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Paryi Full Power Flight Teaching Original Stone About benefits “The itustraton flos, brush files, eo. that are included in the purchase benofs of this book are sibuted onthe suppor page of ths book. See p.141 for etal. The makingct ‘ideo is introduced on p.148 P02 1s0n2 aber 1071007 Inquiries about this document Thank yeu forpurchasing our book. We welcome questions regarding he content of his ‘docuront. Please fs re to contact us if you have any questions while roading this document Regordng ingen, we have established the folowing quidetns, Ifyou have any questions, please check the qudsines below fst. + you have any qusstions, please be euro end thom wring vi the wot arby ma, We do nt ‘scp pron cals “The questions ave only related to the descrptons in his document. Therefore, page C0, ne 02 Ploaso ro clearly wher fo wre, We may not be able to answer your question tho dasapion ena specion CConyrights of sma ‘campany publeatons belong tothe authrs. Therefore, basally confi the answer to your question wth he author Wo have answored stove, K may ako a aw days or longor to reply. advanco roto tnat Inquiry adress. For quostons,ploaso uso ono ofthe methods below. om web sa (ex* nay = Book content onthe ook suppor page to aon he fry Pease A inyourqistn Females, oe use tu asses boom 106-0032 esr ae {CLP STUDIO PAINT isa radomark at rogisted tradomark of CELSYS, Ie. The ss vera for WhidowsinacOS let 9012" tune 2021) ethos nad rit it en ca ne i rv iB i LA al 21 Pan ER Ra Sa ENCE EEE ERR Introduction “Thank you very much for picking up this ak, Howto de "hi aight by Par? Foften draw the hair by hand, 30 ower, acid et ll aot tr var asp ts amazing how diferent people interpret an draw ha {alo find itintresing. Hair isa votsatle matt hat canbe usodor movement sthouette,composton, ec, and itis stongly elated to the impression ofthe character design. One of he appeals of this sores is the vary of ways in which it ‘an be combined wih various hires, design, and ‘character personales. Hairs tho parof tho human body that has ho sand largest amount of formation ater the face and is easy to ra Hairs avery tut part of the ston, how to omit and naw to make i ook eute without being caught ‘leo, are te some ciferencesinthinking about te het of gifs who are sai tobe fashionable in he real world and the hairstyles of attractive characters. In character ihstratons, ‘there ace various ways of expression depending os how much ‘formation fs requred, how teste they are. and he they are touched (anima, shoujo manga sa, es). Thre aro as many ways of inking and habits as thre are ats, an | thnk tat ea verso og “This book focuses onthe bso a thot even bgioners ‘canara cute ha. This a Bok forlearing the knowledge necessary for drawing hai, such as why 1 that har thor?” |am witng tis wih the hope that you will understand my way of thinking even Irony Once you become aocustomes to rawing hair, you may find that combining the techniques ineoduced here wil reduce 2 sypergistic ‘foc, ory combining thom as many a& you can, Aloo oreo caw sft and nate thes that are unis te hal, wil show you how to draw by ignoring halt the rough. This fs an important technique that gives Yio row idoas while drawing, suchas, Wouldnt itbo ‘ule it 268 acente to this pat?” (ne ofthe strengths of har is tha even you ont have a cute face, f you have hair you can decalve ours as ci. | vale he fact hat ven as the face is cut, andin this book | also explain how to raw aces my own way. In adtion,tiroduees how to daw the body using stick ues say, ‘andi you ade atractve air to ft you wil be invite | mys have been indebos to various technical manval, and publishing technical manu wes one of my dear "ope thatthe appeal of my hat can be eonvayad oven ta ne | woul be very hapa if everyone who a8 fis book acquires nowedge about har and changes, tho wortthoy sos. How to use this manual ‘Seve of he document ‘This book xplns how to draw "ha" by lustator Par. Tiss book ful of ways to draw atracte a that has been careful researches as a alr arts ‘Chapter 1 How to craw basics il explain he gorral dawing metiod routed i hai. Thre a plnly of points such as how io case hair and pons to draw atractaly. CChapter2 Hairstyle Arrangement ui xp now erange have such ul an onal. aon, we ako cover elon thal are fret hans, ich aie ‘and homs, ed pots on how odraw whan using tems such a hari an mis Chapter 3 Production that makes use of hair Isummaizes how to move har How to. use har o create sex appl, aed howto use hal with expanded ideas Chapter 4 Attractive composition wth hale | ioytan eee a ug ha ogo re ie fai ne competion aL iy Use Harwin ache nr ChapterS How to paint hair ui explan vaious peters of haw t palate. use “CLIP STUDIO PAINT PROVEX" asthe paint saftware for esoring (poration hae boon cones cn tho Windows vars, — e ~~ This book hs ee pens. Custom bushes and CLIP data canbe ved wih CLP STUDIO PANT PROEX The taking vito canbe viewed ined by accessing the DP -—_ video playback page. Please see 141 for how to download ‘custom brushes ane CLIP data, an p.149for how to watch = a=— Or Qu Page structure COLUMN cum ‘plans smalls on how oda hl an tochiques hat canbe proved Vo. SS Mose, (6000 ma: Exaile ffmpeg eat exalt amo ‘00d avample Not good mat Example f net wrong but cou be bate CONTENTS mss 01 Basis of how to capture hair. here hale grows halrfow engs ey ‘COLUMN How to cesta unique haste \< ~ 02 Hair length y tye frat shoukir ha COLUM Diterece separa oh betwen font and ebique aces 13. now to draw hair Draw th he who in mind. ‘Wet pation when tang tot Pate of what hen facing agony COLUMN A pate that intentional ignores whers How odewterineandons now craw har erangemento hit hhow hair sproads ‘COLUMN hair arrangement patter st How ta adios tonal bunles How craw hai paring how to draw erossed halt Patsun's bangs patton ‘shapes bangs ptm Precausons when craving bangs xenon hai cess font and back oft How to draw curing hair How to draw gti hair ore ety of eeene Strangth of ine dring Dotamatoecoowearsanarneinossecarat Bose Dione in impression when raving hal Lines that re conscious of the soe of ‘he hal COLUMN impression by hosyo (charactor charactrizator) Whats facial atari? How to caw each direction the faa i facing (COLUMN Face pattern Ate 29080 PUPS nn Mh. DS re enc sy COLUMN Match your hairstyle to your outfit and character 01 The concept of tied hair - kaotted hair structure 02 How to draw tied hair twin ta 78 pony ‘ide tail y Premera vnen bmg ating \ Tetetng an heared ha \ ating 13. wosmorairexseson . How to draw when the ears are visible or irvisible TK ] lf ear hair / ‘animal ear hair i Mi } 4 hhoms and hair | hay at | bairpin Hair band / serunchie headband / hat band hoodie hood COLUMN Ahoge 01 Production of hair sofiness Tips for softness SS engin th an hae 105 = oven niby erent 106 SSE trent ne win 107 02 Sex appeal .. cruch nae hair on fingers atrhangig on tw body eye hair 112 ha harging onthe Noor. wot hae hair stuck in mouth remove hair 03 Other productions Lota By curly hair a oa Ae LK sa / lz } tie sting to water | hres {| | atte to hae [yg AZ 27) cermseermen rn WA \ Transfornlequip hair A! CCOLUKIN spacial hair arrangement oie roam seei tome niet nurse + angel character Nurse in cheongsam + angel character ‘Animal ear charactor Sting nurse + angel character hii hartre COLUMN Line drawing difference Chapter5 (aciopzinne 01 Useful brush tools for painting hair Brush Tool (Custom Brush) 02 tmicranna mtd How o paint over the base with bright colors ayy Change the impression of painting by combining bushes How t paint with shadows and highights |) cumin tecatmonancan | sickens 03 About the cover illustration j Key pons ofthe cover sation [ret tomeann corse COLUMWHs ae areas exposed ah COLUMN Easy way py kn Chapter basic drawing sted Basics of how to capture hair Hair grows from the head, but if you draw it only vaguely, will give an unnatural impression. By knowing exactly where and how it grows, you will be able to craw atraciva hae Nine Marl ae] irom we pater trou ep pc wR Ro RE 8 ora ‘divide the head into sections By dvsing the hoad ino soverasactons, t bovomes casior o recognize thatthe hai hore grows fom tis prt It's good oa to ‘ink about how lng you want your sidebums to be. Recognize that hair grows from anywhere “This is for hose who cant understand the chat stove is vary Important to rele tha har an orow anjuhere hr rows everywhere ‘And somtimes here are thn hairs onthe back sie or on ep of thick strands. When drawing, be careful net te overdo and make it ook unnatua neta Har ows downs mt ot Sassy. aug eat canara wl ve anal expen, leven We sane hse. he age oft ee wl charge ‘Ther, pit of tartan ort (Oblique face (nearly frontal fave) slanted face you are facing the front. draw rom tho rots of he hal down along tho rounded nwo he ad i ear understand you raw wth te cen ‘arom from he ight a the ference, ‘Oblique face (strong depth) Iie amor oblique compocten Lets is raw this ae puting rferanco| line the te ft gue onthe hee. Ris mpotartto baw whe keeping the le pe anou tn erpaze ne eesinersna ead Be wee ata shah ‘change nando can change the expresso. “Tis la composition tats cosor oto agonal om ho ‘ont Even you ate conscious ofthe roundness of he had, tis ict to visual i. sideways face Itlea compoctin ofthe prof, Ts avery steut nga butte ogre of tty ca be aco pasta steno tbo ras faa and dtoig be refrence ine, Empey ora sideways a, he expression method ad ecoa he wi carge dgenting on Now he ra gow, so aust be ach eur ‘um pata. Wt sea inparentte daw a agora ace whe cheking the ont sed ute les Itehanges alt Here are soe bangs arangement patos. indchod hairy ar often used when you wart creat ty neh i Boaultshpnsvwien| yeu 1 forte 0 et Cec ete pigtalls twintals ‘Nharstve were te tin os ar ed below he hen. ut Impression ‘win tals (bundled) Nis a fisye that bundles afer making win ae. The coop hai willbe cute i you aust te eng, We also reconmend bundling aponyiat 4 Hairy that re rarely san nto roa wold You can apy it by ying your hal, nai you atch twin tls to hs, you can ! \ \ Ne OF a | | . / super ona eo make od wna. Is culo oven wh a pany 124 ainda 0 mou yo S018 COLUMN unique hairstyle idea \Weave bodice pia srangementcatems such es bags, sha and back har but hare re an inne numbar others. Hoe, wo wil intaduce combinations of the paltoms introduced eo far and mers imaginative haishyes. Breaking down sterotypos and coming up ith nays fn. Parting inthe midale + adding a ite bangs one blindfold patsun {rearanged the ‘evi the mie” karocuced on p12 Iteretes@ strange atmosphere. The back ha canbe long “Tho volume oft hairs dudes tom fet 0 62:4, shor. The side na groun on ene sde ar ean right Twintails + long back hair + ahoge back hair bun + barrette Hat win By lowering te poston oh wae by Daeg ‘Anon en ha ek on ees wth bart Ran ako (aig) be oof he ha; he aosphare wil change. hin side oes ony catia stearg ct @” eh bac har ong hair length ‘Here, we wll show you the ference i har longth vith standard harsylas and expressions unique to ustalion. We indice he ag eh fr ech seat a canny ae [Very short "is eng stn ased fr mare headers ad re charade. My neo ous spe you wie hen ty presen Yr set ha can haw your face wel wo you cat us your hao ide your face. cn be si thal hare isan advantage thal he ace i yl wee an Ais eny lo convey the expetton ME . ‘The engin fe back has eran en vow rom the io he ae asesen ab es a_— is sort so three age shy ove heen of ong har. Tis tig cn bk ne rperset tpmake tno acti ‘Thebenutyisenchasaedby ting he hor cere. rig he hin taco be ‘here nar anangover te cr ‘You seta i te longr ban the bey shot The length sath bw the ear be has amor en rgrasson ban very sh hit anit ives the impression ha it haaye tha suits mature characters, Longer tn bey ster ere / | (rs oo ‘A obs 8 bob styl wih ong hai rr shouker fo olabone. The length makes Lea9y/to dress up and allows you to range your hat half win ‘al pontal ete). Below is 2 fashionable haste sito 9 wave ne, sutai ors wise ange 2298 aups. Desenang on how you dvi. ean bo ews, butbaccly ts ang at wh stony sereo| ‘fashion Italso has he advantage of hiding @ lot ofthe contours of ‘Medium Iie nae atic ite ong tan alah anis about a ong ef enaere, Fg yi art ie urn En arg yar ah en ‘rete eo i The image tow oan nella ez tat me ged of anmesty suet rl tu da fr meray whol sure 8, [straight lob | ‘Th straight lob into picture bolow doos not show tho ears, butts ‘so commended to make he side hair thin and show the ears, 3 is ‘exte, Unike wave obs, there is no wavy arrangement, sobe careful when eon. ‘Medium (outer splash) ‘Tretpurebelat sa med wen he hae le al bac ner ig, ‘Ae tormy oun incon, leks it gh ch sunt cola tet Rao ‘na ct ig, hove at maya eer ci Pease refer to hi a an exarpe thaw yu cn change he inpresion of your age by anya rar V In this book, we use the word medium as hair thats sightly longer than ib, 24 ‘The hats the shoulders rom around medium eng. The air moves when tits he shoulders, sl expan howto daw itn such case, oat arp, ‘medium (straight) ‘Medium (roll) ‘Tre toire bton save medum nor we na har tay LEB “Tho igure bolow shows ayo in which mad straight Rais permed ane wrappod, ‘hop ofthe aoulder 2 he pation fhe aa Stent ie ‘The engin fhe hatin wes slg but was uty due tothe pm, andre hal was & the ou. et mya ow rer ie {ate corer. te an execs that can be ued dapendng on hota charac i drawn anc the stuaton, \ | \ \ ye) | |. B= \ | lenin when sight ong (sreight) “The oes onthe i area | ye tat ings book nar orwor ‘syle ma cos rt eg boa nares compen of whether ont th back ais owing toward you when you have tight hae Inreaty when Reames tis haste nd oh te back ars rough formard \ In arnons wen oon atom | oan bing the back arto the bakinseae ‘fringing ito the rontin order to vd the imoresion nt the bangs, side ha, ‘and back hat. This makes posible ‘xp do ven tsb pating. rang stots that an be undertod abstract. ‘Also, compared othe lef. the design run he chest hare the aw) ot den. tir gn. Comore ath smple datos. you ‘can manipulate the amount of information oe the chara byrbongng he bang raed COLUM Differences in hair appearance between front and oblique faces We wi a le terre ho te necks tn ont nd dager een ne rth he: This wspecy prtat when wing 3D ‘emer ce put cate caveat ta el bd an os os nga oe mano ao yon coy. Te wae ing ws» tong awareness freemen sic, eed short [As shown by the arrows, halrtat snc va whan vet fom the front becomes more pronounced when viewed aagonaly Let be aware ‘hatthoee things oxi. This tnd of inorpreaton solves th problem unique to 30, such a culenass when vowel fem the front but Not shen viewed claganally you have an imagination or station of where the bulge i anc how much the aye can se when the angi is 45 dogeos, wl bo ester to do 30 madaing ar os halo make makes tn6u9y 4 5 aman C +— \\ \ ‘| jj \ \ Vt Long (front facing face) rentraongtae ssonea ce ‘elongata wos vaio fone ole ean a sr. Homme roe ot 29 how to draw hair 0 far, we have seen how to capture and thik about har, and the differences depending on the length. From here, | wil explain techniques for actually drawing atractve hal. ‘Awhor!is a svt of air onthe top ofthe head. In ganora ts tho stating pont of tho alfa that dotrines tho fowof ha, and howto draw Wie also pat natinkuencts the tosphar fhe aan. Whorl when facing down, front view Front view, whorl when looking up ‘hen you ack down you can see the whods beauty Be aware othe ‘owing ne tarng tom he wher You can se he back hal Whorl when facing sideways |e ch pr compan wen he cmpoaten te ot By saws © “Tum up to hide the whorl Assuming that there i 8 whos on the op ofthe heed, raw the bangs tne accordingly. ‘Wher when facing diagonally ‘ram wie paying tet othe hae owing kr the wha. te backside Its more natura to kaw the side har so tha overs more tan te ange Lets daw lanl face based on the roti and nt ac, 32 | wit ouce te patter whan facing lagcnaly. ist craw the face and then the head, So Ata rae ine head enon hip fre Baby 2 whet on hi contr Ins. le ee hon you sei bt nee ar aceon A Hairstyle growing out of whorls ») B Expression with proper steps > tis an exes hat maton he an ok bent However, ‘Taisen oft mea commas arena By og we, ena moe tea ha grows om 2 who, 0 fo unto Hookatie ha. To slop mck it ayo dings when pining lok itl sane. Meck cue if yu change the foo he sae Tine cb et bl i va et hae fom around he echo Iryou foo that change the color of hee dang ‘he nea ten stong, ast ne ne calor Atncugh inks ee and eft ‘ean be sa haan expen ool wo wept ents. Cemegbitatenecaostecaiw —) | DEpesionhal creda wot P| eee ee ee ee er SLE EARNED NTSC conasmeennmtetieciomnrnernn ear veoemnen cae ‘trinng hese speck meats of expression can make thor even more tractive, so pease ty ta break your stse01s68 a take cn he challenge COLUM The pattern of intentionally ignoring whorls Fist, gone wo) tis aay of wing hati aoa “his ia ptr in which he ir : se tom te sh By avenge pt thes comer ts ite i card ne ot 9) cay tvisuaize because rm and he pt wr isnt you can ge Losers bop te droning and uc te oft We inact tote inate sos enti te ‘elower. | Iseasy to cresie a hairsiyie wih design tat I X / - es Pandata hadnt \\ / b 103) ‘A Expression that ignores partial whorls ' Expression that grows rom the hairin in the idee : Tree tf ne bing everest Be Weare ony ee gon tte z te er tt, oe ini. 8 ua er nde alt bd cn ct her nm sor dy bo sng sealing tr ona ne milks “Wis onmla penis tn aces, nt rita ocr Hover ty hand rom w put ogoer In otortoimprovm the ratneenbewey rast mdm @ An expression that brings the hairline from a completely diferent part pe bangs dws frm posse hae hight ie). I “! rocco unig e Musas. is away of dai rt bos uri in th amo way. When egress bangs he ra of pt ean bo gusta ine par the ane, Revs sts, ming ‘ert op Hat teinpraton bangs stony gene ae 33 orca) ‘Thoreare many ways express he hatne and ross. The figure cn the fh shows ape wih ine awn ane ‘type in which the ine intentionally cut in the mid and expressed wh the final fl Here a pattern ‘co, tho dawg mathodinreducd ha can be usd a axa ot oly the ot, bt tho of {he haf herons othe is used emake the nay ant bine ne wh q Inthe reference images from hee, some are inched nthe ype with ins drawn, anc some are neice inthe type withthe ne et in the mca. Please apply i accorcing een es Petes ee = ad ines alsa ouaie ater you hr tiv god ea it jj (/ stony gate how of eek. ya eo ery res {| > wortbe menor oft ad am ore yom ar wah cheapo nate ow ei a yang 019 tho at rons ‘rom the root, ene more ‘xprossen mains wl bo odo Wir tsexpressionkisimparant shave paniasny song age en ed ‘This is a metho for acing lines to tho outside ote hat. Add we nes fre fe) to. bit of ifn to round hat give Ita natural ook, “Thine paler for ang ine whate hey ‘are completely velit. ti ile checking te bance celle ei oe N ands clan uses for bangs and tas Nat good hr th 0 pont ant Goon © © ‘wnt, Ne ago a very cute way of rosso, 20 Rmahes hepato, use itposiively ‘vinegar. This expressions very versal ands oon aod. To sae goss fr patos hat ot reeked Ines, alles have a nage at hiecan om For anor f M/W you wanite go agate ‘owl oe ta, ler 15 uebother patos, ‘You can also create a variety of expressions by using thick and bin har ends. Once you have the basics down, tart ppg hem, ‘Youcen sco ie tonite ons tourna tat ae atv Patter expressed by cutng the encs of hair ‘Te pate agrees eas in haty a nee oh a of kre Net good oop © © palm that expres 1but when you look a the so your ae, jeu wi be ‘pattem thet changes the thickness aly in a bondi of a vent alage punto otra, min ana mk 1 drawn separately, and the tin and thick ands ofthe hair beow are ako ied nothin and thik pate, “Ta order ofthe tbickness of ths ais not“, ‘ek, ha, tick, but thor, hick, ik, thi you have elt of lrge strands of ha, wil be vary cute ifthe tis of he har ote wekbaianced even i hey ae layered tke "tick, thick, ti. ‘aunieg nor orn Nee xine \ ‘The image below opis lek and hn es very tn ha ete and aang further in your eve ay lu Cd Aap mr ci 00D ta _— mick tin ‘The ek 24 MEUP 0} MOH BE 35 "How to draw with one ine How to draw with two lines | |i eoduce now to express how he hal spreeds. We wl ook at hecilerences in sagt ha cuss. oly “The more you goto thet of your na, the more ‘Normal cut +) _BPatzun nanan ar cru Namen imeseestientamemowen yer ha eat goo woe det ‘ht n ont ofthe eds ofthe ha. Wtonng seat atent bit you ates ot pats make a aborger Impression, Since the har set evenly, does ot famiayer a see rena tan a. Thea fee crams The miele cum which is ote at wre mar ne ofthe tangle () iting the ight side by hand eliminates ‘heh siomnce tanh i and igh sien andres Sect rey etn ont sent basicly come open te same way a s1ey mesp 0} MOH BT COLUMN Hair Arrangement Pattern List | ‘Ade now hale em he rot. Peatom of cry hai Wook wining nage api owe inh tomtom oft ‘ati ent us. Apter at Attn nth ie cuts morarApatan hha ‘ote ta fon doubt a gs rao are fom ne arate ace epee an ex LA ‘Adena rom to ‘hd nly ns. ‘sie fence expo tana satan ‘ide range of applcalions, anc vest to thick root type /Atpe of ha band wih ck et, ie 42 orca) fotietuueieeen tm going to show you how to pat your hl (Arig ang tee sha ae ‘Tre image on he rah draws 2 part log he Imerling fhe hak bundle on fee. is on of ‘he mostuted ring nods Secaune i ry 0) tao. You san fo patig gap by adng aloe long be sia ote ess. [Aprtrgargine ovate the Partin “To imago onthe right shows a parting long ‘he ouside ofthe har bundle on he right. | in a short nme, ad Ilene ‘when aw Patsun. By shonin he ent, [is vory compte with the patch and ean be used hen you want to show aly apart ofthe patch. Paring et ang the deo the ar bundle ene “reinagecn tet tune tng aang ie loner ie of te har bundle on hee. Algnng te Ines in th sane recon vr best, butt you dire goin the oposite detion, you can add ‘nore depth youre However, yu use oo ‘uc wil beeen uncon so you naed ‘Th age on eights a aoteaton ‘ot pening ang he outside of he ale undo. Added shore ob lt part anda engine he rg part. haves ferent mpressen tomthe shape the shape wl fw the ha, become monatoncus even itis oo vntom This ing mre en ved i W lohan youwatto in gape Part along left and right har tufts arting with ine hairhanging down “The tque eon san exresson wen sto fas org (Pol nae. Fer ange, yucan make one yur longer, o you can choo a shape tat esta ha ne, You can als drow a thick ie swing forthe root Also, ifyou inch your ain, wil / ™ v ‘A patern in wich in hs hangs down wi aye ta hows Be alin of he bangs. HyoU == wid ‘show a lace atthe haring, the mpresson ofthe ha wi be very song. Tiss te same 36 when you show your nape, and by showing what you noxmaly ear soe, you make a vary strong lneroscon, Crfuly onside ohare whe raving I you have tin, rooging har hat is our es 50 is cuter ityou dont over yur pups 2 much a posse covers he pup t ‘se culo tal whet the ne of sohls et, ‘a pu By eoasing eae, ne te-ransiona etc nd dh ars anhanced, Here, we wl expan whan examen when te nal und on he et ie fang up A Basic form _) _BErase the lower hairline >) |_C Make the overlap invisible) ‘Tre hai hat comes down when ef0ssed (te mtnistncatem atta tas tay tina mee ‘te same patna ote mt namovapg pate “his he base wy oda cos a sect hia bared. elt eintn WW Ww = eu meup 0} MOH BT ‘The gute below shows the pt n whieh be seston of he hr changes a he overage ble rile Noma, ent get my ‘rar tngl ho tl, bat ek would be ie ould maki look cute by using theles that ere unique lustations. Such les become tho na iduty of ac person ‘The fp elow hows. an oxresion n which th ings hat oss are everap se craved. han drawing he hae be amaretto and hick res. There may bo mary unoxpected ways drawing, bua ty to express wit blog boa by the shape. 43 Patsun's bangs can expand the range of expression by adding steps or rosin them, A Align the Patsun line neatly ) B Create a step on the patsun line ») ‘Tre thurebelow = ees, by etna seps os haan shy shin ‘hea, youcon ese geil nate eet ane MrExon 8 NW Conestocareretmerees +) OR ‘Thi an exe of covering re har nth mise the bangs. Exoresatoee tha ne with an M-shaped hairstyle. This is an example of applying the Scab ec a 1 eet i tx eo cece peat roe ng Ty nga i “A doese fi, just putt back, so tink of as practice. “The Mishap bangs can be exressd in various ways depening on your ngenuly. Here re soe ates. ‘A Cross the bangs ) ( B Cross and bounce ) Aptana constetags Xeoud te thcbetarmtwcnera tebe ‘ls anapplcaon of bags coh, This patiem daa he baron he et Dew ko The hai underneath oie even Hs oso eves vec) wi mak ligt ranean 8 ng a pata tana ven naval wyni gras a plech hase that hese owt ha, he ipreston vl youve Coa anda bangs. bs roe Th pit onl neo a eb pid 4 mEIp 1 MOH BE Cross and make abigsplash ——»)«|_ @ Puta part and a thick cloth » @ 276 appy further. Nisa patom that hor srongmons ‘A patio in which the M-ehaped bangs are fut pated and a ek inal stain lage lah tinetnes ted when oust cra is ae, By aking ach, the Nahaped feng iether to make your hari. Hones, vray, 80 ie shoving ile Patsunness. Risa cravrg met that ds be car A, crag hs upping in sn unexpeces ce wil cham a character by ging spec sepe The pit te sce ako avr song impression te en fey, By dng ee dmg ad pinch eden bitty 45 (ee nonce temietntetid ——hepiading “Thicker than eal Winen thickness fs widenee lesan xescon at eines cl hath te age of mas Symon nations olan he noone wit anne had esos ‘teste The wei we one nea oes trang Marner santero tend engender ex deere ‘canoe at wlth esters naron. Themen oe Paes ricaly———esraotan nanan ee wii oa ie aa Rk ‘end nanew horzoniay.ghing @relisimpreston. The shovetio of site. Ths kn ats unecat Besi¥ a hevaen eieng asan face shits onthe svete he glen al, ging os impression, yey esp 0} Moy q “Tne golden ras 1:1.818 and the siverraiois 1.414, For medium thickness lan rapect me Meneecbameve ne a anaes enw aca “pean alos gon pty min “Thinking abouthow to draw an ustation 2 lot of fin, and ling abet takes mor peeuave, That hinge the E jokes of your tha ao oaey to detannine can bees holy alin sump f you etabish some rules wala yours a7 (Howto drawhairasaribbon_) | inode tow thirk about howto deo ha and teat 9s 2 fbbon, bow o daw it, nd how to apy ie can express the wy it fsters in a deemed way. Waves, 5 raw ke arto. eet tnt twists, and waning can be captured abstract, so you ca EY MIP 0} MOH BE “7 Thing of nese abstract capiurd ibbons ae Pattun's r,s har ends and ine to vecuce the degree of defeat, “This wi make your har Com ave. By making the outno of tho haiclean in stop 1, you can so that ust ding ‘he tps and nes ill make tio tke har. Tite ‘Adis thickness thai. Since haichangs down from the head, itbasicaly creas atin thickness. The back har is vary Ick because the hain continues tothe neck. I utation, sais okay tie ate = 49 Here, lexan how nk bur the har thet wraps around. There ae various ways to draw the wrap around he ha. “How to draw the front and back of the hair dearly ‘The wraparound na changes he way lis aun cepencing on he angle an pater "The wap amas he tn evn me pare Anse erg hal ican be used egaoss the degree of etrtien . LZ kK Z «K \ Hew onan eas ee atnahe nme tba “Tne wrappng fhe hal can be used nat wound mtn mle ‘en inena pace bt also in back ha. A mathe of expressing ght and shadow with single bun We ester to wef ye can iagine Rat ne ough ane at stage. ican be used fr highly deformed iksrators or for oniting pats of tustations You can change iby sng cccasionally, Bacal, is oen uted in the ole splash at ka is example. By using ion the cube slah, canna yg. Ho to sparata between bunds. Commonly usec It doesrit ‘hve a wrapping exrecton ke the example blow, so ose {ec moist. This is stable when you want to draw alr wh ‘oto iz. Change he wey yu draw depending on how ou rt eres years ‘Tie crests oman ve wna yo ato fo V/, A ‘mak someone look gracet. tis 2 Highly J Z| rate raving meta However, oso bo | vate at you use oth tno a x tren. Melb ro etange, fan us “The expression that manipulates the pression of eawinghalrby ang fr hal cal! “faling nar. Hare | explain the catered ae ‘ded loose hair | wl dre satred hai the ison on hele. When ekg, you cn ac ny te coe, cr jeu can inci ne ne eawng yaa ‘Along the flow of your hao trio, wil ok cule, and i yes at agai! the Now, wl ook coo and ‘aeniortle. nme itatraten cn thang ot sae the hang a oto the es, Te bangs af aed in wy na gues aga! he of the a, ‘shin ita cool ook On the other hand, the one ade to he side har inside and long the a ine, 80 ges @ very cute impression q “The ture below i an station for rewing practi. [aed one cnet oa ats rin ri igs ing hal ana hase atangaments rm above. Even it dose werk think about why bed N \ 51 IBY esp 0} MOH BF Chaptert —besic rawing I witinrotice 4 ays o express se hal A Straight down ) ‘his 62 mayo expressing yu Wart show your ea alae ine your har Iryou oxo Now of, you am ge a elm impression. You can ok io degendng nrc tem Nee won you nant rae he aout Frame ancomarce te MpesHoN ote Pate uc ag clanes ote chron ners Pe raga! a a Ir you want to be guided, uso other air drawing maths B Make a step ) “Tis sa craving mainedin which a avenge is eermined win a ne ly teow ne eye. ath sds hai ete by at in to a a ted expression, Ta ding ei cn be ied ts intense the inpension wound to face. n adi. by crating asap tho upper pat of hota can be hung, and by separating fem tn hanging has the wer pat of the hair can bo hung straight wil bo an ofecve way to draw hair amare ) eae main toma eran eionaie br focenapaypndaofaka tt de Shlpaielteraigtnecideriecitven as gata wi oka ) ‘jn et hn bi er He poe Nowiog ures xarmerduspI whe jeu Na is ou shou orback naa rtd ofan, [X@> How to hang hair according to ears and shoulders Ilsmere rata fe tar aso hangs and branches o mich he ears and shoulders. Sie ais especitysuscaptbl these eects Lats so how o capture | show you how to draw ste il har thats often seen in prncess-ke hayes | wl explain two types fal hale (C>_thick dri hair) LL Ns s Oran ner ae Vea To wid oe i non nd a ri Va D | wonomeneee 3| teenie amp reper meen (> _ thin drilthair >) ? > - 7 > 5 es aie gee keeping in mig that makes me the tine. reducing the elomaton Dy 1 you aed ar between the side halrand the back har, you can ad cuteness and personaly, Here are some pales. \ A Bounce backwards en ves ram the tnt, you can see thal he ego splash te song the a i stag and has no splashes when owed om ‘the tom, this har ll not be vise, so be caret fyou make a ite longer even frm he fon, itl give a calm footing, tis cute even {is wrapped ide. By shoring eco, yey meIp 01 MOH BE ‘Tho igure below shows an aplication patio. Tho har botwoon ho side hair an the back nas blown nommaly, but the lng hal thet bangs below ifs rom above he eas, making tow of he Side hai ook wider. This kind of exeession can aloo be dene wth air One thing o keep in mind sat thar to balance, sin ‘how coe mak tere he an Wusvaton Las apy te realy, itwould be ete if you dew iting way that isthe shoulders weaver, ns ghee towersne bongs Decame. 55 Ahi the meds of ag hrc 0 fa, | ide iyo ening hs, ‘amar aw — Tiaras aie fainmaaoaas REESE | Heb hedeoi a, SEO Ciena defeat aeons eeeees ee vai ter aoneeome ara sien nea robo ena sFashesjaroangceas ebm Reece! smantore pies Eas csaieeann Saou comonrercenie, a Selena fantom aaa aaa “A method of intentionally drawing in a A mathod of drawing straight cones eiareacies imine senses eeeaenere ieee Barna oC aniese iatioeatlora erat FE aaionipeeset a nae ) coon ™~ How to express hair with a single line Howie uw ib asiago a whe sly iebe he. 1 my 2 dow cums, nd naan ok = ‘dein neem Away liking, youn leave an inpresion lh a stong animation eng ‘The crewing method iodtced here is (cetormes facng) by tasting 8 zon ne eng ne ofthe bon ony ers. By rening ‘wo sus fr tstatons wth stor sense th hawt as, he aso be pas ree, al or sae waa you anton in ‘of design. You can also daw some fre har ‘mecpaeces ate he sm | pram yuwentto express your iniviuly q ] ‘va your ar, defintely recommend Expimsion atthe base surg your oun far exresson ‘eit, pom ee 2 Temkin “vaatmatectte armen ony gn Ps i as (How to add KC strength) rouusnaruaiuamuin seneen mie Brann Thetis yn sc ip favored a Demonte en tee Sai arienr tine heres Aa oon sey mesp ot mou [| ON een cen i gh en dm nn tea uth patna npn cob cay pb ‘tom is poi going to md sent othe ne a, 0 ta rag ter new a fs ‘hiss acompleted ine dang. nny case, make ea aitte tena tow me oft stag a wesnee th ne et Instead, Nght apply te pant. Whether you want to make ‘ne ine rt standout or you shoul fous on colerng, consul wth she seag and ran, 87 ‘When there are few cravings 11 you draw las hy, the care of deformation willmcrsese. The Wewers 9826 goes tote clones neta the face ater than he nal | alte ny nae en bor. Ney meup 0} MoM When drawing a lot “The veers gaa ccotgaity tem ho foe toto har ALi point thre rw ey nes oyu can make vous aqustms dpansng en how yu pa In cae, want to make the most the sal guidence at, |e ous ih exon. 59 (or Cs “The figure below shows ane that hasbeen drawn in a dizzying fashion, You may ink, "So wht, bu | ellie relaxed, ‘wobbly nes, ar! | use tis in my ine ar i the sae as what is ai os rough ines in general. | wil expan how to raw and hom to soten $ o8 {oat ka eotngetbom. Basicaly, lften draw nthe order f rough erauing, rough eat, and ine a. but nk it's Impariant to reduce that process. The ‘way o soften teins iso “basil gnore the cra when craving tha ino". From the rough skate othe rough sketch, and rom the rough sketch othe ne raving. S, law withthe awareness ofigncrng the rough ines. Inthe figs below, he lftis a rough ‘drat andthe rights a ine drawing You can so that aimostgnered tho daft ines. Ils important to draw each pioc with car, but aways be conscious of net making ta her an nea. 7 \ nme case ogi usa, 1 ab nso adut e setligs htuos you ss Suu COLUMN Impression by hairstyle (Character personality) Short hair + super long hair + straight M-shaped division + super long + twin tails ey ep 0} MOH BL hc een how to draw a face | you draw attractive hair, it will be a cute ilustration, butif you can also draw a cute ‘ace, it willbe 2 demon. Here, | will introduce how" to draw cute faces in my own way. you draw a welt balanced face, wil be easier ene ee fn a0 at ed pent 9 Saeco eon ‘ | ; pile aaa jf). eee So aC cling cco cea 28 hom lo, a KI. ‘and onde up caving "someting that utara ected actract ‘ech eas ang ata ret ser He gy atin Rw ‘How to draw in my own way ‘There ete raving met by ck re posi othe eyes anc, ch ete aso me ‘een Theleowng an etal hon te aw afc ome eka aad Hom rang. chce ted aig tod for ach angle ofthe facels saw nan bi ewig ‘This isnot necessary the eorect answer, so please use Has on example only | shew you how a eraw a rota, sieways, ana oblque face. Every method draws a cicle and then calculates the reterenc ne and draws i. Also, aly, wo inca splines, (B® front facing face) 2005 0 meu 6 NH 1 | Dow a one. Freemans fre. 2\ De cee comm nr es ac a a 4 ‘ | se aa Soe — Tce toi t Bl creme (= q The ned ne fre neat A Loot rbd rem gh Bare, ‘A Loomis is an American iustator whos famous for pubhing numerous ilutraton tochrique books, His books accuatlyoxplin ho techniques tht shouldbe keptin mind when craving lustrations, so they sre often recommended for beginners to advanced users, especially ‘ose o wont o ern ema itstation mest He Book thal have Been walle ae! publeedin Jago rude “Yassahs Hi ans “Ha to Draw Kr Face a Hand pushed by Nats Pubiaheg) 63 (> slanted face) Ins also important to eam a agonal face while checking the font and side faces. Cr et br ee Sn Oro an ue Ea pore et om ues rhe a Rc sh DI rox eae err ba "i cn VANE { Yl eter [et [X@> looking down face ) sean pet lec acy gh manga 1s 2 ee ee in ann choi 3 | Seaeonm enn. §«6dllanersassvaa, firsesrmnsesceecatnceeatee cate te oS ae eee ee ees oe ae See res eee coe ester, th aay he ace eat vars creat cepenng onthe eg Fal, ine your ew ae of caving, i i COLUMN Here, we wi introduce various pte fr eyes and pups oye shape O) =n ssa ose © Cie Tghtin oyee | witnteuce tho ptr fh ight iho tino to pup 0 oreo (et) evening) sharpen at) g one - ween “Tinker maenes ‘to eyet ion 72 [a a ‘Treg meio igor bute pest Forte eyes in he egos ae made titer (oan ev teri odeg tbe oposite eyes stoner npeso tan pees ae than in Ths es Bone yeu inpresion, ‘| ‘tthe border is thin, it will be dificult to see your eyes, nsniteramiuetomancadteoerontee —g 1 ‘The pupil Dis also very cute wth a thick border, iin ita pop footing. ts cute even ithe thickness of boro fh pups mem i e eye paliern \We wil invocice eye pattems including pups that canbe used in various situation. Also pay stanton fo he eyelash pata. > hrooping ayes ‘trooeng ayes ‘Thing elke i rate Regula sprees RY AT 73 Chapt COLUM draw cute stickman raneg to balance groperton) fh sick fours naa la vary comanonta bo abo odo a and rt men decide te rough compestion anpose, | sometimes salty the mace wilh a stick ture. By such as poses, na simple and shor tine. | \ settho right aio | ka charactors with ong lags, 80 the op otha head 7 crate “Theat point~ He Its okay = ‘Fits abstract, such as “below the ribs = elbow" and l { “et = i 0 | row wh he roars. Th ia roost sre ser bet nlc y | | changes depending on oye and pattem. Adjust the wa \ 5 end ar ba tra. Tis iit 6 heads L Al \ i + Draw an illustration from a stickman ‘ine dani an tusbaten roma sick gu, wllbe mw angle of ow ta dar camera (perms 7040 eee Th a sar lb pon em By tg ‘ne comer up nadoon yc say tot anton ten nes an. Tis tire sck gues ate set Arig ‘Toistine he postion of he camermis lowe ‘tare camer sin er tou fo, sth upper part of the ib (dal) ets, Copy omtpat ba a ras an hook. The snare dt 8. Line hore a feream rom 2310 3a, and th wt Iain the 2 potion. The eich sigh ‘oso meron oan on sb mee Hoy When camera work is changed | set the camera work (camera pesion) upwards and mage it sat composin. This ll change er. Tis Une, creo put togter ho hast and bodies, pa bre in O'S had an ‘oto alt Sou ton eet hanes wound 125.0% och ssh tlow 1.5, edhe ip fhe eh eis arcu 2 nl of vew of | lt bet irecuce the angle of view ofthe camera. The Agure sa rong below shows he angle of vw when the camera is viewed fom above, ° ‘ate dunner Ts enenten tte aot ease snl enc ote jet hes moe ‘Theingrssone aretct| eps ts ghes a ou Senseo ecaarce beeen te cara and plc Ae apostate angi vw of tecames tt aha cp apres ‘Super cose ange Fisheye tens, 6. approx 100° 8 Ser rango wide sg ons apr. 60° engine Tepe abe 1-20 dogma ° Say Y 7 COLUMN Match your hairstyle to your o1 utfit and character Chapter hairstyle arrangement Horo, wo wi explain how to aranga has that stongly fect tre personality ofthe character We it insoduce point on how to draw when using ed harstyes ‘uch as twinals and pony, elements that oe ferent rom humans such os arma ears and hors, an ems such 8 oii and malo. re 7 tied hair idea In alton to adding length and cui to the har, you can also arrange iin various ways by ting it I tied hair length The gute cn the dhs an example ‘ofiong pats ar wth nn tals. Since the hairs no ited rom, ‘hop fhe head 6A tot ‘amount of hair when tied be the range where Eis Bound with a hair lati othe ik, “The amount of har decreases Inte acer H>G>F>E. Lets put ‘on tht he is concert where td g B 81 The fies bslow shows the tipo the ts far unde. The ofthe awl be nner according othe explanation above, The arrows that spread horizontal are the hat hat hangs down tom arcund the FG. Applying #19 har suchas portale tinasen the do wil increase tho realism ts implant to sy tha it ula when you sproaditout, but salsa very incoant to understanthe essence a whys cute when you spread out strona In action tothe Bad has, you can also spread out andere he hair thats jut down in a senor way 82 (ole a how to draw tied hair | etoucod some halves that were od up in Chapter 1, but hore wil oxsain how o drew them in more deta | taka acoso [Not lt’ take ook atthe wills marked + and in height igure, Compared to ‘he et page, ts patter sed at alauer poston. Expression athe tont an back ton important, but you can xpross varus hal by adding up an down changes. Pease tie up your hor uty. page, hing ta ca ngressien. By thing te twas ‘he har thats ied ups thick rn. raids (9.84) can also be usec * poston *psson é "hae tn rete iat dace Fela cit Pecan ite ahaele tat roy 3 orev pestnebebw etwas eet tempi the chads pasa epertng on wee z and eng the hal don becomes a gene hana ashi tes. ‘i unique to llustration “Tints ae cute istation when you can ee the wo teu aire, For xa roe ge to halting snc neg so not each he reer po, ony hanging hake can be soon. ts who shows ovate bit The ow perso ‘expression when you e. This kindof rosin wl rag ov the ooo ofthe tints, you dont ‘wanto , you can ao rise tho hight ‘ofthe tad hair onthe ght ide “Theldea shat the tasraton shows be cute, so youcan raw it however you the 83 (ee ca a nt ts ave es he a te Bek none place sed fo, See expression rts changon dena on ag arrose | wlredun a postin - Ww ‘Aconmon pan bet poor Gee aston inreson f gbed sah. avery amp ous hate ates th ene nd Welty. She is ase a uses he re ack a, amo ‘lait be ei ube compared ots en vewed fam he font you can ‘00 of he hohe ed up Bin. Drews that at sds re ont So you can ae ook ‘by scdng accesso and arp hal los, 8 wl se rovement hn ened er an angi, the Icntnae co to a ane an dsopoves, ul when owas us ao good Lea to use asi car, mater, eee. otic he nck Ala, he nape of he nek ‘errtinvencepenesen he gh of Bt I position ‘pote hats ed and ed ta lower pon tan san iage of ry ye Up or ‘or sch cooking rater than resing up io show of toes hes a trong impression ly. cthomly an gene. There alto he mage other doun fr gh exert. When slowed me ‘These a pia pocorn nytt ons arowanthas ‘tnt the impress i very weak, ad othe ni on the bck of he necks vite esas garage atch ree nen viewed from an angle, the nape disappears, but the hai ooks cut, 4 (i \; Mi ‘hairstyle in which the back har is ed on the ste ofthe head. The har looks istic even wien viewed rom the ont, and is used whan yeu want to eae a tert hit Gives a tong impression of good hoalh For young gis. wil be ‘ound ne shoulders. The supe long har unique toe character ‘every cute By ating waves or changing tho thicknose, you can expana! the range of expression. For banga, rather than patsun M-shapod paring and cover-tree parting ae vary suitable, tet aie poston When viewed rom an angle you can see thatthe side tote ae org at this angle. Impressive and very ute right position patent oe on soos sd tte above nage AL ange Bete sre any pr htm con yes heimpenon ic woak yu wane omphaiz the iprssion of th oad wih ome such 3s tence ar emings tis gation lace he seta enh ck st Y) i 85 yey pon mesp MOH L | il it i a edits EH slbabai Ee & eleiiel fc hibgd (11rd Here, we into exten er siting [Front braid Tack braid tee end te A tanta tam in Sto ce Ipc et aan ra. te ws yous ba ty, nde od, wt Bie a ect ntact, gy tom cot Tae pc pesca eae soting Sy ( A GM... {il how youho to draw a single rid Fest, [Fro Brad Rend Shepe Jovian tng a ead tema Cresod resescole \] A, raw two equa ef an ight verti nes. Then ‘ad even 29209 Ines. Ald the ridges othe ‘ront braid fishbone | Rope kniting (Fight) Ile and you are dona, Derived tomish and bone. tis @ method cof weaving fre meshes tke fsh bones, lttakes along ime to weaveto ake out he har bunds ely. | waults nape tho nowedga at hr ech kiting method seen ai> YY Inthe case of ting set huang ets row th donb, i i i i i i Rope baie basicaly @ baie in wich Wwostrands of hair ‘are iste. Three ope braids ie LLLL | Front Braid Arrangement braid round arrangement Front braid Kuzushi Atochriquin which thee sands of har are es motude naar tmctine on. ne This isa metho of adding units neood of making bras orrpe rai ok beautiful as they ae. Blending tin fn ating movement wi mat Used hek, medium and tin. Kiting snot stim. een sag te cin se ttc, sts koow tas nwo he worsens thats erent om nin ei. YON ‘7 ; 4 \ ~ 124 pan mesp o} MOH L ‘aid application 1 ‘raid application 2 ‘Aha that wists the ep and sides of the hr round he animal car hair and brads the pat bolow it This iusto broaks down the Licahabjle thal separates the deh ar the backhar ia bese. This trate eatin of wa youd a bral, he bases wl plan, but by using he idea that "There shar ike this her, so there is po bang here* raid ocaly witout ying to long down ha, you can create 2 Lot's think about various appealons a eroato new halos, beautiful fealing and make the most fi 89 (Ci 1 a aa Width of hair expression “There are infiite ways to express hairstyles other than tying. Here we introduce various ways to express | wil continue. oo tront Bythnning th 0 ha, ho cuteness of shoring the Sar bom. No. charac tthe bacai lc bigan ahha eae Oblique it near the front Unik tho sland composition, the slanting makos to oar appear oven ‘mor and makes the hne appears #yeu pay atenon othe sige hair hen ting, you can se thal he hair piled down om above, (\\ y) | \b aa v "Amos of tha gar are isle inthe obtqua compan. Therng ho had at te emgoa mata the irate back ok bigger. hehe 7 \| 4 / | L esi Mates your er leak bigger youve a image of what bos the ram the ‘et bean ues encom tome ges DR AE nether yu show your ears el wach hs i cha Hete us he intl hale as an map, lw ep Session whee er ers te ret visbo (th par ctu) and inrosue sre aireneas ta show ner eas. (A Ifyou can't see your ears » (B if you can see your ears 3 sna paras andy a How fo draw sd har ho back. Th tha basi proves of tng out aor, Sinoe tis ought tothe se of he ted ha, ‘he shot hair wil protrude sigh Kom to vinta. OF ‘course, you ont have to dra ft pase hee in insta ‘hore are ways dots. @ Hye wantto make yourhane ook amaler > @ Make the ears invisible with a 2 How to caw wih ali ids har to make thohaitine look las, This alsa es sé har, so ale grows win als. This 8 a poCesS In Which he ers ae \isbio nd the haline soa with he bangs. Nat ony oes tha hang over the ear, butthe ange also come out, mang ite bred raidthe hain the bot et and bang ite the back ain By ranging a fe string objects, such as hares ha es, and bral, the Ine of sights cravn above he ars. The perception is stongar ‘notte nine e moving ba 91 ein eema re Let's take lok at processing the nar of character wth altars Hee, ve wld general lf ars and high ai ears. Daron an halt ‘ves have an image of slighty shorter eas. Also, when drawing characters with angel wings rowing out heir sar, kis necessary pay atinton te pons here Tront com ‘nen viewed ter he Fore doesnt aft ne ‘The hair onthe temple inside the oar on the ace sie) doesnot cover the hair much. Le draw as bor, just with longo sare ‘0 adit ci a above th ear ouch ha ear andemixeé wih tw ha hing. Unik human ars, lang ears cannot be covered win hal no ‘Oblique tit near the front Front (front part) SS aR YAIR C Relais LareNeItas ion REGIA RSUTSSpIRTRATSRRSTGSRTA!] Ci fal Si so. anil lt aS eel earache Sly a sneer eyo i \ { sO | Fe . / ’ 92 ET eo) T ‘il expan about the har of characters wth animal ears Torward-facing ear pattern \ ‘eatenaeionmae |S ‘eo. Thshould ony bo uss in patos shore th oars ro ang \ forward eo { { satiowisorhooupiher Pattern with ears facing sideways (ee a Horne ather than bange ‘curly hair “Thor ae various shapes of hams, bua an example on tho ih ‘tem ahornthet extends sews, and hung the hak on i. Its 900% tlt a pat the hair nang down, butts also posse to fi character by adsng apart fthe back har, Bangs. and se or oe corer. “Ts lusaion has horns 3 looks ile Inhuman, but tor hanging on he noms makes imore mysterious Ade auty of omphasze sexine with composition and poses that match the image you wantto draw have, 95 Cie) hie ee | witintoduce patternof arate using @ hain rol up @ bunch of bangs ‘This show to fasten th hapin that wraps arcuns the bangs. The hain sping the har oo top of ho sito ha. Tho apn i co “whether you weer onthe eter rgnt ide, and you ean make song improssionby woating two oiforer hapins on ono sido. a i puton side hair ‘Traeis analpnn ness, othe 82 4N8 ot Se hat bundes 8 goat ‘attach ote andro tut alo goad to draw mute atone on nese ts shown belo express the alae adn ty tng te inomed ohengnonng ine ste Naan me bck 6, we ve sida char eth a nique caret whe ranting lance, Bring part ofthe bangs and back hair o the back Bring part ofthe front hair to the back hair ‘Tio your hair up witha tg tpi. Is a way bing aconsidorable ‘amount ofhairie the back Cite heir with visible ears and coolness Ws2n oxossion tat nt usd vr often, tthe fun gon about harps Uoking about deen arangemert he is, Pay with your hr however to. Wn 86 anluskaton wih auch ahaa rangement, | witewplain about ha elastics and serunchies thot ae used when ng and ng hai har rubber “he fete fhe hala al can be ly warped in cube ore lays. Har es cans ed secu nny gaol he body. Unik zur, Bc b od hyo Yeon be re tov th he (uy emomemun-aun [3] serunchie Aya te calles a sence, Unie hr es, yu te hem too ‘ight, the ils wil olase, so you cat wrap em many times. ‘Therefore. Lis common to use ior hashes tht droop 2s shown below you use tit winks or ponjtais ed up at high positon, reducing tho amount of ha il inorease horas (ore a and Headbands anda bands ae beshaped tims thet are wom is keep the hal fom belng messy. Wearing @ headband ar hai band basically gives a ous Impression. can ao be used as. ante o bring out ho charac sohore are afew. ‘atyusha hair band Atala tals wom by nas. The our bsow shows aed om hat patters naan he head. The ir lw thaws ow ao heachna ti) that wraps de ha al he wt he bok only the bangs and dre them below these hc. Side haileoks longer “Tho front and back haircan be dived while leaving he impresion ofthe than who nt woah ene C ne \ bY har band 2 hair Band 3 ‘Aalst that brings back ite bongs and side hoi at hesame ine as Arai tenom ne harbandae ras asa heres errand srg eta band baie car Youcan copy Yow caw ahadtand Ne thoside haa ara ofabaut 2 nthe ten and about Bin the back an yung lysing wi bo coger, Hora cto oven ft shape ko ont y tp A e v/ \ enon gs ave hems that are uses emporeny to change hasty. te lan used to daquse or change the impression. You can easly change the inresson of the criginal character completely. In adsion, wigs hal eplae the entire hair are ote rm he inodcton. ‘un wig tis wig wih abun har anda pin, co ts easy to wear thas ‘he eévaniage of ging a Chinese-ty/e impression and bsing able ‘bea add duptngs ta tke in to ma, [Half twin tail wig [Awig for easy making half twin tas. Bows atin pater fora bonne wig. Is cute even Ifyou put ten only one side. the wigs notraised up, you ‘cam aso make braid | Ponytall Wig ‘Awig that can bo easly made lo a portal Below sa ick we. Youcan me isk ity atlacning Wo ofthese. Asan application adsing tie wi to rorraang hair kes iit see ‘here the har is coming fom, making It suitable for geaty ‘erangnate mposien neckline wig ‘Avi thatalows you to grow your hai by adding itto the neckine ‘le also have wavy wis, hich vlsove you tine when sting yeu har. tis ani that ges a strong impression because it makes hair longer Pin th wg arand the to mates wth an aro 99 an eaneoome ee aa Se "it nroduce the pnts to draw cute searves hat you wantin winter Tucked fair ‘Thehairathe poston ofthe aro is called tucked tar ore ete COLUMN Aho: [Anagehas characte ae on he ep the hed. yeu add movemert ere aman ‘hal macs tho expresdon itil bo very ole Even ifthe face is expressions, itis sso pore a make a ctrace ha! shom srconia he shone Th ne, lead ‘some vaatonsbasedon he standart ahage on the ght “Ta age tage se tin you ae sera nsamatn, Brera rena ‘youn rang iw reson 2 ¢€ Cs > —_Z ZT ON IN ZI Jaye, bcamas avory cue shogs Pay ation the nt fhe aboge when moving mood. Tt you hal. Becomes anega hat esi move muh FL ON ‘An image ofa heatshaped aege. Use ‘when ang te serene yu tha 104 tere) Production of hair softness, Gis nai can procuce cuteness and sexiness due tots sofness. Basically, soft hair is drawn with lines that look ke “one loose, rounded line”, Here, | wil Introduce GOOD (good examples) and not so good examples side by side “Tho ick to draing So, owing ar to draw 9 natura bulge wih single in. itor vo par that cul and brook he he atoms in the ‘example, even if they are drawn ney wea ingle ine, hy ‘att co, bt ta unrairnees cannot erated, [Falling hair Simi, for hak thats fing down due to gray, colder caring to make Look sot Lnes wih snap henge a of sens ern \ eetueetentreemem — \\ ‘ofthe hat, twill ook sti wi 2 NS eM 8 evrtenee yea ty jeu rae (Curt hal can giv the |mpeston of teirg daranee yout 599 190 much. Thawte, lage routines. Or, the 6000 9 ets raw th ty es. “he har uterng inthe win ves the Mustain a sense of movement and anes. Let's ook at same drawing pals When a gentle breeze blows Lets take ask at ome be are good exams of rang ha fusterng he win. One pater sores heen fhe hae gas) ae the ter pata ‘he eno i ha galer epee (6000). Fhe hae sway inthe wind, the basi movements bing the ends the haope. the eds spreasout ks han he win i bowing. neon, GOOD i eeabing, 0 ean tous en ang ore i nt dy near. Note goon ssaunos sey urnpo [2] ‘ten exposed oso gusts ef whe sce er shor hat. sheforerenss basin ini, but you dare show tb, he mpesson you ive wl change. Dent eget Heep yaurhar lenin ming and make your hai stand on end (special thebangs). the length ofthe ha is deren the sense ofincongruiy willbe stronger, so pleaserefian fom sical flows dowratg bby ing upward you can create a strong impression of deting gray ae giving the impression that tis lowing inthe wind 107 tere) performance of sex appeal From here, | will explain about the sex appecl that attracts with hair. soft and emooth {L_ Tehartht has been ut can alo be used ae an am to bhp ou the ee apz00 eve Look ane with ofthe arom. The upper wisn tho wish of he The Mo EE Below show Row he are whan ned Pom te a. nto FUE On hednaght om the haine. long The tis fhe Mal ty the ‘het he igang om haha a whi held hans ees lenge he rou of he arow'm gcng us. Tinkabost how much you'e goby (ero, B/ nly cow ome oct wh your hand fw G6 gan ow of or has Inia your hy, nd ave cme gh as a Ieort have much 8.07 tho Fgh, heres a har owing om the base ofB, wich sos by hand. In this cas, uno A, thaw are fw parts thal ar possod, andthe ha can bo tod pon the hand. Think abext hese things an death, [Scrape up with boh hands Inthe tue foes on eo. as ook the movement ef hang he hens rata the ha ier wile neorpoating the ia of ength and height expand oar. CCerpare the two gies see how much the hair ean be shotaned anne Parca, its vary cute you draw 108 ‘i ppl he hatha is enuinesih ny Singers. The 109 tere) re eects Innomal movement basicaly the har that hangs sited, ied to fry droopthe character wth wintals inthe wer ef igure: Cansieing the bese ofthe vintls andthe etwas fulcrums, dren har tht draws cures and har that moves inal rom fucrum to furum. This ls inthe gaps andimprven the quay of ne tron Aso ould be nis have ‘some hair that hangs down fom tho sios, tk tho charactor wih lng han the lower ght pita. Tho hanging hair gos tothe elbow sido by tho fulzum ofthe amp Use ainp vow totnk about wha tha ha his and hangs on yur body you eka he maga ‘ontne ah yuan se th the shies and ches te under ea are. The pat inetd by ‘bo.mew eo che. x58 on is arngemon: melon vor ROM Rl aun 6 et ‘heartaches tha estado, sine the arma are fede, Ime poceas that euch he ‘ame ae wal The hat fit was trough rom te bck'spubelween the am and he chest 2 hangs dwn tomes Aer at, the op ve is esha, oda’ king the ha

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