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Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


CFC CLP Version 2.0 Guiding Principle 1
Christian Life Program Training 2
A CFC Teaching on the Charismatic Gifts 2
Christian Life Program Team Leaders Training 2

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


CFC CLP Version 2.0 Guiding Principle

Every secular organization and even religious institutions, regardless of the period of time it
has been in existence, is subject to the reality of change. Adjustments are consistent. Going
against the tide of change will have a dramatic effect on the very core of the institution’s
way of living.

Couples for Christ is preparing for its 40th year of living out the primary mandate of
evangelization in all corners of the world. Among various ways of mission evangelization,
the Christian Life Program is the banner platform of the community in introducing Christ to
all peoples. Paving the way to start CFC’s 5th decade, and based on prayerful discernment,
the CLP should give way in heeding to the clear voice of the signs of times. Thus, careful
review on ways on how to re-package CFC’s banner program took its course based on 2
important principles:


The Second Vatican Council took serious steps on its liturgical and mission reforms
among others. Attentiveness to the changing tides of time, in light of the Christian faith,
paved the way to a more meaningful and powerful evangelization. During the pontificate of
St. John Paul II, new evangelization was a constant call to the entire universal Church based
on every Christian’s supreme duty to proclaim Christ to all peoples.

In every Christian’s deep faith, Jesus is at the core serving as the point of reference.
He acts as the answer to every difficult situation of man. Relating the importance of the new
evangelization in the context of CFC’s life and mission, sensitivity to the changing cultural
landscape affecting every persons’ way of thinking and behaving is of primary importance.
In this way, presenting Jesus based on the different life questions, economic backgrounds
and mental dispositions of men, evangelization becomes effective; Jesus becomes relevant
to the various state of life of men.


St. John Paul II didn’t just encourage the People of God to new ways of
evangelization, but took to himself the initiative to show how it can happen. Hence, the
World Youth Day, among other initiatives, was a highlight and a concrete example of new
evangelization. It became a way for the universal Church headed by the Pope to reach out
to young people and tell the story of Jesus in a way that is comprehensible and attractive to
those who are young. In effect, presenting ways on how the young people can be
nourished by their personal relationship with Jesus through the ministry of the Church, as a
whole, the Church didn’t add numbers to its fold but also ensured the continuity of Jesus
mission entrusted to it.

In the same way, CFC doesn’t conduct a CLP just to add numbers. Effectively
presenting Jesus in a relevant way to the next generation, it will ensure that its life and
mission of families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth will never stop; the
mission will naturally be passed on to the succeeding generations

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Christian Life Program


Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


This training is for all CFC members and is to prepare the service team
members for the Christian Life Program. It should be conducted 2-3 months
before the scheduled CLP. This will give the team sufficient time to invite
more people to join and to ensure the team’s preparedness for the upcoming

The goal of the training is to help the participants understand, appreciate,

and be equipped with the necessary skills to make the CLP a meaningful
encounter with the Lord for both the service team and the participants. In
addition, the training will help build the service team’s confidence in
conducting the CLP in their chapters.

Preferably, the attendees of the training are the general members,

particularly those who will serve in the upcoming CLP of the chapter.


8:00 – 8:30 AM Arrival / Registration

8:30 – 9:00 Worship
9:00 – 9:45 Talk 1: Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare
9:45 – 10:00 Break
10:00 – 10:45 Talk 2: What is CLP?
10:45 – 12:00 Workshop 1: Handling a Discussion Group
12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 – 1:15 Afternoon prayer
1:15 – 3:00 Breakout skills workshop
Workshop 2: Capturing Jesus’ Moments
(Basic Documentation)
Workshop 3: PowerPoint Presentation: A Tool
for Evangelization
Workshop 4: Running the CLP
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:00 Workshop 5: Worship in CLP
4:00 – 4:30 Open forum
4:30 Closing prayer

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

Resource Persons

1. Worship leader
2. Speakers
3. Elder (at least a unit head) for the open forum
4. Guitarist
5. Service team

Resource Materials
1. Attendance sheets
2. Sound system
3. Laptop and projector
4. Recorder
5. Handouts of all the talks and workshops


Workshop 2, 3, and 4 can be done simultaneously. The participants can

choose which workshop they want to participate in.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Anchor verse:
“Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put
on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the
tactics of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10-11 (NABRE)


1. To present the truth about the two kingdoms: the kingdom of

darkness under Satan and the kingdom of light under Jesus Christ,
that is why there is spiritual warfare
2. To explain that the CLP is spiritual warfare
3. To enumerate spiritual weapons that will help servants in their
combat against evil as they accept the challenge to be part of the CLP
Service Team

Speaker’s profile:
A CFC brother who experienced being a team leader of the CLP and serves
as a chapter or unit head

Expanded outline


1. There are two kingdoms opposed to each other: the kingdom of

darkness under Satan and the kingdom of light under Jesus
Christ. The world is in Satan’s grip. (1 John 5:19b) And his
kingdom includes not only those who are evil, but also those who
are uncommitted. By being such, they serve Satan’s purpose.

2. Jesus has mounted a rescue operation and attack against

Satan’s kingdom. It involves bringing people from darkness to
light. It is taking the territory from Satan. Satan does not stand
still. His dominion and his power over people are threatened. He
undertakes defensive action. This spiritual battle is continuing.

3. All people are born into a battle for the hearts, minds, and souls
of men. More specifically, we in CFC, having joined God’s
kingdom, are in the thick of the fight. Because God uses us as

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

instruments for other men’s redemption, we become a direct
threat to Satan’s dominion. As we evangelize and reach out to
other couples, especially through a CLP, we actively enter into
battle. Evangelism is spiritual warfare. (Ephesians 6:12)

4. CFC CLP is a formation program that aims to form couples.

These couples come from different family backgrounds,
occupations, and set of values, beliefs and faith. Moreover, to
form these people, we need to be emotionally and spiritually
prepared because forming people is a long process and CLP is
just the beginning. In the past, we would encounter disturbances
during our CLPs like people being possessed, sudden disruptions
of electricity or sound systems, and the like. Nowadays, it has
evolved in the busyness of the people giving them no time for
God, families are under attack in many different forms, and the
like. All of these are spiritual warfare. Satan is also innovating
through time, making new tactics to dissuade us.

5. Being combatants, we need weapons and protection. We need

means for offense and defence.


We are waging God’s battle. (2 Cor.10:3-5) God gives us the

following offensive weapons:

1. Commitment (to Christ’s cause)

a. Leading us to lives of righteousness, purity, holiness (2
Cor. 6:7)
b. We do not need to be saints yet, but we need to have
passion for God’s righteousness and a hatred of evil.
c. Have purity of motives and desires.
i. Serve for the glory of God, not our own.
ii. Guard against the danger of pride.
iii. Have humility; know that without Jesus’ victory on
the cross, we cannot succeed.
d. We will be ineffective if we are not righteous. (Mt. 7:3 5)

2. Zeal, single-mindedness of purpose, perseverance

a. Live totally for the Lord. (2 Cor. 5:15)
b. Phil. 3:7-8

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

3. The Word of God
a. A sword (Eph. 6:17b Heb. 4:12)
b. In the CLP, we speak God’s word (through the talk and
follow-up discussion groups). God’s word has power. (1
Thessalonians 1:5)

4. Spiritual gifts
a. 1 Corinthians 12 and other passages
b. Some applications:
i. Wisdom to answer questions, to lead a discussion
ii. Discernment to know where a person is at
c. Tongues and praise


Ephesians 6:13 18: The Armor of God

It is God’s provision alone which will give us adequate protection.

Let us consider the points of attack by the devil, and how the Armor
of God can protect us.

1. Truth – protection against lies and errors

a. Satan is a father of lies.
b. He will try to make us doubt God’s word (e.g. you are too
sinful to serve), or falsely accuse us, or malign God’s
character (e.g. God is not a loving God; He does not love
c. Rest on the truths of God’s love, God’s power, etc.

2. Justice or righteousness – protection against evil and

sinful desires
a. If Satan does not succeed with lies, he will try bombarding
our minds with evil thoughts.
b. Resist these temptations.
Note: Temptations are not sins unless entertained and
acted on.

3. Gospel of peace – protection against an easy and lazy life

a. If Satan cannot disturb us, then he will try to make us
comfortable and cozy as possible so that we will not
disturb him.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

b. Beware of living a “carpet slipperi Christianity” wherein one
journeys to heaven in the first-class comfort. Such persons
have laid down their arms and are no longer concerned
with attacking and invading the enemy-held territory.
c. We need to get our footgear on, leave the comforts of
home, and go out after Satan’s captives. Have the zeal to
propagate the gospel.

4. Faith – protection against unbelief

a. Doubt assails us. Fear and failure can cripple our actions.
The nagging question: Can I do it?
b. We need to have faith in God’s promises and have faith
that this is God’s work. (Hebrew 13:5b-6)
c. We need to realize that we are acting not by our power but
by God’s.

5. Salvation
a. The word used for salvation means both physical as well as
spiritual wellbeing.
b. Satan will try to make you sick, make spouses fight, may
even try to get you killed.
c. But we have God’s protection.
d. Before leaving your home, pray. Put on the “crash helmet”
of salvation.

6. Word of God
a. Both a weapon and protection.
b. For CLP participants, stress the importance of daily
Scripture reading and recommended books.

7. Prayers
a. Pray at every opportunity.
b. Different kinds of prayer:
i. Personal prayer
ii. Group prayer (at various times during CLP)
iii. Intercessory prayer
iv. Fasting


Evangelism is spiritual warfare. There are four points to stress:

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

1. Guard against two extremes: (1) the view that there is no devil;
and (2) the view that all negative things or happenings are
attributable to the devil.
2. Remember that Jesus has already won the victory in this fight
against Satan. Moreover, the God who enlists us in his army will
Himself train, equip and lead us.
3. James 4:7: We have the power to rout the devil, but such is
premised on our submission to God. In here comes the
importance of righteousness, faith, dependence on God.
4. 2 Timothy 2:3. As good soldiers, we can expect hardships and
difficulties. We are to bear and overcome them.

When you accepted Jesus as Lord, you signed up for God’s army. In
this war, there are no non-combatants. Since the time you joined
CFC, you have been in boot camp, being trained for the fight
against Satan. Finally, at all times, and in all circumstances, put on
the full armor of God. Be armed and ready for Jesus!

Note: Reference material is “Spiritual Warfare” by Michael Harper

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Anchor verse:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I
dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” Jeremiah 1:5


1. To define what CLP is

2. To enumerate and explain the different components of CLP
3. To present ideas that will ensure the preparedness of the Service
Team for the CLP

Speaker’s profile:

A CFC brother who experienced being a team leader of the CLP and who
serves as a chapter or unit head

Expanded Outline

I. Introduction

We are all blessed to have experienced the Christian Life

Program (CLP). For some, it is a brand-new spiritual experience. For
others, it is their journey to transformation. Whatever our
experiences are, one thing is sure: we have encountered the Lord
through our CLP that led us to have a deepened faith and active
service in the community.

However, as we always hear from those who serve ahead of us,

we will not remain as participants or receivers of formation forever.
Time will come when we will all be called to serve. Now, your
moment has come. You are now on the giving end and no longer
the receiving end.

II. What is CLP?

The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

intended to lead the program participants into a renewed
understanding of God’s call to them as Christian couples.ii It is the
entry point into CFC. It is an initiation course leading into a life in
the Holy Spirit.

A. Goals of the CLP

The CLP has two main goals: evangelization and renewal.

1. Evangelization

More than an entry point to Couples for Christ, the Christian Life
Program primarily is evangelism. It is the proclamation of the

2. Renewal

a. Individual

It brings a person into a stronger relationship with God by

discovering and living more fully the power and gifts he or
she received through the Holy Spirit.iv

b. Family

It brings married couples to a renewed commitment to

Christian family life and it starts to build up a community
of committed Christian families.v

c. Church

It brings people within a particular parish to a fuller

experience of life in the Spirit. Consequently, it
strengthens and revitalizes community life in the

B. Structure and Content

1. Content

a. The CLP has 8 sessions divided into two (2) modules.

b. The two (2) modules:

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

Module 1: The Basic Truths about Christianity

Talk 1: God’s Love

Talk 2: Who is Jesus Christ?
Talk 3: Repentance and Faith

Module 2: The Authentic and Spirit-filled Christian Life

Talk 4: Loving God and Neighbor

Talk 5: The Christian Family
Talk 6: Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Talk 7: Growing in the Spirit
Talk 8: Transformation in Christ

There will be a Lord’s Day celebration at the end of


• It will be an opportunity to experience the Lord’s Day.

• It is a time of fellowship and sharing.
• Announcement of household groupings

2. Dynamics

The whole CLP program will run for 2.5 to 3 hours per

The CLP Format:

• Arrival, registration, fellowship

• Songs and prayers
• Talks
1. Anchor verse
2. Objectives
3. Dynamics of the talks (Always make sure to read the
dynamics in the session outlines of the CLP.)
4. Speaker’s profiles
5. Expanded outline
6. Guide questions or reflection activities
• There will be discussion group sharing (to be discussed in
Workshop 1: Handling a Discussion Group).
• There will be two (2) one-on-one dialogues (to be
• discussed in Workshop 1: Handling a Discussion Group).

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

1. The first one will be after Talk 3.
2. The second one will be after Talk 5.
• There will be a pray-over session in the second module (to
be discussed in Workshop 1: Handling a Discussion
• There will be a short fellowship after every session.

The CLP atmosphere:

It is important that the service team creates an

atmosphere that is welcoming and engaging. This means
that they must establish good relationships with the
participants. The team will give extra effort in taking care
of the participants, from the time they enter the venue to
the time they leave CLP sessions and even beyond.

The service team should establish an environment that

makes them “feel-at-home”. Participants should feel that
they are at home in CLP. It becomes a haven for them and
they will start to consider active service to the Lord
through CFC. The service team’s witnessing will be very
crucial to this especially relating with each other as
brothers and sisters and as husband and wife.


• The CLP is open to all Christian couples who are validly

married, or to unmarried couples who have no
impediment to becoming validly married. It is to
Catholics and non-Catholic Christians, and occasionally to
non-Christians (the latter is subject to the approval of the
Chapter Head).vii

• Every participant is expected to attend all the sessions

since the CLP is offered as an integrated package for
spiritual renewal.viii

• If unavoidable, only 3 absences are allowed. In such

cases, the discussion group leader will give a make-up
session for absences. If a participant exceeds the number
of allowed absences, it might be a ground for them to
repeat the whole program, depending on the

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

recommendation of the team leader and approval of the
Chapter Head.

C. The Team

The CLP team is composed of the following:

i. Team Leader
He oversees the entire CLP program. He focuses his
attention on the participants and the dynamics of the CLP.
He also makes sure that the service team does their
service excellently. In case the speaker cannot show up,
he will automatically give the talk.
ii. Team Leader’s wife
She supports her husband in leading the CLP. She listens
with a special ear to the sensitivities and peculiarities
being reported from the women’s discussion group. She
also takes care of the administrative task together with the
assistant team leader and the servant.
iii. Assistant Team Leader
He assists the team leader in running the CLP and is in
training to be the next team leader of a CLP in the future.
He takes over in case the team leader is absent.
iv. The Servant
He carries the main administrative burden and should
assume that he needs to cover every need that may arise.
He should not be part of a discussion group. His job is to
ensure the following (this can be delegated to other
members of the service team):

• Registration
o Manning the registration table
o Monitoring the ins and outs of participants and
members of the service team
o He also prepares the nametags.
o Prepares song sheets and handouts
• Physical set-up
o Make sure to prepare the instruments of the
music ministry.
o Set up the venue and sound.
o Clean up after every session.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

• Food or refreshment
o To be given before the start of every CLP
session, during the discussion group sharing,
or after the session
• Prayer warrior
o Ensure that someone is praying during the
entire CLP session.
• Documentation
o Ensure that someone is assigned to the
following task:
PowerPoint presentation
v. The discussion group leaders
They take responsibility for the overall care of individuals
in their groups. They will personally oversee and bring to
issue each person’s relationship with Christ during the CLP.
vi. The Music Ministry
They make the CLP sessions lively. They are responsible
for the teaching of songs and worship.

D. CLP Team preparations:

It is important to note that a CLP needs thorough preparations.

The ideal preparation of CLP is three to six (3-6) months.

i. Pre-CLP
In preparing for the CLP, the team should do regular
service meetings to ensure constant updating of the
progress of the planned CLP. They think of strategies on
how to invite more participants, and to ensure that the
team is prepared for the CLP. They can also set a regular
prayer time intended for the success of the CLP. They think
of gimmicks (such as flyers or posters, announcements,
social media posting, etc.) to attract more people to join.

ii. Ongoing CLP

During the actual CLP, the team will do service meetings at

the start and at the end of each session. They thoroughly
discuss what will happen during the session and what has
transpired after the session. They pray together and think

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

of ways on how they can have excellent, exciting and
spirit-filled CLP sessions.

iii. Post-CLP
At the end of the CLP, it is important to have team
evaluation as well as to ask feedback from the participants
that will greatly help in the next run of a CLP. This also
includes monitoring of follow-up households, which will
focus on the participants’ experience of the CLP. This will
happen for the period of three (3) months before the
actual household takes place.

III. Conclusion

Christian Life Program is God’s work. We are privileged to be part of

His work through our service in CLP. Having this privilege, we need to be
excellent in our personal and communal preparations.

For some who will be serving the CLP for the first time, it is
common to be afraid, nervous, or anxious. As you experience such, be
open and allow God to use you mightily and powerfully. Being excited, for
God will bring wonders in your faith and service life. For others who will
be serving the CLP again, allow God to surprise you. God will always have
something new for you. Bear in mind that the work of the Holy Spirit is
always full of wonders and surprises. Be ready to be amazed!

Finally, as we serve the CLP, let us be living witnesses to our new

life in the Holy Spirit. The participants are looking at us. It has a big
effect on them to see selfless, caring, wholehearted service, unrestricted
love and brotherly interaction. Our life and humble service will be a
powerful testimony that indeed, once we serve God, our lives will never
be the same again.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

(A workshop on how to handle a discussion group)

Anchor verse:
“And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists,
others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of
ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-12 (NABRE)


• To explain the role of a discussion group leader especially in handling

group sharing, “one-on-one” dialogue, and “pray-over” session

• To provide a helpful guide that will build confidence in those who will
be handling a group during the CLP

• To allow the service team to have first-hand experience on how to

execute the discussion group sharing, “one-on-one” dialogue, and the
“pray-over” session

Workshop facilitator:

• A brother or a sister who has the experience of leading a CLP

• A brother or a sister who already experienced handling a discussion
group, “one-on-one” dialogue, and “pray-over” during a CLP


One of the most exciting and at the same time exhilarating points in
the life of a CFC member is to be part of the CLP service team. It is exciting
because we know that life will never be the same again after serving the
CLP, especially if it is your first time. It is exhilarating because each one
knows how challenging it can be physically, mentally, emotionally, and

As we accept the role of becoming a member of the CLP service team,

we need to understand our individual roles and responsibilities. Some are
tapped to be a team leader, some assistant team leader, discussion group
leader, or servant. Whatever our role is, we need to help one another by
fulfilling our different responsibilities with passion and excellence. We have
to understand that our specific roles and responsibilities are equally
important. Each of our contributions is vital in bringing other people to

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


This time, we will discuss one of the most challenging roles in the CLP
– handling a discussion group. As discussion group leaders (DGL), we are
the people who directly interact with our participants. How we treat and
behave towards them will also be a reflection of Christ’s love for them. More
than the technical aspects of being a DGL must be our heart for service and
our heart to serve our brothers and sisters so that they too might experience
the love of God that we have in our CLP.


I. Discussion Group Sharing

We can all agree that discussion group sharing is one of the most
awkward things we encounter in the Christian Life Program. We do not
know where to start, we do not know what to say, and we find it
difficult to share a portion of our life to a stranger. However, because
of the persistence of our leader in the group, we found ourselves
sharing and slowly opening ourselves to others. In the end, we were
surprised to realize that we were already becoming comfortable
sharing our life with others.

It is important that as DGLs we set the right atmosphere for our

members from the beginning so that what would start as awkward
conversations would eventually turn into deeper and more honest

In handling discussion groups, brothers are separated from the

sisters. This is to ensure that both can freely share their minds and
hearts without hesitation. They can freely discuss men and women
issues and concerns without feeling awkward or feeling restricted.

Here are three (3) easy tips in handling a discussion group sharing:

a. Pray

Always begin and end your group sharing with a prayer. Know
and acknowledge that God is present as you converse with your
members. He is guiding you as the DGL and He is also guiding
your members as they slowly open up their hearts. As you pray,
be confident of your anointing as the leader of the group. You

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

are there because God chose you.

b. Focus on the topic

Sometimes it is easy to go off-topic and the conversation moves

to another direction on its own. However, as we have limited
time during the CLP, it is important to stay on track. Remind
your group that to give everyone time to share, that they must
not exceed a certain amount of time. If you feel that someone in
your group wants to express more, you can talk to him or her
after the CLP session or discuss it during your “one-on-one”

c. Establish a relationship amongst members of the group

When you are doing your discussion group, do your best to be

present to each one who is sharing and respond accordingly.
That is one of the best ways for the members to know that they
can trust you and the group, and that they are valued. To build a
strong relationship would also mean that as a discussion group
leader, you would ensure the confidentiality of their sharing.

II. Conducting “one-on-one” dialogue

Another challenging activity in the CLP is the personal dialogue or

the “one-on-one” dialogue with the members. This is done as the CLP
progresses (specifically after module 1) and before the “pray-over”
session. This dialogue is essential because it not only gives the DGL
an idea of what to pray for during the “pray-over” session but also a
chance to get to know the member more deeply with lesser time
constraints. Doing this well will help build up further the relationship
between the DGL and the member. The discussion group leader and
his members will set a time that they can meet and have a “one-on-
one” conversation regarding:

a. CLP experience

How are they doing so far? Is there anything that bothers them
that needs thorough discussion or clarification? What are the
challenges they are going through as the CLP progresses? Is
there anything that hinders the person to commit himself or
herself to the CLP fully? How can we help them?

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

We will see to it that they will have a deeper appreciation and
understanding of the CLP. However, we need to understand that
we can never impose something on them. We will not force them
to commit if they are still struggling or unwilling. What we can
do is to journey with them and be witnesses that indeed, God
transformed our lives through Couples for Christ that started in
the Christian Life Program.

b. Personal concerns of the member

Has their relationship as husband and wife improved? Has the

relationship in their family improved? Is there anything that they
specifically worry about that may hinder their full commitment to
the CLP? How is their job or source of income so far?

Here is the thing. We will make them share with us their

concerns, problems, or struggles but never promise anything to
them (e.g. If they have financial problems, the chapter will help,
etc). What we will do is guide them in thinking and making the
right moves or decisions to alleviate whatever difficulties they
are going through. We are no superheroes. Do not attempt to be
one because it might give them the wrong impression.

c. Gift or gifts of the Holy Spirit they wanted to receive or


Before the “pray-over” session, we conduct another “one-on-

one” dialogue. Make sure to make the participants understand
the nine charismatic gifts.

After explaining to them the nine charismatic gifts and how it will
help us deepen our faith in God, we will give them time to pray
and discern for a specific gift they would want to have. For
some, the answers might be on the spot, for others, it may take
time. However, make sure to get back to them before the “pray-
over” session.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

III. Conducting the “pray-over” session

If you think that the discussion group sharing and “one-on-one”

dialogues are nerve-racking, wait until you do the “pray-over” session.
You will encounter so many things that would attest that “pray-over” is
a major spiritual warfare. You will experience surprise concerns or
problems, sometimes illness out of nowhere, or you get anxious or
nervous, and many more.

Regardless of what or how you feel or experience, it is an

opportunity to seek God’s help even more. Here are some simple and
practical reminders on how to do the “pray-over”:

a. Review the process or flow of the “pray-over”

Make sure to ask a copy of the “pray-over” flow from the team
servant. You have the option to read the copy during the “pray-
over” session, or you can familiarize the flow and have your
personal prayer as you go through it.

b. Have a list of your participant’s name, concerns, and


It is practical to have a list of your participant’s names with their

concerns and the gifts they wanted to enkindle or receive during
the “pray-over” session. This is to ensure that you prayed for the
right concerns and gifts of the participants.

c. Pray as you are

Do not be overwhelmed with the process of the “pray-over”

session. Always remember that we are a mere instrument. It is
the Holy Spirit’s work to transform or renew the person. Do not
overdo your prayer. What matters is that you pray with honesty
and sincerity. Be confident in the Lord.

Note: You will learn how to prepare spiritually for the “pray-
over” session during the separate teaching on charismatic gifts.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

IV. Conclusion

To handle a discussion group is not an easy task regardless of how many

times you have experienced or done it. The experience will always be
different every time we handle one. Sometimes it can be smooth sailing,
sometimes it can be burdensome, and sometimes it can be very tiring and

Yet, in every experience, one thing is certain: God will deliver us and make
us victorious. There is nothing to fear for God is in control.


1. The group will be divided into three: discussion group, “one-on-one”

group, and “pray-over” group. The group will prepare a skit on these
three CLP activities.
2. The group will have a presentation of their skit.
3. An open forum follows.
a. The group will share what are the best practices they observed
and what are the things that they think need improvement.
b. The speaker will wrap up everything after the group presentation
and open forum.

Note: The Speaker can also use the old CLP Manual as a reference

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


A CFC Teaching on the

Charismatic Gifts


Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


This teaching is available to all CFC members particularly for the CLP team
members in preparation for the “Pray-over” Session.

The goal of this teaching is to help the participants appreciate, understand,

and to grow their desire for the charismatic gifts. On a more general level,
the teaching can lead the participants to a deeper experience of the
workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

CFC clusters are encouraged to regularly schedule this teaching for their
members. Chapter Heads can also arrange this teaching for smaller groups
whenever deemed necessary.


The whole teaching will run for 2.5-3 hours.

30 minutes arrival, registration, and fellowship

15 minutes short worship (2 praise songs)/opening prayer
45 minutes Talk 1: “The 9 charismatic gifts”
10 minutes break
30 minutes Talk 2: “How to be spiritually prepared for the pray-over
20 minutes Activity: “Prayer to the Holy Spirit”

General guidelines:

1. The CLP Team Leader is highly encouraged to give the workshop. (The
CFC Chapter or Unit Head can be invited to lead the activity.)
2. Please religiously follow the teaching flow.
3. Our goal is to have a deeper appreciation, understanding, and seek
empowerment from the Holy Spirit. Everything will be dependent on
the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let us not overdo the teaching by
putting some add-ons or unnecessary practices that can bring
confusion to our members.
4. The whole procedure is done in a prayerful atmosphere.

Service Team:

1. Registration Team
2. Music Ministry

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Talk 1: The Nine (9) Charismatic Gifts

Anchor verse:
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; (5) there are
different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings
but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual
the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is given
through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of
knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit;
to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit; to another mighty deeds; to
another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of
tongues; to another interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit
produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he
wishes.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (NABRE)

1. To define what are “charismatic gifts”.
2. To enumerate and explain the nine (9) charismatic gifts with special
emphasis on the gift of tongues.
3. To lead the participants to desire for the charismatic gifts.


Couples for Christ Christian Life Program introduces many new things to us.
Some of us might experience worship, group sharing, “one-on-one”
dialogue, and “pray-over” for the first time. In the beginning, these things
are simply awkward to us until such that we were able to feel comfortable
and at home in our CLP, which led us to become active in CFC eventually.

Maybe one of the most intriguing and interesting parts of CLP is when our
discussion group leader asked us what particular gift or gifts we would want
to receive. When they start explaining to us these gifts, somehow, it made
us realize that having these gifts will aid us in strengthening and deepening
our faith in the Lord.

But what kind of gifts do we specifically ask for? These gifts are the
charismatic gifts. According to Pope Francis, “The charismatic gifts,
therefore, are freely distributed by the Holy Spirit, so that sacramental grace
may be fruitful in Christian life in different ways and at every level. Because
these charisms “are perfectly suited to and useful for the needs of the

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Church”, through their diverse richness, the People of God are able fully to
live their evangelical mission, discerning the signs of the times and
interpreting them in the light of the Gospel. The charismatic gifts, in fact,
enable the faithful to respond to the gift of salvation in complete freedom
and in a way suited to the times. In this way, they themselves become a gift
of love for others and authentic witnesses to the Gospel before all

The Holy Spirit to whom He wishes freely gives these charismatic gifts so
that the person who will receive it will become fruitful in his or her Christian
life and become powerful witnesses of the Gospel, both in personal and
service life, especially to the bigger Church.

II. Gifts of the Holy Spirit: The nine (9) Charismatic Gifts

First, we need to understand that there are different kinds of gifts. We have
seven (7) sanctifying gifts found in Isaiah 11:2-3. These are wisdom,
understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
We first receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of
Baptism; these gifts are strengthened in the Sacrament of Confirmation,
which is one of the reasons why the Catholic Church teaches that
confirmation is properly viewed as the completion of baptism.

In Couples for Christ, however, we specifically ask for the nine (9)
charismatic gifts. These charismatic gifts are introduced by St. Paul in his
first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-11). These gifts may be
divided into 3 groups: two teaching gifts: wisdom and knowledge; three sign
gifts: faith, healing and miracles; and four revelational gifts: prophecy,
discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

The nine (9) charismatic gifts are for the upbuilding of the body. It is
described as “manifestation” of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7). Thus, where
spiritual gifts operate, the Spirit is at work. The gifts make us aware of God’s
presence. The gifts make us aware of God’s power.

The nine (9) charismatic gifts:2

a) Wisdom - Concerned with the best way to live. God’s guidance on how
to live as a Christian.
b) Knowledge - More of doctrinal teaching. Speak an understanding of
the truth of the mystery of Christ.

Pope Francis, Iuvenescit Ecclesia, May 15, 2016
Couples for Christ, Training on Spiritual Gifts
Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

c) Faith - The charismatic gift of faith seems to be a special gift of prayer.

Praying with God-given confidence, which produces extraordinary
results. It’s knowing that what one asks for will be given. Mark 11:23-
d) Healing – the Holy Spirit can manifest this special gift through any
believer so He can then heal someone of any kind of disease, illness,
or sickness.
e) Miracles - supernatural activity from Him. (E.g. Jesus turning water
into wine at the wedding of Cana, Jesus feeding 5000 people by
multiplying 5 loaves of bread and two fish, God parting the Red Sea for
Moses and the children of Israel).
f) Prophecy - The gift by which God speaks through a person a message
to an individual or a whole community.
g) Discernment of spirits - The gift by which a person can tell whether in
a situation what is at work is the Holy Spirit, an evil spirit, or just
man’s own spirit. A kind of a vision or a sense.
h) Tongues – A gift of praise that is meant to enrich our prayer life.
i) Interpretation of tongues - Does not refer to the abilities of an
interpreter of languages. The one who exercises this gift does not
even understand the tongues. What is spoken in tongues may not
even be an actual language. Like in prophecy, there is an urge to
speak words. What is spoken is an accurate interpretation.

III. The gift of tongues

Another controversial practice we have in the CLP is the “speaking or praying

in tongues”. Some feel weird about it, or some may not be comfortable
doing it. There were even those who oppose this practice in the community.

1 Corinthians 12:4-10 says, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but
the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord;
there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in
everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some
benefit. To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to
another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to
another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one
Spirit; to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another
discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another
interpretation of tongues.”

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‘Tongues’ is part of our culture as a charismatic community. In one way or

another, it makes the CFC community as unique, vibrant, and spirit-filled. In
an article written in the website Catholic exchange, it says that “It’s certainly
possible that God can continue to use people as miracle workers, healers,
prophets and speakers in and interpreters of tongues. Both Pope John Paul II
and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have expressed their
support of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. In 1979, the pope
characterized the Catholic Charismatic Renewal as “a sign of the Spirit’s
action[,]…a very important component in the total renewal of the Church.”3

In the CLP talk, Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the gift of tongues is
explained to us.
• The gift of tongues is a common experience when we receive the Holy
Spirit, just like the experience of the disciples described in Acts.
• It is a gift from God.
• But unlike the other spiritual gifts, ‘tongues’ is a gift that may not
immediately manifest.
• Once we receive it, it can have great consequences in our spiritual life,
especially in our prayer and worship.

In summary, the purpose of these nine (9) charismatic gifts is for us to be

more vividly aware of the presence and power of God and to build up the
community – the Church.

1V. Desiring the nine (9) charismatic gifts

One thing is for sure, all of us desires to receive gifts. What more when it is
from the Holy Spirit? It becomes even more desirable. However, what should
be our posture in desiring the nine (9) charismatic gifts?

1 Corinthians 12:11 says, “But one and the same Spirit produces all of
these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.” We
cannot force nor impose a specific gift to be given to us. It still depends on
the grace of the Lord and the will of the Holy Spirit whom He wishes to give
the gifts. Nevertheless, we can always ask for it in prayer. If it is for us and
it will be beneficial for the growth of our faith and service, for sure, the Holy
Spirit will give it to us.

Lumen Gentium 12 also reminds us, “It is not only through the sacraments
and the ministries of the Church that the Holy Spirit sanctifies and leads the
people of God and enriches it with virtues, but, "allotting his gifts to

Speaking in Tongues, Amy Barragree, Information Specialist, Catholics United for the Faith,
Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

everyone according as He wills, He distributes special graces among the

faithful of every rank. By these gifts He makes them fit and ready to
undertake the various tasks and offices which contribute toward the renewal
and building up of the Church, according to the words of the Apostle: "The
manifestation of the Spirit is given to everyone for profit". These charisms,
whether they be the more outstanding or the more simple and widely
diffused, are to be received with thanksgiving and consolation for they are
perfectly suited to and useful for the needs of the Church. Extraordinary gifts
are not to be sought after, nor are the fruits of apostolic labor to be
presumptuously expected from their use; but judgment as to their genuinity
and proper use belongs to those who are appointed leaders in the Church, to
whose special competence it belongs, not indeed to extinguish the Spirit, but
to test all things and hold fast to that which is good.”

As we pray for a specific gift that we want to receive, let us also be very
careful and discerning. Let us not be careless in asking and praying for a
specific gift. Once again, we are reminded, that these gifts aim to make us
all fruitful in our Christian life and to become powerful witnesses of the
Gospel, both in personal and service life, and especially to the bigger

“The charismatic gifts “are given to individual persons, and can be shared by
others in such ways to continue in time a precious and effective heritage,
serving as a source of a particular spiritual affinity among persons.”4

Indeed, all these gifts are beautiful and desirable. It makes us attractive as
a community and as a church. It makes our Christian life and our community
alive. It makes our community relevant.

Once we receive the gifts the Holy Spirit wills for us, let us use it to become
powerful witnesses in our personal, community, and church life. It must
move us to desire to serve the Lord even more.

Finally, every gift is precious, thus, must be handled with utmost care. Once
you receive the gift or gifts you prayed and discerned for, use it for the
greater glory of God.

Pope Francis, Iuvenescit Ecclesia
Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

Second part: How to be spiritually prepared for the “pray-

over” session

Anchor verse:
“But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil
one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NABRE)


During the CLP Training, we learn that every CLP is a unique experience.
Regardless of the same process and nature that it has every conduct of it,
no CLP is the same, thus, we religiously prepare ourselves every time we are
commissioned to serve. Every CLP is also spiritual warfare. Therefore,
regardless of the number of times we serve the CLP, we come prepared
spiritually. We should not be complacent.

Pray-over session is also one of the spiritual warfare we should all be ready
for. We do specific preparations for this. Again, we are not to be complacent
regardless of how many times we have been doing this. A good soldier
hones his skills at any given opportunity. A good servant does the same.
Every training or formation is a completely new experience regardless of
how many times you have attended to it. Humility is the key.

I. How do we spiritually prepare for the pray over session?

The most important thing about the pray-over session is our total
dependence on God. We should not overdo things but only rely on the power
of the Holy Spirit and allow ourselves to be vessels that will allow His grace
to freely flow to the ones we are praying over.

Here are five essential things we need to do:

1. Go to confession
We recognize that CLP is spiritual warfare. We will not come
unprepared. We cleanse ourselves from sinfulness and negativities by
going to confession.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1422) states, “Those who

approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy
for the offense committed against him, and are, at the same time,

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and
which by charity, by example, and by prayer labors for their

Satan will disturb us unceasingly, but humility can defeat Satan. Let us
humble ourselves and ask for God’s forgiveness and grace to be upon
us as we pray for our brothers and sisters.

2. Personal prayer and fasting

Prayer and fasting are two powerful weapons to counter Satan’s
antics. Before Jesus started His ministry, He went into prayer and
fasting for 40 days and 40 nights (Matthew 4:1-11). It is during those
difficult moments when He was tempted by Satan. He was so hungry
and probably restless that made him vulnerable. But He was able to
win against Satan’s temptation.

Pray-over session is one of the most attacked activities in the CLP. We

heard countless sharing of service team getting sick, encountering
problems, and making us doubt in our faith are just some of the
glaring challenges we face as we approached the pray-over session. In
moments like this, we will pray unceasingly and ask God’s Spirit to
empower us.

We also offer sacrifices to God through fasting. This will strengthen

and empower us as we go into the spiritual battle. As St Peter
Chrysologus reminds us, “Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the
lifeblood of fasting. Let no one try to separate them, they cannot be
separated. If you have only one of them and not all together, you have
nothing. So if you pray, fast; if you fast, show mercy; if you want your
petition to be heard, hear the petition of others. If you do not close
your ear to others, you open God’s ear to yourself.”

3. Focus on the Lord

One can easily be out of focus when overwhelmed with so many
things. CLP can be overwhelming from the preparations to its ending.
One can easily focus on trivial things and not on God.

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We can easily fall in the trap of focusing on the “service” of the Lord,
rather than to the “Lord” of service. While we recognize the need to be
excellent in our service during CLP, we should never lose sight of the
Lord of our CLP.

4. Pray for your participants

Our participants came from different backgrounds, occupations,
values, and beliefs. At some point, we will be having a hard time
dealing with them. While we give utmost effort to inspire them through
our witnessing and personal sharing, we will always include them in
our prayers.

Pray for the challenges you face in dealing with your participants.
Thank the Lord for the victories you experience because of them as
well. Pray for the good relationship amongst your group. Pray for their
families. Pray that they may be able to finish the CLP.

5. Allow the Holy Spirit to work

Isaiah 61:1-4 says, “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because
the Lord has anointed me; He has sent me to bring good news to the
afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the
captives, release to the prisoners, To announce a year of favor from
the Lord and a day of vindication by our God; To comfort all who
mourn; to place on those who mourn in Zion a diadem instead of
ashes, To give them oil of gladness instead of mourning, a glorious
mantle instead of a faint spirit.”

What then is it for us? We are mere instruments of God’s work. The
renewal or transformation of every person given to us is still in the
hands of God. We will not force not impose a change on people. We
allow the Spirit of the Lord to move in that person’s life. Let us only be
open and allow God to use us mightily and powerfully!

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Activity: Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Anchor verse:
“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will
teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.” John 14:26

Activity flow:

1. After the second part “How to be spiritually prepared for the pray-over
session”, the speaker will ask everyone to dispose in prayer.

2. While the speaker exhorts everyone to prayer, the music ministry will
play the song “Come Holy Spirit”.

3. As the song “Come Holy Spirit” plays, the speaker will recite the
“Prayer for deliverance”. (No drama or special effects needed. Just
recite the prayer from the heart.)

Standard Prayer for Deliverance5

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by the power of his
cross, his blood and his resurrection, I bind you Satan, the spirits,
powers and forces of darkness, the nether world, and the evil forces of

I take authority over all curses, hexes, demonic activity and spells
directed against me, my relationships, ministry endeavours, finances,
and the work of my hands; and I break them by the power and
authority of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. I stand with the power of the
Lord God Almighty to bind all demonic interaction, interplay and
communications between spirits sent against me, and send them
directly to Jesus Christ for him to deal with as he wills.

I ask forgiveness for and renounce all negative inner vows that I have
made with the enemy, and ask that Jesus Christ release me from
these vows and from any bondage they may have held in me. I claim
the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, over every
aspect of my life for my protection. Amen.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers,
Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

4. After the “Prayer for deliverance”, everyone will be asked to stand and
join the music ministry in singing the song “Come Holy Spirit”. (After
the song, the music ministry will play instrumental and the speaker
will lead everyone to sing their prayers and praise to God, pray in
tongues, or have their silent prayer before the Lord.)

5. As the sounds and noises fade, the speaker will now lead everyone to
pray the “Prayer to the Holy Spirit.”

St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit:6

“Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.
Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.

6. After the “Prayer to the Holy Spirit”, the speaker will now have his
short exhortation that would focus on encouraging and empowering
people to stand firm in their faith as they continue to serve in the CLP.

7. After the exhortation, full worship follows.

St. Augustine's Prayer to the Holy Spirit,
Christian Life Program Version 2. 0

Christian Life Program


Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


This training is available to all members of CFC who have been chosen to serve as Team Leaders
for the Christian Life Program. The conduct of the CLP Team Leaders Training should be 3
months before the scheduled CLP. Ideally, this should be conducted prior to the CLP Training
itself. This will give the Team Leaders ample time to prepare themselves for the upcoming CLP.

The goal of the training is to develop and boost the confidence of the Team
Leaders through the following:

1. A Pastoral Session that will exhort them to cultivate the gifts they
have received from the Holy Spirit through prayer, study, service,
fellowship and sacraments. This will prepare them spiritually for their
role as CLP Team Leaders.

2. A Workshop Session on “The First 4 Steps to Confident Leadership”

which aims to boost Team Leaders’ confidence in terms of basic public
speaking and in interacting with their participants and service team.


0:00 – 0:10 Arrival / Registration

0:10 – 0:25 Opening Worship
0:25 – 0:55 Pastoral Session: Stir into Flame
0:55 – 1:00 Break
1:00 – 1:30 Workshop:
The First 4 Steps to Confident Leadership
1:30 – 1:45 Processing
1:45 – 1:55 Distribution of Team Leaders’ Kits
1:55 – 2:00 Closing Prayer / Snacks and Fellowship

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Resource Persons

1.Training Facilitator – facilitates or leads the whole training

2.Worship Leader
4.Session Speaker
5.Workshop Speaker
6.Service Team (about 2 persons) – handles the registration, logistics,
preparation of the Team Leaders’ Kits,
snack preparation and venue preparation
and restoration
Resource Materials

1. Attendance sheets
2. Sound system
3. Laptop and LCD projector
4. Recorder
5. Guitar
6. Hand outs
7. Snacks

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0



Anchor Verse:

“For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have
through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of
cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be
ashamed of your testimony to our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake;
but bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes
from God.” (2 Timothy 1:6-8 NAB)


1. To help the participants recognize the gift that they have received
themselves through the Christian Life Program

2. To make the participants realize that the gift they have received is
sufficient to faithfully respond to God’s call for them to become CLP
Team Leaders

3. To empower the participants through the Holy Spirit as they are sent
off to mission through prayer and laying of hands

Audience Profile:

CFC members or leaders who were chosen to be CLP Team Leaders

Key Messages:

1. The Christian Life Program is truly a life-changing experience. We are

witnesses of this! And now as CLP Team Leaders, we are given the
great privilege and responsibility to journey with the participants in
this amazing experience.

2. But first, we must recall our very own life-changing experience and let
this remembering stir into flame the gift that we have received

3. We will definitely encounter situations that will make us doubt and

fear. But we must always remember that God did not give us a spirit

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


of cowardice but rather of power, love and self-control. Thus, we can

bear all hardships as we boldly proclaim the Gospel.


Introspective but rallying and encouraging

Session Dynamics:

1. Session begins with a video on “How did the CLP impact my life?”
This is a short (3-5 minutes) video compilation of stories/sharings of
couples who went through the CLP experience and, because of it, have
experienced the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit.

2. After the video, the speaker proceeds with the session proper.

3. At the end of the session, the speaker leads the participants to a

reflection song. (e.g. Refiner’s Fire, Here I am Lord, etc.)

4. The speaker, together with the CFC Chapter Leaders, will pray over the
participants and entrust them to the Holy Spirit’s power and guidance.

Speaker's Profile:

A CFC Cluster Head (or above) who has experienced leading a CFC Christian
Life Program and exhibits passion and excitement in the CLP’s power to
transform and touch lives

Expanded Outline:

I. Introduction

Play video: “How did the CLP impact my life?”

The Christian Life Program is truly God’s gift to Couples for Christ as it
continues to transform lives up to this very day. We are witnesses to
this! We too have experienced, and are experiencing, the life-changing
power of the Holy Spirit at work in us personally, in our marriages and
in our families.

At this point, the speaker may share very briefly the new life he
experienced, and is experiencing, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


This same power is also at work in our midst at this exact moment!
Today, we are being given the crucial role of being CLP Team Leaders.
This role gives us the privilege and the responsibility to guide our
participants in their journey of discovering and experiencing a new life
in the Holy Spirit.

II. Stir into Flame

In 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul exhorts Timothy, “For this reason, I remind you
to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of
my hands.”

Timothy is Paul’s disciple whom he appointed as Bishop of Ephesus. He

is young, gentle and intelligent but is not as courageous and fiery as
Paul. He is actually naturally fearful and shy but with the grace of God,
was a very dependable disciple.1

And so in his letter, Paul uses the image of stirring up a fire. A fire left
to itself will always burn out. That’s not what God wants for Timothy,
and for us. Instead, God wants us to keep our gifts burning strong and
bright for Him so that more people may get to know Him and glorify
Him (cf. Mt. 5:16).

Therefore, it is important that before we journey with our CLP

participants, we must first recall our very own life-changing experience
through the CLP and let this remembering stir into flame the gift that we
have received ourselves. How can we achieve this?

From our own CLP, we were taught that we need to maintain a strong
connection with Jesus Christ for us to cultivate our gifts and grow in the
Holy Spirit. We can do so through the following five (5) tools2:

1. Prayer
- This is our primary means for establishing and maintaining a deep
and loving personal relationship between ourselves and God.

2. Study
- This is our deliberate effort to gain more understanding about God
so we can love and better serve him.

3. Service
- The Holy Spirit’s work in us is not just for our personal

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


development but also to equip us for effective service for Him and
His people.

4. Fellowship
- This refers to almost everything that we do together as a body
which reflects that we are truly brothers and sisters belonging to
one family.

5. Sacraments
- The most important tool for Catholics to grow in the Holy Spirit is
the regular reception of the sacraments, particularly the
Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Holy


▪ Have I been faithful to the practice of the tools mentioned

▪ Have I been struggling with any of them?
▪ What can I do in order to put these tools into regular

III. Sharing our Gifts

It is very crucial that we cultivate our gifts using the tools previously
mentioned and in the process of being CLP Team Leaders, we are given
a beautiful opportunity to share these gifts to our service team and

At this point, let us take a good look at our basic role as CLP Team
Leaders (taken from the CLP Training Manual):

Team Leader
- He oversees the entire CLP program. He focuses his attention on
the participants and the dynamics of the CLP. He also makes sure
that the service team is doing their service excellently. In case the
speaker cannot show up, he will automatically give the talk.

Team Leader’s Wife

- Supports her husband in leading the CLP. She listens with a
special ear to the sensitivities and peculiarities being reported at
the women’s discussion group. She also takes care of the

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


administrative task together with the assistant team leader and

the servant.

Yes, it is true that we already face many challenges in our desire to

grow in the Holy Spirit. It is also true that this upcoming responsibility is
similarly, if not more, challenging. But it is also very true that we have
already been given all the gifts that we need in order to respond to
God’s call faithfully (cf. 2 Cor. 9:8).

So as we answer the call to be CLP Team Leaders, just like Timothy,

may we not focus on what we lack but focus more instead on the gifts
we have received, stir them into flame and use them to effectively
witness God’s transforming love.

IV. Spirit of Power, Love and Self Control

Yet despite this, we still doubt and worry, right? We still entertain fear
and feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. Be wary of this! They are
Satan’s ploys to distract us from using our gifts. Let us guard our hearts
and minds from these temptations (cf. Phil. 4:6-7)!

Timothy probably may have felt the same. In 2 Timothy 1:7, Paul
strongly reminds his young disciple, “For God did not give us a spirit of
cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.”

It’s interesting to note that Paul contrasts this “power” that God has
given us with cowardice and fear. Why? Because fear paralyzes. Fear
makes us more susceptible to temptation. Fear undermines the
confidence we should have in Christ. If we let fear rule us, we will end
up not fulfilling the mission God entrusted to us.3

Let us focus instead on Who we have received and let this truth take
away all our fears! In baptism, we have received the Holy Spirit (CCC
1265). And in our CLP, we were prayed over for a fuller release4 of the
power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Therefore, let us always remember that the Holy Spirit is with us to

enable us to give this special loving service through the CLP. Once
more, allow Paul’s advice to Timothy encourage us: “…for God did not
give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-
control.” (2 Tim. 1:7). And with this power, love and self-control, let us
face with confidence and courage, all the challenges of our mission.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


V. Conclusion

Jesus calls us and invites us as He did Paul and Timothy. He does not
choose us on account of our merits or our works. Rather, He sustains us
and strengthens us with His Holy Spirit as He sends us to proclaim His

Difficulties and obstacles will always be part of a disciple’s life. That’s

why Paul reminds Timothy and all of us that we must be willing to
endure our share of suffering for the sake of the Gospel, not trusting in
our own strength, but in the strength that comes from God who will
never fail us. (cf. 2 Tim. 1:8)

Only "armed" with this grace that comes from the Holy Spirit can we
bring the Good News to the ends of the earth.

VI. Laying on of Hands Ceremony

Through the laying of hands, we now pray to the Holy Spirit to empower
our CLP Team Leaders for the task being given to them.


1. The speaker will ask the participants to remain seated and observe

2. The speaker begins the activity with a short opening prayer and leads
the participant to a reflection song (e.g. Refiner’s Fire, Here I am
Lord, etc.).

3. After the reflection song, the speaker, together with all the Chapter
Leaders present, and with hands extended, will pray over the

4. Invoking on the Holy Spirit, the speaker entrusts the participants

under the Holy Spirit’s care and guidance and asks Him to empower
them as they take on this task of leading a CLP.

5. After the prayer for empowerment, the speaker ends with a short
closing prayer.

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6. A fast, joyful song can be played while everyone embraces one

another as a sign of encouragement and support for one another.

VII. References

1, Father
Callan’s Introduction to 1 and 2 Timothy

2 CFC Christian Life Program, Talk 10

3, The Word Among


4 CFC Christian Life Program, Talk 9

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Workshop Title:

Anchor Verse:
“I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.”
(Philippians 4:13 NAB)


1. To boost the Team Leaders’ confidence in terms of basic public

speaking and in interacting with the CLP participants and service team

2. To introduce 4 basic steps into becoming a confident leader which the

participants can easily apply in their role as a CLP Team Leaders

Audience Profile:

CFC members or leaders who were chosen to be CLP Team Leaders

Key Messages:

1. Many are called to lead. But the majority of people called to leadership
are hesitant, not because they lack skills but they lack confidence.

2. As we take on the responsibility of being a leader, let us try to apply

these 4 baby steps into becoming a confident one:
▪ “I can do this” mentality
▪ Confidence is repetition until you become
▪ Eliminate negative self-talk
▪ Learn to deal with your fear

3. There are no surefire courses to take in developing self-confidence

with regards to leadership. But, through God’s grace, it is always
founded in the individual’s decision and desire to become a confident
leader and in his decision to start now.

Encouraging and empowering

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


Workshop Session Dynamics:

1. The speaker begins with the workshop session proper.

2. At the end of the workshop session, the speaker leads the participants
to a mock workshop to apply what they have learned from the session.

3. The speaker ends the whole the whole session with a short processing
of the participants’ workshop experiences and learnings.

Speaker's Profile:
A CFC leader (preferably at least a Unit Head or above) who exudes
confidence in leadership derived from his many experiences in leading,
including leading a CLP, and is a witness that God’s grace is sufficient to
empower him to be confident

Expanded Outline:

I. Introduction

Leadership is much needed in every frontier of our lives. Many are called
to lead. It may be a big or a small project, few or thousands of people.
Majority of people called to leadership are hesitant, not because they lack
skills but they lack confidence. Take these 4 actions as your baby steps
toward confident leadership.

II. The First 4 Steps



Believe that God put you in this situation now, and He knows you
can do it!

o EDUCATE YOURSELF. Learn about everything - read current events,

psychology, books, characters of the people you are with and
what’s happening in their lives. It will help boost your confidence
when talking to people.

o TALK TO EVERYONE. Practice and be persistent (visualization).

Start by DELIBERATELY talking to people, smiling, greeting them or
just by making even a nod. Be a master of “small talk”.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0



o Do not bail out on the first few failures. The problem with
confidence is it always starts with failures until you get it right. So if
it doesn’t turn out good at first, stay in the course. PERSIST. It will


don't worry about people’s opinion MOST OF THE TIME. Try hard to
minimize being affected by what people say.

o STOP COMPARING. Everyone has their own GREATNESS. You also

have your own. GO FIND IT and don’t waste your time comparing
your GREATNESS with others.


o Stop focusing on what you lack - find your strengths & focus on
improving them. You will improve on your weaknesses in the

o Smile often TO YOURSELF. Don’t be too HARSH on yourself. Learn

to laugh at yourself and don’t take yourself seriously. Give yourself
margins of error.

o Invest in your appearance. Look and feel your best. Learn to

appreciate yourself!


o We all have fears of leading, speaking in front, rejection etc. but


o Identify your fears. suggests to “say your fear out loud,
write it down, or focus your mind on it. When you try to ignore your
fear, it grows. When you face it, it shrinks.”

o Prayer and fasting help to deal with all kinds of fear.

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0



There are no sure-fire courses of action with regards to building confidence

in yourself especially with leadership. If you check the internet, there are
thousands of materials saying different kinds of approaches to building it.
But we have to start somewhere and the best time to start is NOW.


1. At the end of the workshop session, the speaker leads the participants
into a short workshop in order to apply the 4 basic steps to confident
leadership they have just discussed.

2. The speaker groups the participants by pairs. Ideally, those participants

who are not very familiar with each other will be paired together.

3. Using the First 4 Steps to Confident Leadership, they will

Carpet slipper - soft, comfortable slippers (Collins English dictionary)
Christian Life Program Manual, 2014

Christian Life Program Version 2. 0


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