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i TEREX MODEL NO. RT 1120 HYDRAULIC CRANE 108.5 Metric Ton P.C.S.A. CLASS 10-551 LOAD RATINGS Do not operate this crane unless you have read and understood the information in this book This book must contain 60 pages. DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK FROM THE CRANE Pat Number 12262. 1328 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 4 - Miscellaneous Information Holt Tackle Chart, Tire ination Chart, Weights Tie and Flat Loads Crane Dimensional Diagram ‘General Warnings and Defions ‘Setup and Operational Warnings Part 2- Lifts with Outrigger Seams Fully Extended Main Boom-Mode 1 (Synchronous Mode) Main Boom-Mode 2 (Stabity Mose) Main Boom Mode 3 (Strength Mode) ‘Runner Lit Capacities (Boom Mode 1) Mala Boom Mede 1 with 9 M Jb Erected bat Unused Main Boom-Mode 1 wth 17 M Jb Erected aut Unused 8M JbLiR Capactios 47M Jib Lt Capactios 251M Jib Lit Capactis ‘331M JbLit Capacties art 3- Lifts with Outrigger Beams at Mid-pesition Main Boom-Mode 1 (Synchronous Mode) Main Boom Mode 2(Stabity Mode) Main Boom Mode 3 (Strengh Mede) Runner Lit Capacites (Boom Mode 1) Main Boom-Mode 1 with @ M Jb Erected bat Unused Main Boom Mode 1 with 17 M Jb Erected ut Unused 8M Jib Lit Capacities 17M Jib Lit Capacties 25M Jib Lit Capacties 38 M Jib Lit Capacties Gaene 10114 wi3 1405 18119 20.21 2.23 24125 28.27 28,20 30,31 2213 34135, 26,37 38,30 40,41 42,43. 44145, 46.47 Part Lifts with Outrigger Beams Less Than Half Extended Maln Boom-Mode 1 (Synchronous Mode) Maln Boom Mode 2 (Stabity Mode) Mala Boom Mode 3 (Strength Modo) Runner Lit Capacities (Boom Mee 1) Part §-Lifts On Tires Lit equipped with 38.25:20-32R Tires art §- Lifts with No Counterweigh Installoe Main Boom Fully Extended Outiggers (Boom Mode 2) Part - Hand Signals For Crane Operation 48,49. 50,51 52153. 5455 88.57 INFORMATIONAL DATA HOIST TACKLE CHART Ths chart ony represents the moximum pais hist ne as Fe fees el tar il rf ope Toa ne Pa STsT sists is te lela HOOK BLOCKS OOK BLOCK WEIGHTS DIMENSIONS ARE FOR LARGEST ea Soar] TEREX FURNISHED HOOK BLOCK apa AND HOOK de BALL WITH ANTI—TWO 161 MT Hoo« Lock (1 stenve)— 259 xc | BLOCK ACTNATED. 18.0 MF HOOK BLOCK (5 SHEAVE) — 729 KC 90.7 MF HOOK BLOCK (7 SHEE) — 962 Ke eee SI habe RUNNER DEDUCT 00K FROM THE LIT CHART CAPACITY IF THE RUNNER IS ATTACHED (TO THE BOOM HEAD) AND Uerag Shor SeING MADE FROM RUNNER. DEDUCTION NEEDS TOGE ASE F THE RUNNER'S @_ EVER EtErES Brinineor ons srones Posen ore sou. TIRE INFLATION CHART RECOMMENDED TRE PRESSURE (KGET Te se sarowny | cere [20 won | Te ap eem| ay Das 1a Sao MAXIMUM OUTRIGGER PAD LOAD me rer [ease Pose INFORMATIONAL DATA MACHINE EQUIPMENT 1. COUNTERWEIGHT : UPPER: 'W/AUX. WINCH 12,519 KG. W/O AUK. WINCH “13,426 KG 2. OUTRIGGER SPREAD 7.9 M from center of outrigger float to center of outrigger float across the longitudinal axis of the machine Powered boom length 12.6 m retracted to 47.2 m extended. 3, Crone height 3.97 m, length 14.99 m, width 3.52 m. CLAMSHELL, MAGNET, AND CONCRETE BUCKET SERVICE e 1. Maximum boom length for clamshell and magnet service is 15.2 m. 2. Weight of clamshell or magnet, plus contents ore not to exceed 2722 KG cor 80% of rated lifting capacities, whichever is less. For concrete bucket operation, weight of bucket and load must not exceed 90% of rated lifting capacity. Basic DIMENSIONS e FULLY EXTENDED OUTRIGGERS 7825 mm 8535 mm Ee ‘GENERAL 1 loads 0s shown on Lit Charts pertain to this machine os inal menufoctured. and 9 Todtications fo the machine or Ste Geplonleauipment otter thon that specined on result ina ‘eduction of copes, 2. Construction equipment can be hazardous If impropedy operated or ‘maintained. Operon ond rmsintenanee of tha racine sal oe ty Eomplionce win the information in the, Operators, Parts, ond Safely Aichtaia supped with this machine. "i these tonual sre missing order replacement fram the monufactorér through your distributor 3. These warnings do not constitute oll of the operating conditions or the. crane, The operator and jobsite supervision ‘must uly understand the CeERATORS WaNURL Chin SAFETY ROWUAL” APOOGABLE” OSHA. REGULATIONS JRO AMERICAN SOCIEY OF MECHANWCAL EHGHEERS (SME) SAFENY STANDARDS FOR 1. This crane ond its load ratings ore in, accordance with POWER CRANE de SHOVEL ASSOCIATION, STANDARD NO. 4, SAE CRANE LOAD STABILITY TEST CODE 37854, "SAE METHOD OF TEST FOR’ CRANE STRUCTURE” J1063 AND_ APPLICABLE SAFETY ‘CODE FOR ‘CRANES, DERRICKS AND HOIST, ASME/ANS! B30, DEFINITIONS 1. LOAD RADIUS. The horizontal distance from the axis of rotation. before Toading t0 the canter of the vertical holst Tine or tockie with 2 ood oppleg 2. LOADED BOOM ANGLE ~ I a the angle batusen the boom bose secon and the horizon, ater iting the role oad ef he ated Tad fhe Bcom°ongie beter logs Should be greater to cescunt er deflections. The ood boom ange conned wie oom Tens ie onion @ ‘opproximation of the operating radius, (a 3. WORKING AREA ~ Arece mecsured in © | sam, qumaazas revi cre. gout ‘hw catarioa of er’ soo" Fotation 98 shown in the siogram. AB SF 4. FREELY SUSPENDED LOAD — Lood hanging ‘ree with no direct external force applied except by the hoist rope, 22. SIDE LOAD — Horizontal force applied "o the lifted load ether on the Se nes TERME TE Ls | ae es pat Se 9 ‘round or in the ai es soe ac, 6. EXIRA-CAUTION ZONE~Tipping can coeur with some boom/jb combinations ot ‘od within this area without any lood on the hook. BOOM SIDE OF CRANE — The side of the erane over which the boom fe positioned ‘when in on OVER SIDE working, postion Poge 4 Page 5 SET-UP Crane lood ratings ore based on the crane being leveled and stonding on ‘firm, uniform supporting, surface, Crane load ratings on otiggers or bosed on all ourgger beoms being ip onanasln"Se ie e880 ee pot’ extension rouge Irathancay ana in the spproprte poston, Sea Rate tes of te’ apporng Sttoce “he tie condone. pressures in ties, Use of jibe, latice-type boom extensions, or fourth section pullouts ‘niended Te not permitted for pick ond catty sperations. Consult appropriate section of the Operator's end Service Manval for ‘more axoct description of holst ine’ rosving, The use of more parts of line than required by the load may resuit in eving inaufficlent rope to cllow the hock Block to reach the ground. Properly meitained wie cope ls essentil for safe crane operction. “Consa ee Operator's Manual for proper maintenance and Inspection Fequrements When spin-resiatant wire rope is used, the cllowable rope leasing shall 'be the Brooking strength vided by five’ (8), unless otherwise. epeciied by the wire rope manufacturer. ‘The boom angle must be below 55° unless the boom is positioned ting with the ‘rones ‘chassis or the oulrggere ore extended. Faliure to ‘Sbserve"this warning may result in loss. af stably. ‘CRANE LOAD RATINGS MUST NOT SE EXCEEDED. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TIP THE ‘CRANE TO. DETERMINE ALLOWABLE. LOADS. When either rasus or boom length, or both, ore between listed volves ‘he smaller of the two sted Toed ratings sholl be used. De nat operate at longer radi thon those lsted on the applicable lood rating chars (erose hatched ‘reas shown on range diagrams) 8 tipping con occur without ® Toad on the hook. The boom engles shown on the Copocity Chart give an approximation of the (operating radius for a speciied boom length. The boom angle, Before IBocing, should be eater to eccount for boom deflection. it may be Seceosary to react the boom maximum boom angle is insufficient to ‘raintoin roted octus A WARNING 5. Roted loads include the weight of hook Block, | excess neo “ngs 2nd autor ting devices, “Ther. Peers ight anol be sbtrocad from ine Tateg | eidcx Red cdo Sin rt ead tht can be : hen titing over the jo the weight of ony suns hook block, sing, end ouxtany Wha ae to the loot. 100 TTA. FATED Land hed ong expactinn eu and 0 couch rma. Deusn at (Geo "tos tory canted chev ond mun be Send Se, ten Mase, ee oe ge Sas ees Noi OTS Sal When jibs ore erected but unused odd three(3) times the weight of ony hook block, sings, and ‘uxllory ifng devices ot the J head to the loo. 18 Roted loads do not exceed 85% on ouiriggera or 75% on tes, of the ‘Wpping loot determined by SAE Crone Stabisty Test Code 07650, ‘Structural strength rabage te chart ote indosled with on ostorek (). 7. Rated toads are based on freely suspended loads. No attemet 3 ‘mage to drag a food horizontaly’on the ground in any drection.| 8, The user shall operate ol reduced ratings to allow for adverse jc ‘andiony such an” SoA ot neon ground och of level condos, Wish wind," ead, pnaum orton ong or ‘sudden sari of loads," hazardous conditions, experence of personnel, two. mochine traveing with loods, eleciié wires, etc, (side pull on boom of Is FHorordous)."Derating tthe rance ing eofonty iz roquced ‘when wind speed exceeds $2 KPH. The center of the lifted lood must never be cliowed Beata ine aoe eats ee Fre 0.6m off the center ine of the bose, boom fore two eadion boom, 0.3m foros’ seston boom, {am Yor four seston, oF 1S ‘oro five secon boom.” copes at sec, pcan of (iced tings are net excoocee 10. teed ratngs reaped open he ron Sing anand owen to ‘monufoctrers apechcotona. ay 11, Wavmcgrendd et lad handing vce, itching host, ond hook Sa Weg Seay se ls Nad cea Maa 12. FOR TRUCK CRANES ONLY: 380" cpoctien opply only to machines eguipped Mone ton age ack and ve (3) Siar pce forty Sa fe font (G8) ouigser Jak stl propery art, in wack oe ected 12" the ove ade arf oer rear are’ og shows on he" Cone Woring, Potions ‘lagtor Use the S60" lod ratings in te overage work ores, 13, Do pat tit with outioser beams posiioned between the fully extended Ghd tnermediats (ed) posiiohe 14, Truck Cranes nah eaupged with eouaeing (box) booms between the rear ie Sry nbs Tol ir must test re aces ee SGecng ome ond rear a suapentn should ump bec Eto tng tae Te 4 WARNING ‘BOOM OPERATION ‘This machine's equpped wth hee boom modes. iisimeetnt hatte load chart being ued earespen othe boom rode that asetes ‘200M NODE + Boom made fers maximum ing eapscy at misange Boom angles. In boom Inode 1 sectone 1 IV, and Venend sehonouay. ‘00m NODE 2 Boom mode 2s design to masmie ting capacy at ow boom angles. In boorn ‘novo 2, voctons I, IV, and V tend synchronous, hen secon I edends, ‘s00M MODE 3 Boom move 3 designed to mnie Ing capacy at high boom angles. In boom Inoue §secions anal extends ten sacson IV and V fly extend synchronous. MANUAL BOOM LENGTH DETERMINATION ‘Sections ofthe boom are marked withthe percentage of extension allow the operator {breanuaby dstamine boom lng. Te prcrtages of eension can easy be envrtedto bom ngs sig the Boom extension infra salad on each fad page, For evar, boom mode 3, wih 100% showing on secon and, a Spit on secon 1V and Ve exended 3658, anata) Tae 828 245. Modet [3045 3558 287 728 20 B29 2a38 Mode2 | ~s0aa 355 2 2 a. a. o 287 [ar 7 ae [ws 260 o ° = 38 igielela}slct 7829 2438 Modes [2982 [100 106 358 [109 | ao wer _| 100 | 101, a20_1 00. ot iglslalolelele| Crone nd ings ore Sand on the ere Bing lit and stan on fy en Uniform soe 12 Crone ad ratings on attggrs er boot on of eign tae tung potind occordng tothe “open Gad ther and he's roses rn the sipartg ware. Tr CRM LOAD RATWGS MUST NOT 8© EXCEDED. CO NOT ATTEMPT TO TP THE CRANE TO DETERMINE TEE Ing Po one dt ot Dc Fe nen be et a ee Se see See te ey aa ae Ee = E q2 6 tee ee we a a en ie] ISS Se Se Ss Fae —| oe = ~ 2 ee = 7 plo a er at Beton an ot peng mee, enn seer ee ee eee ee 2p yo a He oe dh at fe 3 RLSM NE Tog on oer ath sone bun costo oo win ane ‘acted Soc nnih” he oor arma bel odo Soa be gota Socata Sos ° Site oan vei ale Boon Fm reg tic secismeee Mame eanave Losian eee oe oleae ela leave Ce cod rage ore Saeed on the rane Seg ewe end tong © Fm ond no ioc ee age 11 | 1 Crone fod rts re Bone onthe crane bing lel ord stan en © fm end storm suse 2. Crane led rong ep ovigges ore toned on at cutige beara beng poston eccorsng tthe “poets ad St de tan round ve ot he saporg eae "CRM \o4D RATAGS MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED. 00 NOT ATTEMPT TO TP THE COME TO OEERINE 2 Whey iter ru or Soom gto bah, ar btnen ated vai, the slr aft to Sted "25d reget 6 ted” SERIO ZONE = Typ en ese wh ne hun emit ool win i en 4. Mh sgn erg snean oe Copay Ch shen cgi of omg edn fr @ SET” Sa SPN, Ne Seen a Paes a, fiction. hmey be necony to ravoct Be boom maximum boom ange fe imutient to ‘rain rte adn eee ee | rr \ “crore lad rang ee boat onthe crane bang Il ond sanding an afm and uiorm sues 12 Crna ad roth on ager oe eat all otigerbaama tang postonad coding tothe “otal Ca Ehrt Oa Baton round tea ot the separ mare. ora pie yop garwos wast NOT SE ExCemED. 00 NOT ATEMPT TO TP THE CRANE TO DETERMNE 2 an tr rod or bean Ing or bth are Eaten Ine vein te amar of theo Haat "259 gee Ge Se 5 SRRACOAON ZON — Tyga an eer wth sone Sun contin tra in ees eS ee een e pees Jesrrigomeceevtestoe aaap gags} Snag HERE 5955} saga} e222§ Fothnte tei at "Scone od tht Stn ox one eg ton sg on en tor ma GS sa rer on rae ne oo abana tag pss enn | Ce PE Sa Sa ee erg wt 12g tr Say hho Bt nen na na fo id | as at Ser 2 SIRcUneN Ze pe tee wh ne ey ent ts i + Baremae geome tires ememen ree ‘E'may oe mcsaony LSC se mabe St an Pet Te i i * PR SS eee gi rere es : seer nT Pa Monee Y20m2 1323 Page 18 ay SRR EERE SRE ae a EERE ————— ‘9M OFFSET JB, MAIN BOOM FULLY EXTENDED OFFSET 20° OFFSET “40 OFFSET tore] en en wen, fra | asone soot nous soot rious ae cea) | “oy 0) ‘an a) i Ko) 73-1185 76507 wr 700 ter 3350 ite 73807 185 800 20 3850 ee 70807 Zio 62507 28 coe 07, 3780 a 8150 aa 7 71] 28 360-7 2a 58507 Bs es_] 350 3850-7 238 53507 aay 27097 cet B50 23 co) pu 507 igen gp gf omens PO omega 00 a 30007 Ses 3800 35 3600 3 3557 [oa 2300 350 2700 2 2500 St 369, 2160 387 2000 Sa 00. a7 393 550 208 0 418 130. alate 50 230 0 ‘Bs oD 1 a [Add 7 kgto te chart values tho AURLLIARY BOOM HEAD SHEAVE INOTERECTED, seTUP + Crane loa ratings are based on crane beng leveled and stanng on fr, untorn supporting sue 2 Crane load ratings on outages ar based on all otiggers big fly extended, or Inthe case of partal extension ratings mechanical ned in tho spproprite Prato, athe tres ree ofthe sopporing surface Part Nbr 12262-1528, Page20 if i 4 § ina bas He “ilniodes 4.2.09) ee {7 OFFSET J, NAN BOOM FULLY EXTENDED worse ar orreer “ae orreet eee] oe = me pre | mot 00! moe 80" mous a eo | "an st eo) a ao) eee — a eo Fes faz-| soo — [| BBs a3-| — smo —[-9-| seer] @ ate oo tt fe} seo || om a - Be es-| feo et | a= Se 21} — Sn eBe on Sa see aa} a — | +S ot| ar —— ed Sn ‘ae-| ter — st] — tr Bae “as | — fees |---| ETS ro = ‘Ass 71 gio tar vas ne AML BoD HEAD SHANE Nor eneoTeD serup 1 Crane ood ratings are bated onthe crane being lees end sanding on fr, unr supporting srtace. 2 Grane oad ating on cutggers ar based onal otiggers Bing aly extended Inthe caso of pari extension ratings macharealy pied hte aporopats| oson, andthe re eo te upporing een. Past Number 12262-1328 Page Ld 203) (ES Goeerere oe 75M CFSE J, nN BOOM FULLY EXTENDED o ortecr 2 OFFSET “ao OFFSET ‘peel = fea ee oe ‘seo | “an xo) o xe ‘a xo, oe Ses fa fi ar Sar soos [ae a Tee a Sos07 |e => Bas 3507 at oes [ae i at Fe — jos [ee os at aer Sea" —[ 0 oT ia eas sor — are 77 [os = ees Zon — a 60 er 107] at Sa att ios — [cs io ass Saar isan i a a aa a0 [ar i) a 0 age te ieee = palate] a 35 ep ot Ad 77 kg be car aes ‘ADLARY 00M HEAD SHEAVE NOreRECTED sere + cane a tng ar bad on rane ing eed antag on teat span mace dee onioges rbset ona sige bg iy xed, or Po cinta eaende roe mecca pnd ine appre Shon nd be res fon ote eppoig store. or Number 2082-1222 Pane 24 “airodas 1 (4.2.03) ee TS VAT SL ETAT OO SOSERS TE FICO cont me ee = = = we se wove sat raous eo? oo ss SS a=, = =e —— a [Add 77 kg tothe chat vals ite [AURILLIARY BOOM HEAD SHEAVE i NOTERECTED. SETUP. 1 Crane food rings are based onthe cane bing leveled an stanng on fm, Luton supparing surface. 2 Grane load ratngs on outigers ar based ona etggers beng uly ecended, 0 Inthe cave pata extension rings mechancaly ped in he sppropite poten, ar tha thes tee ofthe eupparingsifce Part Number 12262-1328, Page 28 i SSS eReeeraan se cone tod rte or tod en he cane beng Ive ond staring on © fm and itr autaes 12. Grae ood rotngs on euganot sive Um aig poston eccrine the “Sie Ga art ide era an he pring creme Te came oxo RanNos MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED, 00 NOT ATENPT TO T THE CRANE TO DETERNE iat! Bas 2. eye rou ar boa eg or Baty ate Dusen Sled values, the amar of thet as "Od ath Sat Se Sa ‘3. EAACOATN ZONE — Topi cen exe wh sme hoom/J combinations ot rt tin th aes ‘nea ay ed op the oe 4. eben co thw ote oath Ct be craig rag foe 0 Ee Lae ee s Pisin amare eet sian tiie Sete "aver oe mn cel encase" Dot for Sach fot of nee re ioe? Rte HS asd "See het Toa’ that for rope lomaton a‘ lo — Leet sw a wale Sw 1 crone lat rating ort tome eo the crow bing Int and sanding en © fm and ufrm surtece. 2. Crna od rotigs on stages ore hosed on logger bare bing potlond oecordg to the “optoia lad chon onde tes rand feet Sopp mee YS Ce ow mamNGS MUST NOT BE ACEEDED, 0 WoT ATENET TOT TH CRANE TO DETERANE 2 Wn tr rr or Snr gh bth etn Std sla the amar of Ine ad 5x cuTEN 20K = Tope cor cone wh toma Beon/Boconinons trol win thi oo 4 The toum cogs ahs 9 the Copsey Chart ge gp onyotination cf he oersing rie for «| "Boated Soin" Th bor seg bf aon" bata well obs ‘Steet oh ray mrowemry wo rect tw boa fmm’ beam enge‘e eaumiSent 2 ses ri et REESE ee ad gE Lijit] io? f 2 Pw a ee eS we ew roe nt age on eae, tna on ot stig nar big oboe eeceg tot ‘Sotcaia Ga tert cnd etes aed te tthe Soper Sr TEE MOPS oH dt, ah SISSON 796 Tp om sor te a tot ihn i one “ey re Ce ce nme ce St aS ee Egarek waren crenata Seer Se reads See Oe Cee, ‘Sefore ctampting tr T's locd.”' See the Fett Tackle Chart for rape information eal eeee sees ee — L See bt di ret gm Sm at ra rae od rong on egg ore tie bear ting pationed ecodng 10 the ‘oleae thr cde tee rea tu ote sprog uoce ee ay aoc MAST NOT BE EXCEEDED. 00 NOT ATEMPT TO TP THE CRAKE TO OETERANE Mey go PP ob ed at [SaREAINOK ZONE Tyg an scr wh sone Sem cts trot win is een paar ae Bo ete 2 rcirin rie° = the toom'F osm tom se meter ‘itng gene min condo encase Scat fer woe fol facta he ‘Sto enping's k's bad Soe te Fat Tac Chr fe rope eet i TIONS yo eee eee eee ree ees e : aa = oo a a ee : a H = ai —— — (Co eoncenesn ] ae § aoe i —— vor Ct See) area oe ee Pas ee revved nt gd and ng on 9 fm ewer atin, Sie nono rab ag pontine még ORR SPL Ste SB eer Sf TR ER A BE SERENE Bg Freee ee! et yoo ww a 080 ON aa ss ni i VED i. « Se ‘ilnoges I (.2.089) i oom TRIGGERS ARE PRES NTEDPOSTIO ‘9M OFFSET 6, MAIN BOOM FULLY EXTENDED or oreser 20" OFFSET “40 OFFSET toaven| gen = an sous | racis soo mous sor move eo ora | “on ce 0, o| 731 ta BED ez 73507 78 as Teo a0 7807 70s 3800 7488 7a a ere as a0" 73_| iss. Taso Zs 5050 wz sD ie Bi Be 5300 2ar 850 ea | 225 500 ar 4550 25 50 er_| 28 600 252 3200 Bao 300 65258. 50 zr 3350 238 2200 [art Zest 23 2800 Bu 2a00 e1_| 287 a 8 2300 23 0 a_[ sor 350 323 0 338 0 sri, src 38 50 351 0 [Add 7 go the chat ates he [AURILLIARY BOOM HEAD SHEAVE NOT ERECTED, SETA: + Crane load ratings ar based onthe crane being leveled nd ann on fr, norm supporting suas, 2 Grae load abe on aurgger sre based on all autiggers beng fly ecerded or inte cave of pata exteraon rags mechanical ined ne sppeprite potion, andthe ese ofthe euppeing sue. Pat Number 12262-1323 Paget ey LEE Ila owe carnage sey ace at Bee ee ee. kro he Sing CS — ———— {7 MOFFSET J, MAIN BOOM FULLY EXTENDED OF OFFSET 20° OFFSET “a0 OFFSET toro] wen en, a weet | wove se miowe xo maps ‘a a) a Ko) 7 [74 a0 zn 300 Bae [18s 2007 2a 33007 25 21507 7507, 0507 258 3150 233 2K 2s S60 ara 3507 08 2880 Tia 3850 233 07 323 2800 [282 3700 cK 2500. 335 FE ‘er | 280 S20 a | 206. 2860 Bea 200. rz 00 as—[ sta 260 353 600. 37. 150 ei [ 28 700 a8 7250, 59 [ 347 7300 ‘Add 77 kg he chart vast be [AUXILIARY BOOM HEAD SHEAVE is NOT ERECTED. SeTUF: 1 Grane lad ratings are based onthe crane bing lvl an standing ena frm ‘norm support surtacs, 2 Crane load rings on cutigar are based on a atggers bing ful extend, or Inthe cate of paral exten ratings mechancaly pine nthe appropri Pralion, and tn us to oho suppor sue Part Number 12282-1323, Pane (25M OFFSET JIG, MAIN BOOM FULLY EXTENDED © OFFSET ‘20° OFFSET “40 OFFSET woroe0| en a 2 wet | sous ae mous ser mous ao ce) | “ag 6) “oa xo) ‘a Ks) [485 207 ar 20 25 7507 7 [ as 25007 3307 00 air 600 ra ee ES a 20007 335 700 Tas ZO 2 860 360 1650 ee | 308) 354 1300 ae “00 rms 7650. a2 500 Be 2) eset 1400 [Ad 77 goth chart values the AURILLIARY BOOM HEAD SHEAVE NOT ERECTED, SET-UP + Crane fad ratings are based onthe crane being leveled and standing on fm, ‘untorm supporting surece. 2 Crane lod atngs on outrages are based on ll ouiggers beng uly extended er Inthe cate cf partial extension rings mechanical pined inthe appropriate postion, andthe tres ree ofthe supporting ert Pas cde 12282-1828 Pages : a aes Bit SS * Guetna oe oe ereer eats ce eS a ) _ SS (12.063), ee SRT SLY WENA OORT ARE PED EOSIN 28 W OFFSET @ WAN BOOM FIRLY EXTENOED © orrser 2 OFFSET ae orrser own) ven 2 = reat | sacs se maou se mous rd ea | “ae a a oo ia Kg NO AVAILABLE CAPACITIES e ‘seTar, 4 Grane kadatng bane te ere being elena, tet npg sures 2 Gre nings on ouger ae baste outage sg aedsor ‘nttscweepil anne rg memnalohres We sreoprie Poubs nie esti sppoag sacs S900) wana eee aaaa8 3939] 3 i i a0 on ca crane lad rong or bad onthe crane eng ltl and ting a fem end ior wok, 2. Crane fal rating on agg er Dek on atts baum bang potions exerting te the “Fens tad Wirt cod Be Ua rae te ate Spey moc. corer Te cue no macs WT NOT BE EXCEEDED, 9 NET ATT TO TP THE CHAE To OCTERINE 2. uy ter ra or boom lng, oF Ben re beeen ned values, th emaler ofthe two ated "Sad rps one 3 GOMCOATN ZO py con se wth me ee comin rot wn ewe 4. Te bam ene shwn ote Sorat hart gr en enprvinton of the operating ad for 0 ‘sna Tala Spl er i i 4 ema "Brae seen mimeo engi bwutset Cee a ee agg saaef 28 ansef guna} 5 | igae) saasd "Clone bo rts are bated on th crane bang Ied nd soning ono fr end uniform eto. 2. Clana a rte on eutigure re ened al adie ters being poston ezcrtng tothe ‘pote loa thr cn he aes rasa eu of te mppong mort Tae uw ames WT WoT BC BCEEED. 00 NOT ATEMP To TT CaM To ETENME 2 ey sie a Bors Mr 6 ih ae tee ad wn amar of the te te 3 ICEAMION ZOKE = Tig con oor wh se Sno coins a 06 tin i one + Sy arse eur cvamy pate. metre tne + L co ose ous ers "rene lod rain are boned on the cane Big ned end ning on @ fr one unfom muoce, 2. Grom ind roti on atau xe boned on a uruer bears bang Fotoned zeny tot ‘reais od‘ ane tes rand tea ot tne searing nar roman 1s CRAKE Lo¥D RUNES MUST NOTE EXCEEDED. 00 NOT ATTEMPT TO TP THE CRANE TO DEERME : Se ee ees | 2 EEmCARBN et er ee beh emt el on > ae eg ee eee E f a ES RM GOO Se ee ee ee Crowe led range are bored on the ere aig Il and sending on @ fim endfor suse, Crane lon ratings on suger bad onal eating Dae bang poston ecorcing to te “onenead etd Se tres aad ron Of he apporing sack. apg soe games west wor We exezDe. 00 vor ‘re THE ctw TO aTaet 10 eremune ou eter ne Ser etser ht Even Bite wen, th ater of De to ed "Ord aig Sat Se ad ROAM FE Tp cn wh on n/c wn ene 4 Th bom geste oh evs he cheatin net © Een "hls outlay Ws Pelt voor imum Neo eg out te ver woos rw ron a ‘MODE 2 (STABLY NODE) TE TS SHAR ORLY HRENFTNS Lamson fie rrowr ov me ‘ON TIRES: Ad477 gto te cat aes he ‘ADRLLLRY So0K FO SHOVE porenccreo, =j_, e sgemturmasiraar ‘OPERATION: 1. CRANE LOAD RATINGS. MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED. 00 NOT ATTEMPT TO TIP THE CRANE TO. DETERMINE ALLOMABLE” LOADS. 2. When ether radius or boom length, or both, are betwoun listed valu ‘he ‘smcler of the ‘wo teled food ratings shal be used 3. Do not operate at longer rod thon those fated on the applicable load ating chor (eross Retched (77/ABH areas shown Ov range diegroms) « toning can occur without 0 food on the hook 4, the boom angles’ shown on the Copocity Chott give cn approximation of the perating roche for o” specified bnom ‘engin. The Soom ong, before eater to ecsourt for’boom defection. "Wt may be The: boom if maximum boom ange is Ineufclent to 5. Truck Cranes aot equipped with eavolzing (Boole) becms between the rear Vas ay nal be bast for ting on West fuck Crores slope. th (Equaizing Users’ ond reer air suepension should *dump® the. eit before. iting ‘on tres’ 00M DERLECTONS NOT SHOWN | f 5 24 @ kn ( Z; ni j 7 i See oa | TT reve q 3 6 9 2 18 2 27 wo 8S soranon Loto RADUS WN METERS cod LENGTH 1 METERS CCRANE LOAD RANNGS. MUST NOT BE EXCEEDED. 00 NOT ATTEMPT TO TIP THE, CRANE TO DETERMINE” ALLOWABLE. LOADS. When either rodlue or boom length, oF both, are bet “he” amar of the wo Tsved Toad role shell be us Do not operate at longer rod than those listed on the applicable load rating. chor (cross hatched ‘ores shown on range diagrams) 108 tipping con occur without © Toad on the hook. ‘The boom onges shown on the Copacity Chart give on opproximation of the Tapefeng fous for 2 specified boom length. The boom angle, before WEidng: ahould be greater to account for boom deflection. "it may be Ireceosary to retract the boom if meximum boom angie Ts insufficient to maintain roted radius. Truck Cranes gol equipped with equalizing (pools) beoms between the reor ‘ies may na be ueea for ting “on treet rusk Cranes equpped mith ‘Sausizing booms’ ond rear oir suspension should "dump" the er before iting Son tres, an sted volues, [00M DEFLECTIONS NOT SHOWN 2 8 f ws HOOT WY METERS FROM GROUND oa LT eee qs 8 0 15 wom 2 27 0 3S {AD RUOUS WN METERS Poye 83 Built in Waverly, lowa U.S.A. TEREX Waverly, lowa 50677

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