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Client Name Client Address Value Kshs Exmated Completion Date Average Monthly Invoice last 6 months
1 Turkana County Government P.O BOX 11-30500 Lodwar 6.6M 30th Dec 2023 4 Million
3 South Eastern University PO BOX 1700-90200 Kitui 3.6m 12th Dec 2023 2.2Million
Client Name Description Value
1 Majorel Kenya Solutions Provison of CCTV, Access control and Cabling 11.6 Million
2 World Vison East Africa Headquarters CCTV, Access control contract 5.7Million
3 Government training Inst Supply , delivery, comm and testing of LAN works 27M
4 Daystar University Supply of CCTV system 1.4M

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