BEEM Safety Framework ICSV GHG Initial Summary Presentation Rev0

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Safety & Regulatory

Update on initial proposals BHP,
Rio Tinto & EUC Engineering

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023
Safety share
Introducing new equipment is challenging.
We often overlook scenarios and are surprised
when incidents occur with new technology and
A miner died when a battery powered
personnel carrier he was riding on overturned.
Another miner riding on the personnel carrier
accidentally actuated the emergency stop
causing the personnel carrier to drift backwards
down a grade. The personnel carrier
overturned after striking the coal rib, pinning
the victim beneath it. The victim was not riding
in a designated seating area.

March 2023 Fatality Alert from MSHA

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 2
Origin and focus
• Very good alignment between mining companies from Charge-On Challenge and progression into
CharIN – What is the process identify and deal with the safety aspects of electrification?
Comment that kicked it off: “You know if we start with the Safe Mobile Autonomous Mining in WA
Code of Practice and replace Automation with Electrification, I reckon we’ll have a good start!”
• The Hazards introduced by electrification will be present in all mining operations and need to be
addressed by all mining companies (everyone is going to face these hazards and will have to deal
with them). Where there are gaps in safety and regulatory framework then it makes sense that as
an industry we seek global solutions that can be customized (if required) for specific localities.
• WA/Australia is believed to have the most stringent regulatory environment. If it can work in WA
regulatory framework then likely can be used elsewhere and modified to suit local regulations.
• This evolved into a series of hazard identification workshops – BHP & Rio Tinto
• Principal Hazard Management Plan (PHMP). Risk management approach & transferable to other
BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 3
Concern – what hazards will be introduced with electrification?
Safety of BEEM & high power charging Connectivity & system Maintenance,
systems integrity Transportation & Storage
• Battery fire & • Automation / Functional Safety • Battery fire &
explosion • Cybersecurity explosion
• Audible • Contact with
characteristics electricity
• Crushing & • Toxic
entanglement exposure
• Arc flash

• Contact with
Substation design,
HV electricity energy storage
• Lightning • Battery fire & explosion
• Arc flash • Arc flash • Contact with electricity

• Contact with
HV electricity
• Lightning

Electrical equipment in pits & quarries Power distribution

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 4
What are the overlapping regulatory requirements?




A Externally Controlled Plant (Automation) C Dangerous Goods Licensing requirements
B High Voltage D Overall: Principal Mining Hazard Management Plan -
BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 5
What was the approach?
1. 12 SMEs from BHP and Rio Tinto covering the following disciplines:
C: Human error made during
connector/cable maintenance.
• Battery & Battery Management Systems
RC: Drawings and engineering
documentation to guide maintainers
• Electrical safety with reconnection.

• Heavy Mobile Equipment RC: Re-commissioning of equipment

following reconnection (before being
put back into service).
• Dangerous Goods
RC: Interlocking prevents connector

• Emergency Response energisation before electrical

protection tests are completed
(ground fault & earth continuity)
• Functional Safety UE: Error made during maintenance a1/a2
of conductor/connector leads to short
2. 5 independently facilitated workshops circuit on subsequent energisation.

RC: Standard requirements RC: Electrical protection devices

3. Hypothetical mine for management of arc flash detect damage or contact (and
hazard disconnect supply).

• Hazards resulting in major or catastrophic consequences. RC: Reduction in personnel exposure

RC: Separation of connection
• New or compounded hazards analysed. For example, hazards such as falling from height location and “start charging” control.

undertaking battery maintenance, were seen as appropriately managed with existing RC: Energisation of the connectors
during charging is manually initiated
systems, so were not analysed
• Approx 60 high level bowties – focusing on the key Unwanted Events and the high level
Risk Controls.

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 6
What did we find?
• PHMP: Principal Hazard Management Plan – Electrification. The Principal Hazards that were highlighted:
1. Contact with electricity – High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC): Installing HVDC Trolley/Innovative Trolley systems
will introduce additional hazard scenarios for contact, machine to infrastructure as well as person to infrastructure.
2. Contact with electricity – Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC): The large battery packs necessary for BEEM or EES,
are typically operating in the hazardous Low Voltage (LV) level, 120Vdc > LV < 1500Vdc. Electrical work to replace
faulty battery modules, often requires ‘Live Work’ by electricians. This is high risk work.
3. Battery fire & explosion: there are a number of scenarios associated with battery fire & explosion. The key
engineering control is a robust Battery Management System (BMS), suitable for the intended usage.
4. Exposure to high incident energy equipment – arc flash: the power levels required to charge large mobile mining
equipment is significant. For example the Megawatt Charging Standard (MCS) is capable of 3.75MW, with the
development of the X-MCS aiming for ~12MW. Dynamic charging is expected to be at a similar order of magnitude.
• Although an engineering control and not a Principal Hazard, the importance of Functional Safety was also highlighted due
to significant challenges uncovered, for example ‘control isolations’ vs ‘whole current’, as well as integrity of ground fault
detection, and BMS etc.

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 7
What we propose
• ICSV / GHG engagement
o Review current work and provide feedback
o Activate safety and regulatory framework working group – Mining operators and OEMs
o Agree form of deliverable – e.g. a Code of Practice
o Determine approach, next steps, etc

• Regulatory engagement
o Seek feedback on approach (PHMP) from Australian regulator(s)

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023 8
Feedback & questions
This has been a joint effort between BHP and Rio Tinto
Appreciation to Iain Curran and the team at BHP!

BEEM Safety & Regulatory Framework – Presentation to ICSV / GHG | © Rio Tinto August 2023

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