Super Starters Activity Book

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uot+cas tnollnd loj+uoc o!

-I slno-lnc
'," -

osnoLl aql uI
89 Iulrp pup pooJ
09 solqqoq puD uods
z9 ruooJssDlc aql
,, slptu!uv
98 uodsuDJI
8Z A1;urol eq1
oz Apoq puo ecor{m
, imDS pup tuly olloH

Hello, Kim
ond Som!
$ look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or q cross (X) in the box.

four g 4@threeD

five D
five tr
@ look ot the pictures. Look ot the letlers. Write the words.
,ffifuLLs{r '*r -#{4 gh
t ie

ffi sv n
ffi e

g4 'r'"n
ff o.

@ r-isten ond write the word @ r

l ntne 2 3
@ neod ond coloui' '
1 Two is red. 12 3
2 Eight is green.
3 Four is red 456
4 Six is yellow
5 Five is blue.
@ r-istenn colour ond tick or cros. @,

1 It's o block egg. E 2 It's o btue egg.E It's o yellow ess.E

4 lt's o blue egg.D 5 It's o-reO
It's o green egg.

@ look ond write

white blue

O nnoke o colour wfieel
You need:
o Cut-out 1
1 Cut oround the
o scissors
wheels on cut-out 1.
. poper 2 Colour the sections in
fostener lhe big wheel.
r coloured
pencils 3 Attoch the smoll wheel lo
the centre of the big wheel
using o poper fostener.

@ neod ond motch

one nine three eight seven two four ten five

@ look of the picture qnd write one-word onswers

1 Number 1 is """'J" oreen
2 Number 5 is .6t
3 Number 9 is
4 Number 3 is

5 Number 7 is
Q I-lsten ond ioloul (S s
I 3 l

2 4 ffiffi 10

### %
ffi:, 18

t4 IE:

ffiM Hilfl j

@ neod qnd tick or cross

1 Number 6. It's green tr 4 Number 18. It's white. !
2 Number 15. It's yetlow. D 5 Number 11 . It's reO. !
3 Number 9. It's purpte. ! 6 Number 2. It's otonge. !
@ f-ook qt the picture ond reqd the questions. Write the qnswers.
1 Are numbers 1 ond 2 block?
2 Are numbers 7 ond 8 green?
3 Are numbers 9 ond 10 yellow?
4 Are numbers 13 ond 14 oronge?
5 Are numbers 19 ond 20 blue?
a A a) ,/- l^l^^l.O
Q look ot the piitlres. Look ot the, letters. Write the words.
1U box ,ffi
ffi r& f#'J,

Wo er'
ffi J'; '@ Isf

'E s d'

@ orow lines. 3
Colour the picture.
5o .4 o 20
a a
.8 19 18
17 a
I a
13 14
a a
10 a 12
Whqt is it?

o d S i o n V g W

@ rind the words i e f W u i m d i

S S d u v r W m n
c k q n b o o r d
choir p Ye bm c u i o
boord d I o q b x u p W
box o p S b o x z v m
o V g b o x I o i
r m V t e h o r
Q look ot the pictr'LS ond write the

$ ffi
@ r-isten ond drow tines @ +

@ I-oor ond reqd. Pul o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.

1 This is o book.g ThisLotobl;.- n

l_) Thot's o book. !
Q look qnd'reooiWrite yes or no.
1 There ore three books.
2 There ore three choirs.

3 There ore five erosers.

4 There's one boord.

5 There ore four lobles.

6 There ore numbers on the wheel.

@ look ot the picture qnd reod the

questions. Write one-word onswers.

1 How mony books ore thereZ thf eg

2 How mony doors ore there?
3 How mony choirs ore there?
4 How mony erosers ore there?

5 How mony children ore there?

O Listen ond cotour @t

Q look qnd polnt. t'"ff your friend.
You need: Unit 1 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P22.

Poinl to the door. Put the red box on the choir.
Poinl to the boord. Put the blue box next to the door.
Point to lhe desk. Pul the green box on lhe desk.
Point to the choir. Pul the oronge box under the boord.
Point to the window. Put the purple box on fhe window.

Well done!

@ fick whot you cqn do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy lhe numbers 1-10. D
I con write the numbers 11-20. D
I con soy lhe cotours D
T nan anall lha aalar,r^ n
M clothes
o Look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or q cross (X) in the box.
ffi shirt D

D ffi dos D
ffffido, W
&skirtD My hot!

@ Look ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write the words.

dg 19 h

/@\ i11
s.t r
lh m
& ldr mo
W o S

@ listen ond write the word @o

lq o{
t cot
Q neod ond cotour '
Colour the skirf red.
Colour the shirt blue.
Cotour the shoes broWn.
Colour the hots pink.
Colour the trousers yellow.

@ r-isten ond tick or cross @ ?

1 There ore three hots. @ 4 There ore two T-shirts D

2 There's one Oress. ! 5 There's one skid. !
3 There ore four sfroes. ! 6 There ore three shirts D

@ look ond write

dress trousers skirt 5M6

1 shoes
O naoke o cut-oui dotl
You need:
e Cut-out 2 1 Cut out the dolls
o Cut-out dolls
ond the clothes.
Book poge P4)
2 Colour the dolls
ond lhe clolhes.
o scissors
r coloured 3 Pul the clothes
pencils on the dolls.
o glue/sticky tope

@ neod ond motch

T-shirt dress trousers shirt shoes

I like the dress.

@ I-ook qt the pictures qnd write one-word onswers
1 The dress is number one
2 The shoes ore number

3 The shirt is number

4 The is number seven.
5 The is number four.
Q I-isten qnd cololi'@a
Colour her dress blue.

@ neod ond tick or cross

1 The girl's weoring o dress g 4 The boy's weoring o hot. !
2 She's weoring o red hot. ! 5 He's weoring block trousers D
3 She's weoring block snoes. ! 6 He's weoring brown sfroes. !

@ look ot the pictures qnd reod the questions. Write the onswers.
1 Is the girl weoring o T-shirt? N0, She is.nlt,
2 Is she weoring o hot?
3 Is she weoring purple shoes?
4 Is the boy weoring trousers? Ye-s* he ls,
5 Is he weoring o green T-shirt?
D T^ L^ ..,^^-:^^ l^1..^
Q look qr the piciri'"". Look qt the letters. Write the words.

1G D4t
gtos-ses *m
,m 'w

1o' o
O 1ir1en ond drow tines. @s $,y'

Colour the picture.

12 1.8

a.\ () A.a

8 14

Whot is it?

@ rtnd the words z r i b p d W

h o n d b o g f
.t dt o.n) p c o n I d et
glosses q k V z o v o hl
jocket jeons j e o n S g S d.
I t n j r d S e
o u b e m I e S
f r o v o
@ look qt ine p'idtgres ond write the words

@ listen qnd drow lines @ ro


@ Uook ond reod. Put o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.
r\ 4t

1 L.=-^-ll
W rn... ore trou."rr. @ 4 These ore jeonr. !
2 \5 N
5 \5
This is o shoe. tr u.--t/
This is o sock. D
s %This is o shoe. ! 6 ,tffi\rhis is o dre" E
Q look ond reod'l Write yes or no.
1 The hondbog is on lhe toble. Ues

2 The jocket is next to the skirt.

3 The glosses ore under the toble.

4 The hol is in front of the glosses.

5 Kim is weoring o T-shirt.

6 Som is weoring o hot.

@ neod qnd tick

Whot om I?
I'm in the cupboord. I'm next to the jocket. I'm o Oress@ shoeD
I'm on the toble. I'm next to the hondbog. I'm! glossesD
I'm under the toble. I'm nexl to the shoe. I'm o T-shirt! sockD
I'm on the toble. I'm in front of the gtosses. I'm o hot! skirttr
I'm in the cupboord. I'm next to the skid. I'm o shirt! jocket! .

I'm weoring glosses!

@ write the onswers for you
1 Are you weoring o T-shirt?
2 Are you weoring o skirt?
3 Are you weoring socks?

4 Whot colour's your jocket?

5 Whot colour's your schoolbog?

Q look qnd point. reif your friend.

You need: Unit 2 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P23.

Point to the T-shirt. Put the hondbog under lhe choir.
Point to the dress. Put the glosses on the toble.
Point to the dog. Pul lhe hol on the girl.
Point to the jeons. Put the shoe on the choir.
Point to the doll. Put the sock under the toble.
Poinl to the toble. Pul lhe jocket on the boy.
Well done!

@ rick whot you cqn do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy the clothes worOs. !
I con spell the clolhes worO.. E
I con soy where clolhes ore.
T enn tolk ohor rt whot T'm weorino n
Foce ond
$ look ond reqd. Put o tick (r'| or q cross (X) in the box.
nose B nose D

@ eye D ufu$mouth D

G eor D

@ look qt the pictures. Look ot the leilers. Write the words.

'o Ec

4M to,In

G o a-_ 56
^/<).'"ru a-t

yee 6 aIgR@k

l\\ -;2b\ Y


@ listen ond write the word @r,

1 eqr


$ neod ond colour

His foce is green.
His eors ore blue.
His hoir is purple.
His nose is red.
His eyes ore yellow.
His mouth is brown.

@ listen ond tick or cross @ rz

1 Lil's foce is green. g 4 Her mouth is Orown. !

2 Her hoir is purple. ! 5 Her nose is blue D
3 Her eyes ore red. D 6 Her eors ore yellow. !

@ look qnd write

ear 2 3
O ntloke o ,on"t"r'mosk
You need:
o Cui-out 3 1 Cut out the
o Monster
monster mosk.
foce ports 2 Cut out the foce
Book poge P6)
pods you wont.
o scissors Glue the ports
o coloured onto your mosk.
4 Colour your mosk.
o glue
5 Tie string to eoch

o string
side. '(D2,Y-O rs.
-/ ----...---r\.-)

@ neod qnd motch

hoir eyes mouth heod eors

@ look ot lhe pictures obove ond write one-word onswers

1 How mony eyes ore there?
2 How mony eors ore lhere?
3 How mony noses ore there?
4 Whot's next to lhe eors?
5 Whot's next to the foee?
Q usten ond cdlour @,t -

\/O A rt^


@ neod qnd tick or cross

1 Tony's feet ore big g 4 Tony hos got three legs!
2 AIex hos gol two nos.r. D 5 Bill is weoring o hot.
3 Anno's hoir is blue. ! 6 Bill hos got four orms. !

@ look of the pictures. Write one-word onswers.

1 Who's gol four orms?
2 How mony legs hos Tony got?
3 Who's got three eyes?
4 Are Anno's feet big or smoll?
Q I-ook ot ihe pibiures. Look ot the letters. Wrire the words.
yb (ir-,\
, ' .':-,

bodu od l\
,i l,
(C 'ron
m -t\fl4
\t4 d o_
\\ Or lr nh
)') t oo 6\
/, ge
f I


@ ro
@ listen ond drow lines. .g
Colour the picture. 20


.10 /oc 15

(* 2t

5. \/ tZ

Whot is it?

@ rind the words ffi t h f b S

b f r o r m S o
o k t e I o q
orms hot II n g r d e o II
kite legs
I! c z d o g f d
It< b W I g S V c$
m o n S t e r rf
Q look qt the pictur'bs ond write the words

1 mQ ns 2

@ r-isten ond drow lines @ ru

# @@@

@ look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.
*HI.i li,k
This is o boll B 4 \Z\/Theseoreorms.
a" l\

z@ rhisisohot !
5 J,y This is o kile
ts-8-'# D
g ql# @These ore eyes. ! o / I ( (rnese ore feet D
Q look ond r"oO'. Write yes or no.
1 Number one is on eye. UeS
2 Number four is mouth.
3 Number three is o leg.
4 Number seven is o foot.
5 Number five is o heod.
6 Number nine is o hond.

@ neod ond tick

I've got one mouth @ two mouths D
My mouth is big D D smoll
My nose is big ! smoll D

I've got one foot ! four feetD

I've got two legs ! three legs D
My honds ore big E smolt D
I've got one mouth.'
@ write the qnswers for you
1 How mony eyes hove you got?
2 How mony mouths hove you got?
3 How mony feet hove you gol?
4 Whol colour is your hoir?

5 Whot colour ore your eyes?

Q I-ook ond point. Tell your friend.
You need: Unit 3 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P24.

Point lo the big monster. Put the kite on the loble.
Point to the smoll monster. Pul lhe dog under the tree.
Poinl to the hoir. Put the hoir on the smoll monster.
Point to the eors. Put the boll under the choir.
Point to lhe lree. Put the mouth on the big monster.

Well donel

@ fick whot you con do. Golour the lodder.

I con soy the ports of the foce. !
I con soy the ports of the body. !
I con count up lo 20. D
The fomily

o Look qnd reod. Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box.

fomily g -mhouseD

@ grondmother D cord
grondfolher D
It's my birthdoy!

@ look of the pictures. Look of the lelters. Write the words.

ffi cd.
/nr R€. qifr
2ffi shu Hb{ffi
3 orno o
\-./- 4ff,n @
@ Usten ond write the word @ru
Reqd qnd colour

Colour Kim's foce pink.

Coloui Mory's hoir block.
Colour Alon's hoir brown. Alon Mory

Colour.Pot's eyes green.

Colour Tom's hoir brown.

Kim Tom

@ listen ond tick or cross @ r,

1 Mory is Kim's mother. @ 4 Alon is Tom's fother. !
2 Tom is Kim's folher. ! 5 AIon is Kim's brother. !
3 Pot is Kim's sister. ! 6 Tom is Kim's sister. !

@ look ond write

Tom Kim Pot Alon

r MqrU 2
0 ntloke q fomily'P'noto cord

You need:
o Cut-out 4
1 Cui out your cord.
o scissors 2 Fold it in holf.
r fomily
3 Glue the photogrophs
o glue
in the spoces. /.*tls'
o coloured 4 Colour your cord. *"1"'i
5 Write o messoge
inside your cord. $
@ neod ond motch

Mother Grondmother Fother Grondfother

@ look of the pictures obove ond write one-word onswers

1 Kim's photo is number 0ne-
2 Grondfolher's photo is number
3 Mother's photo is number
4 Photo number five is

Q listen qnd "dlqrr @,t

@ neod ond tick or cross

1 Kim's wotching television.@ 4 Dod's ploying on the computer.D
2 Pot's moking o cot<e.! 5 Tom's ploying the guitor.D
3 Mum's reoding o book.! 6 Kim's tolking to Pot. !

@ look of the picture ond reod the questions. Write the onswers.
1 Is Pot moking o coke? Ygs, she [s
2 Is Mum reoding o book?
3 Is Tom wotching television?
4 Is Dod ploying his guitor?
@ I-ook ot the pi6iut".. Look ot the letters. Wrire the words.
,4) 4ffi ^k oI
' "I""
-ro i
ru Y#
-O s o
tuq cnh
"^dr,_r Ksb
ffi ,inu o fd\ rh
\--/ OC
x( "o,

Colour the picture.



Whot is it? 11
6 8

h r x W q m o g f
@ rind the words t o v V c h i I d r e n
b r o t h e r j o d o o u
z m u r W c o U S i n I p
i k f S e r V t i o d e I
x c p r m e n i S d m p W
b o o k c o S e t c o j o
lr q u o p m V g e f t o I
t k x W m I r d r c h b
io e t n x r v d h e k S
h l'
Q look ot the piciures ond write the words

lli ilr


@ I-isten ond drow lines @ro

@@ Q

@ look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.
1 (@
This is my mum g
$l !
rhis is my srondfother.
\ sffi-firhese ore my brolhers D
<, /X;',
Ki rhis is my sister. !
This is my grondmolher.!

6N rhese ore my cousins n

Q look ond reool Write yes or no.
1 Dod is weoring o big hot. Ues
2 Mum is weoring o dress.
3 Kim is on the ormchoir.
4 Tom is next lo Mum.
5 Pot is next to Ben.
6 Dod hos got o big nose.

@ neod qnd tick

1 I'm o womon ond my nome's Mory. I'm Kim's mum @ dod !.
2 I'm o boy ond my nome's Ben. I'm Kim's cousin [-l brother tr
3 I'm o boy ond my nome's Tom. I'm Kim's sister ! brother D
4 I'm o mon ond my nome's Alon. I'm Kim's fother ! mother tr
5 I'm o girl ond my nome's Pol. I'm Kim's brothet D sister D
6 I'm on old mon ond I'm Alon's fother. I'm Kim's grondfother !
grondmother D

Are you eight?

@ write the qnswers for you
1 How old ore you?
2 Whol's your mum's nome?
3 Hove you got o sister?
4 Hove you got o brolher?
tr lJnrrr rnrrrrv nnr rcine hnrra rrnt t nni? )E

Q r-ook qnd poihi; Tell your friend.

You need: Unit 4 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P25.

Point to Mum. Put the book on the bookcose.
Point to Dod. Put the clock on the television.
Point to Grondpo. Put the coke on the toble.
Point to Grondmo. Put the ice creom next to the coke.
Point to Kim's brother. Put the photo on the ormchoir.

Well done!

@ fick whqt you con do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy the nomes of people in my fomify.E
I con soy lhe fomily worOs. !
I con spell the fomily word.. D
<_ T aan rrrrila ahar rl rrrhal naanla r.rrn Aain., f--l

Q Uook ond reod. Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box.

cot @ motorbif" D

bike ! 5
bus !

@ Look of the pictures. Look of the letters. Write the words.

O. r

us nqple

-mo i
t *roo" o^ TYo

@ Usten ond write the word @ r,

r motor-blke 2 3 4
Q neod qnd coloii'
Colour the cor next to the motorbike green.
Colour the cor behind the bus yellow.
Colour the bus red.
Colour the plone block.
Colour the motorbike blue.

@ r-isten ond tick or cross @ zz

1 There ore two .orr. @ 4 There's o bike in front of the D

2 The bus is reO. !
5 The motorbike is blue. !
3 There ore two bikes. !

@ I-ook ond write

helicopter boot lorry ;M

1 traIn 2
0 uroke o stieet fitrrr"
You need:
o Cut-out 5 1 Colour ond cul out
o Street picture
the street picture.
Book poge
2 Choose ond cut
P10) out four vehicles.
o scissors
Colour them in.
o coloured 3 Fold the flops on
pencils the vehicles.
4 Ploce your vehicles
on your street.

@ neod ond motch M

helicopter cor troin plone

@ look of the picture qnd write one-word onswers

Con you find the cor?
1 The lorry is behind the
2 The bus is behind the
3 The troin is in front of the
4 The helicopter is next to the ,s-
5 The eor is hetween the Iorrv onci the
Listen ond
"oiout @rt

@ neod ond tick or cross I like Tony's cor!

1 Tony's bike is red. @

2 Som's riding Tony's bike. !
3 Tony is riding o motorbike.
4 Som's weoring o brown T-shirt. !
5 Tony's weoring o greY hot.
6 Tony's cor is red. !

@ look qt the picture ond reod the questions. Write the onswers'

1 Is Som riding his bikeZ No, he lsnlt,

2 Is Tony in o new cor?
3 Is Som weoring o blue T-shirt?
4 Is the bog red?
5 Ts Tonv's hot oreen?

$ look ot the piiiures. Look ot the Ietters. Write the words.

1@ rit
r' @tu\
,ffim ?I,
{l bq
!r;)+7* i
\ --.:=--ro f . to

@ neod this. Choose q word from the box.

Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.

.#" fh @/ w
rood colours dog

windows fly
@ piono

I've got four wheelS . I've got lots of O

I con't @ . I go on the O . Boys ond

@ con ride in me. I con be mony @

Whot om I?

?H^"-";"ffifu riding

?*w-tffi ;psffi
Q look qt the pictur6. Reqd the questions qnd write the onswers.

1 Where's the bike? next to the bus

2 How mony motorbikes ore there?
3 Who's riding the bike?
4 Whot ore the children doing?
5 Where's the bus? the cor
6 Whot's the boy eoting? on

@ lislen ond tick (r'| fie box @ ro


@ look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.
It's o ptone. d@ They're corr. !
2 Mr'so motorbike. n It's o troin.
=j'?s \
Look ond'reqdl Write yes or no.
This is Kim's bike. Ue_S

q\ /rD
2 This is Tom's bike.
This is Som's bike.

This is Mr While's bike.

This is Mr While's bike.

@ neod ond tick

1 Tony's bike is blue ! red @.
2 Mrs White's bike is old ! new D
3 Tom's bike is smoll ! big D.
4 Tony's bike is old
! new D
Mr White's bike is smoll
! big E.
@ write the qnswers for you I

1 Con you ride o bike?

2 Hove you got o bike?
3 Whot colour is it?
4 Is it new?
_5 Te it hin nr cmnll?
Look ond point.llrell your friend.
You need: Unit 5 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P26.

Point to the bus. Put the troin next to the motorbike.
Point to Tony on his motorbike. Put the lorry next to the bus.
Point to the helicopter. Put the cot nexl to the dog.
Point to the cor. Put the bike in front of the cor.
Point to the boot. Pul the plone next to the helicopter.

Well done!

@ fick whot you cqn do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy the nomes of lronsport words. !
I con spell the tronsport worOs. !
I con write whot Kim ond Som ore doing D
I con sov where thino" or". [-l
Q look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box.
Thot's o co*. @ [d t'ot's o dog D
lq 01
h# /.;.\
() -,
(txiL Thot's o col. ! 5 ((at(\.
,,r'of Thot's o bird. !
v .;-_fli,u

Whot's thot?

@ look qt the pictures. Look ot the lerters. Write fhe words.

\il(, *, rN*a
lo o{
.l\ {t-
f iliJi

-,- -,- * O"" wf ot

J "t\ii tl c
2 h ik n
ce c
4+ --'a..J

gdo 9*"9

@ Usten ond write the word @ru

t dag 2 3
Q neod ond coloti

Colour the horse brown.

Colour the mouse grey.

Colour lhe fish oronge.

Colour the chicken yellow. (@
B listen ond tick or cross @ ze

1 The dog con't rrn. @ 4 The goot con'f rrn. !

2 The fish con swim. ! 5 The cot con't sing. [_l
3 The cow con Ry. ! 6 The horse con jump D

@ look ond write

sheep horse gM bird duck

mQuse 3
O uoke finger iiuppets
You need:
r Cut-out 6 1 Colour your finger
'-FP)/, ,' -
. Scissors $4:r/ -V7 /
o coloureid 2 Cut out your finger
pencils puppets.
o stiCky
tope 3 Fold your puppets
ond tope the
edges logether.

@ neod ond motch

I'm o chicken. I'm o duck. I'm o sheep. I'm o horse. I'm o dog. I'm o. mouse.

@ I-ook ot the pictures qnd write one-word onswers

1 The mouse con Un
run . 4 The chicken con't
2 The horse con 5 The sheep con't
e e Th^ .J^^
Listen ond colour
,& ..4


I con see o monkey.

@ neod ond tick or cross

1 The giroffe is next to the elephont. g
2 The spider is on the crocodile.

3 The tiger is behind the tree.

4 The monkey is in the tree tr

5 The frog is on lhe elephont. !
@ look ot the picrure qnd reod the questions. Write the onswers.
1Is lhe elephont next to the giroffe? Yes_, [t iS.
2 Is the lizord in the lree?
3 Is the monkey next to the spider?
4 Is the frog on the lizord?
5 Is lhe crocodile behind the tree?
Q look ot the p61ures. Look ot the letters. Write the words.
1i-.=., r gr
4 *'';L
e; t Y
' aPll1
ard#qN o *d>rp
,ffi f=e d 5 eso,-

)h "i,$
J'i" 6':q#l
r 7 ,1"( \
@ neod this. Choose o word from the box.
Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.

milk bononos fly wolk zoo eors pork
I om big ond grey. I've got four LegS ond two big

O . You con see me in the @ . I con't

O butlcon@ . I drink woter ond I
Whot om I?
m f j u m k U i c
o x c h t g e r
@ rind the words n i u i S o p k o
k n b p u f f S c
e e p h o n t o
v p I o W i d V d
o g b m S W I S i
i u h m V e q o I
1^ f f

Q r-ook ot rn" p''itlures ond write the words

""t"""" 4d^
+rl ra-;.W
\\". ?F<

/ ----z\A
( ^.\
wf /tt)
l>-\ l<' u

3h 'r*f,

@ r-isten ond tick (r') fie box @ rt

1 Whot's the
dog doing?
& Q,ffi-
o ,M,,
tYn Qj/rkf

2 Where's the

3 Whot's the
bird doing?
o I/L)
@ look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.
1 -dlgq lt's swimming.
\\ -..s-* @ They're running !
- n
2 Aig'rts flyins E .qmrhey'rejumpins D
$ Look ond redo; Write yes or no.

1 Som con see o monkey. Yes

2 The monkey is driving o cor.
3 The chicken is in lhe tree.
4 The sheep is under the tree.
5 The chicken is wotching TV.
6 The goot is swimming.

@ neod ond tick

lizotdfl snokeD
{F'm o cot! dosD
,W'm o sheep! cowD s
tll'm o snoke ! ouck!.

,;g&t 'm o sirotre! nsertr .Nrm o rros ! spiderD.

@ write the onswers for you I like spiders.

1 Con you ride o bike?

2 Con you swim?
3 Hove you got o cot?
4 Do you like spiders?
tr hn rrnr r lilza onrrlzao?

Q look qnd poihi; Teu o friend.

You need: Unit 6 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P27.


Point to the crocodile. Put the monkey in the free.
Point to lhe hippo. Put the lizord in the gross.
Point to the elephont. Put the spider on the hippo.
Point to the tiger. Put the giroffe next to the elephont.
Point to the snoke. Put the frog on lhe crocodile.

Well done!

@ fick whot you con do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy the nomes of form onimols D
I con soy the nomes of wild onimols D
I con spell the onimot words. D
T nan cnrr rlrrhnt nnirnnlc nnn a., n
Q look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box.

,_--s_i*. \_

' \Zrhis D
is o book.B is o bos
(a ryrhis
2m This is o teocher. ! 5ffi This is o boord.D
@ look ot the pictures. Look qt the letters. Write the words.
''{ enp 'l'_ nes P

,V .-)"'
t kd
3ffi roo

@ neod, listen qnd write o nome or o number @rs

1 Whol is the girl's nome? Ann

2 Whot number is her clossroom?

3 Whot is Ann's teocher's nome?
4 How mony pencils hos Ann got?
5 Whot is the nome of the rood where the sehool is?
Reod ond colour

Colour the pen green. 10, I l, 12,l3,l+,15,16

Coloui the desk brown.
Colour the.toble block.
Colour the books red,
green ond blue.

Colour the boord grey.

@ r-isten ond tick or cross@ eo

1 Som's pen is on the desk. E
2 There ore four books on the desk. !
3 The books ore red, green ond Olue. !
4 Miss Green is in front of the ctoss. !
5 There ore letters on lhe boord.

@ look ond write

ruler bog Spffi picture

ergser 3
O u,oke q ctqsiioom picrure
You need:
o Cut-out 7 1 Cut out the
o Clossroom clossroom picture.
picture .

(Teocher's Book
2 Choose ond cut out
poge P15) the clossroom items.
r scissors 3 Colour the picture
r coloured pencils ond the items.
o glue
4 Stick the items onto
the picture. q.
@ neod ond motch
book eroser

pencil bog

ruler pen

picture olphobet

@ look ot the pictures ond write one-word onswers

1 The book is on the desk
2 The pencil is behind the

3 The ruler is under the

4 The boord is next to the

E Ttr^^ :^ ll^^
@ r-isren orid corSrir @r,

@ neod ond tick or cross o pen but on eroser.

1 The ruler is between the pen ond lhe pencil. @

2 The pencil is under the eros"r. D
3 The books ore blue tr
4 The pen is next to the ruler. !
5 There's o book behind the pen D

@ I-ook of the picture qnd reod the questions. Write the onswers.
1Is the ruler next to the pen? No, it [s_nlt,
2 Are the books green?
3 Is the pen in front of the book?
4 Is the eroser under the pencil?
5 Are the books in the boo?
Q Uook ot the picrures. Look ot the letters. Write the words.

.:'r .1j ..-:.i . i-.
f. I
te 1 -M Lql ",i

I o

Write the correct word nurmbberrrss 1-5.
A,*b Dr
desks footboll comero
ffi Ul -ltrrl
,+ @
windows gropes choirs

I've got o lot of do-ors ond $ . Boys ond

@ come to me every doy. There ore G)

ond @ in me. Children ploy O in lhe
ployground. Whot om I?

@ rind the words

o.u>* @t6tt Jre+ry

tctri lElt desk


$ look ond ,"oiih" questions. write one-word onswers.
Where ore the children? in o ctassroom
Whot's on the toble? o
Whot's under the toble? o
How mony children ore there?
Who's writing on the boord? the

@ usten qnd tick (r') the box @ r,

1 Where's o
Som's pencil?

2 Where's lhe 6

3 Where's O
Miss Block?

@ look ond reod. Put o tick (ll or cross (t() in the box.

Look of the
boord, pl.o... B Sit down, n

Stond up,
pleose. t-J
Open your
books, pleose.LJ
Q look ond r"do; write yes or no.
1 Ben is sitting next to Billy. Yes Billy

2 Don is sitting nexl to Sue.

3 Kote is sitting behind Liz.
4 Sue is sitling nexl lo Kote.
5 Billy is sitling behind Sue.
6 Kote is silting in fronl of Don.

@ neod ond tick

1 I'm o gir!. I'm sitting next to Don. I'm Sue [-l Liz f,.
2 You put ry_1n your school bog. You con reod me. I'm o book
o picture !.
3 I've got four legs. You con sil on me. I'm o loble ! o choir tr
4I'm o boy. I'm sitting behind Kote. I'm Billy! Ben tr
5 I'm Iong. I've got numbers on me. I'm o ruter [--l on eroser D
@ orow lines ond moke questions. write onswers for you.
Whot colour is your teocher?
2 Who's sitting \- your pencil?
3 Where's your nome?
4 Whot's your books?
5 Where ore next to vou?
@ look qnd poini. Teil o friend.
You need: Unit 7 picture cords from Teocher,s Book poge p2g.

Point to the window. Put the teocher in front of the window.
Point to the door. Put the boord next to the picture.
Point to the pens. Put the ruler on the choir.
Poinl lo lhe piclure. Put the desk in front of the door.
Point lo the bog. Put the eroser under the toble.

Well done!

@ fick whot you con do. Colour the lqdder.

I con soy the nomes of clossroom objects. !
I con soy whot I've got in my school bog. !
I con soy where things ore in the clossroom. !
T nnn Iictan nnr{ nnlnr rr *ha rrir.*,,ra.^ n
O (s6
Sport ond
l^ook ond reod. Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box.
\<( )tu>
1 w"\5 He's ploying m

S* bodminton' (=r ffi;il's''nD

She's ploying n U He's swimming.D
tennis. t-J

3 She's ploying
bodminton. (-J

@ look ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write the words.

#p, qtrtr[s .ltm
#",t #,' tgw s,
dr im
*iw@ .obe
o6 3t#[
Yen k ffiw sili'
@ neod, listen ond write q nome or q number @ r,
1 Who's swimming?
2 How mony boys ore ploying hockey?
3 Whot's the girl's nome?
4 How mony bikes hos she got?
Q neod ond coiour
The boy in picture one is riding o horse.
Colour the horse block.
The girl in picture two is ploying toble
tennis. Colour her skirt yellow.
The girl in picture lhree is ploying -\\
bodminton. Colour her T-shirt red.
The boy in piclure four is ploying 3 O"
bosketboll. Colour his boll brown.
4 s$l

@ usten ond tick or cross @ s+

1 There ore two men ploying toble tennis.
qs 5
2 There ore six girls ploying hockey. ! w
3 There ore two boys ploying boseboil.D
4 There's o boy ploying bosketboll.
5 There ore two girls ploying tennis. !

@ f-ook ond write

tennis SSXW footboll


ss-k etba
t g:j
O nnoke o sporti'spinner
You need:
o Cut-out 8 1 Cut out your spinner.
o scissors
Glue it onto cord.
r cord 2 Cut out the children.
o coloured 3 Colour in the pictures.
r pencil 4 Glue the children onto
o glue the spinner.
5 Push the pencil through
the centre of the spinner.

@ neod ond mqtch

She's weoring o skirt.
Tino is ploying toble tennis.
He's weoring trousers ond o T-shirt.
He's ploying boseboll. 4
They're ploying bodminton.

@ look qt the pictures qnd write one-word qnswers

Whot do you enjoy doing?
1 Whot ore the girls ploying?
2 Who's ploying toble tennis?

3 Whot's Ben doing? ploying

4 Whot's Ben weoring? o

Listen ond (Dru\


@ neod ond tick or cross

1 Ann's ploying bodminton. @ 4 Grondpo's reoding o boof. D
2 Dod's fishing. ! 5 Mum's riding o bike. E
3 Pol's ploying on the computer. ! S Som's ploying o gome D

@ look ot the picture ond reod the questions. Write the onswers.
1 Is Kim's dod reoding o book? N0, he_ [S_nlt,

2 Is Kim's mum ploying bodminlon?

3 Is Som ploying o gome?
4 Are Tom ond Grondpo ploying footboll?
\ E Ava Vi^ anal A^^ t^^^:^t)
O Lo"k ot the pictures. Look of the leilers. Write the words.
/--f, = ,^o
or fu7f'<*l .ntion
\,lJ 9*t

?n*',* 6
y'ffi i go'
\ / Jtu

@ neod this. Choose o word from the box.

Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.
tennis boll

oo-- ,
'12 \e
.ra .@ -,( \s---
[ffi,@WFY cotch bounce
horse kick

Chitdren ploy tennis with me. TheV

0 me but
they don't usuolly O or O me. I con
(} I'm yeilow ond I,, G)
Whot om I?

@ rind rhe words p Io v g r o u n d

I u v b m r W n h r
guitor d t e n n i S c i u
nifiing x q I t o d V i t n
running g U i t o r S n t n
b o u n c i n g i i
I i t W V g d m n n
Q I-ook ot'the pictures. Reod the questions
ond write one-word qnswers.
1 Which onimol is kicking the boll? the (gw
2 Whot's the monkey doing? bouncing o

3 Which onimol is weoring o hot? lhe

4 Is fhe elephonl jumping or kicking lhe boll?

5 Is the dog throwing or cotching the boll? B
@ r-isten ond tick (r') fie box @ru
1 Whot's the 6
monkey doing?
o o ,w
*L*u, *-*--ZL*

2 Whot's Nick's O l@-= o

fovourite sport?
.ffi 4

3 Whot con
Ann do?

@ look ond reod. Put o tick (r') or cross (X) in the box.
This is o horr..E This is o piono.
2 &a rhis is o hot n 4 @^ These orel

Q look ond'reodl Write yes or no,
1 The mon is ploying
footboll. YeS

2 The womon is weoring

o hot.
3 The boy weoring lrousers
is riding o horse.
4 The girl is ploying the

5 The boy ploying tennis

is weoring o hot.

<:2 -7ftft
@ neod ond tick

1 I'm o boy. I'm weoring trousers ond o shirt. I'm fishing E running D
2I'mo piono! lhe guitorD.
girl. I'm weoring o dress. I'm ploying the

3I'm o mon. I'm ploying footbol!. I'm weoring o shirtE f-rhidD.

4I'm o womon. I'm riding o horse. I'm weoring o hot ! skirt D
5 I'm o boy. I'm weoring o T-shirt. I'm ploying bodminton ! tennis !.
@ write the onswers for you I like bingo!
1 Con you ploy footboll?
2 Con you ride o bike?
3 Do you like ploying tennis?
4 Do you like swimming?
5 Whot's Vour fovourite qome?
Q look ond poif,i.'Tett your friend.
You need: Unit 8 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge P2g.

Point to the beoch. Put the womon swimming in the seo.
Point to the dog Put the shell on the sond.
swimming. Put the boy bouncing o boll under the tree.
Point to the mon Put the boy fishing next to lhe girl running.
kicking o boll.
Pul lhe sunhot on the girl.
Point to the womon
ploying o guitor.
Point to the sun.
Well done!

@ fick whot you con do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy the sports words. !
I con spell the sports wordr. !
I con soy whot I like doing. !
T eon .sov whot nannlo nra dnin"t [-l
p Food
ond dri nk
(r') or o cross (X) in the box.

Q Uook ond reod. Put o tick

<JThis is o lemon. E This is ice creom D

, ^- rhis is o burser. D s/i:3.this is rice. !

@ _v+!q-Fro-rr

g r"71hese
\V// -/
/ ore fries tr

@ look ot the pictures. Look qt the I etters. Write the words.

mono o f;" 4ffi (NL
i fs

hBc n
cik 5 ,fr

-"\ \J# Cr
[_r- euo
/ \
/ .":
i-: \
qp n l,o
\Y Jrb-

@ neod, listen ond write q nome or q numbet @r,

1 Whot's the boy's nome?
2 Whose shop is it?
3 How mony mongoes would Tom like?
4 How mony opples hos Pol got?
Q neod ond .olort
Colour the ice creom pink.
Colour the bononos yellow.
Colour lhe tomotoes red.
Colour the corrols oronge.
Colour the lemonode yellow.

), @ r-isten ond tick or cross @ sa Whot fruit do you like?

6 a5

x r'



@ look ond write

breod *kwwr pototoes rice corrots



0 noke o lunch"

You need: ,' l'-

o Cut-out 9 1 Cut out your plote. rI

t. \-

o scissors 2 Choose ond cut

o coloured out food ond drink
pencils items.
o glue
3 Colour them in.
4 Glue them onto
your plote.

neod ond motch I like oronge juice

@ but I don't like woter.
I like chicken
ond tomotoes.


I like peos
ond pototoes.
I like burgers
ond rice.

@ look of the picture ond write one-word onswers

1 How mony opples con you see? s[x
2 Whot's the big monkey gol? on
3 Whot's the smoll monkey holding?
4 Whot's under the smoll monkey? o
Q r-isten ond (D


@ neod ond tick or cross I've got some gropes.

1 The snoke is eoting o mongo.

2 The lizord is drinking coconut milk D
3 The monkey is eoting o bonono ond o mongo.
4 The crocodile is eoting on opple ond o pineoppt" D
5 The giroffe is drinking lemon juice. !

@ look qt the picture ond reqd the questions. Write the onswers.
1Is the snoke eoting or drinking? eatlng
2 Whot's the tiger eoting?
D 3 Which onimol is eoting o wotermelon?
4 How mony pineopples ore there?
Q look ot lhe pictures. Look qt the letters. Write the words.
,,u- ,a-\
1- =- ' .- : ,,: rbo
r;; ,\ i
4\3, -lon
( ,; \.r)

'g ko

n od "

@ neod this. Choose o word from the box. milk

Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.

Chitd[.e-n like me. They don't O me, they

O me. I'm not oronge, I', O . I come

from o goot or o @ . You con find me in o

O . Whot om r?

@ rind the words b r e o k f o S ?)

m o U V p c I q t p
no e n m n p S S o o
o o f d I I h t m c
t n o e m o n o

z o k t c d h m tlo
\A' fl t o r m o on
@ I-ook or ine pilirires. Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers.
1 Whot's Mum drinkingZ mi[k
2 How mony people ore there?
3 Who's eoting coke?
4 Whot's Kim eoting?
5 Wlrot's Tom holding? o

@ listen ond tick (1/) the box @ oo

1 Whot's Kim's O
fovourite fruit?
V o

2 Whot's Dod o
hoving for

3 Where's thot
pineopple, Ann?

@ look ond reod. Put o tick (r'\ or cross (X) in the box.
This is o birthdoy coke. @
il':::.T: !
2 This is milk. ! These ore !
o rooes _
Q look ond reoO. Write yes or no.
1 Tom eots burgers for
breokfost. no
2 Tom drinks milk for
3 Tom eots chicken ond
rice for lunch.
4 Tom likes opples ond
ice creom.
5 Tom eots fish for
@ usten ond drow lines @0,

p\w w


@ write yes or nofor you
,5),'' ,/

1 I eot fish ond fries for breokfost.

2 I drink woter for dinner.
3 My fovourite fruit is bononos.
4 I love ice creom.
5 T'm cnlinn o hrrroer now
Q f-ook qnd polnt. Tell your friend.
You need: Unit 9 picture cords from Teocher's Book poge p30.

Point lo the birthdoy coke. Put the lemons on the opples.
Point to the opples. Put the milk in the cupboord.
Point to the cupboord. Put the meot nexl to the coke.
Point to the lemonode. Put the peor in Kim's hond.
Point to 'Hoppy Birthdoy'. Put lhe fries under the Iemonode.

Well done!

@ fick whot you con do. Colour the lodder.

I con osk for whot I wont to eot. !
I con osk for whot I wont to drink tr
I con soy breokfost, lunch ond dinner. !
T nnn enall lnle nf fnnd r,rrnrr{c al

Q look ond reod. Put o tick (r'\ or o cross (X) in the box.

This is Som's @ o @fiffiE[t'i. is Kim's D

house. .
t[JI\- house.

This is Brown
! '@ffi;;. 11
This is Som's

€) agok ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write the words.

r= I j- ,,: 7
.-: , 'r""t t"t

hes s
ou r m od
ro 6ffi o;[,

o Reod, listen ond write o nome or o number @+z

1 Whot's the girl's nome?
2 Whot number is her house?
3 Whot's Lucy's cousin's nome?
4 How mony houses ore in Brown Street?

Q neod qnd cdtour

Colour the toble in lhe
living room red.
Colour the door blue.
Colour the choir in the
dining room brown.
Colour the flowers purple.
Colour the dining room
floor green.

@ I-isten ond tick or cross @ ot

1 Kim's house hos got six room.. @

2 There isn't o dining room tr
3 There ore three bedroor.. !
4 Kim's bedroom is next lo the kitchen D
5 There's o holl ond o gorden. !

@ I-ook ond write

kitchen gorden lM holl living room


t bedro-om 2
O naoke o oedrooln'

You need:
r Cut-out 10 1 Cut out ond colour
. scissors
the bedroom.
o coloured 2 Cut out the bedroom
pencils items ond colour
them in.
3 Put the items onto
the bedroom.

@ neod ond motch


doll mot lomp rodio bed box mirror

@ look qt the picture ond write one-word qnswers

1 The mot is in front of the bed
2 The mirror is next to the
3 The rodio is on lhe
4 The lomp is behind the
Listen qnd colour

@ neod qnd tick or cross Hello, Who is it?

1 The TV is on the bookcos e. @

2 The box is under the windo*. D
3 There ore two tobles in the room tr
4 The clock is in front of the phone. !
5 The comero is block.

@ look of the picture ond reod the questions. Write the onswers.
1 Is the clock in the box? N0, [t isnlt,
2 Is the phone on the toble?
3 Is the TV block?
4 Is lhere o rodio in the room?
rite the words.

,ffi armchqir
'#,1' .m ,;J
ffi of s
,ffi q

@ +O

@ neod this. Choose o word from the box.
Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5.

I live in o hOuSe . I eot $ ond I drink

@ . I've gol four legs ond o @ .Icon

@ . I like ploying in the @
Whot om I?

x ct b o t h r o
@ rind the words o m
V h o u S e v k b t-
c Io c k p S q W c
bookcose\ I i k V d x u h j f
:,.';, I o c U p b o o r d
clock doll c h o r f r
i I m o
house o S b f v t I n I
W u e p U d V b I
o ..t
Look qt the pictures. Reod the questions ond write the onswers.

1 Where ore lhe chitdren? in the lfving foom ffi


3 Whot ore they sitting on? o

4 Where's Dod? in the

5 Whot's he looking in? the

@ Usten ond tick (r') fie box @ou

1 Which is O
Sue's house?

2 Where's o
Kim's doll?

3 Where does o
Bill Iive?

@ I-ook ond reod. Put o tick (r')or cross (X) in the box.
,@rhisisosoro. @ g This is o mirror. !

261 This is o wolch D ffil This is o robol.D


L.,- --1

@ I-ook ond'reod.'Write yes or no.

2 The girl is hoppy.

3 The sofo is new.
4 The sqfo is dirty.
5 The horse's toil is long.

@ r-isten ond drqw lines @ ou


@ write the onswers for you

1 Where do you live?
2 How mony bedrooms ore there?
3 Whot hove you got in your bedroom?
4 Whot's your fovourite toy?
5 Con vou drow it here? b.--.
@ I-ook ond pbint. iell your friend.
You need: Unit 10 picture cords from Teocher,s Book poge p31 .

Point to the bedroom. Put the bolhroom next to the holl.
Point lo the living room. Put the door in the living room.
Point to the kitchen. Put the cupboord in the bedroom
Point to the gorden. Put the dining room between the
Point to the holl. kitchen ond the living room.
Put the lree in the gorden.

Well done!

@ fick whot you con do. Colour the lodder.

I con soy the nomes of rooms. !
I con tolk obout my house.
I con tolk obout peopf" D
T con sorr lntq nf narlr rnrnrr{c n

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