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Six authentic books of Hadith in Sunni Islam and four Shia compilations:

**Six Authentic Books of Hadith in Sunni Islam:**

1. **Sahih al-Bukhari**:
- Compiled by Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari (810–870 CE).
- Considered the most authentic Hadith collection in Sunni Islam.
- Contains approximately 7,275 Hadith, meticulously selected for their authenticity and
- Bukhari applied rigorous criteria for authenticity, including the reliability of narrators and the
coherence of chains of transmission (isnad).
- Organized into chapters covering various aspects of Islamic jurisprudence, ethics, and

2. **Sahih Muslim**:
- Compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (815–875 CE).
- Regarded as the second most authentic Hadith collection after Sahih al-Bukhari.
- Contains approximately 7,563 Hadith, with a focus on authenticity and reliability similar to
Bukhari's methodology.
- Organized thematically, covering topics such as purification, prayer, fasting, charity, and

3. **Sunan Abu Dawood**:

- Compiled by Imam Abu Dawood Sulaiman ibn al-Ash'ath al-Sijistani (817–889 CE).
- One of the six canonical Hadith collections in Sunni Islam.
- Contains approximately 4,800 Hadith, categorized into chapters based on legal rulings (fiqh),
etiquette, and miscellaneous topics.
- Known for its inclusion of weak and fabricated Hadith, with Abu Dawood providing
commentary on their authenticity.

4. **Sunan at-Tirmidhi**:
- Compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Isa at-Tirmidhi (824–892 CE).
- Focuses on Hadith related to legal rulings, ethics, and virtues.
- Contains approximately 3,956 Hadith, classified into chapters based on themes such as
purification, prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage.
- Known for its unique organization, with Hadith categorized as Hasan (good) or Da'if (weak)
based on Tirmidhi's assessment.

5. **Sunan an-Nasa'i**:
- Compiled by Imam Ahmad ibn Shu'ayb an-Nasa'i (829–915 CE).
- Emphasizes Hadith related to legal rulings, etiquette, and customs.
- Contains approximately 5,270 Hadith, organized into chapters covering various aspects of
Islamic jurisprudence and daily life.
- Includes a mix of authentic and weak Hadith, with an emphasis on the reliability of narrators.
6. **Sunan Ibn Majah**:
- Compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Yazid Ibn Majah (824–887 CE).
- Focuses on Hadith related to legal rulings, virtues, and customs.
- Contains approximately 4,341 Hadith, arranged thematically into chapters covering topics
such as prayer, fasting, marriage, and jihad.
- Includes a significant number of weak Hadith, with Ibn Majah providing commentary on their

**Four Shia Compilations (of Ahadeeth):**

1. **Al-Kutub al-Arbaʿah (The Four Books)**:

- Consists of four primary Hadith collections revered by Shia Muslims:
- Kitab al-Kafi by Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni al-Razi (864–941 CE).
- Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Babawayh al-Qummi, commonly
known as Shaykh Saduq (923–991 CE).
- Tahdhib al-Ahkam by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Tusi (996–1067 CE).
- Al-Istibsar by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Tusi.
- These collections focus on Hadith attributed to the Twelve Imams, particularly Imam Ja'far
al-Sadiq, and cover various aspects of theology, jurisprudence, ethics, and spirituality.

2. **Kitab al-Kafi**:
- Compiled by Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni al-Razi.
- Considered one of the most comprehensive and authoritative Shia Hadith collections.
- Divided into three sections: Usul al-Kafi (fundamentals of religion), Furu al-Kafi (practical
laws), and Rawdat al-Kafi (virtues and merits).
- Contains a wide range of Hadith, including traditions from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
and the Twelve Imams.

3. **Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih**:

- Compiled by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Babawayh al-Qummi (Shaykh Saduq).
- Focuses on Hadith related to Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), ethics, and theology.
- Considered one of the most authoritative sources of Hadith for Shia legal rulings and

4. **Tahdhib al-Ahkam** and **Al-Istibsar**:

- Compiled by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Tusi.
- These collections serve as supplementary works to Kitab al-Kafi and Man La Yahduruhu
al-Faqih, providing further elaboration on legal rulings and ethical guidelines.

These compilations of Hadith play a crucial role in shaping Shia Islamic theology, jurisprudence,
and spirituality, providing guidance for Shia Muslims in matters of belief and practice.

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