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“Exploring the Psycho-Social Challenges faced by Public-Sector University students with

physical motor disability in Pakistan: A qualitative investigation”


Swaira Abid

Department of Psychology,

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

University of Central Punjab

54000 Lahore, Pakistan

Ms. Ayesha Khalil

Senior Lecturer at Department of Psychology,

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

University of Central Punjab

54000 Lahore, Pakistan


Background: A large number of population is facing physical disability, that made their
day to day living difficult. As students of such population face many challenges due to their
physical handicapped element. The purpose of the research was to explore the psycho-social
challenges faced by physical disable students in Public-Sector Universities of Pakistan.

Methodology: As the topic is exploratory in nature, a qualitative methodology was

employed to penetrate into the topic under investigation. Purposive sampling of non-probability
approach was used to collect the data from Public-Sector Universities of Pakistan. Detailed semi-
structured interviews were conducted on seven participants who have physical motor disability,
from 7th and 8th semester of BS (hons). The interviews lasted from 35-45 minutes.

Results: By using Thematic Analysis, eight themes emerged: (a) unsupportive class
fellows, (b) unsupportive teachers, (c) discriminatory attitudes, (d) misperception of disability,
(e) uncomfortable gaze, (f) unwanted feelings, (g) low self-esteem and (h) social anxiety. The
findings both support and contribute to the knowledge of this kind of experience.

Conclusion: The research highlights the importance of training teachers and conducting
awareness campaigns to educate students about supporting physically handicapped individuals in
class by discouraging discrimination. Additionally, organizing accessible outdoor activities for
disabled individuals can enhance skills, foster confidence, and alleviate social anxiety. Future
researchers should conduct one-on-one interviews and perform a comparative study between
students with physical motor disabilities in public and private sector universities.

Novelty Statement: The research underscores unique themes, specifically the

misperception of disability and the phenomenon of the uncomfortable gaze. These themes
underscore the potential impact of such perceptions on psychological well-being. Notably, the
study identifies a distinct case wherein disability is regarded as a blessing. In this particular
instance, the attention and affection garnered from nearby individuals elevate the participant to a
central position in social situations, providing insight into diverse perspectives on disability.

Keywords: Challenges, Physical disable students, higher educational institutions,

qualitative research, thematic analysis.
Author Biography:

Author 1: Ms. SWAIRA ABID, is a dedicated researcher with expertise in Social & Clinical
Psychology. Holding a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, I have contributed significantly
to the field through following research study. With a focus on "Psycho-Social Challenges
Encountered by Students with Physical Motor Disabilities in Public-Sector Universities in
Pakistan," this research investigates the primary psychological and social hurdles faced by these
students. The study underscores the impact of social interactions in the surrounding environment
on the development of psychological challenges.

Swaira Abid
Department of Psychology,
University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Author II:

Ayesha Khalil
Senior Lecturer, Psychology Department, Faculty of Humanities
& Social Sciences
University of central Punjab

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