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Finonacci Series for n numbers using recursion

Finonacci Series for n numbers using memoization
Finonacci Series for n numbers using tabulation
Return all subsequence in sorted order
Return maximum sum of subsequence
Check if there is a subset with sum K
Return count of subsets with sum K
Return minimum number of coins
Return all possible substrings
Return all possible subsequence
supersequence is defined as the string which contains both the strings S1 and S2 as subsequences.
Return maximum profit by selling stock
Return one divisible subset
Given input n as integer, return a list of first finnonacii numbers using recursion
Given input n as integer, return a list of first finnonacii numbers using memoization
Given input n as integer, return a list of first finnonacii numbers using tabulation
Given input a as list, return all possible subsequences in sorted order
Given input a as‘ARR’
an array list of with
postive & negative
N positive number,
integers. Wereturn
need tomaximum sum is
find if there ofasubsequences
subset in “ARR” with a sum equal
to K.
Given If there is, return true else return false.
Given an arraysum
a target ‘ARR’ withand
of ‘X’ N positive integers
‘N’ distinct and an
numbers integerthe
denoting K. coin
We need to find the number
denominations. We needoftosubsets
tell thewhose
sum is equal to K.
minimum number of coins required to reach the target sum. We can pick a coin denomination for any number
of times we want.
Given a string s return all possible substrings
Given a string s return all possible subsequences
Given is defined
an array Arr[] as the
of stock string
prices of which
n dayscontains
and also both
giventhe strings
k as S1 of
the day andstock
S2 aspurchase.
Return the selling
day to get maximum profit after the purchase.
Given an array with distinct elements, we need to identify one divisible subset.
def solution(*args):
n = args[0]
def solution(*args):
finnonacci_series = [] revision_sheet
n = args[0]
difficulty_level solution_template
def solution(*args): topics_str _name input_data
# write your code
finnonacci_series here
= []
n = args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
return finnonacci_series Dynamic Programming
# write your code
finnonacci_series here
= []
a = args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
return finnonacci_series Dynamic Programming
# write your
subsequences code
= []here
a = args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
return finnonacci_series Dynamic Programming
# write your
subsequences code
= []here
a = args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
return subsequences Dynamic Programming
# write your code
subsequences = []here
a = args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
return subsequences Dynamic Programming
# write your code
subsequences = []here
1 a = args[0]
return subsequences Dynamic Programming
# write your code
subsequences = []here
1 def solution(*args):
# writesubsequences
your code here Dynamic Programming
s= args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
output subsequences
= [] Dynamic Programming
s = args[0]
1 def
def solution(*args):
return []
output = [] Dynamic Programming
sa =
= args[0]
1 def solution(*args):
output []= [] Dynamic Programming
a = args[0] = []
1 return
# write[]your code here Dynamic Programming
subsequences = []
1 return
# writesubsequences
your code here Dynamic Programming
1 return subsequences Dynamic Programming
output_data input_type

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