The Angry Father

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Sometimes what seems like nothing is really something.

As the old year was coming to an end, snow starting to fall from the cloudy sky, a
young little boy who lived in the coldest countryside of Alaska had planned to give a very
special Chrismas present in a beautifully decorated box to his beloved father. But our poor
little boy had done something that would surely make his father angry at him because of his
wastefulness – he put very colorful, expensive papers around the box. Of course his father
immediately got really angry when he knew this, in fact he went mad because the boy used
such expensive paper when his family was living in poverty, but the father didn’t scold his
son yet. On the next day, Chrismas Day, the boy gave the present to his father, hoping to see
his father’s eyes filled with happiness and joy. But when the father slowly opened the
present, he was shocked to find that the box was empty. He suddenly got angry again,
scolded his son and told him that it was extremely rude to give anyone an empty box as a
present. But instead of crying, the boy simply smiled at his father face being burned with
anger and shock then said: “No no daddy dear, it isn’t empty because I filled them with
thousands of sweet, joyful kisses!”.

Something takes more than just physical skill.

After a long and cold journey, Ken at last arrived at the top of the snow-covered
mountain and got off the old rusty ski lift. The long, steep slope before him was crowded
with colorful snowboarders. Some of the snowboarders were standing and having fun skiing
along the slope, but most of the snowboarders had fallen over and a few even injured
themselves badly. Ken then looked more carefully at the slope and horrified to realize that it
was not only steep but it was covered with deadly, freezing ice instead of snow. After a few
seconds spent hesitating, Ken finally stood on his expensive new snowboard, bent his shaking
knee slightly, swallowed nervously and then began to sweat. Finally Ken took a deep breath
full of frosty air into his lungs, looked down and decided what is the best thing to do to
preserve a man’s pride and courage. He closed his eyes, cursed at the wind and then slowly
returned to the old rusty lift on his two shaking legs.

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