Đề Sở Thái Bình Lần 2 2023-2024

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each

of the following exchanges.

Question 1. Minh and Phong are talking about learning a foreign language.
- Minh: “I heard that learning a new language has numerous benefits.”
- Phong: “ It expands your cultural understanding.”
A. Really? B. Are you sure about that?
C. I don't think so. D. That's right.
Question 2. Arn is talking to Jack after work
- Ann: Would you like to join us for a movie night under the stars?
- Jack: Please let me know if you need me to bring anything.
A. I have other commitments already. B. Absolutely! I wouldn't miss it.
C. What a pity! D. I won't say yes.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheer to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 3. There's new café at the corner of the street. Let's meet there tonight.
A. the B. a C. no article D. an
Question 4. The dress by my grandmother for my graduation ceremony.
A. has made B. was made C. made D. was making
Question 5. He ran of all the runners in the race, and won first place casily.
A. the most quickly B. the more quickly C. more quickly D. most quickly
Question 6. After a long delay, the plane finally began to , much to the relief of the
A. get over B. make up C. take off D. put on
Question 7. , the students have a short break before starting the next subject.
A. As soon as the teacher had finished the lesson B. After the teacher finished the lesson
C. As soon as the teacher will finish the lesson D. After the teacher finishes the lesson
Question 8. Jane remembers excited as she walked into the crowded concert hall
last month.
A. to feel B. feeling C. to feeling D. feel
Question 9. Your cousin will surely come to the party, ?
A. won't he B. shan't he C. doesn't he D. isn't he
Question 10. The success of the project is dependent the cooperation of all team
A. with B. on C. from D. of
Question 11. The power suddenly went out while we on the computer.
A. were working B. had worked C. are working D. worked
Question 12. At the memorial service, people from all walks of life gathered to
their respects for the fallen soldiers.
A. treat B. demand C. deserve D. pay
Question 13. The television show was about the you can visit in Paris.
A. visions B. scenes C. sights D. views
Question 14. She's very , always ready to talk and listen to others.
A. communicative B. communicatively C. communication D. communicate
Question 15. The CEO has been pulling to ensure the company's success in the
upcoming merger negotiations.
A. the strings B. the ropes C. the lines D. the cords
Question 16. There are gaps in the bridge's joints to allow the steel to in hot
A. broaden B. expand C. lengthen D. extend
Question 17. The new educational program has been highly effective, student
performance significantly in standardized tests.
A. improving B. to improve C. improved D. improve
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 18. A. cotton B. cupboard C. cyber D. canal
Question 19. A. tie B. find C. like D. give
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of stress in each of the following questions.
Question 20. A. advertise B. realise C. consider D. recognize
Question 21. A. offer B. afford C. access D. travel
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 22. The troubled singer has recently launched a second career as a fashion designer.
A. applied B. learned C. landed D. began
Question 23. Wearing a uniform to work is optional, employes can choose to dress casually if they
A. hesistant B. available C. voluntary D. compulsory
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24. In the meeting, he didn't hesitate to throw someone under the bus to save his own
A. blame or sacrifice someone for personal gain B. offer someone a ride
C. provide misleading directions D. protect someone from danger
Question 25. The company decided to raise the salary of all employees to attract and retain top
talent in the industry.
A. propose B. increase C. review D. lower
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Gen Z says weddings should be cheaper
When couples decide to tie the knot, they often encounter a significant decision: should they
splurge on a lavish wedding or prioritize saving for a home? This choice can be quite challenging,
especially considering the soaring costs associated with weddings today. The popularity of the Netflix
series "Marriage or Mortgage" sheds light on this dilemma, with (26) couples ultimately
opting for the allure of a grand wedding.
In some cases, couples resort to (27) out loans or using credit cards to finance their
dream wedding. This financial strain may stem from societal expectations or well-meaning advice
from friends and family, urging them to have a memorable celebration.
Reflecting on a conversation with friends (28) had an extravagant Cinderella-themed
wedding eight years ago, I recall their mixed sentiments. (29) they cherished the memories
of their special day, they admitted still struggling with the financial aftermath. In a light-hearted
manner, they joked about delaying plans for children until they could alleviate the burden of wedding
debt. This narrative underscores how the financial consequences of a wedding can persist long after
the festivities have concluded, influencing (30) life decisions.
(Atapted from the Guardian)
Question 26. A. many B. every C. much D. other
Question 27. A. doing B. making C. paying D. taking
Question 28. A. whom B. whose C. who D. which
Question 29. A. If B. While C. Because D. When
Question 30. A. consecutive B. successive C. latter D.subsequent
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
Solar technology is one of the many ways in which you can reduce your ecological footprint
and cut costs on your utility bills at the same time. Currently, many companies, factories and even
homes are powered by photovoltaic installations. Photovoltaics (PV. is a form of solar technology
that produces electricity from sunlight without the use of batteries or other electrical devices.
Photovoltaic panels or cells that are attached to the roof of a building collect the sunlight and turn it
into electricity. These panels are fitted onto a roof individually, but the warmth of the sun helps to
secure the panels to the roof making it weather-resistant. PV is rapidly gaining in popularity and is
probably the fastest growing source of alternative energy.
Go see the Oakland University public demonstration project at 4000 Meadowbrook Drive.
The university installed a photovoltaic roof on one of their student apartment buildings. The roof is
split into four parts in onder to face north, south, east and west to maximise exposure to sunlight. It
collects light from the sun and turns it into energy and is also aesthetically pleasing to look at. The
power that is not used by the photovoltaic apartment building is then fed to other buildings on the
campus. In this way, just one building with the photovoltaic system is able to power several other
buildings that have not installed this type of technology. On the other hand, on cloudy days when the
sunlight is not adequate to power the building, the photovoltaic building is able to feed off the power
from other buildings that it is "connected" to. There is no electricity bill and never a shortage of hot
Find out more at www.oakland.edu/energy/solar.htm
Question 31. All of the following are mentioned as an advantage of the photovoltaic system at
Oakland University EXCEPT .
A. It cuts down electricity bills.
B. It eliminates the need for other forms of energy entirely.
C. It makes the buildings more beautiful.
D. It provides power even on cloudy days.
Question 32. What does the passage primarily discuss?
A. The process of converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic technology.
B. The impact of solar technology on global warming and climate change.
C. The financial benefits of transitioning to solar power for large institutions.
D. Various ways to enhance the aesthetic appeal of university buildings.
Question 33. How is the photovoltaic roof at Onkland University designed to maximize sunlight
A. It is positioned at a high angle.
B. It uses special reflective materials.
C. It is split into four parts facing different directions.
D. It covers the entire surface of the building
Question 34. What does the word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. The university B. The roof C. Sunlight D. The power
Question 35. What does the word "collect" in paragraph 1 mean?
A. gather B. generate C. reflect D. distribute
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
People have a pretty intuitive sense of what is healthy - standing is better than sitting, exercise
is great for overall health and getting good sleep is imperative.
However, if exercise in the evening may disrupt our sleep, or make us feel the need to be more
sedentary to recover, a key question emerges - what is the best way to balance our 24 hours to optimise
our health?
Our research attempted to answer this for risk factors for heart discase, stroke and diabetes.
We found the optimal amount of sleep was 8.3 hours, while for light activity and moderate to vigorous
activity, it was best to get 2.2 hours each.
Current health guidelines recommend you stick to a sensible regime of moderate-to-vigorous
intensity physical activity 2.5-5 hours per week.
However mounting evidence now suggests how you spend your day can have meaningful
ramifications for your health. In addition to moderate-to vigorous-intensity physical activity, this
means the time you spend sitting, standing, doing light physical activity (such as walking around your
house or office) and sleeping.
Our research looked at more than 2,000 adults who wore body sensors that could interpret
their physical behaviours, for seven days. This gave us a sense of how they spent their average 24
At the start of the study participants had their waist circumference, blood sugar and insulin
sensitivity measured. The body sensor and assessment data were matched and analysed then tested
against health risk markers — such as a heart disease and stroke risk score — to create a model.
Using this model, we fed through thousands of permutations of 24 hours and found the ones
with the estimated lowest associations with heart disease risk and blood-glucose levels. This created
many optimal mixes of sitting, standing, light and moderate intensity activity.
When we looked at waist circumference, blood sugar, insulin sensitivity and a heart disease
and stroke risk score, we noted differing optimal time zones. Where those zones mutually overlapped
was ascribed the optimal zone for heart disease and diabetes risk.
(Adapted from the Conversation)
Question 36. In the passage, what does "this" refer to in "this means the time you spend sitting,
standing, doing light physical activity and sleeping"?
A. The meaningful ramifications for your health. B. The results of the new research.
C. The effects of evening exercise. D. Current health guidelines.
Question 37. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The study suggested that the optimal daily regime includes 5 hours of moderate-to-vigorous
physical activity.
B. The research included over 2,000 adults wearing body sensors.
C. The study used a model to test different permutations of daily activities.
D. Participants had their waist circumference and blood sugar measured at the start of the study.
Question 38. In the context of the passage, the term "optimal" most closely means
A. maximum B. fastest C. best D. sufficient
Question 39. According to the study, how long is the optimal amount of sleep per night?
A. More than 9 hours B. 8.3 hours C. Less than 8 hours D. Exactly 8 hours
Question 40. In the passage, what does "ramifications" most closely mean?
A. complications B. conclusions C. justifications D. implications
Question 41. What can be inferred about exercise in the evening from the passage?
A. It should only include light activities like walking or stretching.
B. It could potentially disrupt sleep and require more recovery time.
C. It is recommended to avoid evening exercise completely.
D. It is less beneficial than morning exercise.
Question 42. What is the primary focus of the research discussed in the passage?.
A. Analyzing the impact of physical activity on sleep patterns.
B. Determining the best balance of daily activities to reduce risks of heart discase, stroke, and
C. Evaluating the accuracy of body sensors in tracking physical activity.
D. Comparing the health outcomes of sedentary versus active lifestyles.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer Sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 43. They didn't check the weather forecast before the hiking trip. They were caught in the
heavy rain.
A. If they hadn't checked the weather forecast before the hiking trip, they wouldn't have been caught
in the heavy rain.
B. If they checked the weather forecast before the hiking trip, the wouldn't be caught in the heavy
C. Unless they had checked the weather forecast before the hiking trip, they would have been caught
in the heavy rain.
D. If they had checked the weather forecast before the hiking trip, they wouldn't have been caught
in the heavy rain.
Question 44. Tom heard the news of his promotion to senior manager. He immediately called
his family to share the good news.
A. It was not until Tom heard the news of his promotion to senior manager did he call his family to
share the good news.
B. No sooner had Tom heard the news of his promotion to senior manager than he called his family
to share the good news.
C. Had Tom been promoted to senior manager, he would have called his family to share the good
D. Hardly had Tom heard the news of his promotion to senior manager than he called his family to
share the good news.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 45. The children are watching TV when their parents came home from work last night.
A. are B. their C. came D. work
Question 46. All candidates are required to show our identification cards when entering the exam
A. All B. required C. our D. entering
Question 47. Ensuring workplace safety is a top priority for the company, hence it is obliged for all
employees, regardless of their position or department, to attend the annual safety training sessions
A. Ensuring B. priority C. obliged D. regardless
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 48. It is not necessary for the students to memorize the whole poem.
A. The students mightn't memorize the whole poem.
B. The students shouldn't memorize the whole poem.
C. The students mustn't memorize the whole poem.
D. The students neend't memorize the whole poem.
Question 49. Janet hasn't bought a printed book for two years.
A. Janet bought a new printed book for two years.
B. The last time Janet has bought a printed book was two years ago.
C. The last time Janet bought a printed book was two years ago.
D. Janet last bought a printed book was two years ago.
Question 50. "My husband is going away on business this week," said Mrs. Lien.
A. Mrs. Lien said her husband was going away on business this week.
B. Mrs. Lien said my husband was going away on business that week.
C. Mrs. Lien said her husband was going away on business that week.
D. Mrs. Lien told me her husband is going away on business that week.

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