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IS 1536 : 1989 Indian Standard CENTRIFUGALLY CAST ( SPUN ) IRON PRESSURE PIPES FOR WATER, GAS AND SEWAGE — SPECIFICATION ( Third Revision ) wredta Aras at, ta att waa F fed wg F aaHexa at ( ea ) ara ret — fafarfez ( atarer gattert ) Second Reprint APRIL 1997 UDC 621°643'2-986 [ 669°13-142 ] Yr brnendmenli tee feetet Woot loo 117% prrdmient 0 ci 621-6-4-3 Super Jue / & aK OC IS 1536 : 1989 Indian Standard CENTRIFUGALLY CAST ( SPUN ) IRON PRESSURE PIPES FOR WATER, GAS AND SEWAGE — SPECIFICATION ( Third Revision ) 1 SCOPE 1.1 This standard covers the requirements for centrifugally cast ( spun ) iron pipes for pressure main lines for water, gas and sewage, manufac~ tured in metal (lined or unlined ) or sand* lined moulds. 1,2 This standard is applicable to cast iron pipes having socket/spigot ( both lead caulked or push on flexible) or flanges as specified in this standard. Incase of push-on joints the inner profile of socket end and spigot end of the pipe shall depend on the type of rubber gasket ensur- ing that the overall dimensions are maintained for reasons of safety and interchangeability. NOTE —The word ‘push on flexible joint’ have been referred as ‘push-on joint’ henceforth in this standard, 2 REFERENCES 2.1 The following Indian Standards are necessary adjuncts to this standard: IS No. IS 210 : 1978 Title Grey iron castings (third revision ) General requirements for the supply of metallurgical mate- rials ( first revision ) Method for Brinell hardness test for metallic materials (second revision ) Method of sampling of cast iron pipes and fittings Dimensional requirements of rubber gaskets for mechanical joints and push on joints for use with cast iron pipes and fittings for carrying water, gas and sewage — specification 3 CLASSIFICATION 3.1 Pipes have been cla: in this standard as LA, A and B according to their thicknesses. Class LA pipes have been taken as the basis for IS 1387 : 1967 IS 1500 : 1983, IS 11606 : 1986 AS 12820 : 1989 “*By sand it is to be understood, sand or mineral based materials used in foundry trade irrespective of the type of bonding agent, envolving the series of pipes. Class A allows a 10 percent increase in thickness over class LA. Class B allows a 20 percent increase in thick- ness over Class LA. 3.1.1 For special uses, Classes C, D or E may be derived after allowing corresponding increases, of thickness of 30, 40 or 50 percent respectively. 4 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL 4.1 The general requirements relating to the supply of the material shall be as laid down in IS 1387 : 1967. 5 MANUFACTURE 5.1 The metal used for the manufacture of pipes shall conform to the appropriate as grade speci- fied in IS 210: 1978 in commensurate with the requirements laid down in the standard. It shall be prepared at the discretion of the manufac- turer ina cupola, an active mixer or other suita- ble furnace. 5.2 The pipes shall be stripped with all precau- tions to avoid warping or shrinkage defects, detrimental to their good quality. The pipes shall be sound and free from surface or other defects. Pipes showing small imperfections which result from the method of manufacture and which do not affect their serviceability shall not be rejected on that account alone. Minor defects arising out of manufacturing process may be rectified with the consent of the purchaser. 5.3 The pipes shall be such that they could be cut, drilled or machined. In case of dispute the pipes may be accepted provided hardness mea- sured on the external unmachined surface does not exceed 230 HBS. 5.4 Pipes centrifugally cast in unlined water cooled moulds shall bz heat treated in order to achieve the necessary mechanical properties and to relieve casting stresses; provided that the specified mechanical properties are satisfied. Pipes cast under controlled cooling conditions need not be heat treated. 5.4.1 If necessary, the pipes may be subjected to reheat treatment to ensure that Brinell hardness does not exceed the specified value. 5.5 In case of push-on joint, the spigot ends shall be suitably chamfered for smooth entry of IS 1536: 1989 pipe in the socket fitted with the rubber gasket. Tn the case of lead joint pipes, the spigot may or may not have chamfered ends. 5.6 In case of flanged pipes, the flanges shall be at right angles to the axis of the pipe and machined on face. The bolt holes shall be drilled. The bolt hole circle shall be concentric with the bore, and the two flanges of the pipe shall be correctly aligned. 5.7 The cast iron pipes having screwed-on flanges shall be sealed at the threaded joint bet- ween the pipes and the flange by a suitable sealing compound. Unless otherwise specified, the sealing compound applied to the threaded joint shall be suitable for use with ‘raw’ and potable water ( up to a temperature of 100°C ), gas and normal domestic sewage. 5.7.1 Alternative types of sealing compound for pipes used for other duties, such as the carrying of industrial cfiluents or chemicals shall_be the subject of agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 8 In case of flanged pipes (with screwed flanges ), the method of screwing and the exact form of the thread are'left to the discretion of the manufacturer in view of the fact that the flanges are never removed after screwing on the barrels of the pipes. 6 RUBBER GASKETS 6.1 Rubber gasket for use with push-on joints shall conform to IS 12820 : 1989. 7 SAMPLING 7.1 Sampling criteria for the various tests, unless specified in the standard, shall be as laid down in IS 11606 : 1986. 8 MECHANICAL TESTS 8.0 General Mcchenical tests shall be carried out during manufacture. Tests for every four hours of preduction shall be conducted. However, for pipes 700 DN and above manufactured by con- trolled cooled process, at least one tensile test for every 25 pipes or part thereof produced during the day shall be conducted. The result obtained shall be taken to represent all the pipes of cil sizes made during that pericd. 81 Ring Test and Tensile Test ‘Two test pieces obtained by cutting rings or bars from the spigot end of two pipes selected for testing except for pipes manufactured under controlled ccoled process described in 8.0, when tested in accordance with the methods specified > in Annex A shall the ‘ satisfy requirements: following a) Ring Test (for pipes centrifugally cast in metal moulds ) Nominal Diameter Modulus of Rupture, Min MPa Up to and including 300 mm 400 b) Tensile Test Type of Nominal Tensile Moulding Diameter Strength Min, MPa i) For pipes centri- Over 300 mm 200 fugally cast im and up to and metal moulds _including 600 mm Over 600 mm 180 ii) For pipes centri- All diameters fugally cast in sand lined moulds 180 8.1.1 All pipes from which rings or bars have been cut shall be accepted by the purchaser as complete lengths. 8.2 Brinell Hardness Test For checking the Brinell hardness specified in 5.3 the test shall be carried out on the test ring or bars cut from the pipes used for tests under 8.1 in accordance with IS 1500 : 1983. 8.3 Retest If any piece representing a lot fails in the first instance two additional tests shall be made on test pieces selected from two other pipes from the same lot. If both the test results satisfy the specified requirements, the lot shall be accepted. Should either of these additional test pieces fail, the lot shall be deemed as not complying with this standard. 8.3.1 In the event of lot not found conforming to this standard, the same may be reoffered for inspection after reheat treatment. 9 HYDROSTATIC TEST 9.1 Pipes shall be tested hydrostatically at the pressure specified in Tables 1 and 2, as appro- priate, To perform the test, the pressure shall be applied internally and shall be steadily main- tained for a period of minimum 15 seconds during which pipes may be struck moderately with a 700g hammer. The pipes shall with- stand the pressure test and shall not show any sign of leakage, sweating or other defects. As far as possible the hydrostatic test shall be con- ducted before coating the pipes. 9.2 Works Test Requirements Socket and spigot pipes shall withstand test Pressures specified in Table 1. Flanged pipes shall withstand hydrostatic test pressures speci- fied in Table 2. NOTE — Suggested maximum pressure ( inclusive of surge) and maximum hydrostatic test pressure after installation for socket and spigot pipes and flanged pipes are given in Annex B for information. 9.2.1 When pipes are required for higher test Pressures, test pressures are subject to special agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. Table 1 Hydrostatic Test Pressures for Centrifugally Cast Socket and Spigot Pipes (Clauses 9.1 and 9.2) Class: Hydrostatic Test Pressure at ‘Works, MPa I ay ci ‘Up to 600 DN* Above a @ @) LA 35 rs A 35 20 B 35 25 *DN — Nominal diameter. Table 2 Hydrostatic Test Pressure for Centrifugally Cast Flanged Pipes (Clauses 9.1 and 9.2) Ci static Test Pressure at Works, lass Hydrostatic Test Pressure at Wo ‘Upto 300DN* 35010 600 DN a @ e@ B 35 20 *DN — Nominal diameter. IS 1536 : 1989 as follows: 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1 000, and 1 050 mm. NOTE — Nominal diameter is a number used to classify pipes and corresponds approximately to their internal diameter. 10.2 Working lengths ‘L’ of socket and spigot pipes and for flanged pipes followed in this standard are as follows: a) Socket and spigot pipes : 3°66, 4, 4°5, 5, and 5°5 m b) Flanged pipes: 2°75, 3, 4, 4°5, 5, and 525 m 10.3 Dimensions for socket and spigot of pipes for lead joint and for push-on joint irrespective of class (see 3) are given in Tables 3 and Table 4 respectively. 10.4 Dimensions of screwed flanges of pipes and standard flange drilling of flanged pipes are given in Table 5. 10.5 Dimensions and mass of uncoated socket and barrel of the pipes are given in Tables 6, 7, and 8 for Class LA, A and B respectively. 10.6 Dimensions and mass of uncoated flanges and barrel of flanged pipes (Class B ) centri- fugally cast with screwed flanges are given in Table 9. NOTE — Mass for sockets, ‘a8 given in Tables 6 to 9 are calculated on the basis of the density of cast iron as 7"15 ke/dm*, 11 TOLERANCE 11.1 Tolerance on Barrel Diameter and Socket Dimensions ( Lead Joint ) The tolerances shall be as follows: Dimensions ‘Nominal Diameter Tolerances DN mm a) External diameter of barrel _ All diameters £4f = +£(45 + 00015 DN) (DE) b) Internal diameter of socket All diameters +3f=+(3 +0001 DN) (21) ¢) Depth of socket ( P ) Up to and including #5 DN 600 Over DN 600 up to +10 and includi 10 SIZES AND MASS 10.1 The range of nominal diameter, DN, of pipes and flanges followed in this standard is jing 1 050 NOTE — ‘f*is the caulking space of the joint in mm and is equal to (9 + 0-003 DN’). 1.1.1 The maximum or minimum jointing space resulting from these tolerances is such that the jointing of the pipes and fittings is not adversely affected. IS 1536 : 1989 11.2 Tolerance on Barrel Diameter and Socket Dimensions ( Push-on Joint ) The tolerances shall be as follows: Nominal Tolerances on Socket Dimensions and Barrel, in mm Disc ee piste a DN DI i LK P @ ° N DE mm 20-200 #10 +20 £20 + 50 430 $05 410 +10 950300 £15 +20 475 450 450 £05 410 £225 350-450 HESS) BO sgidse OEE oe bie seme pa. ck LO ae 2°28 £175 +20 £05 410 4225 a0 600 —175 £35 4100 440 700-800 25 + a £40 4100 450 +05 +410 +275 sooo) «$30 440 +50 $100 460 405 410 4325 Table 3. Dimensions of Sockets and Spigots of Pipes ( Lead Joint ) (Clause 10.3 ) LR aaa vomion XY # = 204003 DN xz A= 8 40025 DN f= 9 +0003 DN Alll dimensions in millimetres, Barrel Socket Dimensions Joint DE a a Tilcineas DI Pe h «KLM NY 2G) GS Cw 0) a eo ® ® ® ® a m2) 8 % ie %4 fs io St Py ae ee) 100 JU EASA 28, 25D un. Iesombie woe: geysaue gama MiNURtS sat ey 13s 1 te Oe a es kA 150 1m 189 94 35 120 3 S Suess leer iG. da dans 200 22 «21 = 1002603038 B53 gs Sdag7e edgee 5, 250 m m4 MS oS MS ose | BS R818 300 26 M6038 SS 5S 350 e308 107sss TOSS kd 400 2 49 «6110 0S SSD 450 #0 50 6112 3s 08S 3 500 5323833. 3500S SS 600 as 657 «0823035 500 e900 2 was 3S BSS 750 590 813,328 OOS 800 2 «86528 4028S SSH 300 33h CBC (CtiaTOs3S SS 1000 10a 1072 «128500330 gS 2D 1050 114 113 «(1280860 SOS KD NOTES 1 Dimensions K, L, M and N are for guidance only. 2 Dimensional figures ‘g’ and ‘A* do not affect interchangeability, they only indicate minimum permissible thickness, 3 For alternate design L = M. Table 4 Dimensions of Sockets and Spigots of Pipes for Pash-on Joints (Clause 10.3) All dimensions in millimetres. Nominal Barrel Socket Di i a fin a) oo ®@ & © M & @ a) Gy ay «Ux a «ay 95 89 «$2 121ssdT-—«sdss=saDs SS SO 80108. 100% 115.279 1190 9F%) 52 TT PS SON 40 0 Is 151414594 S216 162 14B_sZs SS S40 1200 150-167 9 «17094 52_s«d1:sBB MHC SS SOOO 127 200 «219-9 «2230010260 2HB 244 22H 1S GS GOSS 140 250-271 «9 «25S 106 «62299 9S 2BeCISC GS GOSS 300 «323 «93280110 7-355 350 33117 BO 7050 167 350 «375 «14380510 GT 407 02.389 TOTO 50. 181 400 426 «14 «43151274 GL: 4365-435 1990 805.0. 194 450 «477«14' «482574 S12 SOT 48S 19 9D BO 50s 208 300 «$29 «14 «$350 «IT. B1_S67'S 56253821 100 90 $00 600 © 632_—«14-««G3BO«12S «GGT: GHB AZ M0100 50 0248 700 735 «1S «742513888 78D. HSC CD00 S$ $0250 750-787 «1S 7950-143 L834 T7987 LD 1000 S00 027-0 800 «839158470143 S886. BBO «85022 1000 G0 S028 900 942 «15952043 L:SCi8D« 9B. 953-2212 GD GO 28-0 1000 1045 19 10550 143 91-1092 1086 1056 2212010 GO GO -300 1050 1118 19 11280 143 «91 1165 1157 1134 23 «120 «110 60 D320 NOTES 1 Dimensions S, T and L are for guidance only. 2 For nominal diameters DN 600 and above the sockets may be without centering ring as in the alternative sketch given above. IS 1536: 1989 ‘Table 5 Dimensions of Screwed Flanges of Pipes and Standard Flange Drilling of Flanged Pipes (Clause 10.4) b= 19 + 0-028 DN sale = 74002 DN A-HOLES EQUALLY SPACED HOLES ORILLED OFF-CENTRES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED All dimensions in millimetres. Nomiaal . DN a : Diameter of A Bolts w @ @ oO © 6 a ® ) 0) 30 160 200 no | 42 6 1 4 19 16 100 180 220 2200044 6 1B 8 19 16 125 210 250 25 45 6 19 8 19 16 150240 28s Bo 46 6 20 8 B 20 200 295 ‘MO 4s 48 6 2 8 2B 20 250 350 395 26052 6 24 2 2 20 300400 us ars 35 6 26 2 23 20 350 460 505 20 38 8 28 16 2B 20 400 sis 565 3006 8 30 16 28 24 450 570 20 3564 8 32 16 28 26 300 620 670 30 7 8 34 20 28 24 ‘600 ns 780 36070 8 38 20 an a ‘NOTES 1 The method of screwing and the exact form of thread shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer as the flanges are never removed after screwing on the barrels of the pipes. 2 Thickness ‘c’ is equal to the thickness of the pips or fitting comprising flange. 3 Dimensions, r and + do not affect interchangeability and are for guidance onl; Table 6 Socket and Spigot Pipes ( Lead Joint )— Class LA (Clause 10.5) = 10/12 (7+ 002 DN) Nominal Barrel Socket Total Mass for One Working Length, Diameter —— ee ‘Mass Linke DN DE e ‘Mass for — ae mm mm One Metre 3°66 m 4m 45m kg ke a 2 © @ @) © a ® o (10) 80 9872 14.7 55 59°3 64:3 - 79 = 100 ug 75 186 a 752 ars 90% 100 109, 125 1440079 242 92 O78 106 18 130 142 150 170-83 301 ws 122 132 147 162 177 200 222 92 440 168 178 193 2s 237 259 250 214 100 59:3 29 240 260 290 319 349 300 326 108 165 298 310 336 374 412 412 350 378 LT 963 375 390 423 47 519) 567 400 429° 1251169 463 44 514 32 631 690 450 480 © 1331410 56-0 372 620 6905761 832 500 532 1421652 660 ont nr 809 392, 974 600 635 158 298 89:3 894 968 1078 «1188 = 1.298 700 738 17S 283-2 1168 1153 1250 1391 15331675 750 790 183 3172 1317 1293 1400 1559 1718 11876 800 84219-23549) 147-8 1447 1567 1745-1922 2100 900 945 208 4318 1826 1763 1910 2126 2342-2558 1000 10482255183 2223 2119 2295 2555 2814 «3.073 1050 «11242365834 309.6 2445 2643 2935 «© 3227 3.518 Table 7 Socket and Spigot Pipes ( Lead Joint ) — Class A (Clause 10.5) i SI i ath OE} "| - - if ' i 4 aii L = 11/127 + 002 DN) Nominal Barrel Socket Total Mass for One Working Length Z, in ke Diameter —— Mass — = DN DE e 3-66 m 4m 45m Sm SSm mm oo mm mm kg ® 2 @ 0 © ® ®) @ a0) 30 98 19 55 64 OS TTS ass 2 100 100 83 TL 82 89 985 109 120 125 4 87 92 106 ws 128 141 155 150 170 92 33-2 is 133 144 161 178 194 200 222 10-1 481 16-8 193 209 233 257 281 2500 «214110 650 229261 283 315348 380 300 326 wg $40 29°8 337 366 408 450 492 30378128 1050 375 an 438 510 ($63 os 400 429 13°8 128-7 463 SIT ‘561 625, 690, 154 450 «480147 1560 © 56-0627 680 758836 a4 30532156 1810 650728 730 a805 om 1061 600 635 174 2414 893 973 1055 1176 1296 1417 700 738193, 366812871363, 1519 1675 1830 750 7190 202 3489 © 131-7 1409 1527 1702 1876 2051 300 8422 391 1478 «157217041899 2.093 2288 900 945, 229 4743 182°6 1918 2.080 2317 2554 2791 1000 1048 248 570°0 222°3 2308 2502 2787 3072 3357 10501124 26-0 642 3096-2656 2874 3195-3516 3.836 Table 8 Socket and Spigot Pipes.( Lead Joint ) — Class B (Clause 10.5) e=7+002 DN ‘Nominal Barrel Socket ‘Total Mass for One Working Length L, in kg Diameter ee Mass << _ = ‘Mass for DN DE e One Metre 366 m 4m 45m Sm sSm mm mm mm ke kg a @ @ @) © oO iy) ® © (10) 80 98 86 173 55 6m 4s 85 92 = 100 118 90 22:0 7 88 95 106 117 128 125 144 95 287 92 14 124 138 153 167 150 170 10.0 359 LS 143 155 173 191 209 200-222 10 S21 168 207 225 251 278 304 202214 120 6 = 229 281 305 341 376 au 300 326 13-0 14 298 364 395 441 487 533 350 378 140 M45 375 457 495 553 610 667 400 429 150 1395 463, 537 604 614 144 ais 450 480 160 1690 560 675 732 816 901 986 500 532 170 1967 660 786 853 9511049 1148 600 635 190 2629 8931052 114112721404 1535 700 738 210 3382 «1681.35 1470 16391808 1972 750 790 22-0 3806 131-7 -1:525 1646 = 1844-2029 2225 800 842 23-0 2x1 14781696 1840 2052-2263 2475 900 945 250 S166 1826 ©2073 2249 2507-2766 3.024 1000 1.048 270 6192 2223-2489 2699 = 3009-3318 3628 1050 1126 29-0 7133 3096 2920 3.163 3519 3.876 4233 IS 1536 : 1989 Table 9 Flanged Pipes Centrifagally Cast with Screwed Flanges —Class B ( Clause 10.6 ) 08 | @=7 +002 DN ‘Nominal Barrel Total Mass for One Working Length L, in kg Diameter = < ‘Mass for DN DE e One Metre 275m 3m 4m 45m Sm 525m om mm mm kg kg @ 2 8 @® 6) © @, ® ° ao) 80, 98 86 ITS. 43 562 «6S TTB 86S 9541 100 1890-220 30 705 760 = 98:0 109. 120 125 144095 38-7 66 O21 993128 142 157 150 170 100 «35:9 82 ns 124 160 178 196 200 22 WO) S214 166179 231 257 283 250 24 1200 706147 242 312 347 382 300 3213009148 28D HHL 403 448 494 350 378140 sMa'S 2235736 500 558 ols 400 49 1501395273 3B 473 613 682 132 450 480 160 1668 326 524 566 732 816 899 500 532170 196-7384 617 666 863 961 1.060. 600 635 190-2629 52 B2B NFS 1156 1288411485 NOTES. The method of screwing and the exact form of threads shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer as ‘the flanges are never removed after screwing on the barrel of the pipes. 2. If'so required the flanges may be spot welded on the back side after screwing. 11.2.1 Tolerance on Ovality ( Push-on Joint ) Incase of oval spigot ends (DE) the minor axis is permitted to be less than the minimum allowable diameter by value given below provi- ded the mean diameter DE measured by circum- ferential tape comes within the minimum allow- able dimensions of DE ( Table 4 ) after applying tolerance: Nominal Diameter Allowable Difference DN Between Minor Axis and DE, Min mm 80-300 10 350-600 1°75 700 200 750-800 24 900-1 050 35 11.3 Tolerance on Thickness The tolerance on the wall thickness e and the Dimensions Tolerance in mm a) Wall thickness — (1+ 005e)* b) Flange thickness + (2 +0055) where ‘e’ is the thickness of the wall in mm and “b’ is the thickness of the flange in mm, ‘No limit for the plus tolerance is specified. 11.4 Tolerance on Length The tolerance on length of pipes shall be as follows: Type of Casting Tolerance in mm a) Socket and spigot and £25 plain ended pipes b) Flanged pipes £10 11.4.1 On the total number of socket and spigot pipes to be supplied in each diameter, the manu- facturer may supply up to 10 percent in lengths shorter than the specified length as follows: Specified Length Decrease in Length Upto 4m 05, 1m Over 4m 05,1, 15, 2m 10 11.5 Permissible Deviation from a Straight Line The pipes shall be straight. When rolled along two gentries separated by approximately two- thirds the length of the pipe to be checked, the maximum deviation from a_ straight line in mm shall not be greater than 1°25 times the length “L’ in metres of the pipe, thus fu S125L 11.6 Flanges Tolerances for the various dimensions of flanges shall be as follows: Description Size Tolerance mm mm D(ascast) Upto250mm +3°0 0 D(ascast) Above 250mm + 5°0 =—1s c Upto 250mm + 1'0 C Above 250mm £.1°S d Upto 300mm =+2°0 = 00 d Above 300mm + 3:0 -—00 11.7 Tolerance on Mass 11.7.1 The permissible tolerances on standard mass of pipe shall be - 5 percent. 11.7.2 The pipes of the heavier mass than the maximum shall be accepted provided they com- ply in every other respect with the requirements of this standard. 12 COATING 12.1 Each pipe shall be coated in accordance With 121.1 to 121.5, 12.1.1 Coating shall not be applied to any pipe unless its surfaces are clean, dry and free from rust. 12.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed between the pur- chaser and the manufacturer all pipes shall be coated externally and internally with the same material by dipping in a tar or suitable base bath, The pipes may be either preheated before dipping or the bath may be uniformly heated. JS 1536 1 1989 Alternatively, if mutually agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the pipes may be coated by spraying or brush painting. 12.1.3 The coating material shall set rapidly with good adherence and shall not scale off. 12.1.4 Where the coating material has a tar or similar base, it shall be smooth and tenacious and hard enough not to flow when exposed to a tem- perature of 65°C but not so brittle at a tempera ture of 0°C as to chip off when scribed lightly with a penknife. 12.1.5 When the pipes are to be used for con- veying potable water the inside coating shall not contain any constituent soluble in such water or any ingredient which could impart any taste or whatsoever to the potable water after steriliza- tion and suitable washing of the mains, 12.2 Pipes with or without sockets and flanges which are imperfectly coated or where the coating does not set or conform to the re= quired quality, specified in 12.1.1 to 12.1.5 the coating shall be removed and the pipes/flanges recoated. 13 MARKING 13.1 Each pipe shall have cast, stamped or in- delibly painted on it the following appropriate marks: a) Manufacturer's name, initials or identifi- cation mark; b) The nominal diameter; c) Class reference; d) Mass of pipe; ©) The last two digits of the year of manufac- ture. 33.1.1 Marking may be done: a) on the socket faces of pipe centrifugally cast in metal mould, and b) on the outside of the socket or on the barrel of pipe centrifugally cast in sand mould. 13.2 Any other marks required by the purcha- ser may be painted on. ANNEX A (Clause 8.1) MECHANICAL TESTS A-1 RING TEST FOR PIPES CENTRI- FUGALLY CAST IN-METAL MOULDS A-1.1 On pipes of up to and including 300 mm nominal diameter, rings of approximately 25 mm width shall be tested on a suitable machine. The ings shall be supported on two knife edges diametrically opposed and the load applied from the inside at these points ( see Fig. 1). A-L..1 The moulds of rupture of the ring shall be calculated from the breaking load by the IS 1536: 1989 following formula: — 3P(D-e) Ro be where R = modulus of rupture of the ring in MPa, P = breaking load in newtons, D = external dia of the ring in mm, € = wall thickness of the ring in mm, and b = breadth of the ring in mm, 6 mm which may vary with the thickness of the pipe. The ends are prepared so as to fit the test- ing machine ( see Fig. 2). A 7 | DIAG = © All dimensions in millimetres. Fic. 2. TENstLe Test SPECIMEN NOTE—If agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer the dimensions of the test bars shall be as follows: All dimensions in millimetres, Fic. 1 Rive Test Thickness of Diameter of Radius of Cur A-2 TENSILE TESTS ON BARS FOR PIPES 2a Fei Sor vature ( Min) CENTRIFUGALLY CAST IN METAL OR a @) @) RESIN SAND MOULDS as ps i A-2.1 The tensile test bars cut from the pipes are Ofu"15 ‘and upto17_ 10 2 about 90 mm long, and havea diameter of about Over 17 4 2 ANNEX B [ Clause 9.2 ( Note )] HYDROSTATIC SITE TEST PRESSURES AND HYDRAULIC WORKING PRESSURE Bel Suggested maximum hydrostatic site test pressure (inclusive of surge ) may be followed pressure and maximum fydraulic working as under: Nominal Description Suggested Maximum Suggested Maximum Diameter Hydrostatic Site Test | Hydraulic Working DN Pressure Pressure in MPa (Inclusive of Surge ) MPa aw (2) @). (4) 80-600 Spigot and socket spun pipes 16 10 . Class LA 80-600 Spigot and socket spun pipes 20 125 Class A 80-600 Spigot and socket spun pipes 25 16 Class B 700-1 050 Spigot and socket spun pipes 1s 10 Class LA 700-1 050 Spigot and socket spun pipes 20 12 Class A 700-1 050 Spigot and socket spun pipes 25 25 Class B 80-300 Flanged pipes, class B 25 16 350-600 Flanged pipes, class B 20 16 1 2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 JANUARY 1992 TO IS 1536: 1989 CENTRIFUGALLY CAST (SPUN ) IRON PRESSURE PIPES FOR WATER, GAS AND SEWAGE — SPECIFICATION (Third Revision) [ Page 2, clause 8.1 (a), col 2] — Substitute ‘390’ for “400 ( Page 4, informal table under clause 11.2, col 9) — Substitute ‘+ 2.0" for “41.0° against DN 80 - 200. (Page 4, Table 3 ) — Substitute ‘a’ for ‘c’ in the lower figure. (Page 5, Table 4, figure ) — Substitute the following figure for the existing ie: (Page 7, Table 6, col 10 ) — Substitute ‘450° for ‘412? against DN 300. (Page 7, Table 6, col 5) — Substitute ‘309.6’ for ‘309 6” against DN 1 050. (Page 8, Table 7, col 2) — Substitute “118” for ‘100? against DN 100. (Page 8, Table 7, col 8 ) — Substitute ‘99 for 98.5’ against DN 100. (Page 9, Table 8, col 8 )— Substitute ‘83’ for “85° against DN 80. (Page 9, Table 8, col 10 ) — Substitute ‘1 977° for ‘1 972? against DN 700. (Page 10, Table 9, col 11) — Substitute ‘164” for ‘169° against DN 125. (Page 10, Table 9, col 4) — Substitute ‘169.0? for “166.8” against DN 450. ( Page 10, Table 9, col 6 to 11) — Substitute ‘530” , ‘572’, ‘741’, ‘826, ‘910° and ‘952" for *524”, ‘566’, 732’, ‘816’, ‘899° and ‘941’ respectively. (Page 12, Annex B, col 4) — Substitute ‘15° for ‘2.5? against DN 700 - 1050. AMENDMENT NO. 2 NOVEMBER 1993 TO IS 1536 ; 1989 CENTRIFUGALLY CAST (SPUN) IRON PRESSURE PIPES FOR WATER, GAS AND SEWAGE — SPECIFICATION (Third Revision ) (Page 1, clause 5.1 ) — Substitute the following for the existing clause: ‘5.1 The metal used for the manufacture of pipes shall be of good quality cast iron. It shall be prepared, at the discretion of the manufacturer, in a cupola or an active mixer or other suitable furnace.’ [ Page 3, clause 10.2 (a) | — Substitute the following for the existing clause: a) Socket and spigot pipes 3.66, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 and 6.0 m’. (Page 3, clause 10.5 ) — Substitute the following for the existing clause: ‘10.5 Dimensions and mass of uncoated socket and barrel of both the lead joint and push-on joint pipes are given in Tables 6, 7 and 8 for Class LA, A and B respectively.’ (Page 4, clause 11.2, col 2, first entry for D- 1) — Substitute ‘+ 1.5” for 21.0’. (Page 7, Table 6 ) — Insert the following note at the end of table: ‘NOTE — The wall thickness of DN 1 050 has been calculated based on the actual diameter of 1 076 mm which is the practice.” (Pages 7,8 and9 ) — Delete the term “Lead Joint’ from the existing titles of Tables 6, 7 and 8.

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