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Computer Virus
A. Tick the correct Option.
1. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?
Ans. Trojan Horse
2. What is another name for a program file virus?
Ans. File Injector virus
3. What is Norton?
Ans. Antivirus
4. Which of the following is a type of malware?
Ans. Trojan Horse
5. Which of the following is/are harms caused by computer viruses?
Ans. All of these
6. Which of the following is a type of computer virus that is transmitted from one computer
to another through e-mail messages?
Ans. E-mail
7. What does “VIRUS” stand for?
Ans. Vital Information Resources Under Seize
8. Which of the following activities does an infected computer system do?
Ans. All of these

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Malicious software is also known as malware.
2. A set of programs that identify and remove malware is known as antivirus software.
3. A firewall acts like a gatekeeper and prevents unauthorized access to a computer
4. The purpose of a Trojan horse is to conceal itself inside software that seems

C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.

1. A virus cannot replicate itself. F
2. AVG is a malware program. F
3. A worm slows down the functioning of a computer. T
4. We should scan our computer regularly. T
5. Downloading from a non-secured website can cause harm to your computer. T
A. Short answer type questions:
1. What is macro virus?
Ans. A macro virus is type of computer virus that is primarily designed to infect a
specific type or document, such as Word or Excel Files.
2. How does a virus infect a computer?
Ans. Computer virus-spread several ways. Some of them are:
 Using virus infected CDs/Pen Drives.
 Opening an infected e-mail attachment.
 Through local computer networks.
3. Explain the following malware:
a. Trojan horse: Trojan horse is a dangerous virus. It represents itself as helpful
software program.
b. Backdoor: Backdoor is a type of malicious software which enters the
computer bundled with other software or files.
4. What does MBR stand for?
Ans. Master Boot Record

B. Long answer type questions:

1. What is Malware? How does it affect your computer? Mention some types of
Ans. Malware is a type of malicious program designed to damage or carry out other
unwanted actions on a computer system.
2. Differentiate between virus and worm.
Ans. A computer virus is a type of unwanted computer program which is developed
by miscreants with an intention to infect the files of a computer, to corrupt a database
or to hamper the functioning of a computer system.
3. Write any two symptoms of an infected computer.
Ans. There are certain symptoms that hint that a computer has been infected by
malware and virus, like:
a. Slowdown: Fall in speed of processing of computer.
b. Loss of file: Abrupt deletion of files of a computer system.
4. What are the ways we can protect our system from malware attack?
Ans. To Prevent the attack of Malware follow these steps:
1) Use anti-malware(Software),
2) Avoid exploring the error dialogs on internet,
3) Avoid using free deal offers on internet.
5. Mention some of the most dangerous malwares known.
Ans. Emotet (2014) is considered one of the most destructive and dangerous Trojans.
It spreads through spam emails to steal banking information.

C. Application based questions:

Ans-1: He should scan pen drive before use.
Ans-2: Don’t open unwanted e-mails or attachments.
Crack The Code:
A. Guess my name.
1. My name resembles a microorganism. My prime motive is not to cause
damage, but to clone myself on the host system. Worms
2. I specialize in concealing myself. Though, I belong to the cyber world, my
name has its roots in Greek mythology. Trojan horse
3. I do not collect information from the computer. I wait for the hacker to give me
commands. Ransomware
4. I am also known as a file-infecting virus that infects executable files. Program
file virus
5. I can separate all the infected files and applications so that the infection cannot
spread further. Window defender/Firewall/Anti-virus

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