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Example Scenario: Resolving a Conflict with a Client

You are presented with the following situation:
A client has expressed dissatisfaction with the results of the current advertising
campaign, claiming that the budget spent has not met expectations and has not led
to the anticipated increase in sales. The client is disappointed and is considering
ending the collaboration. Your task is to propose steps to resolve the conflict and
improve the situation.

Sample Response:
Step 1: Analyze the Situation

Gather Data:

Obtain complete information about the current advertising campaign: key metrics
(CTR, CPC, conversions), budget, target audience, and creatives.
Compare current results with the campaign's stated goals and the client's
Identify Issues:

Analyze where exactly the results fall short of expectations: low CTR, high cost
per click, insufficient traffic, or low conversion rates.
Determine if there have been any market changes or shifts in the target audience's
behavior that could have affected the results.
Step 2: Communicate with the Client

Hold a Meeting:

Schedule a meeting with the client to discuss the current situation. Prepare a
report with a detailed analysis of the campaign.
Start the conversation by acknowledging the problem and expressing a willingness to
find a solution.
Listen to the Client:

Allow the client to express their concerns and expectations. Try to understand
their perspective and emotional state.
Step 3: Propose Solutions

Campaign Optimization:

Suggest specific steps for improving results: changing keywords, adjusting

targeting, testing new creatives or advertising platforms.
Explain how each change will improve results and which metrics will be monitored to
measure success.
Budget Review:

Discuss the possibility of reallocating the budget to more effective channels or

campaigns that are already performing well.
Additional Measures:

Propose conducting A/B testing to validate hypotheses and optimize advertising

Discuss the possibility of temporarily increasing the budget to obtain more
accurate data and improve results.
Step 4: Action Plan and Follow-up

Develop an Action Plan:

Create a detailed plan with specific steps, timelines, and responsible persons.
Ensure that the client agrees with the plan and understands how results will be
Regular Reports and Meetings:

Establish regular reporting on campaign progress and optimization results.

Hold weekly or monthly meetings to discuss progress and make adjustments as needed.
Step 5: Conclude and Build Long-term Relationships

Evaluate Results:

After executing the action plan, assess the results and compare them with the
initial goals.
If positive changes are achieved, confirm that the client is satisfied with the new
Long-term Strategy:

Discuss further steps to maintain and improve results in the long term.
Focus on building trust and establishing a long-term partnership with the client.
Such an approach to resolving a conflict situation shows the client that you take
their concerns seriously and are willing to work on improving the results. This not
only helps retain the client but also strengthens the long-term relationship with

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