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SI T R A S T U DIES 2 2 5 JAN UARY 2 0 2 3

Understanding an era of surprises

Mikko Dufva and Sanna Rekola

© Sitra 2023

SITRA studies 225

Megatrends 2023
Understanding an era of surprises

Authors: Mikko Dufva and Sanna Rekola

Editorial team: Mikko Dufva, Liisa Poussa, Sanna Rekola,

Katri Vataja and Terhi Ylikoski from Sitra’s Foresight and
Insight theme, and Anna Wartiovaara, Topias Dean, Antti
Lehtinen, Johanna Kippo and Sara Nyman from Sitra’s
communications team.

Sub-editor: Anna Wartiovaara

Visual design and illustrations: Topias Dean

Interviews: freelance journalist Tuomo Tamminen

Layout: Jussi Lehkonen, PunaMusta Oy

ISBN 978-952-347-302-7 (PDF)

ISSN 1796-7112 (PDF)

PunaMusta Oy, Helsinki 2023

THE SITRA STUDIES publication series features the

results of Sitra’s future-oriented work and experiments.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Sitra studies 225

Megatrends 2023
Understanding an era of surprises
January 2023

Foreword 4
Abstract 6
Introduction 7

NATURE: Nature’s carrying capacity eroding 15

PEOPLE: Growing well-being challenges 25

POWER: The battle for democracy intensifies 35

TECHNOLOGY: Competition for digital power gears up 45

ECONOMY: Economic foundations are cracking 55

Approaching a time of adaptation and reform – and opportunities 64

Getting to grips with megatrends 67
Dictionary 71
About the authors 75
References 76
Appendix: How this report was produced 83
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

When we published our most recent megatrend report three years ago, in January 2020, we
noted that the world is entering a postnormal era of surprises. The megatrends depicted the
major changes that would require entirely new ways of thinking and acting. At that time, there
were already signs emerging of a virus that would shake the world, and, only a little later, life
was transformed in a flash into the postnormal. We were often asked whether the pandemic
was reflected in Sitra’s megatrends. In the spring of 2022, the same question was asked about
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Megatrends do not provide answers about wildcards and black
swan events but emphasise changes that we cannot afford to ignore. Megatrends are not
intended to surprise the reader, but to reinforce understanding of the broad arcs of change and
their interrelationships. Ideally, working on megatrends provides insights and enhances long-
term thinking.
While the crises of recent years have set in motion major changes, the megatrends are not
subject to radical changes. New emphases and critical questions have emerged. Tensions
change over time. The essential role of megatrends is therefore to remind us that we are still
urgently need to restore the carrying capacity of nature, address challenges related to well-be-
ing, strengthen and defend democracy and participation, and to ensure that the economy and
technology are developed and used in a fair and sustainable way. If we do not take the future
seriously, we will face these issues later in crisis mode.
How do megatrends support future thinking for people and communities in the postnor-
mal era? In the midst of severe acute crises, the future horizons of societies and individuals
become narrowed and more strongly focused on the present and on coping with the challenges
of daily life. Still, as clichéd as it may sound, the future is also built through decisions and
choices made in the midst of crises. The various crises and their solutions are intertwined. It is
therefore important that we understand the big picture and the interdependencies and ten-
sions between phenomena. With Sitra’s work on megatrends we aim to enhance people’s
understanding of potential future developments and the ways in which we can influence the
future. In recent years, megatrends have proven to be a useful framework for examining the
longer-term implications of both the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression. While
public debate usually focuses on a single aspect, such as the economy, health or security,
megatrends have helped us consider the impact of crises from the broader perspectives of
people, the population, nature, the economy and technology. As our faith in the future falters,
it is important to identify the choices we still face and the issues that are important to discuss
now to build a better future.
Sitra’s foresight work is guided by the goal of strengthening the future-oriented thinking of
people and organisations, and expanding the group of people who have the power to shape the
future. Many people and organisations have already embraced Sitra’s megatrends, and it has
been great to see that there is a growing demand for information and tools related to the
future. This foresight report has been written taking into account the broad and diverse audi-
ence for megatrends and purposes for using them. We have considered which perspectives are
important to emphasise in this particular period and how to support the integration of future
knowledge into everyday activities and change-making.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Foresight is often a balancing act between utopias and dystopias, problems and solutions,
hope and hopelessness. The future now appears blurred, uncertain, even frightening. Accord-
ing to Sitra’s Futures Barometer, more than half of Finns sometimes view the future as fright-
ening and sometimes eagerly anticipate it.
Hope is not found by clinging to the past, but by opportunities to make the future fair,
sustainable and inspiring.

Katri Vataja
Director, Foresight, Insight and Strategy, Sitra
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

In a time of surprises and uncertainty, the future looks unpredictable, even frightening. Atten-
tion is easily drawn to the latest crisis and the present moment. But building a fair, sustainable
and inspiring future requires a shared understanding of the longer-term picture of change.
What has already changed? What is changing right now? How are changes interlinked? What
is preventing change? What is possible? This report answers these questions through the use of
Megatrends are directions of development, consisting of several phenomena, that describe
broad arcs of change. They often occur at a global level and are often believed to continue in
the same direction. Megatrends shed light on the phenomena around us that are currently
Sitra’s megatrends 2023 describe the big picture of change through five themes: nature,
people, power, technology and the economy. Nature’s carrying capacity is being eroded as we
live in the midst of an ecological sustainability crisis. There is an urgent need for ecological
reconstruction, which means transitioning to a society that improves the state of nature and
human well-being. Challenges to well-being are increasing as changes in the operating envi-
ronment influence people’s daily lives. The population is ageing, becoming more diverse and
concentrated in growth centres, which impacts the size of the working-age population, the
funding of the welfare state, the adequacy of social and health services, democracy and the
adoption of technology. General uncertainty about the future is exacerbating mental health
The battle for democracy is intensifying and societies are under strain as crises accumu-
late. Geopolitical power struggles have returned with a vengeance, and the rules-based world
order – and trust in the institutions that underpin it – is wavering. At the same time, there are
disputes over the ground rules of the digital world, the resources required by new technology
and, more generally, technological trends, which means that the competition for digital
power is intensifying. Technology and data are increasingly embedded in people’s daily lives
and data is increasingly collected and exploited.
Cracks are showing in the foundations of the economy as global inequality increases and
the ecological sustainability crisis unfolds. Increasing extreme weather phenomena and the
collapse of nature’s contributions to people are eroding the functional conditions of the econ-
omy and wealth is being concentrated in the hands of an even smaller group, creating an
increasingly urgent need to reform the economy.
The recent major crises – the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with its
manifold consequences – have made the interdependent character of our world more tangible.
While the challenges seem big, a different future is possible. In Sitra’s vision, Finland will
prosper by building a fair, sustainable and inspiring future that ensures people’s well-being
within the limits of the planet’s carrying capacity. We can adapt to the limits of this carrying
capacity by investing in the ecological reconstruction of society and daily life. We can reform
the economy to be more transformative by adhering to the principles of sustainable and
responsible development. We can strengthen democracy by increasing participation and
empowerment. All of this requires future-oriented thinking and the capacity for change.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


Sitra’s previous megatrend report was pub- learn from different potentialities, including
lished in January 2020. It included a section the unexpected.
on postnormal times – the transition to a Instead of dwelling on uncertainty and
period of surprises, contradictions and surprises, what we need now is an under-
conflicts. At the time, it may have seemed a standing of the big picture of change, which
bit abstract, a theoretical spin used by futur- will increase insight even in a time of sur-
ists that has no practical relevance to daily prises. This is also the aim of this report. It is
life. worth looking at the megatrends together,
Now, three years later, examples of because they are not separate but interact
postnormal times are all around us. Sur- with each other. It is also important to
prises and crises – such as the Covid-19 identify the different stages of change: what
pandemic, Russia’s war of aggression, the has already changed, how are the current
food and energy crisis and extreme weather changes interconnected and which of them
events – have become familiar. Everyday life can be influenced? This is a time of transfor-
can change very quickly, and mindsets can mation where many structures and ways of
change with it. This is illustrated by the fact doing things are changing. The starting point
that, according to a survey published by Yle is that there is no return to the old normal,
in autumn 2022, half of Finns have changed but the future is not predetermined, and we
their world view in the last two years. can influence it.
Why then, in a time of surprises, should In this report, we want to emphasise
we pay attention not only to surprises but influencing the future. Rather than merely
also to megatrends, the slowly changing listing the things that are changing, we also
broader arcs of development? Surprises do discuss where we want things to change and
not come out of nowhere. They are driven by how we can make a difference. What do we
longer-term changes, or megatrends. Under- need to adapt to and what do we need to
standing and critically evaluating continui- change? How can we get one step ahead in
ties, path dependencies and the current Finland and live a life now that will be viable
perceptions of the future helps to identify in the future? Everyone – individuals, com-
discontinuities. If there is one thing we can munities and society – all have a responsibil-
say about the future, it is that there will be ity to think longer term and build a better
more surprises. future for the generations to come.
While surprises cannot be precisely Influencing the future also means taking
predicted, they can be anticipated. For a position on which direction to take in the
example, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the light of current trends or what kind of
halting of energy imports and the blowing change should be strengthened. It is not
up of gas pipelines were all events the exact unusual to take a stance – reports on the
nature and timing of which no-one could future always do so simply through the
have predicted. At the same time, they were choice of subject matter, the framing of
all the kinds of surprising events that can, issues and the wording – what is raised and
and in some cases have, be anticipated how. Because there is no such thing as a fully
through foresight. The important thing is objective trend report, it is necessary to be as
not to predict accurately but to outline and open as possible about the choices made and
the perspective of the report.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The starting point of this report is Sitra’s current future scenarios. The aim is to high-
vision: Finland will prosper by building a light the diversity of futures and the different
fair, sustainable and inspiring future where directions in which change is sought.
people thrive within the carrying capacity of
the planet. In line with Sitra’s impact objec-
tives, we emphasise ecological reconstruc- The big picture of
tion, economic renewal, strengthening change
participation and empowerment, and
strengthening future-oriented thinking and We explore the big picture of change through
society’s capacity for change. The focus is on five themes: nature, people, power, technol-
the potential futures of Finnish society and ogy and the economy. This is a frequently
the changes that will affect them. used framework in trend analyses and is
There are always many possible futures, helpful in preventing the analysis from
and many views about them. Understanding focusing excessively on a single theme, such
different perspectives is an important element as technological change. Still, more impor-
of shaping the future. Although we present tant than the specific framework is to exam-
the big picture of change from the perspective ine the linkages between changes and the
of Sitra’s vision in this report, we also high- emergent challenges that need to be
light other views of futures when we discuss addressed (Figure 1).

of trust
The battle for
well-being democracy
challenges intensifies

The spiral of NATURE

burden Short-term
Weakening Nature’s decision-making
dependency ratio
carrying Influencing through

capacity information

Overconsumption Resource

Economic Competition for

foundations digital power
are cracking Dominance of gears up

Figure 1. The big picture of change and the challenges to be addressed

S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Nature’s carrying capacity is eroding as is eroding and information manipulation is

we are in the midst of an ecological sustaina- growing. An orderly and harmonious transi-
bility crisis. The climate is heating up, biodi- tion towards a fairer and more sustainable
versity is declining at an alarming rate, world looks increasingly unlikely. Geopoliti-
natural resources are being over-exploited, cal power struggles have returned with a
and waste is increasing. Human activity vengeance, and this means a struggle
places a burden on living and non-living between social systems. The rules-based
nature beyond its carrying capacity and world order and trust in the institutions that
threatens the very basis of our economy and underpin it are being undermined.
well-being. There is an urgent need for The competition for digital power gears
ecological reconstruction, which means up. Technology and data are increasingly
transitioning to a society that improves the embedded in people’s daily lives. Technology
state of nature and human well-being. The is developing rapidly, and new technologies
slower society and people are to change their are being introduced in new areas of life.
ways, the worse the impacts of the ecological Digitalisation has been the most significant
crisis will become. technological development of recent times,
Well-being challenges are growing as cutting across all sectors. Data is increasingly
many simultaneous changes affect people’s being collected and used to provide new
daily lives. The ageing of the population has customised services to individuals and
implications for the size of the working-age organisations. At the same time, there are
population, the funding of the welfare state, disputes about the rules of the digital world,
the adequacy of social and health services, the resources required by new technology
democracy and the uptake of technology. and, more generally, the direction of techno-
The population is diversifying and becoming logical development. The challenges include
concentrated in growth centres. Changes in both the current dominance of the technol-
working life, the ecological sustainability ogy giants and the adequacy of critical
crisis, the pandemic and general uncertainty resources.
about the future are exacerbating mental Economic foundations are cracking.
health problems and testing people’s resil- Growing global inequalities and the ecologi-
ience. Human health is interlinked with the cal sustainability crisis create a need to
health of nature. reform the economy. Wealth is being con-
The battle for democracy intensifies. centrated in the hands of an even smaller
Societies are under strain as crises accumu- number of people, while increasing extreme
late. Democracies have been both weakened weather events and the collapse of the eco-
and strengthened by the recent crises. system services erode the operating capacity
Whereas the global pandemic concentrated of the economy. Many at the global level
power and limited the freedoms that democ- have realised that the current economic
racies value, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has system is not sustainable for people and
galvanised civil society and awakened people nature. Sustainability is being emphasised in
to the crisis of democracy. Defending all activities and has extended from individ-
Ukraine is also a matter of defending democ- ual environmental issues to human rights
racy. At the same time, even in many well-es- issues, human well-being and improving the
tablished democracies, the ideals and princi- state of nature. The broadening of sustaina-
ples of democracy are being questioned and bility reflects a greater need to rethink the
authoritarian approaches are being applied, role of the economy and what it actually
both in Europe and the United States. Trust stands for.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The megatrends are in the hands of a few technology companies

interconnected and the individuals that control them.
Democracies are being challenged both
The recent major crises – the Covid-19 internally and externally, and the numbers of
pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine authoritarian states have grown. The popula-
with its manifold consequences – have made tion is already ageing, the share of the work-
the interdependence of our world more ing-age population has decreased, and
tangible. No change happens in isolation. mental health problems have increased.
Environmental degradation is reflected in On the other hand, we can look to the
growing geopolitical tensions, deteriorating future and consider what is possible in light
economic capacity and well-being problems. of past and present changes. While the
Populism and fomented confusion are challenges seem big, a different future is
fuelled by the accumulation of crises. Geo- possible. We need to recognise the changes
political tensions are growing and there are that have already happened, but we can
power struggles related to technology, the influence future changes and buttress favour-
economy, production, resources and future able trends already identified. The limits of
prospects. the Earth’s carrying capacity can be adapted
Solutions must be found to accommo- to by investing in the ecological reconstruc-
date new technologies within the limits of tion of society and daily life. The economy
nature’s carrying capacity and to help can be reformed to make it more transfor-
improve the state of nature in line with the mational by adhering to the principles of
goals of the digital and green twin transi- sustainable and responsible development.
tion. Technological developments are Democracy can be strengthened through
changing how we operate and are linked to greater participation and opportunities to
human well-being, the functioning of make a difference. All of this requires
societies and the state of the environment. future-oriented thinking and the capacity for
Economic development depends on the change.
ecosystem services, the stability of society,
the functioning of global production chains,
the availability of labour, and well-being. The Futures Triangle
Safeguarding human well-being in turn provides deeper insight
requires a well-functioning economy and into change
society, the well-being of nature and a safe
environment, the responsible use of tech- To delve deeper into the big picture of
nology and the strengthening of empower- change presented above, this report looks
ment. beyond trends, to the trajectories of change,
Megatrends easily focus attention on the to path dependencies, mindsets and percep-
changes of the moment. To understand the tions of the future. The Futures Triangle
interdependencies of current changes, we (Figure 2) is used as the framework for this
need to examine where they have come from discussion. It is a tool developed by the
and what has already changed. The climate is futurist Sohail Inayatullah for outlining the
already heating and biodiversity is deterio- issues that may influence the future. The
rating at an alarming rate. Wealth has sides of the triangle represent the past,
become globally concentrated in the hands present and future. The push of the present
of an increasingly small number of people, and the weight of the past are based on
and globalisation has created a highly inter- existing knowledge, whereas the pull of the
dependent world. Digitalisation has led to future is based on our vision of what we
power becoming increasingly concentrated consider possible.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Push of the present PULL
Pull of the future
Current processes of Images of the future,
change (the economy, dreams, wishes, plans.
technology, the
environment, culture)


Weight of the past Continuities, belief

WEIGHT systems, world views,

obstacles to change.

Figure 2. The Futures Triangle helps outline possible futures. Adapted from
Inayatullah 2008.

The push of the present focuses has changed. For instance, centralised power
attention on everything that is changing has increased relative to networked power.
right now. This is the core content of trend The broad arcs of change have taken on new
reports and tends to be the area where layers, such as the need to phase out fossil
different reports come to the same conclu- fuels not only due to the climate crisis but
sions. Although the world seems to be in also for geopolitical reasons.
turmoil, megatrends, or major arcs of When examining the push of the present,
change, have not suddenly become com- we need to focus on how the changes are
pletely new. The ecological sustainability interconnected and what interpretations they
crisis has not gone away, technology is still are given. Which changes are mutually
perceived to be developing rapidly and there reinforcing, and which are in tension? What
have been unexpected changes in demogra- are the different perspectives on change and
phy. That is why the five main themes high- how do the effects of change appear to
lighted in this report are similar to those different people? These questions are
presented in Sitra’s megatrends 2020 report. explored here in addition to the more con-
At the same time, however, certain ventional approach of listing trends.
changes have accelerated. The increase in The weight of the past guides us to
remote working is one such example. The look at what has brought us to where we are.
balance between changes subject to tensions A rule of thumb in future-oriented thinking
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

is that if you want to look 10 years into the future that drive society forward. Even more
future, you need to look at least 20 years into dramatically, Fred Polak, a pioneer of future
the past. Knowledge of history helps us studies, wrote in his book The Image of the
identify path dependencies and the effects of Future, that societies only remain vibrant as
past decisions. While they limit what is long as they retain the ability to imagine a
perceived to be possible in the present to desirable future.
some extent, they also provide a basis on Right now, there is a pressing need to
which to build a desired future. imagine other, inspiring futures. However,
If the push of the present focuses on what we should avoid making such imagined
is changing, the weight of the past is more futures too abstract or only representative of
about what inhibits change. The obstacles the views of a small group. Still, the greatest
may be very palpable, such as the constraints danger is to assume that the imagined has
imposed by the built environment or already been accomplished, or that the
changes that have already occurred in atmos- possible is probable. Even if a future scenario
pheric carbon dioxide levels. And yet change has been carefully outlined and is completely
can also be inhibited by entrenched patterns plausible in principle, it does not mean that
of thinking and assumptions that go unchal- it will inevitably come true.
Visions of the future can also limit what
is considered possible and what is given From insight to action
attention. The future is not a blank slate on
which you can freely draw a picture that Imagining alternative futures is necessary for
appeals to you, but a collection of different making informed and considered choices in
views of desirable and undesirable futures the present. Understanding the big picture of
that have been learned and presented by change is a prerequisite for action, but it is
different people. Some of these views are so not enough on its own. The future does not
familiar that people are not even prepared to happen by itself; it is created together,
question them, even if they no longer lead in through everyday choices and actions.
the desired direction. Influencing the future can also be exam-
The pull of the future covers views ined with the help of the futures triangle.
of the future, be they utopian, dystopian or The push of the present helps us decide what
something in between. Views of desirable changes to tackle and what trends to
futures drive us forward and answer the strengthen. The weight of the past tells us
question of what kind of change is desirable. what we are building our preferred future on,
Threat scenarios, on the other hand, lead us and what can and should be challenged. The
to dwell on what is important and what we pull of the future gives us direction and also
do not want to lose – as long as we’re not helps us understand the direction of others:
paralysed by the fear associated with them. what kind of future each of us is striving for.
The future can appear frightening at This report aims to provide insight into
present. This is partly because many things the big picture of change, precisely so that we
are going in an undesirable direction, but can build a better future in the present. Each
also due to a lack of credible alternatives to chapter begins with a description of the push
the threat scenarios. Geoff Mulgan, the of the present – the current developments
former Chief Executive of the think tank related to the theme in question, such as the
Nesta, writes about the crisis of political environment, and their implications. The aim
imagination, a lack of inspiring views of the of that section is to help the reader under-
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

stand the overall picture of changes that have The chapters also include a more
already taken place and are underway. detailed list of trends and a few statistics
That overall picture is also described in illustrating developments. Each chapter
relation to the obstacles to change, which concludes with an interview with a person
represent the pressures of the past that need who works on the theme in question: how
to be taken into account. What patterns of they perceive the impact of trends on their
thinking and path dependencies keep us own life and how they are trying to influ-
stuck in the past? The aim is to show that ence their direction. The interviews are
change does not happen by itself, but intended to highlight different perspectives
requires action at the level of behaviour, on change and to emphasise agency: the
structures and paradigms. future does not just come to you, but you
After discussing the weight of the past, can contribute to shaping it through your
we turn our attention to the pull of the own actions.
future. What kind of future is possible and The report concludes by summarising
what changes would it require? How can we the actions and changes that are needed for
build on the existing changes and address building a sustainable future. Alongside the
obstacles to change? We include threat big picture of change, we also present a big
scenarios, as they play a major role in shap- picture of future opportunities. The end of
ing the debate on the future. The point is to the report includes practical tips on using
highlight multiple perspectives on futures the megatrends, a dictionary and a more
and provide insight into the current debate detailed description of how the report was
on the future. produced.
We are in the midst of an ecological sustainability
crisis. Human activity is pushing living and non-living
nature beyond its carrying capacity, threatening the
very basis of our economy and well-being. There is
a growing urgency for ecological reconstruction,
a transition to a society that improves the state of
nature and human well-being.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The push of the present: than is generally understood. Even if such a

nature is vanishing change is radical, it will probably seem
completely obvious in hindsight and lead to
The ecological sustainability crisis is not only a better world in many ways. At the heart of
the future. It is the present. Since the end of this change is an understanding and accept-
the 19th century, the climate has already ance that we are completely dependent on
warmed by more than 1°C globally and by nature and the ecosystem services. Food
over 2°C in Finland. Carbon dioxide levels in production, clean water, breathable air and
the atmosphere are higher than at any time many other essentials, our basic needs,
in human history and at current rates global depend on nature thriving. Nature also
temperatures are expected to rise by about provides us with raw materials for
3°C. The more the temperature rises, the everything ranging from houses to goods,
worse the impacts on food security, living medicines and the batteries needed for
conditions and biodiversity, among other electrification. Without biodiversity, we
things. Biodiversity is declining rapidly, with cannot have prosperity or economic growth,
the rate of extinction of species being 100– which depend on the ecosystem services.
1,000 times faster than in the last several The slower we are to change our behav-
million years. Many of the limits of the iour, the worse the impacts of the ecological
Earth’s carrying capacity have already been sustainability crisis will be. Extreme weather
exceeded. events, such as flooding, drought and storms,
The carrying capacity of nature can also are becoming ever more common and the
be considered in addition to that of the decline in the ecosystem services to people
planet. The limits of the carrying capacity of will cause hundreds of billions of euros in
nature can be reached regionally and locally economic losses annually. Extreme weather
even if the planetary limits are not surpassed. events, ecosystem collapse and soil degrada-
For example, if pollination services are lost tion significantly increase uncertainty in
locally, the limits of nature’s carrying capac- food production. Fresh water is becoming
ity are exceeded even if the populations of scarce in many places. In the worst case,
pollinating insects are growing globally. For large areas, including coastal cities where
the purposes of this report, nature refers to millions of people live, could become unin-
both living (such as animals and plants) and habitable.
non-living (such as climate and water Finland’s climate will become hotter than
resources) nature. The carrying capacity of the global average, but the climate will
nature is being eroded before our eyes. remain liveable. In our part of the world,
Futurist and climate activist Alex Steffen biodiversity is declining particularly in forest
has summarised the situation by pointing ecosystems. The warming of the climate will
out that we are not yet ready for what has bring new insect pests to our shores, while
already happened. We still think that we heatwaves, drought and floods will affect
have more time to ponder the situation, or food production and human health. Rainer
that the change has not yet begun. But we are and wetter winter weather will increase the
not completely unprepared. We already have risk of mould damage in buildings and more
several solutions to mitigate the heating of frequent extreme weather will put infrastruc-
the climate and to improve the state of ture under pressure.
nature. The problem is that these solutions We are already dangerously close to
have not been sufficiently adopted, even tipping points of irreversible change. For
though it would be in everyone’s interest in example, when the heating of the climate
the long term. reaches a certain point, it causes a domino
If we want to make a difference, we need effect whereby significant global warming
a more radical change in human activity can only be slowed down but not prevented.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Many natural environments can go through exceeded. It is therefore no longer enough to

irreversible changes: for instance, the Ama- merely mitigate negative impacts, but to
zon rainforest may become a savannah. We repair the damage already done and adapt to
have already passed some tipping points – the changing environment.
for example, most of the world’s coral reefs We have consumed a large proportion of
are being destroyed and with them many readily available mineral resources, raising
vital ecosystems. concerns about the adequacy of materials
At the same time, we may be close to needed for renewable energy production, for
many tipping points in human behaviour example. Indeed, the transition to a more
and activity. Consumption, production, our sustainable world requires a change in how
relationship with nature and many other we act and think, and technological solutions
variables may be changing fast. People have are not enough. Yet, we are often stuck in the
become aware of the environmental impacts mindset of infinite natural resources and
of fast fashion clothing and circular economy energy.
business models are becoming more com- The current structures and ideals have
mon. Switching to a plant-based diet is now led individuals to make unsustainable
even easier than before. There are more and choices. In 2022, Finland’s overshoot day was
more reasons to phase out fossil fuels. 31 March, marking the date by which Finns
had consumed their calculated natural
resources for 2022. A Finn’s average carbon
The weight of the past: footprint is currently 10 tonnes per year. To
the illusion of incon- limit climate warming to 1.5°C, the average
venience carbon footprint would need to be reduced
to about three tonnes by 2030. This sounds
In its publication “A positive future for like a large cut, but it is completely feasible.
Finland”, the Finnish Expert Panel for Sus- Moreover, Finns are interested in reducing
tainable Development refers to the illusion of their carbon footprint – Sitra’s lifestyle test
inconvenience, the perception that the has already provided tips on this to over a
change needed is harder than it actually is. It million users who have taken the test. Going
also involves the idea of change as having to forward, people will be increasingly able to
give something up, when in fact the changes make choices based on the ecological foot-
in question are about building a different print of products and services, meaning that
future that is more sustainable for people their biodiversity impacts can be taken into
and the rest of nature and creates greater account.
well-being. Change may seem daunting because the
The illusion of inconvenience stems future looks so bleak. People are concerned
partly from the fact that our current lifestyle not only about the consequences of the
may feel quite comfortable, even if there is climate crisis and biodiversity loss, but also
some anxiety about the future. We are used the impact on their own lives and liveli-
to the way things are and change can seem hoods. Uncertainty and disappointment that
burdensome, even if it ultimately makes life the promised future has not come about is
easier. It may also be partly true that change likely to lead to deeper polarisation. The
would have been easier 10–20 years ago, or ecological sustainability crisis has become a
at least we would have had more time. Now weapon of identity politics.
the situation is made more difficult by the The Great Nature Dialogue organised in
greenhouse gases that have already been March 2022 revealed that there are conflicts
emitted, the habitats that have already been of views on nature not only between people
destroyed, and the other limits of the planet’s but also within people. Finns have various
carrying capacity that have already been parallel, sometimes even strained, relation-
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

ships with nature. They may see nature as but also in care services, education and
having intrinsic value, but then see it as a governance.
resource to exploit. The actions of industrial- In practice, the changes are reflected in
ised countries have thus far been driven by the mainstreaming of the circular economy,
nature’s monetary worth, but organisations reducing consumption, electrifying transport
such as the Intergovernmental Science-Pol- and shifting to plant-based diets and renew-
icy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem able energy. All of these changes are already
Services (IPBES) have underscored the need underway. The share of renewables in Fin-
for different values and world views to be land’s total energy mix has already surpassed
taken into account in decision-making. The that of fossil fuels. The consumption of red
better we learn to understand and discuss meat is on the decline and the demand for
conflicting views, the better we can alleviate plant proteins in increasing. There are
anxiety by taking action. examples of circular economy business
Change is also inhibited by the mindset models in many sectors.
of not seeing Finland as a major interna- Significant changes are also discussed in
tional player and failing to view sustainabil- the EU’s Strategic Foresight Report. It
ity solutions as a source of competitiveness. describes the digital and green twin transi-
And yet Finland has everything it takes to be tion where ecological sustainability and
an international leader in this respect. As digitalisation can best support each other.
noted in Sitra’s working paper Punching The EU is guiding this transition through
above our weight, “being a pioneer in climate the European Green Deal, which includes
action is not a form of charity but largely a sector-specific policy measures to promote
way to defend national interests”. the well-being and health of citizens and
future generations. The plans, which extend
to 2050, aim for a carbon-neutral Europe,
The pull of the future: which is also the goal of the EU Climate Law.
ecological reconstruc- Some of the prevailing views of the
tion future assume that all problems can be
solved by technology. They include remov-
We do not have to drive off a cliff. We can ing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere
change direction. Doing so requires a para- and cleaning plastic waste from the oceans
digm shift from wasteful overconsumption using technology without changing the way
towards improving the well-being of the we produce and consume. Geoengineering
environment and people. The coming years interventions targeted at the atmosphere or
will be challenging because of the need to oceans have also been envisioned as a solu-
simultaneously adapt to what has already tion to climate warming.
changed and is changing, and to change our While techno-utopian visions exist, there
behaviour to avoid the worst consequences are also various counter scenarios of collapse
and achieve a more sustainable world for and crisis. They envision societies becoming
everyone. paralysed when they no longer have the
Ecological reconstruction, as outlined by same access to energy, materials, food or
the BIOS research team, describes the water that they are accustomed to. This
changes needed in both physical infrastruc- would lead to The Great Simplification or
ture and the structures of the welfare state to societal collapse – or both. Usually, these
enable the phasing out of fossil fuels. In scenarios end with collapse, but the solar-
addition to changes in the energy system, punk literary genre asks what might happen
there is a need for changes in areas such as afterwards and how to rebuild society. These
mobility, construction and food production, visions emphasise a new sense of community
and the responsible use of technology.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3



The soil on our farm was not in a great ”Agricultural policy
condition in the early 2000s. It was compact cannot be solved without
and not rich enough and did not yield good
addressing taxation or
crops. It took a lot of work to get a successful
harvest. When I started my studies in agron-
social policy”
omy at the University of Helsinki, I gained
access to researched knowledge. yields or improving soil fertility. Instead of
I learned a lot about soil processes, the existing subsidies, the system should
micro-organisms and the dynamics of provide results-based support for ensuring
organic matter. I started to understand soil. the conditions for food production, namely
For example, it has made me realise how soil fertility, climate change adaptation and
important it is for fields to be continuously mitigation, improving the ecological state of
covered with vegetation. waterways and promoting biodiversity. The
My studies made me increasingly inter- existing subsidies have driven us to a situa-
ested in the sustainability transformation, tion where we are dependent on Russian
and I started to think about agriculture and fertilisers and where food is cheap, but
society more broadly. I began to research the mainly for industry and trade.
topic and train other farmers. As a society, we need a holistic vision of
The crises of our time came as no sur- what we want Finnish food production to
prise to me. Weather affects the life of all look like in 2050. This vision needs to be
farmers, but the past two dry summers have agreed collectively and to extend across
not been a disaster for our farm because our multiple terms of parliament. There are
soil is in good condition. Even Russia’s many crises in the world, and they are all
invasion of Ukraine has not been as much of interconnected. Agricultural policy cannot
a problem for us as it has for many others, as be solved without addressing taxation or
we use relatively little fossil fuel and do not social policy.
use any artificial fertilisers at all. When you look at the world right now,
Such self-sufficiency and security of the future appears bleak. The way to get over
supply can be achieved more broadly in the that feeling is by doing things. You need to
agricultural sector, but the Finnish system of create the future you wish to see.”
agricultural subsidies mainly consists of
area-based subsidies that increase passivity.
They do not provide incentives for high crop

Juuso Joona is a Joutseno-based farmer,
researcher and influencer who aims to promote
restorative food production.

Figure 3.
Current emission
Trends in emissions and projected temperature
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Projected climate
warming by the end
reduction measures 60
of the century
are not enough to
reach the target of 50 2,8°C
1.5°C. Source: UN
Emissions Gap 2,4°C

Report 2022. 30

20 2,0°C

10 1,5°C

1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Measures under current policy
All reported measures aimed at reducing emissions
Emission reductions aligned with the 2°C target
Emission reductions aligned with the 1.5°C target

Figure 4. Share of climate emissions by income class

The wealthiest 10% %
of the world’s popu- 60
lation generates
about half of all car- 48.0%
bon dioxide emis- 40
sions. Source: Chan-
cel (2022) 30

10 11.5%

Bottom 50% Middle 40% Top 10% Top 1%

Figure 5.
Accelerating biodi-
Natural ecosystems have
declined by an average of
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

About 25% of the total

estimated species of flora
and fauna are at risk of
The abundance of land
species and natural species
has declined by an average
versity loss is a extinction. of 23%.
global phenomenon
seen in all habitats.
Source: National
IPBES Panel (2019).
47% 25% 23%

The total combined Nature crucial for indigenous popula-

biomass of wild mammals tions and local communities is
has declined by 82%. declining. 72% of the indicators show
a continuous decline.

82% 72%
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


The climate continues heat up, but the severity of the EVENTS
impacts will be influenced by the actions we take now. At
Climate change will lead to more extreme weather
the current rate, the climate will heat up by about 3°C
events. Floods and droughts will become more common,
this century, potentially by double that in Finland. That
as will more intense storms. Fluctuating weather condi-
rate of climate change would result in irreversible
tions will challenge food production and infrastructure
changes and cause an uncontrollable chain reaction.
that was not originally designed for extreme weather. As
There is a need for stronger climate policy and more
intense heatwaves become more common, current Finn-
decisive action to reduce emissions to limit the warming
ish summers will seem cool by comparison. The impor-
of the climate to 1.5°C.
tance of societies’ preparedness and adaptation will grow.


We are in the midst of a mass extinction of plants and BECOMING INCREASINGLY
animals caused by human activity. A million species are UNCERTAIN
threatened by extinction within the next few decades.
Growing consumption means that many resources are
The degradation of nature threatens the well-being of
becoming increasingly scarce or costly to obtain. The
hundreds of millions of people and will also cause annual
availability of critical materials for industry may face
economic losses measured in hundreds of billions of
challenges that will be reflected all the way to consum-
euros. Biodiversity loss can be slowed by reducing pres-
ers. Resource uncertainty can be mitigated by developing
sures on nature (land and sea use, climate change, pollu-
substitute materials and by enhancing the recycling and
tion, resource utilisation and invasive species) and by
managing, restoring and conserving habitats. reuse of materials.

At the current rate, 90% of the world’s soil will be
degraded by 2050 and the world risks running out of ara-
ble land in 60 years. Climate heating will make the situa-
tion worse with more extreme weather events. Preventing
erosion and sequestering carbon dioxide in the soil can
increase food security while also mitigating climate heat-
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Due to rapid urbanisation and population growth, the
amount of waste generated worldwide is predicted to A STRONGER UNDERSTANDING OF
increase by 70% by 2050. People in Finland generate 600 THE INTRINSIC VALUE OF NATURE
kg of waste per capita per year (2020), and the amount is
Environmental awareness is growing. Nature is no longer
expected to grow. Pharmaceutical residues in wastewater
viewed merely as a resource for people to exploit, but as
have also increased. Reducing waste requires a transition having intrinsic value that underpins human well-being.
to a circular economy: preventing waste from being gen- Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go from aware-
erated through smart product design, reusing and recy- ness to large-scale action.
cling materials, and removing hazardous chemicals and
materials from circulation.


Information on environmental degradation is available to There is a growing understanding of the rights of non-hu-
everyone and environmental issues are increasingly in the man animals. Fur farming has already been banned in 15
news. Many people refuse to believe or else downplay the European countries and the debate on animal rights has
problems highlighted by science and opt to live like they also gathered momentum in Finland.
always have. Tensions are growing between those who
demand environmental action and those who belittle it.


The warming and acidification of seas are destroying
coral reefs and other fragile marine ecosystems. It also
impacts the ability of seas to sequester carbon and, in
the long term, oceanic currents will also be affected.
Nutrient emissions are increasing eutrophication and
causing oxygen depletion. Marine degradation also poses
a threat to livelihoods and food security. Threats to
marine ecosystems can be mitigated through climate
action, the protection of the seas and reducing nutrient
Many changes in Finnish society and in the world
are challenging human well-being. The population
is ageing, diversifying and becoming concentrated
in growth centres. Mental health problems are
exacerbated by uncertainties related to working life
and livelihoods, the ecological sustainability crisis and
the pandemic.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The push of the present: developments are affecting people’s daily

people’s resilience is lives, and everyday choices can shape the
being put to the test future.
People’s daily lives have changed in
When imagining the future, it is easy to recent years. The Covid-19 pandemic has
think that many things will remain the same. made people more familiar with remote
This is particularly true of population, even access and for some work has become
though demographic trends can be accu- mobile. Rising energy prices and geopolitical
rately predicted. We know that the over-65 tensions have made energy-saving efforts a
age group in Finland is growing relative to topical issue in a new way. Rising prices and
other age groups, but perhaps we do not the transformation of work raise concerns
understand the implications of this. We also about coping with daily life. More and more
may not realise that the period of the most people are starting to realise that there is no
rapid change is already behind us: the size of going back to the old normal.
the working-age population decreased by Awareness of the ecological sustainability
over 130,000 between 2010 and 2020, and crisis is reflected in the travel and consump-
the population projections show a decrease tion choices and diets of many people. Vegan
over the next 20 years of 76,000. The size of challenges, meatless October campaigns and
Finland’s population is projected to start Buy Nothing Day events inspire people to
declining in the 2030s, but the world’s popu- think about the sustainability of their life-
lation is expected to grow from eight billion styles. At the same time, there is a growing
today to over 10 billion by the end of the polarisation and deliberate misunderstand-
century. ing around the issue of sustainability. Some
Demographic change affects many people downplay or outright deny their own
things. The size of the working-age popula- or Finland’s role in the ecological sustaina-
tion affects productivity and the financing of bility crisis.
the welfare state. A system based on high The crisis is increasingly reflected in the
employment and productivity therefore faces transformation of working life. The rapid
challenges due to population ageing. The phasing out of fossil fuels and moving away
growing number of older people has already from the overconsumption of resources will
increased the demand for services for them make some jobs disappear but will create
and the social security costs related to old many new ones. In such a transformation of
age. The relative proportion of young people entire industries, it is even more important
among voters is declining, which makes to secure people’s livelihoods across the
transgenerational responsibility and fairness junctures of working life. There is also an
an increasingly important theme. The ageing emphasis on continuous skills development
population should also be taken into consid- and the opportunity to influence one’s own
eration in the uptake of technology, for job profile.
example. The physical health of Finns has
Focusing on people is one way to bring improved and the expectation of healthy
future-oriented thinking to the everyday years has increased. Finns were also ranked
level. After all, the future is ultimately about as the happiest people in the world for the
the day-to-day: what we eat, where we live, fifth consecutive year in the World Happi-
what work and education we have, where we ness Report commissioned by the UN. At the
earn a living and find meaning in life, and same time, though, mental health problems
who makes the decisions. The ecological have increased. More than half of disability
sustainability crisis, economic turmoil, pensions are based on mental health disor-
geopolitical tensions and technological ders. The rise of mental health problems has
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

been particularly high among young people. but prepared for. At the same time, it is
While the Covid-19 pandemic has exacer- important to prevent the emergence of new
bated the situation, it is also influenced by problems.
individualism, societal pressures, social Well-being and health are often
media and general uncertainty about the approached in terms of the individual. This
future. same individual centred approach can be
The ageing of the population, reduced seen in the debate concerning solutions to
physical activity and unhealthy lifestyles are the ecological sustainability crisis. If a person
reflected in an increase in disease. In the wants to live a healthier and more ecologi-
future, non-communicable diseases such as cally sustainable life, it requires special
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, awareness and effort. However, the solution
asthma and allergies, as well as infectious to these does not rest solely with the individ-
diseases, may increase further. The heating ual. There is a need for structural change
of the climate, increased global travel and making it as easy as possible to adopt health-
changes in land use make new infectious ier and more sustainable lifestyles. This is
diseases more likely. Human health is inter- made challenging by the individual centred
linked with the health of the rest of nature. mindset that sees the individual as a con-
sumer separate from other people. But it is
easy to think that people do not change their
The weight of the past: behaviour quickly.
individualism and There are also problematic paradigms
unsustainable patterns about sustainability that are thought deep
of thinking rooted. Humans are seen as separate from
nature, superior to other species, and nature
The population structure cannot be substan- simply a human resource. Well-being is
tially influenced quickly or without signifi- linked to material living standards, prioritis-
cant immigration, so the key question is how ing infinite economic growth and short-term
to adapt to population ageing. Ageing is gain. The focus is on individuals, who are
often viewed as a negative, when in fact it presumed to act rationally. For the future, it
should be seen as a success: people are living is important to examine the mindsets, values
longer and healthier lives, and able bodied and ideals that guide our actions and how
older people could be perceived as an asset. they affect holistic well-being.
This perspective highlights how people’s
well-being has been successfully supported
throughout their lives. Social and health The pull of the future:
services are often seen as costs but at their holistic well-being
best they are investments that prevent more
serious problems later on. A more sustainable future for people and the
The Covid-19 pandemic and other crises rest of nature requires a change in paradigms
increase uncertainty in people’s lives and and ideals. Instead of a materialistic and
create challenges to the promotion of holistic individual centred approach to well-being,
well-being. The backlog of care accumulated the focus must shift to the long-term, the
during the pandemic due to the postpone- prevention of problems, ethical action and
ment of non-urgent treatment will take a strengthening participation, collectivism and
long time to work through. The full impact happiness. Well-being is not limited to the
of the crises on mental health, for example, individual but is seen as intertwined with the
may not yet be known. Health problems that well-being of the environment and commu-
have already arisen cannot be wiped away nities.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

In addition to treating the symptoms, it state is a major accomplishment, and one

is important to address the root causes. that people understandably want to hold on
Society should aim to eliminate risk factors to. At the same time, however, it faces both
such as poverty, discrimination and loneli- economic and environmental challenges: the
ness, and increase protective factors such as financial base of the welfare state is weaken-
tolerance, community support, a sense of ing as the working-age population declines,
security, and the capacity for learning and and current well-being has been achieved
life management. All groups of people need largely at the expense of the environment.
to be supported in the midst of crises and However, the visions focused on conserving
societal change in order to achieve a fair what we already have shown us what is
transition towards a more sustainable important and what people want to retain.
world. More regenerative visions of sustainable
Financing the welfare state is a key well-being are based on the fact that human
societal challenge. Instead of focusing on well-being is completely dependent on the
costs, we should consider what long-term well-being of nature. They urge us to do
investments are needed to prevent problems away with the obsession with economic
and how to measure their effectiveness. growth and to focus on solving the ecologi-
Solutions to this can be found, for instance, cal sustainability crisis as a precondition for
in various forms of impact investing. Tech- prosperity. In addition to material standard
nology also has a role to play in preventing of living, attention must be paid to other
problems. Health-measuring devices and factors that generate well-being, such as
health data make healthy choices easy and inclusion, social relations and the scope to
also support structural change. act responsibly to promote the well-being of
Lifelong learning, or the continuous both people and nature.
development of competence, has been talked Transhumanism paints a very different
about for a long time, and its role will further picture of the future. This seeks to over-
increase. When thinking about the future of come current human limitations through
work, the focus should be on livelihoods and technology, for example by making ageing
the well-being of nature rather than the optional. For the individual, this could
number of jobs. How can people’s livelihoods involve lifestyle optimisation based on
be safeguarded as working life changes? collected data, the use of smart drugs or
What impacts will work have on the renewal biohacking. At its most extreme, human
of ecological and social capital? technological evolution is expected to solve
The future views of well-being emphasise all well-being problems. Nevertheless,
health, equality and happiness, but differ in transhumanism raises many ethical ques-
whether they are preservative or regenera- tions related to issues such as human
tive. Many current visions of society aim to genome editing and the inequalities
preserve the gains achieved. The welfare brought about by technological evolution.

More regenerative visions of

sustainable well-being are based on
the fact that human well-being is
completely dependent on the well-
being of nature.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3



We have a mental health crisis in Finland, ”The structures of
but solving it is not only the responsibility of
society are not some
mental health professionals. It’s important to
abstract thing out there
try to alleviate the symptoms, but the bigger
question is how to create a society where
that we can blame for
people are as symptom-free as possible. everything”
There is often a feeling in my field that
people should just admit that they are pow- in fact we live in a time of crisis after crisis.
erless to do anything about structural issues. Even the ideal person of our time is one who
But the structures of society are not some is able to control themselves, when it is
abstract thing out there that we can blame precisely this uncertainty that we cannot
for everything. manage by trying to control it. Research has
I believe that change can be achieved by shown that self-control is a useful skill in
questioning the prevailing truths. If we keep many areas of life. But could our capacity for
asking the same questions, we will never self-control turn against us? If it drives us
learn to see things differently. We need towards non-stop performance and effi-
someone to shake things up. ciency?
I think of my columns, books, podcasts Even for young people, we often say that
and social media accounts as social influenc- ordinary is good enough or just do your best.
ing. I want to believe that they have some Yet, all around us, at least between the lines,
significance not only to the individual but there is the message that you’re not enough,
also for my field and Finnish society as a you have to do even more.
whole. We might question how much one As long as we focus on making individu-
person can do, but when others get involved, als responsible for problems that are not just
there may be the chance to influence struc- the responsibility of the individual, we won’t
tures – for example, the idea of a good be unable to change the structures that
person in this day and age. undermine people’s well-being.”
We’ve been sold the idea that certainty is
a natural state of affairs in the world, when

Emilia Kujala is a psychotherapist, trainer, non-
fiction author and social media influencer.

Figure 6.
The demographic
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Demographic dependency ratio 1900–2070


dependency ratio:
the number of per- 80
sons aged 15 or
under and 65 or
over per 100 per- 60
sons of working-age;
actual data for
1900–2020 and pro- 40
jection until 2070.
Source: Official Sta-
tistics of Finland 20
(OSF): Population 10
projection 2021.











Under 15 years of age Age 65 and older

Figure 7. Newly commenced sickness allowance periods based on the three most
Newly commenced common main categories of illness
sickness allowance 140 000
periods based on
the three most com- 120 000
mon main categories
of illness. Source: 100 000
Kelan sairausvakuu-
tustilasto 2021. 80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000












Injuries and poisoning

Musculoskeletal disorders
Mental health and behavioural disorders

Figure 8.
More than half of
Has your world view changed over the past two years?
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Finns feel that their

worldview has
changed. Source: 13 40 39 6 2
Yle News Lab and
IROResearch (2022).

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Very much Quite a lot Not much
Not at all Don’t know
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


The population is ageing and the working-age population People are living longer and the population is ageing. In
is shrinking. This weakens the dependency ratio, increas- affluent societies, the birth rate is declining particularly
ing the numbers of children and older people relative to among less educated population groups, and young peo-
the working-age population, and challenging us to con- ple are in a minority. There need for services for an ageing
sider how to ensure the quality and availability of services population is growing. On the other hand, people’s func-
in society. The need for employment-based immigration is tional capacity may become a more age-defining factor in
growing. the future and more treatments for slowing down ageing
may become available.


In Finland, the population is concentrated in southern Migration from rural areas to cities will continue globally.
Finland and a few large growth centres. In more remote By 2050, nearly 70% of the world’s population will live in
regions the population is decreasing, and the portion of cities. Rapid population growth is challenging urban infra-
older people is growing. The gap between growth centres structure particularly in the megacities of Asia and
and low-migration municipalities is widening, although Africa, and population inequality is growing. Cities have
migration and multi-location that started during the great potential to develop sustainable solutions if suffi-
Covid-19 pandemic have mitigated the migration loss in cient investment is made in urban planning.
many municipalities and regions.


Human activity increases the probability of widespread
Global migrations are growing due to changes in liveli- epidemics and pandemics. The fragmentation of natural
hoods, urbanisation, wars and environmental changes. habitats reduces the living space for animals, leading to a
The heating of the climate is making some regions unin- higher risk of zoonotic diseases. The heating of the cli-
habitable. Immigration to Finland is also increasing, mak- mate exacerbates flooding and drought, increasing the
ing immigrant integration more important. incidence of infectious diseases. Mobility contributes to
the rapid spread of diseases. Future pandemics can be
prevented by protecting animal habitats and biodiversity.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


Mental health problems are on the rise, particularly CHANGING
among young people. Absenteeism and disability are Increasing antibiotic resistance and zoonotic diseases
increasingly caused by mental health disorders. Stress is challenge people to take a more holistic approach to
increased by various crises, information overload, the health. Human health is understood to be linked to the
competitive nature of society and the growing complexity well-being of nature and the environment. Preventive
of life. At the same time, deprivation is accumulating. measures, such as increasing biodiversity and reducing
Tackling these problems requires adequate resources, air and noise pollution, are being emphasised in addition
multidisciplinary co-operation and focusing not only on to disease treatment.
the individual but also on the structures of society.


The income-centred view of individual well-being is
expanding, and the importance of perceived well-being Our changing working life and society require lifelong
related to quality of life is growing alongside it. Well-be- learning and continuous skills development. The impor-
ing is not measured only in monetary terms, but also in tance of new learning, creativity, holistic thinking and
terms of other factors, such as sustainable lifestyles, meta-skills is increasing. Longer careers also create a
social relationships, experiences of meaningfulness and growing need for continuous learning. The structures and
the opportunity to work for the common good. practices for skills development are under growing pres-
sure to change.


The pandemic led many societies to go digital, as remote ARE INCREASING
and hybrid working became more common. The increase Digitalisation is changing work in affluent societies.
in remote working has also led to the development of Labour market mismatches are increasing due to the lack
employers’ practices for monitoring employee perfor- of available talent to match the jobs on offer, and job-
mance and productivity, raising questions about employ- seekers face difficulties finding jobs that match their
er-employee trust. The labour market is changing as skills. Many jobs are automated or outsourced to coun-
remote working enables new approaches to the organisa- tries with cheap labour.
tion and decentralisation of work, even globally.
The battle for
Societies are under duress as crises accumulate.
Democracies have been both weakened and
strengthened by crises. Whereas the global pandemic
concentrated power and limited the freedoms that
are important to democracies, Russia’s invasion
of Ukraine has galvanised civil society and alerted
people to the crisis of democracy. The polarisation of
debate, confusion and geopolitical power struggles
create the need to reform decision-making and
strengthen democracy, participation and citizen
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The push of the present: The struggle for resources is taking place
the crisis of democracy on multiple fronts, shaping interdependen-
is deepening cies between nations. How will global value
chains evolve when the rest of the world
Recent years have put the decision-making seeks to reduce its dependence on China?
and operational capacity of societies under Whose technology will be deployed? What
strain. The principles of open societies have will be the response to conflicts breaking out
been challenged. The Covid-19 pandemic in different parts of the world? To reduce
led Finland to declare a state of emergency vulnerability, efforts are being made to
for the first time since the 1970s’ oil crisis decrease interdependencies between coun-
and to extraordinary restrictions on the tries in many respects by increasing self-suf-
rights of individuals, organisations and ficiency, creating new partnerships or seek-
businesses. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ing alternative sources to raw materials and
destroyed any remaining hope of peaceful critical technologies.
co-existence with authoritarian Russia, The geopolitical power struggle is also a
leading to Finland and Sweden to submit battle between social systems. The number
their applications for NATO membership at of people living under authoritarian regimes
short notice. The importance of social media has grown significantly in recent years, and
and digital platforms in shaping public more countries are moving towards authori-
opinion has opened up new opportunities tarianism than towards democracy. Of
for information influence. And in the midst course, democracy has not been the only
of all of this, we need to move forward at option in the past, but it is now being chal-
pace with ecological reconstruction. lenged with open hostility. Even in many
An orderly and harmonious transition well-established democracies, democratic
towards a fairer and more sustainable world ideals and principles are being questioned
looks increasingly unlikely. Geopolitical and authoritarian practices are being applied
power struggles have come back with a in both Europe and the United States.
vengeance. Russia aims to assert its power in The key question is: how do democracies
a situation where its key resources, fossil raw cope with crises compared to authoritarian
materials, are declining in importance. societies? Authoritarian regimes have the
China has consolidated its position as an advantage of straightforward decision-mak-
economic, technological, military and ing, but the strengths of democracies include
cultural superpower not only in Asia but also the ability to vent frustrations, change
in many African countries and even in political leaders, decentralise and, through
Europe. China is openly striving to become plurality, gain a better picture of what is
the world’s leading superpower, which is actually happening. In authoritarian systems,
creating tension between US and China the picture is distorted for many reasons,
reminiscent of the Cold War of the mid-to- such as when the authorities skew statistics,
late 20th century. or people may be afraid to express their
The ecological sustainability crisis is opinions. Democracies appear to be more
intensifying the struggle for raw materials effective than authoritarian regimes in
and resources. At the same time, it is con- certain respects, such as climate change
straining the essential preconditions for mitigation and creating wealth equally. In
decision-making, leading to resistance for authoritarian countries, wealth is tradition-
fear of losing the right to self-determination. ally concentrated in the hands of a smaller
This in turn further slows down the response group of people, and many authoritarian
to the current crises and the reform of countries have not been good at commercial-
society to make it more crisis-resilient. ising technological innovation.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

When it comes to how societies handle the hostile tone of debate drives people away
pandemics, the decisive factor is not so from political involvement.
much the form of social system as trust in The pursuit of self-interest is also high-
decision-makers. Indeed, the erosion of trust lighted in the relations between nations. For
is the biggest problem for both democratic example, vaccines have been hoarded by rich
and authoritarian societies, although democ- countries during the Covid-19 pandemic,
racies have more diverse means of building even though maximising the global vaccina-
trust. Trust in decision-makers, institutions tion coverage would be the best way to
and other people has fallen to a dangerously prevent the emergence of new variants of the
low level in many societies, with misinfor- virus. Immigration, energy prices, the
mation and disinformation seen as fuelling availability of critical resources and many
distrust. other issues are creating tensions between
The transformation of the media and countries. Nationalistic overtones are
information environment, together with new increasingly prevalent in public debate. At
communication platforms, has weakened the the same time, the problems that need to be
foundations of democracy globally. Targeted solved – such as the ecological sustainability
advertising on social media platforms has crisis and pandemics – are global and inter-
opened new avenues for electoral manipula- dependent issues that no country can solve
tion. Platform algorithms are weighted to alone.
sniping, confrontation and outrage, which Global collaboration is challenged by the
contributes to the development of a culture destabilisation of the rules-based world
of misunderstandings and polarised debate. order and the institutions that underpin it.
In addition to social media algorithms, The system built after the Second World War
other AI-driven systems – and new technol- faces problems as the balance of power shifts.
ogies more generally – can be used to erode China’s growing global power is actively
the foundations of democracy and civic challenging whose rules govern global
participation. Sophisticated surveillance governance. At the same time, the EU’s
systems based on facial recognition, data problems are partly due to the fact that that
collection and data mining, and citizen the institutions created to satisfy the needs of
scoring systems, enable governments to the single market are not particularly effec-
monitor and control people. tive for steering a political union. The EU
has shown itself capable of putting up a
united front in the face of external threats,
The weight of the past: but its internal tensions have not disap-
a lack of societal peared.
imagination In a sense, the pursuit of self-interest is
understandable in a situation where the
Democracy needs to be reinforced and future appears uncertain, even frightening.
reformed. Reform is challenged by short-ter- In such circumstances, holding on to the
mism and self-interest. Building a fairer and current advantages and bolstering one’s
more sustainable society in the longer term position of power may seem logical. Indeed,
is largely overshadowed by managing current the lack of societal imagination is one of the
crises, even though they could go hand in key challenges to the reform of democracy.
hand. Vote fishing shortens the horizon to Societal visions focus on preservation or
the span of electoral terms and self-interest is countering threats. Such reactivity is prob-
pursued narrowly, ignoring the bigger lematic in a situation where there is a need
picture. Disputes become entrenched and for major reforms to the structures of society.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Imagination and new openings could be new opportunities for participation in

found by broadening participation. Finns decision-making structures, democracy itself
would like to be more involved in deci- can be strengthened at the same time.
sion-making if it were easier than it is at The crisis of societal imagination can be
present. But decision-makers do not trust addressed by expanding our power over the
the public’s ability to participate in the future: by increasing democratic participa-
debate and decision-making on societal tion and the diversity of perspectives of the
issues. There are also differences of opinions future. New forms of involvement – such as
on the manner of participation: members of participatory budgeting, citizens’ panels and
the public would like to participate through the use of digital platforms – can play a key
easy digital platforms, whereas deci- role in this respect if participation is success-
sion-makers would prefer face-to-face fully linked to decision-making, starting
meetings. with legislative drafting processes and
agenda setting. Imagining and discussing
alternative futures also calls for the strength-
The pull of the future: ening of future-oriented thinking and a
strong trust and strong knowledge base. People in Finland
participation have a solid understanding of the themes of
technology, sustainability and the economy,
Despite all the talk of crisis and the weight of which is important for upholding democ-
the past, democracy remains the best way to racy.
build a society based on trust. Authoritarian- In addition to broadening our vision of
ism challenges democracy and is based on the future, there is a need to respond to the
control and an underlying distrust of every- changes that have already taken place and to
one and everything. Indeed, democracies prevent their impact. This means, for exam-
may now increasingly see the awfulness and ple, tackling hate speech, emphasising the
downsides of authoritarianism, which in responsibility of social media companies,
turn reinforces the desire to develop and and highlighting the importance of critical
strengthen democracy and trust. technology literacy, meaning understanding
Strengthening and reforming democracy the changed media and information environ-
is possible and is being done through a ment. A fair rules-based or treaty-based
number of initiatives. The key is to world order that respects human dignity will
strengthen trust, not only in institutions and concretise and strengthen global co-opera-
decision-making structures but also between tion and solidarity – the challenges of our
people. This calls for constructive social time are common to the entire planet.
debate, overcoming one’s own bubbles and Could the crisis of democracy spark new
understanding multiple perspectives. Along- opportunities for the future? For example,
side institutional trust, public confidence in what if the technological solutions that have
their own empowerment must also be thus far been harnessed for advertising were
strengthened. The development of demo- instead harnessed with equal precision for
cratic innovations is aimed precisely at these identifying societal needs and concerns, and
objectives, at strengthening the capacity of inspiring enthusiasm about ways to exercise
institutions to function, empowering people influence? Would the information influence
and rethinking the role of citizens. The used by authoritarian regimes finally prompt
resolution of multiple concurrent crises us to think about what a democratic infor-
creates a wealth of meaningful decisions to mation and media environment should look
be made and contributes to motivating like? The more various digital systems
participation. If we seize this chance to create become systems that influence the realisa-
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

tion of democracy, the more important it is only the strongest survive. This view of the
that their development is driven by widely future envisages entrenchment and self-in-
shared values and civic debate. terest. It may even make sense to promote
What if pandemics, geopolitical power transformation and crises, provided that the
struggles and the ecological sustainability entrenched society believes it can survive or
crisis strengthen the power of the UN, the thrive inside its fortress while the world
WHO and similar global institutions, or around it burns.
potentially lead to the emergence of a new At present, there is no shortage of threat
global democratic institution that could scenarios such as World War Three or a
enable humanity to address global chal- nuclear war that destroys a large proportion
lenges together? In a more technolo- of humankind. Instead of dwelling on
gy-driven vision of the future, this type of imagined threats, we need to consider the
world governance is based on a decentral- interests behind such images. While it is
ised decision-making system built on important to prepare for various possible
blockchains. futures and prevent the escalation of con-
A very different image of the future is flicts, threat scenarios are often used to
represented by the idea of an inevitable and further an agenda, such as the entrenchment
historic transformation of our world where mentioned above.

The key is to strengthen trust, not only

in institutions and decision-making
structures but also between people.


S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

When I was 16, I went to the United States as ”When I talk to people
an exchange student. That was in 2016–2017, my age, the world
around the time of the presidential elections. and the future appear
Having grown up in a stable and safe country beautiful”
like Finland, it was a bit of a shock to see
how big and imperfect the world out there is.
Before that, I hadn’t really figured out that bubble at this age feels too limiting. Still,
what is important to me. In the US, I saw I do have a lot of friends across party lines
how the opportunity to get an education who have entered politics, and I believe in
often depends on money, and gender equal- their visions and what they want to do to
ity in executive positions is still taboo. reshape old party structures. I’m really
It was then that I started to form a proud of them. I want to make a difference,
picture of the kind of world I want to live in but through other channels.
and work for. I want to live in a world where I don’t understand why my generation is
access to education does not depend on dissed because we’re interested in human
gender or income. rights, climate issues and equality. I have a
I still think every day about my role as an lot of faith in my generation. When I talk to
influencer in the future. I don’t want to people my age, the world and the future
decide yet whether my future lies in an NGO appear beautiful.
or in journalism, for example. On the other I think it’s kind of funny that now, when
hand, since I was little I have wanted to be a minorities are being listened to for the first
diplomat. I’m very interested in international time in human history, it makes some people
cooperation, and while the UN is an old feel very agitated. They’ve never had to think
institution with old ways of doing things, it about things from anyone else’s perspective.
has been really good at involving young Of course, you can’t ever put yourself in
people, at least when it comes to education. another person’s shoes 100 per cent, but you
Despite its problems, the UN is our best can listen to that other person as if they were
hope for solving global challenges. someone you love and want to understand.
Right now, I want to focus on influencing And not from the perspective of how this
issues that are important to me in whatever person, who has different feelings than me,
way feels right at the time – for example, by is threatening me.”
I respect those who decide to get
involved in politics but, for me, choosing one
political party and putting yourself inside

Adina Nivukoski is a 22-year-old student, columnist and
the former Chair of the Union of Upper Secondary School
Students in Finland.

Figure 9:
The number of peo-
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The proportion of the world’s population living under autocratic regimes

ple living in autocra-

cies has grown.
Source: Democracy
report 2022.
49% 70%
2011 2021

Figure 10: The five most significant risks over the next two years
There is a large dis-
parity between the
views of Finland’s • Failure of climate action • Prolonged period of slow
• Extreme weather events economic growth
risks and global
• Biodiversity loss • Debt crisis of large economies
risks. Source: WEF
• Eroding sense of solidarity • Failure of climate action
• Income-related crises • The bursting of the wealth bubble
in large economies
• Infectious diseases

Figure 11: To what extent can political decision-makers be generally trusted?

People do not trust Members of the public
and decision-makers
do not trust the 1 13 31 32 23
people. Source:
Jämsén et al. (2022).

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
5 Can trust fully 4 3 2 1 Can’t be too cautious

In general, members of the public have sufficient capacity to participate in

discussions on complex decisions
Public officials and elected representatives

3 15 39 36 6

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

5 Agree completely 4 3 2 1 Disagree completely

S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


ATMOSPHERE The divisions between countries worldwide are becoming
Misinformation and hybrid operations are increasing due sharper and the differences and tensions between differ-
to actions taken by provocateurs inside countries as well ent social systems of society are becoming more pro-
as by international operators. Efforts to influence opin- nounced. The rules-based world order is teetering,
ions are increasingly geared towards causing confusion spheres of influence are returning to the foreign policy
and discord. Polarised debate, defamation and hate debate, and power struggles over resources such as criti-
speech make many people withdraw from exercising an cal metals are emerging. The pursuit of self-interest is
influence on society. There is a need for responsible increasing in politics. The tense situation increases uncer-
communication, information literacy and channels for tainty in international relations, in the markets and in
constructive social debate. people’s minds. The need for diplomacy and conflict pre-
vention is growing in importance.

The political debate in the media is becoming focused on
personalities, and social media amplifies the personalisa- Uncertainty about the future and the perception of an
tion of power. Individual politicians may become more increasingly complex world make many people long for
prominent than the parties they represent. While person- simple solutions. The energy transition, the impacts of
alisation makes decision-makers more approachable, it the pandemic and the need for ecological reconstruction
can blur the differences between political parties and the intensify this mood. Right-wing populist parties appeal to
structural problems of the political system. It may also voters by defending conservative values and national
turn politics into entertainment, leading to important interests in the midst of crises. Populist parties are seiz-
issues taking a back seat. Participating in politics increas- ing power in many countries.
ingly requires politicians to manage and exploit publicity.


Internationally, people’s trust in political decision-makers
has declined and more and more people have reserva-
tions about the information published by mainstream
media. In Finland, trust is relatively high and the recent
crises have strengthened trust in decision-makers. Still,
there are significant differences in trust between regions
and population groups. High-quality information provided
by social institutions is seen as an important factor in
building trust.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


SUPREMACY IS INTENSIFYING Commitment to NGOs is decreasing and fewer people
want to influence society through traditional political
Human activity in space has increased and the competi-
parties. People – especially young people – are looking
tion for space is growing. The diversity of those involved
for quick and direct engagement. Digitalisation and the
and the lack of common rules increase the risk of the
platforms and networks it enables have revolutionised
militarisation of space. This fierce competition is also
the way we produce, distribute and use information.
leading to a growing amount of space debris that can
Microactivism is becoming increasingly common, and
pose challenges to satellite operations.
more and more people are using social media for civic
engagement. New initiatives are emerging and spreading


DECLINE The importance of religions is growing globally and the
Democracy continues to decline globally and authoritari- role of religion in political decision-making has strength-
anism is on the rise. Some 70% of the world’s population ened. Examples of this include the restriction of abortion
now live in countries categorised as non-democratic. At rights on religious grounds and the success of political
the same time, there is a growing awareness of the need parties with religious affiliations in elections in different
to actively defend democracy. Developing democracy countries. Religion has also been used as a tool of politics
calls for determined action to enhance engagement and and influence in Finnish society, for instance, in connec-
reform decision-making practices and structures. tion with the reform of the Marriage Act. Alongside tradi-
tional religions, new ideologies such as posthumanism
and dataism are emerging.
Competition for
digital power
gears up
Technology is developing rapidly, and new
technologies are being introduced in new areas of life.
Increasingly more data is being collected and used to
provide new customised services to individuals and
organisations. At the same time, there are disputes
over digital power, who collects and uses data, the
ground rules of the digital world, the resources
required by technology and, more generally, the
direction of technological development.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The push of the present: Amidst the maelstrom of change, the

technology and data are ground rules of the digital world have not
becoming embedded in been carefully thought through in advance.
daily life Of course, doing so would have been diffi-
cult to do so, as it would have been impossi-
Technological developments are a major ble to imagine all the implications. But we
driver of future trends, and one that is rarely are now in a situation where a significant
questioned. Technology is perceived as part of our daily activities take place in an
developing quickly, but there is less attention environment whose rules are effectively
on who determines its direction. What new decided by a handful of multinational tech-
technologies will be introduced and on what nology companies. They also have a strong
conditions? Where do future visions of the desire to take interactions further into virtual
use of technology come from? environments, into metaverse environments.
Digitalisation has been the most crucial The current data-driven economy is unfair
technological development in recent times, because the power over the data of individu-
cutting across practically all sectors. The way als is concentrated among a few data giants.
we write, listen to music, watch films, use The distorted competitive landscape and the
banking services, socialise and work has lack of rules governing the data economy
already changed, and digital services have harms both people and societies.
become more common in areas such as In terms of technology, the big break-
healthcare, mobility and learning. The use of through may be the weakening of the posi-
remote access grew substantially during the tion of traditional gatekeepers. As we
Covid-19 pandemic. approach the next stage of internet applica-
The digitalisation of text, images, music tions, known as Web 3.0, decentralised
and video has created digital data that can be solutions based on blockchain technology
reproduced endlessly. At the same time a could challenge the power of the current
modern data economy has emerged. Data technology giants and financial industry
has become one of the most important operators. At the same time, the traditional
economic commodities of our time. We are digital powerhouses are trying to hold on to
in the midst of a historic transformation of their position by developing new products to
technology and the economy, with digitalisa- stave off their challenges. Similar competi-
tion and the data economy enabling a surge tion between traditional gatekeepers and
in prosperity and labour productivity. new challengers can also be seen elsewhere.
As we have increasingly moved to digital Renewable energy production and smart
environments, “intelligence” – the collection grids may decentralise energy production.
and use of data – has crept into urban envi- Traditionally high-investment biotechnology
ronments, industry, homes and even on our has become so significantly cheaper that
bodies. Data is being amassed on traffic gene editing can now be done by amateurs.
flows, air quality, energy consumption, the This change is particularly evident in
condition of appliances and even on our how we work and create new skills needs.
private activities: when are we at home, and Technological development enables more
what we say to our smart speakers. Artificial decentralised activities, with an emphasis
intelligence is no longer just a prospect but is on building and orchestrating ecosystems.
already being used to turn all this data into As more and more data accumulate, there is
usable information for such things as traffic a growing need to be able to process it more
optimisation, maintenance schedules and efficiently and use it in acceptable and
search recommendations. responsible ways. As technology presents
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

opportunities ranging from facial recogni- small part of a bigger picture where all
tion to reshaping the environment, it everyday digital services consume large
becomes increasingly important to consider quantities of energy. Devices and digital
the terms on which technology is deployed. infrastructure also require large amounts of
In particular, we need to consider how new metals and other materials. At the same
technology fits within the limits of the time, a large volume of electronic waste is
carrying capacity of nature and actually being generated and its recycling remains
improves the state of nature in line with the inadequate. Technological development and
goals of the digital and green twin transi- deployment cannot rely on a “more is more”
tion. mindset, but must aim to use fewer resources
The issue of the direction of technologi- and less energy.
cal development is really a question of power In addition to the availability of raw
over the future: who determines the vision of materials, availability issues, intellectual
the future, whose interests are served and property rights and data rights related to
who is represented in it? The risk is that devices and components – such as semicon-
views of the future are defined on the basis ductors – have become increasingly impor-
of values and interests that we do not share, tant geopolitical issues. At present, the
or which are at odd with European values. playing field is largely dominated by US and
And yet there is a risk of failing to seize the Chinese companies. This dependence on
opportunities presented by technological technology and the resulting vulnerability
developments. As long as it is utilised cor- brings challenges to strategic autonomy,
rectly, technology can provide solutions in which refers to operating successfully in a
areas such as well-being, resource monitor- landscape of heightened geopolitical ten-
ing and sustainable production. sions.
The data economy has grown rapidly and
its regulation has been fragmented, ambigu-
The weight of the past: ous and woefully behind the times. However,
lack of resources and the EU is tightening its data economy legisla-
skills tion. There is growing concern in Europe
about our ability to innovate and develop
As mentioned above, decentralisation rules for the data economy based on Euro-
requires particular skills. Skills are not pean values. New legislation and rules
needed for new technologies only and their related to digital services are now being
use, but also for understanding their social drafted with increasing urgency in Europe.
implications and ethical issues. To address These are aimed at ensuring that European
this broader range of competencies, it is consumers have access to safe digital prod-
necessary to consider digital Bildung rather ucts and services and that there is greater
than digital skills in a narrower sense. Inter- transparency and control concerning the
disciplinarity and continuous competence data collected about them. By reforming its
development are becoming increasingly data regulations in the internal market, the
important. EU seeks to influence the rules of data
The resources and energy use required governance and the digital environment
by new technology are also an issue. For internationally. In practice, non-European
example, proof-of-work blockchains, such as companies and organisations will have to
the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, consume comply with EU regulations if they wish to
vast amounts of energy, and the energy operate in the EU’s internal market. At the
consumption caused by their mining has same time, competing sets of rules are being
increased rapidly. But they are still only a drafted in the US and China.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The pull of the future: new form of organisation known as a DAO,

a decentralised and fair or decentralised autonomous organisation, is
digital world created. DAOs can be considered as the
co-operatives of the digital era. Instead of
Technological development is taking place ownership and control of digital services
on multiple fronts beyond digital solutions. being in the hands of a few, they can be
Nevertheless, the collection and use of data decentralised between all of the users. DAOs
usually plays an important role. In synthetic can be seen as the next step in the develop-
biology, for example, the aim is to pro- ment of online communities. The current
gramme organisms to produce medicines, internet enables loose communities, to
fuel or new materials. Indeed, many trend which DAOs introduce a model of decentral-
reports highlight data and digitalisation, ised decision-making, the scope to manage
artificial intelligence, blockchains and quan- resources and a more specifically defined
tum computing. purpose.
So what might the next digital transfor- Decentralisation requires common
mation look like? It can be summed up in interfaces, involving agreement on how data
three changes: the erosion of gatekeeper can be transferred between different services.
power, the proliferation of open interfaces In the decentralised digital world, data flows
and the balancing of power arrangements. seamlessly from one service to another,
Web 3.0, the decentralised internet, chal- ensuring that the user is not locked into a
lenges the power of the technology giants. Its single service provider. There are already
core technology is the blockchain, a decen- blockchain-based solutions to verify identity
tralised digital ledger. Instead of being and ownership. Non-fungible tokens, or
controlled by a single operator, the ledger is NFTs, are digital proof of ownership. Some
validated by the users of the blockchain of the first uses of NFTs include digital art,
collectively through consensus mechanisms. collectibles, music, videos and concert
Verification is moving from energy-in- tickets.
tensive proof-of-work to proof-of-stake, A decentralised digital world is not
where the energy consumption of the block- automatically fair and problem-free. At
chain is comparable to normal web brows- present, the technically proficient minority is
ing. Blockchain development should also be determining how it will be shaped. The
viewed from a global perspective: for exam- transition to a fairer digital world requires
ple, almost two billion people in the world challenging existing power structures.
have no access to banking or financial Individual users currently have practically
services. Blockchains can provide more no way of negotiating the terms of use of a
people with the opportunity to access these service. Forming data collectives comprised
services. However, like other technology, of users is one way of addressing the negotia-
blockchains can also be used for criminal tion disparity between users and service
activities, and cryptocurrencies are already providers.
being used for monetary transactions by Stricter legislation is another way to
organised crime. create a fairer market, something the EU is
It is possible to build smart contracts on actively working on. In its strategies, the EU
top of blockchains. These self-supervising emphasises the digital transition in parallel
contracts eliminate the need for a third party to the green transition and has actively
to build trust. When smart contracts are promoted the individual’s right to control
used to embed the rules of a community, a their own data. In the EU’s vision, digital
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

solutions are also key to achieving carbon technological growth to solve all of our
neutrality, reducing pollution and increasing current problems and bring unlimited
biodiversity. prosperity to all.
There are also very different views of the The growing amount of data has also
future. More technology-driven visions led to the emergence of dataism, which
highlight the accelerating development of represents another perspective on the future
artificial intelligence and other technologies, of humanity. Coined by David Brooks in
to the point of technological singularity. This 2013, the meaning of the term has since
is where development is so rapid and uncon- expanded from highlighting the signifi-
trollable that humans can no longer keep up cance of data analysis to describing societies
with it and societies will be radically trans- as data processing systems. The more
formed. This vision usually involves the idea effectively a society can process the mass of
of an omnipotent artificial intelligence that data it constantly generates, the better it is
far surpasses human intelligence. The expo- expected to perform. In this context, data
nential growth of technology is also invoked must be allowed to flow as efficiently and
in more human-driven views of the future. freely as possible, even if it means the end
Utopias of a world of abundance rely on of privacy.

The transition to a fairer digital world

requires challenging existing power

S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in
”The next industrial
1999, when I was 23 years old. For a long revolution will be a
time, I was frustrated by how 1980s all the revolution of data and
software used in diabetes treatment felt. artificial intelligence”
Getting a continuous glucose monitor
had a big effect on my treatment, but I also
wanted to understand why my blood sugar in my well-being services county, and I’m
fluctuated the way it did. I started making also an active participant in diabetes organi-
visualisations based on data obtained from a sations and the MyData movement.
smartwatch and a phone, which gave me a We are on the brink of a revolution, and
better understanding of the data. I did that this next industrial revolution will be a
just for myself for a couple of years. Then, revolution of data and artificial intelligence.
during the start-up boom of the early 2010s, Ideally, improved efficiency will free all of us
I realised that the tool I had developed could to engage in more creative and meaningful
benefit others too. As it turned out, getting pursuits, and focusing on intangible services
an application into use in public healthcare will help solve the climate crisis. Still, there is
wasn’t so easy. a big risk that the revolution will have only a
There is way too much polarisation small number of winners and many losers.
between the public sector and the private The US and China are currently the
sector in Finland. When the public sector major players in the data economy. Europe is
tries to build everything itself, there is hardly trying to forge its own path by focusing on
any role left for businesses. It also seems to the rights of the individual. The key is to
me that the Nordic welfare states try to be find the right balance between responsibili-
overly protective of people. They seem to be ties and freedoms. Regulation is needed for
afraid that people will use their personal preventing blatant abuses and guiding all
health data stupidly. parties in a common European direction.
I wish they’d have more courage and But it’s important to enable innovation and
more faith in people in this. In diabetes provide incentives for businesses and indi-
treatment, there are many great examples of viduals to share their data and use it in
dramatic improvements in treatment out- beneficial ways. There’s still room for
comes when patients are given access to their improvement when it comes to creating
personal health data through programming those incentives.”
interfaces and applications.
I’ve always been an engineer at heart. If
something’s broken, let’s fix it. When I went
into business and realised there were these
challenges in society, I wanted to fix them
too. That’s why I’m now involved in politics

Mikael Rinnetmäki is a health tech start-up entrepreneur
with Sensotrend and a MyData activist.

Figure 12.
We are creating
One minute on the internet
5.9 500 66
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

347 1700 231

increasingly more 204
data for different
services. Source:
Domo (2022).
Million Google Hours of video Thousand Thousand Thousand items Million e-mails
searches uploaded on photos shared tweets of content sent
YouTube on Instagram shared on

2013 2022

Figure 13. Change 2015–2021

Improvements in
energy efficiency 60% 440%
have curbed the 3 bn  4.9 bn 0,6 ZB  3.4 ZB
growth of the inter- Internet users Internet traffic
net’s energy use as
data volumes have
grown. Source: IEA 10-60% 20-60% 2300-3300%
4 TWh  100-140 TWh
2022. 200 TWh  220-320 TWh 220 TWh  260-340 TWh
Data centre energy use Data transmission Crypto mining energy use
network energy use

Figure 14. Levelised cost of electricity

The production USD/kWh
price of renewable
energy has fallen 0,40
below that of fossil
fuels. Source:
IRENA (2021). 0,30



0,15 Price range of fossil energy



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Offshore wind power Onshore wind power Solar power
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


Technology is developing rapidly, changing production Self-driving cars, talking to devices, customised recom-
methods and operating models. Things are increasingly mendations and other AI applications are becoming more
automated, production and operations are decentralised usual. More and more decision-making power is assigned
and interaction takes place remotely or in a virtual envi- to algorithms, raising questions about data collection,
ronment. transparency and accountability. It is also important to
understand the biases in the data used by AI.


The data economy is growing exponentially. Web 3.0 –
blockchains, the metaverse, data growth, open interfaces
and decentralised services – are changing the way we Wearable devices to monitor health have become
operate in information networks. There are high expecta- increasingly common and continue to evolve. Wellness
tions for the future of the data economy and the poten- guidance and services that are customised according to
tial for growth is massive. But the direction of develop- each user’s individual measurement data are increasing,
ment remains unclear: will the power of the digital giants and access to data enables preventive healthcare. New
continue to grow, or will we be able to create ground treatments are also being developed based on genome
rules for the data economy that are fair with regard to editing and modifying the microbiome, for example.
nature, society and individuals?


Geopolitical tensions and climate targets are accelerat-
Synthetic biology refers to man-made biological systems,
ing the energy transition and the shift to renewable
cells, cell components or organisms not found in nature.
energy sources. Solar and wind power are becoming more
It involves designing genetic codes by computer, chemi-
widely used and battery technology related to the stor-
cally modifying them into equivalent DNA, and introduc-
age of solar and wind electricity is developing quickly.
ing them into a cell. Applications include vaccine devel-
There are high expectations for the hydrogen economy.
opment, sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide, pro-
At the same time, energy production will become increas-
ducing synthetic fuels, new materials, breeding plants to
ingly decentralised as more and more people produce
withstand extreme weather events and storing data.
energy and sell what they have left over.

The significance of technology skills will increase in both
professional and non-professional contexts. In addition
to technical capabilities, there is a growing need for
understanding technology. Digital Bildung helps people
judge online content, recognise misinformation, under-
stand algorithms and how the data economy functions,
and look after their security, rights and obligations in an
increasingly digital society.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The rapid development of technology creates disparate
technological realities. Different age and population groups Blockchains, or decentralised digital ledgers, eliminate
use technology differently. As society’s services and activi- the need for trusted third parties, such as banks, and cre-
ties move online, there is a risk that people’s agency in soci- ate the foundation for decentralised digital services that
ety will become more segregated. Making use of technology operate independently of government and local regula-
requires new skills and devices that not everyone can tion. They can be used as platforms for financial services,
afford. Service development should include careful consid- identity verification and proof of ownership. They also
eration of accessibility and ensuring that development enable decentralised autonomous organisations, DAOs,
takes place in terms of people, not technology. which can be seen as the co-operatives of the digital era.


Data is increasingly collected in different environments: 3D PRINTING IS TRANSFORMING
in cities, in industry, in homes, and from people through PRODUCTION
smart devices. Digital twins created on the basis of col-
Industrial 3D printing is growing, while the use of renewa-
lected data, such as simulations of industrial equipment,
ble and recyclable raw materials in 3D printing continues
are becoming more usual and facilitate the provision of
to increase. Various components and spare parts can be
maintenance services and production efficiency. As the
easily produced locally, which reduces transport and
amount of data increases, the importance of interpreta-
storage costs and climate emissions. The opportunities
tion and the acceptability of data collection increases:
presented by 3D printing are increasingly being used in
what information does the data actually tell us and how
new fields, such as medicine.
can it be used responsibly? Who owns the data, and who
has access to it?


People are in constant interaction with the digital envi- INCREASINGLY VULNERABLE
ronment, as virtual content can be combined with As societies become more technological, they become
non-digital environments in various ways. Content previ- more vulnerable to power and data network blackouts.
ously viewed on the screen of a computer or smartphone Cyber attacks can also paralyse companies or entire soci-
is integrated into the sensory experience when devices eties. Ensuring a high level of cyber security is now linked
such as wearable lenses add a layer of augmented reality security of supply, to ensuring society’s capacity to func-
on top of the real world. If the user experience is highly tion under crisis conditions.
personalised, very different experiences of reality can


Advances in quantum computing are enabling complex
computational problems to be solved much more effi-
ciently than with today’s computers. They can be used in
areas such as pharmaceutical development and the engi-
neering of novel materials. Quantum computers can also
be used to quickly break many of the encryption methods
currently used on the internet.
foundations are
The growth of global inequalities and the ecological
sustainability crisis create the need to reform the
economy. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of
an ever smaller group of people, while increasing
extreme weather events and the collapse of the
ecosystem services are eroding the operating
capacity of the economy. Responsibility is being
emphasised in all activities.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

The push of the present: Humanity has prospered at the expense

the conditions for of the environment. Of course, greater
prosperity are prosperity has increased well-being. For
crumbling example, the proportion of people living in
extreme poverty has been falling for a long
The media debate on the future of the econ- time. In 2020, however, that trend was
omy in Finland is narrow, short-sighted and reversed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
characterised by a focus on crises. Attention Globally, wealth has become concentrated in
concentrates on economic indicators that the hands of fewer and fewer people, and
often disregard the linkages between the during the pandemic the richest have
economy and other ongoing changes. Glob- become richer at an even faster rate.
ally, many have realised that the economic The ecological sustainability crisis is
system in its current form is not sustainable increasingly affecting the economy. For
for people and nature. In the G20, three in example, flood and storm devastation, the
four people on average would like to see harm to health caused by heatwaves and
economic goals reformed to make them less drought, and the diminishing ecosystem
economically oriented and more geared services are already imposing significant
towards sustainable well-being. As described costs. Increasing importance is being
in Sitra’s 2020 megatrend report, the econ- assigned to the solutions to the ecological
omy is seeking direction. sustainability crisis, such as the circular
The links between the economy and economy and energy efficiency, and adapta-
other changes have become very apparent in tion to the changes already taking place.
recent years. The Covid-19 pandemic had a Corporate responsibility has become
dramatic impact on many industries and increasingly important in recent years.
global production chains. It also led to large Corporate responsibility requirements in
amounts of stimulus funding that was also relation to human rights and the impacts of
aimed at driving the green transition. Rus- business operations on nature have
sia’s invasion of Ukraine increased uncer- increased. At the same time, the concept of
tainty particularly in the energy markets and responsibility has been expanded from
reduced the supply of energy, leading to managing the footprint to leaving a hand-
significant increases in prices. Combined print or shifting from harm reduction to
with higher production costs, these factors having a positive impact. The growing focus
have accelerated inflation, which has obvious on transgenerationality extends the time
financial impacts on both businesses and horizon for evaluating responsibility in both
consumers. the business sector and the public adminis-
Government debt in Finland has tration. The expansion of responsibility
increased over the past 10 years. The Covid- reflects a broader need to rethink the role of
19 pandemic and stimulus measures the economy and what the economy actually
increased government borrowing in many stands for.
countries. Borrowing is influenced particu-
larly by higher costs in areas such as health-
care. In addition to keeping an eye on finan- The weight of the past:
cial debt, it is important to also pay attention a lack of vision
to indicators such as climate debt, meaning
how far we are behind the targets for reduc- Economic reform is inhibited particularly by
ing climate emissions and, more broadly, old ways of thinking and power structures.
ecological debt. The economic debate is past-oriented,
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

focused on crises and tends to measure economic growth has not occurred except in
economic development using conventional some limited cases. Absolute decoupling has
indicators. It is mainly economists, business so far not been accomplished quickly and
and labour market and leading politicians. In extensively enough to achieve climate goals,
other words, there is little room for new ways for example. Decoupling is therefore not a
of thinking and challenging power struc- perfect solution, and the key goal with
tures. respect to the state of nature – and, conse-
There is also considerable support for the quently, the future of the economy – is to cut
current system and the gains made, even if consumption.
there is also a drive for reform. For example,
government budgets have featured more
environmentally damaging appropriations The pull of the future:
and tax subsidies than carbon-neutral ones. restorative and regen-
Furthermore, a larger share of energy-related erative economy
Covid-19 stimulus payments has been
allocated to the fossil economy both in It is not enough simply to reduce harm: we
Finland and globally. The economy is so need to repair the damage that has already
interconnected that rapid changes in taxa- been caused and change our behaviour in a
tion or subsidy policies, for example, seem restorative direction, which means maintain-
almost impossible. ing and developing the building blocks of the
The economy is also dependent on global future, such as our ecological and social capi-
value chains. The prolonged trend of globali- tal. With this in mind, the focus has begun to
sation with a focus on efficiency and world shift from the footprint – the damage done
trade has led to a highly interdependent – to the handprint, the positive impacts of
world, where disruptions in one key location activities on the environment or well-being.
– such as the Suez Canal – result in global This paradigm shift may be the most signifi-
supply chain problems. The pandemic and cant change in the economy in the coming
increased geopolitical tensions may usher in years.
a new stage of globalisation where more Action has also been taken. The EU
emphasis is placed on the security of supply, Green Deal, for example, includes compre-
local economies and resilience – the capacity hensive plans to reform the economy to fit it
to operate in changing circumstances, deal within the boundaries of our one planet. The
with disruptions and crises and even emerge primary long-term goal of the EU’s Environ-
stronger thereafter. ment Action Programme is that “by 2050 at
At the heart of the current economic the latest, people live well, within the plane-
debate lies the assumption of perpetual tary boundaries in a well-being economy
economic growth. Economic growth is where nothing is wasted, growth is regenera-
viewed as a condition for securing prosper- tive, climate neutrality in the Union has been
ity. As infinite material growth on a finite achieved and inequalities have been signifi-
planet is impossible, there is more talk about cantly reduced”.
decoupling, or reducing the consumption of Such changes need to be monitored, but
materials and focusing on immaterial and existing indicators do not give a comprehen-
sustainable growth. Relative decoupling in sive view of progress in these respects. The
the form of efficiency gains have been seen, conventional economic indicators need to be
but absolute decoupling in the sense of complemented by ecosystem accounting,
reducing the consumption of materials or which takes account of the benefits created
decoupling material consumption from by nature’s ecosystem services and the
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

adverse impacts on nature caused by human isolation. Environmental measures must be

activity. This is being introduced in the EU, able to be implemented fairly, while simulta-
for example. neously reducing social inequality. A restora-
The green transition requires invest- tive economy involves the regeneration of
ments that will drive economic growth and not only ecological capital but also social
job creation in the long term. The cost of not capital through a focus on areas such as
investing will be higher if it is not done. skills, Bildung, shared values and norms,
When long-term impacts on the environ- social networks, viable communities and
ment and well-being are incorporated into societal trust.
economic accounting, it becomes obvious The future of the economy can also be
that present investments pass the cost-bene- approached in terms of competitiveness. Key
fit test. drivers of change for Finland’s competitive-
Although the media debate on the future ness include changes in geopolitics, widening
of the economy is narrow, there is no short- inequality, the development of the data
age of initiatives for a fair and sustainable economy, changing and diversifying of
economy. Transition paths towards a fairer values, competence building and the availa-
and more sustainable economy are outlined bility of skilled professionals, as well as the
by concepts such the doughnut economy, the ecological sustainability crisis and its
welfare economy, the eco-welfare state, impacts. Pioneering companies have the
ecological reconstruction and mission-ori- ability to interpret the new competitive-
ented innovation policy. While each of these ness-related challenges and opportunities
has its own perspective, the initiatives can be from the perspective of their business.
roughly divided into two categories. Some of The gloomier economic outlook high-
the initiatives are geared towards a transition lights recession, inflation and unemploy-
achieved through profound changes to the ment, or stagflation. In that scenario,
economic system, with emphasis on moving Finland – or all of Europe – will fall behind
beyond growth dependence. Other initiatives in the struggle for competitiveness and
aim for a fair and sustainable economy using competence, and exports will suffer.
the current economic system as the starting Resource and energy prices will soar and
point, with an emphasis on market-driven many companies will go bankrupt. The
tools for green growth. services of the welfare state will need to be
Nature, well-being and justice are inter- dismantled and economic inequality will
dependent, and they cannot be promoted in increase further.

A restorative economy involves the

regeneration of not only ecological
capital but also social capital.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3



I’m really pessimistic about the situation ”The climate is a
we’re in. We have exceeded the planetary
human rights issue, and
boundaries. And yet humanity has shown
companies need to take
itself to be an intelligent species, and I
believe that we will ultimately – maybe only
that into account”
after trying all the wrong options – solve our
global problems. effects. Climate is a human rights issue, and
In my work at Finnwatch, I have realised companies need to take that into considera-
that generating information is one of the tion.
most important ways of influencing things. I’m motivated by seeing the results of my
You need it to understand the right ways to work. NGOs have played a key role in
address problems. We genuinely need infor- promoting corporate responsibility on
mation ourselves, as it enables us to give climate and taxation, for example. It is now
research-based and sensible recommenda- understood that the poor management of
tions for decisions. responsibility issues means that a company
Most of the regulations enacted in is badly managed anyway.
Finland originate from the EU, and the right But the choices and actions of ordinary
time to influence regulatory developments is people are also immensely important. People
during the drafting stage. If you try to can join the debate and contact deci-
influence things only in Finland, the window sion-makers. When you start to think about
of opportunity has already closed. things in your own daily life, you can see
In the past, corporate social responsibil- how the existing structures are wrong. The
ity may have been viewed as voluntary and world will not change if people do not
transnational. Now, binding EU legislation is change it.
on the way, which is something that NGOs I believe that a world where human
have long been calling for. If things turn out rights are respected is also a better world for
well, the directive will also cover climate and my child and for the generations to come. I
biodiversity issues. That would in turn lead think of myself as doing my work for them.
to companies being required to align their If I didn’t get paid to do it, I would do it as a
business models with the 1.5°C climate volunteer.”
target. It would change the entire business
sector, first in the EU, but it would undoubt-
edly have tremendous global spill-over

Sonja Finér is the Executive Director of the
non-governmental organisation Finnwatch.

Figure 15.
ESG assets under management
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

responsibility, social USD

responsibility and
good governance

(ESG) are being 2021

emphasised in the
investment markets.
USD 20-30
Source: Broadridge


Figure 16. Year-to-date comparison between the European members of the World
Companies that Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Euro Stoxx 600
have focused on companies in 2020
ESG issues at an %
early stage have 10

shown themselves 5
to be more resilient
to disruptions in
times of crisis.
Source: World Busi- -10
ness Council for -15
Sustainable Devel-
opment (2020).









Euro Stoxx 600 WBCSD (Europe)


Figure 17.
The richest 10% of
Global distribution of income and wealth, 2021
Share of total income or wealth
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

the global popula- 80%

tion takes 52% of
global income and 70%

owns 76% of all

wealth. Source:
World Inequality 50% 52,0%
Report (2022).

20% 22,0%

8,5% 2,0%
Income Wealth

Bottom 50% Middle 50% Top 10%

S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


Instead of constantly producing new products, a circular INTENSIFYING
economy makes use of existing resources as efficiently as
There is growing agreement about the need to reform
possible, such as by keeping products and materials in
economic structures and paradigms, but views vary about
productive circulation for as long as possible. The circular
the scope of these reforms. The debate over the new
economy is not only about recycling, but also new eco-
direction of the economy is intensifying. Is the aim to fit
nomic operating models and services, such as sharing,
the economy within nature’s carrying capacity, or a
renting, repair and reuse, in which new technology plays a
restorative economy that is nature-positive and increases
key role. human well-being?


GROWING INEQUALITY Consumption – or choosing not to consume – is increas-
Wealth gaps are widening in Finland and globally. In Fin- ingly seen as a means of influencing society. From the
land, the richest 10% own nearly half of total net wealth. perspective of economic impact, the significance of
Globally, the richest 10% own 75% of total wealth. The women and older people as makers of consumption deci-
impacts of various societal and global crises further sions is growing.
increase inequality.

Companies are actively looking for ways to increase the
positive impact of their activities (handprint) in addition
to minimising their negative impacts (footprint). Many
companies’ activities contribute to addressing the sus-
tainability challenges of our time. Intergenerational
thinking is becoming a more prominent aspect of sustain-
ability thinking. NGOs, the media, investors, public
authorities and decision-makers require companies to be
responsible and transparent.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


The Covid-19 pandemic and geopolitical developments
have highlighted our dependence on global value chains Alternative economic indicators, such as ecosystem
but also their vulnerability. Crises have increased the accounting, the genuine progress indicator and the happy
need for sustainable value chains and ensuring the secu- planet index are receiving more and more attention. In
rity of supply. At the same time, our understanding of the addition to illustrating economic development, the new
environmental and human rights impacts of the global indicators provide information on human and environ-
economy has grown, amplifying the need for sustainable mental well-being and reflect changes in the values and
and flexible value chains and circular economy solutions. goals behind economic thinking.


The ecological reconstruction is reshaping the labour
market. Jobs that are directly or indirectly linked to fossil
People want to promote new economic thinking in prac- energy are gradually disappearing. Jobs are being created
tice. Shared ownership, exchanging goods and various in new industries, and entirely new job descriptions are
lending services are changing the way markets operate. emerging. Ecological sustainability aspects are becoming
Field sharing and the direct distribution of local food more important in nearly all professions. To achieve a fair
from producers to consumers are becoming more com- transition, society must support the reorientation of work
mon practices.
and skills.


In addition to the resource flows and revenue streams in
the economy, increasing attention is being paid to nature
capital, which is vital to the functioning of the economy
and includes natural resources and environmental quality
– and social capital, such as skills and social trust. At the
same time, the pandemic, the energy crisis and the eco-
logical crisis have put the role of financing and debt in
the economy under new scrutiny.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Approaching a time of adaptation

and reform – and opportunities

Much has already changed, much is changing and

much still needs to change to move towards a
sustainable future. These changes are intertwined,
reinforcing each other or creating tensions. Where
there is change, there is also opportunity. The future
is not predetermined – we can act to create the
future we desire. This chapter explores how we can
adapt to change and at the same time reform society
to make it more sustainable, to strengthen its future
resilience. We also present a big picture of future

Strengthening future plant-based diet will increase the demand for

resilience plant proteins.
The increase of extreme weather events
Sirkka Heinonen, Professor emerita in will also affect housing and construction.
futures research, describes future resilience There will be an increasing emphasis on
as not only the ability to cope with chal- moisture control, heating solutions that suit
lenges, crises and surprises, but also to exceptional circumstances and energy
reform and learn. This requires understand- efficiency. In new construction and renova-
ing current changes, imagining different tion activities, efforts can be made to not
futures and actively working towards a only reduce the carbon footprint but also
desirable future. promote carbon sequestration by making
What does this mean in concrete terms? appropriate choices of materials. Remote
Below are some examples of what concurrent accessibility and digital services increase
adaptation and reform might look like. multi-locality.
Food production needs to adapt to In transport and mobility, the key
increasing extreme weather conditions, such change involves phasing out fossil fuels. This
as drought and heavy rainfall, while being calls for the electrification and servitisation
able to sequester carbon from the atmos- of transport. The number of cars will
phere into the soil. Future-resilient agricul- decrease, especially in cities, as different
ture is therefore an important source of modes of transport can be easily combined.
solutions to both climate warming and Increased physical activity will also have a
increasing biodiversity through carbon beneficial impact on health.
farming and agroforestry. The shift to a more
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Education and training play a key role tive futures. The recent crises, such as the
in creating a sustainable future. We urgently Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of
need new knowledge and skills to under- Ukraine, have shown that many develop-
stand and adapt to the changes around us, ments previously thought unlikely are
while influencing the course of the future. actually highly likely.
We also need Bildung to guide us to make Although we tend to think of the future as
ethically sustainable choices and to influence a continuum from the present, the future is
society in the different roles we take on in not predetermined, we can influence it and
working life and as citizens. even rapid change is possible. That is why it is
worth paying attention not only in the big
picture of change but also future possibilities
Future opportunities of the future and the actions that take us
towards a future we want. This can also be a
This report started by outlining the bigger source of hope and agency in a bleak and
picture of what has already changed, what is uncertain time. Figure 18 shows one overall
currently changing, and how the changes are picture of the possibilities of the future. At the
interconnected. If we focus only on the push heart of it all is ecological reconstruction, the
of the present and the weight of the past, we rapid transition away from fossil fuels and
may miss the opportunities of other, alterna- overconsumption of resources. To achieve this

PEOPLE New ways of POWER

well-being trust and
lifestyles Transgenerational

Well-being as
investment recon- Digital bildung
Circular economy
The digital green

Restorative and A fair digital

regenerative world
economy Rules for the
data economy

Figure 18: The big picture of future opportunities

S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

we need transgenerational decision-making, The crisis of democracy can be addressed

sustainable lifestyles, a digital green transition, by building trust in democratic institutions
and shift to a circular economy. and individual empowerment. This requires
Sustainable lifestyles are also a precondi- democratic innovation and new ways to
tion for holistic well-being, where the exercise influence and digital Bildung. At the
well-being of people and nature are seen as same time, we can broaden digital power and
fully interdependent. Improving well-being build a fair digital world where the use of
requires long-term investment aimed at data creates prosperity and competitiveness
preventing health problems and strengthen- and helps develop societies. Fairness means
ing social capital, and that the economy acts balancing the interests of individuals, busi-
as an underlying driver of change. In a nesses and society.
restorative and regenerative economy, the A fair, sustainable and inspiring future is
handprint of the economy is larger than its possible, but it will not happen by itself. It
footprint. must be made together.

If we focus only on the push of the

present and the weight of the past, we
may miss the opportunities of other,
alternative futures.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Getting to grips with megatrends

Megatrends may seem big and daunting, but they

are a useful tool for thinking about the future. In
this chapter, we provide practical tips for further
thinking about megatrends and using them. You can
use megatrends for developing a vision, crafting a
strategy, broadening your thinking, or learning.

We are living in a time when more and affect the future. Megatrends offer a way to
more things feel difficult, familiar things contextualise the changes happening around
become unfamiliar and unfamiliar things us and help us think about what kind of
can suddenly become part of daily life. In a future we want to be involved in building.
time of uncertainty, the future horizon is We have listed a few tips on how to use the
narrowed and shortened: it is difficult to megatrends and discuss why it’s worth
look at a year, five years, 10 years or decades thinking about megatrends and anticipating
ahead when you feel acute uncertainty them in general.
about what the world will look like six We hope you find the tips and arguments
months from now. It is understandable that useful. You can also share your own tips with
our attention is focused on the present and others over coffee or on social media with
its challenges. the hashtag #megatrends. Check out Sitra’s
But in a time of uncertainty, it pays to website for more ideas on using the meg-
think about the big trajectories that will atrends.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

A vision is a description of a desired future. A vision depicts one’s aspirations and
requires action to achieve the world it describes. A good vision takes megatrends
as its starting point but also dares to envisage a better future and not just react
to the megatrends.

Try this: Choose a megatrend that is interesting or relevant to your organi-
sation or community. What would be the best possible course of develop-
ment for that trend and what kind of world would it lead to? Write your
vision in the form “In the future, who/what/where + verb + what”. Feel free
to look several decades ahead!

Rationale: Crises create states of discontinuity where future trends are
more vague than usual. This means that now is the right time to create bold
visions and give traction to our desired futures instead of the dystopias that
surround us.


Strategy work is future-oriented and looks to the changes happening in the world.
Megatrends provide a good basis for strategy discussions. What changes are hap-
pening in the world? How do they affect what we do? How do we want to influence
the future?

Try this: Choose megatrends that are relevant to the activities of your
organisation or community that you think will have a significant impact on
the operating environment. Think about the positive and negative changes
those trends could bring about. What definite impact could such changes
have on your organisation?

Rationale: Megatrends as a tool in strategy work you to focus directly on
changes that affect your activities. No speculation, just researched, solidly
factual information.


We tend to think about the future only from our own familiar perspective. But not
everyone sees future developments in the same way, and you can broaden your
thinking by looking at trends from new and surprising perspectives.

Try this: Choose a megatrend and a perspective that interests your organi-
sation. Think about how this megatrend looks from your chosen perspective.
For example, how does the concentration of wealth look like from the per-
spective of a child, a forest owner or a spruce tree in your local forest?

Rationale: If we look at futures only from our own perspective, we easily
miss many of the opportunities as well as threats and conflicts related to
different future scenarios. Taking a different perspective provides new
insight into megatrends.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Understanding the broad arcs of future development is an important part of
learning. In every sector, it is good to understand the changes that are happening
in the world around us and how they will affect the future. Megatrends are also
well suited as a learning tool. It is not only about what we need to know and be
able to do in the future, but also about how we can influence the future and what
changes a sustainable future requires of us.

Try this: Choose a megatrend that interests you and explore it using this
report and your own background research. Then think about how that trend
affects the future of your field or topic. Then think about what scope you
have to influence that trend.

Rationale: Curricula at different levels are geared towards building a sus-
tainable future and active citizenship. Megatrends help achieve the aims of
curricula by providing information on the direction of future trends and
opportunities for influence.


Future developments involve a wide range of risks for which it is important to be
prepared. Megatrends can help you assess the impact of changes on the future
prospects of your sector and to better plan for it.

Try this: Assess your existing plans against different megatrends. How do
they affect your plans? What do they affect your plans? Do they support or
hinder your plans?

Rationale: By systematically using megatrends in your risk assessment, you
can ensure that the broad arcs of change that affect your business environ-
ment are comprehensively taken into account in your assessments. The
result will be more comprehensive and therefore of higher quality.


Do you want to develop your future-oriented thinking or think about future devel-
opments in general? The futures triangle, on which this report is based, helps you
to see the bigger picture and identify desirable futures and barriers to change.

Try this: Look at the futures triangle and its three components – the push
of the present, the weight of the past and the pull of the future – on page
11 of this report. Choose a future-related topic that you want to explore in
depth. Think through the following questions, using the megatrends listed in
this report: 1) Which of the trends and processes of change that are under
way will influence the future of your chosen topic and challenge you to
change how you act? 2) What prevents you from moving forward? 3) What
kinds of images of the future are associated with the topic? What is the best
thing that could happen?

You can use the results of your analysis in a variety of ways: for example,
your assessment of the push of the present or the weight of the past may
help you identify issues you want to influence, or you can start working on a
shared vision based on your assessment of the pull of the future. There are
many possibilities.

Rationale: The futures triangle is an easy-to-use tool for getting to grips
with any phenomenon and looking at the trends that affect it. You don’t
need lengthy preparations. You can get started right away and apply the tool
to various situations.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Remember the cards!

Megatrend cards make it easy to use the megatrends and discuss the future. The deck consists
of 55 cards covering the trends highlighted in this report. You can order a deck by using the
order form available on Sitra’s website ( or use the digital cards online.
The cards make it easy to facilitate joint discussions in a wide variety of situations concern-
ing the future. The simplest way is to draw a card and challenge your interlocutor to consider
the change in question and its potential implications. You can also select the cards that you
find most interesting or challenging and use them for discussion. Find your own way to use
the cards and share it on social media!

S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3


Biodiversity loss
A collapse of biodiversity caused by human activity, which is taking place across the planet.
Nature is disappearing one hundred or even one thousand times faster than at any time in
human history. The sixth mass extinction in Earth’s history is under way.

A continuously accumulating decentralised data entity in which all transactions are chrono-
logical, validated by all parties and stored in a way that cannot be altered or falsified. A block-
chain generates a digital log of transactions. The log records are copied and stored in a decen-
tralised way in public digital networks without a dominant server. Ethereum (2014) is the
largest and best known blockchain. A blockchain can be used to create a variety of web 3.0
applications, services and products. It is practically impossible to alter or tamper with the
transactions recorded in the blockchain afterwards, because each block in the blockchain
contains the hashtag of the preceding block.

Carbon footprint
Climate emissions caused by human activity. Can be measured for a business, organisation,
activity or product. In addition to carbon dioxide emissions, a carbon footprint also takes into
account other significant greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane and nitrous oxide.

Circular economy
An economic model that shifts from the continuous production of new goods to consumption
that is based on using services: sharing, renting and recycling goods instead of owning them.
The materials are not ultimately destroyed but are used over and over again to create new

Data collective
A collective aiming to make it easier for individuals to manage data. A data collective can be
established to manage a specific data entity, or it may aim to influence the conditions under
which data is used in specific situations. A data collective may aim to influence, for example,
how data use can be restricted and how the terms of use are presented in a specific online
service. A data collective may be in a better position to influence the terms of use of data than

Data economy
An area of the economy where the collection and use of data are a key part of activities.

Decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO)

An organisation that operates independently or autonomously, without the management
structure of a normal organisation, using blockchain technology. The members direct opera-
tions directly with smart contracts and tokens in their possession. Decentralised autonomous
organisations can be considered as the co-operatives of the digital age. The operational and
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

decision-making rules of a decentralised autonomous organisation are stored as smart con-

tracts, which are based on blockchain technology. The same technology is also used for storing
the decisions of the organisation. The organisation operates according to rules that it defines
itself. For example, every member of the organisation can propose decisions that are voted on.
decentralised autonomous organisations can be used for investing in and collecting art, among
other things. In Finland, the need for legislative changes is currently being assessed, for exam-
ple whether decentralised autonomous organisations should be classified as legal persons.

Separating previously interlinked things so that both can be realised independently of each
other. For example, decoupling perceived well-being and economic growth from the consump-
tion of natural resources.

Digital Bildung
Ethical, intellectual and societal understanding in the digital environment that enables one to
act with trust, clear self-expression and in collaboration with others in a respectful and safe
manner in networked environments.

Digital power
Digital power is the ability to connect the dots between different data sources and thereby
refine data and increase its value. This makes it possible to map and anticipate the movements
and interactions of people, ideas and networks.

Ecological reconstruction
The transition of society from the massive use of fossil fuels, which requires changes to physi-
cal infrastructure and the structures of the welfare state. In addition to changes to the energy
system, changes are needed in areas such as mobility, construction, food production, care
services, education and governance.

Ecosystem accounting
An extension of environmental accounting that aims to describe the extent and state of ecosys-
tems and the ecosystem services they provide in terms of statistics and with physical and
monetary indicators. Ecosystem accounting makes it possible to monitor the development of
the state of ecosystems and to examine their connections with the indicators of the economy,
employment and well-being.

The steps taken by a government or other institution to improve the position and influence of
people on matters that concern them.

Future-oriented thinking
Identifying and challenging changes and assumptions about the future, imagining alternative
futures and linking them with the choices we make now.

Impact investing
A means of channelling private capital for the development of society. Aims not only for
financial returns but also to benefit society.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

A broad arc of change consists of several phenomena, such as the ecological sustainability
crisis. Megatrends are often seen as occurring at a global level and are often believed to con-
tinue in the same direction.

The metaverse brings a sense of space and characters to the internet, creating a network that
connects virtual worlds. The metaverse can be used for communication, creating events and
gatherings, for example, and suchlike.

Non-fungible token, NFT

A certificate of the right to a digital copy whose current owner and possession history have
been verified using blockchain technology. Reference to the ownership of an item is usually by
web link. The owned item may be a digital work, property, art object, building, degree or a
company’s share. The rights enjoyed by the owner depend on the contract between the seller
and buyer of the NFT, which can include intellectual property rights, such as copyright, prop-
erty right or right of possession. Some NFTs sold through centralised intermediary services do
not contain any legally recognised rights, as their legal status remains unclear.

Path dependency
Path dependency - how past decisions affect the present. For instance, we cannot build a
carbon-neutral city from scratch, but past decisions on the site of buildings, the building
materials used, and many other things influence the choices we are able to make today.

Postnormal times
A period of time when the world is perceived as increasingly complex, contradictory and even
chaotic. Surprises, discontinuities and tensions become more frequent, and the notion of
normality is rendered meaningless.

Smart contract
A programme implemented using blockchain technology that enables the automatic exchange
of items of value under pre-defined rules. The operating logic and results of a smart contract
are public. A smart contract removes intermediaries from the process and makes it reliable.
Smart contracts are used in numerous different areas, such as decentralised finance.

Synthetic biology
Synthetic biology refers to man-made biological systems, cells, cell components or organisms
that do not exist in nature. Synthetic biology combines biology, engineering, robotics, com-
puter science and artificial intelligence. Desired genetic codes are engineered with the aid of
computer, based on which chemically synthesised DNA is produced. The DNA is inserted into
a cell as part of an organism’s genome and as the cell divides, all new cells produced carry the
new genetic information. The methods of synthetic biology can be used to develop innovative
ways of upcycling industrial side streams, waste and carbon dioxide into new materials, for
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Technology literacy
The ability to adopt and use new technologies and understand their implications. It involves a
more comprehensive approach than media literacy in an era where the boundaries between
media and audience, influencer and influenced, and digital and physical are increasingly

A path of development, the direction of change that is currently visible.

A token that describes the thing exchanged between parties in a blockchain. A digital token
can represent value (such as cryptocurrency), right of possession (such as non-fungible token
— NFT) or investment (such as shares or decision-making power in an organisation). Similar
in mechanism to real world tokens.

Web 3.0
A development phase of the internet, which aims to provide services that enable decentralised
decision-making and commerce. Decentralised decision-making can use decentralised auton-
omous organisations and trading can use cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens, for exam-
ple, typically authenticated by blockchains. Web 1.0 refers to the early days of the internet,
when web pages were read-only, while Web 2.0 to the current development phase of the inter-
net, where interactive web services are mainstream. Web 3.0 has emerged in response to the
problems of the current internet, where the digital giants have accumulated considerable
power and individuals have very little control over their data and how it is used.
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

About the authors

Mikko Dufva is a futures specialist at Sitra and docent of future studies at Aalto University.
His work focuses on future trends, the tensions between them and cognitive images of the
future. He also seeks to identify non-obvious but important issues concerning the future.
Mikko has extensive experience in foresight and a doctorate in Science (Technology) on the
generation of futures knowledge and systemic foresight.

Sanna Rekola is a futures specialist at Sitra. She is interested in societal change and how to
accelerate it. She is fascinated by the values, ideals and mindsets associated with future devel-
opments and the tensions that arise from them. In her work, Sanna wants to enhance
future-oriented thinking and inspire people and communities to exercise influence on the
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

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S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

Appendix: How this report was


The era of surprises requires a new approach to

writing a megatrend report. Instead of simply listing
trends, we wanted to emphasise the importance
of influencing the future. Postnormal times and
transformative foresight are our starting points. The
futures triangle is used as the analytical framework.
The work is based on a review of literature and
workshops and comments from Sitra’s personnel.

Postnormal times and forward, emphasising plurality and agency in

transformative making futures.
foresight So how do megatrends fit into such
transformative foresight? One of the basic
The starting point for this report is that we assumptions behind this report was that
are now in postnormal times, which require megatrends do not actually exist as such, but
a new approach to future-oriented thinking. are an interpretative framework based on
Postnormal times are characterised by past and current change. Megatrends consist
growing complexity, surprises, conflicts and of multiple ongoing changes and the big
even chaos. The concept of “normal” picture formed by them. Still, changes are
becomes increasingly meaningless and the not always as unambiguous or unidirectional
idea of “a return to normal” or “the new as one might think based on megatrends and
normal” becomes increasingly vague. From there are always exceptions.
this perspective, crises are not just a tempo- Of course, changes are taking place and
rary disturbance, but a symptom of a deeper different conclusions about the future can be
transformation underway. made based on them. In that sense, meg-
Postnormal times challenge the percep- atrends are useful generalisations that sup-
tion of the future as a continuum of the port future-oriented thinking. Things that
present. As uncertainty grows, forecasts and have happened cannot be swept away by
projections increasingly miss the mark. In a wishful thinking, but it is necessary to be
time of high uncertainty, it is essential to aware of what has already changed and what
take a critical and transformative approach is now changing. This does not mean that
to foresight. This means identifying and the future is predetermined or that all
challenging existing assumptions, outlining changes are inevitable.
new possibilities and potential futures and Transformative foresight is about influ-
being attuned to emerging phenomena. encing the future rather than knowing it.
Rather than trying to prepare for the future Knowing about the future implies that there
or chart a specific path towards a desired exists a future to know about. The focus is
future, the focus is on opening up new paths therefore on future knowledge. Influencing
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

futures, on the other hand, assumes from the of Sitra’s vision, outlining obstacles that
outset that there is no specific predetermined inhibit us from moving towards a fair,
future, as the future is shaped by the actions sustainable and inspiring future. The past
taken – and not taken – in the present. The also contains many positive elements on
focus is therefore on action and the condi- which to build a desirable future, and it is
tions for action. important to identify these too.
In other words, it is not enough to study
megatrends. The important thing is how to
use megatrends in taking action towards Progress of the work on
desired futures. Trends are not merely megatrends
objective descriptions of change. They
appear different from different perspectives. Work started on the report in late spring
In addition to trends, there is emphasis on 2022 by defining its objectives. What kind of
recognising different images and assump- discussion of the current changes in our
tions about the future. To articulate this world is needed? The accumulation of crises,
diversity of futures and the big picture of the narrowing of views of the future and
future-oriented thinking, the report uses the general uncertainty highlight the need for
futures triangle as its analytical framework. seeing the big picture and thinking long-
term. Various lists of trends have already
been written, but we wanted to create a big
The Futures Triangle picture view that is written from the perspec-
tive of Finnish society and would inspire
The futurist Sohail Inayatullah presents the readers to build a better future.
Futures Triangle as one of the ways of map- The aims of our work on megatrends:
ping plausible futures. In the Futures Trian- • To provide a big picture view of changes
gle, trends represent the push of the present, related to futures.
where Inayatullah emphasises quantifiable • To help readers understand the impact
drivers and changes that affect the future. and interdependencies of changes and
This report has sought to describe not only different attitudes to change as such.
individual changes but also the linkages and • To reframe the debate on the future:
tensions between them. from preparedness and preservation to
According to Inayatullah, the pull of the reform and regeneration.
future is often based on five archetypal • To inspire people to act for better
images of the future: continuous technologi- futures.
cal progress, the collapse of society, the Gaia
myth, globalism, and a return to the past. Several dozen trend reports were
These archetypes can be used to identify and reviewed as part of the background work for
categorise the images of the future that are the report. The main ones are listed in the
being discussed and debated. In this report, references. They provided a good overview
the future imagery presented under heading of the changes that are currently happening
‘the pull of the future’ is more specific to our and to some extent insights into the obstacles
selected themes, but many of Inayatullah’s to change and different images of the future.
archetypes are present. In categorising change, we made use of the
The weight of the past describes obsta- PESTE categories to determine whether it is
cles to the change we would like to see. The political, economic, social, technological or
obstacles depend on the perspective pro- environmental.
vided by the pull of the future. Here, the In September, we held three workshops
obstacles are discussed from the perspective for Sitra’s personnel and used the futures
S I T R A S T U D I E S 2 2 5 – M E G AT R E N D S 2 0 2 3

triangle to focus particularly on the pull of include an interview for each of the themes
the future and the weight of the past. At the covered in the report. The interviewees are
same time, we explored how the different agents of change or insightful thinkers who,
changes are interlinked. We summarised the one way or another, are ‘taking control’ of
results of the workshops and, based on the megatrends to influence the future. The
workshop summaries and our review of interviewing and writing of the stories were
trend reports, we produced a content outline. outsourced to freelance journalist Tuomo
We structured the outline with the help of Tamminen. Longer versions of the inter-
the futures triangle and the themes used in views are available on Sitra’s website.
the previous report (2020), based on the This report is not the only outcome of
PESTE categories. the work on megatrends that we began last
The first draft of the report was written spring. In addition to the aforementioned
in October. It was distributed to everyone at megatrend cards, we produced a video
Sitra for comment. In the subsequent editing containing the key messages, a set of slides
of the report, we paid special attention to and various templates for using the trends.
making the content clear and understanda- This report is also not the end of the work on
ble. At the same time, we updated the meg- megatrends. The Futures Barometer, to be
atrend cards. published in spring 2023, will describe the
As our aim was to help readers under- views of Finns regarding the trends outlined
stand different attitudes towards trends and in this report.
their impact, we experimented with various Sitra’s megatrend reports and other
ways of taking multiple perspectives into megatrend materials have found their way to
account during the autumn. The options we companies, the public administration,
considered included writing profiles based schools and individuals interested in
on surveys, creating fictional personas, future-oriented thinking. We hope that this
writing stories about the future from differ- report and the new materials will prove
ent perspectives, and interviewing useful as we collectively seek to build a fair,
change-makers. In the end, we decided to sustainable and inspiring future.
The SITRA STUDIES publication series features Itämerenkatu 11–13
the results of Sitra’s future-oriented work and PO Box 160
experiments. FI-00181 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 294 618 991
ISBN 978-952-347-302-7 (PDF) @SitraFund

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