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1-Hello dear member of the jury how are you doing?

2-Let me introduce myself :I am Marie Perelle Athawet ,22 years old. I am an assistant engineer in
telecommunications and computer science

3-Dears members of the jury,i m standing before you today to give you a presantation about Impact
of prejudices on a modern society.

4-My presentation will follow this outline

first :Introduction
second :Définition of prejudice
Third: types of préjudice
fourth: Causes and origines and consequences of prejudices
fifth:Combatind prejudice
six: Conclusions

5-Dear members let me start my présentation

Nowadays, despite the modernization of society, we notice that some vices persist in the name of
these vices we can mention wars, prejudices, discrimination etc. Today we will emphasize
(emphasis) on the different types of prejudice, their origins, their consequences and how to fight

What is a prejudice???
Prejudices are preconceived, often negative, opinions that influence our interactions and decisions,
based on generalizations or stereotypes.

First, we have different types of prejudices that affect our society. Racial and ethnic prejudices are
manifested by judgments based on appearance or ethnic origin. Gender prejudices dictate different
expectations depending on gender. Finally, socio-economic prejudices are based on financial or
social status.

By analyzing the causes and origins of prejudices, we find that they are often rooted in our culture,
education and the media. These influences shape our perceptions of the world and contribute to the
formation of prejudices. In addition, the lack of interaction and understanding with other groups as
well as fear and ignorance also feed prejudice.

The consequences of prejudice are profound and harmful. They lead to the discrimination and
marginalization of targeted groups, negatively affect the mental health and well-being of
individuals, and contribute to the perpetuation of social inequalities and injustices.

But we must not remain inactive in the face of these challenges. To combat prejudice, we must
conduct awareness and education campaigns to question preconceived attitudes. Encouraging
diversity and inclusion in all aspects of society is also crucial to promote equality and respect. In
addition, the promotion of empathy and cultural understanding promotes harmonious and respectful
relationships between individuals.

In conclusion, by taking concrete measures to combat prejudice, we can build a modern society
where each individual is valued for his diversity, where injustice and inequality are fought, and
where empathy and understanding are the pillars of our social interactions.
6-Dear members of the jury i’ m at the end of my présentation.So all your questions and
suggestions are welcome

Thank you for your kind attention

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