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Class IX (Science) ANSWER KEY Max.

Marks: 80

Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each
of the questions 1 - 20.(1X20=20)

1) C
2) D
3) D
4) B
5) D
6) A
7) C
8) A
9) C
10) B
11) B
12) B
13) D
14) B
15) C
16) C
17) B
18) D
19) B
20) B


Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions (2x6=12)

22) A) Liquid
B) Gas

23) A) Centrioles and lysosomes

B)Golgi bodies

24)i)8 ii)4

25) i) An isotope of carbon-12, C14, is used in carbon dating.

ii) U235 is used in the nuclear reactors to generate electricity.

(iii) An isotope of iodine is used in the treatment of goitre.

(iv) An isotope of uranium is used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.(Any two)

26) This happens because of transpiration due to which water is released from the plant in
the form of water vapour which appears on the glass jar.


Question No. 27 to 33 are short answer questions(3x7=21)

27) a) Meristematic cells are continuously dividing cells so they have a prominent nucleus
and dense cytoplasm. But since these cells do not store food material or waste materials,
they lack vacuole.
(b) Sclerenchyma cells have lignified cell walls which makes them compact and leaves no
intercellular spaces.

(c) The branches of a tree have collenchyma cells which provide tensile strength to plant
parts. So, it move and bend freely when wind blows.

28) A) (i) Sublimation (1.5x2=3)

(ii) Dissolution/diffusion
(iii) Evaporation/diffusion

B) i)compound ii) element iii) mixture

29) 1) phospohorus

Electronic configuration-2,8,5 no.of neutrons-16 valency-3,5

2) Magnesium

Electronic configuration-2,8,2 no.of neutrons-12 valency-2

3) Neon

Electronic configuration-2,8 no.of neutrons-10 valency-0

30) A) (i) CH3COO– Na+ (ii)Cl– Na+
(i) Molecular mass of H2CO3 = 2 × 1 + 1 × 12 + 3 × 16
= 2 + 12 + 48
= 62 u

(ii) Molecular mass of MgSO4 =1 × 24 + 1 × 32 + 4 × 16

= 24 + 32 + 64
= 120 u

31)Refer fig-5.6 NCERT book page no-56


Plasma membrane Cell wall

1. It holds cellular contents and controls passage of 1. It gives protection, strength and rigidity to the

materials in and out of cell. cell.

2. It is semipermeable in nature and allows entry of

2. It is completely permeable in nature.
selected molecules into the cell.

3. It is elastic and controls the cell’s turgidity

3. It is not elastic.
preventing its bursting.

32) Nervous tissue contains highly specialised unit cells called nerve cells or neurons. Each
neuron has the following three parts:

 The cyton or cell body: It contains a central nucleus and cytoplasm

 The dendrites: These are short processes arising from the cyton.
 The axon: It is a single, long, cylindrical process of uniform diameter It carries impulses
away from the cell body.


A-Sieve plate B- sieve tubes C-Phloem parenchyma D-companion cells

Name of the tissues-phloem tissues

Function -It translocates prepared food from leaves to storage organs and growing parts of
the body.



Question No. 34 to 36 are long answer questions.(5x3=15)

34) A)
B) protium, deuterium and tritium

c) similarity- Atoms of both isotopes contain 6 protons

difference-Atoms of c-12 has 6 neutrons and c-14 has 8 neutrons. (2+1+2)

35) A)

b)Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of heart


36 A) i) 2 atoms of oxygen ii) one molecule of oxygen (1+2+2)

B)i) CaCO3 ii) CaCl2 (formula should be deduced with the help of valences)

c) =2x27+3x32+12x16


=342 u


Questions No. 37 to 39 are case-based/data-based questions with 4 short sub-parts.

Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts

37) i) d ii) c iii) c iv) d or iv) b (1x4=4)

38)i) b ii)d iii)c iv) a (1x4=4)

39 i) photosynthetic algae/blue-green algae. (1x4=4)

ii) sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll of the leaves. Here light energy is stored in
chloroplasts and converted into ATP molecules which are the source of energy.

iii) CO2 +H2O ……….(SUNLIGHT,CHLOROPHYLL)----------C6H12O6+O2

IV) Granum,stroma,lumen,thylakoids(any two)


I) YES, it is true. They have their own DNA and ribosomes which help them to make
their own proteins.
ii) both mitochondria and mesosomes are the site of respiration.

iii) adenosine triphosphate.

iv) No.

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