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Thunchanok Chawtale

Global Talent Management

October 10, 2023

Title: Ar<ficial Intelligence and its Impact on Teenagers: A Business Perspec<ve


The rise of Ar<ficial Intelligence (AI) has not only revolu<onized the business world but has also
cast a significant influence on society. Among the various dimensions of AI's impact, its
interac<on with teenagers has emerged as a cri<cal issue that requires a closer look through a
business lens. This essay explores the ways in which AI affects teenagers and delves into the
business opportuni<es and challenges that stem from this interac<on.

I. Social Media and Personaliza/on

AI-powered algorithms are at the core of social media plaSorms and significantly shape the
online experiences of teenagers. They gather user data to customize content, crea<ng a digital
environment where individuals are exposed to informa<on and viewpoints that align with their
exis<ng beliefs. From a business perspec<ve, this has opened up new opportuni<es for targeted
adver<sing and refined marke<ng strategies, enabling companies to reach teenage audiences
more effec<vely. Nevertheless, it's essen<al to acknowledge the ethical concerns surrounding
the manipula<on of young minds in the pursuit of profit.

II. Educa/onal Enhancement

AI has disrupted tradi<onal educa<onal models by enabling tailored learning experiences.

Intelligent tutoring systems and adap<ve learning plaSorms cater to the unique needs of
individual students, poten<ally leading to improved academic performance among teenagers.
Businesses in the educa<on sector can tap into this opportunity by offering AI-driven
educa<onal tools and services. However, they must also address concerns related to data
privacy and the poten<al for educa<onal dispari<es.

III. Mental Health and Well-being

Teenagers are par<cularly vulnerable to the mental health implica<ons of AI, given their
extensive digital engagement. Social media comparisons, cyberbullying, and the addic<ve
nature of online ac<vi<es can adversely affect their mental well-being. From a business
perspec<ve, there's room for AI-driven mental health support services, such as chatbots and
teletherapy plaSorms. Nonetheless, businesses must ensure that these interven<ons are not
only effec<ve but also ethical, secure, and empathe<c.

IV. Privacy and Data Concerns

Teenagers generate a vast amount of data through their online ac<vi<es, which is incredibly
valuable to businesses. Yet, this gives rise to significant concerns about privacy. Companies must
be mindful of data protec<on regula<ons and ensure transparent data handling prac<ces.
Viola<ng the trust placed in them can lead to serious legal and reputa<onal consequences.

V. Career Opportuni/es and Job Disrup/on

AI's impact on the job market is a growing concern for teenagers approaching adulthood.
Automa<on may alter the landscape of available career choices, and businesses must adapt by
providing AI-related training programs and opportuni<es for skill development. Preparing
teenagers for AI-dominated industries is not only a societal responsibility but also a business

VI. Ethical Considera/ons

From a business perspec<ve, the interac<on between AI and teenagers raises ethical ques<ons
that should not be ignored. Companies must consider the moral implica<ons of their products
and services. Developing AI-driven solu<ons that priori<ze the well-being of teenagers is not
only a socially responsible move but can also lead to long-term brand loyalty and a posi<ve
corporate image.


AI's interference with teenagers is a complex issue that businesses cannot afford to overlook.
While it presents numerous opportuni<es for growth, it also raises ethical and societal
challenges. Companies must navigate the AI-teenager interface with care, priori<zing ethical
considera<ons, data privacy, and the well-being of young consumers. By doing so, they can
benefit financially while also contribu<ng to a more responsible and sustainable AI-driven
future for teenagers and society as a whole.

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