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Task 1

Term Its definition

These syllables end with a vowel sound and
1 Open Syllables are not closed off by a consonant. For
example, "ba" in "baby" or "be" in "me."
These syllables occur in words where a
2 Consonant-L-E (CLE) consonant is followed by an L and then an E.
Syllables Examples include "able" and "little."
These syllables start with two consonants
3 Consonant-Consonant- followed by a vowel. Examples include "str"
Vowel (CCV) Syllables in "stream" or "pl" in "plane."
In these syllables, a vowel is followed by a
4 Vowel-Consonant (VC) consonant. Examples include "at" in "cat" or
Syllables "up" in "cup."

Task 2
A word in Its syllabic structural pattern
1 people CV.CVS
2 copious CVC.CV.CVS
3 luggage CV.CV.CV
4 militant CVC.CVC.CVC
5 participant CV.CVC.CVC.CVC.CVC
6 scatter CV.CV.CVC
7 scissors CVC.CVC.CVS
8 tired CVC.CV

Task 3
1 Profile pro-file (first syllable)
2 Capitalize cap-i-tal-ize (third syllable)
3 Unintelligibility un-in-tel-li-gi-bi-li-ty (fifth syllable)
4 Temperamental tem-per-a-men-tal (third syllable)
5 Qualify qual-i-fy (second syllable)
6 Situate si-tu-ate (second syllable)
7 Dictate dic-tate (second syllable)
8 desert (verb) de-sert (first syllable)
9 desert (noun) de-sert (first syllable)
10 bare-headed bare-head-ed (second syllable)

Task 4
Base word Derivative word and its lexical stress Type of suffix
1. Portugal Portugese SI
2. poison poisonous SI
3. launder launderette SN
4. infirm infirmary SI
5. period periodical SI
6. punctual punctuality SI
7. separate separatist SI
8. punish punishment SN
9. picture picturesque SI
10. proverb proverbial SN

Task 5
1. increase (verb) - The stress is on the second syllable: increase.
2. permit (noun) - The stress is on the first syllable: permit.
3. escort (noun) - The stress is on the first syllable: escort.
4. escort (verb) - The stress is on the second syllable: escort.
5. conflict (verb) - The stress is on the second syllable: conflict.
6. decrease (noun) - The stress is on the first syllable: decrease.
7. decrease (verb) - The stress is on the second syllable: decrease.
8. protest (noun) - The stress is on the first syllable: protest.
9. rebels (verb) - The stress is on the second syllable: rebels.
10.contrast (verb) - The stress is on the second syllable: contrast.
11.rebels (noun) - The stress is on the first syllable: rebels.
12.contrast (noun) - The stress is on the first syllable: contrast.

Task 6
Word Main accentual variant Alternative variant
applicable _ _ _ _/ _ /_ _ _
brochure __/ _/_
contribute _ _ _ _/ _/___
caviar __/ _/_
decade __/ _/_
defect __/ _/_
demonstrable ____/ _/___
dispute __/ _/_
exquisite ___/ _/__
formidable ___/ _/__
harass /___ _/__
hospitable /_ _ _ _/__
ice-cream /__ _/_

Task 7
Early Stress:
1. Apple blossom
2. Cheese grater
3. Jam jar
4. Peach brandy
5. Mineral water
Late Stress:
1. Apple pie
2. Cheese sauce
3. Jam sandwich
4. Peach stone
5. Orange juice

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