Nckh Về Đánh Giá Năng Lực Bản Thân

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Student: Tran Bao Ly

Class: ASP 503
Student’s code: 207140231131

HÀ NỘI, 2024

This study aims to analyze my assessment as a final-year student of course
46, majoring in Faculty of English at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, about
pedagogical capacity and strategies to improve my pedagogical capacity. In this
study, the case is my weakness in my pedagogical capacity as a student majoring in
English education. This case study involved six other English students in Course 46
at Hanoi University of Education 2. The data collection techniques used in this
study were observation, field notes, interviews, and questionnaires. I am the one
who analyzed my assessment of pedagogical competence using the standard
application proposed by the Ministry of National Education. The results of the
analysis show that I need to improve the way I evaluate and assess my abilities.
Therefore, I propose available strategies to improve your pedagogical capacity,
which are: effective classroom management; effective teaching practices; evaluating
effectiveness; and technology skills.
I. Introduction
1. Rationale
English is rarely used in everyday communication in Vietnam, causing
students to feel nervous, awkward, and lack confidence. They may even be afraid to
give presentations. The monotonous teaching method discourages speaking, making
students reluctant and unmotivated to express themselves.
According to the problems mentioned above, these situations need to be
changed into positive ones. YouTube videos offer a variety of viewpoints and
activities, allowing students to practice mimicking, responding, and interactive
speaking. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of YouTube videos
on the speaking skills of EFL undergraduate learners. Through a quantitative
approach using a survey questionnaire, the study will uncover the contribution of
YouTube videos to speaking skills improvement.
2. Aims and objectives of the study

This study’s main goal is to evaluate how watching YouTube videos affects
speaking abilities, which are thought to be crucial components of language
competency and find ways to improve speaking skills through the use of
This overall aim was specified in the following objectives:

 To examine the impact of using YouTube on improving students’ English-

speaking skills
 To find out the most effective content on YouTube that develops speaking
3. Research questions
In an attempt to achieve the aims and objectives stated above, the following
research questions were addressed:

 To what extent can YouTube videos improve students’ understanding and

fluency in English speaking skills?
 What type of YouTube content is the most conducive to developing speaking
4. Scope of the study
This study is conducted in Hanoi Pedagogical University 2. The participants
will include 75 third-year students of a class in the Faculty of English.
5. Method of the study
The study uses a descriptive study design, which includes a quantitative
survey. It was carried out by some steps as follows:
First, the researcher will collect data by using one tool, which is a
questionnaire. The questionnaire is composed of 15 items and is administered
over the Internet. Participants will respond to each item as ‘agree’, ‘disagree’, or
Second, the researcher will directly ask to see the class using YouTube to
learn English speaking skills. In addition, the researcher will interview the
participants of that class.
6. Significance of the study

This study is expected to significantly contribute to the literature discovering
the impact of YouTube videos and the most conductive type of YouTube
content on developing English speaking skills. The results of the research are
believed to assist the students to progress in speaking skills and broaden the
perspectives of researchers, educators, and instructors by stimulating new ideas
on the possibilities of using videos in the English classroom.
II. Literature review
1. The importance of YouTube videos in learning English speaking skills
a. Definition of speaking
Speaking can be characterized as a social, multimodal speech event with an
unpredictable topic when considering its features. Speaking requires interpersonal
skills, builds rapport and mutual understanding, preserves and changes social
identity (Thornbury and Slade, 2006, p.17). According to Gumperz (1999),
speaking is dependent on contributions, presumptions, expectations, and
interpretations of the participants’ utterances. Furthermore, because speaking is
generally unexpected, native speakers typically possess a “linguistic repertoire” of
frequently used expressions that facilitate the creation of various speaking styles
(Gumperz, as cited in Yorio, 1980, p.434).
Speaking is described as a means of verbal communication for primarily
interpersonal and sometimes transactional objectives based on its function (Nunan,
1999, p.228). However, these goals are frequently combined (Thornbury and Slade,
2006, p.20) it appears that the boundary between transactional and interactional
language is made to raise awareness of language acquisition.
To sum up, speaking refers to a specific kind of spoken speech that is primarily
used for social purposes and in social contexts.
b. Reasons for using YouTube videos in learning English speaking skills.
YouTube provides unlimited access to native speakers from all over the
world, exposing learners to various accents, and natural speaking rhythms. It is
also an important resource for pertinent social media content that can inspire
students to interact with popular culture worldwide. A recent study conducted by
Syafiq A.N., Rahmawati A., Anwari A., and Oktaviana T. (2021) showed that
YouTube videos have made a substantial contribution to improving the students’

speaking abilities as well as other aspects of English language competency such
as content, lexicon, fluency, and grammar.
Watching interesting and entertaining videos can make learning English
much more enjoyable and less like a task. This increased motivation often leads
to more consistent practice and faster progress. According to Almurashi (2016),
students are stimulated by engaging in enjoyable interactions, and their barriers
to learning a second language decrease. Similarly, Silviyanti (2014) pointed out
that using YouTube looks appealing, inspiring, and effective in the EFL
classroom. Students seem eager to watch a variety of videos, practice
pronouncing words correctly, and speak like native speakers.
2. Previous studies
YouTube Channel: An Alternative Social Media to Enhance EFL Students’
Speaking Skill, by Muhammad Ilyas & Miranti Eka Putri (2020) is a quasi-
experimental research that aims to determine whether or not using a YouTube
channel has a significant effect on students’ speaking abilities. The results of this
investigation showed that the fluency and score had much improved because
students were required to repeat what they had heard when using YouTube
channels to practice speaking English.
In the study Students’ Perceptions of the Use of a YouTube Channel
specifically designed for an Academic Speaking Skills Course, Seher Balbay,
Selcan Kilis (2017) carried out a survey to investigate the experiences and
viewpoints of students regarding the usage of the Youtube channel, as well as
their thoughts on the effectiveness of the videos used in Youtube and their
recommendations on the use of these videos in speaking skill course. The results
of this study showed that 41% of the participants had previously used Youtube
channels, and they have the perceptions that Youtube videos make class more
interesting and increase their comprehension of the lesson content.

III. References
Almurashi W.A. (2016) The effective use of YouTube videos for teaching
English language in classrooms as supplementary material at Taibah University
in Alula. Int. J. English Lang. Linguist. Res. 2016;4(3):32–47.
Gumperz, J. (1999) ‘Sociocultural knowledge in conversational inference’. In
Jaworski, A. and Coupland, N. (eds.) The Discourse Reader. Oxon: Routledge
Muhammad Ilyas & Miranti Eka Putri. (2020). (PDF) YouTube Channel: An
Alternative Social Media to Enhance EFL Students’ Speaking Skills. Journal of
English for Academic E-ISSN = 2641-1446, P-ISSN = 2356-2404
Nunan, D. (1999) Second language teaching and learning. Boston: Heinle and
Heinle Publishers.
Seher Balbay & Selcan Kilis. (2017, October 8). Students’ Perceptions of the
use of a YouTube channel specifically designed for an Academic Speaking
Skills Course. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics 3(2) (2017) 235-251
Silviyanti T.M. Looking into EFL students’ perceptions in listening by using
English movie videos on YouTube. Stud. Engl. Lang. Educ. 2014;1(1):42–58.
Syafiq A.N., Rahmawati A., Anwari A., Oktaviana T. (2021) Increasing
speaking skill through YouTube video as English learning material during
online learning in the pandemic COVID-19. Elsya: J. Engl. Lang. Stud.
Thornbury, S. and Slade, D. (2006). Conversation: from description to
pedagogy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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