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Name: Enfraime Raul Nhavene Date: 12/04/2024

Subject: English for Business

Concept of Management

Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve
organizational goals effectively and efficiently.

The father of management is Frederick Winslow Taylor, He advocated for breaking down tasks
into smaller, standardized components and training workers to perform them in the most efficient
manner possible.

Concept of Management Theory by Henri Fayol

Classical Management Theory by Henri Fayol, which focuses on principles of management such
as division of work, authority, discipline, unity of command, and unity of direction.

Concept of Management Elton Mayo

Human Relations Approach by Elton Mayo, he talks about the importance of understanding
human behavior and motivation in the workplace. He also disapproves the theory by Henri Fayol
Classical Management that sees the human like machine, he say never can see the human like
machine because human has emotion end they tired.

Levels of Management

Top-level management: Responsible for setting organizational goals, making strategic

decisions, and overseeing the entire organization.

Middle-level management: Acts as a bridge between top-level and lower-level management,

implementing the strategies set by top management and coordinating with lower-level managers.
Lower-level management: supervisory management, responsible for overseeing the day-to-day
operations and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently.

Basic Management Functions

The basic management functions, as identified by Henri Fayol, are:


Planning involves setting organizational goals, determining the best course of action to achieve
those goals, and developing strategies and plans to guide the organization's activities.


Organizing involves arranging and structuring the organization's resources, including people,
materials, and financial resources, to achieve the planned objectives.


Leading, also known as directing or influencing, involves motivating and guiding employees to
achieve organizational goals.


Controlling involves monitoring performance, comparing it with established goals and standards,
and taking corrective action as needed to ensure progress toward objectives.

Managerial Skills

Managerial skills can be categorized into three main types:

Technical skills: The ability to perform specific tasks or activities related to a particular job or
industry. These skills are typically more important for lower-level managers.

Human skills: The ability to work effectively with people, understand their behavior,
motivations, and emotions. These skills are crucial for all levels of management but become
increasingly important at middle and top levels.
Conceptual skills: The ability to think critically, analyze complex situations, and understand
how the organization fits into its broader environment. These skills are essential for top-level

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