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Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS


GSM BTS S8000/S8002/S8003/S8006

Fault Clearing
User Documentation

411-9001-103 |Version 18.14 | November 21, 2016 | 1.0

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

Release: V18 P&C5
Document number: 411-9001-103
Document release date: November 21, 2016

Copyright © 2010-2016 Kapsch CarrierCom France S.A.S. All Rights Reserved.

The information contained in this document is the property of Kapsch CarrierCom France S.A.S. (in the following referred
to as “Kapsch”). Except as specifically authorized in writing by Kapsch, the holder of this document shall keep the
information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part from disclosure and dissemination to
third parties and use same for evaluation, operation and maintenance purposes only.

The content of this document is provided for information purposes only and is subject to modification. It does not constitute
any representation or warranty from Kapsch as to the content or accuracy of the information contained herein, including
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Publication History
Following changes are incorporated in NTP: 411-9001-103 on the specified dates.

November 21, 2016

Version 18.14

Following features are introduced in this version.

• “50236 - ER-GSM 900 introduction on BTS-R” on page 23

• “50069 - BSC Disaster Recovery Improvement” on page 23

• “SNMP Northbound Interface of the OMC-R” on page 23

Following feature is removed in this version.

• 33296 - Quasi Associated Mode (QAM) - GSM Access

May 26, 2015

Version 18.13

A new BTS type, BTS-R (“50026 - BTS-R System Introduction” on page 23) is intro-
duced in P&C5 release.

December 9, 2013
Version 18.12

Following features are introduced in P&C5 release:

• Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) features:

– “50034 - NACC Inter BSC/inter PCUSN with RIM” on page 21

– “22915 - Extended Uplink TBF” on page 21

• “50037, 50042 - Linux x86 platform installation and Converged OAM” on page 22

October 30, 2013

Version 18.11

PRM13/0001991(INM13/0003100): Added “Fault Number: 1079 (S8000, S8002,

S8003, and S8006 BTS)” on page 638.

February 28, 2013

Version 18.10

Following are the features introduced in P&C5 release:

• “33296 - A Flex - GSM Access” on page 19

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• Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) features:

– “50032 - PFC restriction removal” on page 20

– “50031 - EDGE Family C MCS-1 & 4 implementation” on page 20

– “50033 - NACC inter BSC/intra PCUSN” on page 21

• “50035 - OMC-R installation on any SPARC platform” on page 22

• “50025 - Distinguish TX versus Rx fault at IOM” on page 22

February 23, 2012

Version 18.09

PRM12/0000217 Added Engineering RULES under Trouble shooting of section

Fault number: 1266 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS).

November 30, 2011

Version 18.08

P&C4 Delivery.
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New in this release ........................................................................................................... 19

P&C5 Features.................................................................................................................................. 19

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 25

Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Navigation ......................................................................................................................................... 25

Safety regulations.............................................................................................................................. 25

1. How to use this manual..................................................................................................... 29

1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 29

1.2. The types of spontaneous messages ..................................................................................... 29

1.2.1. Events detected by the BTS ......................................................................................... 29

1.2.2. Events detected by the BSC......................................................................................... 30

1.3. Description of a fault number sheet ........................................................................................ 30

1.3.1. Header of the sheet ...................................................................................................... 30

1.3.2. Main body of the sheet ................................................................................................. 30

1.4. Help ........................................................................................................................................ 31

1.4.1. Loading the CD-ROM ................................................................................................... 31

2. S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS fault numbers ..................................................... 32

2.1. Fault number: 1051 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................... 32

2.2. Fault number: 1052 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................... 32

2.2.1. Source 0: No response to status request .................................................................... 41

2.2.2. Source 1: Bad hardware reference of manufacturer ID ............................................... 43
2.2.3. Source 2: SUP stop receipt ......................................................................................... 45
2.2.4. Source 3: No change to one of BOOT states after reset ............................................. 47
2.2.5. Source 4: This entity is engaged in another downloading Source 8: Wrong software refer-
ence on a non downloadable TEI ................................................................................ 50
2.2.6. Source 5: Software not compatible with hardware ...................................................... 52
2.2.7. Source 6: File access error .......................................................................................... 56
2.2.8. Source 7: Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a file ................... 58
2.2.9. Source 9: No response to download message ............................................................ 58
2.2.10. Source 14: Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK ............................................... 60
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2.2.11. Source 15: File to download empty ........................................................................... 62

2.2.12. Source 16: File to download unavailable ................................................................... 64
2.2.13. Source 17: Buffer allocation failure ............................................................................ 65
2.2.14. Source 18: Bad sending buffer size value ................................................................. 67
2.2.15. Source 19: Failure during OMU switchover ............................................................... 69
2.2.16. Source 20: Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report message ........ 71
2.2.17. Source 21: CSM software update report with the cause - unknown TEI - .................. 73
2.2.18. Source 22: CSM software update report with the cause - equipment failure - .......... 75
2.2.19. Source 23: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading failure - ........ 77
2.2.20. Source 24: CSM software update report with the cause - not able to perform-.......... 79
2.2.21. Source 25: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong software reference -81
2.2.22. Source 26: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong configuration reference
- .................................................................................................................................... 83
2.2.23. Source 27: CSM software update report with the cause - restart request -................ 85
2.2.24. Source 28: CSM software update report with the cause - data inconsistency - ......... 87
2.2.25. Source 29: CSM software update report with the cause - message out of sequence -89
2.2.26. Source 30: CSM software update report with the cause - background not available -91
2.2.27. Source 31: CSM software update report with the cause - incompatible RM version - 93
2.2.28. Source 32: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading in progress - 95
2.2.29. Source 33: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report message..... 97
2.2.30. Source 34: No BTS response on CSM software update init-control message ........... 99
2.2.31. Source 35: Nack received on the abort requested by operator ................................ 101
2.2.32. Source 36: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort message.... 103
2.2.33. Source 37: No BTS response on CSM software update abort message ................. 105
2.2.34. Source 38: Flash activate nack with the cause - unknown TEI - ............................. 107
2.2.35. Source 39: Flash activate nack with the cause - equipment failure - ....................... 109
2.2.36. Source 40: Flash activate nack with the cause - downloading failure - .................... 111
2.2.37. Source 41: Flash activate nack with the cause - not able to perform - ..................... 113
2.2.38. Source 42: Flash activate nack with the cause - flash inconsistency - ..................... 115
2.2.39. Source 43: Flash activate nack with the cause - data inconsistency -...................... 117
2.2.40. Source 44: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong soft ref - ............................. 119
2.2.41. Source 45: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong config ref -.......................... 121
2.2.42. Source 46: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - unknown TEI -- .............. 123
2.2.43. Source 47: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - equipment failure -......... 125
2.2.44. Source 48: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - downloading failure ....... 127
2.2.45. Source 49: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - message out of sequence - .
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2.2.46. Source 50: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong soft ref - .............. 131
2.2.47. Source 51: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong config ref -........... 133
2.2.48. Source 52: CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause ..................................... 135
2.2.49. Source 53: No BTS response on CSM downloading start message ........................ 137
2.2.50. Source 54: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - unknown TEI - ................ 139
2.2.51. Source 55: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - equipment failure -.......... 141
2.2.52. Source 56: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - downloading failure - ...... 143
2.2.53. Source 57: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - value out of range - ........ 145
2.2.54. Source 58: CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause ..................................... 147
2.2.55. Source 59: No BTS response on CSM downloading end message ......................... 149
2.2.56. Source 60: CSM load init nack with the cause - equipment failure........................... 151
2.2.57. Source 61: CSM load init nack with the cause - downloading failure - ..................... 153
2.2.58. Source 62: CSM load init nack with the cause - message out of sequence -........... 155
2.2.59. Source 63: CSM load init nack with the cause - wrong file ref - ............................... 157
2.2.60. Source 64: CSM load init nack with the cause - window size not allowed - ............. 159
2.2.61. Source 65: CSM load init nack with the cause - data format error .......................... 161
2.2.62. Source 66: CSM load init nack with a bad cause ..................................................... 163
2.2.63. Source 67: No BTS response on CSM load init message ........................................ 165
2.2.64. Source 68: CSM load data nack with the cause - equipment failure - ...................... 167
2.2.65. Source 69: CSM load data nack with the cause - downloading failure -................... 169
2.2.66. Source 70: CSM load data nack with the cause - message out of sequence - ........ 171
2.2.67. Source 71: CSM load data nack with the cause - data format error -....................... 173
2.2.68. Source 72: CSM load data nack with the cause - window overflow - ....................... 175
2.2.69. Source 73: CSM load data nack with the cause - data inconsistency - .................... 177
2.2.70. Source 74: CSM load data nack with the cause - block not received -..................... 179
2.2.71. Source 75: CSM load data nack with the cause - bad block tag - ............................ 181
2.2.72. Source 76: CSM load data nack with the cause - checksum error ........................... 183
2.2.73. Source 77: CSM load data nack with a bad cause ................................................... 185
2.2.74. Source 78: Unexpected CSM load data ack............................................................. 187
2.2.75. Source 79: No BTS response on CSM load data message...................................... 189
2.2.76. Source 80: CSM load end nack with the cause - equipment failure - ....................... 191
2.2.77. Source 81: CSM load end nack with the cause - downloading failure -.................... 193
2.2.78. Source 82: CSM load end nack with the cause - value out of range -...................... 195
2.2.79. Source 83: CSM load end nack with the cause - message out of sequence - ......... 197
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2.2.80. Source 84: CSM load end nack with the cause - data format error ......................... 199
2.2.81. Source 85: CSM load end nack with the cause - wrong file ref - .............................. 201
2.2.82. Source 86: CSM load end nack with the cause - data inconsistency - ..................... 203
2.2.83. Source 87: CSM load end nack with the cause - checksum error -.......................... 205
2.2.84. Source 88: CSM load end nack with a bad cause .................................................... 207
2.2.85. Source 89: No BTS response on CSM load end message....................................... 209
2.2.86. Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update ................................. 211
2.2.87. Source 91: CSM load init nack with the cause - file already open............................ 213
2.2.88. Source 92: CSM load init nack with the cause - invalid mode -................................ 215
2.2.89. Source 93: CSM load init nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded -............... 217
2.2.90. Source 94: CSM load init nack with the cause - flash flag cannot access -.............. 219
2.2.91. Source 95: CSM load data nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded - ............ 221
2.2.92. Source 96: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash flag cannot access - ........... 223
2.2.93. Source 97: CSM load data nack with the cause - boot cannot be unloaded - .......... 225
2.2.94. Source 98: CSM load data nack with the cause - data decode error - ..................... 227
2.2.95. Source 99: CSM load data nack with the cause - table cannot access -.................. 229
2.2.96. Source 100: CSM load data nack with the cause - RAM mapping error - ................ 231
2.2.97. Source 101: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash access error - ................... 233
2.2.98. Source 102: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash RAM error - ...................... 235
2.2.99. Source 103: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash erase error - ..................... 237
2.2.100. Source 104: CSM load data nack with the cause - internal abort........................... 239
2.2.101. Source 105: CSM flash activate response with a bad cause.................................. 241
2.2.102. Source 106: DTM error during token allocation ...................................................... 243
2.2.103. Source 107: CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software incompatibility
2.2.104. Source 108: Too many different deliveries in the cell group................................... 247

2.3. Fault number: 1053 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................. 249

2.4. Fault number: 1054 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS) ............................................ 250

2.5. Fault number: 1055 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................ 250

2.5.1. Source 1: Equipment failure ...................................................................................... 254

2.5.2. Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such test ..................................................... 254
2.5.3. Source 3: Equipment unable to perform such configuration....................................... 255
2.5.4. Source 4: Unknown test ............................................................................................. 257
2.5.5. Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency ................................................................... 257
2.5.6. Source 6: Data inconsistency ..................................................................................... 258
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2.5.7. Source 7: Value out of range ...................................................................................... 260

2.5.8. Source 8: TEI not present........................................................................................... 261
2.5.9. Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot ................................................................. 262
2.5.10. Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM ............................................................................... 262
2.5.11. Source 11: Wrong software reference ...................................................................... 263
2.5.12. Source 12: Further files required .............................................................................. 263
2.5.13. Source 13: Failure during activation ......................................................................... 263
2.5.14. Source 14: Data format error .................................................................................... 263
2.5.15. Source 15: Window overflow .................................................................................... 264
2.5.16. Source 16: Normal completion ................................................................................. 264
2.5.17. Source 17: Transfer aborted..................................................................................... 264
2.5.18. Source 18: Checksum error...................................................................................... 264
2.5.19. Source 19: File incomplete ....................................................................................... 264
2.5.20. Source 20: File already present and correct............................................................. 265
2.5.21. Source 21: File cannot be downloaded .................................................................... 265
2.5.22. Source 22: Entity engaged in other download .......................................................... 265
2.5.23. Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots ................................................................. 265
2.5.24. Source 24: Too many TEI connections to physical channel ..................................... 266
2.5.25. Source 25: Out of sequence message ..................................................................... 266
2.5.26. Source 26: Incorrect IEI ............................................................................................ 269
2.5.27. Source 27: Wrong file reference ............................................................................... 269
2.5.28. Source 28: Bad cell number ..................................................................................... 269
2.5.29. Source 29: Bad related TEI ...................................................................................... 269
2.5.30. Source 30: Bad timeslot ........................................................................................... 269
2.5.31. Source 31: Window size not allowed ........................................................................ 270
2.5.32. Source 32: Flash boot required ................................................................................ 270
2.5.33. Source 33: Wrong config reference .......................................................................... 270
2.5.34. Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power consign request............ 270
2.5.35. Source 35: Downloading aborted ............................................................................. 276
2.5.36. Source 36: Files missing .......................................................................................... 276
2.5.37. Source 37: Buffer overflow ....................................................................................... 276
2.5.38. Source 38: Block not received .................................................................................. 276
2.5.39. Source 39: Downloading restart ............................................................................... 276
2.5.40. Source 40: Request not supported ........................................................................... 277
2.5.41. Source 41: Downloading failure................................................................................ 277
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2.5.42. Source 42: Start-up failure........................................................................................ 277

2.5.43. Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS ................................................................ 277
2.5.44. Source 44: Bad chain type ....................................................................................... 280
2.5.45. Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference .................................................................. 280
2.5.46. Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE configuration.................................................... 280
2.5.47. Source 47: Inconsistency mapping........................................................................... 281
2.5.48. Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker DS0 ....................................................... 281
2.5.49. Source 49: Invalid mode ........................................................................................... 281
2.5.50. Source 50: File already open.................................................................................... 281
2.5.51. Source 51: File cannot be unloaded ......................................................................... 281
2.5.52. Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded ....................................................................... 282
2.5.53. Source 53: Data decode error .................................................................................. 282
2.5.54. Source 54: Flash flag cannot access........................................................................ 282
2.5.55. Source 55: Table cannot access .............................................................................. 282
2.5.56. Source 56: RAM mapping error ................................................................................ 282
2.5.57. Source 57: Flash access error.................................................................................. 283
2.5.58. Source 58: Flash write error ..................................................................................... 283
2.5.59. Source 59: Flash erase error .................................................................................... 283
2.5.60. Source 60: Internal abort .......................................................................................... 283
2.5.61. Source 61: Equipment not able to get external synchronization .............................. 283
2.5.62. Source 62: Synchronization in progress ................................................................... 284
2.5.63. Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not supported ...................................................... 284
2.5.64. Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0 .......................................................... 285
2.5.65. Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number .................................................... 287
2.5.66. Source 255: Non-significant value ............................................................................ 288

2.6. Fault number: 1056 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................. 289

2.6.1. Source 0: Incorrect priority on transceiver .................................................................. 291

2.6.2. Source 1: Incorrect setting of channel on transceiver ................................................ 291
2.6.3. Source 2: Cell without BCCH TDM............................................................................. 291
2.6.4. Source 3: Radio Time Slot not used ........................................................................... 291
2.6.5. Source 4: Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode ........................................................ 291
2.6.6. Source 5: Cell cfg with cavity and dual band not acceptable ..................................... 292
2.6.7. Source 6: Missing Site management Abis GSM function ........................................... 292
2.6.8. Source 7: Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM function.......................... 292
2.6.9. Source 8: Missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function................................. 292
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2.6.10. Source 9: Missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function................................... 292

2.6.11. Source 10: Missing cell management Abis GSM function ........................................ 293
2.6.12. Source 11: Missing TDMA management Abis GSM function ................................... 293
2.6.13. Source 12: Missing TS management Abis GSM function......................................... 293
2.6.14. Source 13: The TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not created ...................... 293
2.6.15. Source 14: Too many EDGE TDMAs (more than 16 per site) configured ................ 293

2.7. Fault number: 1058 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................. 294

2.8. Fault number: 1059 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................. 295

2.9. Fault number: 1060 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)............................................. 295

2.9.1. BRC (source: Manual switch on battery power) ......................................................... 320

2.9.2. BRC (source: Automatic switch on battery power) ..................................................... 321
2.9.3. BRC (source: Manual switch on main power)............................................................. 321
2.9.4. BRC (source: Automatic switch on main power) ........................................................ 321
2.9.5. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (min not found))................................ 321
2.9.6. Cavity (source: Nack answer from cavity) .................................................................. 323
2.9.7. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (power too low)) ............................... 324
2.9.8. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (tuning detector)).............................. 324
2.9.9. CMCF board (source: Unknown message) ................................................................ 324
2.9.10. CMCF board (source: Restart requested by the active board) ................................. 325
2.9.11. CMCF (source: Board reset asked by OMC)............................................................ 325
2.9.12. CMCF board (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog) ...................................... 326
2.9.13. CMCF boards (source: Restart due to double bus fault) .......................................... 326
2.9.14. CMCF boards (source: Reset for new Lapd parameters CMCF) ............................. 326
2.9.15. CMCF boards (source: ABIS PCM statistics) ........................................................... 327
2.9.16. CSWM board (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog) ..................................... 327
2.9.17. CSWM board (source: Restart due to double bus fault) ........................................... 327
2.9.18. cDRX or eDRX or eDRX2 modules (source: GSM Time)......................................... 328
2.9.19. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Frequency collision on FH bus)
2.9.20. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 (source: Restart requested by the BCF)...... 329
2.9.21. DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: FACCH congestion) ........ 330
2.9.22. DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Reset due to hardware watch-
dog) ............................................................................................................................ 331
2.9.23. DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Restart due to double bus fault)
2.9.24. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: BCCH config dump)........ 331
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2.9.25. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules or eDRX2 (source: SACCH config dump) ..... 332
2.9.26. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: L1M config dump) ........... 332
2.9.27. DRX or eDRX or eDRX2 or DRX-ND3 modules (source: RSL anomaly) ................. 332
2.9.28. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to power-on) ................................................. 333
2.9.29. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to reset by button)......................................... 333
2.9.30. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to software upgrade)..................................... 334
2.9.31. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog) ................................. 334
2.9.32. IPM-USER core (source: IBOS authentication has failed)........................................ 335
2.9.33. IPM-USER core (source: No TCP connection can be set up with IGM) ................... 335
2.9.34. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with no Ethernet switch reset) .. 336
2.9.35. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with Ethernet switch reset) ....... 336
2.9.36. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and Ethernet
switch reset) ............................................................................................................... 337
2.9.37. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution and Ethernet
switch reset) ............................................................................................................... 337
2.9.38. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and no Ethernet
switch reset) ............................................................................................................... 338
2.9.39. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution nor Ethernet
switch reset) ............................................................................................................... 338
2.9.40. IPM-USER core (source: Restart after TML commissioning) ................................... 339
2.9.41. IPM-USER core (source: Connection with IGM has been lost (no status received for 7
keep-alive periods)) .................................................................................................... 340
2.9.42. IPM-USER core (source: No response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes).............. 340
2.9.43. IPM-USER core (source: No response to DNS requests for 15 minutes) ................ 341
2.9.44. IPM-USER core (source: Debug) ............................................................................. 341
2.9.45. IPM-USER core (source: Soft) ................................................................................. 342
2.9.46. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to power-on)............................................... 342
2.9.47. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to reset by button) ...................................... 343
2.9.48. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to software upgrade) .................................. 343
2.9.49. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog) .............................. 344
2.9.50. RIPM-USER core (source: IBOS authentication has failed) ..................................... 344
2.9.51. RIPM-USER core (source: No TCP connection can be set up with IGM) ................ 345
2.9.52. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with no Ethernet switch reset) 345
2.9.53. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with Ethernet switch reset) .... 346
2.9.54. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and Ethernet
switch reset) ............................................................................................................... 346
2.9.55. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution and Ether-
net switch reset) ......................................................................................................... 347
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2.9.56. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and no Ether-
net switch reset) ......................................................................................................... 347
2.9.57. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution nor Ether-
net switch reset) ......................................................................................................... 348
2.9.58. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart after TML commissioning)................................. 348
2.9.59. RIPM-USER core (source: Connection with IGM has been lost (no status received for 7
keep-alive periods)) .................................................................................................... 349
2.9.60. RIPM-USER core (source: No response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes) ........... 349
2.9.61. RIPM-USER core (source: No response to DNS requests for 15 minutes).............. 350
2.9.62. RIPM-USER core (source: Debug)........................................................................... 350
2.9.63. RIPM-USER core (source: Soft) ............................................................................... 351
2.9.64. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by active with BIST execution) ........... 351
2.9.65. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by active with no BIST execution))..... 352
2.9.66. Tx Filters (source: VSWR level 2)) ........................................................................... 352

2.10. Fault number: 1061 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 354

2.11. Attribute value change: 1063 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS) ............................ 355

2.12. Fault number: 1067 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 355

2.12.1. ACU climatic unit (source: Cooler fault).................................................................... 379

2.12.2. ALCO board (source: Major fault)............................................................................. 382
2.12.3. Battery cabinet (source: Over temperature) ............................................................. 385
2.12.4. Battery cabinet (source: DC power fault).................................................................. 387
2.12.5. Battery cabinet (source: Doors) ................................................................................ 391
2.12.6. BCF cabinet door contact (source: BCF cabinet door contact detection)................. 394
2.12.7. BCF cabinet fan (source: BCF cabinet fan fault) ...................................................... 398
2.12.8. BCF power supply (source: Volt) .............................................................................. 400
2.12.9. BRC (source: Manual switch on battery power) ....................................................... 402
2.12.10. BRC (source: Automatic switch on battery power) ................................................. 402
2.12.11. BRC (source: Manual switch on main power)......................................................... 403
2.12.12. BRC (source: Automatic switch on main power) .................................................... 403
2.12.13. BRC (source: Battery failure).................................................................................. 403
2.12.14. BRC (source: Monitored battery not present) ......................................................... 404
2.12.15. BRC (source: Internal inconsistency) ..................................................................... 405
2.12.16. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: SYNO clock not locked on the network) ....... 405
2.12.17. BTS synchronization (source: Synchro not locked because OCVXO is KO).......... 412
2.12.18. BTS synchronization (source: GPS synchronization unavailable).......................... 414
2.12.19. BTS synchronization (source: Loss of GPS synchronization) ................................ 418
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2.12.20. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy) ....... 423
2.12.21. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Master synchronization unavailable)............. 428
2.12.22. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Loss of master GSM time) ............................ 432
2.12.23. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Loss of master SY) ....................................... 435
2.12.24. Cabinet door (source: Door contact detection) ....................................................... 439
2.12.25. Cavity (source: Cavity out of service) ..................................................................... 443
2.12.26. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (min not found))............................ 445
2.12.27. Cavity (source: Loss of cavity initialization) ............................................................ 446
2.12.28. Cavity (source: Nack answer from cavity) .............................................................. 448
2.12.29. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (power too low)) ........................... 450
2.12.30. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (tuning detector problem))............ 451
2.12.31. Cavity (source: Internal software problem) ............................................................. 453
2.12.32. Cavity combiner (source: Power supply) ................................................................ 454
2.12.33. Cavity combiner (source: Tuning detector fault) ..................................................... 456
2.12.34. Cavity combiner (source: Link NOK) ...................................................................... 458
2.12.35. C-DACS climatic system (source: Dirty filter) ......................................................... 460
2.12.36. C-DACS climatic system (source: DACS failed)..................................................... 462
2.12.37. CMCF board (source: MCF_MCF) ......................................................................... 465
2.12.38. CMCF board (source: Slave downloading error) .................................................... 468
2.12.39. CMCF board (source: CMCF_ACT_DUPLEX_INHIBITED) ................................... 470
2.12.40. CMCF board (source: CMCF_ACT_ICST) ............................................................. 472
2.12.41. CMCF board (source: Duplex inhibited: feature not supported on CMCF phase 1)475
2.12.42. Combiner duplexer LNA or combiner H2 LNA (source: LNA fault)......................... 477
2.12.43. Combiner duplexer VSWR or combiner H2 VSWR (source: VSWR level 1).......... 481
2.12.44. Combiner duplexer VSWR or combiner H2 VSWR (source: VSWR level 2).......... 481
2.12.45. Combiner duplexer VSWR or combiner H2 VSWR (source: VSWR level 3).......... 481
2.12.46. Combiner H4D LNA (source: LNA fault) ................................................................. 485
2.12.47. Combiner H4D VSWR (source: VSWR level 1)...................................................... 488
2.12.48. Combiner H4D VSWR (source: VSWR level 2)...................................................... 489
2.12.49. Combiner H4D VSWR (source: VSWR level 3)...................................................... 491
2.12.50. Compact distribution system (source: Main breaker) ............................................. 494
2.12.51. CPCMI board (source: Major)................................................................................. 496
2.12.52. CPCMI board (source: Slave downloading error) ................................................... 496
2.12.53. CSWM board (source: Fault on active-passive CSWM link or on passive CSWM) 498
2.12.54. CSWM board (source: Slave downloading error) .................................................. 500
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2.12.55. DACS climatic system (source: Dirty filter) ............................................................. 502

2.12.56. DACS climatic system (source: DACS failed)......................................................... 504
2.12.57. Distribution system (source: Main breaker) ............................................................ 509
2.12.58. DRX or DRX-ND3 diversity reception chain (source: Software detection) ............. 512
2.12.59. DRX or DRX-ND3 main reception chain (source: Software detection)................... 514
2.12.60. DRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: Abis satellite not supported DRX) ............... 517
2.12.61. DRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: HePA not supported).................................... 518
2.12.62. DRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: PA configuration exceeded) ......................... 520
2.12.63. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: BBFILTER ASIC fault) ................... 523
2.12.64. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: The TX has not acknowledged the power
consign request) ......................................................................................................... 526
2.12.65. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: RX fault)......................................... 531
2.12.66. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: L1M first config failed) ................... 534
2.12.67. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: BCCH first config failed) 535
2.12.68. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: BCCH second config failed)
2.12.69. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: DRX link)....................... 536
2.12.70. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: DRX reset by BSC)....... 539
2.12.71. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: L1M second config failed)540
2.12.72. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Major fault on TX) ........ 540
2.12.73. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Nack answer)................ 543
2.12.74. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: PA DRX control loop fault)..
2.12.75. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Post-mortem dump zone 3)
2.12.76. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: SACCH first config failed)547
2.12.77. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: SACCH second config failed)
2.12.78. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Self test failed) ............. 548
2.12.79. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: TRX not anymore configured))
2.12.80. DSC boards (source: Channel_HSCX) .................................................................. 557
2.12.81. External alarm (source: Alarm) ............................................................................... 560
2.12.82. Fan of the base cabinet (source: Cabinet fan fault) ............................................... 560
2.12.83. F-Type converters (source: Volt) ............................................................................ 562
2.12.84. GTW boards (source: Major fault on GTW) ........................................................... 565
2.12.85. Internal batteries (source: Battery disconnected) ................................................... 568
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2.12.86. IP synchro (source: Unable to lock on IP synchronization) .................................... 570

2.12.87. IP synchro (source: Not enough synchronization packets have been received) .... 571
2.12.88. IPM-USER commissioning (source: Only one IBOS commissioned at IPM).......... 572
2.12.89. IPM-USER commissioning (source: DNS resolution has failed for at least one IBOS)
2.12.90. IPM-USER core (source: IPM BIST failed) ............................................................. 574
2.12.91. IPM-USER core (source: IPM temperature) ........................................................... 575
2.12.92. IPM-USER core (source: DAC unable to lock, synchronization not possible) ........ 576
2.12.93. Lightning protector (source: Lightning protection fault) .......................................... 578
2.12.94. Not protected alarm (source: Alarm)...................................................................... 580
2.12.95. Output Rx-splitter D (source: Over current) ............................................................ 580
2.12.96. Output Rx-splitter M (source: Over current)............................................................ 582
2.12.97. PCM (source: PCM) ............................................................................................... 584
2.12.98. PCMI boards (source: Major fault on PCMI) .......................................................... 584
2.12.99. Power amplifiers (source: Hardware) ..................................................................... 585
2.12.100. Power amplifiers (source: DRX and PA connection) ............................................ 589
2.12.101. Power amplifiers (source: High temperature) ...................................................... 592
2.12.102. Power amplifiers (source: PA_PSDW) ................................................................. 598
2.12.103. Power amplifiers (source: VSWR fault detected by PA) ...................................... 601
2.12.104. RECAL board (source: Major) ............................................................................. 602
2.12.105. RECAL board (source: Slave downloading error) ................................................ 604
2.12.106. Rectifiers (source: AC fault) ................................................................................. 606
2.12.107. Rectifiers (source: DC fault) ................................................................................ 609
2.12.108. Rectifiers (source: Over temperature) ................................................................. 611
2.12.109. Rectifiers (source: External battery level 1) ......................................................... 613
2.12.110. Rectifiers (source: PCU protective) ..................................................................... 615
2.12.111. Rectifiers (source: Battery on discharges) ........................................................... 618
2.12.112. RIPM-USER core (source: IPM BIST failed) ....................................................... 620
2.12.113. RIPM-USER core (source: IPM temperature) ...................................................... 621
2.12.114. RIPM-USER core (source: DAC unable to lock, synchronization not possible) .. 622
2.12.115. RIPM-USER core (source: No link with passive) ................................................. 623
2.12.116. Rx Filter (source: LNA fault) ................................................................................. 624
2.12.117. SYNC boards (source: Major fault on SYNC) ...................................................... 626
2.12.118. Tx Filters (source: VSWR level 2)......................................................................... 628
2.12.119. Tx Filters (source: VSWR level 3)......................................................................... 629
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2.13. Fault number: 1070 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 631

2.14. Fault number: 1073 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 631

2.14.1. Source 9: No response to load message ................................................................. 635

2.14.2. Source 10: Received LOAD INIT NACK................................................................... 635
2.14.3. Source 11: Received LOAD DATA NACK ................................................................ 636
2.14.4. Source 12: Received LOAD END NACK .................................................................. 636
2.14.5. Source 13: Received LOAD READY NACK ............................................................. 636

2.15. Fault number: 1077 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 636

2.16. Fault Number: 1079 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS) .......................................... 638

2.17. Fault number: 1080 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 639

2.18. Fault number: 1165 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 640

2.19. Fault number: 1213 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 641

2.20. Fault number: 1214 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 641

2.21. Fault number: 1258 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 641

2.22. Fault number: 1259 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 642

2.23. Fault number: 1265 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 643

2.24. Fault number: 1266 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 644

2.25. Fault number: 1268 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 646

2.26. Fault number: 1500 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 647

2.27. Fault number: 1505 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)........................................... 647

2.28. Fault number: 1506 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006 BTS).................................................. 648

2.29. Fault number: 1508 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006 BTS).................................................. 649

2.30. Fault number: 1509............................................................................................................. 650

2.31. Fault number: 30034 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006 BTS)................................................ 651

2.32. Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type .............................................................. 652
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New in this release

The following section describe what is new in this release for GSM BTS S8000/S8002/
S8003/S8006 Fault Clearing (411-9001-103) for V18.0 P&C5 release.

P&C5 Features
Following are the new features introduced in this release:

• “33296 - A Flex - GSM Access” on page 19

• Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) features:

– “50032 - PFC restriction removal” on page 20

– “50031 - EDGE Family C MCS-1 & 4 implementation” on page 20

– “50033 - NACC inter BSC/intra PCUSN” on page 21

– “50034 - NACC Inter BSC/inter PCUSN with RIM” on page 21

– “22915 - Extended Uplink TBF” on page 21

• “50035 - OMC-R installation on any SPARC platform” on page 22

• “50025 - Distinguish TX versus Rx fault at IOM” on page 22

• “50037, 50042 - Linux x86 platform installation and Converged OAM” on page 22

• “50026 - BTS-R System Introduction” on page 23

• “50236 - ER-GSM 900 introduction on BTS-R” on page 23

• “50069 - BSC Disaster Recovery Improvement” on page 23

• “SNMP Northbound Interface of the OMC-R” on page 23

33296 - A Flex - GSM Access

A Flex - GSM Access feature allows a BSC to connect multiple MSCs through pool area.
In Radio Access Network (RAN), a pool area includes all Location Areas (LAs) of one or
more MSCs that are served by the same group of Core Network (CN) nodes in parallel.
So a Mobile Station (MS) can move between MSCs in the pool area and it is served by
the same MSC as long as it is in radio coverage of the pool area.

For more information about A Flex - GSM Access, refer GSM BSS Fundamentals -Op-
erating Principles (411-9001-007).

This document is not impacted by A Flex - GSM Access feature.

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50032 - PFC restriction removal

This feature is applicable only to PCUSN equipped with PcuspE2 sub-system.
In P&C5 release with the implementation of PFC restriction removal feature, the following
restrictions which existed in previous releases, are removed to avail full benefits of Packet
Flow Context (PFC) feature.

• A GPRS mobile or EDGE mobile was Real Time (RT) accepted only on GPRS TDMA
or EDGE TDMA, respectively.

• Also, GPRS mobiles on EDGE TDMA or EDGE mobiles on GPRS TDMA were allowed
only in Non Real Time (NRT) mode.

With the implementation of this feature, fixed values as given below are allotted for GPRS
MS or EDGE MS, which are allocated a GPRS TBF.

• pfcTsGuaranteedBitRate(Dl/Ul) = 11kbps, if the GPRS TBF is on a TDMA configured

with CS2

• pfcTsGuaranteedBitRate(Dl/Ul) = 8kbps, if the GPRS TBF is on a TDMA configured with


with pfcMinNumberOfJokersforTsGuaranteedBitRate=0. For more information about

these parameters, refer GSM BSS Parameter Reference (411-9001-124).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

50031 - EDGE Family C MCS-1 & 4 implementation

EDGE Family C MCS-1 and MCS-4 implementation feature implements Family C EG-
PRS Coding schemes: MCS-1 and MCS-4.

3GPP Specifications define 9 coding schemes for EGPRS coding, which are grouped
into 3 families A, B & C.

• Family A: MCS-3, MCS-6, MCS-8, MCS-9

• Family B: MCS-2, MCS-5, MCS-7

• Family C: MCS-1, MCS-4

The support for EDGE family C is introduced with this feature in P&C5.

This feature is applicable only to PCUSN equipped with PcuspE2 sub-system.

For more information about EDGE Family C MCS-1 & 4 implementation feature, refer
GSM BSS Fundamentals - Operating Principles (411-9001-007).

This document is not impacted by the introduction of this feature.

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50033 - NACC inter BSC/intra PCUSN

Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) inter BSC/intra PCUSN feature is enhancement
of the current NACC feature, which allows the NACC procedure between cells managed
by different BSCs linked to the same PCUSN.

This feature is applicable only to PCUSN equipped with PcuspE2 sub-system.

For more information about this feature and feature activation, refer GSM BSS Funda-
mentals-Operating-Principles (411-9001-007).

50034 - NACC Inter BSC/inter PCUSN with RIM

Network Assisted Cell Change (NACC) Inter BSC/Inter PCUSN feature enables a
Mobile Station (MS) to avail System Information (SI) 1/3/13 of a target cell, even if the
target cell is managed by a different BSC linked to a different PCUSN through RAN In-
formation Management (RIM) procedure.

RAN Information Management (RIM) procedure

The NACC inter BSC between two PCUSNs is achieved through the implementation of
RAN Information Management (RIM) procedure, which allows the SI1/3/13 transfer be-
tween PCUSNs through Packet Core (SGSN). All the RIM protocol messages are trans-
ferred between the PCU and the SGSN using the signaling BVC.

The existing NACC features are enhanced to allow the NACC procedure between cells
managed by different BSCs linked to another PCUSN. NACC Inter BSC/Inter PCUSN
feature is an enhancement of the following features:

• NACC for release 4 MS.

• NACC Inter BSC/Intra PCUSN feature. For more information about this feature, refer
“50033 - NACC inter BSC/intra PCUSN” on page 21.

For more information about this feature, refer GSM BSS Fundamentals— Operating-
Principles (411-9001-007).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

22915 - Extended Uplink TBF

Extended UL TBF feature enables the system to keep the uplink resources to the mobile
station during temporary inactive periods where the mobile station has no RLC data
blocks to send. The maximum of The Extented UL TBF period (tNwExtUtbft) is 5 sec.
An extended Uplink TBF allows the mobile station to use the same uplink TBF for sub-
sequent data transfer. It does not require re-establishment for another UL TBF hence
saving the TBF establishment time, and as a result increasing the throughput. The TBF
will be released at a point determined by the PCU.

In the specific context of “ETCS2 over GPRS”, the feature Extended UL TBF has been
identified as essential to fulfill the requested performances, in terms of “time to deliver”.
Extended UL TBF is used to maintain the TBF alive and the inactivity timer must be set
to a value bigger than the maximum duration between 2 ETCS2 uplink messages. This
duration can be bigger than the recommended 3GPP maximum value, i.e 5 seconds.
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The enhancement is to extend this period (tNwExtUtbft) up to 20s.

With a PCUSN V18.0 PC5, the values 251, 252, 253, 254 and 255 of the tNwExtUtbft
parameter (during inactivity period timer) have been changed. For more information
about the parameter changes, refer GSM BSS Parameter reference (411-9001-124).

For more information about this feature, refer GSM BSS Fundamentals— Operating
Principles (411-9001-007).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

50035 - OMC-R installation on any SPARC platform

In combined OMC-R server configuration (Oracle T3-2 server), the OMC-R application and
all third party softwares can be installed in a virtual machine on any SPARC platform, which
supports virtualization. Installing the OMC-R application in a virtual machine makes the ap-
plication to be independent of server’s hardware type and also allows to use the virtual ma-
chines as a platform for OMC-R.

The new installation procedure of OMC-R application is applicable only to Combined
OMC-R server configuration (virtual environment).

For more information about Combined OMC-R server configuration, refer GSM OMC-R
Fundamentals (411-9001-006).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

50025 - Distinguish TX versus Rx fault at IOM

From P&C5 in simplex optical fiber connection to IOM, it is possible to identify the faulty
optical fiber cable (Tx/Rx). For more information about identifying the faulty optical fiber ca-
ble, refer Fault number: 2047 for BSC 3000 and TCU 3000 in GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000
Fault Clearing (411-9001-131).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

50037, 50042 - Linux x86 platform installation and Converged OAM

With the implementation of 50037 'x86 platform installation' and 50042 'Converged
OAM' features, it is possible to run OMC-R application in a virtual environment on an x86
64-bit architecture, independently of server type.

Running the OMC-R application in a virtual environment makes the application indepen-
dent of the underlying hardware and to co-allocate different OAM applications (Carri-
erNMS, RPM, CBM, and HLR-DS) on the same server. For more information about
running the OMC-R in Converged OAM Virtual Environments, refer to Virtualization of
OAM Applications (OMC-R, HLR-DS and CBM) - 411-9001-901.

This document is not impacted by this feature.

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50026 - BTS-R System Introduction

BTS-R is a new BTS, and it is dedicated to railways customers in the R-GSM frequency
band. BTS-R is a GSM-R modular base station split into its digital part in one location, and
its RF parts in remote locations. For more information about BTS-R and its modules, refer
to GSM BTS-R Fundamentals (411-9001-250).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

50236 - ER-GSM 900 introduction on BTS-R

ER-GSM feature provides an operator with an additional 3 MHz (thereby 15 new carri-
ers) to the existing R-GSM frequencies in uplink and downlink directions. ER-GSM fea-
ture enables the operator to overcome to address voice and circuit data capacity issues
even in remote spots such as shunting area and also help to reduce interferences al-
lowed by the addition of channels.

For more information about ER-GSM feature, refer to GSM BSS Fundamentals - Oper-
ating Principles (411-9001-007).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

50069 - BSC Disaster Recovery Improvement

BSC Disaster Recovery Improvement feature is an automatic process that recovers the
service of a crashed or halted BSC to a spare BSC (DR BSC) using the BDA backup
file. This procedure reduces the recovery time closer to 15 minutes which was earlier
performed manually and took more than one hour for the recovery.

Service interruption
The possible service on the DR BSC will be interrupted as long as the
DR BSC is used to “replace” the failed one.

This feature is applicable only for BSC 3000.

For more information about the BSC Disaster Recovery Improvement, refer to GSM
BSS Fundamentals—Operating Principles (411-9001-007).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

SNMP Northbound Interface of the OMC-R

SNMP Northbound Interface of the OMC-R feature is used on OMC-R running on Linux
OS and X86 architecture. Alternately, the OMC-R running on Solaris OS and the
SPARC architecture uses CMIP protocol and the SNMP Northbound interface feature is
not applicable.

SNMP Northbound Interface feature provides a part of functionality available in the Q3

interface over CMIP. Unlike the Q3 interface which provides configuration, fault, and
performance management data, the SNMP interface provides only the fault manage-
ment data. This includes OMC-R alarms, notifications, and state change events but the
values of object parameters or counter values collected from the equipment are not pro-
vided through SNMP. Fault management data is sent by the OMC-R in the form of
SNMP v2 traps and the list of current OMC-R alarms can be obtained by requesting a
content of an SNMP table.
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For more information about SNMP Northbound Interface of the OMC-R, refer to GSM
OMC-R Troubleshooting (411-9001-032).

This document is not impacted by this feature.

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This document contains the fault number description and the maintenance actions re-
quired for the S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS.

It is recommended that the readers also become familiar with the following technical

• GSM BSS Documentation roadmap (411-9001-000)

• GSM BSS Overview (411-9001-001)

• GSM BSS Fault Management — Maintenance Principles (411-9001-039)

• GSM BTS S8000 / S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048)

• GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting (411-9001-084)

• GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting (411-9001-085)

• GSM BSC 12000HC/TCU 2G Fault Clearing (411-9001-101)

• GSM BSS Fault Clearing — Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)

• GSM BSS Performance Management — Observation Counters Dictionary (411-


• GSM OMC-R Commands Reference – Objects and Fault menus (411-9001-128)

• GSM BSC 3000 / TCU 3000 Troubleshooting (411-9001-132)

This document consists of 2 chapters:

• Chapter 1 “How to use this manual” on page 29, describes how to use this mainte-
nance manual.

• Chapter 2 “S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS fault numbers” on page 32, con-
tains the fault number description and the corrective maintenance procedures appli-
cable to the S8000, S8002, S8003 and S8006 BTS.

Safety regulations
All the following steps must be taken during the various cabinet maintenance proce-
dures in order to guarantee personnel and equipment safety.

Account must be taken of the following aspects:

• general personnel safety instructions

• equipment safety instructions

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Precautionary messages
Caution, warning, and danger messages indicate possible risks.

Impact on the service and on the equipment

Electric shock

Environment and personnel protection

ESDS handling precautions

Personnel and equipment safety

General personnel safety instructions

The personnel must obey the safety instructions specific to the installation site:

• rules concerning the premises (see instructions posted on site or in the building)

• rules linked to the general personnel safety instructions

The personnel working on the cabinet must be authorized to work according to the se-
curity standards.

The cabinet main external power supply is switched off by opening the circuit breaker
on the operator box.

The mains power supply supplying the cabinet means that no work must be done on the
cabinet internal wiring without first cutting its external mains power supply.

This BTS has been evaluated under IEEE C95.1 requirements, regarding safety levels
with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 kHz to 300

The leakage fields and equivalent power densities are orders of magnitude less than the
maximum permissible exposures (MPEs) given in the IEEE safety guidelines.
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Working instructions
The personnel working on the cabinet must be authorized to work ac-
cording to the security standards.

ESDS handling precautions
During all maintenance interventions, and especially when handling the
boards, the operator must wear an antistatic bracelet.

Electric shock
Never replace a power supply when energized.

Equipment safety instructions

S8000 Outdoor BTS The maintenance of an S8000 Outdoor BTS is possible up to -40°
C (~ -40°F).

The BTS stays operational with the open doors at -10°C (~ -14°F) during three hours,
and at -40°C (~ -40°F) during one hour.

In the case of rainy or snowy weather, do not open the cabinet doors without a tent set
up beforehand.

Electric shock
Ensure that the unused power cable for the Type F power supply module
is capped and secured before powering up the S8003 BTS and/or per-
forming any maintenance procedure (see the following figure).
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Chapter 1. How to use this manual

1.1. Introduction
This manual contains the fault number description and the corrective maintenance pro-
cedures applicable to the S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS for single band GSM
850, 900, 1800, 1900, E--GSM 900, and GSM-R 900 frequency bands. GSM-R does not
apply to the S8006 BTS.

The general principles and messages required for BSS maintenance are described in
GSM BSS Fault Management - Maintenance Principles (411-9001-039).

The network maintenance is based on the graphical supervision of the network.

It is also based on the identification and the replacement of faulty items of equipment,
using the alarms and the notifications.

This process is divided into two steps:

• locating and identifying the faulty items of equipment, using information given in this

• replacing the faulty items of equipment, using the replacement procedures given in
the manuals that describe the on-site procedures

When a faulty item of equipment sends an alarm to the OMC-R, this alarm is identified
by a fault number. This manual gives the procedures associated with the various fault

Throughout this document (or section, as it applies), the terms DRX, e-DRX, DRX-ND3
and eDRX2 are used indistinctly as DRX unless the document makes a specific refer-

Alarm notifications and contents include specific information about the particular type of
equipment involved on the alarm. For example, alarms related to DRX-ND3 will include
this specific equipment type throughout the notification.

V15.0 introduced EDGE and other important features, together with DRX-ND3 full dif-
ferentiation. DRX-ND3 is not EDGE compatible. For all EDGE related alarms, the term
DRX does not include DRX-ND3. This equipment type solves obsolescence problems
with DRX.

1.2. The types of spontaneous messages

1.2.1. Events detected by the BTS
The following are types of spontaneous message:

• spontaneous messages indicating a hardware fault (fault number 1067)

• spontaneous messages indicating a hardware fault without loss of capacity, triggering

no defense actions on the part of the BSC. If there are defense actions, they are local
and controlled by the BTS (fault number 1067).

• spontaneous messages sent as a warning and indicating a transient event (fault num-
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ber 1060)

• spontaneous messages indicating the arrival of state changes on an equipment (fault

number 1058)

1.2.2. Events detected by the BSC

Spontaneous messages are sent by the BSC giving information on the state of relation-
ship with the BTS or part of it (1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1059, 1073).

1.3. Description of a fault number sheet

A corrective maintenance sheet contains the following information:

• the header

• the main body composed of eight main paragraphs explaining the fault number treat-

1.3.1. Header of the sheet

The header contains the following information:

• the fault number and possibly the source

• the alarm type

1.3.2. Main body of the sheet

The main body contains the following information:

• Fault analysis

This paragraph describes the fault.

• Reaction of the system

– BSC defense

This paragraph describes the defense actions taken by the BSC.

– Impact on the service

This paragraph gives the consequences of the alarm for the service.

• Troubleshooting

This paragraph gives the procedures to be followed to repair the fault and return to the
operational conditions.

– Preliminary checks

These checks are used to ensure that the fault is confirmed and that the messages
identifying a faulty element are in the OMC-R logs before the start of repair work.

– On-site maintenance (possibly using the OMC-R)

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This paragraph is used to start the repair work and to bring the exchanged element
into correct operation.

– Additional checks

This paragraph shows how to check that the fault has been cleared.

1.4. Help
The system provides the user with help at any time. For an in-depth discussion of Help,
refer to GSM OMC-R Commands Reference - Security, Administration, SMS-CB, and
Help menus (411-9001-130).

There are two kinds of help available:

• on-line help, available from the Help menu in the OMC-R Browser window, as well
as other windows

• the Consult BSS Documentation option of the workstation workspace pop-up menu
provides access to on-line BSS documentation stored on CD-ROM.

Both are provided on the same CD-ROM.

1.4.1. Loading the CD-ROM

To load the CD-ROM from the screen workspace menu, insert the CD-ROM in the OMC-
R server and/or workstation CD-ROM drive. Installation is complete when the light on
the CD-ROM drive is no longer lit.
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Chapter 2. S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS fault numbers

Throughout this document (or section, as it applies), the terms DRX, e-DRX, DRX-ND3
and eDRX2 are used indistinctly as DRX unless the document makes a specific refer-

Alarm notifications and contents include specific information about the particular type of
equipment involved on the alarm. For example, alarms related to DRX-ND3 will include
this specific equipment type throughout the notification.

V15.0 introduced EDGE and other important features, together with DRX-ND3 full dif-
ferentiation. DRX-ND3 is not EDGE compatible. For all EDGE related alarms, the term
DRX does not include DRX-ND3. This equipment type solves obsolescence problems
with DRX.

2.1. Fault number: 1051 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1051 : Loss of layer 3 with remote GSM entity
Type : communicationsAlarm

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).

2.2. Fault number: 1052 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1052 : GSM entity downloading failure
Type : communicationsAlarm/processingErrorAlarm/equipmentAlarm

This message identifies the impacted element but not the faulty element. It indicates a
software downloading error concerning a transceiverEquipment object or a btsSiteMan-
ager object.

All the software downloading attempts are indicated, as well as the source of their fail-

Table 1., “Fault number 1052 sources,” on page 33 indicates all the sources of the fault
number 1052 for the S8000 Outdoor and Indoor BTSs with the BCF or CBCF, the S8002
BTSs, the S8003 indoor BTSs, and the S8006 BTSs. For more information on each
source, refer to the indicated paragraph to know the corrective maintenance procedure
associated with this source.
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
0 No response to status request “Source 0: No response to
status request” on page 41
1 Bad hardware reference of “Source 1: Bad hardware
manufacturer ID reference of manufacturer ID”
on page 43
2 SUP stop receipt “Source 2: SUP stop receipt” on
page 45
3 No change to one of BOOT states after “Source 3: No change to one of
reset BOOT states after reset” on
page 47
4 This entity is engaged in another “Source 4: This entity is
downloading engaged in another
downloading Source 8: Wrong
software reference on a non
downloadable TEI” on page 50
5 Software not compatible with hardware “Source 5: Software not
compatible with hardware” on
page 52
6 File access error “Source 6: File access error” on
page 56
7 Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ... ) “Source 7: Repetitive errors
while downloading a file (NACK, timeout, ...) while
downloading a file” on page 58
8 Wrong software reference on a non “Source 4: This entity is
downloadable TEI engaged in another
downloading Source 8: Wrong
software reference on a non
downloadable TEI” on page 50
9 No response to download message “Source 9: No response to
download message” on
page 58
14 CSM load container negative “Source 14: Received CSM
acknowledgement LOAD CONTAINER NAK” on
page 60
15 File to download empty “Source 15: File to download
empty” on page 62
16 File to download unavailable “Source 16: File to download
unavailable” on page 64
17 Buffer allocation failure “Source 17: Buffer allocation
failure” on page 65
18 Bad sending buffer size value “Source 18: Bad sending buffer
size value” on page 67
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
19 Failure during OMU switchover “Source 19: Failure during OMU
switchover” on page 69
20 Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM “Source 20: Bad TEI sent by
software update report message BTS in the CSM software
update report message” on
page 71
21 CSM software update report with the “Source 21: CSM software
cause "unknown TEI" update report with the cause -
unknown TEI -” on page 73
22 CSM software update report with the “Source 22: CSM software
cause "equipment failure" update report with the cause -
equipment failure -” on page 75
23 CSM software update report with the “Source 23: CSM software
cause "downloading failure" update report with the cause -
downloading failure -” on
page 77
24 CSM software update report with the “Source 24: CSM software
cause "not able to perform" update report with the cause -
not able to perform-” on
page 79
25 CSM software update report with the “Source 25: CSM software
cause "wrong soft ref" update report with the cause -
wrong software reference -” on
page 81
26 CSM software update report with the “Source 26: CSM software
cause "wrong config ref" update report with the cause -
wrong configuration reference -
” on page 83
27 CSM software update report with the “Source 27: CSM software
cause "restart request" update report with the cause -
restart request -” on page 85
28 CSM software update report with the “Source 28: CSM software
cause "data inconsistency" update report with the cause -
data inconsistency -” on
page 87
29 CSM software update report with the “Source 29: CSM software
cause "message out of sequence" update report with the cause -
message out of sequence -” on
page 89
30 CSM software update report with the “Source 30: CSM software
cause "background not available" update report with the cause -
background not available -” on
page 91
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
31 CSM software update report with the “Source 31: CSM software
cause "incompatible RM version" update report with the cause -
incompatible RM version -” on
page 93
32 CSM software update report with the “Source 32: CSM software
cause "downloading in progress" update report with the cause -
downloading in progress -” on
page 95
33 Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM “Source 33: Bad report sent by
software update report message BTS in the CSM software
update report message” on
page 97
34 no BTS response on CSM software “Source 34: No BTS response
update init/control message on CSM software update init-
control message” on page 99
35 nack received on the abort requested “Source 35: Nack received on
by operator the abort requested by
operator” on page 101
36 bad report sent by BTS in the CSM “Source 36: Bad report sent by
software update abort message BTS in the CSM software
update abort message” on
page 103
37 no BTS response on CSM software “Source 37: No BTS response
update abort message on CSM software update abort
message” on page 105
38 flash activate nack with the cause “Source 38: Flash activate nack
"unknown TEI" with the cause - unknown TEI -”
on page 107
39 flash activate nack with the cause “Source 39: Flash activate nack
"equipment failure" with the cause - equipment
failure -” on page 109
40 flash activate nack with the cause “Source 40: Flash activate nack
"downloading failure" with the cause - downloading
failure -” on page 111
41 flash activate nack with the cause "not “Source 41: Flash activate nack
able to perform" with the cause - not able to
perform -” on page 113
42 flash activate nack with the cause "flash “Source 42: Flash activate nack
inconsistency" with the cause - flash
inconsistency -” on page 115
43 flash activate nack with the cause "data “Source 43: Flash activate nack
inconsistency" with the cause - data
inconsistency -” on page 117
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
44 flash activate nack with the cause “Source 44: Flash activate nack
"wrong soft ref" with the cause - wrong soft ref -
” on page 119
45 Flash activate nack with the cause “Source 45: Flash activate nack
"wrong config ref" with the cause - wrong config
ref -” on page 121
46 CSM downloading start nack with the “Source 46: CSM downloading
cause "unknown TEI" start nack with the cause -
unknown TEI --” on page 123
47 CSM downloading start nack with the “Source 47: CSM downloading
cause "equipment failure" start nack with the cause -
equipment failure -” on
page 125
48 CSM downloading start nack with the “Source 48: CSM downloading
cause "downloading failure" start nack with the cause -
downloading failure” on
page 127
49 CSM downloading start nack with the “Source 49: CSM downloading
cause "message out of sequence" start nack with the cause -
message out of sequence -” on
page 129
50 CSM downloading start nack with the “Source 50: CSM downloading
cause "wrong soft ref" start nack with the cause -
wrong soft ref -” on page 131
51 CSM downloading start nack with the “Source 51: CSM downloading
cause "wrong config ref" start nack with the cause -
wrong config ref -” on page 133
52 CSM downloading start nack with a bad “Source 52: CSM downloading
cause start nack with a bad cause” on
page 135
53 no BTS response on CSM downloading “Source 53: No BTS response
start message on CSM downloading start
message” on page 137
54 CSM downloading end nack with the “Source 54: CSM downloading
cause "unknown TEI" end nack with the cause -
unknown TEI -” on page 139
55 CSM downloading end nack with the “Source 55: CSM downloading
cause "equipment failure" end nack with the cause -
equipment failure -” on
page 141
56 CSM downloading end nack with the “Source 56: CSM downloading
cause "downloading failure" end nack with the cause -
downloading failure -” on
page 143
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
57 CSM downloading end nack with the “Source 57: CSM downloading
cause "value out of range" end nack with the cause - value
out of range -” on page 145
58 CSM downloading end nack with a bad “Source 58: CSM downloading
cause end nack with a bad cause” on
page 147
59 No BTS response on CSM downloading “Source 59: No BTS response
end message on CSM downloading end
message” on page 149
60 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 60: CSM load init nack
"equipment failure" with the cause - equipment
failure” on page 151
61 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 61: CSM load init nack
"downloading failure" with the cause - downloading
failure -” on page 153
62 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 62: CSM load init nack
"message out of sequence" with the cause - message out of
sequence -” on page 155
63 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 63: CSM load init nack
"wrong file ref" with the cause - wrong file ref -”
on page 157
64 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 64: CSM load init nack
"window size not allow" with the cause - window size
not allowed -” on page 159
65 CSM load init nack with the cause "data “Source 65: CSM load init nack
format error" with the cause - data format
error” on page 161
66 CSM load init nack with a bad cause “Source 66: CSM load init nack
with a bad cause” on page 163
67 No BTS response on CSM load init “Source 67: No BTS response
message on CSM load init message” on
page 165
68 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 68: CSM load data
"equipment failure" nack with the cause -
equipment failure -” on
page 167
69 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 69: CSM load data
"downloading failure" nack with the cause -
downloading failure -” on
page 169
70 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 70: CSM load data
"message out of sequence" nack with the cause - message
out of sequence -” on page 171
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
71 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 71: CSM load data
"data format error" nack with the cause - data
format error -” on page 173
72 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 72: CSM load data
"window overflow" nack with the cause - window
overflow -” on page 175
73 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 73: CSM load data
"data inconsistency" nack with the cause - data
inconsistency -” on page 177
74 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 74: CSM load data
"block not received" nack with the cause - block not
received -” on page 179
75 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 75: CSM load data
"bad block tag" nack with the cause - bad block
tag -” on page 181
76 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 76: CSM load data
"checksum error" nack with the cause - checksum
error” on page 183
77 CSM load data nack with a bad cause “Source 77: CSM load data
nack with a bad cause” on
page 185
78 unexpected CSM load data ack “Source 78: Unexpected CSM
load data ack” on page 187
79 no BTS response on CSM load data “Source 79: No BTS response
message on CSM load data message” on
page 189
80 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 80: CSM load end nack
"equipment failure" with the cause - equipment
failure -” on page 191
81 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 81: CSM load end nack
"downloading failure" with the cause - downloading
failure -” on page 193
82 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 82: CSM load end nack
"value out of range" with the cause - value out of
range -” on page 195
83 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 83: CSM load end nack
"message out of sequence" with the cause - message out of
sequence -” on page 197
84 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 84: CSM load end nack
"data format error" with the cause - data format
error” on page 199
85 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 85: CSM load end nack
"wrong file ref" with the cause - wrong file ref -”
on page 201
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
86 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 86: CSM load end nack
"data inconsistency" with the cause - data
inconsistency -” on page 203
87 CSM load end nack with the cause “Source 87: CSM load end nack
"checksum error" with the cause - checksum error
-” on page 205
88 CSM load end nack with a bad cause “Source 88: CSM load end nack
with a bad cause” on page 207
89 no BTS response on CSM load end “Source 89: No BTS response
message on CSM load end message” on
page 209
90 bad report sent by BTS during an “Source 90: Bad report sent by
internal update BTS during an internal update”
on page 211
91 CSM load init nack with the cause "file “Source 91: CSM load init nack
already open" with the cause - file already
open” on page 213
92 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 92: CSM load init nack
"invalid mode" with the cause - invalid mode -”
on page 215
93 CSM load init nack with the cause "file “Source 93: CSM load init nack
cannot be unloaded" with the cause - file cannot be
unloaded -” on page 217
94 CSM load init nack with the cause “Source 94: CSM load init nack
"flash flag cannot access" with the cause - flash flag
cannot access -” on page 219
95 CSM load data nack with the cause "file “Source 95: CSM load data
cannot be unloaded" nack with the cause - file cannot
be unloaded -” on page 221
96 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 96: CSM load data
"flash flag cannot access" nack with the cause - flash flag
cannot access -” on page 223
97 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 97: CSM load data
"boot cannot be unloaded" nack with the cause - boot
cannot be unloaded -” on
page 225
98 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 98: CSM load data
"data decode error" nack with the cause - data
decode error -” on page 227
99 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 99: CSM load data
"table cannot access" nack with the cause - table
cannot access -” on page 229
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TABLE 1. Fault number 1052 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
100 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 100: CSM load data
"ram mapping error" nack with the cause - RAM
mapping error -” on page 231
101 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 101: CSM load data
"flash access error" nack with the cause - flash
access error -” on page 233
102 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 102: CSM load data
"flash ram error" nack with the cause - flash
RAM error -” on page 235
103 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 103: CSM load data
"flash erase error" nack with the cause - flash
erase error -” on page 237
104 CSM load data nack with the cause “Source 104: CSM load data
"internal abort" nack with the cause - internal
abort” on page 239
105 CSM flash activate response with a bad “Source 105: CSM flash
cause activate response with a bad
cause” on page 241
106 DTM error during token allocation “Source 106: DTM error during
token allocation” on page 243
107 CSM software update report with the “Source 107: CSM software
cause: TRX software incompatibility update report with the cause:
TRX software incompatibility”
on page 245
108 Too many different deliveries in the cell “Source 108: Too many
group different deliveries in the cell
group” on page 247


BSC defense
The BSC attempts a maximum of five BCF or TRX software downloading. If the five at-
tempts fail, the BSC sends a fault number 1052 and a state change on the btsSiteMan-
ager object to "disabled-failed".

Impact on the service

• For the btsSiteManager object

The site is not downloaded.

Service interruption

• For the transceiverEquipment object

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The TRX is not downloaded. One TDMA is not configured.

Service reduction

2.2.1. Source 0: No response to status request

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (0) No response to status request
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the BTS has not replied to the status request.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– Go to step 4.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.
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- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– Go to step 4.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.
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4. The procedure is complete.

2.2.2. Source 1: Bad hardware reference of manufacturer ID

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (1) Bad hardware reference of manufacturer ID
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the first downloading attempt failed.

The alarm indicates that the "hardwareRef" parameter, obtained by performing the "Dis-
play" command on the btsSiteManager object and the transceiverEquipment object, is
not in accordance with the PROM numbers on the boards.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning PC-

Ms. See GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.
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- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2). See GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (seeGSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 6.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.
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For the btsSiteManager object

4. Set the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter to "0".

5. The procedure is complete.

For the transceiverEquipment object

6. Modify the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter: set it to "0".

7. The procedure is complete.

2.2.3. Source 2: SUP stop receipt

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (2) SUP stop receipt
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that a supervision stop has been received.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.
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– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).
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• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

2.2.4. Source 3: No change to one of BOOT states after reset

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (2) SUP stop receipt
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006 FAULT ANALYSIS

This source indicates that no change occurred to one of the Boot states, after reset.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Clear the alarm and go to step 8.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", and if there

are other alarms which could impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteMan-
ager object and then unlock it. If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source
3 is still present, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them. Con-
cerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.
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3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled" the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Set the operationalState of the entity concerned to "locked" then "unlocked" to restart
the downloading.

• If the alarm persists, check if the source 1 appears.

– If the source 1 appears, treat it. See Paragraph “Source 1: Bad hardware refer-
ence of manufacturer ID” on page 43.
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– If the source 1 does not appear, go to step 5 if the btsSiteManager object is con-
cerned, or step 6 if the transceiverEquipment object is concerned.

• If the alarm has disappeared, the downloading has restarted. Go to step 8.

5. Reset the following items of equipment:

• for the S8000 BTS, the active CSWM board of the BCF or the active CMCF board of
the CBCF

• for the S8002 BTS and the S8006 BTS, the active CMCF board

If the alarm persists, go to step 7. Otherwise, go to step 8.

6. Reset the DRXs.

If the alarm persists, go to step 7. Otherwise, go to step 8.

7. Replace successively the following items of equipment until the alarm disappears:

• for the S8000 BTS:

– the active CSWM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the BCF: refer to 411-9001-
048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) or the active CMCF board
(Field Replaceable Unit) of the CBCF: refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting)

– then, if necessary, the DRXs (Field Replaceable Unit): refer to 411-9001-048

(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting)

• for the S8002 BTS:

– the active CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the CBCF: refer to GSM BTS
S8002 Troubleshooting (411-9001-084)

– then, if necessary, the DRXs (Field Replaceable Unit): refer to GSM BTS S8002
Troubleshooting (411-9001-084)

• for the S8003 BTS:

– the active CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the CBCF: Refer to GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

– then, if necessary, the DRXs (Field Replaceable Unit): Refer to GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

• for the S8006 BTS:

– the active CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the CBCF: refer to 411-9001-
085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting)

– then, if necessary, the DRXs (Field Replaceable Unit): refer to 411-9001-085

(GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting)
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If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8. Otherwise, call the manufacturer.

8. The procedure is complete.

2.2.5. Source 4: This entity is engaged in another downloading Source 8: Wrong

software reference on a non downloadable TEI

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (4) This entity is engaged in another downloading
Source: (8) Wrong software reference on a non
downloadable TEI
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006 FAULT ANALYSIS

This source indicates that this entity is engaged in another downloading.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Clear the alarm and go to step 4.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", and if there

are other alarms which could impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteMan-
ager object, and then unlock it.

– If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 4 or 8 is still present,
process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), see GSM BSS Fault Clearing -
Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational.

Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled" the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Restart the active board of the BCF.

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• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the alarm persists:

– For the BSC 3000, call the manufacturer.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.2.6. Source 5: Software not compatible with hardware

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (5) Software not compatible with hardware
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006 FAULT ANALYSIS

This source indicates that the software is not compatible with the hardware.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, check whether the "DRX automatic

downloading" is activated or not:

– If the "DRX automatic downloading" is activated, go to step 8.

– If the "DRX automatic downloading" is not activated, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operation-

al. Clear the alarm and go to step 8.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site

is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

— If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning PCMs

(see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

— If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms con-
cerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", and if there is

an alarm with the fault number 1054, followed by alarms with fault numbers 1051, 1052,
1053, lock the btsSiteManager object, and then unlock it. If the alarm with the fault num-
ber 1052 and the source 5 is still present, process the alarm. Go to step 4.
Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing
- Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not oper-
ational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

– If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled" the TRX

is not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state
change of the transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Check that the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter is consistent with the PROM
numbers on the boards, by performing a "Display" command on the btsSiteManager
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• If the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter is set to 0:

– set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"

– set the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter to the one indicated in the notifi-

– set the btsSiteManager object to "unlocked"

• If the value of the "hardwareRef" parameter is correct, go to step 5.

5. Ensure the EFT is correct by checking the value of the "swVersionRunning" param-
eter by performing the "Display" command on the software object associated with the
bsc object.

• If this is the case, set the object concerned to "locked" then "unlocked".

– If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

• If this is not the case, go to step 6.

6. Set the object concerned to "locked".

7. Download the correct EFT on the item of equipment according to the following values.

Field Meaning Value

XXX Type of software BCF : CBC
ab Version number [00 .. 32]
c Sub-version number CBC : [A .. H]
DRX : [A .. H]
CDR : [A .. H]
EDG : [A .. H]
d Edition number CBC : [1 .. 8]
DRX : [1 .. 8]
CDR : [1 .. 8]
EDG : [1 .. 8]
ef Revision factor CBC : [0 .. 32]
DRX : [0 .. 32]
CDR : [0 .. 32]
EDG : [0 .. 32]

• If the name of the EFT is correct, call the manufacturer.

• Otherwise, modify the value and set the object concerned to "unlocked".

8. If the "Automatic downloading" is activated, the OMC-R starts to perform the down-
loading just after it received fault number 1052 cause 5:
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a. The OMC-R reads the BTS hardware reference quoted in the fault number.

b. The OMC-R deduces the name of the EFT to be downloaded from a correspon-
dence table.

c. The OMC-R searches for the EFT in its database:

• If it does not find one, the OMC-R goes to step 9.

• If it finds one and only one, the OMC-R goes to step 10.

• If it finds more than one, it lets the operator choose.

A critical alarm with fault number 30076 is emitted to report that the automatic down-
loading failed (see 411-9001-032 (GSM OMC-R Routine Maintenance and Trouble-

9. The OMC-R searches for the delivery name of the BTS the DRX belongs to. Then,
for all BTS with the same delivery name under the same BSC, the OMC-R searches
for the right EFT.

• If it finds one and only one, it selects it. Then it goes to step 10.

• If it does not find one, the OMC-R searches for an EFT suitable to all the BTS with
the same delivery name in all the BSC.

– If it finds one and only one, it selects it. Then it goes to step 10.

– If it finds more than one, or none, it lets the operator choose. A critical alarm with
fault number 30076 is emitted to report that the automatic downloading failed
(see 411-9001-032 (GSM OMC-R Routine Maintenance and Troubleshooting)).

10. The OMC-R starts to download the selected EFT:

a. If necessary, it downloads the selected EFT to the BSC disc.

b. It locks the related transceiverEquipment object instance

c. It sets the sWVersionNew parameter of the new transceiverEquipment software

object with the new EFT name.

d. It activates the new version.

e. It unlocks the related transceiverEquipment object instance.

f. As a consequence, the fault number 1052 with cause 5 is automatically cleared.

11. The procedure is complete.

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2.2.7. Source 6: File access error

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (6) File access error
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the first downloading attempt has failed. The BSC does not
find the software files in one partition of its hard disk.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Clear the alarm and go to step 6.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", and if there

are other alarms which could impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteMan-
ager object, and then unlock it.

– If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 6 is still present, process
the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.
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• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled" the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Download the software from the MD at the OMC-R to the BSC disk partition:

• To download a BCF software, refer to the downloading procedure.

• To download a TRX software, refer to the downloading procedure.

• Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or transceiverEquipment object).

• Unlock the object concerned.

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

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– If the alarm persists:

- For the BSC 3000, call the manufacturer.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.2.8. Source 7: Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a file

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (7) Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ...) while downloading a file
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the downloading failed after repetitive downloading errors.
The probable cause could be corresponding software corrupted in BTS active BSC cor-

Preliminary checks

1. Lock the btsSiteManager

• Cleanup the corresponding BTS software from BSC.

• Download the software from the MD at the OMC-R to the BSC disk partition.

• Activate the software.

• Unlock the btsSiteManager.

2. The procedure is complete.

2.2.9. Source 9: No response to download message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (9) No response to download message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the BTS has not replied to a download message.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

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2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

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– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

2.2.10. Source 14: Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (14) Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This message is received after attempts to download the software are failed by the BSC.
This source is because the Load file of TRX/BCF residing in the BSC is corrupt.

Preliminary checks

1. Check the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the “Display all” command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Clear the alarm and go to step 6.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", and if there

are other alarms which could impact the operation of the site, lock the btsSiteMan-
ager object, and then unlock it.

• If the alarm with the fault number 1052 and the source 6 is present, process the alarm.
Go to step 4.

• if there are other alarms, such as fault number 1054, process them (concerning fault
number 1054 (loss of layer 2), see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Mainte-
nance Procedures (411-9001-105)

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object that is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.
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• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Re-download the software from the MD at the OMC--R to the BSC disk partition:

• To download a BCF software, refer to the downloading procedure.

• To download a TRX software, refer to the downloading procedure.

5. Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or transceiverEquipment object).

6. Unlock the object concerned. If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.2.11. Source 15: File to download empty

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (15) File to download empty
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the file to download is empty.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.
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– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

2.2.12. Source 16: File to download unavailable

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (16) File to download unavailable
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the downloading attempt has failed because the file to be
downloaded cannot be found in the catalog file (either because the catalog file itself is
not valid, or the name of the file has been improperly copied in the BTS or BSC soft-

Preliminary checks

1. Cleanup the load from BTS partition of active BSC hard disk. Download the software
from the MD at the OMC-R to the BSC disk partition:

• To download a BCF software, refer to the downloading procedure in 411-9001-034

(GSM BSS Configuration - Operating Procedures).

• To download TRX software, refer to the downloading procedure in 411-9001-034

(GSM BSS Configuration - Operating Procedures).

• Lock the object concerned (either btsSiteManager or transceiverEquipment object).

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• Unlock the object concerned.

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

2. Perform one of the following:

• For the BSC 3000, call the manufacturer.

3. The procedure is complete.

2.2.13. Source 17: Buffer allocation failure

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (17) Buffer allocation failure
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a buffer allocation failure.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.
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– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).
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• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

2.2.14. Source 18: Bad sending buffer size value

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (18) Bad sending buffer size value
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad sending of the buffer size value.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.
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- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.
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4. The procedure is complete.

2.2.15. Source 19: Failure during OMU switchover

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (19) Failure during OMU switchover
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a failure during the OMU switchover.

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a faultnumber concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to 411-9001-105
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(GSM BSS FaultClearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures) ).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

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2.2.16. Source 20: Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software update report message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (14) Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad TEI sent by the BTS in the CSM software update report

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 72 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 73 of 656

2.2.17. Source 21: CSM software update report with the cause - unknown TEI -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (14) Received CSM LOAD CONTAINER NAK
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "unknown TEI".

Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 74 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (KapschGSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Main-
tenance Procedures) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 75 of 656

2.2.18. Source 22: CSM software update report with the cause - equipment failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (22) CSM software update report with the cause "equipment
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 76 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational.
Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 77 of 656

2.2.19. Source 23: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (23) CSM software update report with the cause "downloading
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "downloading fail-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 78 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 79 of 656

2.2.20. Source 24: CSM software update report with the cause - not able to perform-

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (24) CSM software update report with the cause "not able to
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "not able to per-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 80 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

- If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

- If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for

alarms concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 81 of 656

2.2.21. Source 25: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong software ref-
erence -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (25) CSM software update report with the cause "wrong software
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "wrong software ref-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 82 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 83 of 656

2.2.22. Source 26: CSM software update report with the cause - wrong configuration
reference -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (26) CSM software update report with the cause "wrong
configuration reference"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "wrong configuration


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 84 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 85 of 656

2.2.23. Source 27: CSM software update report with the cause - restart request -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (27) CSM software update report with the cause "restart request"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "restart request".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 86 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 87 of 656

2.2.24. Source 28: CSM software update report with the cause - data inconsistency -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (28) CSM software update report with the cause "data
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "data inconsisten-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 88 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 89 of 656

2.2.25. Source 29: CSM software update report with the cause - message out of se-
quence -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (29) CSM software update report with the cause "message out
of sequence"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "message out of se-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 90 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 91 of 656

2.2.26. Source 30: CSM software update report with the cause - background not
available -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (30) CSM software update report with the cause "background
not available"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "background not


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 92 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 93 of 656

2.2.27. Source 31: CSM software update report with the cause - incompatible RM
version -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (31) CSM software update report with the cause "incompatible
RM version"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "incompatible RM


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 94 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 95 of 656

2.2.28. Source 32: CSM software update report with the cause - downloading in
progress -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (32) CSM software update report with the cause "downloading in
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause "downloading in


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 96 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 97 of 656

2.2.29. Source 33: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report mes-

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (33) Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update report
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad report sent by the BTS in the CSM software update report


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 98 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 99 of 656

2.2.30. Source 34: No BTS response on CSM software update init-control message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (34) No BTS response on CSM software update init/control
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates no BTS response on the CSM software update init/control mes-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 100 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 101 of 656

2.2.31. Source 35: Nack received on the abort requested by operator

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (35) Nack received on the abort requested by operator
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that a Nack has been received on the abort requested by operator.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 102 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 103 of 656

2.2.32. Source 36: Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort mes-

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (36) Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software update abort
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad report sent by the BTS in the CSM software update abort


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

con cerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 104 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 105 of 656

2.2.33. Source 37: No BTS response on CSM software update abort message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (37) No BTS response on CSM software update abort message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates no BTS response on CSM software update abort message.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 106 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 107 of 656

2.2.34. Source 38: Flash activate nack with the cause - unknown TEI -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (38) Flash activate nack with the cause "unknown TEI"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause unknown TEI.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 108 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 109 of 656

2.2.35. Source 39: Flash activate nack with the cause - equipment failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (39) Flash activate nack with the cause "equipment failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 110 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 111 of 656

2.2.36. Source 40: Flash activate nack with the cause - downloading failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (40) Flash activate nack with the cause "downloading failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "downloading failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 112 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 113 of 656

2.2.37. Source 41: Flash activate nack with the cause - not able to perform -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (41) Flash activate nack with the cause "not able to perform"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "not able to perform".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set thebtsSiteManager object to "locked"

and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 114 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 115 of 656

2.2.38. Source 42: Flash activate nack with the cause - flash inconsistency -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (42) Flash activate nack with the cause "flash inconsistency"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "flash inconsistency".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 116 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 117 of 656

2.2.39. Source 43: Flash activate nack with the cause - data inconsistency -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (43) Flash activate nack with the cause "data inconsistency"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "data inconsistency".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 118 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 119 of 656

2.2.40. Source 44: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong soft ref -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (44) Flash activate nack with the cause "wrong soft ref"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "wrong soft ref".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 120 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 121 of 656

2.2.41. Source 45: Flash activate nack with the cause - wrong config ref -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (45) Flash activate nack with the cause "wrong config ref"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash activate nack with the cause "wrong config ref".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 122 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 123 of 656

2.2.42. Source 46: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - unknown TEI --

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (46) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "unknown TEI"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause "unknown TEI".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 124 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 125 of 656

2.2.43. Source 47: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - equipment failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (47) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "equipment
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 126 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the TRX

is not operational.

— If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

— Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

– If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

– If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them (concern-
ing fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is not

operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

4 The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 127 of 656

2.2.44. Source 48: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - downloading failure

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (48) CSM downloading start nack with the cause - “downloading
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause "downloading fail-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 128 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 129 of 656

2.2.45. Source 49: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - message out of se-
quence -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (49) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "message out
of sequence"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause "message out of se-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 130 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 131 of 656

2.2.46. Source 50: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong soft ref -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (50) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong soft ref"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong soft ref".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

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Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 133 of 656

2.2.47. Source 51: CSM downloading start nack with the cause - wrong config ref -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (51) CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong config
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with the cause "wrong config ref".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 134 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concern ng fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 135 of 656

2.2.48. Source 52: CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (52) CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading start nack with a bad cause.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

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Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 137 of 656

2.2.49. Source 53: No BTS response on CSM downloading start message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (53) No BTS response on CSM downloading start message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates no BTS response on CSM downloading start message.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is"enabled", the site is operation-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 138 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 139 of 656

2.2.50. Source 54: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - unknown TEI -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (54) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "unknown TEI"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause "unknown TEI".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 140 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC isconcerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 141 of 656

2.2.51. Source 55: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - equipment failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (55) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "equipment
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 142 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 143 of 656

2.2.52. Source 56: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - downloading failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (56) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "downloading
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause "downloading fail-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 144 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 145 of 656

2.2.53. Source 57: CSM downloading end nack with the cause - value out of range -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (57) CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value out of
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with the cause "value out of range".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 146 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 147 of 656

2.2.54. Source 58: CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (58) CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 148 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not opera-
tional. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 149 of 656

2.2.55. Source 59: No BTS response on CSM downloading end message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (59) No BTS response on CSM downloading end message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates no BTS response on CSM downloading end message.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 150 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

- If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

- Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 151 of 656

2.2.56. Source 60: CSM load init nack with the cause - equipment failure

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (60) CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 152 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 153 of 656

2.2.57. Source 61: CSM load init nack with the cause - downloading failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (61) CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "downloading failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 154 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 155 of 656

2.2.58. Source 62: CSM load init nack with the cause - message out of sequence -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (62) CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "message out of sequence".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 156 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 157 of 656

2.2.59. Source 63: CSM load init nack with the cause - wrong file ref -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (63) CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file ref".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 158 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 159 of 656

2.2.60. Source 64: CSM load init nack with the cause - window size not allowed -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (64) CSM load init nack with the cause "window size not allowed"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "window size not allowed".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 160 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 161 of 656

2.2.61. Source 65: CSM load init nack with the cause - data format error

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (65) CSM load init nack with the cause "data format error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "data format error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 162 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is not

operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 163 of 656

2.2.62. Source 66: CSM load init nack with a bad cause

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (66) CSM load init nack with a bad cause
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with a bad cause.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 164 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 165 of 656

2.2.63. Source 67: No BTS response on CSM load init message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (67) No BTS response on CSM load init message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a No BTS response on CSM load init message.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 166 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 167 of 656

2.2.64. Source 68: CSM load data nack with the cause - equipment failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (68) CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

con cerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 168 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Mainte-
nance Procedures)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 169 of 656

2.2.65. Source 69: CSM load data nack with the cause - downloading failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (69) CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "downloading failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 170 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 171 of 656

2.2.66. Source 70: CSM load data nack with the cause - message out of sequence -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (70) CSM load data nack with the cause "message out of
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "message out of sequence".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 172 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 173 of 656

2.2.67. Source 71: CSM load data nack with the cause - data format error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (71) CSM load data nack with the cause "data format error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data format error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 174 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 175 of 656

2.2.68. Source 72: CSM load data nack with the cause - window overflow -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (72) CSM load data nack with the cause "window overflow"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "window overflow".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

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Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 177 of 656

2.2.69. Source 73: CSM load data nack with the cause - data inconsistency -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (73) CSM load data nack with the cause "data inconsistency"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data inconsistency".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 178 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 179 of 656

2.2.70. Source 74: CSM load data nack with the cause - block not received -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (74) CSM load data nack with the cause "block not received"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "block not received".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 180 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 181 of 656

2.2.71. Source 75: CSM load data nack with the cause - bad block tag -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (75) CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block tag"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "bad block tag".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 182 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 183 of 656

2.2.72. Source 76: CSM load data nack with the cause - checksum error

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (76) CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "checksum error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 184 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 185 of 656

2.2.73. Source 77: CSM load data nack with a bad cause

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (77) CSM load data nack with a bad cause
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause CSM load data nack
with a bad cause.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 186 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

(concernng fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 187 of 656

2.2.74. Source 78: Unexpected CSM load data ack

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (78) Unexpected CSM load data ack
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an unexpected CSM load data ack.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 188 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 189 of 656

2.2.75. Source 79: No BTS response on CSM load data message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (79) No BTS response on CSM load data message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates no BTS response on CSM load data message.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 190 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 191 of 656

2.2.76. Source 80: CSM load end nack with the cause - equipment failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (80) CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "equipment failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 192 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 193 of 656

2.2.77. Source 81: CSM load end nack with the cause - downloading failure -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (81) CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading failure"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "downloading failure".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 194 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 195 of 656

2.2.78. Source 82: CSM load end nack with the cause - value out of range -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (82) CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of range"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "value out of range".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 196 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC isc oncerned. Look for alarms
conerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 197 of 656

2.2.79. Source 83: CSM load end nack with the cause - message out of sequence -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (83) CSM load end nack with the cause "message out of
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "message out of sequence".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is enabled", the site is operation-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 198 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 199 of 656

2.2.80. Source 84: CSM load end nack with the cause - data format error

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (84) CSM load end nack with the cause "data format error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "data format error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 200 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 201 of 656

2.2.81. Source 85: CSM load end nack with the cause - wrong file ref -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (85) CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 202 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is"enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 203 of 656

2.2.82. Source 86: CSM load end nack with the cause - data inconsistency -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (86) CSM load end nack with the cause "data inconsistency"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "data inconsistency".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 204 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 205 of 656

2.2.83. Source 87: CSM load end nack with the cause - checksum error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (87) CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with the cause "checksum error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is disabled-failed", the site is not


– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 206 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 207 of 656

2.2.84. Source 88: CSM load end nack with a bad cause

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (88) CSM load end nack with a bad cause
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load end nack with a bad cause.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 208 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 209 of 656

2.2.85. Source 89: No BTS response on CSM load end message

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (89) No BTS response on CSM load end message
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates no BTS response on CSM load end message.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 210 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is “disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is op-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 211 of 656

2.2.86. Source 90: Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (90) Bad report sent by BTS during an internal update
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad report sent by BTS during an internal update.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 212 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 213 of 656

2.2.87. Source 91: CSM load init nack with the cause - file already open

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (91) CSM load init nack with the cause "file already open"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "file already open".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 214 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 215 of 656

2.2.88. Source 92: CSM load init nack with the cause - invalid mode -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (92) CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid mode".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 216 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 217 of 656

2.2.89. Source 93: CSM load init nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (93) CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be unloaded"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot be unloaded".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 218 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 219 of 656

2.2.90. Source 94: CSM load init nack with the cause - flash flag cannot access -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (94) CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag cannot
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag cannot access".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 220 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 221 of 656

2.2.91. Source 95: CSM load data nack with the cause - file cannot be unloaded -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (95) CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot be
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "file cannot be unloaded".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 222 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 223 of 656

2.2.92. Source 96: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash flag cannot access -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (85) CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file ref"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag cannot access".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 224 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 225 of 656

2.2.93. Source 97: CSM load data nack with the cause - boot cannot be unloaded -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (97) CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot be
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "boot cannot be unloaded".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 226 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 227 of 656

2.2.94. Source 98: CSM load data nack with the cause - data decode error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (98) CSM load data nack with the cause "data decode error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "data decode error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 228 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 229 of 656

2.2.95. Source 99: CSM load data nack with the cause - table cannot access -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (99) CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot access"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "table cannot access".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 230 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 231 of 656

2.2.96. Source 100: CSM load data nack with the cause - RAM mapping error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (100) CSM load data nack with the cause "RAM mapping error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "RAM mapping error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 232 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 233 of 656

2.2.97. Source 101: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash access error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (101) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash access error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 234 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 235 of 656

2.2.98. Source 102: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash RAM error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (102) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash RAM error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash RAM error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 236 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 237 of 656

2.2.99. Source 103: CSM load data nack with the cause - flash erase error -

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (103) CSM load data nack with the cause "flash erase error"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "flash erase error".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 238 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 239 of 656

2.2.100. Source 104: CSM load data nack with the cause - internal abort

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (104) CSM load data nack with the cause "internal abort"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM load data nack with the cause "internal abort".


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 240 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 241 of 656

2.2.101. Source 105: CSM flash activate response with a bad cause

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (105) CSM flash activate response with a bad cause
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM flash activate response with a bad cause.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 242 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 243 of 656

2.2.102. Source 106: DTM error during token allocation

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (106) DTM error during token allocation
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a DTM error during token allocation.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 244 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 245 of 656

2.2.103. Source 107: CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software in-

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (107) CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a CSM software update report with the cause: TRX software in-


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 246 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 247 of 656

2.2.104. Source 108: Too many different deliveries in the cell group

Fault number 1052 : GSM entity downloading failure

Source: (108) Too many different deliveries in the cell group
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates too many different deliveries in the cell group.


Preliminary checks

1. Look at the notification and identify the object concerned.

• If the btsSiteManager object is concerned, go to step 2.

• If the transceiverEquipment object is concerned, go to step 3.

2. Check the state of the site by performing the "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC .

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the btsSiteManager object to "locked"
and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 248 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object which is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. Treat

the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If a lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, treat the alarm. Go to step 4.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the falt number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, treat them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of
the transceiverEquipment object.

4. The procedure is complete.

Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 249 of 656

2.3. Fault number: 1053 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1053: GSM entity configuration regression
Type: qualityOfServiceAlarm

The BSC detects a difference of the state between that known by the BSC and that re-
ceived from the BTS after a status request.


BSC defense

The BSC tries to restart the BTS (either the btsSiteManager object or the transceiv-
erEquipment object), to download it, and to reconfigure it.

Impact on the service

• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
For as long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "dis-
abled-failed", the site is lost. No service is provided.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
For as long as the operationalState of the transceiverEquip ment object
is "disabled", the TRX and one TDMA are lost. The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Look for a fault number 1067 concerning an item of equipment of the object men-
tioned in the alarm (fault number 1053).

• If there is an alarm with the fault number 1067 concerning the CSW1/CSW2 boards,
process the alarm with the fault number 1067 first.

• If there is an alarm with the fault number 1067 concerning the transceiverEquipment
object (frame processor or RX module), process the alarm with the fault number
1067 first.

• If there are no alarms with the fault number 1067, go to step 2.

2. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 250 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Clear the alarm and go to step 4.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed".

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures
(411-9001-105) ).

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Go to step 3.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
erational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change of the
btsSiteManager object.

3. Wait for the end of restart. Then look for the origin of the problem by analyzing the
notification log and looking at the notifications with the fault number 1060 that indi-
cate the source of the BTS restart. Also check whether this is a recurring problem. If
the problem persists, call the manufacturer.

4. The procedure is complete.

2.4. Fault number: 1054 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1054: Loss of layer 2 (or no establishment) with remote GSM entity
Type: communicationsAlarm
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).

2.5. Fault number: 1055 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1055: Abis negative acknowledgement indication
Type: communicationsAlarm

The BSC sends a spontaneous message 1055 when it receives a non-acknowledge-

ment message (NACK) from a BTS after a configuration message.

The following indicates all the sources of the fault number 1055 for the S8000 Outdoor
and Indoor BTSs with the BCF or CBCF, the S8002 BTSs, the S8003 BTSs, and the
S8006 BTSs. For more information on each source, refer to the indicated paragraph to
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know the corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.

TABLE 2. Fault number 1055 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
1 Equipment failure “Source 1: Equipment failure” on page 254
2 Equipment unable to “Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such
perform such test test” on page 254
3 Equipment unable to “Source 3: Equipment unable to perform such
perform such configuration” on page 255
4 Unknown test “Source 4: Unknown test” on page 257
5 Cell parameters “Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency” on
inconsistency page 257
6 Data inconsistency “Source 6: Data inconsistency” on page 258
7 Value out of range “Source 7: Value out of range” on page 260
8 TEI not present “Source 8: TEI not present” on page 261
9 Unknown Abis “Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot”
PCM_Time_Slot on page 262
10 Unknown Abis PCM “Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM” on
page 262
11 Wrong software reference “Source 11: Wrong software reference” on
page 263
12 Further files required “Source 12: Further files required” on
page 263
13 Failure during activation “Source 13: Failure during activation” on
page 263
14 Data format error “Source 14: Data format error” on page 263
15 Window overflow “Source 15: Window overflow” on page 264
16 Normal completion “Source 16: Normal completion” on page 264
17 Transfer aborted “Source 17: Transfer aborted” on page 264
18 Checksum error “Source 18: Checksum error” on page 264
19 File incomplete “Source 19: File incomplete” on page 264
20 File already present and “Source 20: File already present and correct”
correct on page 265
21 File cannot be “Source 21: File cannot be downloaded” on
downloaded page 265
22 Entity engaged in other “Source 22: Entity engaged in other
download download” on page 265
23 Too many signaling “Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots” on
timeslots page 265
24 Too many TEI connection “Source 24: Too many TEI connections to
to physical channel physical channel” on page 266
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TABLE 2. Fault number 1055 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
25 Out of sequence “Source 25: Out of sequence message” on
message page 266
26 Incorrect IEI “Source 26: Incorrect IEI” on page 269
27 Wrong file reference “Source 27: Wrong file reference” on
page 269
28 Bad cell number “Source 28: Bad cell number” on page 269
29 Bad related TEI “Source 29: Bad related TEI” on page 269
30 Bad timeslot “Source 30: Bad timeslot” on page 269
31 Window size not allowed “Source 31: Window size not allowed” on
page 270
32 Flash boot required “Source 32: Flash boot required” on page 270
33 Wrong config reference “Source 33: Wrong config reference” on
page 270
34 The BTS has not “Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged
acknowledged the TX the TX power consign request” on page 270
power consign request
35 Downloading aborted “Source 35: Downloading aborted” on
page 276
36 Files missing “Source 36: Files missing” on page 276
37 Buffer overflow “Source 37: Buffer overflow” on page 276
38 Block not received “Source 38: Block not received” on page 276
39 Downloading restart “Source 39: Downloading restart” on
page 276
40 Request not supported “Source 40: Request not supported” on
page 277
41 Downloading failure “Source 41: Downloading failure” on
page 277
42 Start-up failure “Source 42: Start-up failure” on page 277
43 Maximum number of “Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS” on
joker TS page 277
44 Bad chain type “Source 44: Bad chain type” on page 280
45 Bad radio timeslot “Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference” on
reference page 280
46 Bad internal Link EDGE “Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE
configuration configuration” on page 280
47 Inconsistency mapping “Source 47: Inconsistency mapping” on
page 281
48 Inconsistency number of “Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker
joker DS0 DS0” on page 281
49 Invalid mode “Source 49: Invalid mode” on page 281
50 File already open “Source 50: File already open” on page 281
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TABLE 2. Fault number 1055 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
51 File cannot be unloaded “Source 51: File cannot be unloaded” on
page 281
52 Boot cannot be unloaded “Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded” on
page 282
53 Data decode error “Source 53: Data decode error” on page 282
54 Flash flag cannot access “Source 54: Flash flag cannot access” on
page 282
55 Table cannot access “Source 55: Table cannot access” on
page 282
56 RAM mapping error “Source 56: RAM mapping error” on
page 282
57 Flash access error “Source 57: Flash access error” on page 283
58 Flash write error “Source 58: Flash write error” on page 283
59 Flash erase error “Source 59: Flash erase error” on page 283
60 Internal abort “Source 60: Internal abort” on page 283
61 Equipment not able to get “Source 61: Equipment not able to get
external synchronization external synchronization” on page 283
62 Synchronization in “Source 62: Synchronization in progress” on
progress page 284
63 Dynamic Abis feature not “Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not
supported supported” on page 284
64 Inconsistent number of “Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker
Joker DS0 DS0” on page 285
65 Exceeded DL joker DS0 “Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool
pool number number” on page 287
255 Non-significant value “Source 255: Non-significant value” on
page 288

The fault can be located on one of the following:

• the btsSiteManager

• the bts

• the transceiver

• the transceiverEquipment
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2.5.1. Source 1: Equipment failure

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (1) Equipment failure
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an equipment failure.

2.5.2. Source 2: Equipment unable to perform such test

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (2) Equipment unable to perform such test
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the PCM number, the cell number, and/or the number of time
slots declared at the OMC-R are higher than those of the hardware configuration of the


BSC defense


• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.
No service is provided.

• For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.
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• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.


Modify the parameters declared at the OMC-R.

2.5.3. Source 3: Equipment unable to perform such configuration

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (3) Equipment unable to perform such configuration
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the TRX configuration is not possible because of a DRX fre-
quency band error.

The different sources of non-acknowledgement are:

• the DRX is configured in an extended cell and the hardware does not support this

• the defined frequency range is not compatible with the radio board version

• the number of PCMs, or cells, or signaling TSs is too large according to the hardware

• one or more frequencies mismatch the DRX frequency band

• the equipment is unable to perform such configuration. A wrong external alarm mask
can generate this notification

• the number of requested pools is more than the maximum number of supported pools

• more than 16 EDGE TRX in a "dynamic Abis" site


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned by the alarm.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.
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1. Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dc-

• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command

on the transceiverEquipment object.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX is "gsm850".

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX is PCS.

• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command

on the transceiverEquipment object.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX is PCS.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX is "gsm850".

• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on

the transceiverEquipment object.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX is GSM.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX is DCS.

• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on

the transceiverEquipment object.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX is DCS.

– If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX is GSM.

2. Check the DRX frequency band declared at the OMC-R with the PEC or CPC code
of the DRX present in the cabinet.

• If the DRX frequency band is the same as the one indicated by the "transceiverEquip-
mentClass" parameter, clear the alarm. Go to step 5.

• If the DRX frequency band is not the same as the one indicated by the "transceiv-
erEquipmentClass" parameter and if the DRX has just been replaced, go to step 4.
Otherwise, go to step 3.

3. The alarm may be due to an error in the DRX replacement. Replace the DRX (as a
Field Replaceable Unit) by:

• setting the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to

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the faulty DRX to "locked"

Service reduction
In most cases, the transceiverEquipment and one transceiver are lost.

The service is reduced.

• replacing the DRX module. Refer to:

– GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the S8000 BTS

– GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting (411-9001-084) for the S8002 BTS

– GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the S8003 BTS

– GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting (411-9001-085) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 4.

4. Ensure that the DRX used is correct. Modify the value of the "transceiverEquipment-
Class" parameter according to the DRX frequency band. Go to step 5.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.5.4. Source 4: Unknown test

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (4) Unknown test
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an unknown test.

2.5.5. Source 5: Cell parameters inconsistency

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (5) Cell parameters inconsistency
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that at least one TEI of the list is included in another bts object than
that the cell specified. The list of TEI contains twice the same TEI.


BSC defense

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• For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.


1. Perform a "Display" command on the affected transceiverEquipment object.

The "teiTransceiverEqpt" parameter indicates the TEI value associated with the TRX

The value of the "teiTransceiverEqpt" parameter should be within the range specified
by the S8000 BTS engineering rules for the corresponding configuration reference
and associated DLUs.

2. Lock the affected transceiverEquipment object.

3. Change the value of "teiTransceiverEqpt" so that it conforms to the engineering rules

specified above.

4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

5. Check that the alarm is cleared.

6. The procedure is complete.

2.5.6. Source 6: Data inconsistency

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (6) Data inconsistency
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006
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This alarm indicates that the PCM list contains identical PCM numbers.


BSC defense


• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.
No service is provided.

• For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.


1. Check the PCM cabling.

• If the cabling is correct, go to step 2.

• If the cabling is not correct, replace the cables as necessary.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

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2. Check the configuration associated with the object at the OMC-R. If necessary, mod-
ify the PCM numbers declared at the OMC-R.

3. The procedure is complete.

2.5.7. Source 7: Value out of range

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (7) Value out of range
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the cell configuration is not possible due to an incorrect value.

The different sources of non-acknowledgement are:

• BCCH frequency value in no known band

• BSIC > 63

• Diversity Flag is set to a value other than Enabled or Disabled

• Max Power for Cell > 55 dBm

• Frequency Hopping Flag is set to a value different from the following:





• Number of frequency band = 0 or > 2

• Any frequency in the list is in no known band

• Number of TEI < 1


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• For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.


Modify the values declared out of range at the OMC-R.

2.5.8. Source 8: TEI not present

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (8) TEI not present
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the TEI of the associated transceiver equipment is:

• not between 32 and 55


• is not in the permitted list of TEI of the corresponding CELL Configuration


BSC defense


• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.
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2.5.9. Source 9: Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (9) Unknown Abis PCM_Time_Slot
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an unknown Abis PCM Time Slot.

2.5.10. Source 10: Unknown Abis PCM

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (10) Unknown Abis PCM
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the PCM is not present in the PCM list.


BSC defense


• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured.
No service is provided.

• For the bts object

Service interruption
The cell is not configured.
No service is provided on the cell.

• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.

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• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured and one TDMA is lost.
The service is reduced.


Parameterize the PCM declared unknown at the OMC-R.

2.5.11. Source 11: Wrong software reference

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (11) Wrong software reference
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a wrong software reference.

2.5.12. Source 12: Further files required

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (12) Further files required
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that further files are required.

2.5.13. Source 13: Failure during activation

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (13) Failure during activation
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a failure during activation.

2.5.14. Source 14: Data format error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (14) Data format error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a data format error.

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2.5.15. Source 15: Window overflow

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (15) Window overflow
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a window overflow.

2.5.16. Source 16: Normal completion

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (16) Normal completion
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a normal completion.

2.5.17. Source 17: Transfer aborted

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (17) Transfer aborted
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an aborted transfer.

2.5.18. Source 18: Checksum error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (18) Checksum error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a checksum error.

2.5.19. Source 19: File incomplete

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (19) File incomplete
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an incomplete file.

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2.5.20. Source 20: File already present and correct

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (20) File already present and correct
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a file already present and correct.

2.5.21. Source 21: File cannot be downloaded

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (21): File cannot be downloaded
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the file cannot be downloaded.

2.5.22. Source 22: Entity engaged in other download

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (22) Entity engaged in other download
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the entity is engaged in other download.

2.5.23. Source 23: Too many signaling timeslots

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (23) Too many signaling timeslots
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates the value of the signaling timeslot number is higher than 6.


BSC defense


• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured. No service is provided.
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• For the bts object

Service reduction
The cell is not configured. No service is provided on the cell.

• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.

The service is reduced.


Modify the value of the signaling timeslot number.

2.5.24. Source 24: Too many TEI connections to physical channel

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (24) Too many TEI connections to physical channel
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that there are too many TEI connections to the physical channel.

2.5.25. Source 25: Out of sequence message

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (25) Out of sequence message
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the site configuration message has been received twice, but
with different values by the BTS on the Abis interface. The message is not accepted due
to the BTS state.
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BSC defense


• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not configured. No service is provided.

• For the bts object

Service reduction
The cell is not configured. No service is provided on the cell.

• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.

The service is reduced.


1. Check the configuration associated with the object.

• For the btsSiteManager object:

Check the logical configuration of the btsSiteManager object (teiBtsSiteManager,
bscSitePcmList, radioSiteMask parameters).

– If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

Modify the configuration.
Set the object to "unlocked".

– If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware configuration" command on the

btsSiteManager object to identify the faulty element.

• For the bts object

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a. Check the logical configuration of the bts object and its objects.

– If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

Modify the configuration.
Set the object to "unlocked".

– If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware configuration" command on the

btsSiteManager to identify the faulty element.

b. For the base cabinet associated with the extension cabinet, set the btsSiteMan-
ager object to "locked" then to "unlocked".

c. If the problem persists, perform the following on-site maintenance.

– For the S8000 BTS, check the cabling between the extension cabinet and the

– If the problem persists, replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable
Units). Refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048)

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 2.

• For the transceiver object

a. Set the administrativeState of the transceiver object to "shuttingDown".

b. Check the logical configuration of the transceiver object (channelType, absoluteR-

FChannelNo parameters for each channel).

c. Set the administrativeState of the transceiver object to "unlocked".

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Check the logical configuration of the transceiverEquipment object (teiTransceiv-
erEqpt parameter).

– If it is not correct, set the object to "locked".

- Modify the configuration.

- Set the object to "unlocked".

– If it is correct, perform the "Display hardware configuration" command on the

btsSiteManager object to identify the faulty element.

2. The procedure is complete.

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2.5.26. Source 26: Incorrect IEI

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (26) Incorrect IEI
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an incorrect IEI.

2.5.27. Source 27: Wrong file reference

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (27) Wrong file reference
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a wrong file reference.

2.5.28. Source 28: Bad cell number

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (28) Bad cell number
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad cell number.

2.5.29. Source 29: Bad related TEI

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (29) Bad related TEI
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad related TEI.

2.5.30. Source 30: Bad timeslot

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (30) Bad timeslot
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad timeslot.

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2.5.31. Source 31: Window size not allowed

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (31) Window size not allowed
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the window size is not allowed.

2.5.32. Source 32: Flash boot required

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (32) Flash boot required
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that a flash boot is required.

2.5.33. Source 33: Wrong config reference

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (33) Wrong config reference
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a wrong config reference.

2.5.34. Source 34: The BTS has not acknowledged the TX power consign request

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (34) The BTS has not acknowledged the power consign request
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the power, configured at the OMC-R for the DRX concerned,
is not compatible with the DRX hardware.


BSC defense

The BSC configures the transceiverEquipment, but theassociated transceiver object is

not configured.
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Impact on the service

At least one DRX is lost.

Service reduction
It is possible to lose the entire cell linked to the faulty DRX.

Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate: there is a risk of service loss.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-
9001-105) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

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- Otherwise, go to step 8.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

2. Perform a "Display" command on the bts object to check if the cells are concentric.

• If the "concentric cell" parameter is "monozone", go to step 3.

• If the "concentric cell" parameter is "concentric" or "dual band" or "dual coupling", go

to step 5.

3. Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to the following informa-

• For PA: the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the attenu-
ation of the combiner must be between 31dBm and 44dBm, or 32dBm at the band
limit for only GSM 1900.

• For HePA: the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the atten-
uation of the combiner must be between 34dBm and 47dBm.

The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the powerControl object associated

with the bts object.

The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command on the btsSiteMan-

ager object.

The following table defines the correct values of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter, depend-
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ing on the combiners used in the BTS. The "Nack" value is not allowed.

TABLE 3. PA configuration

Combiners TxF/D H2D H4D

DLU attenuation 1 4 8
bsTxPwrMax 51  44 Nack Nack Nack

43 Pmax Nack Nack

42 Pmax Nack Nack
41 Pmax-2 Nack Nack
40 Pmax-2 Pmax Nack
39 Pmax-4 Pmax Nack
38 Pmax-4 Pmax-2 Nack
37 Pmax-6 Pmax-2 Nack
36 Pmax-6 Pmax-4 Pmax
35 Pmax-8 Pmax-4 Pmax
34 Pmax-8 Pmax-6 Pmax-2
33 Pmax-10 Pmax-6 Pmax-2
32 Pmax-10 Pmax-8 Pmax-4
31 Pmax-12 Pmax-8 Pmax-4
30 Pmax-12 Pmax-10 Pmax-6
29 Nack Pmax-10 Pmax-6
28 Nack Pmax-12 Pmax-8
27 Nack Pmax-12 Pmax-8
26 Nack Nack Pmax-10
25 Nack Nack Pmax-10
24 Nack Nack Pmax-12
23 Nack Nack Pmax-12
22  0 Nack Nack Nack
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TABLE 4. HePA configuration

Combiners Dp TxF/D H2D H4D

attenuation 1 1 4 8
bsTxPwrMax 51  48 Nack Nack Nack Nack

47 Pmax Nack Nack Nack

46 Pmax Pmax Nack Nack
45 Pmax-2 Nack Nack
44 Pmax-2 Nack Nack
43 Pmax-4 Nack Nack
42 Pmax-4 Pmax-4 Pmax Nack
41 Pmax-6 Nack
40 Pmax-6 Pmax-6 Pmax-2 Nack
39 Nack
38 Pmax-8 Pmax-8 Pmax-4 Pmax
36 Pmax-10 Pmax-10 Pmax-6 Pmax-2
34 Pmax-12 Pmax-12 Pmax-8 Pmax-4
33 Nack Nack
32 Nack Nack Pmax-10 Pmax-6
31 Nack Nack
30 Nack Nack Pmax-12 Pmax-8
29 Nack Nack Nack
28 Nack Nack Nack Pmax-10
27 Nack Nack Nack
26 Nack Nack Nack Pmax-12
25 Nack Nack Nack Nack
24 Nack Nack Nack Nack
23 Nack Nack Nack Nack
22  0 Nack Nack Nack Nack

• If the value is not correct, change it.

• If the value is correct, replace the DRX (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

– GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the S8000 BTS

– GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting (411-9001-084) for the S8002 BTS

– GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the S8003 BTS

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– GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting (411-9001-085) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 6.

4. Modify the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to the following informa-

• For PA: the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the attenu-
ation of the combiner and reduced of the value of the "transceiver zone Ref" param-
eter must be between 31dBm and 44dBm, or 32dBm at the band limit for only GSM

• For HePA: the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the atten-
uation of the combiner and reduced of the value of the "transceiver zone Ref" param-
eter must be between 34dBm and 47dBm.

The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the powerControl object associated

with the bts object.

The "transceiver zone Ref" parameter is obtained by performing a "Display" command

on the transceiver object.

The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command on the btsSiteMan-

ager object.

This parameter must not be filled in for the "dual band" or "dual coupling" values of the
"concentric cell" parameter.

The preceding table defines the correct values of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter, de-
pending on the combiners used in the BTS. The "Nack" value is not allowed. The "trans-
ceiver zone Ref" parameter must also be verified.

• If the value is not correct, change it.

• If the value is correct, replace the DRX (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

– GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the S8000 BTS

– GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting (411-9001-084) for the S8002 BTS

– GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the S8003 BTS

– GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting (411-9001-085) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 5.

Additional checks

5. Clear the alarm.

6. Set the bts object to "locked".

7. Set the bts object to "unlocked".

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8. The procedure is complete.

2.5.35. Source 35: Downloading aborted

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (35) Downloading aborted
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the downloading has been aborted.

2.5.36. Source 36: Files missing

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (36) Files missing
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that files are missing.

2.5.37. Source 37: Buffer overflow

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (37) Buffer overflow
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a buffer overflow.

2.5.38. Source 38: Block not received

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (38) Block not received
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that a block has not been received.

2.5.39. Source 39: Downloading restart

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (39) Downloading restart
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a downloading restart.

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2.5.40. Source 40: Request not supported

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (40) Request not supported
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a request not supported.

2.5.41. Source 41: Downloading failure

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (41) Downloading failure
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a downloading failure..

2.5.42. Source 42: Start-up failure

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (42) Start-up failure
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a start-up failure.

2.5.43. Source 43: Maximum number of joker TS

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (43) Maximum number of joker TS
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that there is an inconsistency between the number of joker TS re-
quested by the operator and the BTS capability.

Joker TS provisioning per TDMA is dependent on hardware constraints (both BCF/

CBCF chains must have the same type of hardware) and also on existing backhaul con-


BSC defense

The transceiver object is not configured by the BSC.

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• For the transceiver object

Service reduction
The TDMA is not configured.

The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– Otherwise, go to step 5.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

2. Explore the site capability:

a. Perform a "Display hardware information" command ("standard" mode) on the

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btsSiteManager object at the OMC-R.

The OMC-R displays the site type (BCF, or CBCF with CMCF phase 1 or phase
2) and state (working or failed).

b. Perform a "Display data information" command (with "EDGE" option) on the

btsSiteManager object at the OMC-R.

The OMC-R displays the GPRS and EDGE capabilities of each TRX. This will
give the maximum number of joker TS supported by the BCF/CBCF and TRXs.
Look for the following items of information:

– Hardware btsSiteManager capability

- Max number of timeslot per transceiverEquipment for active board (main +

joker): see Table 5 "Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per transceiv-
erEquipment" (page 311) below

- Max number of timeslot per transceiverEquipment for passive board (main

+ joker):

- Duplex site consistency: "identical capabilities" / "no identical capabilities"

– Hardware transceiverEquipment capability

- Max number of timeslot (main + joker): see Table 5 "Maximum number of TS

(main and joker) per transceiverEquipment" (page 311) below

- GPRS capability: "up to CSx"

- EDGE capability: "full" / "none"

As a reminder, here are the permitted maximum values:

TABLE 5. Maximum number of TS (main and joker) per transceiverEquipment

Maximum number of timeslot (main + joker) per

Type of site transceiverEquipment
CBCF CMCF phase 1 6
CBCF CMCF phase 2 8

3. Check the configuration of the transceiver object concerned, and compare it with the
capabilities analyzed in step 2.

As a reminder, here are the value ranges of the parameters related to joker TS:

– numberOfJokerDS0

- [0..4] for S8000 BCF

- [0..6] for S8000 CBCF

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– jokerPerMainTarget

- [0..4]

- The recommended values are 2, 3 or 4, depending on operator Abis config-

uration (numberOfJokerDS0) and estimated EDGE TDMA throughput.

– If the configuration is not correct, set the transceiver object to "locked".

- Modify the configuration.

- Set the transceiver object to "unlocked".

– If the configuration is correct, save the information gathered in step 2, as well

as the site configuration, and then call the manufacturer.

4. Check that the alarm is cleared.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.5.44. Source 44: Bad chain type

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (44) Bad chain type
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad chain type.

2.5.45. Source 45: Bad radio timeslot reference

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (45) Bad radio timeslot reference
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad radio timeslot reference.

2.5.46. Source 46: Bad internal Link EDGE configuration

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (46) Bad internal Link EDGE configuration
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a bad internal link EDGE configuration.

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2.5.47. Source 47: Inconsistency mapping

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (47) Inconsistency mapping
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an inconsistency mapping.

2.5.48. Source 48: Inconsistency number of joker DS0

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (48) Inconsistency number of joker DS0
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an inconsistency number of joker DS0.

2.5.49. Source 49: Invalid mode

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (49) Invalid mode
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an invalid mode.

2.5.50. Source 50: File already open

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (50) File already open
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the file is already open.

2.5.51. Source 51: File cannot be unloaded

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (51) File cannot be unloaded
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the file cannot be unloaded.

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2.5.52. Source 52: Boot cannot be unloaded

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (52) Boot cannot be unloaded
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that the boot cannot be unloaded.

2.5.53. Source 53: Data decode error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (53) Data decode error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a data decode error.

2.5.54. Source 54: Flash flag cannot access

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (54) Flash flag cannot access
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an access problem to the flash flag.

2.5.55. Source 55: Table cannot access

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (55) Table cannot access
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an access problem to a table.

2.5.56. Source 56: RAM mapping error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (56) RAM mapping error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a RAM mapping error.

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2.5.57. Source 57: Flash access error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (57) Flash access error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash access error.

2.5.58. Source 58: Flash write error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (58) Flash write error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash write error.

2.5.59. Source 59: Flash erase error

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (59) Flash erase error
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a flash erase error.

2.5.60. Source 60: Internal abort

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (60) Internal abort
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates an internal abort.

2.5.61. Source 61: Equipment not able to get external synchronization

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (61) Equipment not able to get external synchronization
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates that an equipment is not able to get the external synchronization.
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2.5.62. Source 62: Synchronization in progress

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (62) Synchronization in progress
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a synchronization in progress.

2.5.63. Source 63: Dynamic Abis feature not supported

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (63) Dynamic Abis feature not supported
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

At the reception of a "site config" message with dynamic Abis feature activated, if one of
the CMCF of the BTS is a phase 1, a "site config Nack" message with the cause “Dy-
namic Abis feature not supported” is sent to the BSC. The BSC must stop the configu-
ration of the BTS.

Besides, in case of inconsistencies detected by the BTS, the BTS sends a "traffic con-
nect Nack" message with the cause “Dynamic Abis feature not supported” (in response
of a received "traffic connect" message).

Moreover in case a BTS is equipped with an eDRX that supports the dynamic Abis fea-
ture, but with an S8000 BCF, then the dynamic Abis feature is not supported by the BTS.


BSC defense

The BSC stops the configuration of the BTS.

Impact on the service

Service reduction
The BTS is not configured.


Modify the BTS configuration:

• either deactivate the dynamic Abis feature

• or upgrade the BTS (replace CMCF phase 1 with CMCF phase 2, or replace BCF
with CBCF)
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2.5.64. Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source Source 64: Inconsistent number of joker DS0
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

When proceeding with the dynamic Abis feature, the BTS receives the following infor-
mation from the BSC: a poolRef which represents the pool reference on Abis to which a
EDGE TDMA belongs (traffic connect message)

If the BSC has requested more jokers in the pool than the capacity indicated through the
status report message, then this is a case of internal inconsistencies detected by the
BTS, and as a consequence the BTS sends a traffic connect nack message (in response
of a received traffic connect message) with the cause 64 "Inconsistent number of joker

Then this alarm indicates that the number of DS0 inside one poolRef exceeds the pool
maximum capability.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.

The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

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the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object that is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 6.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

– As soon as the TRX is operational (the operationalState of the transceiverEquip-

ment object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 3.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

2. Set the object concerned to "locked", then to "unlocked".

• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

3. 3 The procedure is complete.

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2.5.65. Source 65: Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (65) Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool number
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

When proceeding with the dynamic Abis feature, the BTS receives the following infor-
mation from the BSC: a poolRef which represents the pool reference on Abis to which a
EDGE TDMA belongs (traffic connect message)

If the BSC has requested more jokers in the pool than the capacity indicated through the
status report message, then this is a case of internal inconsistencies detected by the
BTS, and as a consequence the BTS sends a traffic connect nack message (in response
of a received traffic connect message) with the cause 65 "Exceeded DL joker DS0 pool


BSC defense


Impact on the service

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not configured. One TDMA is lost.

The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the TRX by performing the "Display all" command on the trans-
ceiverEquipment object.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "enabled", the TRX is


– Clear the alarm.

– The procedure is complete.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-dependency",

the TRX is not operational. Look for a parent object that is not operational.

– If a bts object is "disabled-dependency", look for alarms concerning cells.

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– If the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not operational. pro-

cess the alarm(s) concerning the btsSiteManager object.

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed", look for a fault number concerning

PCMs (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled-failed", the

TRX is not operational.

– If the fault number 1052 is the only alarm, process the alarm. Go to step 6.

– Otherwise, if there are other alarms, set the transceiverEquipment object to

"locked" and then to "unlocked" to confirm the problem.

- If the fault number 1052 is still present, treat it (see above).

- If other fault numbers are present, such as fault number 1054, process them
(concerning fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2), refer to GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105)).

• If the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is "disabled", the TRX is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for a state change
of the transceiverEquipment object.

– As soon as the TRX is operational (the operationalState of the transceiverEquip-

ment object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 3.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

2. Set the object concerned to "locked", then to "unlocked".

• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

3. The procedure is complete.

2.5.66. Source 255: Non-significant value

Fault number 1055 Abis negative acknowledgement indication

Source (255) Non-significant value
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006
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This source indicates a non-significant value.

2.6. Fault number: 1056 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1056 Incorrect parameter settings at the OMC-R
Type equipmentAlarm

Fault number 1056 is sent when BSC detects an incorrect BDA configuration for a
btsSiteManager, bts, transceiverEquipment or transceiver.


The managed object stays in a disabled/failed state.

Impact on the service

• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
The site is not downloaded.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
The TRX is not downloaded. One TDMA is not configured.


1. Lock the impacted bts object.

2. Correct the OMC-R parameters.

• If the parameters are correct, perform an audit BDA on the BSC.

– If the audit does not reveal inconsistencies between the BDA and the BDE, go
to step 3.

– If the audit reveals differences, perform a "off line reset BDA". Then execute a
"build BDA" of the BSC (always in automatic mode). For more information on
these commands, refer to GSM BSS Configuration - Operating Procedures
(411-9001-034). Then go to step 3.

3. Unlock the bts object.

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TABLE 6. Fault number 1056 sources

No. Source wording Paragraph
0 Incorrect priority on transceiver “Source 0: Incorrect priority on
transceiver” on page 291
1 Incorrect setting of channel on “Source 1: Incorrect setting of
transceiver channel on transceiver” on
page 291
2 Cell without BCCH TDM “Source 2: Cell without BCCH TDM”
on page 291
3 Radio Time Slot not used “Source 3: Radio Time Slot not
used” on page 291
4 Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 “Source 4: Wrong value for BSS TEI
mode in T1 mode” on page 291
5 Cell cfg with cavity and dual band “Source 5: Cell cfg with cavity and
not acceptable dual band not acceptable” on
page 292
6 Missing Site management Abis “Source 6: Missing Site
GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 292
7 Missing Abis Signalling “Source 7: Missing Abis Signalling
management Abis GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 292
8 Missing Abis Traffic management “Source 8: Missing Abis traffic
Abis GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 292
9 Missing RfTrans management “Source 9: Missing RfTrans
Abis GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 292
10 Missing cell management Abis “Source 10: Missing cell
GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 293
11 Missing TDMA management Abis “Source 11: Missing TDMA
GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 293
12 Missing TS management Abis “Source 12: Missing TS
GSM function management Abis GSM function”
on page 293
13 The TDMA exists in RDC but the “Source 13: The TDMA exists in
object was not created. RDC but the object was not created”
on page 293
14 Too many EDGE TDMAs (>16 per “Source 14: Too many EDGE
site) configured TDMAs (more than 16 per site)
configured” on page 293
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2.6.1. Source 0: Incorrect priority on transceiver

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (0) Incorrect priority on transceiver
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates an incorrect priority setting on the transceiver, at the OMC-R.

2.6.2. Source 1: Incorrect setting of channel on transceiver

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (1) Incorrect setting of channel on transceiver
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates an incorrect setting of channel on the transceiver object at the

2.6.3. Source 2: Cell without BCCH TDM

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (2) Cell without BCCH TDM
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a cell without BCCH TDM.

2.6.4. Source 3: Radio Time Slot not used

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (3) Radio Time Slot not used
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a radio Time Slot not used.

2.6.5. Source 4: Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (4) Wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a wrong value for BSS TEI in T1 mode.

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2.6.6. Source 5: Cell cfg with cavity and dual band not acceptable

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (5) Cell cfg with cavity and dual band not acceptable
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a cell configuration with cavity and dual band (not acceptable).

2.6.7. Source 6: Missing Site management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (6) Missing Site management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a missing Site management Abis GSM function.

2.6.8. Source 7: Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (7) Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a Missing Abis Signalling management Abis GSM function.

2.6.9. Source 8: Missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (8) Missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a missing Abis traffic management Abis GSM function.

2.6.10. Source 9: Missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (9) Missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a missing RfTrans management Abis GSM function.

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2.6.11. Source 10: Missing cell management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (10) Missing cell management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a missing cell management Abis GSM function.

2.6.12. Source 11: Missing TDMA management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (11) Missing TDMA management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a missing TDMA management Abis GSM function.

2.6.13. Source 12: Missing TS management Abis GSM function

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (12) Missing TS management Abis GSM function
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a missing TS management Abis GSM function.

2.6.14. Source 13: The TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not created

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (13) The TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not created.
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that the TDMA exists in RDC but the object was not created.

2.6.15. Source 14: Too many EDGE TDMAs (more than 16 per site) configured

Fault number 1056 Incorrect parameter setting at the OMC-R level

Source (14) Too many EDGE TDMAs (>16 per site) configured
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates that too many EDGE TDMAs (>16 per site) are configured.
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2.7. Fault number: 1058 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1058 GSM entity configuration regression
Type processingErrorAlarm

This alarm indicates an entity of the BTS detects an anomaly in its configuration, reports
it to the BSC via this alarm, and de-configures itself.

BSC defense

• If the site is operational, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object and tries
to reconfigure it.

• If the site is not operational, there is a connection problem between the actual con-
nections and the connections declared at the OMC-R.

Impact on the service

• For the btsSiteManager object

Service interruption
As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "dis-
abled-failed", the site is lost.

No service is provided.

• For the transceiverEquipment object

Service reduction
As long as the operationalState of the transceiverEquipment object is
"disabled", the TRX and one TDMA are lost.

The service is reduced.


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

1. Set the pcmCircuit object to "locked".

2. Untwine the PCM links.

3. Set the pcmCircuit object to "unlocked".

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 4.

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• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

4. The procedure is complete.

2.8. Fault number: 1059 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1059 Invalid message received on Abis interface on O and M link
Type communicationsAlarm

The BSC receives a message from the BTS that it cannot treat for one of the following

• the message is out of sequence

• the message concerns an unknown element, for example, a distant item of equipment
not created at the OMC-R but emitting notifications


BSC defense


Impact on the service



• For a message on an unknown element (an element not declared at the OMC-R),
switch off the concerned element.

• Otherwise, no maintenance action is required.

If several 1059 fault numbers are detected by the same cell, call the

2.9. Fault number: 1060 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1060 Abis event reporting a transient default
Type equipmentAlarm
The spontaneous message 1060 accepts causes and equipment wordings correspond-
ing to the DRX, eDRX, eDRX2, ND3, ePA, HePA, CMCF phase 1 and CMCF phase 2
fault causes.
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The warning 1060 (transient) and the fault number 1067 (begin/end) accept these items
of equipment. The causes are the same for all the DRX types fault causes.

The spontaneous message 1060 corresponds to a warning and does not require a main-
tenance action, except in conjunction with the fault number 1067.

The following table indicates all the sources of the fault number 1060 for the S8000 Out-
door and Indoor BTSs with the BCF or CBCF, the S8002 BTSs, the S8003 BTSs, and
the S8006 BTSs. For more information on each source, refer to the indicated paragraph
to know the corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.

TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
Battery cabinet
5832705 Over x x -
5832706 DC power x x -
5832707 Doors x x -
5832708 AC power x x -
5832709 Surge x x -
Battery Remote Controller (BRC)
6553601 Manual x x “BRC
switch on (source:
battery Manual
power switch on
page 320
6553602 Automatic x x “BRC
switch on (source:
battery Automatic
power switch on
page 321
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
6553603 Manual x x “BRC
switch on (source:
main power Manual
switch on
page 321
6553604 Automatic x x “BRC
switch on (source:
main power Automatic
switch on
page 321
8388609 Cavity out of x -
83886010 Cavity x “Cavity
parked after (source:
tuning fault Cavity
(min not parked
fault (min
page 321
83886011 Loss of x -
83886012 Nack x “Cavity
answer from (source:
cavity Nack
cavity)” on
page 323
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
83886013 Cavity x “Cavity
parked after (source:
tuning fault Cavity
(power too parked
too low))”
page 324
83886014 Cavity x “Cavity
parked (source:
after tuning Cavity
fault (tuning parked
page 324
83886015 Internal x -
C-DACS climatic system
7929857 Dirty filter x -
7929858 DACS failed x -
CMCF phase 1
CMCF phase 2
9502722 Unknown x x x x x “CMCF
12779522 message board
12845058 (source:
” on
page 324
CMCF phase 1
CMCF phase 2
9502752 Restart due x x x x x -
12779552 to reset by
12845088 BSC
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
9502753 Restart due x x x x x -
12779553 to reset by
12845089 reset button
9502754 Restart due x x x x x -
12779554 to power on
9502755 Restart due x x x x x -
12779555 to a too long
12845091 PCM
9502756 Restart x x x x x “CMCF
12779556 requested board
12845092 by the (source:
active board Restart
by the
board)” on
page 325
9502771 Board reset x x x x x “CMCF
12779571 asked by (source:
12845107 OMC Board
asked by
OMC)” on
page 325
9502757 Restart x x x x x -
12779557 due to a
12845093 software
9502758 Restart due x x x x x “CMCF
12779558 to hardware board
12845094 watchdog (source:
due to
” on
page 326
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
9502759 Restart due x x x x x “CMCF
12775095 to double boards
12845095 bus fault (source:
due to
bus fault)”
page 326
9502760 Reset for x x x x x “CMCF
12779560 new Lapd boards
12845096 parameters (source:
CMCF Reset for
new Lapd
s CMCF)”
page 326
CMCF phase 1
CMCF phase 2
9502761 Restart due x x x x x -
12779561 to Syn not
12845097 Locked
9502963 Statistic x x x x x -
12779763 report
9568240 Debug x x x x x -
CMCF phase 1
CMCF phase 2
9568241 ABIS PCM x x x x x “CMCF
12845041 statistics boards
12910577 (source:
page 327
9568255 Soft x x x x x -
CSWM boards
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
4259842 Unknown x x -
4259872 Restart due x x x x -
to reset by
4259873 Restart due x x x x -
to reset by
reset button
4259874 Restart due x x x x -
to power on
4259875 Restart due x x x x -
to a too long
4259876 Restart x x x x -
by the
active board
4259877 Restart x x x x -
due to a
4259878 Restart due x x x x “CSWM
to hardware board
watchdog (source:
due to
” on
page 327
4259879 Restart due x x x x “CSWM
to double board
bus fault (source:
due to
bus fault)”
page 327
4325375 Soft x x x x -
DACS climatic system
7864321 Dirty filter x x -
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
7864322 DACS failed x x x -
DRX module
9437189 SPU fault x x x x x x x -
9437441 Restart due x x x x x x x -
to reset by
reset button
9437187 Loss of x x x x x x x -
12582915 PCM link
9437188 Loss of x x x x “cDRX or
12582916 GSM clock eDRX or
12976132 eDRX2
Time)” on
page 328
9437192 Incorrect Ab x x x x x x x -
12582920 is message
9437195 No flag on x x x x x x x -
12582923 FH bus
9437196 Frequency x x x x x x x “DRX or
12582924 collision on eDRX or
12976140 FH bus DRX-ND3
or eDRX2
y collision
on FH
bus)” on
page 329
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
9437207 FACCH x x x x x x x “DRX or
12582935 congestion eDRX or
12976151 DRX ND3
or eDRX2
n)” on
page 330
9437208 LAPD x x x x x x x -
12582936 congestion
9437210 Underrun x x x x x x x -
12582938 AMNU-SPU
9437425 Post mortem x x x x x x x -
12583153 dump
12976369 zone 1
9437426 Post mortem x x x x x x x -
12583154 dump
12976370 zone 2
9437440 Restart due x x x x x x x -
12583168 to reset by
12976384 BSC
9437442 Restart due x x x x x x x -
12583170 to power on
9437443 Restart x x x x x x x “DRX or
12583171 requested eDRX or
12976385 by the BCF DRX-ND3
or eDRX2
by the
BCF)” on
page 329
9437444 Restart x x x x x x x -
12583172 due to the
12976386 timeout on
the OML link
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
9437445 Restart x x x x x x x -
12583173 due to the
12976387 timeout on
the OML
link with
9437446 Restart x x x x x x x -
12583174 due to a
12976388 software
9437447 Restart due x x x x x x x “DRX or
12583175 to hardware eDRX or
13976389 watchdog DRX ND3
or eDRX2
Reset due
” on
page 331
9437448 Restart due x x x x x x x “CMCF
12583176 to double boards
12976390 bus fault (source:
due to
bus fault)”
page 326
9437449 Reset due to x x x x x x x -
12583177 loss of
12976391 lock
9437450 Restart due x x x x x x x -
12583178 to unknown
12976392 software
9437451 Restart due x x x x x x x -
12583179 to a loss of
12976393 internal
PCM clock
sent by the
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
9437458 BCCH x x x x x x x “DRX or
or config dump eDRX or
12583186 DRX-ND3
or or eDRX2
dump)” on
page 331
9437474 SACCH x x x x x x x “DRX or
or config dump eDRX or
12583202 DRX-ND3
or modules
or eDRX2
dump)” on
page 332
9437490 L1M config x x x x x x x “DRX or
or dump eDRX or
12583218 DRX-ND3
or or eDRX2
dump)” on
page 332
9437491 RSL anoma x x x x x x x “DRX or
or ly eDRX or
12583219 eDRX2 or
or DRX-ND3
page 332
9502704 Debug x x x x x x x -
DSC boards
4456449 Major fault x x -
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
4456450 Queue x x -
overflow in
4456452 Queue OK x x -
4456453 Channel_H x x -
15204355 Loss of x x x -
PCM link
15204356 Loss of x x x -
GSM clock
15204360 Incorrect Ab x x x -
is message
15204363 No flag on x x x -
FH bus
15204364 Frequency x x x “DRX or
collision on eDRX or
FH bus DRX-ND3
or eDRX2
y collision
on FH
bus)” on
page 329
15204375 FACCH x x x “DRX or
congestion eDRX or
or eDRX2
n)” on
page 330
15204376 LAPD x x x -
15204378 Underrun x x x -
15204593 Post mortem x x x -
zone 1
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15204594 Post mortem x x x -
zone 2
15204610 Restart due x x x -
to power on
15204611 Restart x x x “DRX or
requested eDRX or
by the BCF DRX-ND3
or eDRX2
by the
BCF)” on
page 329
15204612 Restart x x x
due to the
timeout on
the OML
link with
15204613 Restart x x x
due to the
timeout on
the OML
link with
15204614 Restart x x x
due to a
15204615 Restart due x x x “CSWM
to hardware board
watchdog (source:
due to
” on
page 327
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15204616 Restart due x x x x “CSWM
to double board
bus fault (source:
due to
bus fault)”
page 327
15204617 Reset due to x x x x
loss of
15204618 Restart due x x x x
to unknown
15204619 Restart due x x x x
to a loss of
PCM clock
sent by BCF
15204626 BCCH x x x x “DRX or
config dump eDRX or
or eDRX2
dump)” on
page 331
15204642 SACCH x x x “DRX or
config dump eDRX or
or eDRX2
dump)” on
page 332
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15204658 L1M config x x x “DRX or
dump eDRX or
or eDRX2
dump)” on
page 332
15204659 RSL anoma x x x “DRX or
ly eDRX or
eDRX2 or
page 332
GTW boards
4587522 FIFO-reset x x -
Output Rx-splitter D
9764865 Over curren x x x x x -
Output Rx-splitter M
9699329 Over curren x x x x x -
6488065 PCM x x x x x x x -
5242881 AC fault x x x x -
5242882 DC fault x x x x -
5242883 Over tempe x x x x -
5242884 External x x x -
battery level
5242885 PCU protect x x x x -
5242886 Battery on x x -
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TABLE 7. Fault number 1060 sources (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
Tx Filters
7536642 VSWR level x x x x “Tx Filters
2 (source:
level 2))”
page 352

TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
IPM Core
15728641 Restart due to x x “IPM-
power on USER
due to
on)” on
page 333
15728642 Restart due to x x “IPM-
reset by USER
button core
due to
reset by
page 333
15728643 Restart due to x x “IPM-
software USER
upgrade core
due to
page 334
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15728644 Restart due to x x “IPM-
hardware USER
watchdog core
due to
)” on
page 334
15728647 IBOS x x “IPM-
authenticati USER
on has failed core
ation has
failed)” on
page 335
15728648 No TCP x x “IPM-
connecti USER
on can be set core
up with IGM (source:
n can be
set up
IGM)” on
page 335
15728649 Reset x x “IPM-
requested by USER
IGM with no core
Ethernet (source:
by IGM
with no
reset)” on
page 336
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15728650 Reset x x “IPM-
requested by USER
IGM with core
Ethernet (source:
by IGM
reset)” on
page 336
15728651 Reset x x “IPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with core
BIST (source:
execution and
switch reset
with BIST
reset)” on
page 337
15728652 Reset x x “IPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with no core
BIST (source:
execution and
switch reset
with no
reset)” on
page 337
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15728653 Reset x x “IPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with core
BIST (source:
execution and
no Ethernet
switch reset
with BIST
and no
reset)” on
page 338
15728654 Reset x x “IPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with no core
BIST (source:
execution nor
switch reset
with no
reset)” on
page 338
15728655 Restart after x x “IPM-
L core
commissionin (source:
after TML
oning)” on
page 339
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15728656 Connection x x “IPM-
with USER
IGM has been core
lost (no status (source:
received for 7
on with
IGM has
been lost
(no status
for 7
page 340
15728659 No response x x “IPM-
DHCP core
requests (source:
for 15
for 15
page 340
15728660 No response x x “IPM-
requests for core
15 minutes (source:
to DNS
for 15
page 341
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15728673 Debug “IPM-
page 341
15728674 Soft “IPM-
Soft)” on
page 342
15794177 Restart due to x x “RIPM-
power on USER
due to
on)” on
page 342
15794178 Restart due to x x “RIPM-
reset by USER
button core
due to
reset by
page 343
15794179 Restart due to x x “RIPM-
software USER
upgrade core
due to
page 343
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15794180 Restart due to x x “RIPM-
hardware USER
watchdog core
due to
)” on
page 344
15794183 IBOS x x “RIPM-
authentication USER
has failed core
ation has
failed)” on
page 344
15794184 No TCP x x “RIPM-
connecti USER
on can be set core
up with IGM (source:
n can be
set up
IGM)” on
page 345
15794185 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
IGM with no core
Ethernet (source:
by IGM
with no
reset)” on
page 345
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15794186 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
IGM with core
Ethernet (source:
by IGM
reset)” on
page 346
15794187 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with core
BIST (source:
execution and
switch reset
with BIST
reset)” on
page 346
15794188 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with no core
BIST (source:
execution and
switch reset
with no
reset)” on
page 347
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15794189 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with core
BIST (source:
execution and
no Ethernet
switch reset
with BIST
and no
reset)” on
page 347
15794190 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
IBOS with no core
BIST (source:
execution nor
switch reset
with no
reset)” on
page 348
15794191 Restart after x x “RIPM-
commissionin core
g (source:
after TML
oning)” on
page 348
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15794192 Connection x x “RIPM-
with USER
IGM has been core
lost (no status (source:
received for 7
on with
IGM has
been lost
(no status
for 7
page 349
15794195 No response x x “RIPM-
requests for core
15 minutes (source:
for 15
page 349
15794196 No response x x “RIPM-
requests for core
15 minutes (source:
to DNS
for 15
page 350
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TABLE 8. Fault number 1060 sources (IP) (Continued)

S8000 Indoor Outdoor
Source Source
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF S8002 S8003 S8006 Paragraph
15794209 Debug x x “RIPM-
page 350
15794210 Soft x x “RIPM-
Soft)” on
page 351
15794193 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
active with core
BIST (source:
by active
with BIST
)” on
page 351
15794194 Reset x x “RIPM-
requested by USER
active with no core
BIST (source:
by active
with no
))” on
page 352
2.9.1. BRC (source: Manual switch on battery power)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment BRC
Source (6553601) Manual switch on battery power
BTS model S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002
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This notification indicates that the BTS has been manually (using OMC-R command)
switched from main power to battery.

2.9.2. BRC (source: Automatic switch on battery power)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment BRC
Source (6553602) Automatic switch on battery power
BTS model S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has automatically switched from main power to

2.9.3. BRC (source: Manual switch on main power)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment BRC
Source (6553603) Manual switch on main power
BTS model S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has been manually switched from battery to main

2.9.4. BRC (source: Automatic switch on main power)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment BRC
Source (6553604) Automatic switch on main power
BTS model S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has been automatically switched from battery to
main power.

2.9.5. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (min not found))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment cavity
Source (8388610) Cavity parked after tuning fault (min not found)
BTS model S8000 Indoor
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This alarm indicates that the cavity is no longer parked on its configuration frequency.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned and reconfigures

the transceiver object on another transceiverEquipment object (if the TDMA is priority).

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures (411-

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

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– Otherwise, go to step 5.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result dis-
played in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 5.

Maintenance at the OMC-R

3. Lock the transceiverEquipment object in order to trigger a new tuning.

4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

• If the problem has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the problem persists after several attempts, an on-site intervention is necessary to

locate the problem.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.9.6. Cavity (source: Nack answer from cavity)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment cavity
Source (8388612) Nack answer from cavity
BTS model S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that there was a NACK response on the slave.


BSC defense None


Impact on the service



• Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to "locked".

• Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object to "unlocked".

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2.9.7. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (power too low))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment cavity
Source (8388613) Cavity parked after tuning fault (power too low)
BTS model S8000 Indoor

BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Impact on the service

One TRX becomes unavailable.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.

2.9.8. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (tuning detector))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment cavity
Source (8388614) Cavity parked after tuning fault (tuning detector)
BTS model S8000 Indoor

BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Impact on the service

One TRX becomes unavailable.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.

2.9.9. CMCF board (source: Unknown message)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source (9502722 or 12779522 or 12845058) Unknown message
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006
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This alarm indicates an unknown Abis message.


BSC defense


Impact on the service


2.9.10. CMCF board (source: Restart requested by the active board)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source (9502756, 12779556, 12845092) Restart requested by the active
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a reset of the passive CMCF requested by the active CMCF.


No impact on the service.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.11. CMCF (source: Board reset asked by OMC)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source (9502771, 12779571, 12845107) Board reset asked by OMC
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a board reset asked by the OMC-R, for the active CMCF.

No maintenance action is required.


The BTS behavior is identical to a hot switchover:

• There is no impact on the traffic and on the configuration.

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• The passive CMCF becomes active.

• The BTS sends a restart event of the reset CMCF.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.12. CMCF board (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source (9502758 or 12779558 or 12845094) Restart due to hardware
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a restart of the CMCF boards by a hardware watchdog.

No maintenance action is required.

2.9.13. CMCF boards (source: Restart due to double bus fault)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source (9502759 or 12779559 or 12845095) Restart due to double bus
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a restart of the CMCF boards due to a double bus fault.


If the fault occurs sporadically, no maintenance action is required.

If the fault is repetitive, replace the faulty CMCF. Refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Trou-
bleshooting (411-9001-048).

2.9.14. CMCF boards (source: Reset for new Lapd parameters CMCF)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source (9502760) Reset for new Lapd parameters CMCF
Source (12779560) Reset for new Lapd parameters CMCF Ph1
Source (12845096) Reset for new Lapd parameters CMCF Ph2
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006
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This alarm indicates a BTS restart to take into account new Lapd parameter values from
the BSC, so as to use a satellite configuration (satellite Abis interface).

Even if BSC Lapd parameters are not consistent with BTS values, the Lapd link can be
established and the Status Request can be sent to the BTS.

When receiving the Status Request, in case of BSC / BTS inconsistency, the BTS writes
the new values in its memory and then restarts to take into account this new set of pa-


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.15. CMCF boards (source: ABIS PCM statistics)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CMCF
Source (9568241 or 12845041 or 12910577) ABIS PCM statistics
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This notification appears when the command "Display data information" is performed on
the object "btsSiteManager" at the OMC-R.

2.9.16. CSWM board (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CSWM
Source (4259878) Restart due to hardware watchdog
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8006

This alarm indicates a restart of the CSWM boards by a hardware watchdog.

No maintenance action is required.

2.9.17. CSWM board (source: Restart due to double bus fault)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment CSWM
Source (4259879) Restart due to double bus fault
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8006

This alarm indicates a restart of the CSWM board due to a double bus fault.
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If the fault occurs sporadically, no maintenance action is required.

If the fault is repetitive, replace the faulty CSWM. Refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Trou-
bleshooting (411-9001-048).

2.9.18. cDRX or eDRX or eDRX2 modules (source: GSM Time)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment cDRX or eDRX or eDRX2
Source (9437188, 12582916, 12976132) GSM TIME
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

BDT module will receive GSM time from BCF continuously and checks for synchroniza-
tion for every 60ms cycle. This warning is raised when the BDT module does not receive
GSM Time during any 60ms cycle. An internal counter will be incremented for every cy-
cle when the BDT is not able to receive GSM time. When counter value exceeds the
threshold, then there will be a trap on Module tfm and the TRX will become non-func-
tional. The particular card will be trapped and the TRX will restart.

After TRX is restarted, the Fault Number: 1060 with PMDZ dumps (PMDZ1, and
PMDZ2) are raised with the error information.


When there is no clock (GSM Time) from BCF, the BDT will be in Standalone state.

Impact on the service

If BDT is not able to receive GSM Time for any 60 ms cycle, this warning will be raised.
However, there will be no impact on callP and the BDT will be able to handle GSM Time,
even if some frames are lost. An internal counter will be incremented for every cycle
when the BDT is not able to receive GSM time. When counter value exceeds the thresh-
old (which is defined internally), then there will be a trap on Module tfm and TRX be-
comes non-functional. The fault number: 1067 with source (9437206, 12976150,
12582934, or 15204374) DRX link will be reported to OMC-R.

For more information about this fault, refer “DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 mod-
ules (source: DRX link)” on page 536.

After the TRX restarted, the cause of the restart (GSM Time) will be updated in:

• Fault number: 1060 with cause (9437425, 12583153, or 12976369) Post Mortem
Dump Zone 1

• Fault number: 1060 with cause (9437426, 12583154, or 12976370) Post Mortem
Dump Zone 2
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No maintenance action is require

2.9.19. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Frequency collision

on FH bus)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2
Source 9437196 or 12582924 or 12976140 or 15204363 Frequency
collision on FH bus
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that a frequency collision has been encountered on the FH bus, due
to a frequency hopping configuration error.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service quality
The phonic quality is lost.


Check the cell and the frequency hopping laws (the configuration of Frequency Hopping
Laws, or the TDMA configuration if there is not any hopping).

2.9.20. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 (source: Restart requested by the BCF)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2
Source (9437443, 12976387, 12583171, 15204611) Restart requested
by the BCF
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a reset of the DRX requested by the BCF. The BTS informs the
BSC of the DRX loss. The DRX is declared faulty and reconfigured.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service

The DRX is declared faulty and reconfigured. A restart event of the DRX is sent to the


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.21. DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: FACCH congestion)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source (9437207 or 12582935 or 12976151 or 15204375) FACCH
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

FACCH "Fast associated Control Channel" is one of the dedicated control channels.

It is associated to a TCH channel and is used to exchange fast signaling messages with
the MS.

In compliance with GSM Rec. 5.03, a FACCH for TCH/FR is coded over 8 bursts and
for TCH/HR over 6 bursts. This imposes a maximum transmission rate for FACCH mes-
sages, above which the messages are queued. The queuing mechanism allows for up
to 3 FACCH messages per channel (per sub-channel for TCH/HR) to be waiting for
transmission. When this limit is exceedd, the BTS sends the notification FACCH Con-
gestion and the waiting messages are discarded. A Timer mechanism ensures that the
dropped messages are repeated.

FACCH congestion is usually linked to handover activit (for speed and priority reasons,
the FACCH channel is especially used for handover process). Increased handover ac-
tivity equals a greater risk of FACCH congestion.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

The only impact is that handovers may be delayed by up to 160 ms, the time between
2 repetitions of the FACCH message.
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There will no impact on the counters and no dropped calls, nor service denied.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.22. DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Reset due to hardware

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source 9437447 or 12583175 or 12976389 or 15204615 : restart due to
hardware watchdog
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a restart of the DRX by a hardware watchdog.

No maintenance action is required.

2.9.23. DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Restart due to double
bus fault)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source 9437448 or 12583176 or 12976390 or 15204616: Restart due to
double bus fault
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates a restart of the DRX due to a double bus fault.


If the fault occurs sporadically, no maintenance action is required.

If the fault is repetitive, replace the faulty DRX. Refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Trou-
bleshooting (411-9001-048).

2.9.24. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: BCCH config dump)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source 9437458 or 12583186 or 12976402 or 15204626 BCCH config
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006
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An anomaly has been detected in either a first or second BCCH configuration. This tran-
sient event contains details of the anomaly.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.25. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules or eDRX2 (source: SACCH config dump)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source 9437474 or 12583202 or 12976418 or 15204642 SACCH config
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

An anomaly has been detected in either a first or second SACCH configuration. This
transient event contains details of the anomaly.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.26. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: L1M config dump)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source (6553601) Manual switch on battery power
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

An anomaly has been detected in either a first or second L1M configuration. This tran-
sient event contains details of the anomaly.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.27. DRX or eDRX or eDRX2 or DRX-ND3 modules (source: RSL anomaly)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment DRX or eDRX or DRX ND3 or eDRX2
Source 9437491 or 12583219 or 12976435 or 15204659 RSL anomaly
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006
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A non critical anomaly has been detected on a communication. This transient event con-
tains details of the anomaly.


No maintenance action is required.

2.9.28. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to power-on)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728641) Restart due to power-on
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates a restart of the IPM-USER due to a power-on.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.29. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to reset by button)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728642) Restart due to reset by button
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an IPM-USER restart due to reset by button.


BSC defense

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Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.30. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to software upgrade)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728643) Restart due to software upgrade
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an IPM-USER restart due to software upgrade (new software ver-
sion activation).


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.31. IPM-USER core (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728644 Restart due to hardware watchdog
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an IPM-USER restart due to hardware watchdog.


BSC defense

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Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.32. IPM-USER core (source: IBOS authentication has failed)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728647) IBOS authentication has failed
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the IPM-USER does not succeed to connect and authenticate
to any IBOS.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.33. IPM-USER core (source: No TCP connection can be set up with IGM)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728648) No TCP connection can be set up with IGM
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that no TCP connection can be set up with IGM.


BSC defense

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Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.34. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with no Ethernet switch re-

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728649) Reset requested by IGM with no Ethernet switch
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a reset is requested by the IGM, with no Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.35. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728650) Reset requested by IGM with Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a reset is requested by the IGM, with an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense

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Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.36. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728651) Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the active IPM board has been reset with a BIST execution.
The IBOS has requested an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.37. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
and Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (157286512) Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
and Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the active IPM board has been reset without a BIST execution.
The IBOS has requested an Ethernet switch reset.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.38. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
no Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (157286513) Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
no Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the active IPM board has been reset with a BIST execution.
The IBOS has not requested an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.39. IPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
nor Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (157286514) Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
nor Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor
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This alarm indicates that the active IPM board has been reset without a BIST execution.
The IBOS has not requested an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.40. IPM-USER core (source: Restart after TML commissioning)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (157286515) Restart after TML commissioning
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an IPM-USER restart by the TML, after commissioning.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.41. IPM-USER core (source: Connection with IGM has been lost (no status re-
ceived for 7 keep-alive periods))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (157286516) Connection with IGM has been lost (no status
received for 7 keep-alive periods)
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the connection with IGM has been lost (no status received for
7 keep-alive periods).


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.42. IPM-USER core (source: No response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728659) No response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates no response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.43. IPM-USER core (source: No response to DNS requests for 15 minutes)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728660) No response to DNS requests for 15 minutes
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates no response to DNS requests for 15 minutes.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.44. IPM-USER core (source: Debug)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728673) Debug
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a message sent by the IBOS or IPG is not acknowledged by


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.45. IPM-USER core (source: Soft)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM-USER core
Source (15728674) Soft
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a trap occurs. The IPM-USER sends the post-mortem dump
zone to the IBOS.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.46. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to power-on)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794177) Restart due to power-on
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates a restart of the RIPM-USER due to a power-on.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.47. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to reset by button)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794178) Restart due to reset by button
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER restart due to a reset by button.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.48. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to software upgrade)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794179) Restart due to software upgrade
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER core restart due to software upgrade (new software
version activation).


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.49. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart due to hardware watchdog)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794180) Restart due to hardware watchdog
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER restart due to hardware watchdog.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.50. RIPM-USER core (source: IBOS authentication has failed)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794183) IBOS authentication has failed
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the RIPM-USER core does not succeed to connect and au-
thenticate to any IBOS.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.51. RIPM-USER core (source: No TCP connection can be set up with IGM)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794184) No TCP connection can be set up with IGM
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that no TCP connection can be set up with the IGM.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.52. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with no Ethernet switch

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794185) Reset requested by IGM with no Ethernet switch
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a reset is requested by the IGM, with no Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

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2.9.53. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IGM with Ethernet switch re-

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794186) Reset requested by IGM with Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a reset is requested by the IGM, with an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.54. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794187) Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER core restart with a BIST execution.

The IBOS has requested an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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No maintenance action is required.

2.9.55. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
and Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794188) Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
and Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER core restart without a BIST execution.

The IBOS has requested an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.56. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
no Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment IPM
Source (15794189) Reset requested by IBOS with BIST execution and
no Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER core restart with a BIST execution.

The IBOS has not requested an Ethernet switch reset.

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BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.57. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
nor Ethernet switch reset)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794190) Reset requested by IBOS with no BIST execution
nor Ethernet switch reset
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the active IPM-USER board has been reset without a BIST ex-
ecution. The IBOS has not requested an Ethernet switch reset.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.58. RIPM-USER core (source: Restart after TML commissioning)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794191) Restart after TML commissioning
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER restart by the TML, after commissioning.

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BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.59. RIPM-USER core (source: Connection with IGM has been lost (no status re-
ceived for 7 keep-alive periods))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794192) Connection with IGM has been lost (no status
received for 7 keep-alive periods)
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the connection with IGM has been lost (no status received for
7 keep-alive periods).


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.60. RIPM-USER core (source: No response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794195) No response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates no response to DHCP requests for 15 minutes.

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BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.61. RIPM-USER core (source: No response to DNS requests for 15 minutes)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794196) No response to DNS requests for 15 minutes
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates no response to DNS requests for 15 minutes.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.62. RIPM-USER core (source: Debug)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794209) Debug
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a message sent by the IBOS or IPG is not acknowledged by
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BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.63. RIPM-USER core (source: Soft)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794210) Soft
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a trap occurs. The RIPM-USER sends the post-mortem dump
zone to the IBOS.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.64. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by active with BIST execution)

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794193) Reset requested by active with BIST execution
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER passive core restart with a BIST execution.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.65. RIPM-USER core (source: Reset requested by active with no BIST execution))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment RIPM-USER core
Source (15794193) Reset requested by active with BIST execution
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an RIPM-USER passive core restart, without a BIST execution.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



No maintenance action is required.

2.9.66. Tx Filters (source: VSWR level 2))

Fault number 1060 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment Tx Filter
Source (7536642) VSWR level 2
BTS model S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8003

This alarm indicates that an abnormal VSWR level has been detected at the combiner
output. The radio link is still operating.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service



Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. process the problem on the btsSiteManager

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2. Check that the alarm on the Tx Filter is valid, by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in
the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 7.

On-site maintenance from the OMC-R

3. Check the cabling between the associated Tx Filter and the antenna.

• If it is correct, go to step 4.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 5.

4. In the case of alarms with source: level 2, and source: level 3, replace the associated
Tx Filter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting
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Additional checks

5. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Check the state of the replaced equipment by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in
the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7. Clear the alarm.

8. The procedure is complete.

2.10. Fault number: 1061 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1061 Abis mapping issue on a TDMA
Type processingErrorAlarm

The alarm 1061 is sent when TDMA is not connected or disconnected due to Abis re-
sources limitations. When EDGE is activated, TDMA mask field does not represent the
TCH mapping over TDMA but the following:

When a TDMA cannot be mapped over Abis because a higher priority TDMA has been
blocked and non mapped, the TDMA mask "00000000" is given to operator meaning
"Higher priority TDMA not mapped on Abis".

When a TDMA cannot be mapped over Abis because there are not enough resources,
the TDMA mask "11111111" is given to operator meaning "Lack of Abis resources".

Correlated notification: the attribute value change 1063 is also sent to notify the mapping
TDMA TRX and when degraded mode is used, the cause of it. A field is added to specify
if configuration is nominal or degraded. Refer to the description of fault number 1063 in
“Attribute value change: 1063 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)” on page 355.

The Managed Object (MO) is: transceiver

List of causes:

• 15: Lack of Abis resources

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• 0: Higher priority TDMA not mapped on Abis


This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures (411-9001-105).

2.11. Attribute value change: 1063 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1063 TRX allocation for a TDMA
Type processingErrorAlarm
An attribute value change 1063 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006) is used to notify the
mapping TDMA TRX and when degraded mode is used, the cause of it. A field is added
to specify if configuration is nominal or degraded.

List of causes of the configuration in degraded mode:

• (0): "Lack of Abis resources"

• (1) "Site not supporting Edge" when Site EDGE capability <> 2

• (2) "Site unsufficient number of DS0" when site is not able to respond to the TDMA
DS0 request

• (3) "TRX insufficient EDGE capability" when TRX is not able to respond to TDMA
DS0 request

• (255): "not significant", when the transceiver object is "Enabled" without a degraded


This problem is associated with a bad configuration of EDGE backhaul.

• If the cause is (1) "Site not supporting Edge", check the PROM version of the GTW

• If the cause is (2) "Site unsufficient number of DS0", check the radio site mask ac-
cording to engineering rules.

• If the cause is (3) "TRX insufficient EDGE capability", check if there is an EDRX avail-
able on the cell.

2.12. Fault number: 1067 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1067: Abis event reporting a hardware fault
Type: equipmentAlarm
The fault number 1067 accepts causes and equipment wordings corresponding to the
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eDRX, DRX, DRX-ND3, eDRX2, ePA, HePA, CMCF phase 1 and CMCF phase 2 fault

The fault numbers 1060 (transient) and 1067 (begin/end) accept these items of equip-
ment. The causes wording are the same for all DRX types fault causes.

In the case of an equipment fault or a missing item of equipment, the BTS sends a 1067
message to the OMC-R through the BSC specifying the faulty equipment and the
source. In some cases, the BSC starts a defense action (PCM switchover, TRX state
change, reconfiguration of hopping law, for example).

The following table indicates all the sources of the fault number 1067 for the S8000 Out-
door and Indoor BTSs with the BCF or CBCF, for the S8002 BTSs, for the S8003 BTSs,
and for the S8006 BTSs. For more information on each source, refer to the indicated
paragraph to know the corrective maintenance procedure associated with this source.

TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
BTS synchronization
3342340 SYNO x x x x x “BTS
clock not SYNCHRONIZ
locked on ATION
the (source: SYNO
clock not
locked on the
network)” on
page 405
3342341 Synchro x x x x “BTS
not synchronizatio
locked n (source:
because Synchro not
is KO
KO)” on
page 412
3342342 Synchro x x x x
PCM is
not stable
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
3342343 GPS x x x x x “BTS
synchroni synchronizatio
zati n (source:
on GPS
n unavailable)”
on page 414
3342344 Loss of x x x x x “BTS
GPS synchronizatio
synchroni n (source:
zation Loss of GPS
n)” on
page 418
3342345 Lack of x x x x x “BTS
synchroni ATION
zation (source: Lack
of GPS
n accuracy)”
on page 423
3342346 Master x x x x x “BTS
synchroni SYNCHRONIZ
ation (source:
n unavailable)”
on page 428
3342347 Loss of x x x x x “BTS
(source: Loss
of master GSM
time)” on
page 432
3342348 Loss of x x x x x “BTS
(source: Loss
of master SY)”
on page 435
ACU cooling system
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
5505031 Cooler x x “ACU climatic
fault unit (source:
Cooler fault)”
on page 379
ALCO board
4390913 Major x x “ALCO board
fault (source: Major
fault)” on
page 382
Battery cabinet
5832705 Over x x “Battery
temperat cabinet
ure (source: Over
on page 385
5832706 DC power x x “Battery
fault cabinet
(source: DC
power fault)”
on page 387
5832707 Doors x x “Battery
Doors)” on
page 391
5832708 AC power x x
fault -
5832709 Surge x x
protector -
BCF cabinet door
6291457 BCF x “BCF cabinet
cabinet door contact
door (source: BCF
contact cabinet door
detection)” on
page 394
BCF cabinet fan
6356993 BCF x “BCF cabinet
cabinet fan (source:
fan BCF cabinet
fan fault)” on
page 398
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
BCF power supply
5373953 Volt x x “BCF power
supply (source:
Volt)” on
page 400
Battery Remote Controller
6553601 Manual x x “BRC (source:
switch on Manual switch
battery on battery
power power)” on
page 402
6553602 Automati x x “BRC (source:
c switch Automatic
on battery switch on
power battery power)”
on page 402
6553603 Manual x x “BRC (source:
switch on Manual switch
main on main
power power)” on
page 403
6553604 Automati “BRC (source:
c switch Automatic
on main switch on main
power power)” on
page 403
Battery Remote Controller
6553605 Battery x x “BRC (source:
Failure Battery
failure)” on
page 403
6553606 Monitore x x “BRC (source:
d battery Monitored
not battery not
present present)” on
page 404
6553607 Internal “BRC (source:
Inconsist Internal
e inconsistency)”
ncy on page 405
Cabinet door
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
5898241 Door x x x x x x x “Cabinet door
contact (source: Door
detection contact
detection)” on
page 439
8388609 Cavity out x “Cavity
of (source: Cavity
service out of service)”
on page 443
8388610 Cavity x “Cavity
parked (source: Cavity
after parked after
tuning tuning fault
fault (min
(min not
found))” on
page 445
8388611 Loss of x “Cavity
cavity (source: Loss
initializati of cavity
on initialization)”
on page 446
8386612 Nack x “Cavity
answer (source: Nack
from answer from
cavity cavity)” on
page 448
8388613 Cavity x “Cavity
parked (source: Cavity
after parked after
tuning tuning fault
(power too
low))” on
too low)
page 450
8388614 Cavity x “Cavity
parked (source: Cavity
after parked after
tuning tuning fault
(min not
found))” on
problem) page 445
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
8388615 Internal x “Cavity
software (source:
problem Internal
problem)” on
page 453
Cavity combiner
8323073 Power x “Cavity
supply combiner
(source: Power
supply)” on
page 454
8323074 Tuning x “Cavity
detector combiner
fault (source:
detector fault)”
on page 456
8323076 Link NOK x “Cavity
(source: Link
NOK)” on
page 458
C-DACS climatic system
7929857 Dirty filter x “C-DACS
climatic system
(source: Dirty
filter)” on
page 460
7929858 DACS x “C-DACS
failed climatic system
(source: DACS
failed)” on
page 462
CMCF ph 1
CMCF ph 2
9502721 Major x x x x x
12779521 fault -
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9502729 MCF_MC x x x x x “CMCF board
12779529 F (source:
12845065 MCF_MCF)”
on page 465
9568250 Slave x x “CMCF board
12845050 download (source: Slave
12910586 ing downloading
error error)” on
page 468
CMCF ph 1
CMCF ph 2
12779537 duplex x x x x x
12845073 inhibited: -
12779538 CMCF x x x x x “CMCF board
12845074 ACT (source:
ITED)” on
page 470
12779539 CMCF x x x x x “CMCF board
12845075 ACT (source:
CST)” on
page 472
CMCF ph 1
12779536 duplex x x x x x
inhibited: -
mix chain
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411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 363 of 656

TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
12779540 duplex x x x x x “CMCF board
inhibited: (source:
feature Duplex
not inhibited:
feature not
d on
supported on
phase 1 CMCF phase
1)” on
page 475
CPCMI board
9633786 Slave x x x x x
download -
Combiner duplexer or H2 LNA
5570561 LNA fault x x x x x x x “Combiner
duplexer LNA
or combiner
(source: LNA
fault)” on
page 477
Combiner duplexer or H2 VSWR
5636097 VSWR x x x x x x x “Combiner
level 1 duplexer
combiner H2
VSWR level
1)” on
page 481
5636098 VSWR x x x x x x x “Combiner
level 2 duplexer
combiner H2
VSWR level
2)” on
page 481
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
5636099 VSWR x x x x x x x “Combiner
level 3 duplexer
combiner H2
VSWR level
3)” on
page 481
Combiner H4D LNA
7405569 LNA fault x x x x “Combiner
(source: LNA
fault)” on
page 485
Combiner H4D VSWR
7471105 VSWR x x x x “Combiner
level 1 H4D VSWR
VSWR level
1)” on
page 488
7471106 VSWR x x x x “Combiner
level 2 H4D VSWR
VSWR level
2)” on
page 489
7471107 VSWR x x x x “Combiner
level 3 H4D VSWR
VSWR level
3)” on
page 491

Compact distribution system

7995393 Main x “Compact
breaker distribution
(source: Main
breaker)” on
page 494
CPCMI board
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9568257 Major x x x x x “CPCMI board
Major)” on
page 496
9633786 Slave x x x x “CPCMI board
download (source: Slave
ing downloading
error error)” on
page 496
CSWM boards
4259849 Fault on x x “CSWM board
activepas (source: Fault
sive on active-
CSWM passive
link or on
CSWM link or
on passive
CSWM)” on
page 498
4325370 Slave “CSWM board
download (source: Slave
ing downloading
error error)” on
page 500
DACS climatic system
7864321 Dirty filter x x x “DACS climatic
(source: Dirty
filter)” on
page 502
7864322 DACS x x x “DACS climatic
failed system
(source: DACS
failed)” on
page 504
Distribution system
5767169 Main x x x x “Distribution
breaker system
(source: Main
breaker)” on
page 509
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9437212 HePA not x x x x x “DRX or DRX-
supporte ND3 modules
d (source: HePA
not supported)”
on page 518
9437214 Abis x x x x x “DRX or DRX-
12976158 satellite ND3 modules
not (source: Abis
supporte satellite not
DRX)” on
page 517
9437185 RX fault x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582913 or DRX-ND3
12976129 modules
(source: RX
fault)” on
page 531
9437190 BBFILTE x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582918 R ASIC or DRX-ND3
12976134 fault modules
ASIC fault)” on
page 523
9437193 Self test x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582921 failed or DRX-ND3 or
12976137 eDRX2
(source: Self
test failed)” on
page 548
9437194 Major x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582922 fault on or DRX-ND3 or
12976138 TX eDRX2
(source: Major
fault on TX)”
on page 540
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9437206 DRX link x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582934 or DRX-ND3 or
12976150 eDRX2
(source: DRX
link)” on
page 536
9437211 (H) (e) PA x x x x x x x
12582939 configurat -
12976155 ion not
9437216 The TX x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582944 has not or DRX-ND3
12976160 acknowle modules
dged the (source: The
TX has not
the power
request)” on
page 526
9437217 PA DRX x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582945 control or DRX-ND3 or
12976161 loop fault eDRX2
(source: PA
DRX control
loop fault)” on
page 544
9437218 DRX x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12582946 reset by or DRX-ND3 or
12976162 BCF eDRX2
after modules
(source: Nack
answer)” on
dgement page 543

9437219 DRX link x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX

12582947 NOK or DRX-ND3 or
12976163 after eDRX2
reset modules
(source: DRX
d by BSC
reset by BSC)”
on page 539
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TABLE 9. Fault number 1067 sources

S8000 S8000 8 8 8
Indoor Outdoor 0 0 0
Source Source 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9502719 TRX not x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
12648447 anymore or DRX-ND3 or
13041663 configure eDRX2
d modules
(source: TRX
not anymore
on page 553
9437211 PA x x x x x x x “DRX or DRX-
or configurat ND3 modules
12582939 ion (source: PA
exceeded configuration
exceeded)” on
page 520
9437427 Post- x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or mortem or DRX-ND3 or
12583155 dump eDRX2
or zone 3 modules
12976371 (source: Post-
mortem dump
zone 3)” on
page 547

TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9437456 BCCH x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or first or DRX-ND3
12583184 config or eDRX2
or failed modules
BCCH first
config failed)”
on page 535
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
9437457 BCCH x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or second or DRX-ND3
12583185 config or eDRX2
or failed modules
BCCH second
config failed)”
on page 535
9437472 SACCH x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or first or DRX-ND3
12583200 config or eDRX2
or failed modules
SACCH first
config failed)”
on page 547
9437473 SACCH x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or second or DRX-ND3
12583201 config or eDRX2
or failed modules
second config
failed)” on
page 548
9437488 L1M first x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or config or DRX-ND3
12583216 failed modules
or (source: L1M
first config
failed)” on
page 534
9437489 L1M x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
or second or DRX-ND3
12583217 config or eDRX2
or failed modules
(source: L1M
second config
failed)” on
page 540
DRX diversity reception chain
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
6946817 Software x x x x x “DRX or DRX-
detection ND3 diversity
chain (source:
detection)” on
page 512
DRX main reception chain
6881281 Software x x x x x “DRX or DRX-
detection ND3 main
chain (source:
detection)” on
page 514
DSC boards
4456449 Major x x “TROUBLESH
(source: Major
fault)” on
page 555
4456453 Channel_ x x “DSC boards
HSCX (source:
X)” on
page 557
15204361 Self test x x x “DRX or eDRX
failed or DRX-ND3
or eDRX2
(source: Self
test failed)” on
page 548
15204362 Major x x x “DRX or eDRX
fault on or DRX-ND3
TX or eDRX2
(source: Major
fault on TX)”
on page 540
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
15204374 DRX link x x x “DRX or eDRX
or DRX-ND3
or eDRX2
(source: DRX
link)” on
page 536
15204385 PA DRX x x x “DRX or eDRX
control or DRX-ND3
loop fault or eDRX2
(source: PA
DRX control
loop fault)” on
page 544
15204386 DRX x x x “DRX or eDRX
reset by or DRX-ND3
BCF or eDRX2
after modules
(source: Nack
answer)” on
dgement page 543
15204387 DRX link x x x “DRX or eDRX
after or eDRX2
reset modules
(source: DRX
d by BSC
reset by BSC)”
on page 539
15269887 TRX not x x x x x x x “DRX or eDRX
anymore or DRX-ND3
configure or eDRX2
d modules
(source: TRX
not anymore
on page 553
15204624 BCCH x x x “DRX or eDRX
first or DRX-ND3
config or eDRX2
failed modules
BCCH first
config failed)”
on page 535
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
15204625 BCCHsec x x x “DRX or eDRX
ond or DRX-ND3
config or eDRX2
failed modules
BCCH second
config failed)”
on page 535
15204640 SACCH x x x “DRX or eDRX
first or DRX-ND3
config or eDRX2
failed modules
SACCH first
config failed)”
on page 547
15204641 SACCH x x x “DRX or eDRX
second or DRX-ND3
config or eDRX2
failed modules
second config
failed)” on
page 548
15204656 L1M first x x x “DRX or eDRX
config or DRX-ND3
failed modules
(source: L1M
first config
failed)” on
page 534
15204657 L1M x x x “DRX or eDRX
second or DRX-ND3
config or eDRX2
failed modules
(source: L1M
second config
failed)” on
page 540
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
15204595 Post- x x x “DRX or eDRX
mortem or DRX-ND3
dump or eDRX2
zone 3 modules
(source: Post-
mortem dump
zone 3)” on
page 547
Not protected alarm
3735553 Alarm x x x x x “Not protected
alarm (source:
Alarm)” on
page 580
External alarm
7274497 x x x x x “External
alarm (source:
Alarm)” on
page 560
Fan of the base cabinet
6225921 Cabinet x x “Fan of the
fan fault base cabinet
Cabinet fan
fault)” on
page 560
F-type converters
5308417 Volt x x x x x x x “F-Type
(source: Volt)”
on page 562
GTW boards
4587521 Major x x “GTW boards
fault on (source: Major
GTW fault on GTW)”
on page 565
Internal batteries
5439489 Battery x x x “Internal
disconne batteries
ct (source:
ed Battery
on page 568
Lightning protector
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
6160385 Lightning x x x x “Lightning
protection protector
fault (source:
fault)” on
page 578
Output Rx-splitter D
9764865 Over x x x x x “Output Rx-
current splitter D
(source: Over
current)” on
page 580
9699329 Over x x x x x “Output Rx-
current splitter M
(source: Over
current)” on
page 582
6488065 PCM x x x x x x x “PCM (source:
PCM)” on
page 584
PCMI boards
4521985 Major x x “PCMI boards
fault on (source: Major
PCMI fault on PCMI)”
on page 584
PA or ePA
or HePA
6815745 Hardware x x x x x x x “Power
or amplifiers
12648449 (source:
or Hardware)” on
page 585
6815746 DRX and x x x x x x x “Power
or PA amplifiers
12648450 connectio (source: DRX
or n and PA
on page 589
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
6815747 High x x x x x x x “Power
or temp amplifiers
12648451 (source: High
or temperature)”
on page 592
6815748 High x x x x x x x “TROUBLESH
or Current OOTING
12648452 Power
or amplifiers
(source: High
Current )” on
page 595
6815750 PA_PSD x x x x x x x “Power
or W amplifiers
12648454 (source:
or PA_PSDW)”
on page 598
6815751 VSWR x x x x x x x “Power
fault amplifiers
detected (source:
by PA VSWR fault
detected by
PA)” on
page 601
RECAL board
9633793 Major x x x x x “RECAL board
Major)” on
page 602
9699322 Slave x x x x x “RECAL board
download (source: Slave
ing downloading
error error)” on
page 604
5242881 AC fault x x x x x x “Rectifiers
(source: AC
fault)” on
page 606
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
5242882 DC fault x x x x x x “Rectifiers
(source: DC
fault)” on
page 609
5242883 Over x x x x x x “Rectifiers
temperat (source: Over
ure temperature)”
on page 611
5242884 External x x x x x x “Rectifiers
battery (source:
level 1 External
battery level
1)” on
page 613
5242885 PCU x x x x x x “Rectifiers
protective (source: PCU
protective)” on
page 615
5242886 Battery x x x x x x “Rectifiers
on (source:
discharge Battery on
s discharges)”
on page 618
SYNC boards
4325377 Major x x “SYNC boards
fault on (source: Major
SYNC fault on
SYNC)” on
page 626
Rx Filter
7602177 LNA Fault x x x x “Rx Filter
(source: LNA
fault)” on
page 624
Tx Filters
7536642 VSWR x x x x x “Tx Filters
level 2 (source:
VSWR level
3)” on
page 629
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TABLE 10. Fault number 1067 sources (continued) (cont’d.)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outdoor 8 8 8
Indoor 0 0 0
Source Source BCF CBCF 0 0 0
No. wording BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
7536643 VSWR x x x x x “Tx Filters
level 3 (source:
VSWR level
3)” on
page 629
User system
5701633 User x x x x x x x -

TABLE 11. Fault number 1067 sources (IP)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outd 8 8 8
Indoor Source No. 0 0 0
Source Cause BC oor 0 0 0
No. wording F CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
15728672 IPM BIST x x “IPM-USER
failed core (source:
failed)” on
page 574
15728675 IPM x x “IPM-USER
temperat core (source:
ure IPM
on page 575
15728688 DAC x x “IPM-USER
unable to core (source:
loc DAC unable to
k, lock,
n not
possible possible)” on
page 576
15794208 IPM BIST x x “IPM-USER
failed core (source:
failed)” on
page 574
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TABLE 11. Fault number 1067 sources (IP)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outd 8 8 8
Indoor Source No. 0 0 0
Source Cause BC oor 0 0 0
No. wording F CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
15794211 IPM x x “IPM-USER
temperat core (source:
ure IPM
on page 575
15794224 DAC x x “IPM-USER
unable to core (source:
loc DAC unable to
k, lock,
n not
possible possible)” on
page 576
15794241 No link x x “RIPM-USER
with core (source:
passive No link with
passive)” on
page 623
IP synchro
15859968 Unable to x x “IP synchro
lock on (source:
IP Unable to lock
synchroni on IP
n)” on
page 570
15859969 Not x x “IP synchro
enough (source: Not
synchroni enough
zation synchronizatio
n packets
have been
received. received)” on
page 571
Ethernet switch
15925760 Ethernet -
switch is
cted on
user port
IPM-USER commissioning
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411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 379 of 656

TABLE 11. Fault number 1067 sources (IP)

S8000 S S S
S8000 Outd 8 8 8
Indoor Source No. 0 0 0
Source Cause BC oor 0 0 0
No. wording F CBCF BCF CBCF 2 3 6 Paragraph
15663140 Only one “IPM-USER
IBOS commissionin
commissi g (source:
oned at Only one
at IPM)” on
page 572
15663141 DNS “IPM-USER
resolution commissionin
has failed g (source:
for at DNS
least one
resolution has
failed for at
least one
IBOS)” on
page 573
2.12.1. ACU climatic unit (source: Cooler fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cooler system
Source: (5505031) Cooler fault
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor


This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

It is an "OR" function of all the alarms that are liable to occur on the climatic unit.


• As long as the temperature of the (H)(e)PAs is lower than 60..C (140..F), there is no
BSC defense action.

• As soon as the temperature of the (H)(e)PAs is higher than 60..C, there is a voluntary
cut of the (H)(e)PAs. Then the BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment and
transceiver objects, and possibly the btsSiteManager and bts objects.
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Service interruption
The service is progressively lost.

Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
so that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem so that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait until the state of the btsSiteManager
object becomes "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 9.

2. Check that the alarm on the ACU climatic units is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
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Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of a "cooler system" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to

step 3.

• If the state of the "cooler system" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

3. Check that the main breaker, the climatic system circuit breaker and the circuit break-
er L2/CB2 are in the "I" position. If they are not, put them in the "I" position.

4. Remove the filter of the faulty ACU (see 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003

5. 5 Reset the two internal AC and DC circuit breakers of the ACU (located behind the
filter) once.

• If the circuit breakers can not be reset, replace the climatic unit (Field Replaceable
Unit). It can be replaced either by another ACU or by a DACS.

– To replace the climatic unit with another ACU, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

– To replace the climatic unit with a DACS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) to remove the ACU, and to install the DACS.

- Go to step 6.

• If the circuit breakers can be reset, measure the ambient temperature of the cabinet.

– If the temperature is between -40..C (-40..F) and +50..C (+122..F), there is an

internal problem in the climatic unit. Replace the climatic unit (Field Replace-
able Unit). It can be replaced either by another ACU or by a DACS.

- To replace the climatic unit with another ACU, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

- To replace the climatic unit with a DACS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) to remove the ACU and to install the DACS.

– Go to step 6.

• If the temperature is lower than -40..C or higher than +50..C, wait for the system to
return to a normal temperature. The cabinet will restart automatically, triggered by
the thermostats.

– The high temperature thermostat triggers the cabinet start-up if the temperature
is lower than 61..C (+141.8..F).

– The low temperature thermostat triggers the cabinet start-up if the temperature
is upper than 9..C (+48.2..F).
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Go to step 6.

Additional checks

6. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Check the state of the ACU climatic unit by performing a "Display hardware configu-
ration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cooler system" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

– If the state of the "cooler system" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

8. Clear the alarm.

9. The procedure is complete.

2.12.2. ALCO board (source: Major fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: ALCO
Source: (4390913) Major fault
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates an ALCO board failure that may be due to the fuse on the front pan-
el of the BCF, the power supply voltage on the PWR cable or the cabling between the
BCF and the board.


BSC defense


Impact on the service The BTS no longer supervises all the items of equipment linked
to the ALCO board (distribution system, rectifiers, F-type converters, BCF power sup-
plies, internal batteries, climatic system, LNA, VSWR, door contact, lightning protection
and battery cabinet).

The S8000 BTS service is no longer supervised, as the BTS cannot inform the BSC.
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Service interruption
The service can be lost, even though the OMC-R does not indicate any

Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate.

Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager

object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 8.

2. Check that the alarm on the ALCO board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
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configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "ALCO" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "ALCO" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 7

On-site maintenance

3. Check the ALCO board fuse on the BCF front panel for the S8000 Outdoor or the
ALCO/BCF circuit breaker for the S8000 Indoor.

• If it is correct, go to step 4.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

– If the alarm persists, go to step 4.

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

4. Check the power supply voltage on the PWR cable by measuring with a voltmeter.

• If the voltage is lower than -58V and higher than -40V, replace the ALCO board (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-
ing). Go to step 5.

• If the voltage is between -58V and -40V, replace the O and M cable (Shop Replace-
able Unit) between the BCF and the ALCO board. Go to step 5.

Additional checks

5. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

• 6 Check the state of the ALCO board by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.

• If the state of the "ALCO" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "ALCO" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.3. Battery cabinet (source: Over temperature)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Battery cabinet
Source: (5832705) Over temperature
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor


This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

It is triggered by a problem with the climatic unit of the battery cabinet: the temperature
of the battery cabinet has become either too high (over + 65..C), or too low (below +


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.

Working instructions
Intervene within 24 hours.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process
the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

– If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has ap-

– If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
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– Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

- If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing -Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

- If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for

alarms concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 8.

2. Check that the alarm on the battery cabinet is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 4.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

3. Check the state of the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 5.
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4. Replace the heating and ventilation unit of the battery cabinet (Field Replaceable
Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step

Additional checks

5. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Check the state of the battery cabinet by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7. Clear the alarm.

8. The procedure is complete.

2.12.4. Battery cabinet (source: DC power fault)

Fault number 1067 : Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Battery cabinet
Source: (5832706) DC power fault
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board, and occurs when there is a power
supply problem of the battery cabinet.

If the BTS operates on its external batteries, there are no internal batteries.


BSC defense If the S8000 BTS operates on batteries, there is no BSC defense action
until the batteries reach the threshold level. In this case, the BSC unconfigures the
btsSiteManager object. The btsSiteManager, bts and transceiverEquipment objects
change their state: they become "disabled-dependency". The pcmCircuit of the Abis link
becomes "disabled-failed".
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Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate. There is a risk of site loss.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process
theproblem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

– If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has ap-

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

- If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for

alarms concerning the BSC.

– If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site

is not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object be-
comes "enabled".

– If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not


a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
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b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 13.

2. Check that the alarm on the battery cabinet is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 3.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 12.

On-site maintenance

3. If the alarm appears and there are no external batteries, go to step 4. Otherwise, go
to step 6.

4. Check the "external battery cabinet" parameter by performing the "Display" command
on the btsSiteManager object.

• If the parameter is "present", set its value to "absent".

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

– If the parameter is "absent", go to step 10.

5. Check the state of the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Proce-

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 6.

6. Check the state of the circuit breakers of the battery cabinet.

• If the circuit breakers of the battery cabinet are not in the "I" position, put the DC circuit
breaker in the "I" position.

– In the case of a new break, go to step 7.

– Otherwise, go to step 9.

– If the circuit breakers of the battery cabinets are in the "I" position, go to step 7.
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7. Check the external batteries (see 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Trouble-

• If the test is failed, replace the external batteries (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

• If the test is correct, disconnect the cables of the battery cabinet. Go to step 9.

8. Put the DC circuit breaker of the battery cabinet in the "I" position.

• In the case of a new break, replace the DC circuit breaker of the battery cabinet (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

• Otherwise, check the cables between the batteries and the circuit breaker.

– If the cables are correct, go to step 9.

– If the cables are not correct, replace them (Shop Replaceable Unit).

- If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units).

• For the ALCO board, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

• For the RECAL board, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

Go to step 10.

Additional checks

10. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 11.

11. Check the state of the battery cabinet by performing the "Display hardware config-
uration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
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Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", go to step 12.

12. Clear the alarm.

13. The procedure is complete.

2.12.5. Battery cabinet (source: Doors)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Battery cabinet
Source: (5832707) Doors
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates that a door is open.


BSC defense


Impact on the service There is no immediate impact.

Working instructions
If an intervention is being performed on the battery cabinet, the door is
open. Therefore, the alarm is normal.

However, if no intervention is being performed on the battery cabinet,

this alarm is not normal. Intervention on the site must be immediate. If
the doors remain open, temperature problems could arise.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process
the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

– If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has ap-

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

- If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for

alarms concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– Otherwise, go to step 15.Check that the alarm on the door contact is valid, by

2. performing a "Display hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager ob-


Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 4.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 14.
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On-site maintenance

3. Check the state of the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Proce-

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 12.

4. If the alarm appears and the door is closed, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 14.

5. Check the door contact.

• If it is correct, go to step 7.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 6.

6. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Check the state of the battery cabinet by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is still "failed", go to step 8.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

8. Check the cable between the door contact and the ALCO or RECAL board.

• If it is correct, go to step 11.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 9.

9. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Check the state of the battery cabinet by performing a "Display hardware configu-
ration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is still "failed", go to step 11.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

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11. Replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units).

• For the ALCO board, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

• For the RECAL board, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

Go to step 12.

Additional checks

12. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 13.

13. Check the state of the battery cabinet by performing the "Display hardware config-
uration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

– If the state of the "battery cabinet" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

14. Clear the alarm.

15. The procedure is complete.

2.12.6. BCF cabinet door contact (source: BCF cabinet door contact detection)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BCF Cabinet door
Source: (6291457) BCF cabinet door contact detection
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates that the BCF cabinet door has been opened (begin-of-fault) or
closed (end-of-fault).


BSC defense


Impact on the service There is no immediate impact on the service.

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Working instructions
If an intervention is being performed on the BCF cabinet, the door is
open. Therefore, the alarm is normal.

However, if no intervention is being performed on the BCF cabinet, this

alarm is not normal. Intervention on the site must be immediate. If the
door remains open, temperature problems could arise.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process
the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

– If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has ap-

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
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a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 15.

2. Check that the alarm on the door contact is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "BCF cabinet door" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
to step 4.

• If the state of the "BCF cabinet door" equipment is "working", the fault is not con-
firmed. Go to step 14.

On-site maintenance

3. Check the state of the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Proce-

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 12.

4. If the alarm appears but the door is closed, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 14.

5. Replace the ALCO board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Then go to step 6.

6. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Check the state of the door contact by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "BCF door contact" equipment is still "failed", go to step 8.

• If the state of the "BCF door contact" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

8. Check the cable between the BCF and the connection panel.
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• If it is correct, go to step 11.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 9.

9. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Check the state of the door contact by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "BCF door contact" equipment is still "failed", go to step 11.

• If the state of the "BCF door contact" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

11. Check the cable between the connection panel and the ALCO board.

• If it is correct, go to step 12.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 12.

Additional checks

12. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 13.

13. Check the state of the door contact by performing the "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "BCF door contact" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "BCF door contact" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

14. Clear the alarm.

15. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.7. BCF cabinet fan (source: BCF cabinet fan fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BCF Cabinet fan
Source: (6356993) BCF cabinet fan fault
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that a BCF cabinet fan is faulty.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
andprocess the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

a. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
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- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 9.

2. Check that the alarm on the BCF cabinet fan is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "BCF Cabinet fan" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
to step 3.

• If the state of the "BCF Cabinet fan" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

3. Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Proce-

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 4.

4. Check the state of the fuse.

• If it is correct, go to step 5.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 6.

5. Replace the faulty fan (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 6.

Additional checks

6. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Check the state of the BCF cabinet fan by performing a "Display hardware configu-
ration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "BCF cabinet fan" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "BCF cabinet fan" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

8. Clear the alarm.

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9. The procedure is complete.

2.12.8. BCF power supply (source: Volt)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Equipment:
Source: (5373953) Volt
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm is detected by the ALCO board.

This alarm indicates that a BCF power supply is faulty.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.


1. Perform a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process
the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

- If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has ap-

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

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concerning the BSC

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– Otherwise, go to step 11.

2. Perform a "Display hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object:

the results are displayed in the "Session log" window.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "converter BCF" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 3.

• If the state of the "converter BCF" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 10.

Fault location

3. The equipment number indicates which of the three power supplies is concerned by
the alarm. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance

4. Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 8.

5. Replace the BCF power supply (Field Replacement Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

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6. Replace the ALCO board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7 for the S8000 Indoor BTS or to step 8 for the S8000
Outdoor BTS.

7. Replace the external alarm cable (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 8.

Additional checks

8. Check the alarm state.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Perform a "Display hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object:

the results are displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the BCF converter equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the BCF converter equipment is "working", go to step 10.

10. Clear the alarm.

11. The procedure is complete.

2.12.9. BRC (source: Manual switch on battery power)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553601) Manual switch on battery power
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has been manually (using OMC-R command)
switched from main power to battery.

2.12.10. BRC (source: Automatic switch on battery power)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553602) Automatic switch on battery power
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has been automatically switched from main pow-
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er to battery.

2.12.11. BRC (source: Manual switch on main power)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553603) Manual switch on main power
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has been automatically switched from battery to
main power.

2.12.12. BRC (source: Automatic switch on main power)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a transient default

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553604) Automatic switch on main power
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

This notification indicates that the BTS has been automatically switched from battery to
main power.

2.12.13. BRC (source: Battery failure)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553605) Battery failure
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

The software of the RECAL board in the BTS continuously controls the state of the bat-
tery strings and generates a battery failure alarm to the BCF when an error is detected
on one of them. On switching the power supply mode, the battery failure alarm is cleared
and the control algorithm is restarted.

The following two types of malfunction are covered:

• When the battery is floating or loading:

The battery is considered "bad" when the middle point voltage of one string gets out of
a given range (+/- 1,3V). When the RECAL detects a battery failure, the BCF generates
a notification (fault number 1067). This notification specifies a battery malfunction with
the battery failure cause. A discharge test is recommended to confirm the battery status.
When the battery is floating or loading, every 10 minutes the value is reported at the BTS
level, computed on average of values sampled every 100 ms.
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• The battery is in use (discharge)

After a short period of time (60 sec.), the middle point voltage of each string is computed
(average on values sampled every 100 ms) as a reference. Then, the middle point volt-
age of each string is periodically compared to this reference.

The battery is considered bad when the difference between the reference and the mid-
dle point voltage goes outside of a given range (+/- 0,5V) And the Stringglobal voltage
is greater than a given threshold (45,5V) : in order to avoid generating a battery failure
notification in case of huge discharge due to a main power failure (the variation of the
difference between the reference and the middle point voltage is therefore normal).

When the RECAL detects a battery failure, the BCF generates a notification (fault num-
ber 1067). This notification specifies a battery malfunction with the battery failure cause.
Furthermore, the BTS does not switch to main power and hence the discharge phase
goes to the threshold which triggers an automatic switch to the main power (processed
by the BRC).

When the battery is in use (discharge), every 2 seconds the value is reported at the BTS
level, computed on average of values sampled every 100 ms.

A string is composed of 4 stacks. A double failure in a string (a stack on each side of the
middle point voltage with the same decrease of voltage) is not detected by this method
since the middle point voltage remains in the given range. However, the analysis of the
voltage-time diagram allows the detection a quick discharge which highlights a battery

The battery malfunction alarm is cleared at the OMC-R on switching the battery mode
(main or battery). When the string is replaced, checks can be done with the TIL (middle
point voltage values, global string voltage value) without having to wait for BTS detection
which will be notified to the OMC-R.

2.12.14. BRC (source: Monitored battery not present)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553606) Monitored battery not present
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

When the BRC is not present (or does not work and is detected as not present), a noti-
fication is sent by the BTS to the OMC-R if the BRC features are activated in the set ex-
ternal contact (the batteryRemoteControllerPresence parameter is set to ’present’). By
default, this parameter is set to ’not present’.

When the BRC led is ON, it means that the BTS is powered by batteries, and that recti-
fiers are OFF (Note that the BRC led is turned ON only if the user manually switches the
BTS from mains to battery using OMC-R. In case the mains circuit breaker is switched
off the BTS automatically switches to battery and the BRC led will not be turned ON in
this case). Hence, no maintenance is allowed on batteries. If maintenance is done, then
the BTS may be lost due to power shut down.
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2.12.15. BRC (source: Internal inconsistency)

Fault number 1067 Internal inconsistency

Equipment: BRC
Source: (6553607) Internal inconsistency
BTS model: S8000 CBCF Outdoor + S8002

The notification 1067 (cause Detection of an internal inconsistency) can be caused by

cable P3 or any combination of P3 with another cable. A lock/unlock on the BTS Site
Manager is necessary for the maintenance. Then, a "switch battery on/off" command
from the OMC-R may be required to switch the power mode to main supply or battery in
accordance with the customer choice.

2.12.16. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: SYNO clock not locked on the network)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342340) SYNO clock not locked on the network
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

A BTS works on its internal clock and provides the other BTSs with it through the PCM
links. This alarm indicates a problem with the radio cabinet clock: the value of the refer-
ence clock of the synchronizing PCM is not in the admitted interval.


BSC defense As long as the PCM link is operational, there is no BSC defense action.
Impact on the service As long as the PCM link is operational, there is no BSC defense

• If the impact is "non transparent for the BSC" in the notification, the BSC unconfigures
the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
The service is reduced or lost depending on the configuration.

– If the impact is "transparent for the BSC" in the notification, the BSC does noth-

Service interruption
A handover problem can occur between the BTS concerned and its
neighboring BTSs (a Kapsch BTS or a BTS of another manufacturer).
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1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– Otherwise, go to step 33.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2. Check the number of impacted sites.

• If only one site is impacted, go to step 3.

• If several sites are impacted, go to step 4.

3. Check the validity of the alarm on the CMCF board by performing a visual test of the

• If the "LCKD" LED of the CMCF board is on and the "SKP" LED of the CPCMI board
is on, the fault is confirmed. Go to step 5.

• Otherwise, the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 30.

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4. Check the validity of the alarm on several impacted sites by performing a visual test
of the board.

• If the "LCKD" LED of the CMCF board is on and the "SKP" LED of the CPCMI board
is on, the fault is confirmed. Go to step 11.

• Otherwise, the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 30.

5. Perform a switchover of the CMCF board.

Check if the alarm persists in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 6.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

6. Replace the previously active CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

• Go to step 31.

7. Check the number of PCM links declared.

• If there is only one PCM link declared, go to step 8.

• If there are several PCM links declared, go to step 9.

8. Replace the CPCMI board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS If the alarm
has disappeared, go to step 33. Otherwise, call the manufacturer.

9. Perform a "Display dynamic data" command on the lapdLink object to determine

which PCM link is used by the lapd.

10. Perform a switchover of the PCM links by setting the administrativeState of the lap-
dLink object to "locked".

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

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• If the alarm persists, perform this action on each PCM link again and as long as the
alarm persists. At the end,

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 11.

11. Perform a "Display dynamic data" command on the bsc object to determine which
TCU gives the clock to the network.

• If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is "synchro internal clock", go to step 29.

• If the "synchronizing PCM" parameter is not "synchro internal clock", go to step 12.

12. Check the number of available TCUs.

• If there are at least two available TCUs, go to step 13.

• If there is only one TCU, go to step 14.

13. Perform a PCM Ater link switchover by setting the administrativeState of the pc-
mCircuit object to "locked".

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 20.

14. Perform a "Display all" command on the transcoder object: to check the state of the
TCU 3000.

• If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled", the problem concerns

the BSC 3000. Go to step 19.

• If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled", the problem concerns

the BSC. Go to step 20.

15. Measure the frequency of the PCM A downlinks (with a PCM analyzer).

• If the frequency is correct, measure the frequency of the PCMA uplinks.

– If the frequency is not correct on all the PCM A links, go to step 16.

– If the frequency is not correct on one of the PCM A links, go to step 17.

– If the frequency is correct, the problem does not concern the TCU but concerns
the BSC. Go to step 20.

• If the frequency is not correct, the problem concerns the MSC. Look for it and solve
it. Then go to step 1.

16. Replace:

• For the TCU 3000, the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to GSM BSC 3000
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/ TCU 3000 Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 32.

– If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

17. Replace:

• For the TCU 3000, the IEM board. Refer to GSM BSC 3000 / TCU 3000 Trouble-
shooting (411-9001-132).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 32.

– If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

18. Perform a "Display all" command on the transcoder object to check the state of the

• If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled", the problem concerns

the BSC. Go to step 20.

• If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled", go to step 19.

19. Perform a PCM A link switchover by setting the administrativeSta te of the pcmCir-
cuit object to "locked". Then perform a "Display all" command on the transcoder ob-
ject to check the state of the TCU.

• If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "enabled", the problem concerns

the IEM board of the TCU 3000. Go to step 17.

• If the operationalState of the transcoder object is "disabled", do the same operation

twice: either the operationalState of the transcoder object becomes "enabled", or the
operationalState of the transcoder object remains "disabled". If the operationalState
is "enabled", go to step 15. Otherwise go to step 17.

20. Perform a "Display all" command on the bsc object to check the correctness of the
parameters of the passive chain.

21. Perform one of the following:

• For the BSC 3000, go to step 22.

22. Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on the MSC side, on the
BSC side and on the TCU side.

• If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the frequency of the PCM Ater link
is correct, go to step 25.

• If the frequency of the PCM A link is correct and the frequency of the PCM Ater link
is not correct, go to step 23.

• If the frequency of the PCM A link is not correct, if it is the downlink concerned, go to
step 23, and if it is the uplink concerned, go to step 23.
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23. Replace the following items of equipment one after the other to identify the faulty

a. Replace the CEM board of the TCU 3000. Refer to GSM BSC 3000/TCU 3000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 33.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 23b

b. Remove the newly inserted CEM board and reinsert the old CEM board. Then re-
place the IEM board (Field Replaceable Unit) of the TCU 3000. Refer to GSM
BSC 3000/TCU 3000 Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 33.

• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

24. The problem concerns the MSC. Solve it and then go to step 1.

25. Measure the frequency of the PCMs (with a PCM analyzer) on the BSC side, on the
TCU side and on the BTS side.

• If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is correct and the frequency of the PCM Ater
link is correct, call the transmission operator.

• If the frequency of the PCM Abis link is not correct and the frequency of the PCM Ater
link is correct:

– If it is the uplink concerned and if there is one BTS, go to step 26.

– If it is the uplink concerned and if there are several BTSs, the problem concerns
the PCMs. Call the transmission operator.

– If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the PCMs. Call the trans-
mission operator.

• If the frequency of the PCM Ater link is not correct:

– If it is the uplink concerned, go to step 28.

– If it is the downlink concerned, the problem concerns the PCMs. Call the trans-
mission operator.

26. Replace the CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

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If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 33. If the alarm persists, go to step 27.

27. Replace the CPCMI board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 33. Otherwise, call the manufacturer.

28. Replace:

• For the BSC 3000, the CEM board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to GSM BSC 3000
/ TCU 3000 Troubleshooting (411-9001-132).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 33.

– If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

29. Make a TCU operational.

As soon as a TCU is operational, go to step 12.

Additional checks

30. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 33.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 31.

31. Check the state of the alarm on the CMCF board by performing a visual test of the

• If the "LCKD" LED of the CMCF board is off and the "SKP" LED of the CPCMI board
is off, call the manufacturer.

• Otherwise, go to step 32.

32. Clear the alarm.

33. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.17. BTS synchronization (source: Synchro not locked because OCVXO is KO)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342341) Synchro not locked because OCVXO is
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the SYN clock is not able to lock on the PCM be-
cause the OCVXO (oscillator) of the passive CMCF board is faulty (the BTS is in duplex

The problem occurred either on the passive CMCF board, or on the previously active
CMCF board, which became passive after an automatic switchover.

The end-of-fault must be manual.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None, as long as the active CMCF board is operational.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
abled". If several faults occur on the BTS Synchronization item of equipment, only
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the first generated fault remains visible at the OMC-R. Other faults are available in
the notification logs.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

• Otherwise, go to step 6.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid, by
performing a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the
btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. Replace the passive CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit). The cause "OCVXO KO"
can be indicated on the repair note. Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS Then go to
step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the state of the alarm on the CMCF board by performing a visual test of the

• If the passive CMCF board is not operational, call the manufacturer.

• Otherwise, go to step 5.

5. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.
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Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.18. BTS synchronization (source: GPS synchronization unavailable)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BRC
Source: (3342343) GPS synchronization unavailable
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF

The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the GPS PPS signal is not present or not correct,
even though the GPS synchronization mode has been selected at the OMC-R.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the GPS synchronization has been retrieved again
and that the BTS synchronized itself on it.

If GPS has become in service but is not accurate enough to be used as a synchroniza-
tion source, the end-of-fault "GPS synchronization unavailable" is sent, and another
alarm with begin-of-fault "Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy" is sent too (refer to
Paragraph 2.12.20 “BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Lack of GPS synchronization
accuracy)” (page 461)).


BSC defense


Impact on the service None when the BTS remains synchronized on the Abis link (be-

However, when the BTS synchronizes itself on the external synchronization, it changes
its GSM time for the GPS time. This change of GSM time causes a reset "GSM time
modified" of all the TRXs (end-of-fault).

Service interruption
The service is lost during the TRX reset.
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Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
abled". If several faults occur on the BTS Synchronization item of equipment, only
the first generated fault remains visible at the OMC-R. Other faults are available in
the notification logs.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager

object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

• Otherwise, go to step 13.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "Abis synchronization due to GPS synchro-
nization unavailable or lack of accuracy".

• The "Available synchronization sources" are: "Abis synchronization only".

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Go to step 2b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 13.

On-site maintenance

3. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the synchroni-
zation LEDs on the CMCF boards.

• When the GPS synchronization is unavailable, the BTS remains synchronized

through the Abis link, and the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as shown in Table 12
"CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on Abis link)" (page 453). Then the
fault is confirmed.

TABLE 12. CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on Abis link)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board

CLK 0, 1, 2 one of them is one of them is ON
ON(displaying the PCM no. (displaying the
used for synchronization) PCM no. used for
LCKD OFF ON (solid green)

• If the BTS is equipped with a TMU, go to step 4.

• If the BTS is equipped with an LMU + EIU, go to step 5.

4. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the TMU.

• If the TMU control LED is OFF, the TMU is not receiving power. Check the TMU pow-
er connections (refer to the TMU manufacturer documentation) or go to step 6.

• If the TMU control LED is flashing green, the TMU is initializing. Wait for the end of
initializing, until the TMU is in a stable state, such as solid green, flashing yellow or
solid red.

• If the TMU control LED is solid red, the GPS is out of service, experiencing a major
fault. Go to step 6.

• If the TMU control LED is flashing yellow, the GPS is working but the status of the
synchronizing signal is not satisfactory enough to use it as a synchronization source.

– Wait for 30 minutes after the last TMU power up (time needed to catch satellite
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signals and converge the computation of position and time).

– If the situation does not improve, check the antenna connection (AMT connector
on the TMU). If necessary, refer to TMU manufacturer documentation.

– If the situation does not improve, the GPS antenna installation needs to be mod-
ified. Go to step 6.

• If the TMU control LED is solid green, the GPS is working and available as synchro-
nization source. Go to step 7.

5. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the LMU + EIU:

• If the EIU power LED is solid green, the EIU is receiving power and sending the timing
signal to the BTS. Go to step 8.

• If the EIU power LED is off, the EIU is not receiving power. Check the EIU power
connections (refer to the EIU manufacturer documentation) or go to step 6.

6. Call the TMU (or LMU + EIU) manufacturer.

7. Check the cable between the TMU and BCFICO board.

a. Unplug the cable between the TMU (RJ45 "BTS" connector) and BCFICO board
(9-pin connector).

b. Plug the cable again between the TMU and BCFICO board.

c. Check that the three "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2" LEDs of the CMCF board blink
three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds. Then go to step 9.

8. Check the cable between the LMU and EIU to the BTS. A Y cable is used to connect:

• the LMU RS-232 cable (ENV/AOA connector) on the one end

• the EIU RS-422 cable (RJ45 connector) on the other end

• into the BTS (CBCF port RS-232)

a. Unplug the Y cable.

b. Plug the Y cable again.

c. Check that the three "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2" LEDs of the CMCF board blink
three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds. Then go to step 9.

Additional checks

9. Check the state of the LEDs on the CMCF boards.

• If the GPS synchronization is available, the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as
shown in Table 13 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on GPS)". Then
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go to step 10.

TABLE 0-1. CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on GPS)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board

CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON (solid green) all ON (solid green)
LCKD ON (solid green) ON (solid green)

• If the LEDs show that the BTS is still synchronized on the Abis link (refer to Table 12
"CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on Abis link)" (page 453) in step 3),
then go to step 12.

10. Use the TIL to check that the cable has been correctly connected and that the BTS
receives the GPS synchronization signal. Connect the TIL to the BTS:

• If the TIL displays "GPS synchronization available", then the BTS receives 1 Hz PPS
clock and PPS frames. Go to step 11.

• If the TIL displays "no external synchronization source", then the BTS does not re-
ceive any GPS signal. Go to step 12.

11. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12. Call the manufacturer.

13. The procedure is complete.

2.12.19. BTS synchronization (source: Loss of GPS synchronization)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342344) Loss of GPS synchronization
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF


The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the GPS PPS is no more present.

The BTS detects a loss of GPS synchronization signal when one of the following events

• when the GPS status = 2 (the GPS is out of service experiencing a major fault. The
TMU control LED is solid red)
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• when the PPS is not received or not correct

• when the serial link between TMU and the BCFICO board is faulty (CRC KO) or be-
tween the LMU and CBCF port

• when the GPS time is not correctly incremented by 1 sec. at each PPS period suc-
cessively during 3 times

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the GPS synchronization has been retrieved again
and that the BTS synchronized itself on it.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None because the BTS holds over to its internal clock (begin-of-

When the BTS synchronizes itself on the GPS synchronization, it changes its GSM time
for the GPS time without impact on the service (end-of-fault).


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
abled". If several faults occur on the BTS Synchronization item of equipment, only
the first generated fault remains visible at the OMC-R. Other faults are available in
the notification logs.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
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a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

• Otherwise, go to step 14.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "hold over mode due to a loss of GPS syn-
chronization", and the "Available synchronization sources" are: "Abis synchroniza-
tion only". Go to step 2b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 14.

On-site maintenance

3. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the synchroni-
zation LEDs on the CMCF boards.

• When the GPS synchronization is lost, the BTS remains synchronized on its internal
clock, and the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as shown in Table 14 "CMCF boards
LEDs status (BTS in holdover after loss of GPS synchro)". Then the fault is con-

TABLE 13. CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS in holdover after loss of GPSsynchro)

Active CMCF
LEDs board Passive CMCF board
CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON all ON

• If the BTS is equipped with a TMU, go to step 4.

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• If the BTS is equipped with an LMU + EIU, go to step 5.

4. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the TMU.

• If the TMU control LED is solid red, the GPS is out of service, experiencing a major
fault. Go to step 6.

• If the TMU control LED is flashing green, the TMU is initializing. Wait for the end of
initializing, until the TMU is in a stable state, such as solid green, flashing yellow or
solid red.

• If the TMU control LED is flashing yellow, the GPS is working but the status of the
synchronizing signal is not satisfactory enough to use it as a synchronization source.

– Wait for 30 minutes after the last TMU power up (time needed to catch satellite
signals and converge the computation of position and time).

– If the situation does not improve, check the antenna connection (AMT connector
on the TMU). If necessary, refer to TMU manufacturer documentation.

– If the situation does not improve, the GPS antenna installation needs to be mod-
ified. Go to step 6.

• If the TMU control LED is solid green, the GPS is working and available as synchro-
nization source. Go to step 7.

5. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the LMU + EIU:

• If the EIU power LED is solid green, the EIU is receiving power and sending the timing
signal to the BTS. Go to step 8.

• If the EIU power LED is off, the EIU is not receiving power. Check the EIU power
connections (refer to the EIU documentation) or go to step 6.

6. Call the TMU (or LMU + EIU) manufacturer.

7. Check the cable between the TMU and BCFICO board.

a. Unplug the cable between the TMU and BCFICO board.

b. Plug the cable again between the TMU and BCFICO board.

c. Check that the three "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2" LEDs of the CMCF board blink
three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds. Then go to step 9.

8. Check the cables between the LMU and EIU to the BTS. A Y cable is used to connect:

• The LMU RS-232 cable (ENV/AOA connector) on the one end

• The EIU RS-422 cable (RJ45 connector) on the other end

• Into the BTS (CBCF port RS-232)

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a. Unplug the Y cable.

b. Plug the Y cable again.

c. Check that the three "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2" LEDs of the CMCF board blink
three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds when the cable is correctly
connected. Then go to step 9.

Additional checks

9. Check that the BTS is getting resynchronized on the GPS clock:

a. The BTS can detect a correct GPS signal three seconds after the cable (between
the BTS and the LMU or TMU) has been plugged. Note that, at this stage, a "Dis-
play data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the btsSiteManager object
gives the following items of information:

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "hold over mode due to a loss of GPS syn-

• The "Available synchronization sources" are: "Abis + GPS synchronization".

b. Wait until the BTS is completely synchronized on the GPS clock. It can take some
time, depending on how long the GPS signal has been unavailable.

c. When the BTS is completely synchronized on the GPS clock, the end-of-fault
alarm (cause 3342344 "Loss of GPS synchronization") is sent at the OMC-R.

d. Another "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the btsSiteM-
anager object now gives the following items of information:

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "Network GPS synchronized".

• The "Available synchronization sources" are: "Abis + GPS synchronization".

e. Go to step 10.

10. Check the state of the LEDs on the CMCF boards.

• If the GPS synchronization is available, the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as
shown in Table 15 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on GPS)" (page
460). Then go to step 11.

TABLE 14. CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on GPS)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board


• If the LEDs show that the BTS is still synchronized on its internal clock (refer to Table
14 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS in holdover after loss of GPS synchro)" in step
3), then go to step 13.
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11. Use the TIL to check that the cable has been correctly connected and that the BTS
receives the GPS synchronization signal. Connect the TIL to the BTS:

• If the TIL displays "GPS synchronization available", then the BTS receives 1 Hz PPS
clock and PPS frames. Go to step 12.

• If the TIL displays "no external synchronization source", then the BTS does not re-
ceive any GPS signal. Go to step 13.

12. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 13.

13. Call the manufacturer.

14. The procedure is complete.

2.12.20. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342345) Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF

The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the timing quality is not sufficient. The GPS signal
is not accurate enough to be used as a synchronization source. The BTS detects a loss
of accuracy when the GPS status goes from 0 to 1. The GPS is working but the status
of the synchronizing signal is not satisfactory enough to use it as a synchronization

When the BTS has just been powered up, if the TMU is powered through the BTS itself,
several minutes are needed before the GPS receivers become active (TMU (or LMU +
EIU) being correctly locked and suitable for BTS synchronization). This begin-of-fault
alarm is sent in between.

Otherwise, the probable cause of the alarm is either a problem with the GPS antenna,
or the cable between the antenna and the TMU (or LMU + EIU).

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the GPS PPS has become valid again and that the
BTS synchronized itself on it.


BSC defense


• 1st case: the GPS signal used to be accurate, and the BTS was synchronized on it.
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But it has now become inaccurate, and as a consequence the BTS has turned into
holdover mode and sent the alarm "Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy" without
impact on theservice (begin-of-fault). When the GPS PPS becomes valid again, the
BTS synchronizes itself on the GPS time without impact on the service (end-of-fault).

• 2nd case: The BTS has just started up (holdover mode, then synchronized on the
Abis link, followed by the BSC configuration). But the GPS signal currently lacks ac-
curacy. As a consequence, the BTS remained synchronized on the Abis link and has
sent the alarm "Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy" without impact on the service
(begin-of-fault). But when the GPS PPS becomes valid again, the BTS synchronizes
itself on the GPS time. This change of GSM time causes a reset "GSM time modified"
of all the TRXs with an impact on the service (end-of-fault).

Service interruption
The service is lost during the TRX reset.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
abled". If several faults occur on the BTS Synchronization item of equipment, only
the first generated fault remains visible at the OMC-R. Other faults are available in
the notification logs.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

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ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

• Otherwise, go to step 11.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "hold over mode due to a GPS synchroniza-
tion lack of accuracy".

• The "Available synchronization sources" are: "Abis + GPS synchronization".

• Go to step 2b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 11.

On-site maintenance

3. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the synchroni-
zation LEDs on the CMCF boards. There are two different cases:

• 1st case: the GPS signal used to be accurate, and the BTS was synchronized on it.
But it has now become inaccurate, and the BTS has turned into holdover mode and
sent the alarm "Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy". The LEDs of the CMCF
boards are lit as shown in Table 16 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS in holdover
when the GPS synchro lacks accuracy)" (page 464). The fault is confirmed:

– If the BTS is equipped with a TMU, go to step 4.

– If the BTS is equipped with an LMU + EIU, go to step 5.

TABLE 15. CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS in holdover when the GPS synchro lacks accuracy)

Active CMCF
LEDs board Passive CMCF board
CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON all ON
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• 2nd case: the BTS has just started up (holdover mode, then synchronization on the
Abis link, followed by the BSC configuration). But the GPS signal currently lacks ac-
curacy. As a consequence, the BTS remained synchronized on the Abis link and has
sent the alarm "Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy". The LEDs of the CMCF
boards are lit as shown in Table 17 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized
on Abis link)". The fault is confirmed. Note that there will be an impact on the service
at the end-of-fault.

• If the BTS is equipped with a TMU, go to step 4.

• If the BTS is equipped with an LMU + EIU, go to step 5.

TABLE 16. CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on Abis link)

Active CMCF
LEDs board Passive CMCF board
CLK 0, 1, 2 one of them is ON one of them is ON
(displaying the (displaying the PCM no.
PCM no. used for synchronization)
used for

4. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the TMU.

– If the TMU control LED is solid red, the GPS is out of service, experiencing a
major fault. This is very unlikely because this is not consistent with the current
alarm "Lack of GPS synchronization accuracy". Go to step 6.

– If the TMU control LED is flashing green, the TMU is initializing. Wait for the end
of initializing, until the TMU is in a stable state, such as solid green, flashing yel-
low or solid red.

– If the TMU control LED is flashing yellow, the GPS is working but the status of
the synchronizing signal is not satisfactory enough to use it as a synchroniza-
tion source.

– Wait for 30 minutes after the last TMU power up (time needed to catch satellite
signals and converge the computation of position and time).

– If the situation does not improve, check the antenna connection (AMT connector
on the TMU). If necessary, refer to TMU manufacturer documentation.

– If the situation does not improve, the GPS antenna installation needs to be mod-
ified. Go to step 6.

• If the TMU control LED is solid green, the GPS is working and available as synchro-
nization source. Go to step 7.

5. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the LMU +EIU:

• If the EIU power LED is solid green, the EIU is receiving power and sending the timing
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signal to the BTS. Go to step 7.

6. Call the TMU (or LMU + EIU) manufacturer.

Additional checks

7. Check the state of the LEDs on the CMCF boards.

• If the GPS synchronization is accurate, the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as shown
in Table 18 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS synchronized on GPS)" (page 466).
Then go to step 8.


Active CMCF
LEDs board Passive CMCF board
CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON all ON

• If the LEDs show that the BTS is still in holdover mode (refer to Table 16 "CMCF
boards LEDs status (BTS in holdover when the GPS synchro lacks accuracy)" or is
synchronized on the Abis link (refer to Table 17 "CMCF boards LEDs status (BTS
synchronized on Abis link)", then go to step 10.

8. Use the TIL to check that the cable has been correctly connected and that the BTS
receives the GPS synchronization signal.

Connect the TIL to the BTS:

• If the TIL displays "GPS synchronization available", then the BTS receives 1 Hz PPS
clock and PPS frames. Go to step 9.

• If the TIL displays "no external synchronization source", then the BTS does not re-
ceive any GPS signal. Go to step 10.

9. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Call the BTS manufacturer.

11. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.21. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Master synchronization unavailable)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342346) Master synchronization unavailable
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF

The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the slave BTS could not synchronize itself on the
master synchronizing BTS. The slave BTS received the set external contact message
in "slave" mode, and checked if the external synchronization signal (both 8 kHz and
GSM time) was present, but it was not. As a consequence, the BTS remained synchro-
nized on the BSC through the Abis link.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the external signal (both 8 kHz and GSM time) has
become available again and that the slave BTS synchronized itself on it.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None when the slave BTS remains synchronized on the Abis link

However, when the slave BTS synchronizes itself on the external synchronization, it
changes its GSM time for the master GSM time. This change of GSM time causes a re-
set "GSM time modified" of all the TRXs (end-of-fault).

Service interruption
The service is lost during the TRX reset.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).
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– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
andprocess the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
If several faults occur on the BTS Synchronization item of equipment, only the first
generated fault remains visible at the OMC-R. Other faults are available in the noti-
fication logs.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

• Otherwise, go to step 11.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "Abis synchronization due to master synchro-
nization not available".

• The "Available synchronization sources" is: "Abis synchronization only".

Go to step 2b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3. At the OMC-R, check the state of the master synchronizing BTS. The master BTS
must be powered on, to make the synchronization feature available.
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• If the master BTS is powered off, go to step 5.

• If the master BTS is powered on, go to step 4.

4. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the synchroni-
zation LEDs of the CMCF boards of the slave BTS.

• When the external synchronization is unavailable, the BTS remains synchronized

through the Abis link, and the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as shown in Table 19
"CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS synchronized on the Abis link)". Then the
fault is confirmed. Go to step 6.

TABLE 18. CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS synchronized on the Abis link)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board

CLK 0, 1, 2 one of them is ON one of them is ON
(displaying the (displaying the PCM no.
PCM no. used for used for synchronization)

5. On site, perform a visual test of the master BTS:

• If the master BTS is powered off, power it on. If necessary refer to 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Then go to step 7.

• If the master BTS is powered on, go to step 6.

6. Check the Y cable between the master and the slave BTS. The Y cable is a shunt of
the PCM between the main and extension cabinets of the master BTS. It is connect-
ed to the BCFICO board in the main cabinet of the slave BTS, thanks to two connec-
tors: the master 8 kHz SY is received on the RS232 connector, and the master GSM
time is received on the PCM4/5 connector.

a. Check the connections to the master BTS, as well as the whole cable itself (there
can be adaptors).

b. Unplug the external SY and GSM time connectors on the slave BTS.

c. Plug again the external SY and GSM time connectors on the slave BTS.

d. Check that the slave BTS synchronization LEDs "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2"
(on the CMCF board) blink three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds.

e. Check that the TRX reset (their LEDs blink until they are operational again).

Service interruption
The service is lost during the TRX reset.
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f. Connect the TIL to the slave BTS and check this BTS receives the external syn-
chronization signal coming from the master BTS.

• the TIL displays "master BTS synchronization available" when the slave BTS re-
ceives 8 kHz clock and GSM time on its external synchronization connectors. Then
go to step 7.

• the TIL displays "no external synchronization source" when the slave BTS does not
receive 8 kHz clock or GSM time on its external synchronization connectors. Then
go to step 10.

Additional checks

7. Check the state of the LEDs of the CMCF boards of the slave synchronized BTS:

• If the external synchronization is available, the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as
shown in Table 20 "CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS fully synchro on its master
BTS)" . Then go to step 8.

TABLE 19. CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS fully synchro on its master BTS)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board

CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON all ON

• If the LEDs show that the slave BTS is still synchronized on the Abis link (refer to
Table 19 "CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS synchronized on the Abis link)"
(page 469) in step 4), then go to step 10.

8. Check the state of the site:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "slave BTS correctly synchronized on master

• The "Available synchronization sources" are: "Abis + external synchronization com-

ing from a master BTS".

Go to step 8b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The BTS synchronization equipment is "working", go to step 9.

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9. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Call the manufacturer.

11. The procedure is complete.

2.12.22. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Loss of master GSM time)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342347) Loss of master GSM time
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF

The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the slave BTS lost its external GSM time signal
from the master synchronizing BTS.

As a consequence, the BTS remains synchronized on the master 8 kHz SY signal. The
GSM time sent to the TRX is the one calculated by the BTS from the last one received
from master BTS. There is no break on GSM time, the TRX still work. The slave GSM
time is calculated with the same rate as the master BTS.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the GSM time has become available again and that
the slave BTS synchronized itself on it.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None when the slave BTS remains synchronized on the master
8 kHz SY signal (begin-of-fault).

The slave BTS uses the SY signal as a synchronization source on condition that no
alarm with cause "Loss of master SY" has been sent at the same time.

If both alarms are present simultaneously, first process the alarm with cause "Loss of
master SY".

However, in the very unlikely event that there is a GSM time break (between the one
received from the master BTS and the last one calculated by the BCF and sent to the
TRX), this break of GSM time causes a reset "GSM time modified" of all the TRX (end-
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Service interruption
The service is lost if the TRX reset.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

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The "Current synchronization mode" is: "slave BTS synchronized on master SY but
master GSM time has been lost". The "Available synchronization sources" is: "Abis syn-
chronization only".

Go to step 2b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 7.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3. Check the Y cable between the master and the slave BTS.

The Y cable is a shunt of the PCM between the main and extension cabinets of the
master BTS. It is connected to the BCFICO board in the main cabinet of the slave
BTS, thanks to two connectors: the master 8 kHz SY is received on the RS232 con-
nector, and the master GSM time is received on the PCM4/5 connector. The alarm
"Loss of master GSM time" can be due to the GSM time connector being badly

a. Check the connections to the master BTS, as well as the whole cable itself (there
can be adaptors).

b. Unplug the GSM time connector on the slave BTS.

c. Plug again the GSM time connector on the slave BTS.

d. Check that the slave BTS synchronization LEDs "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2"
(on the CMCF board) blink three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds.

e. Connect the TIL to the slave BTS and check this BTS receives the external syn-
chronization signal coming from the master BTS.

• The TIL displays "master BTS synchronization available" when the slave BTS re-
ceives 8 kHz clock and GSM time on its external synchronization connectors. Then
go to step 4.

• The TIL displays "no external synchronization source" when the slave BTS does not
receive 8 kHz clock or GSM time on its external synchronization connectors. Then
go to step 6.

Additional checks

4. Check the state of the LEDs of the CMCF boards of the slave synchronized BTS:

• If the slave BTS is synchronized on its master BTS, the LEDs of the CMCF boards
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are lit as shown in Table 21 "CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS fully synchro on
its master BTS)" (page 474). Go to step 5.

TABLE 20. CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS fully synchro on its master BTS)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board

CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON all ON

• If not, go to step 6.

5. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Call the manufacturer.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.23. BTS SYNCHRONIZATION (source: Loss of master SY)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: BTS synchronization
Source: (3342348) Loss of master SY
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF

The begin-of-fault alarm indicates that the slave BTS lost its external 8 kHz SY signal
from the master synchronizing BTS.

As a consequence, the BTS synchronizes itself on Abis link (to avoid a drift of the GSM
time if the loss of external synchronization goes on for long). The GSM time sent to the
TRX is the one calculated by the BTS from the last one received from master BTS, even
if the master GSM time is still available. There is no break on GSM time, the TRX still
work but the synchronization with master BTS is not guaranteed anymore.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the external 8 kHz SY signal has become available
again, and that the BTS has resynchronized itself on it.

• If the master GSM time is available, the slave BTS uses it.

• If not, the BTS carries on calculating its GSM time and sends an alarm with fault num-
ber 1067 source "Loss of master GSM time" (see Paragraph 2.12.22 “BTS SYN
HRONIZATION (source: Loss of master GSM time)”.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service None when the slave BTS remains synchronized on the Abis link

However, in the very unlikely event that there is a GSM time break (between the one
received from the master BTS and the last one calculated by the BCF and sent to the
TRX), this break of GSM time causes a reset "GSM time modified" of all the TRXs (end-

Service interruption
The service is lost if the TRX reset.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

• If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Proce-

• If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem in
order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
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• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

• Otherwise, go to step 10.

2. Check that the alarm on the BTS synchronization equipment of the BTS is valid:

a. Perform a "Display data information" command (in "normal" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• The "Current synchronization mode" is: "Abis synchronization due to loss of master

• The "Available synchronization sources" is: "Abis synchronization only".

Go to step 2b.

b. Perform a "Display hardware information" command (in "standard" mode) on the

btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the session log window.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the BTS synchronization equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to

step 10.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3. At the OMC-R, check the state of the master synchronizing BTS. The master BTS
must be powered on, to make the synchronization feature available.

• If the master BTS is powered off, go to step 5.

• If the master BTS is powered on, go to step 4.

4. On site, check the validity of the alarm by performing a visual test of the synchroni-
zation LEDs on the CMCF boards of the slave BTS.

• If the external synchronization (8 kHz) is lost, the BTS remains synchronized through
the Abis link, and the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as shown in Table 22 "CMCF
boards LEDs status (slave BTS synchronized on Abis link)". Then the fault is con-
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firmed. Go to step 6.

TABLE 21. CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS synchronized on Abis link)

Active CMCF
LEDs board Passive CMCF board
CLK 0, 1, 2 one of them is ON one of them is ON
(displaying the (displaying the PCM no.
PCM no. used for used for synchronization)

5. On site, perform a visual test of the master BTS:

• If the master BTS is powered off, power it on. If necessary refer to 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Then go to step 7.

• If the master BTS is powered on, go to step 6.

6. Check the Y cable between the master and the slave BTS. The Y cable is a shunt of
the PCM between the main and extension cabinets of the master BTS. It is connect-
ed to the BCFICO board in the main cabinet of the slave BTS, thanks to two connec-
tors: the master 8 kHz SY is received on the RS232 connector, and the master GSM
time is received on the PCM4/5 connector. The alarm "Loss of master SY" can be
due to the SY connector being badly plugged.

a. Check the connections to the master BTS, as well as the whole cable itself (there
can be adaptors).

b. Unplug the SY connector on the slave BTS.

c. Plug again the SY connector on the slave BTS.

d. Check that the slave BTS synchronization LEDs "CLK 0", "CLK 1" and "CLK 2"
(on the CMCF board) blink three times simultaneously for a period of 2 seconds.

e. Connect the TIL to the slave BTS and check this BTS receives external synchro-
nization signal coming from the master BTS.

– the TIL displays "master BTS synchronization available" when the slave BTS
receives 8 kHz clock and GSM time on its external synchronization connectors.
Then go to step 7.

– the TIL displays "no external synchronization source" when the slave BTS does
not receive 8 kHz clock or GSM time on its external synchronization connectors.
Then go to step 9.

Additional checks

7. Check the state of the LEDs of the CMCF boards of the slave synchronized BTS:

If the external synchronization is available, the LEDs of the CMCF boards are lit as
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shown in Table 23 "CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS fully synchro on its master
BTS)". Then go to step 8.

TABLE 22. CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS fully synchro on its master BTS)

LEDs Active CMCF board Passive CMCF board

CLK 0, 1, 2 all ON all ON

• If the LEDs show that the slave BTS is still synchronized through the Abis link (refer
to Table 22 "CMCF boards LEDs status (slave BTS synchronized on Abis link)" in
step 4), then go to step 9.

8. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Call the manufacturer.

10. The procedure is complete.

2.12.24. Cabinet door (source: Door contact detection)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: door contact
Source: (5898241) Door contact detection
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm indicates that the CBCF cabinet door has been opened (begin-of-fault) or
closed (end-of-fault).


BSC defense


Impact on the service There is no immediate impact.

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Working instructions
If an intervention is being performed on the CBCF cabinet, the door is
open. Therefore, the alarm is normal.

However, if no intervention is being performed on the CBCF cabinet, this

alarm is not normal. Intervention on the site must be immediate. If the
doors remain open, temperature problems could appear.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process
the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

– If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has ap-

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Otherwise, refer to the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":

- If the cabinet is out of order, process the problem on the cabinet. Go to step

- Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

– If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-
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a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 15.

2. Check that the alarm on the door contact is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 4.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 14.

On-site maintenance

3. Check the state of the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 12.

4. If the alarm appears but the door is closed, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 14.

5. Check the door contact switch.

• If it is correct, go to step 8.

• If it is not correct, replace it. Then go to step 6.

6. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Check the state of the door contact by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is still "failed", go to step 8.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

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8. Check the cable between the door contact and the RECAL board.

• If it is correct, go to step 11.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 9.

9. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Check the state of the door contact by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is still "failed", go to step 11.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

11. Replace the RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 12.

Additional checks

12. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 13.

13. Check the state of the door contact by performing the "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "door contact" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

14. Clear the alarm.

15. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.25. Cavity (source: Cavity out of service)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity
Source: (8388609) Cavity out of service
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the cavity is unusable.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Impact on the service One TRX becomes unavailable.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled"

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
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ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. Replace the combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the combiner by performing a "Display hardware configuration"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

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411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 445 of 656

2.12.26. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (min not found))

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: cavity
Source: (8388610) Cavity parked after tuning fault (min not
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the cavity is no longer settled on its configuration frequency.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned. It re-
configures the transceiver object on another transceiverEquipment object, if the TDMA
is priority.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

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process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if thealarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 5.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 5.

Maintenance at the OMC-R

3. Lock the transceiverEquipment object in order to trigger a new tuning.

4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

• If the problem has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the problem persists after several attempts, an on-site intervention is necessary to

locate the problem.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.12.27. Cavity (source: Loss of cavity initialization)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity
Source: (8388611) Loss of cavity initialization
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the grading of the cavity has not been performed.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

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Impact on the service One TRX becomes unavailable.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity is valid, by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

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• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. Replace the combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the combiner by performing a "Display hardware configuration"

command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.28. Cavity (source: Nack answer from cavity)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity
Source: (8388612) Nack answer from cavity
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that the cavity no longer responds.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.
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Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
andprocess the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 5.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity is valid, by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 5.

Maintenance at the OMC-R

3. Lock the transceiverEquipment object concerned in order to trigger a reset of the CC8
software and a new tuning sequence.
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4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

• If the problem has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the problem persists after several attempts, an on-site intervention is necessary.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.12.29. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (power too low))

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity
Source: (8388613) Cavity parked after tuning fault (power
too low)
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Impact on the service One TRX becomes unavailable.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
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411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 451 of 656

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 5.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 5.

Maintenance at the OMC-R

3. Lock the transceiverEquipment object in order to trigger a new tuning.

4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

• If the problem has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the problem persists after several attempts, an on-site intervention is necessary to

locate the problem.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.12.30. Cavity (source: Cavity parked after tuning fault (tuning detector problem))

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity
Source: (8388614) Cavity parked after tuning fault (tuning
detector problems)
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Impact on the service One TRX becomes unavailable.

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Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 5.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
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411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 453 of 656

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 5.

Maintenance at the OMC-R

3. Lock the transceiverEquipment object in order to trigger a new tuning.

4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

• If the problem has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the problem persists after several attempts, an on-site intervention is necessary to

locate the problem.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.12.31. Cavity (source: Internal software problem)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity
Source: (8388615) Internal software problem
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object concerned.

Impact on the service One TRX becomes unavailable.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

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in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 5.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity equipment is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 5.

Maintenance at the OMC-R

3. Lock the transceiverEquipment object in order to trigger a new tuning.

4. Unlock the transceiverEquipment object.

• If the problem has disappeared, go to step 5.

• If the problem persists after several attempts, an on-site intervention is necessary to

locate the problem.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.12.32. Cavity combiner (source: Power supply)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity combiner
Source: (8323073) Power supply
BTS model: S8000 Indoor
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This alarm indicates a power supply problem.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity combiner is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.
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Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. If the frequency map has changed and only in this case, replace the combiner (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the cavity combiner by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.33. Cavity combiner (source: Tuning detector fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity combiner
Source: (8323074) Tuning detector fault
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that it is not possible to modify the standard frequency of cavities.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service None.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity combiner is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 458 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. If the frequency map has changed and only in this case, replace the combiner (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the cavity combiner by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.34. Cavity combiner (source: Link NOK)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Cavity combiner
Source: (8323076) Link NOK
BTS model: S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that level 3 dialogue has been lost.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None

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Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the cavity combiner is valid, by performing a "Display hard-
ware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
to step 3.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. If the frequency map has changed and only in this case, replace the combiner (Field
Kapsch CarrierCom France SAS

Page 460 of 656 411-9001-103 18.14 1.0

Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshoot-


Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the cavity combiner by performing a "Display hardware configura-
tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "cavity combiner" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.35. C-DACS climatic system (source: Dirty filter)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Compact dacs cooler
Source: (7929857) Dirty filter
BTS model: S8002

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm occurs when the C-DACS filter is clogged.


BSC defense As soon as the (H)(e)PA temperature is over 60..C, the (H)(e)PA are pow-
ered off. The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service There is no impact on the service until the BTS and (H)(e)PA
have overheated.
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Service reduction
The service is reduced.

Working instructions
The intervention on the site must be within one week.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.
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2. Check that the alarm on the C-DACS climatic system is valid, by performing a "Dis-
play hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• • If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is "working", the fault is not con-
firmed. Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. Replace the filter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002
Troubleshooting). Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the C-DACS climatic system by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is still "failed", call the manufac-

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.36. C-DACS climatic system (source: DACS failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Compact dacs cooler
Source: (7929858) DACS failed
BTS model: S8002

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates a problem on the C-DACS climatic system.

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BSC defense As soon as the (H)(e)PA temperature is over 60..C, the (H)(e)PA is pow-
ered off. The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service There is no impact on the service until the BTS and (H)(e)PA

Service reduction
The service is reduced.

Working instructions
The intervention on the site must be immediate.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
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- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 8.

2. Check that the alarm on the C-DACS climatic system is valid, by performing a "Dis-
play hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is "working", the fault is not con-
firmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

3. Check that the L2/CB2 fan circuit breaker (power supply rack) on the PCU and the
climatic circuit breaker (C-AC box) are in the "I" position.

• If this is the case, go to step 5.

• If this is not the case, go to step 4.

4. Reset the circuit breakers.

• If the L2/CB2 circuit breaker cannot be reset:

a. Disconnect the DC wires related to the C-DACS (see 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS
S8002 Troubleshooting)

b. Reset the L2/CB2 circuit breaker of the power supply rack.

– In the case of a new break, check the PCU output cables of the power supply
rack. Replace them (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 5.

– Otherwise, the operator can choose whether he changes the C-DACS (Field
Replaceable Unit) as a whole or he replaces the faulty items (Field Replaceable
Units) of the C-DACS.

ESDS handling precautions
To replace faulty items, the personnel working on the C-DACS must be
authorized to work according to security standards.

The personnel must be qualified to work on the C-DACS: they must be

well-trained on the functioning of the unit.

Go to step 5.

• If the climatic circuit breaker of the AC box cannot be reset:

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a. Disconnect the AC wires related to the C-DACS (see 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS
S8002 Troubleshooting) ).

b. Reset the climatic circuit breaker of the AC box.

– In the case of a new break, replace the climatic circuit breaker of the AC box
(Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Trouble-
shooting). Go to step 5.

– Otherwise, go to step 5.

Additional checks

5. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Check the state of the C-DACS climatic system by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is still "failed", call the manufac-

• If the state of the "compact dacs cooler" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7. Clear the alarm.

8. The procedure is complete.

2.12.37. CMCF board (source: MCF_MCF)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source: (9502729 or 12779529 or 12845065) MCF_MCF
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarm indicates a loss of link between the active board and the passive board.


BSC defense

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Impact on the service

Service interruption
There is no impact on the service unless there is a fault on the other
CMCF board. The service will then be lost.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 8.

2. Check that the alarm on the CMCF board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
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• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 7.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3. If there are BISTs on the board, note their state by performing a "Display data con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

In this case, look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window and send these
to the manufacturer with the faulty board.

4. Replace the faulty CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 5.

Additional checks

5. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Check the state of the CMCF board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7. Clear the alarm.

8. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.38. CMCF board (source: Slave downloading error)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CMCF or CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source: (9568250 or 12845050 or 12910586) Slave downloading error
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarm, sent by the active board, indicates an error during the update of the passive
board by the active one.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

The CBCF duplex mode is lost. The CBCF simplex mode continues to function.

Service interruption
There is no impact on the service unless there is a fault on the other
CMCF board. The service will then be lost.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 10.

2. Check that the alarm on the CMCF board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 9.

On-site maintenance

3. Perform the following steps in the maintenance window of the operator.

4. Remove the active board.

Service interruption
The service is reduced.

5. Wait for the BSC defense actions and its start-up.

6. Replace the newly passive CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 7.

Additional checks

7. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

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• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8. Check the state of the CMCF board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

9. Clear the alarm.

10. The procedure is complete.

2.12.39. CMCF board (source: CMCF_ACT_DUPLEX_INHIBITED)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source: (12779538 or 12845074) CMCF ACT DUPLEX
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarms is due to secured loop commissioning error on one BTS of the loop.

This alarms indicates passive CMCF board is not commissioned accordingly to the
mode required (Secured Loop mode is asked while the secured loop passive CMCF mi-
croswitch is not set).


BSC defense


Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
There is no impact on the service unless there is a fault on the other
CMCF board. The service will then be lost.
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Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the Secured loop both CMCF microswitch (number 4) are correctly set by
performing a "Display data information /Normal" command on the faulty btsSiteMan-

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

Check the CMCF switch state in the session log window, "Switch state" must be in
"Secured loop mode" for active and passive boards. Go to Step 4.

• If the Switch state is in "Secured loop mode" for active and passive boards. Go to
Step 4.

• If the Switch state is not in Secured loop mode, the CMCF microswitch number 4 has
to be set to ON. Go to Step 3

On-site maintenance

3. Refer to following technical documents to set passive CMCF microswitch number 4

to on: "Follow Chapter : replacement of a CMCF board"

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

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• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check that the Secured loop both CMCF microswitch (number 4) are correctly set by
performing a "Display data information /Normal" command on the btsSiteManager.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• Check the CMCF switch state in the session log window, "Switch state" must be in
"Secured loop mode" for active and passive boards. If the state of the "CMCF" equip-
ment is "working", go to step 7.

• If the Switch state is not in Secured loop mode, the CMCF microswitch number 4 has
to be set to ON. Call the manufacturer.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.40. CMCF board (source: CMCF_ACT_ICST)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CMCF phase 1 or CMCF phase 2
Source: (12779539 or 12845075) CMCF ACT ICST
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006


This alarms is due to secured loop commissioning error on one BTS of the loop.

This alarms indicates passive CMCF board is not commissioned accordingly to the
mode required (Secured Loop mode is asked while the secured loop passive CMCF mi-
croswitch is not set).


BSC defense
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Impact on the service

For the btsSiteManager object.

Service interruption
As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "dis-
abled-- failed", the site is lost. No service is provided.

Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the Secured loop both CMCF microswitch (number 4) are correctly set by
performing a "Display data information /Normal" command on the faulty btsSiteMan-

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

Check the CMCF switch state in the session log window, "Switch state" must be in
"Secured loop mode" for active and passive boards. Go to Step 4.

• If the Switch state be in "Secured loop mode" for active and passive boards. Go to
Step 4.

• If the Switch state is not in Secured loop mode, the CMCF microswitch number 4 has
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to be set to ON. Go to Step 3

On-site maintenance

3. Refer to following technical documents to set passive CMCF microswitch number 4

to on: ’Follow Chapter : replacement of a CMCF board’

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Perform a Lock / Unlock on faulty btsSiteManager

Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check that the Secured loop both CMCF microswitch (number 4) are correctly set by
performing a "Display data information /Normal" command on the btsSiteManager.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• Check the CMCF switch state in the session log window, "Switch state" must be in
"Secured loop mode" for active and passive boards. If the state of the "CMCF" equip-
ment is "working", go to step 7.

• If the Switch state is not in Secured loop mode, the CMCF microswitch number 4 has
to be set to ON. Call the manufacturer.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.41. CMCF board (source: Duplex inhibited: feature not supported on CMCF
phase 1)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CMCF phase 1
Source: (12779540) Duplex inhibited: feature not supported
on CMCF phase 1
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor CBCF + S8000 Indoor CBCF

The alarm 1067 with cause 12779540 is sent in two different cases:

• Case 1: The CMCF phase 1 board does not support the GPS and the BTS (master/
slave) synchronization features.

– The alarm indicates that a CMCF phase 1 board has been plugged in a BTS
configured for synchronization features such as GPS synchronization or BTS
(master/slave) synchronization.

– GPS and BTS synchronization features are not allowed in case of mixed con-
figurations (the active is CMCF phase 2 and passive is CMCF phase 1) and so
the CBCF duplex mode is lost.

– As the CMCF phase 1 board does not support synchronization features, CBCF
BTS must only have CMCF phase 2 boards.

– The alarm is cleared when the CMCF phase 1 board is plugged out.

• Case 2: The CMCF phase 1 board does not support the Dynamic Abis feature (which
is only compatible with CBCF with CMCF phase 2).

– If a passive CMCF phase 1 board is plugged with an active CMCF phase 2

board, the duplex functionality is inhibited and an alarm 1067 cause 12779540
“Duplex inhibited: feature not supported by CMCF phase 1” is sent on the
CMCF phase 1 board.

– The fault is cleared when the CMCF phase 1 board is plugged out.

– In case a “Display data information” action is launched at the OMC-R in this sit-
uation, the site “Dynamic Abis capability” and the site “Dynamic Abis state infor-
mation” are inconsistent.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

The CBCF duplex mode is lost. The CBCF simplex mode continues to function.
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Service interruption
There is no impact on the service unless there is a fault on the active
CMCF board. The service will then be lost.

Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is no op-


a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 7.

2. Check that the alarm on the CMCF board is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
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step 6.

On-site maintenance

3. Replace the CMCF Phase 1 board with a CMCF Phase 2 board (Field Replaceable

• refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the BTS S8000

• refer to GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting (411-9001-084) for the BTS S8002

• refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048) for the BTS S8003

• refer to GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting (411-9001-085) for the BTS S8006

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. Check the state of the CMCF board by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "CMCF" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6. Clear the alarm.

7. The procedure is complete.

2.12.42. Combiner duplexer LNA or combiner H2 LNA (source: LNA fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner duplexer lna or combiner h2 lna (LNA)
Source: (5570561) LNA fault
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates a hardware problem on the low noise amplifier. The related recep-
tion path (main or diversity) is no longer operational for all the TRXs using the faulty
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LNA. However, if the other path is still correct, these TRXs run in a degraded mode.


BSC defense

If there is no reception path, the BSC unconfigures the transceiver Equipment objects
corresponding to the faulty LNA. One or several transceiverEquipment objects can be

Impact on the service

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

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- Otherwise, go to step 14.

2. Check the state of F-type converters by performing a "Display hardware configura-

tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "failed", go to step 4.

• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "working", go to step 3.

3. Check that the alarm on the combiner duplexer LNA is valid, by performing a "Display
hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 6.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Look for alarms concerning the F-type converters and process them.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. If the circuit breaker powering the PA is in the "O" position, put it in the "I" position.
Go to step 7.

6. If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is "de-
pendency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set the ad-
ministrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

7. Replace the RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit) associated with the LNA-combin-
er. Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

8. Check the cable between the LNA and the connection panel.

• If it is correct, go to step 9.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

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– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units).

• For the ALCO board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting)

• For the RECAL board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting)

• For the RECAL board of the S8002 BTS, refer to 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002

• For the RECAL board of the S8003 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting)

• For the RECAL board of the S8006 BTS, refer to 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Check the cable between the connection panel and the ALCO or RECAL board.

• If it is correct, go to step 11.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12. Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13. Clear the alarm.

14. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.43. Combiner duplexer VSWR or combiner H2 VSWR (source: VSWR level 1)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner duplexer vswr or combiner h2 vswr (VSWR)
Source: (5636097) VSWR level 1
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarm indicates that an abnormal VSWR level has been detected at the combiner
output. The radio link is still operating.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.

2.12.44. Combiner duplexer VSWR or combiner H2 VSWR (source: VSWR level 2)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner duplexer vswr or combiner h2 vswr
Source: (5636098) VSWR level 2
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006

This alarm indicates that an abnormal VSWR level has been detected at the combiner
output. The radio link is still operating.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.

2.12.45. Combiner duplexer VSWR or combiner H2 VSWR (source: VSWR level 3)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner duplexer vswr or combiner h2 vswr
Source: (5636099) VSWR level 3
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003
+ S8006
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This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates that the radio link is interrupted in the transmission direction for all
the TRXs using the corresponding antenna. These TRXs are no longer operational.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects connected to the
RF-combiner that has detected the fault.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.

Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
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b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 13.

2. Check that the alarm on the combiner D / H2D VSWR is valid, by performing a "Dis-
play hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 12.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3. If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is "de-
pendency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set the ad-
ministrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

4. Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any,
to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5. Check the cable between the associated RF-combiner and the interconnection panel.

• If it is correct, go to step 6.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Replace the associated RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units).

• For the ALCO board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
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S8003 Troubleshooting)

• For the RECAL board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting)

• For the RECAL board of the S8002 BTS, refer to 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002

• For the RECAL board of the S8003 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting)

• For the RECAL board of the S8006 BTS, refer to 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8. Check the cable between the interconnection panel and the ALCO or RECAL board.

• If it is correct, go to step 9.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. If necessary, set the administrativeState of the bts and transceiverEquipment objects

to "unlocked". Go to step 10.

Additional checks

10. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 11.

11. Check the state of the replaced equipment by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "SWR" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "SWR" equipment is "working", go to step 12.

12. Clear the alarm.

13. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.46. Combiner H4D LNA (source: LNA fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner h4 lna (LNA)
Source: (7405569) LNA fault
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor


This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates a hardware problem on the low noise amplifier. The related recep-
tion path (main or diversity) is not operational for all the TRXs using the faulty LNA. How-
ever, if the other path is still correct, these TRXs run in a degraded mode.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects corresponding

to the faulty LNA. One or several transceiverEquipment objects can be lost.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-
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• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 14.

2. Check the state of F-type converters by performing a "Display hardware configura-

tion" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "failed", go to step 4.

• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "working", go to step 3.

3. Check that the alarm on the combiner duplexer LNA is valid, by performing a "Display
hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 6.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4. Look for alarms concerning the F-type converters and process them.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5. If the circuit breaker powering the PA is in the "O" position, put it in the "I" position.
Go to step 7.

6. If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is "de-
pendency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set the ad-
ministrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

7. Replace the RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit) associated with the LNA-combin-
er. Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

8. Check the cable between the LNA and the connection panel.
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• If it is correct, go to step 9.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units).

• For the ALCO board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting).

• For the RECAL board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10. Check the cable between the connection panel and the ALCO or RECAL board.

• If it is correct, go to step 11.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12. Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13. Clear the alarm.

14. The procedure is complete.

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2.12.47. Combiner H4D VSWR (source: VSWR level 1)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: (7471105) VSWR level 1
Source: (7405569) LNA fault
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that an abnormal VSWR level has been detected at the combiner
output. The radio link is still operating.


BSC defense


Impact on the service None.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. process the problem on the btsSiteManager

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

– Otherwise, go to step 11.

2. Check that the alarm on the combiner H4D VSWR is valid, by performing a "Display
hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
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411-9001-103 18.14 1.0 Page 489 of 656

step 10.

On-site maintenance from the OMC-R

3. If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is "de-
pendency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set the ad-
ministrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

4. Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any,
to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5. Check the cabling between the associated RF-combiner and the antenna.

6. In the case of three alarms with source: level 1, source: level 2, and source: level 3,
replace the associated RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-
048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

7. If necessary, set the administrativeState of the bts object to "unlocked". Go to step 8.

Additional checks

8. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Check the state of the replaced equipment by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", go to step 10.

10. Clear the alarm.

11. The procedure is complete.

2.12.48. Combiner H4D VSWR (source: VSWR level 2)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner h4 vswr (VSWR)
Source: (7471106) VSWR level 2
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates that an abnormal VSWR level has been detected at the combiner
output. The radio link is still operating.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service None.


Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. process the problem on the btsSiteManager

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 11.

2. Check that the alarm on the combiner H4D VSWR is valid, by performing a "Display
hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 10.

On-site maintenance from the OMC-R

3. If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is "de-
pendency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set the ad-
ministrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

4. Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any,
to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5. Check the cabling between the associated RF-combiner and the antenna.
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6. In the case of three alarms with source: level 1, source: level 2, and source: level 3,
replace the associated RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-
048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

7. If necessary, set the administrativeState of the bts object to "unlocked". Go to step 8.

Additional checks

8. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. Check the state of the replaced equipment by performing a "Display hardware con-
figuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", go to step 10.

10. Clear the alarm.

11. The procedure is complete.

2.12.49. Combiner H4D VSWR (source: VSWR level 3)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: combiner h4 vswr (VSWR)
Source: (7471107) VSWR level 3
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm indicates that the radio link is interrupted in the transmission direction for all
the TRXs using the corresponding antenna. These TRXs are no longer operational.


BSC defense The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects connected to the
RF-combiner that has detected the fault.

Service reduction
The service is reduced.
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Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms
and process the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "en-

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager ob-
ject to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 13.

2. Check that the alarm on the combiner H4D VSWR is valid, by performing a "Display
hardware configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 12.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3. If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is "de-
pendency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set the ad-
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ministrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to "locked".

4. Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any,
to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5. Check the cable between the associated RF-combiner and the interconnection panel.

• If it is correct, go to step 6.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6. Replace the associated RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-

048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7. Replace the ALCO or RECAL board (Field Replaceable Units).

• For the ALCO board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting).

• For the RECAL board of the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8. Check the cable between the interconnection panel and the ALCO or RECAL board.

• If it is correct, go to step 9.

• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).

– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

– If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9. If necessary, set the administrativeState of the bts and transceiverEquipment objects

to "unlocked". Go to step 10.

Additional checks

10. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.

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• If the alarm persists, go to step 11.

11. Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

• If the state of the "VSWR" equipment is "working", go to step 12.

12. Clear the alarm.

13. The procedure is complete.

2.12.50. Compact distribution system (source: Main breaker)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: compact distribution

Source: (7995393) Main breaker

BTS model: S8002

This alarm is detected by the ALCO or RECAL board.

This alarm appears when the cabinet main breaker is disengaged after an internal short-
circuit in the cabinet.

The cabinet then operates on its batteries. The fault number 1067 with the source "Bat-
tery on discharges" on the rectifier equipment is displayed.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service Interruption
If the problem is not corrected, the BTS can be lost.

If the BTS is lost, PCM faults will appear.

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2 Check that the alarm on the CSWM board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "Compact distribution" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 3.
• If the state of the "Compact distribution" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 5.

4 Put the main breaker in the "I" position.

• If the mains supply is present and if the alarm persists, replace the C-AC box (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting). Go to step
• Otherwise, go to step 5Replace the faulty CSWM board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 6.

Additional Checks

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
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Step Action

6 Check the state of the CSWM board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "compact distribution" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "compact distribution" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.


2.12.51. CPCMI board (source: Major)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CPCMI

Source: (9568257) Major fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This problem is associated with a PCM fault. see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures).

2.12.52. CPCMI board (source: Slave downloading error)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CPCMI

Source: (9633786) Slave downloading error

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm indicates an error during the downloading sequence of the CPCMI board by
the active CMCF board.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object to maintain a minimum service of

communication. This unconfiguration is displayed at the OMC-R and is temporary. If a
transceiverEquipment object is lost, the fault number 1061 appears.

• If there is only one PCM link in service, the BTS is wholly unconfigured. If other BTSs
are dropped with the faulty BTS, they are also unconfigured.

• If there are several PCM links declared in the configuration, only a part of the BTS is
lost. A fault number 1061 concerning the transceiver object appears.
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Impact on the service

• If there is a redundant CPCMI board, there is no impact on the service.

• If two PCM links are used:


The service is reduced.

• If one PCM link is used:

Service interruption

The service is lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is

not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled",
do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.
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Step Action

2 Check that the alarm on the CPCMI board is valid by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "CPCMI" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 3.
• If the state of the "CPCMI" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance

3 Replace the faulty CPCMI board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the CPCMI board by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "CPCMI" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "CPCMI" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.53. CSWM board (source: Fault on active-passive CSWM link or on passive


Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CSWM

Source: (4259849) Fault on active-passive CSWM link or passive


BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates a hardware or software failing on the passive CSWM board. There
is no longer a connection between the active and passive CSWM board.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service Interruption
There is no impact on the service unless there is a fault on the other
CSWM board.

The service will then be lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the CSWM board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 8.


3 The board indicated in the notification is the faulty board

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Step Action

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4 If there are BISTs on the board, note their state by performing a "Display data configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window and send these to the manufacturer
with the faulty board.

5 Replace the faulty CSWM board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 6.

6 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7 Check the state of the CSWM board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

8 Clear the alarm.

9 The procedure is complete.


2.12.54. CSWM board (source: Slave downloading error)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: CSWM

Source: (4325370) Slave downloading error

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm, sent by the detector board, indicates an error during the update of the pas-
sive board by the active board.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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The BCF duplex mode is lost. The BCF simplex mode continues to function

Service Interruption
There is no impact on the service unless there is a fault on the other
CSWM board.

The service will then be lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the CSWM board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 8.


3 The board indicated in the notification is the faulty board

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4 If the faulty CSWM board is the active one, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 7.

5 Set the btsSiteManager object to "locked".

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Step Action

6 Set the btsSiteManager object to "unlocked".

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7 Replace the faulty CSWM board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 8.

Additional Checks

8 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

9 Check the state of the CSWM board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "CSWM" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

10 Clear the alarm.

11 The procedure is complete.


2.12.55. DACS climatic system (source: Dirty filter)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: dacsCooler

Source: (7864321) Dirty filter

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8006

This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm occurs when the DACS filter is clogged.


BSC defense

As soon as the (H)(e)PA temperature is over 60..C, the (H)(e)PA are powered off, and
the BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service

There is no impact on the service until the BTS and (H)(e)PA overheat.


The service is reduced.

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Working instructions

Intervention on the site must be within one week.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is

not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the DACS climatic system is valid by performing a
"Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance
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Step Action

3 Replace the filter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:

For the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003
For the S8006 BTS, refer to 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006

Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the DACS climatic system by performing a "Display

hardware information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is still "failed", call the
• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.56. DACS climatic system (source: DACS failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: dacsCooler

Source: (7864322) DACS failed

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8006

This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm indicates a problem on the DACS climatic system.


BSC defense As soon as the (H)(e)PA temperature is over 60..C, the (H)(e)PA are
powered off. The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service There is no impact on the service until the BTS and (H)(e)PA
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The service is reduced.

Working instructions

Intervention on the site must be within one week.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the
site is operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat
the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
failed", the site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear
it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the
site is not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of
the btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-
dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the

btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2 Check that the alarm on the DACS climatic system is valid by performing
a "Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is "failed", the fault is
confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance
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Step Action

3 Check that the fan circuit breakers are in the "I" position.
Breakers are located on the power supply rack (if present), the GIPS (if
present) and the AC box (if a fan breaker is present.)
• If it is, go to step 5.
• If it is not, go to step 4.

4 1. Reset the circuit breakers.

• If the L2/CB2 circuit breaker can not be reset:
a. Disconnect the DC wires related to the DACS. see 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS or 411-
9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS).
2. Reset the L2/CB2 circuit breaker of the power supply rack.
• If there is a new break, check the PCU output cables of the power
supply rack. Replace them (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 5.
• Otherwise, the operator can choose whether he changes the DACS
(Field Replaceable Unit) as a whole or he replaces the faulty items (Field
Replaceable Units) of the DACS. In this case:
• for the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003
Troubleshooting) to detect and replace the faulty item.
• for the S8006 BTS, refer to 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006
Troubleshooting) to detect and replace the faulty item).

Go to step 5.
• If the climatic circuit breaker of the AC Box can not be reset:
a. Disconnect the AC wires related to the DACS. See 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS or 411-
9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS.
b. Reset the climatic circuit breaker of the AC Box.
– If there is a new break, replace the climatic circuit breaker of the
GIPS (Field Replaceable Unit). see For the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-
9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting)
For the S8006 BTS, refer to 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006
Go to step 4.
– Otherwise, go to step 5.

Additional checks

5 Perform the following steps:

• Check the DACS thermostat state.
If the thermostat is tripped, re-activate it (see step 9).
• Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.
a. If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
b. If the alarm persists, go to step 6.
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Step Action

6 Check the state of the DACS climatic system by performing a "Display

hardware information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is still "failed", call the

• If the state of the "dacsCooler" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.

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Step Action

9 Re-activation of the DACS thermostat.

• Intervention time
a. The intervention time is approximately 20 minutes.
• Tools required
a. Stepladder
b. Flat screwdriver
c. Allen wrench
• Impact of the replacement on service

• Location
a. The DACS thermostat is located on the following figure.
a Safety instructions

b Preliminary operations
1. Open the hood and the doors of the cabinet.
2. Put the battery circuit breaker in the "O" position.
3. Put the main circuit breaker in the "O" position.
4. Put the "FAN" breakers in the "O" position.
5. Unscrew the four quarter turn fasteners of the DACS cover and
carefully remove it.
c Re-activation of the thermostat
1. Press the red button which is located at the top of the thermostat.
The thermostat is located between the blowers. It is fixed on the heater
cover (see the following figure).
d Additional operations
1. Insert the DACS cover and screw its eight 1/4 turn fasteners.
2. Put the "FAN" breakers in the "I" position.
3. Put the main circuit breaker in the "I" position.
4. Put the battery circuit breaker in the "I" position.
5. Close the doors and the hood of the cabinet.

10 Clear the alarm.

11 The procedure is complete.

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FIGURE 1. Re-activation of the DACS thermostat of the S12000 Outdoor BTS

2.12.57. Distribution system (source: Main breaker)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: distribution system

Source: (5767169) Main breaker

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8006

This alarm appears when the cabinet main breaker is disengaged after an internal short-
circuit in the cabinet.

The cabinet is operating on its batteries, if any. The fault number 1060 with the source
"Battery on discharges" is displayed, and may be followed by a source "External battery
level 1" if the batteries are discharged (see the fault number 1060 source "External bat-
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tery level 1").


BSC defense None.

Service interruption

If the problem is not corrected, the BTS can be lost.

If the BTS is lost, PCM faults will appear.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational. Look for an object whose state is
"disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object
becomes "enabled".
— If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the
cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS
Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step
– Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM
BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for
alarms concerning the BSC.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled",
do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.
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Step Action

2 Check that the alarm on the distribution system is valid by performing a

"Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "distribution system" equipment is "failed", the fault is
confirmed. Go to step 4.
• If the state of the "distribution system" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

3 Check the mains power supply on the operator box, or on the "Battery &
Interface" module, if it is used.
• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. see the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 5.

4 Put the main breaker in the "I" position.

• If the mains supply is present and if the alarm persists, replace the main
breaker (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
For the S8000 BTS, refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003
For the S8002 BTS, refer to 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting).
For the S8006 BTS, refer to 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting).

Go to step 4.
• Otherwise, go to step 5.

Additional checks

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6 Check the state of the distribution system by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "distribution system" equipment is still "failed", call the
• If the state of the "distribution system" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.

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2.12.58. DRX or DRX-ND3 diversity reception chain (source: Software detection)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 diversity reception chain

Source: (6946817) Software detection

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing

the procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

This alarm indicates that the DRX detects a received signal level difference between the
main path and the diversity path.

If the maximum of the two levels is higher than -110 dB, and the difference between the
two levels is higher than 20 dB, the path that has the lower level is declared faulty.

As soon as the path which has been declared faulty has a signal level higher than -110
dB, or has a signal slightly lower than the signal level of the other path, the faulty path
is declared operational.


BSC defense None.


The service is not lost but it is degraded: the cellular area is decreased.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 10.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX diversity reception chain" equipment is "failed", the
fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX diversity reception chain" equipment is "working", the
fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance

3 Check the antenna reception route: RF-combiner, Rx-splitter, DRX.

• If any cables have been removed, re-insert them. Go to step 4.

• Otherwise, go to step 4.

4 Check that the cables and the connectors are correctly tightened.
• If the cables are not correctly tightened, tighten them.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 5.
— Otherwise, go to step 10.
• If the cables are correctly tightened and if the alarm persists, go to step 5.
Otherwise, go to step 10.
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Step Action

5 Replace the DRX module (Field Replaceable Unit). see :

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Analyze the alarm.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

6 Replace the RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). see

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Analyze the alarm.

• If the alarm persists, replace the Rx-splitter (Field Replaceable Unit). see
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 7.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

Additional checks

7 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8 Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX diversity reception chain" equipment is still "failed",
call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "DRX diversity reception chain" equipment is "working", go
to step 9.

9 Clear the alarm.

10 The procedure is complete.


2.12.59. DRX or DRX-ND3 main reception chain (source: Software detection)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 main reception chain

Source: (6881281) Software detection

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

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This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing

the procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

This alarm indicates that the DRX detects a received signal level difference between the
main path and the diversity path.

If the maximum of the two levels is higher than -110 dB, and the difference between the
two levels is higher than 20 dB, the path that has the lower level is declared faulty.

As soon as the path which has been declared faulty has a signal level higher than -110
dB, or has a signal slightly lower than the signal level of the other path, the faulty path
is declared operational.


BSC defense


Impact on the service


The service is not lost but it is degraded: the cellular area is decreased.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled",
do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the

btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 10.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX module is valid by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX main reception chain" equipment is "failed", the fault
is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX main reception chain" equipment is "working", the
fault is not confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance

3 Check the antenna reception route: RF-combiner, Rx-splitter, DRX.

• If any cables have been removed, re-insert them. Go to step 4.
• Otherwise, go to step 5.

4 Check that the cables and the connectors are correctly tightened.
• If the cables are not correctly tightened, tighten them.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 5.
— Otherwise, go to step 10.
• If the cables are correctly tightened and if the alarm persists, go to step 5.
Otherwise, go to step 10.
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Step Action

5 Replace the DRX module (Field Replaceable Unit). see:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Analyze the alarm.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

6 Replace the RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit). see:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Analyze the alarm.
• If the alarm persists, replace the Rx-splitter (Field Replaceable Unit). see:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 7.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.

Additional checks

7 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8 Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX main reception chain" equipment is still "failed", call
the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "DRX main reception chain" equipment is "working", go to
step 9.

9 Clear the alarm.

10 The procedure is complete.


2.12.60. DRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: Abis satellite not supported DRX)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX or DRX ND3

Source: 9437214: Abis satellite not supported DRX

Source: 12976158: Abis satellite not supported DRX ND3

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

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This alarm indicates a hardware incompatibility: the "satellite" BTS is equipped with ei-
ther DRX or DRX ND3, whereas it must be equipped with eDRX only, to be able to sup-
port the Abis satellite interface (optional feature).


BSC defense

After the CBCF has sent an "Enable TRX Ack" message with the availability status set
to "Unavailable", the configuration of the TRX is stopped at BSC level.

Impact on the service

At least one DRX or DRX-ND3 is unavailable.

Replace the DRX or DRX ND3 with eDRX. Refer:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

2.12.61. DRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: HePA not supported)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3

Source: (9437212) HePA not supported

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003

This alarm indicates an HePA installation has been attempted on a DRX. Only eDRX
supports HePA.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled",
do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 10.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go
to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated
with the (e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm",
"gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is
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Step Action

• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display"

command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if
any, to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Replace the HePA with a PA. Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

6 Otherwise, replace the DRX with an eDRX. Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

Additional checks

7 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8 Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

9 Clear the alarm.

10 The procedure is complete.


2.12.62. DRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: PA configuration exceeded)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX or DRX-ND3

Source: 9437211 or 12582939: PA config. exceeded

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003

This alarm indicates either:

• the maximum supported configuration for the HePA/PA has been reached; the DRX
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or DRX-ND3 (s) in excess of the supported configuration cannot be connected.

• an HePA installation has been attempted on the S8000 BTS with BCF. The S8000
BTS with BCF does not support HePA.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 10.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX or DRX-ND3 module is valid by performing a
"Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "failed", the fault is
confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 9.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 In case of S8000 BTS, perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated
with the DRX or DRX-ND3 module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900",
"R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if
any, to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 For the S8000 BTS with BCF, replace the HePA with a PA. Refer to:
• 1-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting)

6 Otherwise, replace an HePA(s) of the cabinet with PA(s) until the HePA/PA
configuration is supported. The replaced HePA can be the HePA of a DRX or
DRX-ND3 that has been successfully connected. Refer to:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for

the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the

S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for

the S8003 BTS

Additional checks

7 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.
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Step Action

8 Check the state of the DRX or DRX-ND3 module by performing a "Display

hardware information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is still "failed", call the
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", go to step 11.

9 Clear the alarm

10 The procedure is complete.


2.12.63. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: BBFILTER ASIC fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3

Source: 9437190 or 12582918 or 12976134: BBFILTER ASIC fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing

the procedure associated with the TIL and described

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

This alarm indicates a hardware problem.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated trans-
ceiver object. It tries to assure a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring
and reconfiguring the transceiver object.

Impact on the service

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At least one DRX or DRX-ND3 is lost.


The cell linked to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 can be lost.

The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 12.

2 Check that the alarm on the (e)DRX module is valid by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
to step 3.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated
with the (e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm",
"gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
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Step Action

— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is

— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if
any, to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding

to the faulty (e)DRX to "locked".

6 Disconnect the PWR cable on the front panel of the DRX or DRX-ND3
(DRXICO side).

7 Replace the DRX or DRX-ND3 module (Field Replaceable Unit). see

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for
the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the

S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for

the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the

S8006 BTS

8 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding

to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 to "unlocked". Go to step 9.

Additional checks

9 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.
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Step Action

10 Check the state of the DRX or DRX-ND3 module by performing a "Display

hardware information" command mode Standard on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is still "failed", call the
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", go to step 11.

11 Clear the alarm.

12 The procedure is complete.


2.12.64. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: The TX has not acknowledged
the power consign request)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3

Source: 9437216 or 12582944 or 12976160: The TX has not ack the

power consign request

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that the power, configured at the OMC-R for the DRX, eDRX, or DRX
ND3 concerned, is not compatible with the DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 hardware.


BSC defense

The BSC configures the transceiver equipment, but the associated transceiver object is not

Impact on the service

At least one DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 is lost.


The cell linked to the faulty DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 can be lost.
The service is reduced.
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Service interruption
Intervention on the site must be immediate: there is a risk of service loss.

Preliminary checks

1. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is opera-

tional. Go to step 2.

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the

site is not operational.

– If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054
(see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Proce-

– If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem
in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and
treat theproblem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not op-

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not

treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object
to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager ob-

ject will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 8.

Maintenance using the OMC-R

2. Perform a "Display" command on the bts object to check if the cells are concentric.

• If the "concentric cell" parameter is "monozone", go to step 3.

• If the "concentric cell" parameter is "concentric" or "dual band" or "dual coupling", go

to step 4.
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3. Check the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to the following informa-

• For PA:The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the attenu-
ation of the combiner must be between 31 dBm and 44 dBm, or 32 dBm at the band
limit for onlyGSM 1900.

• For HePA:The value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the at-
tenuation of the combiner must be between 34 dBm and 47 dBm.

The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the powerControl object associated

with the bts object.

The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command on the btsSiteM-

anager object.

The following table displays the correct values of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter, de-
pending on the combiners used in the BTS. The "Nack" value is not allowed.

TABLE 23. PA configuration

Combiners TxF/D H2D H4D

DLU attenuation 1 4 8
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bsTxPwrMax 51 to 44 Nack Nack Nack

43 Pmax Nack Nack

42 Pmax Nack Nack

41 Pmax-2 Nack Nack

40 Pmax-2 Pmax Nack

39 Pmax-4 Pmax Nack

38 Pmax-4 Pmax-2 Nack

37 Pmax-6 Pmax-2 Nack

36 Pmax-6 Pmax-4 Pmax

35 Pmax-8 Pmax-4 Pmax

34 Pmax-8 Pmax-6 Pmax-2

33 Pmax-10 Pmax-6 Pmax-2

32 Pmax-10 Pmax-8 Pmax-4

31 Pmax-12 Pmax-8 Pmax-4

30 Pmax-12 Pmax-10 Pmax-6

29 Nack Pmax-10 Pmax-6

28 Nack Pmax-12 Pmax-8

27 Nack Pmax-12 Pmax-8

26 Nack Nack Pmax-10

25 Nack Nack Pmax-10

24 Nack Nack Pmax-12

23 Nack Nack Pmax-12

22 to 0 Nack Nack Nack

• If the value is not correct, change it.

• If the value is correct, replace the (e)DRX (Field Replaceable Unit). see
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– 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

– 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

– 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

– 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 6.

4. Modify the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter according to the following informa-

• For PA: the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the attenu-
ation of the combiner and reduced of the value of the "transceiver zone Ref" param-
eter must be between 31 dBm and 44 dBm, or 32 dBm at the band limit for only GSM

• For HePA: the value of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter added to the value to the atten-
uation of the combiner and reduced of the value of the "transceiver zone Ref" param-
eter must be between 34 dBm and 47 dBm.

The "bsTxPwrMax" parameter is a parameter of the powerControl object associated

with the bts object.

The "transceiver zone Ref" parameter is obtained by performing a "Display" com-

mand on the transceiver object.

The "Attenuation" parameter is obtained by a "Display" command on the btsSiteM-

anager object.

This parameter must not be filled in for the "dual band" or "dual coupling" values of
the "concentric cell" parameter.

The preceding table displays the correct values of the "bsTxPwrMax" parameter de-
pending on the combiners used in the BTS. The "Nack" value is not allowed. The
"transceiver zone Ref" parameter should also be verified.

• If the value is not correct, change it.

• If the value is correct, replace the (e)DRX (Field Replaceable Unit). see

– 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

– 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

– 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

– 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 5.
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Additional checks

5. Clear the alarm.

6. Set the bts object to "locked".

7. Set the bts object to "unlocked".

8. The procedure is complete.

2.12.65. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: RX fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3

Source: 9437185, 12976129 or 12582913: RX fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing

the procedure associated with the TIL and described in

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

The TRX is no longer operational.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated trans-
ceiver object. The BSC tries to assure a minimum service of communication by uncon-
figuring and reconfiguring the transceiver object.

Impact on the service

At least one (e)DRX is lost.


The cell linked to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 can be lost.

The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 12.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX or DRX-ND3 module is valid by performing a
"Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "failed", the fault is
confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 11.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated
with the DRX or DRX-ND3 module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900",
"R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if
any, to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding

to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 to "locked".

6 Disconnect the PWR cable on the front panel of the DRX (DRXICO side).

7 Check the fuse of the DRXICO unit.

• If it is correct, replace the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 module (Field
Replaceable Unit). see GSM BTS S12000 Troubleshooting (411-9001-144).
Go to step 10.
• If it is not correct, replace the fuse (Shop Replaceable Unit).
Go to step 8.

8 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding

to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 to "unlocked". Go to step 9.

Additional checks
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Step Action

9 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10 Check the state of the DRX or DRX-ND3 module by performing a "Display

hardware information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is still "failed", call the
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", go to step 11.

11 Clear the alarm

12 The procedure is complete.


2.12.66. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 modules (source: L1M first config failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437488 or 12583216 or 12976432 or 15204656: L1M first

config failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that an anomaly has been detected in an L1M configuration. One new
configuration is allowed after clearing the TRX configuration.


BSC defense

An automatic reconfiguration defense action is triggered by the BSC.


No user action is required.

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2.12.67. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: BCCH first config

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437456 or 12583184 or 12976400 or 15204624: BCCH first

config failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that an anomaly has been detected in a BCCH configuration. One new
configuration is allowed after clearing the TRX configuration.


BSC defense

An automatic reconfiguration defense action is triggered by the BSC.


No user action is required.

2.12.68. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: BCCH second config

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437457 or 12583185 or 12976401 or 15204625:: BCCH

second config failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that a second anomaly has been detected in a BCCH configuration. The
TRX may no longer be reconfigured, it can now only be locked or unlocked at any level.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Lock the transceiverEquipment object, then unlock it.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

2 Lock the affected bts object, then unlock it.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

3 The procedure is complete.


2.12.69. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: DRX link)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437206, 12976150 or 12582934 or 15204374: DRX link

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

In this procedure, (e)DRX is either a DRX, an eDRX, a DRX ND3 or an eDRX2.


This alarm indicates that the CBCF has detected the loss or non-establishment of the dia-
logue with the (e)DRX.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated transceiv-
er object. It tries to assure a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and recon-
figuring the transceiver object.
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Impact on the service

At least one (e)DRX is lost.

The cell linked to the faulty (e)DRX can be lost.
The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 15.

2 Check that the alarm on the (e)DRX module is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", the fault isnot confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on
the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty

(e)DRX to "locked".

6 Check the cable between the (e)DRX and the (e)DRX-ICO.

• If it is correct, go to step 7.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7 Replace the faulty (e)DRX module (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

8 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty

(e)DRX to "unlocked".
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9 Check the cable between the CBCF and the (e)DRX.

• If it is correct, go to step 10.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 10.
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Step Action

10 Perform a switchover of the CMCF boards.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 11.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

11 Replace the CMCF board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 12.

Additional checks

12 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 13.

13 Check the state of the (e)DRX module by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

14 Clear the alarm.

15 The procedure is complete.


2.12.70. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: DRX reset by BSC)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: (9437219 or 12582947 or 12976163 or 15204387: DRX link

NOK after reset requested by BSC

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This message indicates a reset of the DRX or DRX-ND3 by the BSC.

No maintenance action is required.

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2.12.71. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: L1M second config

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437489 or 12583217 or 12976433 or 15204657: L1M

second config failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that a second anomaly has been detected in an L1M configuration. The
TRX may no longer be reconfigured, it can now only be locked or unlocked at any level.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Lock the transceiverEquipment object, then unlock it.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

2 Lock the affected bts object, then unlock it.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

3 The procedure is complete.


2.12.72. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Major fault on TX)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437194, 12976138 or 12582922 or 15204362: Major fault

on TX

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

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In this procedure, (e)DRX is either a DRX, an eDRX, a DRX ND3 or an eDRX2.


This alarm indicates a problem on the (e)DRX.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated transceiv-
er object. It tries to assure a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and recon-
figuring the transceiver object.

Impact on the service

At least one (e)DRX is lost.


The cell linked to the faulty (e)DRX can be lost.

The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 14.
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Step Action

2 Check that the alarm on the (e)DRX module is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", the fault isnot confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on
the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty

(e)DRX to "locked".

6 Disconnect the PWR cable on the front panel of the (e)DRX ((e)DRX-ICO side).

7 Check the fuse of the (e)DRX unit.

• If it is correct, replace the faulty (e)DRX module (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 9.
• If it is not correct, replace the fuse (Shop Replaceable Unit).
Go to step 9.
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Step Action

8 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty

(e)DRX to "unlocked".
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9 Replace the (H)(e)PA module (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BT
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10 Check the cable between the (H)(e)PA and the (e)DRX.

• If it is correct, go to step 11.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12 Check the state of the (e)DRX module by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13 Clear the alarm.

14 The procedure is complete.


2.12.73. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Nack answer)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437218 or 12582946 or 12976162 or 15204386: DRX reset

by BCF after message non ack

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This message indicates a software anomaly between the BCF and the DRX or DRX-
ND3 or eDRX2.

Call the next level of support.

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2.12.74. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: PA DRX control loop

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437217 or 12582945 or 12976161 or 15204385: PA DRX

control loop fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described in

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

In this procedure, (e)DRX is either a DRX, an eDRX, a DRX ND3 or an eDRX2.


This alarm indicates that the (H)(e)PA emission power - e,ND3)DRX/(H)(e)PA control loop
configuration has not succeeded.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated transceiv-
er object. It tries to assure a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring and recon-
figuring the transceiver object.

Impact on the service

At least one (e)DRX is lost.

The cell linked to the faulty (e)DRX can be lost.
The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 15.

2 Check that the alarm on the (e)DRX module is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", the fault isnot confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on
the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.
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Step Action

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty

(e)DRX to "locked".Go to step 6.

6 Check the cable between the CBCF and the (e)DRX.

• If it is correct, disconnect the PWR cable on the front panel of the (e)DRX ((e)DRX-ICO
side). Go to step 7.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Analyze the alarm.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

7 Replace the faulty (e)DRX module (Field Replaceable Unit). see

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

8 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty

(e)DRX to "unlocked".
Analyze the alarm.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

9 Replace the (H)(e)PA module (Field Replaceable Unit). see

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Analyze the alarm.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.

10 Check the RF cable between the DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 and the (H)(e)PA.
• If it is disconnected, reconnect it.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11

11 Perform a lock/unlock of the impacted DRX after replacing or reconnecting the RF cable, in
order to recover the service. Go to step 12.

Additional checks

12 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.
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Step Action

13 Check the state of the (e)DRX module by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(e)DRX" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

14 Clear the alarm.

15 The procedure is complete.


2.12.75. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Post-mortem dump

zone 3)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437427 or 12583155 or 12976371 or 15204595: Post-

mortem dump zone 3

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This source indicates a post-mortem dump zone 3.

2.12.76. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: SACCH first config

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437472 or 12583200 or 12976416 or 15204640: SACCH

first config failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that an anomaly has been detected in an SACCH configuration. One
new configuration is allowed after clearing the TRX configuration.


BSC defense

An automatic reconfiguration defense action is triggered by the BSC.

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No user action is required.

2.12.77. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: SACCH second con-
fig failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437473 or 12583201 or 12976417 or 15204641: SACCH

second config failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that a second anomaly has been detected in an SACCH configuration.
The TRX may no longer be reconfigured, it can now only be locked or unlocked at any level.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Lock the transceiverEquipment object, then unlock it.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

2 Lock the affected bts object, then unlock it.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.
• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

3 The procedure is complete.


2.12.78. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: Self test failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX, eDRX, or DRX ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9437193 or 12582921 or 12976137 or 15204361: Self test


BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing

the procedure associated with the TIL and described
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• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

In this procedure, (e)DRX is either a DRX, an eDRX, a DRX ND3 or an eDRX2.

This alarm indicates a problem in the hardware self-test of the (e)DRX.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated trans-
ceiver object. It tries to assure a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring
and reconfiguring the transceiver object.

Impact on the service

At least one DRX or DRX-ND3 is lost.

The cell linked to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 can be lost.
The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).
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Step Action

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 14.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX or DRX-ND3 module is valid by performing a
"Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "failed", the fault is
confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", the fault isnot
confirmed. Go to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated
with the DRX or DRX-ND3 module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900",
"R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display"
command on the transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the DRX or DRX-
ND3 is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if
any, to the manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment object corresponding

to the faulty DRX or DRX-ND3 to "locked".

6 Disconnect the PWR cable on the front panel of the DRX or DRX-ND3
(DRXICO side).
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Step Action

7 Replace the DRX or DRX-ND3 module (Field Replaceable Unit). see

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for
the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the

S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for

the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the

S8006 BTS

8 Set the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty DRX or DRX-

ND3 to "unlocked".
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9 Replace the (H)(e)PA module (Field Replaceable Unit). see GSM BTS S12000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-144).
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10 Check the cable between the (H)(e)PA and the DRX or DRX-ND3.
• If it is correct, go to step 11.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12 Check the state of the DRX or DRX-ND3 module by performing a "Display

hardware information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is still "failed", call the
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13 Clear the alarm.

14 The procedure is complete.

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2.12.79. DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 modules (source: TRX not anymore

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2

Source: 9502719 or 12648447 or 13041663 or 15269887: TRX not

anymore configured

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This message indicates an abnormal state change of a DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or
eDRX2, caused by a software problem.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the faulty transceiverEquipment object and the associated trans-
ceiver object. It tries to assure a minimum service of communication by unconfiguring
and reconfiguring the transceiver object.

Impact on the service



The service is not lost but it is degraded: the cellular area is decreased.
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Step Action

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-
dependency", the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault
number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced
Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is
"disabled", do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 module is
valid by performing a "Display hardware information" command mode
Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "failed", the fault is
confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DRX or DRX-ND3" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 6.

3 Perform the following actions:

• Set the transceiverEquipment object to "locked".

• Set the transceiverEquipment object to "unlocked".

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.
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Step Action

5 Check the state of the DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2 module by

performing a "Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2" equipment is still
"failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "DRX or eDRX or DRX-ND3 or eDRX2" equipment is
"working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm

7 The procedure is complete.

DSC boards (source: Major fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DSC

Source: (4456449) Major fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates a hardware or software failing on the DSC board. There is no longer
a connection between the active CSWM board and the concerned DSC board.


BSC defense

• In the case of monolapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no BSC defense

• In the case of monolapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board, the BSC unconfig-
ures all the objects and sends a fault number 1054.

• In the case of multilapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no BSC defense

• In the case of multilapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board, the BSC unconfig-
ures some transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service

• In the case of monolapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no impact on the
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• In the case of monolapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board:

Service Interruption
The service is lost.

• In the case of multilapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no impact on the

• In the case of multilapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board, the BSC unconfig-
ures some transceiverEquipment objects.

Service Interruption
The service is reduced or lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the DSC board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 6.

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Step Action

3 The equipment number specified in the alarm identifies the faulty DSC board.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4 Replace the faulty SYNC board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

Additional Checks

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

6 Check the state of the DSC board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.


2.12.80. DSC boards (source: Channel_HSCX)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: DSC

Source: (4456453) Channel_HSCX

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

This alarm indicates a hardware or software failing on the DSC board. There is no longer
a connection between the active CSWM board and the concerned DSC board.


BSC defense

• In the case of monolapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no BSC defense

• In the case of monolapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board, the BSC unconfig-
ures all the objects and sends a fault number 1054.

• In the case of multilapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no BSC defense
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• In the case of multilapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board, the BSC unconfig-
ures some transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service

• In the case of monolapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no impact on the

• In the case of monolapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board:

Service Interruption
The service is lost.

• In the case of multilapd and redundancy of the DSC board, there is no impact on the

• In the case of multilapd and non-redundancy of the DSC board, the BSC unconfig-
ures some transceiverEquipment objects.

Service Interruption
The service is reduced or lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
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Step Action

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the DSC board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 6.


On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Replace the faulty board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting)..

Additional Checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the DSC board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "DSC" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.

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2.12.81. External alarm (source: Alarm)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: external alarm

Source: (7274497) Alarm

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

A supervised external alarm has been detected. The maintenance action depends on how
the user deals with the alarm. Sixteen external alarmscan be used for each cabinet.

2.12.82. Fan of the base cabinet (source: Cabinet fan fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: cabinet fan

Source: 6225921) Cabinet fan fault

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8003

This alarm is detected by the ALCO (S8000) or RECAL (S8000 and S8003) board.

For the S8000 Indoor BTS, this alarm indicates that a base cabinet fan is faulty.

For the S8003 BTS, this alarm indicates that an abnormally high temperature level has
been reached in the cabinet.

There is an increase in the internal temperature of the BTS base cabinet until the
(H)(e)PAs are powered off at 60°C.


BSC defense

If the (H)(e)PAs are powered off, the BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment ob-

Impact on the service

Service Reduction
The service is reduced.

Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the fan is valid, by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the "Session log"
• If the state of the "cabinet fan" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "cabinet fan" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 8.

Onsite maintenance for the S8000 Indoor BTS

3 Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. Refer to the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 6.

4 Check the state of the fuse.

• If it is correct, go to step 5.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 8.

5 Replace the faulty fan (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance for the S8003 BTS

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Step Action

6 Check the date of the last air filter replacement. If the filter has not been replaced within the
past six months, replace it. Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003
Troubleshooting). Go to step 7.

7 Check the state of the fans (Refer to GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-

• If it is correct, go to step 8.
• If it is not correct, replace the faulty fan(s) (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 8.

Additional Checks

8 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

9 Check the state of the CSWM board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "Cabinet fan” equipment "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "Cabinet fan” equipment is "working", go to step 8.

10 Clear the alarm.

11 The procedure is complete.


2.12.83. F-Type converters (source: Volt)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: converter F

Source: (5308417) Volt

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

The equipment number indicates which of the two power supplies is affected.


BSC defense

• If the second F-type converter is optional, the BTS detects alarms on the LNA and the VS-
WR: the BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment and transceiver objects connected to
the LNA and VSWR.
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• If the second F-type converter is present and if another fault occurs on the other, the BSC
unconfigures the bts, transceiverEquipment and transceiver objects.

Impact on the service

Service interruption

The service is either reduced or lost


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in
order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
— If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared:
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing
- Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms
concerning the BSC.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 14.

2 Check that the alarm on the F-type converter module is valid by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 4.
• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 13.

On-site maintenance
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Step Action

3 Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. see the fault number 1054 (see 411-
9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 11.

4 Check if there are alarms on all combiner VSWR and on all combiner LNAs.
• If there are no alarms, go to step 5.
• If there are alarms, go to step 10.

5 Check if, at the same time, the (H)(e)PAs are still powered.
• If they are not, go to step 6.
• If they are, go to step 7.

6 Check the state of the PA breaker (on the PCU for the rectifier shelf, on the DCU for the
GIPS). If necessary, put it in the "I" position.
Wait for the end of BSC defense actions. Go to step 11.

7 Check that the switch on the front panel of the F-type converter is in the "I" position and that
the green led is lit.
• If they are, go to step 8.
• If they are not, replace the F-type converter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Put the switch of the new F-type converter in the "I" position. Go to step 11.

8 Put the switch of the F-type converter in the "O" position and check the fuse in the (H)(e)PA
• If the fuse is faulty, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 10.
• If the fuse is correct, go to step 9.

9 Check the cabling.

• If it is correct, go to step 10.
• If it is not correct, replace the cable (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11.

10 Replace the F-type converter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Put the switch of the new F-type converter in the "I" position. Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.
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Step Action

12 Check the state of the DRX module by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the transceiverEquipment object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13 Clear the alarm.

14 The procedure is complete.


2.12.84. GTW boards (source: Major fault on GTW)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: GTW

Source: (4587521) Major fault on GTW

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

TThis alarm indicates a hardware or software failing on the GTW board. There is no lon-
ger a connection between the active CSWM board and the concerned GTW board.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

The BCF duplex mode is lost. The BCF simplex mode continues to function

Service Interruption
If there is a redundant board, all the DRX or DRX-ND3s of the site are
not lost.

However, if there is an alarm on each GTW board, all the DRX or DRX-
ND3 of the site are lost.
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Working instructions
Intervention on the site must be immediate.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 12.

2 Check that the alarm on the GTW board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "GTW" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "GTW" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 8.


3 The equipment number specified in the alarm identifies the faulty GTW board.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

4 Check the alarms on each DRX or DRX-ND3 of the BTS

• If there is an "DRX or DRX-ND3 link" notification on each DRX or DRX-ND3, the problem
concerns the BCF.
Check that there is an active GTW board.
– If there is, reset it.

– If there is not, reset one of the two boards.

Ensure that one board becomes active.

• If there is an alarm on only one DRX or DRX-ND3, go to step 5.
• If there are no alarms on the DRX or DRX-ND3s, go to step 6.

5 Replace the DRX or DRX-ND3 (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

6 Replace the faulty GTW board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 8.

7 Perform a switchover of the CSWM boards.

• If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.
• If the alarm has disappeared, the problem concerns the previous active CSWM board. Go
to step 8.

8 Replace the previous GTW active board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048
(GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 9.

Additional Checks

9 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 12.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10 Check the state of the CSWM board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "GTW" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "GTW" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

11 Clear the alarm.

12 The procedure is complete.

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2.12.85. Internal batteries (source: Battery disconnected)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: internal battery system

Source: (5439489) Battery disconnected

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8002


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm is triggered by an internal battery problem or by a connection problem between

the PCU and the batteries.


BSC defense

In principle, there is no defense action.

But if there is a power supply cut, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object: all the
object states change (the btsSiteManager, bts and transceiverEquipment objects become
"disabled-dependency", and the pcmCircuit of the ABIS link becomes "disabled-failed").

Impact on the service

If the BSC unconfigures the BTS, the service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in
order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
— If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared:
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing
- Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
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Step Action

— If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms

concerning the BSC.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the internal batteries is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "internal battery system" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go
to step 4.
• If the state of the "internal battery system" equipment is "working", the fault is not
confirmed. Go to step 8.

On-site maintenance

3 Check the mains power supply on the operator box.

• If the mains power supply is correct, it is a PCM fault. see the fault number 1054 (see 411
9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
• If not, solve the problem concerning the mains power supply and go to step 6.

4 Check the state of the circuit breaker of the internal batteries.

• If the circuit breakers of the batteries are not in the "I" position, put them in the "I" position.
— If there is a new break, go to step 5.
— Otherwise, go to step 7.
• If the circuit breakers of the batteries are in the "I" position, go to step 4.

5 Check the internal batteries (see 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting)
for the S8000 BTS or 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002
• If the test is failed, replace the internal batteries (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

Go to step 6.
• If the test is correct, disconnect the cables of the internal batteries. Go to step 6.

Additional checks

6 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
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Step Action

7 Check the state of the internal batteries by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "internal battery system" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "internal battery system" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

8 Clear the alarm.

9 The procedure is complete.


2.12.86. IP synchro (source: Unable to lock on IP synchronization)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IP synchro

Source: (15859968) Unable to lock on IP synchronization

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


The IPM-USER generates an "Unable to lock" event in case the IPM-USER synchronization
module cannot reach a frequency, locked within an appropriate delay.

The begin-of fault alarm indicates that the counter "unlocked_state_counte r" reaches a con-
firmation threshold.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the counter "unlocked_state_counter" is reset.

The causes for this alarm are:

• The network impairment rate is too high for the clock recovery algorithm to lock. This is the
most probable cause.

• The IPM-USER local oscillator has experienced a large frequency skew with age. It is no
more able to lock to the BSC reference clock within its nominal tuning range.

• The IPM-USER local oscillator is not stable enough, probably due to thermal variations.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "IPM" equipment is failed, the fault is confirmed.
If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 3.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has
disappeared. The alarm disappears when the counter "unlock_state_counter" is reset.

3 Clear the alarm, if still present.

4 The procedure is complete.


2.12.87. IP synchro (source: Not enough synchronization packets have been re-

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IP synchro

Source: (15859969) Not enough synchronization packets have been


BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


The IPM-USER generates a "CRPN drop rate" alarm if it detects an unacceptable drop rate
in the CRPn (Kapsch Clock Recovery Protocol) flow. The network drop rate is too high for
the clock recovery algorithm to operate with the required precision.

The begin-of fault alarm indicates that the counter "CRPN_High_drop_rate reaches the con-
firmation threshold.

The end-of fault alarm indicates that the counter "CRPN_High_drop_rate is reset.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

If the state of the "IPM" equipment is failed, the fault is confirmed.
If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 3.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has
disappeared. The alarm disappears when the counter "unlock_state_counter" is reset.

3 Clear the alarm, if still present.

4 The procedure is complete.


2.12.88. IPM-USER commissioning (source: Only one IBOS commissioned at IPM)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IPM-USER commissioning

Source: (15663140) Only one IBOS commissioned at IPM-USER

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


The IPM-USER generates this alarm if only one IBOS is commissioned.

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BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is “failed”, the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 3.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Contact the TAS to recommission the IPM-USER.

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.89. IPM-USER commissioning (source: DNS resolution has failed for at least
one IBOS)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IPM-USER commissioning

Source: (15663141) DNS resolution has failed for at least one IBOS

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


The IPM-USER generates this alarm if the DNS resolution has failed for at least one IBOS.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is “failed”, the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 3.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Contact the TAS to recommission the IPM-USER.

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.90. IPM-USER core (source: IPM BIST failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IPM-USER core

Source: (15728672) IPM BIST failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


This alarm indicates a BIST failed for the IPM-USER.

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BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is “failed”, the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Replace the IPM-USER.

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.91. IPM-USER core (source: IPM temperature)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IPM-USER core

Source: (15728675) Temperature

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


This alarm indicates an excessively high temperature on an IPM-USER.

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BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is “failed”, the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Replace the IPM-USER.

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.92. IPM-USER core (source: DAC unable to lock, synchronization not possible)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: IPM-USER core

Source: (15728688) DAC unable to lock, synchronization not


BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


The IPM-USER generates a "Frequency saturation" event in case the local oscillator cannot
be frequency-locked, within its operational tuning range.
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The begin-of fault alarm indicates that the current value of the DAC (Digital-to-Analog Con-
verter) is not within a nominal range. The DAC value is not within in this range for a time for
that reaches the confirmation threshold.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the current DAC value is within a nominal range. The
DAC value is within in this range for a time for that reaches the confirmation threshold.

The causes for this alarm are:

• The IPM-USER local oscillator has experienced a large frequency skew with age. It is no
more able to lock to the BSC reference clock within its nominal tuning range. This is the most
probable cause.

• The network reference frequency is in failure. This is the least probable cause.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is “failed”, the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Replace the IPM-USER.

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

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Step Action

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.93. Lightning protector (source: Lightning protection fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Lightning Protection

Source: (6160385) Lightning protection fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8002 + S8006


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm indicates if the lightning protector is operational.

• If the BTS operates on its batteries, the lightning protector is faulty.

• If the BTS does not operate on its batteries, there is a detector problem.


BSC defense

As long as the BTS works on batteries, there is no defense action of the BSC.

If the BTS is completely powered off, the BSC detects PCM faults and unconfigures the
btsSiteManager, bts, transceiverEquipment and transceiver objects.

Impact on the service

Working instructions

Intervention on the site must be immediate: it is possible to lose the en-

tire site (with potential damages).
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational. Look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in
order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
— If no object is concerned and if a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared:
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Otherwise, see the fault number 1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing
- Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If a pcmCircuit object is "disabled-failed":
– If the cabinet is out of order, treat the problem on the cabinet. Go to step 3.
– Look for a fault number concerning PCMs (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If an lapdLink object is "disabled-failed", the BSC is concerned. Look for alarms
concerning the BSC.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2 Check that the alarm on the lightning protector is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "Lightning Protection" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to
step 4.
• If the state of the "Lightning Protection" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed.
Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

3 Perform a "Display" command on the btsSiteManager object to check the value of the
parameter "lightning protection".
• If the value is "absent", set it to "present". Go to step 5.
• If the value is "present", go to step 4.

4 Replace the lightning protector (Field Replaceable Unit). see GSM BTS S12000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-144).
Go to step 5.

Additional checks
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Step Action

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6 Check the state of the lightning protector by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "Lightning Protection" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "Lightning Protection" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.


2.12.94. Not protected alarm (source: Alarm)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: not protected alarm

Source: (3735553) Alarm

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

If the alarm is external, the maintenance action depends on how the user deals with the
alarm. Sixteen external alarms can be used for each cabinet.

2.12.95. Output Rx-splitter D (source: Over current)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rx splitter D

Source: (9764865) Over current

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the diversity path, located in
the Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been detected on the diversity path. It can be
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caused by a hardware problem on the cable.


BSC defense

There is no BSC defense action until the fault occurs on the main path on the Rx-splitter, at
which point the BSC unconfigures at least one transceiverEquipment object.

Impact on the service

The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the output Rx-splitter D is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rx splitter D" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rx splitter D" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance
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Step Action

3 Check the cabling between the DRX and the Rx-splitter.

• If it is correct, replace the Rx-splitter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Go to step 4.
• If it is not correct, replace the cable (Shop Replaceable Unit).
Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the output Rx-splitter D by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rx splitter D" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rx splitter D" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.96. Output Rx-splitter M (source: Over current)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rx splitter M

Source: (9699329) Over current

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS


This alarm corresponds to a fault in the reception amplifier of the main path, located in the
Rx-splitter. A current overconsumption has been detected on the main path. It can be caused
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by a hardware problem on the cable.


BSC defense

There is no BSC defense action until the fault occurs on the diversity path on the Rx-splitter,
at which point the BSC unconfigures at least one transceiverEquipment object.

Impact on the service

The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the output Rx-splitter M is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rx splitter M" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rx splitter M" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance
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Step Action

3 Check the cabling between the DRX and the Rx-splitter.

• If it is correct, replace the Rx-splitter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 4.
• If it is not correct, replace the cable (Shop Replaceable Unit).
Go to step 4.

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the output Rx-splitter M by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rx splitter M" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rx splitter M" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.97. PCM (source: PCM)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PCM

Source: (6488065) PCM

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm can indicate a manual action on the PCM links (lock/unlock when the BTS is con-
nected to a BSC 3000).

This alarm can also be associated with a PCM fault. see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault
Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures).

2.12.98. PCMI boards (source: Major fault on PCMI)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PCMI

Source: (4521985) Major fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

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This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing -
Advanced Maintenance Procedures).

2.12.99. Power amplifiers (source: Hardware)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PA, ePA, or HePA

Source: 6815745 or 12648449 or 12713985: Hardware

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS


This alarm indicates a hardware failure of the (H)(e)PA. The corresponding TRX is no longer


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object using the faulty (H)(e)PA, at least
one transceiver object (therefore one bts object).

Impact on the service

Service Reduction
The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 15.

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
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Step Action

— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.

— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Check that the switch on the front panel of the (H)(e)PA is in the "I" position.
• If it is, go to step 8.
• If it is not, go to step 6.

6 Perform the following actions:

a Set the transceiverEquipment object to "locked".
b Put the switch of the (H)(e)PA in the "I" position.
c Set the transceiverEquipment object to "unlocked".
Check the state of the alarm.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.

7 Put the switch of the (H)(e)PA to the "O" position and check the fuse of the (H)(e)PA unit.
• If the fuse is faulty, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
a. Set the transceiverEquipment object to "locked".
b. Put the switch of the (H)(e)PA in the "I" position.
c. Set the transceiverEquipment object to "unlocked".
Check the state of the alarm.
– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 8.
• If the fuse is correct, go to step 8.

8 Check the fuse of the faulty (H)(e)PA.

• If the fuse is faulty, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
a. Set the transceiverEquipment object to "locked".
b. Put the switch of the (H)(e)PA in the "I" position.
c. Set the transceiverEquipment object to "unlocked".
Check the state of the alarm.
– If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 8.
• If the fuse is correct, go to step 8.
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Step Action

9 Perform the following actions:

a Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "locked".
b Replace the (H)(e)PA module (Field Replaceable Unit). see GSM BTS S12000
Troubleshooting (411-9001-144).
c Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "unlocked".
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
• If the alarm persists, check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the
result displayed in the "Session log" window.

— If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", go to step 10.

— If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

10 Check if there is a "Self test failed" alarm on the (e)DRX connected to the (H)(e)PA.
• If this is the case, go to step 11.
• If this is not the case, go to step 12.

11 Perform the following actions:

a Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "locked".
b Remove the newly inserted (H)(e)PA module and reinsert the old (H)(e)PA module.
c Replace the (e)DRX module (Field Replacement Unit).
• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003


• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

d Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty

(H)(e)PA to "unlocked".
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
• If the alarm persists, check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the
result displayed in the "Session log" window.
— If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", go to step 12.
— If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

12 Perform the following actions:

a Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "locked".
b Remove the newly inserted (e)DRX module and reinsert the old (e)DRX module.
c Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "unlocked".
d Check the cables and the connectors between the (H)(e)PAs and the (e)DRXs.
• If they are correctly tightened, go to step 13.
• If they are not correctly tightened, tighten them.
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 15.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 13.
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Step Action

Additional checks

13 Check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 14.

14 Clear the alarm.

15 The procedure is complete.


2.12.100. Power amplifiers (source: DRX and PA connection)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PA, ePA, or HePA

Source: 6815746 or 12648450 or 12713986: DRX/PA connection

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS


This alarm indicates that the numeric link is out of use between the (e)DRX and the (H)(e)PA.
The TRX is no longer operational.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object using the faulty (H)(e)PA, at least
one transceiver object (therefore one bts object).

Impact on the service

Service Reduction
The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object

will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 14.

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Ensure the switch on the front panel of the (H)(e)PA is in the "I" position.
• If it is, go to step 6.
• If it is not, go to step 7.

6 Put the switch of the (H)(e)PA in the "O" position and check the fuse of the (H)(e)PA unit.
• If the fuse is faulty, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
• If the fuse is correct, go to step 7.

7 Check the fuse of the faulty (H)(e)PA.

• If the fuse is faulty, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 8.
• If the fuse is correct, go to step 8.

8 Perform the following actions:

a Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "locked".
b Replace the (H)(e)PA module (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
c Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "unlocked".
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display
hardware information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
— If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", go to step 9.
— If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.
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Step Action

9 Perform the following actions:

a Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "locked".
b Remove the newly inserted (H)(e)PA module and reinsert the old (H)(e)PA module.
c Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "unlocked".
d Check the cables and the connectors between the (H)(e)PAs and the (e)DRXs.
• If they are correctly tightened, go to step 10.
• If they are not correctly tightened, tighten them.
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10 Perform the following actions:

a Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "locked".
b Replace the (e)DRX module (Field Replacement Unit).
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
c Set the administrativeState of the transceiverEquipment corresponding to the faulty
(H)(e)PA to "unlocked".
d Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12 Check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13 Clear the alarm.

14 The procedure is complete.


2.12.101. Power amplifiers (source: High temperature)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PA, ePA, or HePA

Source: 6815747 or 12648451 or 12713987: High


BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
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procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS


This alarm indicates an excessively high temperature on the (H)(e)PA.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object using the faulty (H)(e)PA, at least
one transceiver object (therefore one bts object).

Impact on the service

Service Reduction
The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat

the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 10.
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Step Action

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Checks
Ensure the cabinet door is closed.
a If it is closed, go to the next check.
b If it is not closed, close it. Allow an appropriate amount of time for the temperature to
decrease. Go to step 7.
Check the running of the DACS climatic system (S12000 Outdoor) or the Blower (S12000
a If it is correct, go to the next check.
b If it is not correct, perform a corrective action on the DACS (S12000 Outdoor) or Blower
(S12000 Indoor). Go to step 7.
Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.
a If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.
b f the alarm persists, go to step 6.
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Step Action

6 FRU replacement
a Switch the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty (H)(e)PA to "locked".

b Replace the faulty (H)(e)PA according to the replacement procedure. Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
c Switch the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the replaced (H)(e)PA to
d Make sure that the fault has been cleared (the alarms are transferred to the alarm history
file of the OMC-R).
e Go to step 10.

Additional checks

7 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8 Check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

9 Clear the alarm.

10 The procedure is complete.

Power amplifiers (source: High Current )

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PA, ePA, or HePA

Source: 6815748 or 12648452 or 12713988: High Current

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

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This alarm indicates errors concerning the (H)(e)PA power supply.

It concerns the following errors:

• errors on the DC/DC converters of the (H)(e)PA

• errors of an excessive power consumption of the (H)(e)PA


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object using the faulty (H)(e)PA, at least
one transceiver object (therefore one bts object).

Impact on the service

Service Reduction
The service is reduced.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat

the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.
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Step Action

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 FRU replacement
a Switch the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty (H)(e)PA to "locked".

b Replace the faulty (H)(e)PA according to the replacement procedure. Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
c Switch the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the replaced (H)(e)PA to
d Make sure that the fault has been cleared (the alarms are transferred to the alarm history
file of the OMC-R).
e Go to step 9.

Additional checks

6 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 9.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
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Step Action

7 Check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 8.

8 Clear the alarm.

9 The procedure is complete.


2.12.102. Power amplifiers (source: PA_PSDW)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PA, ePA, or HePA

Source: 6815750 or 12648454 or 12713990: PA_PSDW

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006

This alarm is processed by either performing the following procedure or by performing the
procedure associated with the TIL and described in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000/S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS


This alarm indicates an excessively high input level on the (H)(e)PA.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object using the faulty (H)(e)PA, at least
one transceiver object (therefore one bts object).

Impact on the service

Service Reduction
The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat

the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 10.

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 Perform a "Display" command on the bts object.

The "standardIndicator" parameter indicates the frequency band associated with the
(e)DRX module: "gsm", " gsm850", "dcs1800", "pcs1900", "R gsm", "gsmdcs" or "dcsgsm".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsm 850pcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is PCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "pcsgsm850", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is PCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is "gsm850".
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "gsmdcs", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is GSM.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is DCS.
• If the "standardIndicator" parameter is "dcsgsm", perform a "Display" command on the
transceiverEquipment object.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "1", the (e)DRX is DCS.
— If the "transceiverEquipmentClass" parameter is "2", the (e)DRX is GSM.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Checks
a Check the RF cables between the (e)DRX and the (H)(e)PA.
b If necessary tighten the RF cables.

• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

• If the alarm disappears, go to step 10.

6 FRU replacement
a Switch the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the faulty (H)(e)PA to "locked".

b Replace the faulty (H)(e)PA according to the replacement procedure. Refer:

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
c Switch the transceiverEquipment object corresponding to the replaced (H)(e)PA to
d Make sure that the fault has been cleared (the alarms are transferred to the alarm history
file of the OMC-R).
e Go to step 10.
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Step Action

Additional checks

7 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 10.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 8.

8 Check the state of the power amplifier by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", go to step 9.

9 Clear the alarm.

10 The procedure is complete.


2.12.103. Power amplifiers (source: VSWR fault detected by PA)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: PA

Source: 6815751: VSWR fault detected by PA

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that the PA has detected a VSWR fault and it has stopped to emit.


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object using the faulty PA, at least one
transceiver object (therefore one bts object).

Impact on the service

The service is reduced.


This alarm is processed by performing the procedure associated with the TIL and de-
scribed in:

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS

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• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS

• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS

• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

2.12.104. RECAL board (source: Major)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: RECAL

Source: (9633793) Major

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates that the active CMCF board has lost the connection with the RECAL


BSC defense


Impact on the service

The BTS no longer supervises the equipment linked to its RECAL board (distribution system,
rectifiers, F-type converters, internal batteries, climatic system, LNA, VSWR, door contact,
lightning protection, battery cabinet). Therefore, the S12000 BTS service is not supervised,
as the BTS cannot inform the BSC.

Service interruption

There is a loss of service risk, even though the OMC-R does not indicate
any loss.

Working instructions

Intervention on the site must be immediate.

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2 Check that the alarm on the RECAL board is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

3 Check the RECAL board fuse on the CBCF front panel for the S12000 Outdoor BTS or the
RECAL/CBCF circuit breaker for the S12000 Indoor BTS.
• If it is correct, go to step 4.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 5.

4 Check the power supply voltage on the PWR cable by measuring with a voltmeter.
• If the voltage is lower than -58 V and higher than -40 V, replace the RECAL board (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8003 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 5.
• If the voltage is between -58 V and -40 V, replace the cable (Shop Replaceable Unit)
between the CBCF and the RECAL board. Go to step 5.

Additional checks
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Step Action

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6 Check the state of the RECAL board by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.


2.12.105. RECAL board (source: Slave downloading error)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: RECAL

Source: (9699322) Slave downloading error

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8003 + S8006


This alarm indicates an error during the downloading sequence of the RECAL board by the
active CMCF board.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

The BTS no longer supervises the equipment linked to its RECAL board (distribution system,
rectifiers, F-type converters, internal batteries, climatic system, LNA, VSWR, door contact,
lightning protection, battery cabinet). Therefore, the S12000 BTS service is not supervised,
as the BTS cannot inform the BSC.

Service interruption

There is a loss of service risk, even though the OMC-R does not indicate
any loss.
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Working instructions

Intervention on the site must be immediate


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2 Check that the alarm on the RECAL board is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 7.

On-site maintenance

3 Check the RECAL board fuse on the CBCF front panel for the S12000 Outdoor BTS or the
RECAL/CBCF circuit breaker for the S12000 Indoor BTS.
• If it is correct, go to step 4.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 5.

4 Check the power supply voltage on the PWR cable by measuring with a voltmeter.
• If the voltage is lower than -58 V and higher than -40 V, replace the RECAL board (Field
Replaceable Unit). see GSM BTS S12000 Troubleshooting (411-9001-144).
Go to step 5.
• If the voltage is between -58 V and -40 V, replace the cable (Shop Replaceable Unit)
between the CBCF and the RECAL board. Go to step 5.

Additional checks
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Step Action

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6 Check the state of the RECAL board by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "RECAL" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.


2.12.106. Rectifiers (source: AC fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rectifier 48 V

Source: (5242881) AC fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8006


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

The cabinet may be operating on its batteries. If so, the fault number 1060 with source "Bat-
tery on discharges" is displayed. This is followed by another source "External battery level 1"
if the battery charge has dropped below the 45V threshold (see source "External battery level

If the cabinet is not operating on its batteries, the problem may be with either the rectifiers,
the link with the RECAL board, or with the RECAL board itself.


BSC defense

As long as the BTS is powered on, there is no BSC defense action.

As soon as the BTS is no longer powered on, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager ob-
ject, or the bts site, or the transceiverEquipment objects.
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Impact on the service

Service interruption

If the BTS is powered on, there is no impact.

If the BTS is powered off, the service is reduced and could be lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat

the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 11.

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 10.

On-site maintenance

3 If the source is "AC fault" (always accompanied by a fault notification with the source "DC
fault"), check that the main circuit breaker and the rectifier breaker are not in the "O"
• If this is the case, put them in the "I" position. Go to step 4.
• Otherwise, go to step 4.
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Step Action

4 Check if the source "AC fault" is accompanied by a fault on the climatic unit.
• If it is, the AC power distribution system is responsible. Solve the problem. Go to step 7.
• Otherwise, go to step 5.

5 For 600 W rectifiers, check that the red LED is on and the green LED is off. For 680 W
rectifiers, check that the only one green LED is off.
• If it is, replace the rectifier (Field Replaceable Unit).Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for an S8000 BTS with rectifiers
of the six-rectifier type or for an S8000 BTS with rectifiers of the seven-rectifier type
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
• Go to step 8.
• Otherwise, go to step 6.

6 Check the power supply circuit between the main circuit breaker and the rectifier breaker.
For GIPS, check the power supply circuit between the AC box and GIPS.
• If it is correct, replace the rectifier (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for an S8000 BTS with rectifiers
of the six-rectifier type or for an S8000 BTS with rectifiers of the seven-rectifier type
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
• Go to step 8.
• Otherwise, go to step 7.

7 Check successively the main circuit breaker, the lightning protector, the filters, and the
external power supply circuits between the site circuit breaker and cabinet.
• If the main circuit breaker is not correct:
— Replace the main circuit breaker (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
For an S8000 BTS, replace the main circuit breaker (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-
9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).
For an S8002 BTS, replace the C-AC box (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-084
(GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting).
For an S8006 BTS, replace the main circuit breaker (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-
9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting).
Go to step 8.
• Otherwise, if the lightning protector is not correct, replace it (Field Replaceable Unit). see:
For an S8000 BTS, replace the main circuit breaker (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-
9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).
For an S8002 BTS, replace the C-AC box (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-084
(GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting).
For an S8006 BTS, replace the main circuit breaker (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-
9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting).
Go to step 8.
• Otherwise, check the filters and the external power supply circuits between the site circuit
breaker and cabinet. Replace them (Shop Replaceable Unit) if needed. Go to step 8.

Additional checks

8 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 11.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 9.
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Step Action

9 Check the state of the rectifier by performing a "Display hardware information" command
mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", go to step 10.

10 Clear the alarm.

11 The procedure is complete.


2.12.107. Rectifiers (source: DC fault)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rectifier 48V

Source: (5242882) DC fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8006


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

If the only source is "DC fault" (no other fault notifications concerning the rectifiers), there is
a problem on one rectifier.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the rectifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance

3 Identify the faulty rectifier by looking for the rectifier that has the red led on and the green led
• If this is not the case, replace the rectifier (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS with rectifiers
of the six-rectifier type or for the S8000 BTS with rectifiers of the seven-rectifier type
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS
Go to step 4.
• If this is the case, call the manufacturer.

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.
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Step Action

5 Check the state of the rectifier by performing a "Display hardware information" command
mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.108. Rectifiers (source: Over temperature)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rectifier 48V

Source: (5242883) Over temperature

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8006


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm indicates a temperature problem on the rectifier. When the temperature is equal
to the threshold value (this value depends on each rectifier and on the adjustment of the rec-
tifier), the rectifier self-protects and turns off.


BSC defense

As long as the BTS is powered on, there is no BSC defense action.

As soon as the BTS is powered off, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object, the bts
object, or the transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service

Service interruption

If this alarm occurs on the base cabinet, there is a loss of communica-

tions and the service is completely reduced.
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Working instructions

• If the cabinet has a redundant rectifier and if only one rectifier is faulty,
the cabinet continues to function. However, the faulty rectifier must be

• If the cabinet does not have a redundant rectifier, the batteries take
over from the faulty rectifier(s). Intervention on the site depends on the
discharge time of the batteries (see 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting) Paragraph


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the rectifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance
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Step Action

3 Replace the faulty rectifier (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer

411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS with rectifiers
of the six-rectifier type or for the S8000 BTS with rectifiers of the seven-rectifier type
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the rectifier by performing a "Display hardware information" command
mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.109. Rectifiers (source: External battery level 1)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rectifier 48V

Source: (5242884) External battery level 1

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm can occur if the batteries are not powered when the cabinet starts up.

This alarm appears after a "Battery on discharges" alarm (fault number 1060), which means
that the battery discharge has dropped below the lower threshold (45 V). The (H)(e)PAs, the
F-type converters and the (e)DRXs are no longer powered.


BSC defense

As long as the BTS is powered on, there is no BSC defense action.

As soon as the BTS is powered off, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object and
the transceiverEquipment objects.
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Impact on the service

Service interruption

Below the 42 V threshold, the -48 V power supply cuts off and the BTS/
BSC link is lost.


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 7.

2 Check that the alarm on the rectifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 6.

On-site maintenance

3 Put the battery circuit breaker on the front panel in the "I" position, if necessary.

Additional checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.
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Step Action

5 Check the state of the rectifier by performing a "Display hardware information" command
mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.110. Rectifiers (source: PCU protective)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rectifier 48V

Source: (5242885) PCU protective

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 + S8006


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This alarm indicates a fault on the circuit breaker L1/CB1 or L3/CB3 of the PCU (for the rec-
tifier shelf) or the (H)(e)PA and (e)DRX of the DCU (for the GIPS).


BSC defense

The BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquipment object and one or several bts objects.

Impact on the service

The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not

a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat

the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 13.

2 Check that the alarm on the power amplifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "(H)(e)PA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step

On-site maintenance
It is necessary to check all the equipment located behind the circuit breakers.

3 Put the circuit breakers L1/CB1 and L3/CB3 in the "O" position.

4 Note the contents of the additional fields in the notifications and send these, if any, to the
manufacturer with the faulty item.

5 Power off the (H)(e)PAs and the F-type converters. Go to step 6.

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Step Action

6 S uccessively power on the F-type converters and then the (H)(e)PAs.

• If there is a new break, the last module powered on is failed. Replace this module (Field
Replaceable Unit). Refer:
• 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS if the faulty
module is an F-type converter or if the faulty module is a power amplifier.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.
If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
• 411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS if the faulty module
is an F-type converter or if the faulty module is a power amplifier.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.
If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
• 411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS if the faulty module
is an F-type converter or if the faulty module is a power amplifier.
If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.
If the alarm persists, go to step 7.
• Otherwise, go to step 7.

7 Put the circuit breaker L3/CB3 (DRX for the GIPS) in the "I" position.
• If there is a new break, the cabling between the PCU (DCU for the GIPS) and the (e)DRXs
have failed. Replace these cables (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 10.
• Otherwise, go to step 8.

8 Disconnect all the PWR cables from the front panel of the (e)DRXs (cable on the INTERCO
panel first, then on the (e)DRX). Go to step 9.

9 Successively reconnect the PWR cables on the front panel of the (e)DRXs (cable on the
(e)DRX first, then on the INTERCO panel).
• If there is a new break, the last module has failed. Replace this module: cable (Shop
Replaceable Unit) or (e)DRX module (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer:
411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting) for the S8000 BTS DRX or DRX-
ND3 module
411-9001-084 (GSM BTS S8002 Troubleshooting) for the S8002 BTS DRX or DRX-ND3
411-9001-085 (GSM BTS S8006 Troubleshooting) for the S8006 BTS DRX or DRX-ND3
Go to step 10.
• Otherwise, go to step 10.

Additional checks

10 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 13.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 11.

11 Check the state of the rectifier by performing a "Display hardware information" command
mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", go to step 12.

12 Clear the alarm.

13 The procedure is complete.

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2.12.111. Rectifiers (source: Battery on discharges)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: rectifier 48 V

Source: (5242886) Battery on discharges

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002


This alarm is detected by the RECAL board.

This notification occurs when the system switches to the batteries. It indicates that the battery
is discharging. If the voltage drops below the 45 V threshold, a fault notification with the
source "External battery level 1" is issued.

The fault is caused by an AC and/or a DC failure.


BSC defense

As long as the BTS is powered on, there is no BSC defense action.

As soon as the BTS is powered off, the BSC unconfigures the btsSiteManager object, the bts
object, or the transceiverEquipment objects.

Impact on the service

The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 8.

2 Check that the alarm on the rectifier is valid by performing a "Display hardware information"
command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to
step 7.

On-site maintenance

3 Replace the faulty rectifier (Field Replaceable Unit). see GSM BTS S12000 Troubleshooting
Analyze the alarm.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 4.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.

4 Check the power supplies and solve the problem. Go to step 5.

Additional checks

5 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 8.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 6.

6 Check the state of the rectifier by performing a "Display hardware information" command
mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "rectifier 48 V" equipment is "working", go to step 7.
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Step Action

7 Clear the alarm.

8 The procedure is complete.


2.12.112. RIPM-USER core (source: IPM BIST failed)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: RIPM-USER core

Source: (15794208) IPM BIST failed

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


This alarm indicates a BIST failed for the RIPM-USER.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Replace the RIPM-USER

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).
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Step Action

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.113. RIPM-USER core (source: IPM temperature)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: RIPM-USER core

Source: (15794211) Temperature

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


This alarm indicates an excessively high temperature on an RIPM-USER.


BSC defense


Impact on the service



Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

2 Replace the RIPM-USER

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.114. RIPM-USER core (source: DAC unable to lock, synchronization not possi-

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: RIPM-USER core

Source: (15794224) DAC unable to lock, synchronization not


BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


The RIPM-USER generates a "Frequency saturation" event in case thelocal oscillator cannot
be frequency-locked, within its operational tuning range.

The begin-of fault alarm indicates that the current value of the DAC (Digital-to-Analog Con-
verter) is not within a nominal range. The DAC value is not within in this range for a time for
that reaches the confirmation threshold.

The end-of-fault alarm indicates that the current DAC value is within a nominal range. The
DAC value is within in this range for a time for that reaches the confirmation threshold.

The causes for this alarm are:

• The RIPM-USER local oscillator has experienced a large frequency skew with age. It is no
more able to lock to the BSC reference clock within its nominal tuning range. This is the
most probable cause.

• The network reference frequency is in failure. This is the least probable cause.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the IPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Replace the RIPM-USER

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.115. RIPM-USER core (source: No link with passive)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: RIPM-USER core

Source: (15794241) No link with passive

BTS model: S8000 Indoor + S8000 Outdoor


This alarm indicates that there is no link between the active RIPM-USER core and the pas-
sive RIPM-USER core.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check that the alarm on the RIPM-USER is valid by performing a "Display hardware
information" command on the IPM object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed.
• If the state of the "IPM" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 4.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

2 Replace the RIPM-USER

See GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting (411-9001-048).

3 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window, and make sure the alarm has

4 Clear the alarm, if still present.

5 The procedure is complete.


2.12.116. Rx Filter (source: LNA fault)

Fault number 1067: Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Rx Filter (LNA)

Source: (7602177) LNA fault

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8003

This alarm is detected by the RECAL board. This alarm indicates a hardware problem
on the low noise amplifier. The related reception path (main or diversity) is not opera-
tional for all the TRXs using the faulty LNA. However, if the other path is still correct,
these TRXs run in a degraded mode.


BSC defense If there is no reception path, the BSC unconfigures the transceiverEquip-
ment objects corresponding to the faulty LNA. One or several transceiverEquipment ob-
jects can be lost.

The service is reduced.
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Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the
btsSiteManager object.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is
operational. Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency",
the site is not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number
1054. See GSM BSS Fault Clearing — Advanced Maintenance Procedures
— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the
site is not operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is
not operational.
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled",
do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the
btsSiteManager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the
btsSiteManager object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 14.

2 Check the state of F-type converters by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "failed", go to step 4.
• If the state of the "converter F" equipment is "working", go to step 3.

3 Check that the alarm on the combiner duplexer LNA is valid by performing a
"Display hardware information" command mode Standard on the
btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step
• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go
to step 13.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

4 Look for alarms concerning the F-type converters and treat them.
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 If the circuit breaker powering the PA is in the "O" position (outdoor), put it in the
"I" position (indoor). Go to step 7.
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6 If the operationalState of the bts object is "disabled" and its availabilityStatus is

"dependency", set the administrativeState of the bts object to "locked", and set
the administrativeState of the associated transceiverEquipment objects to

7 Replace the RF-combiner (Field Replaceable Unit) associated with the LNA-
combiner. Refer 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

8 Check the cable between the LNA and the connection panel.
• If it is correct, go to step 9.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit).
— If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
— If the alarm persists, go to step 9.

9 Replace the RECAL board (Field Replaceable Unit). see 411-9001-048 (GSM
BTS S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).
• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 10.

10 Check the cable between the connection panel and the RECAL board.
• If it is correct, go to step 11.
• If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 11.

Additional checks

11 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 14.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 12.

12 Check the state of the equipment by performing a "Display hardware

information" command mode Standard on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "LNA" equipment is "working", go to step 13.

13 Clear the alarm.

14 The procedure is complete.


2.12.117. SYNC boards (source: Major fault on SYNC)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: SYNC

Source: (4325377) Major fault on SYNC

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor

The equipment number specified in the alarm identifies the faulty SYNC board.


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BSC defense

If there is a redundant board, there is no defense action.

If there is an alarm on both SYNC boards, the BSC unconfigures the bts objects.

Impact on the service

Service Interruption
If there is a redundant board, the site is not lost. Otherwise, the site is


Step Action

Preliminary checks

1 Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteManager
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is operational.
Go to step 2.
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependency", the site is
not operational.
— If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, see the fault number 1054 (see
411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)).

— If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and treat the problem in order
that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is not
operational. Do not treat the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other alarms and treat the
problem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".
• If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not
a. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do not treat
the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteManager object to become
"enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".
b. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object
will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.
– If the alarm persists, go to step 2.
– Otherwise, go to step 9.

2 Check that the alarm on the SYNC board is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed in the
"Session log" window.
• If the state of the "SYNC" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step 3.
• If the state of the "SYNC" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go to step 6.

On-site maintenance using the OMC-R

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Step Action

3 Replace the faulty SYNC board (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS
S8000/S8003 Troubleshooting).

Additional Checks

4 Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

• If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 7.
• If the alarm persists, go to step 5.

5 Check the state of the SYNC board by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.
Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.
• If the state of the "SYNC" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.
• If the state of the "SYNC" equipment is "working", go to step 6.

6 Clear the alarm.

7 The procedure is complete.


2.12.118. Tx Filters (source: VSWR level 2)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Tx Filter (VSWR)
Source: (7536642) VSWR level 2
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8003

This alarm indicates that the radio link has been interrupted in the transmission path for
one TRX using the corresponding equipment. This TRX is no longer operational.


BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures one transceiverEquipment object.

Impact on the service

Service reduction
The service is reduced.
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2.12.119. Tx Filters (source: VSWR level 3)

Fault number 1067 Abis event reporting a hardware fault

Equipment: Tx Filter (VSWR)
Source: (7536643) VSWR level 3
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8003

This alarm indicates that the radio link has been interrupted in the transmission path for
one TRX using the corresponding equipment. This TRX is no longer operational.


BSC defense
The BSC unconfigures one transceiverEquipment object.

Impact on the service

Service reduction
The service is reduced.

Preliminary checks

9. Check the state of the site by performing a "Display all" command on the btsSiteM-
anager object.

c. If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "enabled", the site is

operational. Go to step 2.

d. If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-dependen-

cy", the site is not operational.

i. If a fault number 1054 (loss of layer 2) has appeared, refer to the fault number
1054 (see 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clearing - Advanced Maintenance
Procedures) ).

ii. If not, look for an object whose state is "disabled-failed" and process the prob-
lem in order that the btsSiteManager object becomes "enabled".

c. If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled-failed", the site is

not operational. Do not process the alarm and do not clear it. Look for other
alarms andprocess the problem in order that the btsSiteManager object be-
comes "enabled".

d. If the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", the site is not


i. As long as the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object is "disabled", do

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not process the alarm and do not clear it. Wait for the state of the btsSiteMan-
ager object to become "enabled", "disabled-dependency", or "disabled-failed".

ii. As soon as the site is operational (the operationalState of the btsSiteManager

object will be "enabled"), check if the alarm persists.

- If the alarm persists, go to step 2.

- Otherwise, go to step 8.

10. Check that the alarm on the Tx Filter is valid, by performing a "Display hardware
configuration" command on the btsSiteManager object. Look at the result displayed
in the "Session log" window.

a. If the state of the "txFilter" equipment is "failed", the fault is confirmed. Go to step

b. If the state of the "txFilter" equipment is "working", the fault is not confirmed. Go
to step 7.

On-site maintenance

11. Check the cabling between the associated Tx Filter and antenna.

a. If it is correct, go to step 4.

b. If it is not correct, replace it (Shop Replaceable Unit). Go to step 5.

12. If there are three alarms with source: level 2, and source: level 3, replace the asso-
ciated Tx Filter (Field Replaceable Unit). Refer to 411-9001-048 (GSM BTS S8000/
S8003 Troubleshooting). Go to step 5.

Additional checks

13. Check the alarm state in the "Current Alarm list" window.

14. Check the state of the Tx Filter by performing a "Display hardware configuration"
command on the btsSiteManager object.

Look at the result displayed in the "Session log" window.

a. If the state of the "txFilter" equipment is still "failed", call the manufacturer.

b. If the state of the "txFilter" equipment is "working", go to step 7.

15. Clear the alarm.

16. The procedure is complete.

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2.13. Fault number: 1070 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1070 TRX synchronization failure
Type equipmentAlarm
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.14. Fault number: 1073 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1073 Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity
Type communicationsAlarm

This notification, issued by the BSC, appears when the downloading of a new software
release has failed.

• When the downloading is successful, the site or the DRX or DRX-ND3 requests a
reset of the entity by the BSC (reception by the BSC of a LOAD READY NACK, is-
sued by the BTS). The fault number 1073 is issued alone after reception of this LOAD
READY NACK. The BTS is operational.

• When the downloading is not successful (error in a file), the downloading stops and
another downloading is performed automatically. The downloading starts from

– Each time the downloading fails, the fault number 1073 is issued.

– After four failed attempts (and four fault numbers 1073 issued), a new down-
loading starts. If it fails, the fault number 1052 is issued alone.

TABLE 24. Fault number 1073 sources

Source No. Source wording Paragraph

0 No response to status request -
1 Bad hardware reference or manufacturer ID -
2 Reception Stop from SUP -
3 No change to one of BOOT after reset -
4 This entity is engaged in another downloading -
6 File access error -
7 Repetitive errors (NACK, timeout, ... ) while -
downloading a file
8 Wrong software reference on a non -
downloadable TEI
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Source No. Source wording Paragraph

9 No response to load message 2.14.1 “Source 9: No
response to load message”
(page 718)
10 Received LOAD INIT NACK 2.14.2 “Source 10: Received
11 Received LOAD DATA NACK 2.14.3 “Source 11: Received
12 Received LOAD END NACK 2.14.4 “Source 12: Received
13 Received LOAD READY NACK 2.14.5 “Source 13: Received
14 CSM load container negative acknowledge -
15 File to download empty -
16 File to download unavailable -
17 Buffer allocation failure -
18 Bad sending buffer size value -
19 Failure during omu switchover -
20 Bad TEI sent by BTS in the CSM software -
update report message
21 CSM software update report with the cause -
"unknown TEI"
22 CSM software update report with the cause -
"equipment failure"
23 CSM software update report with the cause -
"downloading failure"
24 CSM software update report with the cause -
"not able to perform"
27 CSM software update report with the cause -
"restart request"
29 CSM software update report with the cause -
"message out of sequence"
32 CSM software update report with the cause -
"downloading in progress"
33 Bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software -
update report message
34 no BTS response on CSM software update -
init/control message
35 nack received on the abort requested by -
36 bad report sent by BTS in the CSM software -
update abort message
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Source No. Source wording Paragraph

37 no BTS response on CSM software update -
abort message
47 CSM downloading start nack with the cause -
"equipment failure"
48 CSM downloading start nack with the cause -
"downloading failure"
49 CSM downloading start nack with the cause -
"message out of sequence"
50 CSM downloading start nack with the cause -
"wrong soft ref"
51 CSM downloading start nack with the cause -
"wrong config ref"
52 CSM downloading start nack with a bad -
53 no BTS response on CSM downloading start -
55 CSM downloading end nack with the cause -
"equipment failure"
56 CSM downloading end nack with the cause -
"downloading failure"
57 CSM downloading end nack with the cause -
"value out of range"
58 CSM downloading end nack with a bad cause -
59 no BTS response on CSM downloading end -
60 CSM load init nack with the cause "equipment -
61 CSM load init nack with the cause -
"downloading failure"
62 CSM load init nack with the cause "message -
out of sequence"
63 CSM load init nack with the cause "wrong file -
64 CSM load init nack with the cause "window -
size not allow"
65 CSM load init nack with the cause "data -
format error"
66 CSM load init nack with a bad cause -
67 no BTS response on CSM load init message -
68 CSM load data nack with the cause -
"equipment failure"
69 CSM load data nack with the cause -
"downloading failure"
70 CSM load data nack with the cause "message -
out of sequence"
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Source No. Source wording Paragraph

71 CSM load data nack with the cause "data -
format error"
72 CSM load data nack with the cause "window -
73 CSM load data nack with the cause "data -
74 CSM load data nack with the cause "block not -
75 CSM load data nack with the cause "bad -
block tag"
76 CSM load data nack with the cause -
"checksum error"
77 CSM load data nack with a bad cause -
78 unexpected CSM load data ack -
79 no BTS response on CSM load data message -
80 CSM load end nack with the cause -
"equipment failure"
81 CSM load end nack with the cause -
"downloading failure"
82 CSM load end nack with the cause "value out -
of range"
83 CSM load end nack with the cause "message -
out of sequence"
84 CSM load end nack with the cause "data -
format error"
85 CSM load end nack with the cause "wrong file -
86 CSM load end nack with the cause "data -
87 CSM load end nack with the cause ’checksum -
88 CSM load end nack with a bad cause -
89 no BTS response on CSM load end message -
90 bad report sent by BTS during an internal -
91 CSM load init nack with the cause "file -
already open"
92 CSM load init nack with the cause "invalid -
93 CSM load init nack with the cause "file cannot -
be unloaded"
94 CSM load init nack with the cause "flash flag -
cannot access"
95 CSM load data nack with the cause "file -
cannot be unloaded"
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Source No. Source wording Paragraph

96 CSM load data nack with the cause "flash flag -
cannot access"
97 CSM load data nack with the cause "boot -
cannot be unloaded"
98 CSM load data nack with the cause "data -
decode error"
99 CSM load data nack with the cause "table -
cannot access"
100 CSM load data nack with the cause "ram -
mapping error"
101 CSM load data nack with the cause "flash -
access error"
102 CSM load data nack with the cause "flash ram -
103 CSM load data nack with the cause "flash -
erase error"
104 CSM load data nack with the cause "internal -


BSC defense


Impact on the service


2.14.1. Source 9: No response to load message

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

Source: (9) No response to load message

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 +
S8003 + S8006
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.14.2. Source 10: Received LOAD INIT NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

Source: (10) Received LOAD INIT NACK

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 +
S8003 + S8006
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)
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2.14.3. Source 11: Received LOAD DATA NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

Source: (11) Received LOAD DATA NACK

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 +
S8003 + S8006
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.14.4. Source 12: Received LOAD END NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

Source: (12) Received LOAD END NACK

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 +
S8003 + S8006
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.14.5. Source 13: Received LOAD READY NACK

Fault number 1073 : Attempt of download failure on a GSM entity

Source: (13) Received LOAD READY NACK

BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 +
S8003 + S8006
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.15. Fault number: 1077 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1077 Update of the activation status of a site
Type Marking information

This notification is sent to indicate an up-to-date activation status of the btsSiteManager
object concerned, based on downloading results.

The soft activation status can be either 0 ("not ready") or 1 ("ready").

This notification is sent either at the end of a background downloading, or after a state
change of the btsSiteManager object concerned (failure or unlock), as indicated in the
Cause field of the notification:

• either "End of background downloading"

• or "Downloaded equipment state change"

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The notification also contains the software downloading status, which can be:

• either 0 ("performed")

• or 1 ("not performed"). If the software downloading status is set to 1 ("not performed"),

the failure cause is also given in the notification:

– 0 "CSM file download failure". This cause is sent when the BSC cannot
retrieve the file set to be downloaded. As a remedial action, the operator has to
check the files and restart the download.

– 1 "CSM equipment not able to perform such a procedure". This cause is

sent when the BTS supports centralized downloading protocol, but not back-
ground downloading (such as the BTS S8000 CSWM). As a consequence, the
background downloading is not started.

– 2 "unreachable equipment". This cause is sent either when one equip-

ment (btsSiteManager or transceiverEquipment) is locked or failed or which
flash updating state is "Unknown TEI", or when the BTS does not support CSM.

– 3 "background download to be restarted". This cause is sent when one

equipment (btsSiteManager or transceiverEquipment) has had a major opera-
tional state change leading to a new background download.

– 4 "already downloaded". This cause is sent when one soft is asked to be

downloaded again without any change on site. The equipment flash updating
state is "flash up-to-date, same soft in RAM".

– 5 "abort by operator". This cause is sent after the operator has performed
the Abort action. Then the BackgroundActivate action is forbidden, even if back-
ground downloading has been successfully terminated before the Abort action.


BSC defense

Depending on the activation status ("ready" or "not ready"), the BSC authorizes or not
the activation of the downloaded software.

Impact on the service


No maintenance is required, except if a simultaneous failure of equipment occurred.
Look for alarms on the btsSiteManager object concerned.

Refer to the NRP on BTS Background Downloading (DS/BSS/APP/10) to know more

about the background downloading process (download and activate operations) and the
fallback procedure.
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2.16. Fault Number: 1079 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1079 Access fault
Type equipmentAlarm
Severity Warning

This is a warning raised by SPR, when there is a communication problem between the
BSC and the BTS. SPR raises this warning when there is no response/KO reported by
Access for any LAPD request from SPR.

Fault Number: 1080 is a hardware anomaly, which is raised by SPR in case of error re-
ported by Access (Access fault), whereas Fault Number: 1079, which is a warning is
raised by SPR in case if there is no response/KO reported by Access for any LAPD re-
quest from SPR. (Access failure). For more information about Fault number: 1080, refer
“Fault number: 1080 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)” on page 639.

List of causes:

• 0 No response from Access for chnl cnx request

• 1 Nack from Access for chnl cnx request

• 2 No response from Access for chnl dcnx request

• 3 Nack from Access for chnl dcnx request

• 4 No response from Access for chnl switchover request

• 5 Nack from Access for chnl switchover request

• 6 No response from Access for OML open diag request

• 7 Nack from Access for OML open diag request

• 8 No response from Access for OML close diag request

• 9 Nack from Access for OML close diag request

• 10 No response from Access for RSL open diag request

• 11 Nack from Access for RSL open diag request

• 12 No response from Access for RSL close diag request

• 13 Nack from Access for RSL close diag request

• 14 No response from Access for GSL open diag request

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• 15 Nack from Access for GSL open diag request

• 16 No response from Access for GSL close diag request

• 17 Nack from Access for GSL close diag request


BSC defense

If there is only one available PCM, the communication with the BCF (Site) is disconnect-
ed and the BSC tries to reconnect through available PCM.

If more than one PCM is available and the BCF is up, the BSC tries to re-establish LAPD
through other PCM.

If defense mechanism succeeds end of fault is reported.

Impact on the service

If defense mechanism fails, Fault Number: 1054 (LOSS OF LAYER 2) is reported and
the operationalState of the btsSiteManager object becomes "disabled” and the avail-
abilityStatus becomes “dependency". For more information about Fault Number: 1054,
refer “Fault number: 1054 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)” on page 250.

If the BSC succeeds in defense action, then no maintenance action is required, else per-
form Lock/Unlock of BTSM.

2.17. Fault number: 1080 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1080 Access fault
Type equipmentAlarm

This fault number indicates a communication problem between the BSC and the BTS.
More precisely, there is an issue between the SPR and Access software modules of the
BSC (SPR defense on opening or closing a link or dialog).

List of causes:

• 0 No response from Access for chnl cnx request

• 1 Nack from Access for chnl cnx request

• 2 No response from Access for chnl dcnx request

• 3 Nack from Access for chnl dcnx request

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• 4 No response from Access for chnl switchover request

• 5 Nack from Access for chnl switchover request

• 6 No response from Access for OML open diag request

• 7 Nack from Access for OML open diag request

• 8 No response from Access for OML close diag request

• 9 Nack from Access for OML close diag request

• 10 No response from Access for RSL open diag request

• 11 Nack from Access for RSL open diag request

• 12 No response from Access for RSL close diag request

• 13 Nack from Access for RSL close diag request

• 14 No response from Access for GSL open diag request

• 15 Nack from Access for GSL open diag request

• 16 No response from Access for GSL close diag request

• 17 Nack from Access for GSL close diag request


BSC defense

The BSC tries to use other LAPD channels to reach the BTS.

Impact on the service

If the BSC succeeds in using other LAPD channels, then no maintenance action is re-

If the BSC fails, then other fault numbers are sent to the OMC-R.

2.18. Fault number: 1165 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number
1165 At least one terrestrial circuit is HSCSD-
Type equipmentAlarm
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures).
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2.19. Fault number: 1213 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1213 Secured loop unavailable
Type equipmentAlarm
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.20. Fault number: 1214 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1214 Secured loop problem
Type equipmentAlarm
This problem is associated with a PCM fault. See 411-9001-105 (GSM BSS Fault Clear-
ing - Advanced Maintenance Procedures)

2.21. Fault number: 1258 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1258 No BTS response on preprocessing
Type equipmentAlarm

This fault number indicates a non-response of a transceiverEquipment object to an L1M
request. The BTS issues this alarm after five unsuccessful attempts to warn users that
the data handled by the BSC may not be consistent with the data actually received by
the BTS.

In spite of this handling, the BSC continues its configuration attempts. The situation must
be reestablished.

The message loss, due to disruptions on the Abis link, is sufficient for the creation of this
notification, but insufficient to release the defense mechanism of the transceiverEquip-
ment object.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service interruption
The service is lost.
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1. Check the time of the alarm appearance and note the different commands performed
at the OMC-R on the cell concerned and on the neighboring cells, if any.

2. Check which parameters are concerned by the notification: those of the cell or those
of the neighboring cells.

3. Check if it is a startup or a change, in order to understand the commands performed

in the notification log.

4. Check the state of the bts, pcmCircuit, btsSiteManager and transceiverEquipment


5. Perform a "display dynamic data" on the transceiver object.

a. Ensure that the state of the parameter "allocationState" is "available".

i. If the state of the parameter "allocationState" is not "available", the BTS has not
recognized or not received the messages from the BSC.

b. If the state of the parameter "rmpConfState" is "not configured", the fault is con-
firmed. Go to step 6.

6. Perform one of the following:

a. For the BSC 3000, call the manufacturer.

7. To create an adjacent cell on the bts object:

a. Select the bts object.

b. Go to the "Objects" menu and select the "Create Child" option. This opens a dialog
box which allows the operator to select various dependent objects.

c. In the dialog box, select either the "adjacentCellReselection" or "adjacentCellHan-

dover" object.

8. The procedure is complete.

2.22. Fault number: 1259 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1259 Negative acknowledgement on
preprocessing command
Type equipmentAlarm

This alarm can be received on either a standard cell or on a neighboring cell.

• If the alarm is received on a neighboring cell, there are no longer any hando-
vers, as the neighboring cells are unknown.
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• If the alarm is received on a standard cell, the problem could have occurred
during the startup or during a change.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

If the alarm is received on a neighboring cell, calls are still possible. Nevertheless, the
calls cannot be moved on the neighboring cells (no handover is possible). There will
then be an increase in the rate of call drops.

Service reduction
The geographical mobility of the mobile is reduced.

If the mobile is out of the geographical area of the cell, the service is re-

If the alarm appears during a startup, a problem occurred in the BTS configuration dur-
ing installation.

If the alarm appears during a change, check the OMC-R commands issued before the
alarm appeared. Check the changes performed for the neighboring cells.

If the microCellInstability and microCellStability parameters have a value, ensure the

value is "algo B". If it is not, modify it.

2.23. Fault number: 1265 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1265 Blockage of radio channel(s) in busy state
Type communicationsAlarm

This alarm indicates that channels were busy during a time period that was higher than
the surveillance period chosen by the operator.

The notification lists all the radio channels of the BTS that were busy during the traffic
surveillance, during the period chosen by the operator.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

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The notification indicates, for the concerned BTS, the busy channel(s).

1. Check the time of the fault number 1265 and identify the faulty channel.

2. Check the call duration in comparison with the surveillance period by checking the
radResSupBusytimer parameter of the bsc object.

a. If the call duration is equal or higher than the value of the surveillance period, go
to step 3.

b. If it is not the call duration that is concerned, but that is the source of the fault num-
ber, call the manufacturer.

3. Increase the value of the surveillance period.

a. If the alarm persists, go to step 4.

b. If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

4. Set the transceiver object to "locked", then to "unlocked".

a. If the alarm persists, call the manufacturer.

b. If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 5.

5. The procedure is complete.

2.24. Fault number: 1266 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1266 Blockage of radio channel(s) in free state
Type communicationsAlarm

When the radResSupervision parameter is "true", a notification with the 1266 fault num-
ber is sent periodically to the OMC-R.

The notification indicates all the BTS radio channels that have been continuously free
for the previous notification.

This period is determined by the radResSupFreetimer parameter of the bsc object. This
parameter sets the maximum duration of non utilization for a radio channel.


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Impact on the service

Service reduction
The service is reduced.

The notification indicates, for the concerned BTS, the free channel(s).

1. Check the time of the fault number 1266 and identify the faulty channel.

2. Analyze the traffic on the network by checking the rate of call drop (TCH number busy
in comparison to cell resource number). Refer to GSM BSS Performance Manage-
ment - Observation Counters Dictionary (411-9001-125) for the observation coun-

a. If the traffic is low, the fault number 1266 is normal.

b. If the traffic is high (almost equal to the TCH number in the cell), the faulty chan-
nels are not used. Call the manufacturer.

3. Analyze the traffic on the network by checking the rate of SDCCH allocation failures.
Check the synthetic counter C8706 (cellSdcchResourceFailureRatio).

a. If the counter value is low (SDCCH blocking is not observed), the fault number
1266 is normal.

b. If the counter value is high (SDCCH blocking is observed), and still fault number
1266 is observed, this requires further investigation. Call the manufacturer.

Engineering Rules
Reselection procedure duration is impacted by the time needed by the MS to
read system information messages. Moreover, theoretically, the full set of data
configured at the OMC-R MMI can exceed the 16 segments limitation.

For these reasons, SI2quater size must be optimized. The following rules can
help in reducing the size of the SI2Quater message:

- In the “not allowed cells” and “PCID to TA mapping” definition at OMC-R

MMI: If, for several Adjacent LTE cells, the PCID lists are identical, the PCID
lists must be provided in the same order.

- If all 3G ARFCN of a cell have their associated parameters (3Gpriority,

threshold3Ghigh and 3GQRxLevMin) different from “non-significant”, the
three parameters default3Gpriority, defaultThreshold3G and
default3GQRxLevMin must be set to non-significant.
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2.25. Fault number: 1268 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
6, 5bis, 5ter or meas_info)
Type communicationsAlarm

This alarm indicates that the BTS has not answered nine successive acknowledgment
requests SACCH filling sent by the BSC. As long as the BSC has not received response,
it repeats the procedure of acknowledgment request.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service reduction
The channels supported by the faulty TRXs are not available

for calls.

The service is reduced.

1. Look for the TRX supported the TDMA quoted in the alarm by performing a "Display
all" command on the transceiverEquipment objects.

2. Check the state of the channels associated with the TDMA.

a. If all the channels are not available, perform the return to service procedure.

b. Otherwise, stop the maintenance procedure: the state of the system is normal.

3. Set the transceiverEquipment object associated with the TDMA to "locked" then to

4. Wait for the state of the transceiver object to become "enabled".

5. Check the state of the channels associated with the TDMA.

6. The procedure is complete.

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2.26. Fault number: 1500 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1500 Measurement received on an unknown
frequency of neighboring cell
Type communicationsAlarm

This alarm indicates that a measurement has been received on an unknown frequency
of a neighboring cell in GSM 900 or GSM 1800 mode.

The message is sent at the end of the communication.

2.27. Fault number: 1505 (S8000, S8002, S8003, and S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1505 No response to BCCH info (SYS 1, 2, 3, 4, 2
bis, 7, 8, 2 ter, 13 2quater, 2quater
extended).The paging is blocked on the cell.
Type communicationsAlarm

This alarm indicates that the BTS has not answered 25 successive acknowledgment re-
quests BCCH INFO sent by the BSC. As long as the BSC has not received any re-
sponse, it repeats the procedure of acknowledgment request.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service interruption
The service is lost.

1. If the alarm appears during the downloading of the site and the TRXs, do not take
this alarm into account. Otherwise, go to step 2.

2. Set the btsSiteManager concerned to "locked" then "unlocked".

a. If the alarm persists, go to call the manufacturer.

b. If the alarm has disappeared, go to step 3.

3. The procedure is complete.

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2.28. Fault number: 1506 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1506 No distribution available for a cell
Type communicationsAlarm

This warning indicates that no distribution is available for the cell concerned.

To help network monitoring, the distribution at TDMA level of some measurements done
on radio interface is provided for the TRX of given cells and on a periodic time frame.
Distributions are collected by the BSC and aggregated in a file that is uploaded by the

The available distributions are the following:

• power control steps

• RxLev and RxQual

• FER uplink

• Timing advance


• RxLev rescaled to Pmax


• FER downlink

• Downlink voice quality indicator

List of causes:

• 0 "No stop_distribution_ack received":

If for all TRXs of a cell the BTS has sent no stop_distribution_ack message to the
BSC, then the BSC emits a notification 1506 “no distribution available for a cell” with
the cause "No stop_distribution_ack received", even if all TRXs are locked.

• 1 "No measurements available": If for all TRXs of a cell the BTS has sent no mea-
surements at all to the BSC, then the BSC emits a notification 1506 “no distribution
available for a cell” with the cause "No measurements available", even if all TRXs are
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BSC defense


Impact on the service


No maintenance action is required.

2.29. Fault number: 1508 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006 BTS)

Fault number:
1508 Data service impact (SYS 13 size exceeded)
Type Quality of Service Alarm

When the operator configures maximum hopping frequencies (64 frequencies) and ac-
tivates GPRS or EGPRS in a cell, then "System Information 13 rest octet" size exceeds
21 octets. As a result the "System Information 13 rest octet" field is truncated and this
begin-of-fault alarm is sent.

64 frequencies is the maximum number granted by the OMC-R (semantic control). But
operators must also take into account Engineering recommendations given in BSS Pa-
rameters User Guide (BPUG).

The end-of-fault alarm is sent after the "System Information 13 rest octet" field size has
become equal to 21 octets or less.


BSC defense


Impact on the service

Service interruption
There is a partial or full impact on data service (whereas CS traffic is still

The information relative to data services on impacted cell(s) are not fully
sent to the BTS.

Refer to BSS Parameter User Guide (BPUG PE/DCL/DD/0036) to configure the cell
(cellAllocation and mobileAllocation parameters for the bts object) in order to respect
Engineering recommendations (maximum hopping frequency number) and to have the
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"System Information 13 rest octet" field size equal to 21 octets or less.

Normally, the maximum number of frequencies that can be set up with cellAllocation pa-
rameter is 64 per frequency band. However, due to SI13 size constraints, when GPRS
or EDGE is activated in the cell and there is at least one hopping data TDMA, the limi-
tation becomes a maximum of 49 - n frequencies.

where n is the number of non-hopping frequencies in the cell.

2.30. Fault number: 1509

Fault number : 1509

1509 The "SI 2quater Rest Octet" field has been
Type Quality of Service Alarm

The alarm indicates that the set of data in system information 2quater message has ex-
ceeded "X" segments supported by TRX carrying the BCCH and the "SI 2quater Rest
octet" field has been truncated.

The TRX carrying the BCCH indicates its capability in the hardware feature mask of the
TRX catalog file (conf_oml).

When the bit 20 is set in the conf_oml file, the "Up to 8 ARFCN for GSM to 3G UTRAN
cell reselection" feature is supported by the corresponding TRX.

When the bit 23 is set in the conf_oml file, the "System Information 2quater extended"
feature is supported by the corresponding TRX.

The value of "X" depends on the setting of the hardware feature mask in the TRX catalog
file (conf_oml):

• If the bit 23 is set to 1, then the value of "X" in the notification will be equal to 16. In
this case, the operator needs to reduce the size of data concerning the E-UTRAN pa-
rameters. For example, the operator may use "PCID bitmap Group" parameter in-
stead of "PCID list" in the "PCID to TA mapping" structure or delete some LTE
neighbouring cells.

• If the bit 23 is set to 0 and bit 20 to 1, then the value of "X" in the notification is equal
to 8. In this case, the operator needs to check the software and the hardware of TRX
carrying the BCCH to support the features.

• If the bit 20 and bit 23 are set to 0, then the value of "X" in the notification is equal to
1. In this case, the operator needs to check the software and the hardware of TRX
carrying the BCCH to support the features.
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BSC defense


Impact on the service

TRX is not able to receive all the data in SI2Q sent by BSC as it exceeded its capability.


Operator needs to reduce the size of data in SI2Q message.

2.31. Fault number: 30034 (S8000, S8002, S8003, S8006 BTS)

Background downloaded action is

Fault number 30034: aborted
Source: 30315 "BSC restart occurred"
Source: 30316 "Core process is nullex"
BTS model: S8000 Outdoor + S8000 Indoor + S8002 +
S8003 + S8006

This warning is sent to indicate that a background downloading has aborted.

When the SPR application (a task located on the TMU module of the BSC 3000) disap-
pears, all background downloading contexts managed by it are lost and cannot be re-
covered, as they are stored in volatile memory.

To make information in the whole system consistent, the matching contexts managed
by the ADM (task located on OMU) and OMC-R must also be released. For that pur-
pose, the event 30034 is sent by the OMC-R signaling SPR loss and then all ongoing
background downloading procedures are aborted.

This can happen in two different situations:

• at BSC reset, the warning 30034 source 30315 "BSC restart occurred" is sent by the
OMC-R and contains an empty list of sites managed by the BSC

• when the SPR becomes "nullex": the warning 30034, source 30316 "Core process is
nullex" is sent by the OMC-R and contains the list of sites managed by the instance
of SPR application that has been killed


BSC defense

On receiving the warning 30034, both the ADM and the OMC-R will clear the contexts
associated with each site found in the list, if such a context exists. If not, nothing has to
be done for the site. The procedure is over, and all contexts are consistent. No additional
dialogue is necessary between OMC-R and BSC.
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Depending on the point that the SPR disappeared, the BTS flash may:

• contain Vn software (if the download could not begin at all)

• be invalidated (if download was begun but not completed)

• contain Vn+1 software (if download has been completed)

As Vn is still stored in the SoftRef_BDA field of the BSC MIB, the BTS will then be started
in the Vn version, with potential offline download of Vn software in the last 2 cases

Impact on the service


The command bckgDownload must be re-executed. In the case that only one software
is requested to be downloaded again (without any change on the site), the download will
be accepted but in the notification 1077, the status for this software will be "Not Per-
formed" with the cause "Already downloaded".

In case of abort of a bckgDownload with immediate activate, the BDE and BDA databas-
es will be on Vn+1 whereas the BTS will remain running in Vn.

To re-align databases, the operator can:

• lock/unlock the site, in such a case, this will lead to a realignment to Vn+1 (that
is, a "forced" upgrade)

• reinitiate a background download of Vn with or without immediate activate; in

this case an off-line download of Vn will be necessary due to the previous flash in-

• manually reset database to Vn by a normal return-to-previous action

Since the flash has been overwritten, a future reset of BTS requiring flash to restart will
induce an off-line download of the running software version.

Refer to the NRP on BTS Background Downloading (DS/BSS/APP/10) to know

more about the background downloading process (download and activate operations)
and the fallback procedure.

2.32. Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type

This paragraph contains the list of all the BTS fault numbers. For each fault, it indicates
the BTSs to which the fault applies. Each fault number is described in a technical docu-
ment, specific to the BTS. Refer to the following technical documents to know more
about the fault numbers, for each BTS:

• GSM BTS S8000/S8002/S8003/S8006 Fault Clearing (411-9001-103)

• GSM BTS S2000H/S2000L/e-cell Fault Clearing (411-9001-104)

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• GSM BTS S12000 Fault Clearing (411-9001-143)

• GSM BTS 6000 and 18000 Fault Clearing (411-9001-161)

• GSM BTS 9000 Fault Clearing (411-9001-214)

TABLE 25. Applicability of the fault numbers to the BTS type

S8003, S2000H/ BTS BTS BTS
S8006 L e-cell S12000 18000 6000 9000
411- 411- 411- 411- 411- 411- 411-
9001- 9001- 9001- 9001- 9001-161 9001- 9001-
103 104 104 143 161 214
1051 x x x x x x x
1052 x x x x x x x
1053 x x x x x x x
1054 x x x x x x x
1055 x x x x x x x
1056 x x x
1058 x x x x x x x
1059 x x x x x x x
1060 x x x x x x x
1061 x x x x x x x
1063 x x x x x x
1064 x x x
1065 x x x
1067 x x x x x x x
1070 x x x x x x x
1073 x x x x x x x
1077 x x x x x
1078 x x x
1080 x x x x x x x
1258 x x x x x x x
1259 x x x x x x x
1265 x x x x x x x
1266 x x x x x x x
1268 x x x x x x x
1500 x x x x x x x
1505 x x x x x x x
1506 x x x x x x
1507 x x x x
1508 x x x x x x
30034 x x x x x
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411-9001-103 Version 18.14 November 21, 2016 1.0

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411-9001-103 Version 18.14 November 21, 2016 1.0

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