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Tiếng Anh 2(Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành 1)

Tổng hợp và biên soạn :

Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017)

Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-K5-YK(2020)
Mai Tiến Dũng - K5-YK(2020)
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

khóReading unit 1: it’s my job


My name is Dr Henderson. I’m a cardiologist at a London hospital. The highly trained team
Bác sĩ tim mạch =skill (tay nghề
of which I am part deals with the diagnosis, investigation, and treatment of patients with all forms
chẩn đoán , và điều trị
of heart disease, including cardiac transplantation and some sorts of vascular disease.
Cấy ghép tim bệnh mạch máu
None of our work would be possible without the support of other people in the hospital team-
the triage nurses, the receptionists, and so on. Their work is vital to the smooth running of the
Y tá phân loại ( phân loại bệnh nhân) Cực kì quan trọng đối với sự hoạt động
trơn tru của cả khoa
department. When patients arrive for the first time, personal information is taken: name, address,
telephone numbers, next of kin for contact in case of emergency, and other information such as their
=closet relative
GP's name and address, their NHS number, and their unique hospital number.
National health service: số bảo hiểm y tế
We deal with a large catchment area and also deal with referrals from outside the area, tourists,
Lưu lượng
visitors to A&E, private patients, and so on, so the potential for confusion is great unless the data
accident and emergency department hỗn loạn
that are taken are accurate and the systems secure.
At various stages of patients' contact with the hospital, information is checked to make sure it
is correct and that the patients can confirm their identity. For example, on arrival at a clinic patients
might be asked their GP's name or part of their telephone number, for example the last three numbers.
Then during the consultation nurse or a doctor might also ask their date of birth.
Tra cứu
All this is for the benefit of the patient to ensure the hospital team does not make mistakes and people
do not use patients' details fraudulently.
Gian lận
We can then turn to dealing with the patients' treatment in safety.

1. Dr Henderson’s team is very skilled

2. The work of her team depends on the support of other people
3. Details about the closet relative are taken from patients
4. Patients have two numbers ( other than their phone number) on their hospital records
5. The data (dữ liệu) collected need to be accurate
6. Checks are carried out to make sure patients are who they say they are
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

Writing Unit 1:

present have be be smoke radiate work

A 49-year-old man presented 1 in A & E with chest pain. He had had the pain for 3 hours

prior to arrival. The pain was in the centre of his chest and radiated to his left shoulder.

He had a history of chest pain on exercise, which has been present for the previous six months.
He smoked approximately 20 cigarettes a day and was teetotal. He has been prescribed
Cai nghiện bia rượu
aspirin, B-blockers for the previous two years, and a GTN spray to use as required, which is two to
giảm đau tích cực đặc trị
three times per week. His father died of a myocardial infarction aged 65. He worked as a gallery
nhồi máu cơ tim
Reading unit 2: quan trọng nha

Social deprivation is associated with death from all causes. The most pronounced effect is
Sự thiếu thốn
with circulatory and other smoking-related diseases. A similar trend is seen with infant mortality,
tuần hoàn trẻ <7 Tử vong
morbidity from chronic illness (particularly musculoskeletal, cardiovascular,
MTVAnh – and respiratory
Y2017ĐK – Page 2
sự hoành hành mãn tính cơ xương hô hấp
conditions), and teenage pregnancy
mang thai
This is not a new problem, nor one unique to the UK. It may partly be due smoking and eating
habits, but this disparity was in evidence 80y ago when those of social classes I and II were more
Sự chênh lệch
likely to smoke, eat foods high saturated fats, and take less exercise. Disparity in health is closely
bão hòa
related to income. In the UK, an ↑ to proportion of the population is now living on < 50% of average
income than 20y ago - the mortality gap has grown proportionately.
This has an impact on general practice. There is higher incidence of illness → ↑ requirement
Tỷ lệ mắc phải
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

for primary care team services and the ↑ use of out – of - hours and A&E services amongst deprived
use communities.
Other factors which have an effect are homelessness, sleeping rough, employment and
unemployment, divorce, and immigration status. The adverse effects of living in temporary
Bất lợi
accommodation are well documented. For example, adults have a ↑ incidence of depression than
people of similar social standing in their own homes. Children are less likely to receive their
immunizations, more likely to have childhood accidents, and have higher incidence of minor and
miễn dịch
diarrhoeal diseases. Among those sleeping rough, poor diet, poor accommodation, and lack of
tiêu chảy
access to medical services are universal problems. A study done in 1986 in London found one third
psychotic, a quarter have severe physical problems, and two-thirds have no contact whatsoever with
bệnh tâm thần
medical are services. Evidence shows that if services are provided, homeless people will use them.
The effects of work have been compared to effects of vitamins - we need a certain amount to
be healthy; then there is a plateau, where extra doesn't work, and too much is harmful.
ổn định
y: years

↑: increased/increasing

<: less than

→: leading to/resulting in
1. What main social factors are given? Homelessness, sleeping rough, employment and
unemployment, divorce and immigration status

2. Can you give your own reasons why those in social classes I and II were more likely to
smoke 80 years ago? 80y ago, tobacco was fashionable and more affordable for those in higher
paid jobs

3. What reasons could you give for the increased incidence of depression in those living in
temporary accommodation? Some general reasons are general anxiety about living conditions, lack
of security, worry about the future
4. Why is poor diet a problem among those sleeping rough? Some reasons are they probably
have little or no money; no access to cooking facilitites; lack of a balanced diet with fresh
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

vegetables; no fixed routine


NHS Number 6684335792

National health service: số bảo hiểm y tế

Hospital Number 1017786F
22 August 2007
Dear Dr Ahmed

Re David Hunt 17 May 1985(M)

18 Greencross Street, London SE5 2PD

This patient has complained of a rash which has erupted on a number of occasions in different
Phát ban bùng lên
parts of his body on and off for more than three years. Recently, he has also complained of bilateral
(song song) Intermittent ( không liên tục) nasal blockage, itchy (ngứa) nose and eyes, watery nasal
discharge (chảy nước mũi)

The rashes have also increased in frequency and duration, treated on occasion with antibiotics and
Không thuốc kháng sinh
OTC medication. This does not appear to be related to allergy to pets nor work or other common
Over the counter=available in a shop dị ứng

The rash has responded to Piriton. The patient has had allergy sensitivity testing with no conclusive
Phản ứng dị ứng độ nhạy chính xác
result. The patient spent several years in West Africa working as a volunteer in his early 20s. The
Africa connection may have some bearing and I would appreciate your opinion.
Yours sincerely,
-Piriton: an over the counter medication to treat allergies

My name is Dr Choudhary, and I am a GP working in an inner city area in London, just on

Bên trong
the edge of the East End. I started work as a GP in this area over 20 years ago. In recent
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

years many developments, both technological and social, have occurred, affecting the practice
I enjoyed my work here a lot at the beginning and I still do now. But there are many problems
an in area like this, which you would not find in rural communities in this country or in my home
country-India. The crime rates are high, which affects the morale of the patients we serve and
Tinh thần
ultimately the morale of the GP practice. The workload is heavier than in most rural districts,
cuối cùng
which sometimes puts potential GPs off moving into the area. However, I have always found
the job very rewarding. Another feature of an inner city GP practice is that patients move
around a lot. As regards compensation for working in deprived areas in the inner city sometimes
bồi thường ( lương) thiếu thốn
GPs receive extra payment.

There are many things that will become obvious once you have done your first ward round,
but I can give you a few tips that helped me on my first day. The first thing is make sure you know
the names of all your patients and where they are in the ward, as you want to demonstrate that you
are familiar with your patients.
The next tip is always check with the bed managers if any patients have been moved, and if
so where to, in order to avoid wasting time, especially the consultant's,running around looking for
patients Also make sure you have all the case-notes, X-rays, and so on on hand so that you can refer
to them quickly. It is useful to invite a nurse who knows your patients to come on rounds with you,
because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward than you are.
As regards the case histories and results record them clearly and concisely: in that way you
Ngắn gọn
can access information easily

Direct observation of procedural skills: các quan
sát trực tiếp của thủ thuật kỹ năng

DOPS is designed to provide feedback on procedural skills essential to the provision of good
Cung cấp
clinical care. Trainees will be asked to undertake four to six observed encounters or
lâm sàng phiên đánh giá
procedures, during the year with a different observer for each encounter. The assessors include
người đánh giá
among others experienced specialists, appropriate nursing staff, or consultants (tư vấn viên) in a
secondary care setting( môi trường chăm sóc cấp 2) . The estimated time taken by each procedure is
20 minutes (i. e. 15 minutes for the assessment and 5 minutes for feedback).
Each DOPS should represent (đại diện) a different procedure and trainees should choose from
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

each of the core problem groups identified in the F2 curriculum (cột) by the end of the year. The
trainee chooses
Nhóm vấn đề cốt lõi
the timing, procedure, and observer.
What is DOPS?

It is essential that all trainees should be adequately assessed for competence in the practical
Đầy đủ đánh giá khả năng, tay nghề
procedures that they undertake. Directly Observed Procedural Skills (DOPS) is a method that has
been designed specifically for the assessment of practical skills and was originally developed (sáng
lập) and evaluated ( đánh giá) by the RCP(đại học y khoa hoàng gia). In keeping with (để phù hợp
với) the Foundation programme quality improvement assessment model strengths (điểm mạnh) and
areas (lĩnh vực)for
mô hình đánh giá được cải thiện chất lượng thuộc chương trình cơ bản
development should be identified (xác định) following each DOPS encounter.
DOPS includes a range of procedures for example venipuncture , IV cannnulation, the use of
Tiêm TM kim luồn TM
local anaesthetics (gây mê cục bộ ), arterial puncture (đặt catheter ĐM) in an adult, blood culture
(cấy máu) (peripheral), and blood culture (central). Also included are nasogastric tube insertion and
ngoại vi cấy máu trung tâm ống thông mũi dạ dày
airway care, including simple adjuncts and intubation.
Đường thở đặt nội khí quản
Each doctor needs to satisfy (đáp ứng) a number of criteria (tiêu chí) , some of which are
given below. Apart from overall ability to perform a particular procedure, the trainee needs to
Năng lực toàn diện
Demonstrate ( chứng tỏ) an understanding of relevant anatomy (giải phẫu có liên quan) and the
technique of the procedure. There needs to be a clear demonstration (sự thể hiện) of appropriate
preparation before the procedure takes place (diễn ra) the appropriate analgesia (gây mê) or safe
sedation (an thần) and aseptic technique (kỹ thuật vô trùng). Apart from the technical ability, a
trainee needs to seek help where appropriate and demonstrate post- procedure management as well
as good communication skills, while at the same time considering the feelings of the patient. as well
as knowledge of the patient.

1. During the year trainess are examined by various assessors( người đánh giá)
2. The timing, the procedure, and the observer are chosen solely by the trainee
3. DOPs was created by the RCP (trường đại học y khoa hoàng gia)
4. As part of the foundation programme, it is expected that the weaknesses(điểm yếu ) of
each trainee in a DOPs should be improved
5. Preparation for a DOPs encounter on the part of the trainee needs to be very evident (hiển
6. During a DOPs, a trainee may seek help from anyone else
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

7. Communication skills are considered during the examination

Listening u3:

I am newly qualified. I work as a junior doctor (bác sĩ thực tập, học việc) at Alderbay General
Hospital as part of a medical team, or'firm. I work with two other junior doctors also in the first year
of postgraduate (sau đại học) training. Our main aim is to learn as much as possible from our seniors.
The first people we turn to are two doctors in their second year of training. They supervise (giám
sát) any practical procedures we do and are available to help us when we have problems.
Above these senior doctors there are specialist registrars(bác sĩ chuyên khoa). They are
usually in charge of (phụ trách) daily ward rounds. They also work in outpatient clinics (phòng khám
ngoài, tư nhân), deal with inpatient (bệnh nhân nội trú) referrals (chuyển tuyến). teach, and
undertake procedures and operations. They give us instructions about what investigations() need to
be performed. Specialist registrars are training posts for the next grade up, consultant level. They
can be bleeped (gọi, chuông) at any time we need advice or to refer a patient. If nobody at these two
levels is available, we refer to the consultants who are responsible for our posts.
We see each consultant when they do their weekly ward rounds, once on a Wednesday and
the other on a Friday morning. These rounds are the most tense (căng thẳng) and hectic times(bận
rộn) each week, as we have to make sure all the patient records(hồ sơ bệnh nhân) are up-to-date
(cập nhật) and present patients to the consultant. In addition to doctors at all levels of the firm, there
may be a nurse present, as well as undergraduate students(sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp) and doctors
doing clinical attachments.

My job also involves a wide range of duties from clerking(quản lý, thư kí) patients, keeping
the patient lists in order, requesting investigations and making sure the results are received and
referring and liaising(liên lạc) with specialists as part of a multidisciplinary (đa chức năng) team,
doing practical procedures, administrative tasks(nhiệm vụ hành chính) like rewriting drug charts,
and doing TTOs.
We have to keep our knowledge up-to-date through training from our seniors and keep a log
(nhật kí)or record of all the special procedures we learn and cases see. We also have to find time for
learning to present cases to our peers(đồng nghiệp) and other colleagues. I also find time to talk to
the patients and their families!
1. The name given to a medical team : firm
2. Who supervises the practical procedures junior doctors perform: 2 senior doctors
3. Who leads the daily ward rounds : specialist registrars
4. Who deals with patient referrals : SPr
5. Who leads the weekly ward rounds : the consultant
6. When the busiest time of the week is : the consultant’s rounds
7. Who rewrites the drug charts: the junior doctor
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

Once the procedure is explained to the patient, advice is given about what preparation is
required before it is carried out. The patient is asked to stop anti-acid therapy for two weeks
beforehand if possible. For eating and drinking, the patient is advised to take nil by mouth for 8
hours before the procedure is done, but note that water up to 4 hours pre-op may be OK. As regards
driving, the patient is advised not to drive if sedation is involved in the procedure. A leaflet (giấy)
about the procedure is always given to the patient and follow- up is also. . .

What preparation do I need to do?

The hospital department will usually give you instructions before your test. These commonly
Don't eat for 4-6 hours before the test. The stomach needs to be empty. (Small sips of water
(ngụm nước nhỏ)may be allowed up to two hours before the test.)
If you have a sedative, have somebody accompany you home.

If you are taking any other medication, tell your doctor. It may need to be stopped before the


What can I expect after a gastroscopy (nội soi dạ dày) ?

Most people are ready to go home after resting for half an hour or so. If you have had a
sedative, you may take a bit longer to be ready to go home. The sedative will normally make you
feel quite pleasant and relaxed. However, you should not drive, operate machinery or drink alcohol
for 24 hours after having the sedative. You will need somebody to accompany you home and to stay
with you for 24 hours until the effects have fully worn off (hết hoàn toàn). Most people are able to
resume (tiếp tục) normal activities after 24 hours
Is gastroscopy reliable (đáng tin cậy)?
Gastroscopy is a good test for seeing abnormalities (bất thường) – Y2017ĐK
in the upper gut. –However,
Page 12
it is not foolproof (tuyệt đối). For example, gastroscopy may not detect a small number of cases of
early ulcers (loét dạ dày) or early cancer.
Are there any side effects or complications (sự phức tạp) from having a gastroscopy?

Most gastroscopies are done without any problem. Some people have a mild sore throat for a
day or so afterwards. You may feel tired or sleepy for several hours if you have a sedative. There is
a slightly increased risk of developing a chest(ngực) infection (nhiễm trùng) or pneumonia(viêm
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

phổi) following a gastroscopy.

Occasionally, the endoscope causes some damage to the gut. This may cause bleeding,
infection, and rarely, perforation(thủng). If any of the following occur within 48 hours after a
gastroscopy, consult(tham khảo) a doctor immediately:
Abdominal pain
Fever (sốt)
Difficulty breathing
Vomiting blood
(nôn ra máu)
A small number of people have a heart attack or stroke(đột quỵ) during, or soon after, a

These serious complications are rare in most people who are otherwise reasonably healthy.
1. What/need 4-6 hours before?
What do you need to do for 4-6 hours before the procedure?
2. How/ sedative/ feel -> how will the sedative make you feel?
3. What/not/do? -> what should you not do for 24 hours after the sedative?
4. What/need/ after the operation? -> what do you need after the operation?
5. How successful/test -> how successful are the results of the test
6. What/ some people have afterwards? -> what do some people have afterwards?
Listening unit 5:

I work as a nurse practitioner (NP) at New York City Hospital. I am a registered nurse who
has completed specific advanced nursing education. I have a master's in cardiovascular medicine
and training in the diagnosis and management of common medical conditions in this specialty.
I provide much of the same basic, non-emergency care provided by physicians, generally of
the type seen in their specific practice areas like family practice offices urgent(khẩn cấp) care
centers, and rural health clinics, and maintain collaborative(công tác) working relationships with
physicians. As an NP,(nurse practioners:điều dưỡng) I am licensed (được cấp phép) by the state in
which I practice through the NCC (National Certification Corporation) for specialty practice. Rather
than a generic focus of education, as a nurse practitioner I am able to specialize an area of study I
desire(mong muốn) and provide care within the scope of my expertise(phạm vi chuyên môn của tôi).
I may treat both acute(cấp tính) and chronic(mãn tính) conditions, as well as prescribe
medications and therapies(liệu pháp) for the patient at hand. The core philosophy of the field is
individualized care. Nurse practitioners focus on patients' conditions as well as the effects of illness
on the lives of the patients and their families. Informing(thông báo) patients about their health care
and encouraging them to participate in decisions are central to the care provided by NPs.
A major concern(mối quan tâm) for myself and other medical practitioners at all levels is
concordance(sự phối hợp),
once a drug has been prescribed. Concordance involves a process of prescribing and taking; it is
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

a kind of partnership. It is not just a matter of explaining the benefits of prescribed drugs and the
side effects which can sometimes happen, but which may not Improving concordance is about
involving the patient making decisions about the treatment.
1. Is concordance cause for concern for Nurse Carne and her fellow(đồng nghiệp) NPs? yes
2. What type of conditions can she treat? Acute and chronic
3. What does she consider the central philosophy of working as a nurse practitioner? Individual
4. Why does she feel her patients need to be involved in treatment decisions? To help improve
5. What specific post graduate training has she undergone (chịu đựng, trải qua)? A master's
incardiovascular medicine and training in the diagnosis and management of common medical
conditions in this special
6. How does her work compare with that of physician? She provides much of the same basic, non-
emergency care as physician
CONCORDANCE: sự phối hợp
(phần điền từ)

Non-compliance(không tuân thủ) in medicine taking is a long-standing(lâu dài) problem in all

therapeutic(trị liệu) areas, including the treatment of cancer. There is strong evidence that, despite
the introduction of new medicines which have fewer side effects and are more convenient to use
many people still do not take them as prescribed-even when not doing so can have life-threatening
(đe dọa tính mạng) consequences.
Medicines prescribed for preventive(phòng ngừa) purposes are especially likely not to be
taken as prescribed. This may be because people do not feel immediately threatened and, in the case
of symptomless(không triệu chứng) conditions such as raised cholesterol levels and
hypertension(tăng huyết áp), feel no obvious benefit at the time when medicines are taken(uống
Factors associated with poor compliance include:

 complex regimens(phác đồ/chế độ dd) involving multiple doses(liều lượng) and several

 unwanted side effects

 concerns about the value or appropriateness of taking medicines particular contexts(bối


 denial(từ chối) of illness, especially among younger people

Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

 confusion(rối loạn) or physical difficulties associated with medicine taking, which

most frequently affect older people
Effective ways of improving compliance rates involve the Complementary(bổ sung) use of
educative, practical,and emotionally(tình cảm).and behaviourally (về mặt hành vi) supportive
interventions(can thiệp), rather than the provision of information alone.There is evidence that,
regardless (bất kể)of the specific knowledge imparted (được truyền đạt), self- management (tự
quản)programmes which help to raise people's sense of self-efficacy(hiệu quả bản thân) and
confidence promote better medicine taking.
Health professionals should respect patients' autonomy (quyết định của bệnh nhân) and accept
that increasing compliance with prescribing instructions is not as important as
meeting.patients'individual needs and priorities(ưu tiên), Patients need help to make informed
choices about treatment. For example, there is a need to differentiate clearly between situations
where varying the timing or quantity of medicine doses may do little harm or even be beneficial,
and situations in which there is a high probability of adverse clinical outcomes(kết quả lâm sàng bất
Improvements in self-management skills and compliance in medicine taking can generate
significant benefits for individuals and the population as a whole. Combining medication reviews
with other forms of timely and appropriate support for patients and carers represents an important
route towards better and more cost-effective use of medicines.

Overweight and obesity(béo phì) have become world-wide concerns, reaching epidemic (dịch
bệnh)proportions. Obesity is caused by an energy imbalance where energy intake exceeds energy
expended over time. This imbalance has been linked to lifestyle factors such as increased
consumption of foods with high levels of sugar and saturated fats, as well as a reduction(giảm) in
physical activity(hoạt động thể chất).
Overweight and obesity pose(gây ra) a major risk to long-term health by increasing the risk
of chronic illnesses such as diabetes cardiovascular disease, and some cancers. It has been estimated
that obesity and its associated illnesses cost Australian society and governments a total of $21 billion
in 2005. In July 2006, the Australian Government implemented(thực hiện) a five- year, $500 million
program, the Australian Better Health Initiative(sáng kiến) aimed at reducing the impacts of chronic
disease, which includes a focus on promoting healthy weight.
This article discusses adults who were classified as overweight or obese according to their
body mass index (BMI),(chỉ số khối cơ thể) based on and weight. self-reported(tự báo cáo) height
and weight.
Overweight and obesity trends

In 2004-05, more than half (54%) of all adults, or 7.4 million people aged 18 years and over
were either overweight or obese, an increase from 45% (5.4 million adults) in 1995. Using age-
standardized(chuyển hóa theo độ tuổi) data, the rate of overweight adults has increased from 33%
in 1995 to 36% in 2004- 05, while the rate of obesity in adults has increased from 13% to 18% over
the same period. Each of the national health surveys conducted since 1995 has reported a higher rate
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

of overweight and obesity for males than for females.

Perceptions(sự nhận thức) of own weight
For many people, particularly (đặc biệt) men and older women, self- perception(sự tự nhận
thức) of 'acceptable weight' differs from the standard BMI definitions This may have implications
(ý nghĩa) for the management of healthy body weight in adults. In 2004-05, more than half of adults
(63% of males and 59% of females) considered themselves to be of acceptable weight. The
proportion of males (32%) and females (38%) who considered themselves be overweight was
considerably lower than those who were classified as overweight/obese according to their BMI (62%
and 45% respectively).
Between 1995 and 2004-05, after adjusting(điều chỉnh) for differences in the age structure of
the population the proportion of people in the overweight and obese BMI categories who considered
themselves to be of acceptable weight increased. In 2004-05, almost half (47% of males and
around one-fifth (21 %) of females who were overweight or obese (béo phì)considered themselves
to be of acceptable weight. This compares with age-standardized(chuyển hóa theo độ tuổi) rates of
around one-third (35%) for males and 12% for females in 1995.

Is there anything which brings it On ? did it start? trigger duration
Have you had the the pain is like? Previou trigger
pain s
before ? episode
Can you tell me what The pain get the pain? Severit onset
is like y/chara
When Did it start spread anywhere else? Onset constancy
How long have you Had the the pain for me? Duratio character
pain? n
Is there anything which Make it on? Aexace severity
worse/bett rbation/
er? allevitat
Is the pain Constant? had the pain? Consta previous episode
Does the pain Spread you up at night? Radiati aexacerbation/
anywhere on alleviation
else ?
Can you describe The pain had the pain before? Severit
is like ? y/chẩct
Where do you do Get the makes it worse / better? site radiation
pain ?
Does it wake You up at constant? Severit site
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

night ? y/

1.When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Does the pain spread anywhere
else?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. site
B. radiation
C. severity
D. duration
2. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Can you tell me what the pain
is like?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. site B. radiation C. character/severity D. duration
3. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “How long have you had the
pain?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. site B. radiation C. severity D. duration
4. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is there anything which makes
the pain worse?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. exacerbation B. alleviation C. onset D. trigger
11.When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Where do you get the pain?”
is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
11.When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “When did it start?” is used to
ask about ………….. of pain?
7. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is there anything which makes
the pain better?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. exacerbation
B. alleviation
C. onset
D. trigger
8. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Does it wake you up at night?”
is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

9. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Have you had the pain before
?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. previous episode
10. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is the pain constant ?” is
used to ask about ………….. of pain?
11. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is there anything which bring
it on?” is used to ask about ………….. of pain?

MTD . Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. She can’t walk properly. She’s got a pain in her …………..
A. calcaneus B. oesophagus C. carpus D. clavicle
2.He’s very tender here on the right side of the …. Near his kidney.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. carpus D. clavicle
3.Ahmed’s …. Feels as if it’s on fire when he swallow.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. carpus D. clavicle
4.He damaged his ….. when he fell on the pavement.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. Patella D. clavicle
5.James has got a crushing pain around the….. but nothing in his arms or leg.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. sternum D. clavicle
6. I think there is a fracture in the …. In the right hand.
A.abdomen B. umbilicus C. carpus D. clavicle
7.The pain radiates from around the…. To the back.
A.abdomen B. umbilicus C. carpus D. clavicle

sternum Breast bone (xương ức) collar bone
talus Ankle ( xương sên, x cổ chân) heel bone
clavicle Collar bone (xương đòn) breast bone
carpus Wrist bone ( xương cổ tay) Bowels/gut
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

abdomen Belly/tummy ( ổ bụng) kneecap

patella Knee cap ( xương bánh chè) gullet
tibia Shin bone ( xương chày) Navel/belly button
intestines Gut/bowels ( ruột) Belly/tummy
umbilicus Navel/ belly button (rốn) wrist (bone)
calcaneus Heel bone ( xương gót chân) shin bone
oesophagus Gullet ( thực quản) ankle (bone)
piercing/boring Acute pancreatitis (viêm sciatica
tụy cấp)
extremely severe/intense Cluster headache ureteric colic
aching Degenerative arthritis acute pancreatitis
(thoái hóa khớp)
scalding/burning Cystitis (viêm bàng appendicitis
like a tight band around my head Tension headache degenerative arthritis
dull/persistent/vague Appendicitis (viêm ruột tension headache
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

excruciating/thunderclap Sub-arachnoid cluster headache

haemorrhage (xuất huyết
dưới nhện)
shooting Sciatica( đau thần kinh cystitis
spasmodic Uretic colic ( đau bụng sub-arachnoid haemorrhage
niệu quản)
crushing/gripping Angina pectoris ( đau angina pectoris
thắt ngực)
1.The description of “extremely severe / intense” is associated with degenerative arthritis
A. T B. F
2.The description of “piercing/boring” is associated with ….
A.acute pancreatitis.
B. degenerative arthritis
3. The description of “extremely severe / intense” is associated with……
A.cluster headache
4. The description of “aching” is associated with……
A.degenerative arthitis.
B.angina pectoris
5. The description of “scalding/burning ” is associated with……
B.angina pectoris
C.degenerative arthitis.

1.BP: 100/70mm/Hg. The abbreviation of BP stands for ……………
A. blood pressure
B. beyond petroleum
C. boiling point
D. basic point
2. Pulse 100/min.The abbreviation of Pulse 100/min stands for ……………
A. blood pressure
B. one hundred beat per minute. hundred per minute.
3.JVP Not elevated . The abbreviation of JVP Not elevated stands for ……………
A.jugular venous pressure.
B.jugular pressure
C.jular venuous pressure.
A.card very system /no abnormal detected.
B.card iovascular system/ no normal dected.
C.card iovascular system/no abnormal detected.
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

A.on examination.
B.on example
C.on examnation
A.central nervous system-no abnnormal detected.
B.centeal never systems- no abnnormal detected.
C. central nervous system-no abnnormal detected.
A.millimetres of mercury
B. millimetres of mercuries
C. millimetres mercury/

1. My mother (have) has been having these pains since last Tuesday. She still has them.
2. (you normally go) do you normally go for a run at the same time every day?
3. The pain (ease) has eased a little since yesterday. It's better now.
4. I (lie) have been lying in bed for four weeks now. I haven't been out of it once,
5. I can see the rash (get worse) is getting/ has been getting worse . It's rmuch the redder.
6. I (not take) am not taking any medication at the moment.
7. (pain spread) does the pain spread to your shoulder or is it just here?


practice manager receptionist general practitioner midwife

district nurse health visitor practice nurse
1. Apractice ( phòng khám) is run by a practice manager
2. Health visitor work with individuals, families, and groups like the elderly and new-
born babies in the community
3. Receptionists need very good interpersonal skills because they are the first contact
people have with the practice
4. Ninety-seven per cent of the UK population is registered with a general practitioner
5. The duties of a practice nurse include 'traditional’ nursing skills and running
specialist clinics ( phòng khám) for immunization ( miễn dịch) , diabetes ( tiểu đường) ,
and so on.
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

6. An important link between hospitals, GPs, and other health professionals involved in
antenatal ( khám thai) care is the midwife
7. District nurse visit those who are housebound or those recently discharged
(xuất viện) from hospital and/or dress wounds.
Ex2: Language spot
1. The coughing started five days ago and it has been so bad it has woken me up every
2. When did the attacks first come on?
3. Has anything made it worse since it started?

4. He has never taken any medication in his life.

5. What happened when you were near animals as a child?
6. My father died over 20 years ago.
7. Did you get these problems every day when you lived in Africa?
8. Have you ever had coughing attacks like this before?
9. Has anyone in your family ever had an illness like this as far as you are aware?

16. The coughing ..... five days ago and it …………… so bad it …………… me up every night.
A.starts/ was / woke
B. started/is / wakes
C. started/has been / woken
D. started/has been / has woken
17. When …………… the attacks first ……………?
A. have / come on
B. do / come
C. are / coming on
D. did / come on
18….. anything …. it worse since it ….?
A.had /made/have started
19. He …. any medication in his life.
A.has never take
B.never taken
C.has never taken
D.has never take
20. What …. when you ….. near animals as a child?
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

21. My father …. over 20 years ago.
B.has died
D.had died.
22. …. you ….these problems every day when you …. in Africa?
B.Has/got/has lived
23. …… coughing attacks like this before?
A.Have you ever had
B.Have you have
C.Had ever
D.Ever had
24. …. anyone in your family ever ….. an illness like this as far as you are aware?
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

crampy abdominal pain đau co Symptom Gastroenteritis : viêm
thắt loét dạ dày
recent vomiting (nôn Symptom
mửa)/diarrhoea tiêu chảy
Dehydration mất nước Sign
abdominal tenderness đau khi Sign
ấn vào bụng
raised pulse tăng mạch Sign
breathlessness Symptom Asthma : hen suyễn
Tachypnea thở nhanh Sign
tight chest tức ngực Symptom
night and morning coughing Symptom
prolonged expiration thở dài Sign
hơn bth
Wheeze thở khò khè Sign/ symptom
blocked nose (nghẹt mũi) Symptom Sninusitis: viêm xoang
raised temperature Sign
tender over sinuses ( viêm Sign/ symptom
xoang thể nhẹ)
headache worse on bending ( Symptom
đau đầu nặng hơn khi cúi
runny nose ( chảy mũi ) Symptom
dehydration Mất nước Sign
wheeze Thở khò khè Sign/ symptom
raised temperature Sign/symptom
tight chest Tức ngực symptom
raised pulse Tăng mạch Sign
abdominal tenderness Đau khi ấn vào bụng Sign
blocked nose Symptom
night and morning coughing Symptom
crampy abdominal pain Đau co thắt Symptom
runny nose Symptom
recent vomiting/diarrhoea Nôn mửa/ tiêu chảy Symptom
headache worse on bending Đau đầu nặng hơn khi Symptom
cúi xuống
breathlessness Symptom
prolonged expiration Thở dài hơn bình Sign
tender over sinuses Viêm xoang thể nhẹ Sign/ symptom
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

tachypnoea Thở nhanh Sign

perform Do have/have got
suffering from Has got to come and go
refrain Avoid avoid
Susceptible :nhạy cảm prone admit
adhere to ( đi theo lộ Stick to do
Intermittent : không liên Come and go prone
tục, gián đoạn
scheduled Book stick to
hospitalized Admitted : nhập viện book
Persistent : dai dẳng There all time there all the time

1. For a first ward round with a consultant, find out from the bed managers if any patients have been moved
and to where to avoid wasting time… running around looking for patients.
A. T B. F
2. For a first ward round with a consultant, find out from the bed managers if any patients have been moved
and to where ……………
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
3. For a first ward round with a consultant, check that all the case notes, investigations, and so on are on the
ward in that way you can access information easily.
A. T B. F ( so that you can refer to them quickly)
4. For a first ward round with a consultant, invite a nurse who knows your patients to come on the ward rounds
in that way you can access information easily.
A. T B. F (because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.)
5. For a first ward round with a consultant,make sure you know the names of your patients and where they are
in the ward,……..
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
6. For a first ward round with a consultant, check that all the case notes, investigations, and so on are on the
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
7. For a first ward round with a consultant, invite a nurse who knows your patients to come on the ward
rounds ….
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
8. For a first ward round with a consultant,record case histories and results clearly and concisely,…..
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward. that way you can acess information easily.

prepare mark wash attach sterilize drain
obtain withdraw
Withdraw (rút) the stylet.
Drain 10 drops of CSF into the three specimen tubes.
Mark the point between L3/4 where the needle is to be inserted.
Wash your hands and put on sterile gloves.
Obtain consent for the procedure
Sterilize the area of the patient's back
Prepare the equipment on the trolley.
Attach the manometer.
Ex 2:
Provide (feedback/food/information/data)
Undertake (searches/procedures/surveys/investigations): tiến hành thủ thuật
Assess (theory/attitude/competence/cost) đánh giá năng lực, tay nghề
Identify (people/strengths/patients/places) xác định
thế mạnh

Administer (medications/help/business/punishment)
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

=take medication: lấy thuốc

Seek (property/keys/time/help)
Consider (feelings/age/reason/cost)

1.The timing, the procedure, and the observer are chosen partly by the trainee on the practical DOPs.
A. T
B. F (solely)
2.DOPS was adopted by the RCP.
3.Preparation for a DOPS encounter on the part of the trainee needs to be very evident.
4.Communication skills are ignored during the examination
5.During the year,trainess are examined by various assessors.
6.As part of the foundation programme,it is expected that the weaknesses of each trinee in a DOPS
should be improved.
7.During a DOPS ,a trainee may seek help from anyone else
8.The timing, the procedure, and the observer are chosen soley by the trainee on the practical DOPs.
A. T
B. F
9.DOPS was created by the RCP.
10.Preparation for a DOPS encounter on the part of the trainee needs to be fairly evident.
11.Communication skills are considered during the examination
12.During the year,trainess are examined by the same assessors.
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

13.As part of the foundation programme,it is suggested that the weaknesses of each trinee in a DOPS
should be improved.
14.During a DOPS ,a trainee must seek help from anyone else
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)


make tilt keep pop stand up cough

1. Can you just pop behind the screen and undress for me, please?
2. I need to examine your lower back, so if you could turn onto your stomach (for me),
(please). (Thank you)
3. Just cough for me. And again. That's fine.
4. I'd like you to stand up for me. Do you need any help getting up?
5. Could you (just) tilt your head to the left? Yes. That's it.
6. Can you make a tight fist for me? Fine
7. I'd like you to keep nice and still for me, if you can. OK.

1.I’d like you to ……………. for me.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. make
2. Can you just …….. behind the screen and undress for me, please?
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. Make
3. Just …… for me. And again. That's fine.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. Make E. Cough
4. Can you ….. a tight fist for me? Fine
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. Make E. Cough
5. I'd like you to ….. nice and still for me, if you can. OK.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D.keep
6. Could you (just) …. your head to the left? Yes. That's it.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D.keep
7.I need to examine your lower back, so if you could ….. onto your stomach (for me),
(please). (Thank you)
A.turn B. stand up C. tilt D.keep

Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

- 100/min: 100 beats per minute

- BP: blood pressure
- mm/Hg: millimetres of mercury
- JVP: jugular venous pressure
- NAD: no abnormality detected
- CVS: cardiovascular system
- O/E: on examination
- CNS: central nervous system
- WR: Ward Round
- RTA/RTC: road traffic accident/road traffic collision: va chạm giao thông đường bộ
- Obs: Observation(s)
- (T): temperature
- BP: blood pressure
- O/E: on examination
- INR: international normalized ratio: tỷ lệ chuẩn hóa quốc tế
- LFT: liver function test
- U+E: urea and electrolytes
- (H): home
- Mane: tomorrow
- (O/P in 6/52): Out-patient in 6 weeks

A.Ward Round Round
C.ward Round
D. ward Rounds
A. road traffic accident/road traffic collision
B.roads traffic accident/road traffic collision
C.road traffices accident/road traffic collision
D. road traffic accident/road traffic collisioes
3. Obs:
A. Observation(s)
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

B. Observations
C. Observationses
D. Observationes
A. temperature
6. INR
A. international normalized ratio
B. internationals normalized ratio
C international normalized ratioes
D. internationals normalized ratioes
7. LFT
A. liver function test
B. liver function testes
C. liveres function test
D. liveres function testes
8. U+E
A. urea and electrolytes
B. urea and electrolyteses
C. ureas and electrolytes
D. urea and electrolytesess
10. (O/P in 6/52):
A.Out-patient in 6 weeks
B. Out-patient in 6 weeked
C. Out-patient in 6 weekss
D. Out-patient in 6 weeksed
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

-ectomy Cắt bỏ, lấy đi an opening between two Ostomy

or the outside
-oscopy Nội soi cutting something open otomy
-ostomy Mở thông, dẫn removal of a structure by surgery Ectomy
-(o)tomy Rạch, mở, cắt the act of examining oscopy
section patient endoscope mucosa consent air
blow advance swallow obtain give sedate
blopsy anaesthetize
1. Informed consent is obtained
2. The pharynx is anaesthetize using a spray
3. The patient is sedate to induce drowsiness
(tình trạng ngủ lơ mơ)
4. The endoscope is introduced and is advanced further down the

oesophagus and into induce the stomach and duodenurm.

5. air is blown into the stomach via a side channel in the
endoscope to allow visualization of the stomach mucosa.
6. The patient is given a plastic mouth guard to bite on.
7. The patient is asked to swallow the first section of the

8. The stomach mucosa(niêm mạc) is biopsied (sinh thiết) using a thin

'grabbing' instrument which is passed down a side channel.

oesophagus Gullet St to help you relax
pharynx Throat Throat
flexible Bendy (mềm, dẻo) (take) A tiny tisue simple
anaesthetize Numb bench
biopsy Take a tiny tissue simple gullet
sedative St to help you relax Look at
eructate Bench (ợ, phun ra) see
visualize See numb
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)
examine Look at bendy
Ex 4:
1. A sample is taken from the bowel. → We're going to remove a tiny piece of tissue from your
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

2. Next, the end of the intestines is attached to an opening on the abdomen. (What ...) → What
we're going to do then is attach the end of the gut to an opening in yourtummy wall.
3. A sample is taken from the cervix → We're going to take a tiny piece of tissue from the
neck of your womb.
4. After that, a tube is passed through the urethra. (What ...) → What we're going to do after
that is (to) pass this tube through the urethra.(niệu đạo)
5. The glands are then removed from the axilla. (What ...) → What we're going to do then is
(to) remove the glands in your armpit.
6. Next, a sample is removed from the lung. (What...) → What happens next is that a tiny piece
of your lung is removed / What we are going to do next is (to) remove a tiny piece of your
7. After that, a tube is advanced down past the prostate into the bladder. (What ...) → What
happens next is a tube is then passed down /What we are going to do next is to pass a tube
down past the prostate into your bladder
8. A dye is then injected into the pancreatic and bile ducts to visualize them. (What ...) →
What happens next is that we /What we are going to do next is (to) inject a dye into the
pancreatic and bile ducts so that we can see them
9. The muscle is repaired with a mesh. → We're going to use a mesh to repair the muscle.

cystoscopy 7, soi bàng quang

radical mastectomy 5, giải phẫu vú tận gốc
colostomy 2, phẫu thuật làm giả hậu
colonoscopy 1, nội soi đại tràng
colposcopy 3, nội soi âm đạo
ERCP 8, nội soi mật tụy ngược
catheterization 4, thông tiểu
bronchoscopy 6, soi phế quản
herniorrhaphy 9, phẫu thuật thoát vị
- Rarely: seldom, almost never, not often
- Sometimes: occasionally, now and then, on and an occation
- Often: frequently, regularly
- Usually: typically, habitually, generally, commonly
- Never: not ever, not at all, absoluttly not
- Always: constanly, consistantly
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

a. Paracetamol Analgesic: thuốc giảm đau antibiotic
b. Salbutanol Respiratory aldanalgesic
c. Cyclizine Antihistamine antiemetic
d. Amoxicillin Antibiotic sedative/ hyphotic
e. Aspirin Analgesic/ cardiovascular gastrointestinal
f. Ranitidine Gastrointestinal antihistamine
g. Diazapam Sedative/ hyphotic cardiovascular
h. Chlorphenamine Antihistamine respiratory

a. relieve pain
b. reduce nausea and vomiting
c. widen the bronchi
d. relieve pain; thin the blood/help the blood flow more easily, and help prevent heart
e. fight infection ( nhiễm trùng)
f. treat gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (trào ngược dạ dày thực quản)
g. treat reactions to drugs or anaphylactic shock
h. make patients less agitated
PO By mouth/orally in the morning
prn As required two tablets
stat Immediately by mouth/orally
od Once a day immediately
g Gam gram
Om In the morning once a day/24h
̇ ̇t Two tablets as required
Drug Dose Freq Route 24h Max
paracetamol 1g qds PO 4g
loperamide 4mg PRN PO 16mg
ranitidine 150mg bd PO 300mg
atorvastatin 10 (10-80 mg) od PO 80mg

- on (omni nocte): at night four times a day

- tds (ter die sumendus): to be taken three
times day
- qds (quater die sumendus): to be taken
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)
- 4-6h: every 4-6 hours
- 1-4h: every 1-4 hours
- IM: intramuscular
- bd (bis die): twice a day
- 8h: every eight hours
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)

- IV: intravenous - mg: milligram

- SC: subcutaneous - INH: by inhalation: đường hô hấp
- PR (per rectum): by the - μg: microgram
rectum: đặt thuốc hậu môn - ml: millilitre
- NEB: by nebulizer = xịt qua
mũi, miệng

a. paracetamol: Give the patient 1 gram of paracetamol four timesa day, by mouth, up to a
maximum of 4 grams.
b. loperamide: Give the patient 4 milligrams of loperamide as required, by mouth, up to a
maximum of 16 milligrams
c. ranitidine: Give the patient 150 milligrams of ranitidine twice a day, by mouth, up to a
maximum of 300 milligrams.
d. atorvastatin: Give the patient 10 milligrams of atorvastatin once a day, by mouth, up to a
maximum of 80 milligrams.
take out Remove identified
get in touch with Contact adopt
cut down Reducing reducing
get into Adopt Completing
look at read Contact
point out Identified remove
write out Completing: hoàn thành read

1. The doctor identified a few benefits and few side effects.

Pointed out

2. You could keep a pill box with the days of the week on it and remove the tablets each day.
Take out

3. Completing a prescription requires great care

writing out

4. Don't forget to read the instructions on the label.

Look at

5. Try to adopt a routine for taking medication if you can

Get into
Mai Thị Vân Anh-K2-YK(2017);Nguyễn Thanh Nhàn-Mai Tiến Dũng-K5-YK(2020)
6. Contact the hospital immediately if anything changes
get intouch with
7. It works by reducing the workload of the heart.
Cutting down

possibility will probably may can may not
1. In some people, it can cause a fleeting headache, but it doesn't mean you
Will get one.
2. Theoretically, this can cause low blood pressure, but you probably won't have a problem.
3. Some people get blurred vision, but it may not happen in your case
4. There's a strong possibility that this will upset your stomach. In fact, it may make
you feel really ill.
5. Swelling of the ankle is not common, but it is possible-it can happen.
6. This may make you feel dizzy, so you should be careful when you drive.

1. An office job can lead to a ……………. lifestyle and snacking on unhealthy foods.
A. sedentary B. good C. active D. healthy
2.Healthy ….. and exercise
3…….healthy food.
4…….fatty good.
5.Busy and…,

MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 28

6…… and drinking alcohol

1. take up (some physical activity/minor changes)
2. kick (a new routine/old habits)
3. stick to (a new regime/the amount of exercise you do gradually)
4. settle into (a old habits/a new routine)
5. increase (a the amount of exercise you do gradually/a new regime)
6. make (a old habits/minor changes)
7. devise (a your own exercise programme/some physical activity)
 Add one of the phrases 1-7 to these sentences
a. Once you settle into a new routine you'll begin to notice some improvement
b. If you make minor changes and set yourself achievable aims, you'll be more likely to
c. It is difficult to stick a new regime but once you have got into it...
d. Have you thought of getting someone to help you devise your own exercise programme ?
e. Start small and then try to increase the amount of exercise you do gradually
f. It's better to take up some physical activity that fits into your daily routine
g. Kicking old habits is not easy, but it is not impossible to break them.
1. You should try to take it easy for a couple of days and have a couple of days off. (Have you
thought of)

MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 29

2. You should step up the exercise very gradually (It's better)

3. Spend more time on a physically demanding form of exercise. (You could)

4. Eat white meat or fish where you can rather than red meat. (Instead of eating red meat)

5. You should do something which will get you out and about. (Try and)

6. You should have a balanced rather than a crash diet. (You might)

1.. When you want to help patients change lifestyle habits, you should give them the general advice for
exercising such as: “If you make …………….and …………… yourself achievable aims, you will be more
likely to succeed”.
A. a new regime / have
B. some physical activity / find
C. old habits / make
D. minor changes/ set
2. Once you you'll begin to notice some improvement
A. a new regime / have
B. some physical activity / find
C. old habits / make
D. minor changes/ set
E.stick into a new routine
F.settle into a new routine
3. It is difficult to but once you have got into it...
A. .stick into a new routine
B.settle into a new routine
C. old habits / make
D. minor changes/ set

MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 30

4. …. you thought of ….. someone to help you ?
A.Have/getting/devise your own excerise programme.
B.Had /getting/devise your own excerise programme.
C. Have /gettings/devise your own excerise programme.
5.Start small and then try to…..
A.increase the amount of exerise you do gradually.
B. increasing the amount of exerise you do gradually.
6. It's better to that fits into your daily routine
A.take up some physical activity
B. some physical activity / find
C. old habits
D. minor changes
7……. is not easy, but it is not impossible to break them.
A.Kicking old habits
B.Kick old habits
C.olding habits
 Answer:
1. Have you thought of trying to take it easy for a couple of days and having a couple of days
2. It's better to step up the exercise very gradually
3. You could spend more time on a physically demanding form of exercise.
4. Instead af eating red meat, eat white meat or fish where you can
5. Try and do something which will get you out and about.
6. You might (like to) try having a balanced rather than a crash diet.
1.When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Does the pain spread anywhere else?” is used
to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. site B. radiation C. severity D. duration
2. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Can you tell me what the pain is like?” is used to ask
about ………….. of pain?
A. site B. radiation C. character/severity D. duration
3. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “How long have you had the pain?” is used to ask about
………….. of pain?
A. site B. radiation C. severity D. duration
4. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is there anything which makes the pain worse?” is used
to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. exacerbation B. alleviation C. onset D. trigger
11.When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Where do you get the pain?” is used to ask about
………….. of pain?
MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 31
11.When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “When did it start?” is used to ask about ………….. of
7. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is there anything which makes the pain better?” is used
to ask about ………….. of pain?
A. exacerbation B. alleviation C. onset D. trigger
8. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Does it wake you up at night?” is used to ask about
………….. of pain?
9. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Have you had the pain before ?” is used to ask about
………….. of pain?
A. previous episode
10. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is the pain constant ?” is used to ask about …………..
of pain?
11. 10. When taking history of the presenting complaint (HPC), the question “Is there anything which bring it on?” is used to ask
about ………….. of pain?

Ex2.1. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. She can’t walk properly. She’s got a pain in her …………..
A. calcaneus B. oesophagus C. carpus D. clavicle
2.He’s very tender here on the right side of the …. Near his kidney.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. carpus D. clavicle
3.Ahmed’s …. Feels as if it’s on fire when he swallow.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. carpus D. clavicle
4.He damaged his ….. when he fell on the pavement.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. Patella D. clavicle
5.James has got a crushing pain around the….. but nothing in his arms or leg.
A.abdomen B. oesophagus C. sternum D. clavicle
6. I think there is a fracture in the …. In the right hand.
A.abdomen B. umbilicus C. carpus D. clavicle
7.The pain radiates from around the…. To the back.
A.abdomen B. umbilicus C. carpus D. clavicle

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1.BP: 100/70mm/Hg. The abbreviation of BP stands for ……………
A. blood pressure B. beyond petroleumC. boiling point D. basic point
2. Pulse 100/min.The abbreviation of Pulse 100/min stands for ……………
A. blood pressure
B. one hundred beat per minute. hundred per minute.
3.JVP Not elevated . The abbreviation of JVP Not elevated stands for ……………
A.jugular venous pressure. ( áp lực tĩnh mạch cảnh)
B.jugular pressure
C.jular venuous pressure.
A.card very system /no abnormal detected.
B.card iovascular system/ no normal dected.
C.card iovascular system/no abnormal detected.
A.on examination.
B.on example
C.on examnation
A.central nervous system-no abnormality detected.
B.centeal never systems- no abnnormal detected.
C. central nervous system-no abnnormal detected.
A.millimetres of mercury
B. millimetres of mercuries
C. millimetres mercury/
16. The coughing ..... five days ago and it …………… so bad it …………… me up every night.
A.starts/ was / woke
B. started/is / wakes
C. started/has been / woken
D. started/has been / has woken
17. When …………… the attacks first ……………?
A. have / come on
B. do / come
C. are / coming on
D. did / come on
18….. anything …. it worse since it ….?
A.had /made/have started
19. He …. any medication in his life.
A.has never take
B.never taken
C.has never taken
D.has never take
20. What …. when you ….. near animals as a child?
21. My father …. over 20 years ago.
B.has died
MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 33
D.had died.
22. …. you ….these problems every day when you …. in Africa?
B.Has/got/has lived
23. …… coughing attacks like this before?
A.Have you ever had
B.Have you have
C.Had ever
D.Ever had
24. …. anyone in your family ever ….. an illness like this as far as you are aware?
1. The word “susceptible” in the sentence “He is susceptible to many minor illnesses” means …………… in non-technical
A. prone B. come and go C. there all the time D. book
2. The word “intermittent” in the sentence “You said your cough is intermittent” means …………… in non-technical language.
A. prone B. come and go C. there all the time D. book
3. The word “persistent” in the sentence “Your cough is persistent?” means …………… in non-technical language.
A. prone B. come and go C. there all the time D. book
4. The verb “hospitalize” in the sentence “You won’t have to be hospitalized” means …………… in non-technical language.
A. book B. come and go C. avoid D. admit
5. The verb “schedule” in the sentence “You are scheduled to see the nurse in the allergy clinic next Tuesday.” means
…………… in non-technical language.
A. book B. come and go C. avoid D. admit
1. For a first ward round with a consultant, find out from the bed managers if any patients have been moved and to where to avoid
wasting time… running around looking for patients.
A. T B. F
2. For a first ward round with a consultant, find out from the bed managers if any patients have been moved and to where
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
3. For a first ward round with a consultant, check that all the case notes, investigations, and so on are on the ward in that way you
can access information easily. (refer them quickly)
A. T B. F
4. For a first ward round with a consultant, invite a nurse who knows your patients to come on the ward rounds in that way you
can access information easily.
A. T B. F
5. For a first ward round with a consultant,make sure you know the names of your patients and where they are in the ward,……..
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
6. For a first ward round with a consultant, check that all the case notes, investigations, and so on are on the ward…..
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 34
7. For a first ward round with a consultant, invite a nurse who knows your patients to come on the ward rounds ….
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward.
8. For a first ward round with a consultant,record case histories and results clearly and concisely,…..
A. as you want to demonstrate that you are familiar with your patients.
B. to avoid wasting time running around looking for patients.
C. so that you can refer to them quickly.
D. because they may be more knowledgeable about the patients on the ward. that way you can acess information easily.

Provide (feedback/food/information/data)
Undertake (searches/procedures/surveys/investigations)
Assess (theory/attitude/competence/cost)
Identify (people/strengths/patients/places) Administer (medications/help/business/punishment) Seek (property/keys/time/help)
Consider (feelings/age/reason/cost)

1.The timing, the procedure, and the observer are chosen party by the trainee on the practical DOPs.
A. T
B. F
2.DOPS was adopted by the RCP.
3.Preparation for a DOPS encounter on the part of the trainee needs to be very evident.
4.Communication skills are ignored during the examination
5.During the year,trainess are examined by various assessors.
6.As part of the foundation programme,it is expected that the weaknesses of each trinee in a DOPS should be improved.
7.During a DOPS ,a trainee may seek help from anyone else
8.The timing, the procedure, and the observer are chosen soley by the trainee on the practical DOPs.
A. T
B. F
9.DOPS was created by the RCP.
10.Preparation for a DOPS encounter on the part of the trainee needs to be fairly evident.
11.Communication skills are considered during the examination
12.During the year,trainess are examined by the same assessors.
MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 35
13.As part of the foundation programme,it is suggested that the weaknesses of each trinee in a DOPS should be improved.
14.During a DOPS ,a trainee must seek help from anyone else
1.I’d like you to ……………. for me.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. make
2. Can you just …….. behind the screen and undress for me, please?
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. Make
3. Just …… for me. And again. That's fine.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. Make E. Cough
4. Can you ….. a tight fist for me? Fine
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D. Make E. Cough
5. I'd like you to ….. nice and still for me, if you can. OK.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D.keep
6. Could you (just) …. your head to the left? Yes. That's it.
A. pop B. stand up C. tilt D.keep

7.I need to examine your lower back, so if you could ….. onto your stomach (for me), (please). (Thank you)
A.turn B. stand up C. tilt D.keep
A.Ward Round Round
C.ward Round
D. ward Rounds
A. road traffic accident/road traffic collision
B.roads traffic accident/road traffic collision
C.road traffices accident/road traffic collision
D. road traffic accident/road traffic collisioes
3. Obs:
A. Observation(s)
B. Observations
C. Observationses
D. Observationes
A. temperature
6. INR
A. international normalized ratio
B. internationals normalized ratio
C international normalized ratioes
D. internationals normalized ratioes
7. LFT
A. liver function test
MTVAnh – Y2017ĐK – Page 36
B. liver function testes
C. liveres function test
D. liveres function testes
8. U+E
A. urea and electrolytes
B. urea and electrolyteses
C. ureas and electrolytes
D. urea and electrolytesess
10. (O/P in 6/52):
A.Out-patient in 6 weeks
B. Out-patient in 6 weeked
C. Out-patient in 6 weekss
D. Out-patient in 6 weeksed

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