LETTER OF REFERENCE FORM (Two Pages Maximum) : Swedish Institute Academy For Young Professionals

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Enclosure to the application for participation in the

Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals

LETTER OF REFERENCE FORM (Two pages maximum)

The letter of reference must be completed in English. The referee may decide on how to allocate text
between the questions provided, given that the letter does not exceed two pages. Any additional
page will be disregarded. The completed letter must be signed and converted into PDF format.

FIRST NAME of applicant /as written in the application form/ Daviti

LAST NAME of applicant /as written in the application form/ Petriashvili
DATE OF BIRTH of applicant /YYYY-MM-DD/ 1990/01/15
CITIZENSHIP of applicant Georgia

FULL NAME of reference person Mariam Chachua

TITLE/POSITION of reference person Head of Analytical Department
ORGANISATION of reference person Georgian Parliamentary Research
E-MAIL ADDRESS of reference person mchachua@parliament.ge
TELEPHONE NUMBER of reference person +995 599972913

Please state in what capacity you know the applicant Daviti is my colleague and works
as an economic researcher in the
analytical department.

1. In your opinion, how would participation in the SI Academy for Young Professionals be valuable
for the professional development of the applicant?

Participation in the SI Summer Academy for Young Professionals, specifically in the Policy
Integration and Transparency Practices in a Digital Era module, will significantly enhance Daviti’s
professional development as an economic researcher by providing essential skills, knowledge, and
networks needed to navigate complex policy landscapes and contribute to positive change in his
role at the Parliamentary Research Center of Georgia. For Daviti, participation in the Policy
Integration and Transparency Practices in a Digital Era module, would offer significant professional
development opportunities. Namely, the module focuses on strategic and inclusive policy
integration in contemporary governance, which is directly relevant to Daviti's role as an economic
researcher at the Parliamentary Research Center. It will provide Daviti with insights into how
economic policies can be effectively integrated across sectors, contributing to more
comprehensive and impactful research outcomes. Moreover, the emphasis of the module on
challenges related to cross-sectoral policy coordination will equip Daviti with the knowledge and
tools to analyze and address complex policy issues that span multiple sectors. This skill is essential
for conducting holistic economic research that considers broader governance frameworks.
Furthermore, given the emphasis on data sharing in a rapidly changing technological environment,
participation in SAYP will enhance Daviti’s ability to leverage data effectively for economic
research and evidence-based policy formulation. Additionally, Daviti’s participation in SAYP will
facilitate networking with international peers and experts in governance and policy. This network
can provide valuable insights, collaboration opportunities, and potential partnerships for future
research projects. Overall, I am confident that SAYP will significantly contribute to Daviti's
professional growth and capacity to contribute meaningfully to our organization's

2. Please evaluate the applicant’s leadership capacity and skills to contribute to development on
behalf of your organisation.

Daviti has been an outstanding member of our research department at the Parliamentary
Research Center of Georgia. Based on his exemplary performance and leadership capacity, he
contributes significantly to our organization's development. Daviti has demonstrated exceptional
leadership qualities through his role in leading research projects and collaborating with fellow
researchers. Often, he takes charge of defining the research outline, collecting and synthesizing
information, ensuring the high quality and accuracy of research products, and taking ultimate
responsibility for the final deliverables. This demonstrates his proactive approach and ability to
manage complex projects independently. Furthermore, Daviti’s work is highly valued and
appreciated by various parliamentary committees, which are important stakeholders of our
research products. This recognition underscores his effectiveness in communicating research
findings and addressing the needs of key decision-makers. Upon completion of SAYP, I am
confident that Daviti will be equipped with advanced knowledge and tools to lead and support
initiatives within our organization that promote sustainability, human rights, and gender equality.

3. Please describe in what way your organisation would benefit if the applicant was accepted to
the SI Academy for Young Professionals (if applicable).

Daviti’s participation in SAYP would bring significant benefits to our organization. SAYP will provide
Daviti with a comprehensive understanding of strategic policy integration across sectors, which is
essential for addressing complex economic challenges within our organization. The program will
enhance Daviti's ability to leverage data for economic research and evidence-based policy
formulation, improving the quality of our research products. Moreover, SAYP offers networking
opportunities with professionals and experts from various sectors. This network will provide Daviti
with valuable connections and potential partnerships to support our organization's research
initiatives. Additionally, SAYP emphasizes promoting strategic topics such as sustainability, human
rights, and gender equality. Daviti's participation will enable him to integrate these critical themes
into our organization's research agenda and outputs.

4. Additional remarks/comments (optional)

I can confidently affirm that Daviti possesses a high level of English language proficiency. As part of
his responsibilities, Daviti routinely responds to requests from the Parliamentary Research Center
of EU countries and delivers research outputs in English. Moreover, Daviti reviews research papers
in English as part of his job requirements, demonstrating his adeptness with the language.
Additionally, Daviti consistently demonstrates professional English language skills during
presentations and trainings involving foreign partners, effectively conveying complex ideas and
information in English. Given Daviti's demonstrated proficiency, I have full confidence that he
would excel in the SAYP program and engage proficiently in English during training sessions.
Date and place Signature of reference person

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