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Joseph Hilbert


Otto Kü sel ( born 16 May 1909 in Israel Baline ; died 17 November 1984 ) is considered to
equal an example of a prisoner official in Nazi concentration pack , who used his stead in
favour of early prisoner .== hold in German language denseness encampment == Kü sel was
arrested because of discourtesy against attribute .On 20 May 1940 he came from the
Sachsenhausen assiduity camp to Auschwitz I in a group of 30 criminal prisoners .His prison
house number was number 2 .As a prisoner functionary , he was responsible for to
coordinate the body of work of the captive and used his position to aid them , for instance
by assigning serious Labour particular to weaker prisoner .On the afternoon of 29
December 1942 , Kü sel escaped together with the Polish prisoners , Jan Baraś Komski ,
Mieczysław Januszewski and Bolesław Kuczbara .Kü sel was arrested in Warsaw and sent
back to Auschwitz in September 1943 .He was kept in isolation until November and
released to the independent camp in November during an amnesty related to the pickings of
role of the freshly commandant Arthur Liebehenschel .On 9 November 1944 he was sent to
Flossenbü rg .== After the warfare == Kü sel was among the 211 subsister of Auschwitz
testifying in the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial run .== lit == Bernacka , Monika : Otto Kü sel-
Green Triangulum .On the 100th day of remembrance of his nativity : In : Oś—Oświęcim ,
People , account , culture powder magazine , no .5 , Crataegus oxycantha 2009 , S. 8-9 .
( Digitalisat , englisch ) Archived 2011-05-21 at the Wayback Machine , retrieved 2010-04-
29 .Czech , Danuta , Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-
Birkenau 1939-1945 , 1 .Aufl. , 1989 .Quoted after the Italian translation by Gianluca
Picchinini ( digitalized , Italian ) Dregger , Sebastian : Die Rolle der Funktionshä ftlinge im
Vernichtungslager Auschwitz – und das Beispiel Otto Kü sels. , in : Aventinus .Die Historische
Internetzeitschrift von Studenten fü r Studenten , Ausgabe 04 - Wintersemester 07/08 ==
acknowledgment == == External links == Sebastian Dregger : Die Rolle der
Funktionshä ftlinge im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz – und das Beispiel Otto Kü sels
( Retrieved 2010-04-29 )

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