT’s initial output without editing it, ChatGPT output that we gave to evaluators to
above? Did workers paste the task prompt into and 53% reported editing before submit- grade (see the supplementary materials).
ChatGPT and immediately submit its output, ting. However, those who reported editing It is not obvious whether these dynamics
minimizing their time spent and increasing were active on the task for only 3.3 min on should be interpreted as evidence that ChatGPT
their grades because ChatGPT’s writing abilities average after we first observed them pasting will displace human workers or evidence that
exceeded theirs? Or did they treat ChatGPT as in a large quantity of text (presumably from it will augment them. Although ChatGPT di-
a helpful but imperfect tool, for example, using ChatGPT), with most active for 0 to 2 min rectly substituted for participants’ effort with
it to create a rough draft and then spending (27). Qualitative examination suggests that little need for human input, it also enabled

Noy et al., Science 381, 187–192 (2023) 14 July 2023 3 of 6


Fig. 2. Effects on grades A Grade Inequality Decreases past week (P < 0.01). The persistence of this gap
and time across the suggests that the dissemination of ChatGPT
initial grade distribution. 6 into real professional activity is still in very
Participant-evaluator early stages, with usage held back by a lack
observations are binned of knowledge about or experience with the
together according to 5 technology.
the task 1 grade given to In the 2-week follow-up, ChatGPT users
Grade: Task 2
this participant by this gave the technology an average usefulness score
evaluator. (A and B) Within 4 of 3.66 out of 5.00, somewhat lower than in our
each bin, the panels plot main experiment, likely because of the greater
the average task 2 grade length and complexity of real-world tasks. The
(A) or task 2 time taken Control Slope: 0.414 participants reported using it for a broad range
(B) for the observations Change in Slope: -0.272 of tasks such as generating recommendation
in the bin separately
95% CI on Change: [-0.14, -0.405] letters for employees, responding to customer
by treatment versus service requests, brainstorming, rough-drafting
control. Also shown are emails, and editing.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the control-group slope, Grade: Task 1 Nonusers were divided into three roughly
control-treatment differ- equal-sized groups, reporting that: (i) ChatGPT
ence in slopes, and the Control Treatment was not useful in their job, (ii) they did not

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95% confidence interval know about it or did not have an account, or
for the difference. These B Time Spent Drops Across the Initial Grade Distribution (iii) it was not allowed in their workplace or
latter results were cal- was usually unavailable during the day. The
culated from a participant- one-third of nonusers who claimed that it was
evaluator level regression not useful in their job mostly said that this
of the outcome variable on 35 was because the chatbot lacks context-specific
the task 1 grade, treatment knowledge that forms an important part of
Time Taken: Task 2

status, treatment*task 30 their writing. For example, they reported that

1 grade, and grader their writing was “very specifically tailored to
fixed effects, clustering 25 [their] customers and involves real time in-
SEs at the participant formation” or “unique [and] specific to [their]
level. The control group 20 company products.”
slope is the coefficient
on the task 1 grade, Discussion
and the difference in College-educated professionals performing
slopes is the coefficient 10 midlevel professional writing tasks substan-
on the treatment*task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
tially increased their productivity when given
1 grade interaction. Grade: Task 1 access to ChatGPT. The generative writing
Note that this difference tool increased the output quality of low-
in slopes will not match
Control Treatment ability workers and reduced time spent on
up exactly with the difference between the raw slopes plotted in the graph because these raw slopes do not tasks for workers of all ability levels. At the
use grader fixed effects. aggregate level, ChatGPT reduced inequal-
ity. It is already being used by many workers
in their real jobs.
These results are consistent with other
participants to complete tasks much faster. respondents’ first experiences with the tech- studies showing productivity-enhancing and
We reflect on this further in the Discussion. nology (28). equalizing effects of recent AI technologies
(8, 15, 16, 18). Relative to these studies, we
Subjective outcomes: Job satisfaction, Two-week and 2-month follow-up surveys analyzed productivity effects across several
self-efficacy, and beliefs about automation One powerful indication of the value of ChatGPT occupations and tasks, examined how workers
Many of our treated participants had never to participants is whether they continued to use ChatGPT, measured subjective reactions
heard of (30%) or never used (68%) ChatGPT use it after the experiment, in their actual to the technology, and documented persistent
before participating in the experiment. We jobs. To track this, we resurveyed participants effects of our treatment on ChatGPT usage in
used a battery of questions to assess their sub- 2 weeks and 2 months after their completion real jobs.
jective reactions to encountering the technol- of the initial survey, with response rates of
ogy. As depicted in Fig. 3, participants enjoyed 92% and 83%, respectively, and no treatment- Limitations
the tasks more by 0.47 SDs when given access control imbalance in response rates. The experiment had several important limita-
to ChatGPT (P < 0.001). Treated participants’ In the 2-week follow-up, 34% of former treat- tions. We examined a limited range of occupa-
concern for (P < 0.01) and excitement about ment group participants reported using ChatGPT tions and tasks in which ChatGPT may be
(P < 0.001) future effects of AI on their oc- in their job in the past week, compared with unusually useful. The tasks demanded clear,
cupations rose, and their overall optimism 18% of control group participants (P < 0.001). persuasive, relatively generic writing, which
increased by 0.2 SDs (P < 0.05). These effects This large gap in usage fully persisted into the are arguably ChatGPT’s central strengths. They
disappeared in the 2-week and 2-month follow- 2-month follow-up, when 42% of the treat- did not require context-specific knowledge
up surveys, indicating that they are best in- ment group and 27% of control respondents or precise factual accuracy. The version of
terpreted as short-run phenomena reflecting reported using ChatGPT in their jobs in the ChatGPT used in this experiment cannot, by its

Noy et al., Science 381, 187–192 (2023) 14 July 2023 4 of 6


Fig. 3. Job satisfaction, self- A Job Satisfaction Increases B Self-Efficacy Marginally Increases
efficacy, and beliefs about auto-
mation. (A) and (B) Job satisfaction .4 Treatment Effect: 0.19 SDs
.2 95% CI: [-0.01, 0.39]
and self-efficacy (originally elicited Treatment Effect: 0.47 SDs
on scales of 1 to 10, normalized to 95% CI: [0.29, 0.65]

Job Satisfaction (SDs)

have mean = 0 and SD = 1) before

Self-Efficacy (SDs)
and after treatment in the treat-
ment and control groups. Dots are
means and error bars are 95% 0
confidence intervals for means. Also
shown are the coefficients on the
-.2 -.1
treatment effect of a regression
specified as in Fig. 1A. (C) Cross- Treated Treated
sectional comparison of beliefs Control -.2 Control
about automation in the treatment Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment
and control group, all on a scale
of 1 to 10. The first question was
“How worried are you about
C Effects on Three Beliefs About Automation
workers in your occupation being

diff: 0.379 SDs diff: 0.206 SDs

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replaced by AI?” The second was
“How optimistic are you that AI p-value: 0.000 p-value: 0.029
may make workers in your occupa-
Average Response (1-10 Scale)

tion more productive?” The third


was “How do you feel about the

impacts of future advances in
AI (where 1 = very pessimistic and
10 = very optimistic).” diff: 0.266 SDs

p-value: 0.005
5 4

Worried About Excited About Overall

Replacement Enhancement Optimism
Control Treatment

nature, access or supply context-specific knowl- tal design. We required short tasks that could curate, and some versions can access the in-
edge and is not a reliable source of precise fac- be explicitly described for and performed by ternet to fact check themselves. We speculate
tual information. a range of anonymous workers online, and that in more open-ended, real-world tasks,
The tasks could also be described through we needed to incentivize serious effort. Our workers may find iterative rounds of prompt-
short, self-contained prompts, making use of judgment was that building factual accuracy ing and discussion with ChatGPT useful even
ChatGPT easy, whereas many real-world tasks requirements into the tasks would either re- if they cannot immediately prompt out a final
involve vaguer objectives and instructions, re- sult in tasks that felt artificial and unnatural product. In these contexts, ChatGPT and human
quiring workers to exercise initiative in deter- (e.g., requiring participants to Google and re- workers may be more strongly complemen-
mining what to do. Finally, participants in port one or two specific facts) or overwhelm tary than in our experiment. The importance
our tasks faced direct incentives in the form of our budget for evaluators (e.g., giving par- of context-specific knowledge will also limit
bonus payments scaling with output quality, ticipants an open-ended research task and ChatGPT’s utility, but there are plausible
which encouraged them to maximize gener- exhaustively fact checking their assertions). work-arounds. ChatGPT can be instructed to
ic output quality and minimize time spent. The aforementioned factors limit but do not incorporate lists of context-specific factors,
White-collar workers are typically incentivized eliminate the generalizability of our results. In and organizations may be able to build cus-
through longer-run promotion and firing incen- real-world tasks, the need to fact-check ChatGPT’s tomized ChatGPT-like models. Our follow-up
tives, which might instead encourage conspicu- output will reduce its time-saving benefits, surveys show that many workers do find
ous exertion of effort or the development of a but the speed and writing quality increases ChatGPT useful in their real jobs.
consistent personal style, both of which make observed in our experiment are sufficiently Overall, we speculate that, relative to our
ChatGPT less useful. large that we suspect that ChatGPT will still experimental findings, the direct productivity
The tasks and incentive schemes were cho- often be useful. Moreover, newer versions of effects of ChatGPT in the real economy will be
sen to meet the constraints of the experimen- ChatGPT are more consistently factually ac- somewhat lower and the technology will be

Noy et al., Science 381, 187–192 (2023) 14 July 2023 5 of 6


more strongly complementary to human work- hiring systems based partly on conspicuous 26. Because of the small sample size in this group, the confidence interval
ers. To what extent either of these is true re- exertion of effort. Large language models may includes zero and the treatment and control group differ in terms of
average pretreatment grades (see the supplementary materials).
mains an open question. be used to monitor or evaluate workers and 27. See the supplementary materials for a full description of this
avoid paying higher wages (31). Organiza- analysis.
Implications tional and societal norms around the accept- 28. The effects on beliefs about automation may also have
dissipated because rising global awareness of the technology
Our experiment captured only direct, immediate ability of using tools such as ChatGPT may
led to an equalization of familiarity between the treatment and
effects of ChatGPT on worker productivity. We take time to cohere and may significantly control groups.
could not examine the complex labor market affect adoption of the technology (32–35). 29. Y. Liu, A. Mittal, D. Yang, A. Bruckman, in CHI ’22: Proceedings
dynamics that will arise as firms and workers Overall, the arrival of ChatGPT ushers in an of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
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adapt to ChatGPT. Several factors will mediate era of vast uncertainty about the economic C. Lampe, C. Appert, D. A. Shamma, S. Drucker, J. Williamson,
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creases make those goods much cheaper. For RE FERENCES AND NOTES 33. J. Hohenstein et al., arXiv:2102.05756 [cs.HC] (2021).
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this best accomplished by one senior adver- 14. Productivity gains will translate into higher wages for workers L. Schubert, A. Shreekumar, V. Vilfort, S. Wu, and participants at
tising manager directly providing high-level if worker bargaining power or competition between employers the MIT Labor Lunch for helpful comments and conversations. This
for workers is sufficiently high to force employers to share experiment was approved by the MIT Committee on the Use of
guidance to ChatGPT or by 10 junior adver- part of the productivity gains with workers, and if the influx of Humans as Experimental Subjects (protocol no. 2212000849).
tisers carefully designing prompts and editing workers into affected occupations is not large enough to Funding: This work was supported by an Emergent Ventures grant,
ChatGPT’s output? The answer will determine completely offset these wage gains (see Discussion section). the Mercatus Center, George Mason University (S.N.), a George
15. E. Brynjolfsson, D. Li, L. R. Raymond, “Generative AI at work” and Obie Shultz Fund grant, the MIT Economics Department (S.N.),
the structure of employment in the advertising
(National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023); https://www. and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
sector. Similarly, suppose ChatGPT is highly Grant 745302 (W.Z.). Author contributions: Conceptualization:
complementary to human labor in program- 16. S. Peng, E. Kalliamvakou, P. Cihon, M. Demirer, The impact of S.N., W.Z.; Funding acquisition: S.N., W.Z.; Investigation: S.N., W.Z.;
ming tasks. If ChatGPT’s human copilot needs AI on developer productivity: Evidence from GitHub Copilot. Methodology: S.N., W.Z.; Project administration: S.N., W.Z.;
arXiv:2302.06590 [cs.SE] (2023). Supervision: S.N., W.Z.; Visualization: S.N., W.Z.; Writing – original
to be an expert programmer capable of di- 17. A. Calderwood, V. Qiu, K. Ilonka Gero, L. B. Chilton, in Joint draft: S.N., W.Z.; Writing – review and editing: S.N., W.Z. Competing
rectly proofreading its output, then this could Proceedings of the Workshops on Human-AI Co-Creation with interests: The authors declare no competing interests. Data and
raise programmers’ wages by boosting their Generative Models and User-Aware Conversational Agents materials availability: This experiment was preregistered at the
co-located with 25th International Conference on Intelligent American Economic Association’s registry for randomized controlled
productivity while their expertise remains scarce. User Interfaces (IUI 2020), Cagliari, Italy, March 17, 2020, trials ( All data
If, by contrast, the complementary human role W. Geyer, Y. Khazaeni, M. Shmueli-Scheuer, Eds. (CEUR, 2018), and code used in the analysis are available at the Open Science
requires only basic programming knowledge vol. 2848 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Framework (39). License information: Copyright © 2023 the
18. A. Campero et al., arXiv:2206.12390 [cs.HC] (2022). authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American
and mainly involves checking output and re- Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US
19. H. Schwabe, F. Castellacci, PLOS ONE 15, e0242929 (2020).
fining natural-language prompts, then the pool 20. A nascent literature has studied applications of machine learning government works.
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Behav. Res. Methods 54, 1643–1662 (2022).
tivity rises. More generally, tools such as ChatGPT 22. In each grading session, evaluators graded up to 14 responses. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
could make expertise more accessible by facil- Evaluators received a base payment of $16, plus up to $8 in
itating learning (30). bonus payments depending on the correlation of their grades with Materials and Methods
the grades of other evaluators seeing the same responses. Supplementary Text
Finally, the diffusion and effects of ChatGPT 23. This is the average correlation, across every pair of evaluators Figs. S1 to S21
will also depend on organizational consider- who saw the same essay, between the grade given by the first Tables S1 to S3
ations that our experiment treating isolated evaluator and the grade given by the second evaluator. MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
24. D. S. Lee, Rev. Econ. Stud. 76, 1071–1102 (2009).
individual workers does not address. ChatGPT 25. The choice to use ChatGPT is uncorrelated with treated Submitted 20 February 2023; accepted 2 June 2023
might interact with traditional promotion and respondents’ salary, tenure, or grade on the first task. 10.1126/science.adh2586

Noy et al., Science 381, 187–192 (2023) 14 July 2023 6 of 6

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