Report Progression

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Progress Report

Analysis using

Submitted in
Partial fulfillment of the requirement for Minor Project
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted By
Virendra Singh Rana (721340101016)
Shail Rawat (721340101008)

Under the guidance of

Mr. Pradeep Chandra
(Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Department)


Research Purpose (Data Warehouse):

The purpose of this report is to provide the project supervisor

with the current status of the project. It also serves as a means
to monitor the project process and outline any potential
problems and issues that have arisen during this period.


Why topic is Data Warehouse?

Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is a natural language
processing (NLP) technique used to determine the sentiment expressed in a
piece of text. It involves analyzing text data to identify and extract
subjective information such as opinions, sentiments, emotions, and
attitudes expressed by the author.

Why did you choose your mentor?

My mentor Mr. Pradeep Chandra has expertise in networking and related

cyber security. He has also published research papers on -:
• Data Mining
• Machine learning approach for sentiment analysis future selection.
He has been achieved across multiple projects:
• E-office (Secretariat)
• Work on cyber security and Networking

Activities During the time interval:

● Literature Review
This work focuses on building a classifier to predict comment
polarity using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. It has three
main functions: data extraction, processing, and modeling.
The NLTK data set is used, followed by text mining methods
for variable generation and processing. A supervised
probabilistic ML algorithm is used to classify tweets into
positive and negative sentiments, where two analyzes are
conducted to evaluate model performance and we find a
higher accuracy compared to previous work.
Period Covered:

This Project progress report covers the period from 08-03-2024 to

● 09-03-2024: Topic selected data warehousing
● 13-03-2024: Features of Data warehousing and Data Warehousing Models
● 17-03-2024: Conceptual Modeling and Problems in It
● 21-03-2024: Logical Modeling and Problems in It
● 27-03-2024: Data Warehouse Architecture and Methods for Design
● 01-04-2024: Interoperability and Metadata
● 06-04-2024: Problems based on Industrial Perspective
● 10-04-2024: OLAP Technology and Backend Tools
● 15-04-2024: Database Design Methodology
● 21-04-2024: Warehouse Servers
● 24-04-2024: Discussion With Mentor
● 24-04-2024: Discussion with Mentor regarding Sentimental Analysis
● 25-04-2024: Sentimental Analysis Research Paper Reading
● 27-04-2024: Tokenization and Stop Words Data Sets
● 29-04-2024: Stemming and Lemmatization
● 01-05-2024: Techniques for Sentimental Anaysis
● 03-05-2024: Challanges and Sources of Data Analytics
● 09-05-2024: Applications of Sentimental Analysis
● 11-05-2024: Testing NLP model
● 13-05-2024: Sentimental Analysis from a given text/paragraph.


[1] Research in Data Warehouse Modeling and Design: Dead or Alive?

(Stefano Rizz, Alberto Abello, Jens Lechtenborger, Juan Trujillo)

[2] Research Problems in Data Warehousing (Jennifer Widom).

[3] An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology (Surajit

Chaudhuri, Umeshwar Dayal).
[4] Data Warehouse with Big Data Technology for Higher Education
(Leo Willyanto Santoso).

[5] Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms (Fatma

Jemai, Mohamed Hayouni, Sahbi Baccar)

[6] Tweet Sentiment Analysis by Incorporating Sentiment-Specific

Word Embedding and Weighted Text Features (Quanzhi Li, Sameena
Shah, Rui Fang, Armineh Nourbakhsh, Xiaomo Liu)

Planned Work for Next Period:

During the period it is planned to research on the Sentimental Analysis of
Fantasy Sports Games model's implementation. And how those different
techniques work. Experience of real time implementation of Sentimental
Analysis in review for Fantasy Gaming.

Guide Name: Mr Pradeep Chandra

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