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Sy SAP Note 2206980 - Material Inventory Managment: change of data model in S/4 HANA Component: MM-IM-GF (Materials Management > Inventory Management > Basic Functions), Version: 20, Released On: 20.05.2022 | Symptom ‘You want to install SAP S/4HANA and need additional information how to adjust your customer enhancements, modifications or own functionalities to the new, simplified data model of SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain (MM - Inventory Management) You want to have information about what is diferent in SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain (MM - Inventory Management) compared to Suite on HANA MM-IM. | Other Terms SATC,$/4 transition, MMM, Meterial Management | Reason and Prerequisites ‘You have customer enhancements, modifications or own functionalities in the area of inventory management (component MM-IM) which were built for SAP ERP 6.0. You are using functionalities which behave different in SAP S/4HANA Supply Chain (MM - Inventory Management) compared to Suite on HANA. ‘The SAP ERP 6.0 stock inventory management data model consists of the two document tables MKPF for document header information and MSEG for document item data, Additionally there were aggregated actual stock quantity data stored several tables. Some of these tables do also store material master data attributes like the tables MARC, MARD and M Such tables with material master data attributes as well as actual stock quantities will be named as hybrid tables in the following. In contrast there are also tables like MSSA containing only aggregated actual stock quantities for sales order stock. Such tables will be called in the following as replaced aggregation tables. \Wih Si4HANA this data model has been changed significantly. The new de-normalized table MATDOC has been introduced which contains the former header and item data ofa material document as wall as alot of further atibutes, Material document data willbe stored in MATDOC only and not anymore in MKPF ang MSEG. Adctonaly the aggregated actual sock quantities will not be persisted anymore in the hybrié or replaced aggregation tables. Instead actual stock quantity deta will be calculates or-he-y from the new material document table MATDOC for which some of thase adetonal special elds are used. Hence, with the new MMM data model he system wil work on database level in an INSERT only made without DB locks. Nevertheless, for stock decreasing processes there wil be sill ABAP lcks io ensure stock consistency. further advantage of the new MMM data models the capably of simple and fast reporting because the most information i ll one place: MATDOC. [All below mentioned tables ofthe SAP ERP 6.0 produc do sl exist n SHANA a8 DDIC defntton as well as database abject anc the hybrid tables wl stl be used to store the material master data atvbutes. For compatbily reasons there are Core Dala Service (CDS) Views assigned as proxy objects to al those ables ensuring that each read access o one of the montoned tables below sl returns the data as before in SAP ERP 6.0. The CDS Views do the onnely aggregation of actual stock quantities frm the new MMM data model and jin the master data attibutes from the material master data table. Hence a customer coding reading data from those tables wil work as before because each read access to one of he tables wil get redirected inthe database inorace layer of NetWeaver tothe assigned CDS view: Write accesses to thase tables have tobe adjusted The affected tables are Table description Tabi DDL Source of CD Viewto read the content of the database View to road the mast e S View for redirect table (w/o redirect to compat w) er data attributes only MKP Material document header NSDM_DDL_MKPF —NSDM_MIG_MKPF : F MSE MAR MAR Me HB MK Oo MSL Ms Mss MsP Mss Mss Msk MsT MsT MsT Mes Mes Msc Msc MSF MSF Msi Material document item Plant Data for Material Storage Location Data for Material Batch stocks Special Stocks from Vend Special Stocks with Vendo Sales Order Stock ‘Total Customer Orders on Hand Project Stock ‘otal Special Stocks with Vendor Project Stock Total Special Stocks with Custo Stock in Transit Stock in Transit o Sales a rid Distribution Document Stock in Transit for Project DIMP: Customer Stock DIMP: Total Customer Sto DIMP: Customer stock wit h vendor DIMP: Customer stock wit h vendor - Total DIMP: Sales Order Stock with Vendor DIMP: Sales Order Stock with Vendor - Total DIMP: Vendor Stock with Vendor NSDM_DDL_MSEG NSOM_DDL_MARG NSOM_DDL_MARD NSOM_DDL_MCHE NSOM_DDL_MKOL NSOM_DDL_MSLB NSOM_DDL_MSKA, NSOM_DDL_MSsA NSDM_DDL_MSPR. NSDM_DDL_MSsL. NSOM_DDL_MSsa NSOM_DDL_MSKU NSOM_DDL_MSTB NSOM_DDL_MSTE NSOM_DDL_MSTQ. NSOM_DDL_MesD NSDM_DDL_Mcss NSOM_DDL_MscD NSOM_DDL_Mscs. NSOM_DDL_MSFD NSOM_DDL_MFS NSOM_DDL_MSID NSDM_MIG_MSEG NSOM_MIG_MARC NSOM_MIG_MARD NSOM_MIG_MCHB NSOM_MIG_MKOL. NSOM_MIG_MSLB NSOM_MIG_MSKA, NSOM_MIG_MSSA NSOM_MIG_MSPR NSOM_MIG_MSSL NSOM_MIG_MSsQ NSOM_MIG_MSKU NSOM_MIG_MSTB NSOM_MIG_MSTE NSOM_MIG_MSTQ NSOM_MIG_McsD NSOM_MIG_Mcss NSOM_MIG_MScD NSOM_MIG_Mscs NSOM_MIG_MSFO NSOM_MIG_MSFS NSOM_MIG_MSID \V_MARC_MD \V_MARD_MD \V_MCHE_MD \V_MKOL_MD V_MSL8_MD_ V_MSKA_MD V_MSPR_MD V_MSKU_MD Mcsp_MD Mcss_MD MscD_MD Mscs_MD MSFD_MD MSFS_MD MsID_MD Msi MSR MSR MAR cH MAR DH Mc HH MK oun st. 8H MsK AH Mss AH MsP RH Mss aH Msk UH MsT BH MsT EH MsT aH Mes DH Mes SH Msc DH MSF DH Msi DH MSR DH DIMP: Vendor Stock with Vendor - Total DIMP: Project Stock with Vendor DIMP: Project Stock with Vendor - Total History History History History History History History History History History History History History History History History History History History NSDM_DDL_MsIS NSOM_DDL_MSRD NSOM_DDL_MSRS. NSOM_DDL_MARC H NSDM_DDL_MARD H NSOM_DDL_MCHB H NSOM_DDL_MKOL H NSOM_DDL_MSLB. H NSDM_DDL_MSKA. H NSDM_DDL_MSsA H NSOM_DDL_MSPR H NSOM_DDL_MSsa H NSOM_DDL_MSKU H NSOM_DDL_MSTB H NSOM_DDL_MSTE H NSOM_DDL_MSTQ H NSOM_DDL_McsD H NSOM_DDL_Mcss. H NSOM_DDL_MscD H NSOM_DDL_MSFD H NSOM_DDL_MSID H NSDM_DDL_MSRD H NSDM_MIG_MSIS NSOM_MIG_MSRD NSOM_MIG_MSRS NSOM_MIG_MARCH NSOM_MIG_MARDH NSOM_MIG_MCHBH NSOM_MIG_MKOLH NSOM_MIG_MSLBH NSOM_MIG_MSKAH NSOM_MIG_MSSAH NSOM_MIG_MSPRH NSOM_MIG_MSSQH NSOM_MIG_MSKUH NSOM_MIG_MSTBH NSOM_MIG_MSTEH NSOM_MIG_MSTQH NSOM_MIG_MCSDH NSOM_MIG_MCSSH NSOM_MIG_MSCDH NSOM_MIG_MSFDH NSOM_MIG_MSIDH NSOM_MIG_MSRDH MSIS_MD MSRD_MD MSRS_MD ‘The hybrid tables of the formor Industry Solution DIMP have now new tables containing the material master data only. The name of the new tables is presented in the rght column of above table, ‘According to the fact that data wil not pesised anymore in the header and item tables MKPF and MSEG the transaction DBS behaves aiferenty inthe ceavronment of archiving, Transaction DBS, which allows the revioval of statistical data for DB tabs grouped by the archiving objects that refer to these tables, doesnot provide correct information for tables MKPF and MSEG. When selecting tables from which data is archived for archiving object MM_MATBEL, and navigating to “Onin Space” or "Space Stasis” fr tables WKPF or MSE, the statistics “No. Records" and "Table Space” are shown inthe resul screen, These rnumbers ae taken from the orignal ables MKF and MSEG, and not calculates by redirecting the -equest fo lable MATDOC. Consequently, when ‘executing archiving for arching object MM_MATBEL, this wil hve no fect on the numbers shown for tables MKPF and NSEG in transaction DBS. ‘Some ofthe hybrid tables contain a feld wih the semantic “date of last change" (in many cases fleld name Is LAEDA). Inthe ERP solution this ld has eon updated with each material document posting. With the introduction ofthe new data model in S/4 the hybrid tables wil nol be updated with actual sock data anymore and als the eld LAEDA will ot be updated. Hence, te Semantic ofthis fel forthe matorial maser data hybrid tables changos to "date oflast change of master dat’. I Solution (One impact of the simplified MM.IM data model does exis if there ae customer APPENDS or INCLUDES with customer fells onthe mentioned tables, The ‘NetWeaver redirect capability requires that DB table and assigned proxy view is compatible inthe structure: numberof field, ther sequence ane ther ‘ype. Thus there is an APPEND or INCLUDE on one of the above mentioned tables then the assigned DDL. source ofthe CDS view must be made compabble In some cases for SiAHANA on-premise 1511 this does not require customer interaction especialy in those cases were the append nas been put atthe ‘end ofa table which Is strongly recommended (not somewhere between which may happen fa table Is composed by Include structures tke fr MARC), For other casos and In gonoral for S/4HANA on-premise 1610 th structure of tho proxy view can be made compatblo tothe table by extension view. This ‘extension view is alvays an extension to the above mentioned view in the DDL. sauce of te CDS view used fr ree. nthe extension view the lds have tobe Istod In exact the same order as inthe append. For more information about view extension sv0 0.9, SAP NotWeaver 7-4 documentation. Another impact ofthe simplified MMLIM data models performance decrease of DB read operations on the above mentioned tabes just becouse a data fetch on one ofthe mentioned tables in SI4HANA slower than in SAP ERP 6.0 due tothe onthe-ly aggrogation an the JOIN operation. Hence performance crieal customer coding may be adjused to improve perfomance, Furhermare customer casing wring data fo aggregated actual stock ‘quanti oto the former document header ol table shall be adjusted! 41, Customer Apponds With SAP Note 2184818 and 2187982 SAP offers a check tobe executed on te start release to dently APPEND issucs described in the following sub chapters, Hence customer i nat forced to scan all above sted tables manually 1.4 Customer Apponds on the former document tablos MKPF and MSEG It thorw aro APPENDS on MKPF and MSEC whore elds wih the same fldname do exist thon there fs @ namo confetn ease that the conto of fla MAPE-Ais diferent ftom feld MSEG-A (felds with same name and identical contnt do exist on MKPF and MSEG also in SAP Standard for performance reasons 0.9. BUDAT), In this case tis requited to adda further fil A_ NEW to te append, copy the data from Ato A_NEW with a special customer program and then all coding sections, Dynoros, et. need to be adjusted to use A_NEW and then fel! Aneeds tobe dropped trom the append. This must bbe done befoe migration fom ERP 6.0% S/BHANA. Ifthe attributes in the APPEND or INCLUDEs (e.g, C|_M* INCLUDES as introduced with consulting note 996214) on table MKPF and MSEG do have a ‘master data o process contrling character then the feds from the APPENDsIINCLUDEs need fo be appended tothe table MATDOC and te assigned proxy views can be made compatible via extension views. In case of @ system conversion all these customer fils in such APPENDS or INCLUDES need tobe appended to table MATDOC curing the ACT_UPG phase (SPDD). Ithas tobe dane in any case before the MMM converison program wil be executed which move the data from MKPF and MSEG to 'MATDOC otherwise data in customer feds gots lost. The structure compatbilty between table MKPFIMSEG and their assigned proxy view shall be created direct after system conversion by creating extend views, soe note 2242679, Flats from APPENDSINCLUDES to table MKPF should be appended to sub structure NSDM_S_ HEADER of table MATDOC. Flas from APPENDSINCLUDES to table MSEG should be appended to sub structure NSDM_S_ITEM of table MATDOC. 444 Customer include Cl_COBL in table MSEG Table MSEG contains the customer include Cl_COBL where customers can insert ovm fields. The Cl_COBL include has been made avaiable alo in the ew MMLIM data model with note 2280878. This note must be applied before the data migration starts inthe ACT_UPG phase (SPDD); otherwise you may loose data. With the implemented Cl_COAL the table MSEG and is assigned proxy view is rot compatble in thir structure anymore. The structural compatbily can be re-created by apolying note 2242679, This must be done drectly after system conversion has been finshed. ¥ you later on tike to make vse of ane ofthe feds in EXTEND VIEW for CI_COBL inthe app “Custom fes an logic” then you need to flaw the Instructions given inthis article inthe SAP Hele paral. Basically you need fo remove te fd from the EXTEND VIEW for Cl GOBL. save without activate ‘and then add the field inthe app °Custom fds and logic". This is valid for release 1709 and higher. 112 Customer Apponds on the hybrid and replaced aggregation tables 12.1 Fields containing material mastor data attributes It the append is nota the end of he hybrid table then the append should be movee tothe end f possible an then no futher action fs required bacause the alvered DDL sources forthe proxy views provide the SEXTENSION feature within SIMMANA on-premise 1511, Dus to too many side effects ike Unpredictable sequence of flds rom APPENDs, this has bean changed with Si4HANA On-Premise 1610 where always an EXTEND VIEW for a COS proxy view has tobe created for an APPEND on a material master data table. For the DIMP tables the append has tobe appended also ta the new pure DIMP material master data tablos. Te structural compatibility between ible and COS proxy view canbe re-created by applying note 2262879, This must be done drecty afer system conversion has been fished (e.9 featng just an EXTEND VIEW wit the customer fds using ABAP Development Tools for SI4HANA On Premise 1610 and higher. For eplaced aggregation tables appends with master data atrbules ae not supported. I such appends ae realy required inthe cuslomer processes then the approach deserved in te nex! chapter maybe feasible nthe ore funetionaliy of material dacument processing there wil be no wile process on those tables. Thus update of th fds in te appends requires maybe some additonal customer coding. 1.22 Fields representing a customer defined stock type or quantityivalue to be aggregated HY own stock ypes ora cimension which needs tobe aggregated have been introduced by the customer ten the view stack of the COS view assigned to the table withthe addtional tock type needs to be macted, Right now, there Is no technology support for madificaton free enhancement, If the stock ype has not been introduced by new enties or eninancements inthe tables T158x (T15S, T1SSSY, TISBM, T1SEF) - which controls inthe core functionality the ‘mapping between a posting and a stock typo - then the process logic needs lo be adaptog 1. Customer Appends on views ‘There are several views in SAP Standard which also do have an assigned proxy view because the view provide actual stock quanty data. View and assigned proxy view must be compatible in structure too. If there are customer appends on such view the same rules as fr tables apply. Views with assigned proxy compatiilly view can be detormined by searching via ransacton SE16N in table DDO2L with TABCLASS = VIEW and VIEWREF <>" or you may use above montiones check functonaly in you stat release. 4134 Customer views on MKPFIMSEG Views are database objects and thus a view is executed onthe database. Because the table MKPF and MSEG willnat contain data arymor (except legacy data rom migration) sucha custome view wil never tum any record. Such views have tobe ether adjusiod by fetching data from table MATOOC or 1 be created new as DDL source witha diferent name, In the last case all sages ofthe old DDIC SQL. view must be replaced by the new CDS view, 412.2 Customer views on material master attributes ‘Such views using only material master data atvibutes from the hybrid tables do not need tobe changed, 13.3 Customer views using aggregated stock quantity data CCusiomer views having a east one actual stock quanty aggregate cannot be used anymore because + the field representing his aggregate onthe database wll be empty forever + the quanity must be aggregated from table MATDOC which isnot possible wih DDIC SQL views. ‘Such views mast be defined new as DDL source wth a new name, Each ofthe above mentioned DDL sources can be used as template. Al usages ofthe ‘old DDIC SQL view must be replaced by the new CDS view. 2 Code adjustments and optimizations Technical itis stil possible to do 08 wite cperatons (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MODIFY) onthe tables MKPF, MSEG as well as the ils representing actual stock quan in the hybrid and replaced aggregation tables. Sut such write operations are without any effect! Therefore write ‘operations an NKPF, MSEG as wel asthe felds representing actual stock quantities inthe hybrid and replaced aggregation tables shall be remaved fom customer cocing, Wite operations on the material master data atibutes inthe hybrid tables are sUl possible. Write operations on table MATDOC ard your ‘moved customer append fields are dore by class CL_NSDM_STOCK. 1B read operations on the hybrid and replaced aggregation tables have a performance decrease. In general it shall be avoided to read any stock {quantities when only master data is required. Therefore it's recommended to adjust the customer coding inte felling way: +f material master dota as well s actual tock quantity data are requir than the SELECT... shouldbe replaced by using a data access ‘method from class CL_NSDM_SELECT_tale>. These class provide access methods for single as wel as aray read operations. Those access ‘methods shal not be used ifthe KEY table contains more than 1000 records to to limitations ofthe SELECT... FOR ALL ENTRIES, +f matarial master data are required then the SELECT.
should be replaced by SELECT...V_
_MD where V_
_MDis one ofthe ‘ove mentioned views for mastr data access. Alteratiely corresponding material master data read methods inthe class CCL_NSDM._SELECT_stable> can be used (those access methods shal not be used if the KEY table contains more than 1000 records to to lations ofthe SELECT...FOR ALL ENTRIES.) Also the datatype declarations shouldbe acjusted from TYPE.
to TYPE...V_stable>_MO. + If actual sock quantty data are required then the SELECT,..
should be replaced by SELECT. .NSDMLV_
_DIFF where [NSDM_V_
_DIFF is one ofthe views inthe view stack of the above mentioned proxy View. Also the data type declarations should be adjusted from TYPE... to TYPE. NSDM_V_
_DIFF + For table MARC and field STAWN valid fom SisHANA On Premise 1619 please read note #mee tame tit For perlormance ertcal coding parts these adjustments are strongly recommended. For non ical parts itis oponal short term but recommended on long term, To dentty such locations, itis required to make use of he where-used funcionalty of ransacton SE and considering other techniques Ike transacton (CODE_SCANNER tof oeatons which SE11 cannot handle = Ike dynamic programming e: naive SOL statements, Consider SAP Note 28022 thre ave iss wth the whare.used functionally in the custome system. nthe wher-used dialog is posse via he button "Search Range" to search specie for key words ko SELECT, INSERT and so on | Attributes Key Value Other ‘Components Materials Management > Inventory Management > Basic Functions > Migration to the new material document data model (MM-IM-GF-MIG) | Software Components ‘Software Component S4CORE S4CORE | This document refers to SAP Note/KBA. 2378796 2242679 2240878, 2197392 2194618 28022 From To And subsequent 101 x01 x Component Title SLL-LEG-FUN-CLS Material classification: Change in data model in SAP S/4HANA 1610 MM-IM-GE Redirect inconsistency - Proxy Substitution MM-IM-GF MM-IM-GF MM-IM-GF BC-DWB-UTL | This document is referenced by SAP Note/KBA 2595627 3216468 2000002 3446808 3163754 3030981 3023744 2995838 2759888 2713495 2686694 2600991 2592627 2569435 2493434 2425478 2345668 ‘Component MM-IM-GF HAN-DB-PERF MM-IM-GE-BM. MN-IM-GF MOB-APP-MAO- ERP. ‘MM-IM-GI XX-CSC-RU-LO MM-IM-GE-MIG MM-IM-GF MM-IM-GF 1S-ADEC-SUB LO-RFM-PUR- RRP ‘MM-IM-GF ‘MM-IN-GF-MIG ‘MM-IM-GF 1S-OIL-DS-HPM, Title ‘Accessing table from Sii6/SEA6N shows different results to SAP HANA database Procurement - Inventory Management - Standard behaviors guide and How-to scenarios Runtime error DBSOQL ILLEGAL CLIENT SPECIFIED in program SAPLCORC S/4HANA: History stock tables within the new data model for Inventory Manags ment Stock: thange table is not getting updat ‘S42 sales order/project stock postings into non-valuated GR blocked stock - special stock fel usage in table MATDOC 4 ARMOBVEDH Stock Overview (New), Issues after adaptation of the report tothe new Inventory Management data model chock performance: skip KALNR-cheeke ‘S/4HANA: Performance issues in cust Increase Pi 1m code when using the obsolete stock data model How-To: MSEG- DBSQL_ REDIRECT INCONSISTENCY DI_PCS MRP: SHANA MM-IM data model in RRP: performance of MARC access, covements ‘Remove content from obsolete tables in MM-IM: Save DB memory and remove data that is not covered by Information Lifecycle Management Restriction note for inventory management data conversion ‘roxy substitution: Reset to SAP delivered proxy, ‘Resolve findings of ERP IS-OIL S/4HANA pre checks 2319579 2236753, 2281657 2270451 2259038 2249800 2246602 vigrave 2242679 2238690 2197379 MM-IM-GF STI. - Performance optimizations within Material Document Processing - Jock behavior and stock underrun protection ‘MM-IM-GF-MIG §/4HANA MM-IM migration: error, post-processing and info messages MIG S/4HANA MM-IM migration by SUM with sMIG feature MM-IM-GF MIM S/4HANA customer fields in MKPF or MSEG are not updated with SANGRE, DOCUMENT: moc ‘MM-IM-GI MM-IM-GI ‘S/4HANA: Partitioning of table MADOC ‘MM-IM-GF- ‘MM-IM-GF —_recompacting scheduling in case system performance gels slowed dawn during 2 posting period MM-IM-GF Resolve findings of core ERP MM-IM $/4HANA pre checks MM-IM-GF Redirect inconsistency - Proxy Substitution MM-IM-GF-MIG $/4HANA MM-IM migration by SUM. ‘Resolve findings of DIMP epecific MM-IM S/4HANA pre checks | Attachments ‘Name Mime Type SI1 Logistics MM_IM New Datamodel paf ugh application/pdf

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