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Kurdistan Region -Iraq In the Name of Allah Subject : English Language Fingerprint

12. ........................ don’t we meet again later?

Ministry of Education
High Committee of the General Examinations
Time : 2 Hours / 2nd Attempt
A A) When B) What C) That D) Why

13. The word ( so ) has the same rhyme as ......................... .

National Examinations for the Basic Schools ( 9th Grade ) for the Academic Year ( 2023 – 2024 )
A) hot B) now C) once D) toe
SN: 5000001
Choose the right answers for the following questions: (2 marks for each question)
14. When was the first time you ...................... TV ?
1. Mary Queen married ……….……….. in 1565. A) to watch B) watch C) watched D) watches
A) Inca King B) king Henry C) King James D) Lord Darnley
15. The lighthouse was destroyed by ....................... in 1303.
2. Alexander Graham Bell invented the ...................... . A) an earthquake B) an ice berg C) a volcano D) a storm
A) telephone B) wheel C) camera D) television
16. Mike doesn’t mind getting up early and ....................... Emma.
3. Something that is not modern is ………….……. . A) so do B) so does C) neither does D) neither do
A) very new B) designer C) old fashioned D) foreign
17. Rosanna is a ....................... from Spain.
4. The opposite of ( earlier )is ...................... . A) musician B) guitarist C) photographer D) singer
A) quick B) later C) over D) dry
18. He doesn’t ....................... come to school on Fridays.
5. I want ...................... a photo. A) had B) has to C) have to D) has
A) to take B) take C) takes D) took
19. ....................... is an invention.
6. The Roman number for ( 6 ) is written as …………………. . A) A plane B) Oil C) Fire D) Water
A) V B) IV C) VI D) X
20. The word ( security ) matches with ....................... .
7. The noun form for the word ( paint ) is ...................... . A) studio B) guard C) paper D) frame
A) paintor B) painted C) painty D) painter
21. I have ....................... it on TV.
8. ....................... castle is near Madrid in Spain. A) see B) seen C) seeing D) sees
A) Alca’zar B) Sacsayhuaman C) Wawel D) Krakow
22. ( Hang on ) means ....................... .
9. The police : ‘ Dave, don’t move . ’ The police told Dave ........................ . A) wait a minute B) relax C) it’s easy to find D) it’s not difficult.
A) not to moves B) to not move C) not to move D) to not moved
23. Have you finished with the computer .......................?
10. The word ( high ) doesn’t rhyme with ......................... . A) for B) ago C) since D) yet
A) why B) way C) my D) hi
24. A/An …………..…….. is a piece of land with water all round it .
11. Choose the correct sentence ......................... . A) factory B) village C) island D) motorway
A) I hope Dana has a good birthday. B) Dana I hope has a good birthday.
C) A good birthday has Dana I hope. D) I hope has Dana a good birthday. 25. The letters ( oo ) in the word ( wood ) are not pronounced as the same ( oo ) in ....................... .
A) good B) tooth C) boot D) food

26 0001
26. A team of scientists worked on the penicillium mould and found that ..................... . 40. Marry Curie was born in ....................... .
A) bacteria grew slowly B) cheese in the air grew a blue-green mould A) England B) Poland C) Scotland D) Italy
C) bacteria was grown in dishes D) it could cure mice with bacterial illnesses
41. The letter ( s ) in ( busy ) is pronounced as the same letter ( s ) in ……….............. .
27. Several people ....................... questioned by the police. A) beside B) house C) cause D) both ( A and C )
A) were B) was C) wasn’t D) is
42. The correct spelling is ....................... .
28. The odd word is ....................... . A) special B) cpesial C) scpeial D) speacil
A) hear B) watch C) listen D) perform
43. You take exercises ................... .
29. You can find a …………..………. on the front of a newspaper. A) to get fit B) to take photos C) to cut paper D) to tune a guitar
A) book B) headline C) race D) purse
44. Emma: ‘ Smile, please! ’ She asked them ....................... .
30. Maddy wants to see the castle, I’m taking ....................... there. A) not smiles B) smile C) to not smile D) to smile
A) him B) it C) her D) them
45. We …………..…… with Sana if she ………..……… us.
31. The odd word is ………..………….. . A) play / visit B) play / visits C) plays / visit D) plays / visits
A) castle B) palace C) stadium D) band
46. Dave : ‘ I don’t feel very well. ’ He said that ..................... feel very well.
32. The past tense of ( fly ) is ....................... . A) he did B) I did not C) he doesn’t D) he did not
A) flew B) flyed C) flow D) flied
47. It’s necessary ....................... the police.
33. Dave said hang-glider was safe, ………….……… Mike went up in it. A) phones B) to phone C) to phoning D) phoned
A) or B) that C) so D) if
48. When Sean Connery was young he lived in ....................... .
34. We can go ………..……… seven ………..………. the morning. A) London B) Edinburgh C) Madrid D) Paris
A) on / at B) at / in C) in / on D) in / about
49. I love …………..…….. a song.
35. The opposite of ( win ) is ....................... . A) to singing B) sing C) sings D) singing
A) death B) dead C) lose D) finish
50. ....................... was designed by ………..…..…….. .
36. The odd word is ....................... . A) kite / Joseph Montgolfier B) ornithopter / Leonardo da Vinci
A) poacher B) elephant C) dolphin D) whale C) air balloon / Wilbur D) aeroplane / Orville Wright

37. My favourite gift is the guitar ....................... I got on my fourteenth birthday.

A) what B) who C) where D) which

38. The plural of ( child ) is ....................... .

A) childs B) children C) cheeld D) childers

39. A ....................... is a person who reports news.

A) doctor B) photographer C) reporter D) musician

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