Article Review Banchi Group Assigment

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Abera, Y. (2021). Challenges on Successful Completion and Delivery of Public Building
Construction Projects: The Case of West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Indian Journal
of Science and Technology, 14(19), 1534-1544.
2. Reviewers: Reviewer name, ID No., Date, and year of review የናንተን

The study conducted in the West Shoa Zone of Ethiopia aimed to identify challenges
affecting public building construction projects. The research methodology involved
identifying challenges and categorizing them into economic, technical, social, legal,
environmental, and other related factors. The relative importance index (RII) and
Spearman rank correlation coefficient were used for analysis. The study identified 53
challenges, and the reliability test indicated high internal consistency. The economic
and technical challenges were found to be the most significant, followed by social,
legal, environmental, and other challenges. The status of selected projects was also
evaluated based on cost and schedule variables. The study concluded that identifying
challenges is the first step in minimizing bottlenecks associated with construction
4. Study purpose
The purpose of the research is clearly stated in the context. The study aimed to
identify challenges in public building construction projects in the West Shoa Zone of
Ethiopia and assess the impact of these challenges on project completion and
delivery. The research problem is defined as the identification of challenges
associated with construction projects and their impact on economic development.
The significance of the research is explained in terms of minimizing bottlenecks in
construction projects, which is vital for economic development.
5. Review of Related Literature:
The authors provide an adequate related literature review that encompasses both
theoretical and empirical literature. The review includes references to various
research papers and journals such as the International Research Journal of
Engineering and Technology, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, and the Nepal
International Journal of Advanced Research in Civil & Structural Engineering. The
literature review also covers topics such as the validity and reliability of research
instruments, performance assessment of ongoing construction projects, and
estimating time performance for building construction projects.

The overall quality and relevance of the reviewed literature is high. The literature
encompasses a wide range of relevant topics related to construction project delivery,
including challenges, performance assessment, and validation of research
instruments. The inclusion of empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks from
various sources enhances the quality and relevance of the literature review.
6. Research Methodology
 Does the chosen research design /approach described and justified?

Yes, the research design and approach are described and justified in the context. The
research design involves the use of a questionnaire, which was analyzed using the
Relative Importance Index (RII) and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The
RII is widely used in various articles, and it helps in quantifying the importance of
different factors. Additionally, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient is used to
measure the differences in ranking among groups of respondents for various factors.

Overall, the chosen research design and approach are well-described and justified, as
they provide a systematic method for analyzing the data collected through the
 Evaluate sampling techniques/sample size determination, sampling
The sampling technique used in the study was purposive sampling, where two public
building construction projects from each Woreda in the West Shoa Zone of Ethiopia
were identified for investigation. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling
technique that selects elements based on the researcher's judgment about which
ones will be most useful for achieving the research objectives.

The sample size was not explicitly mentioned in the available context, but it can be
inferred that the researchers selected two public building construction projects from
each Woreda, resulting in a total sample size that depends on the number of
Woredas in the zone.

The analysis method used to evaluate the questionnaire responses included the
Relative Importance Index (RII) and the Spearman (rho) rank correlation coefficient.
The RII was used to calculate the relative importance of the factors identified in the
questionnaire responses, while the Spearman rank correlation coefficient was
employed to measure the differences in ranking among the groups of respondents
scoring for various factors.

It's important to note that the specifics of the sample size and the exact calculation
of the RII were not explicitly provided in the available context, and it may be
necessary to refer to the original research articles for more detailed information.
 Are research variables identified?

Yes, the research variables identified in the study include cost-related variables such
as Planned Value (PV), Earned Value (EV), Actual Cost (AC), Cost Performance Index
(CPI), and Schedule Performance Index (SPI). These variables are used to assess the
cost and schedule performance of the construction projects. Additionally, the study
also identifies challenges or constraints as variables that affect the successful
completion and delivery of construction projects in the West Shoa Zone, Oromia,
 How is the quality of research instruments? Are instruments adequately
described, including issues of validity and reliability?
The quality of the research instruments is adequately described in the study. The
validity and reliability of the research instruments were assessed using the Spearman
(rho) rank correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s Alpha. The Spearman rank
correlation coefficient was used to measure the differences in ranking among the
groups of respondents scoring for various factors, while Cronbach’s Alpha was used
to evaluate the reliability and internal consistency of the measurement of the
The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to assess the differences in
ranking between each pair of factors, and Cronbach’s Alpha was employed to
calculate the internal consistency of all questions or a sub-group of questions.

Therefore, the research instruments were adequately described, and issues of

validity and reliability were addressed through the use of appropriate statistical
7. Data Presentation, Analysis & Interpretation
 Presentation of data analysis in line with the research question/research
The research aimed to identify and analyze the challenges faced in public building
construction projects in the West Shoa Zone of Ethiopia. The study location was
specifically in the West Shoa Zone, Oromia regional state, and the research design
involved the identification of two public building construction projects from each
Woreda for investigation.

The analysis method employed the Relative Importance Index (RII) and the Spearman
rank correlation coefficient. RII was used to analyze the questionnaire responses,
providing a quantitative measure of the relative importance of each challenge
identified. Additionally, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient was computed to
measure the differences in ranking among the groups of respondents scoring for
various factors, such as clients versus consultants, clients versus contractors, and
consultants versus contractors.

Furthermore, the study conducted a case study on five randomly selected projects to
evaluate their performance using performance indicators such as scheduled
performance index and cost performance index. This evaluation aimed to assess the
impact of the identified challenges on the actual performance of the construction
Overall, the research methodology focused on both qualitative and quantitative
analysis to comprehensively understand the challenges faced in public building
construction projects in the West Shoa Zone of Ethiopia and their impact on project
 Appropriateness of statistical tools used to analyze the data

The statistical tools used in the study, including the Relative Importance Index (RII)
and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, are appropriate for analyzing the data
on construction project delivery challenges. The RII is a suitable method for
determining the relative importance of the identified challenges by considering the
frequency of their selection and the level of importance assigned by the
respondents. This provides a quantitative measure of the impact of each challenge
on the projects.

Additionally, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient is appropriate for analyzing

the differences in ranking between different groups of respondents. This helps to
assess the level of agreement or disagreement between stakeholders on the
challenging factors influencing project delivery.

Overall, the statistical tools used in the study are well-suited for analyzing the data
and providing valuable insights into the challenges affecting construction project
 What are the author's major findings? Have these been supported by
the author's analyses, arguments, findings, or evidence? Has the author
overlooked anything?
The author's major findings include the identification and ranking of key challenges
in public building construction project delivery in the West Shoa Zone, Oromia,
Ethiopia. The study identified 53 different challenges, categorized into six major
group factors, and analyzed them using the relative importance index and
correlation analysis. The top 5 challenging factors influencing construction project
delivery were identified as inflation, inadequate design and specification, poor
planning, monitoring, and feedback mechanism, delay in solving design problems,
and less financing capability of the owner. The study also conducted a case study on
selected projects, using performance indicators such as scheduled performance
index (SPI) and cost performance index (CPI), and found that the projects were
underperforming with an average (CPI+SPI)/2 value of 0.785.

The author's analyses, arguments, findings, and evidence support these major
findings. The use of statistical analysis, the involvement of construction stakeholders,
and the case study on selected projects provide a comprehensive understanding of
the challenges and their impact on construction project delivery.

However, it's important to note that the author may have overlooked the potential
interaction between different challenges and their cumulative effect on project
delivery. While the study identified individual challenges and their impact, a more in-
depth analysis of how these challenges may interact and compound each other's
effects could provide further insights into the complexities of project delivery in the
8. Conclusion and Recommendation
 Do the research results validate the author’s conclusions and/or

The research results validate the author's conclusions and recommendations to a

great extent. The study identified 53 challenges in public building construction
projects in the West Shoa Zone, and these challenges were categorized into
economic, technical, social, legal, environmental, and other related factors. The
reliability test results for these factors showed a high level of consistency, with an
overall Cronbach's Alpha of 0.967, indicating strong internal consistency.

Additionally, the study ranked the challenges according to their impact on project
delivery, providing valuable insights for stakeholders. Furthermore, the correlation
between the client, contractor, and consultant on the challenges was analyzed,
shedding light on the collaborative dynamics and potential areas for improvement.
The identified challenges and their rankings, along with the reliability of the factors
and the correlation analysis, support the author's conclusions and recommendations
for addressing the constraints in public building construction projects in the West
Shoa Zone, Ethiopia.
 Theoretical and/or practical contribution of conclusions and/or

The study on the challenges of successful completion and delivery of public building
construction projects in the West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia, makes several
theoretical and practical contributions. The identification and ranking of key
challenges provide valuable insights for both academia and industry. The findings can
contribute to the theoretical understanding of construction project management by
shedding light on the specific challenges faced in the context of the West Shoa Zone.
This can enrich the existing body of knowledge on construction project delivery in
developing regions, particularly in Ethiopia.

From a practical perspective, the study's conclusions and recommendations offer

actionable insights for stakeholders involved in public building construction projects.
By identifying the most common challenges and their impact on time, cost, and
quality performance, the study provides a basis for developing targeted strategies to
address these issues. Stakeholders, including clients, contractors, and consultants,
can use the findings to improve project planning, design, monitoring, and feedback
mechanisms. Additionally, the performance indicators such as scheduled
performance index (SPI) and cost performance index (CPI) can be used to assess and
enhance the performance of ongoing and future projects.

Overall, the study's conclusions and recommendations have the potential to inform
policy decisions, improve project management practices, and ultimately contribute
to the successful delivery of public building construction projects in the West Shoa
Zone and similar contexts.
9. Contribution
The article contributes to the knowledge of project management by identifying and
ranking the key challenges in public building construction project delivery in the
West Shoa Zone. It addresses the common challenges found in public building
construction projects, critical constraints affecting time, cost, and quality
performance, and the correlation between the client, contractor, and consultant in
facing these challenges. Additionally, the article assesses the performance of public
building construction projects in the region and provides insights into the factors
affecting successful completion and delivery systems. By conducting a case study on
selected projects, the article also evaluates how projects are affected by the
identified challenges using performance indicators. Overall, the article adds to the
knowledge of project management by providing a comprehensive analysis of the
challenges and constraints in public building construction projects, which can inform
better project management practices and decision-making.
10. References:
The size of the references section is not explicitly mentioned in the provided context.
However, the references include multiple sources such as journals, research papers,
and articles. As for the recency of the references, the context does mention sources
from recent years, such as 2019 and 2021, indicating that the references are recent.

11. General strength and limitation of the Article

The article "Challenges on Successful Completion and Delivery of Public Building
Construction Projects: The Case of West Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia" provides
valuable insights into the challenges faced in public building construction projects in
the region. Here are the general strengths and limitations of the article:

1. Comprehensive Analysis: The article conducts a thorough analysis of the
challenges affecting public building construction projects, covering economic,
technical, social, legal, and environmental factors. This comprehensive approach
provides a holistic understanding of the issues.
2. Stakeholder Assessment: The study includes a stakeholder assessment involving
clients, contractors, and consultants, providing a diverse perspective on the
identified constraints.

3. Performance Evaluation: The article evaluates the performance of selected

construction projects using performance indicators such as the Scheduled
Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI), offering valuable insights
into project status.

4. Clear Presentation: The article presents the findings in a clear and organized
manner, including tables and rankings to illustrate the identified challenges and their

1. Limited Geographical Scope: The study focuses specifically on the West Shoa Zone,
which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other regions or countries. It
would be beneficial to compare the challenges identified in this region with those in
other areas.

2. Lack of Longitudinal Data: The article provides a snapshot of the challenges and
project performance at a particular point in time. Longitudinal data could provide
insights into how these challenges have evolved over time and their long-term
impact on project delivery.

3. Stakeholder Disagreement: The article highlights the existence of disagreement

between stakeholders on some challenging factors. While this is an important
finding, it also suggests a lack of consensus, which could impact the effectiveness of
proposed solutions.
4. Limited Discussion of Solutions: While the article effectively identifies challenges, it
could benefit from a more in-depth discussion of potential solutions or mitigation
strategies for the identified constraints.

Overall, the article provides a valuable contribution to understanding the challenges

in public building construction projects in the West Shoa Zone, but it also presents
opportunities for further research and exploration of solutions to address these

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