Englis Debatting Contest

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For :

Climate change is an urgent threat to human survival, and the Last Generation movement's actions
are a legitimate response to the lack of action from governments and corporations.

The movement's use of civil disobedience, such as road blocks and art desecration, is a legitimate
form of protest that has been used throughout history to effect change.

The protection of the environment and the rights of future generations are moral imperatives that
must be prioritized over economic interests.

The Last Generation movement's actions are a way to draw attention to the urgent need for action
on climate change, and to spark meaningful public discourse and policy change.

The movement's actions are a way to challenge the status quo and demand systemic change, which
is necessary to address the root causes of the climate crisis.

The desecration of art works is a symbolic act that calls attention to the fact that our current
economic and social systems are built on the exploitation of nature and the suppression of
marginalized voices.

The road blocks used by the movement are a way to disrupt the status quo and force people to
confront the reality of the climate crisis, which is often ignored or downplayed in mainstream media
and political discourse.

The Last Generation movement's actions are a way to demand that the costs of environmental
degradation and climate change be internalized and paid for by those responsible, rather than being
externalized onto future generations.

The movement's actions are a way to demand that governments and corporations be held
accountable for their environmental impact, and to push for more stringent regulations and

The Last Generation movement's actions are a way to demand that individuals take responsibility for
their impact on the environment, and to encourage more sustainable and mindful behaviors.

Contra :
While climate change is a serious issue, the use of civil disobedience and vandalism is not an
appropriate response, as it undermines the rule of law and democracy.

While civil disobedience can be a legitimate form of protest, it is not an excuse to engage in
destructive or illegal behavior.

While protecting the environment and future generations is important, it cannot be done at the
expense of economic interests and growth, which are necessary for the well-being of society.

The Last Generation movement's actions are counterproductive, as they alienate people and make it
harder to achieve meaningful policy change and public support for climate action.

While systemic change may be necessary, the use of civil disobedience and vandalism is not an
effective or justifiable means of achieving it, and can do more harm than good.
Desecrating art works is not a legitimate form of protest, as it shows disrespect for the work of artists
and cultural heritage, and does not contribute to meaningful debate or change.

Road blocks can disrupt the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people, who may not have any power to
effect change on climate policy, and can be seen as an imposition on their rights and freedoms.

While internalizing the costs of environmental degradation is important, the use of civil disobedience
and vandalism is not an effective or justifiable means of achieving it, and can do more harm than

Holding governments and corporations accountable is important, but the use of civil disobedience
and vandalism is not an effective or justifiable means of achieving it, and can do more harm than

While individual responsibility is important, the use of civil disobedience and vandalism is not an
effective or justifiable means of achieving it, and can do more harm than good.

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