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‭Ethical Concerns in‬

‭Sports and Recreation:‬

‭-Daanya Ghani-‬

‭Ethical Concerns in Sports and Recreation: IRR‬

‭Research Question:-‬

‭How do ethical concerns in sports and recreation differ across the United Kingdom and India,‬
‭and what are the key contributing factors to the ethical differences in both sporting industries‬
‭between the two countries?‬

‭Different Perspectives‬‭- Global, national‬

‭​When examining ethical concerns in the context of sports and recreation, it is essential to‬
‭consider global and national perspectives. This analysis will focus on one country, the United‬
‭Kingdom, and compare it with India.‬

‭United Kingdom:‬

‭In the United Kingdom, ethical concerns embrace various dimensions, including governance,‬
‭diversity, and the promotion of fair play. The level of ethical commitment and adherence to‬
‭established guidelines are determining factors in maintaining integrity within the country's sports‬


‭In India, ethical concerns in sports and recreation encompass issues such as doping,‬
‭match-fixing, corruption, gender discrimination, and safety challenges. There's a pressing need‬
‭for sports legislation to address these issues and uphold the integrity of Indian sports. Corporate‬
‭governance gaps, third-party risks, non-compliance with policies, and disputes in professional‬
‭sports leagues are among the significant ethical challenges requiring attention to promote‬
‭fairness and ethical conduct.‬
‭Analysis Using the PEEL Method‬

‭United Kingdom‬

‭Point‬‭: Ethical concerns related to governance and fair play with a focus on diversity.‬
‭Evidence‬‭: Statistics on sports participation and governance policies offer insights into the‬
‭ethical landscape.‬
‭Explanation‬‭: Adherence to established guidelines is crucial for maintaining integrity‬
‭within the country’s sports activities.‬
‭Link‬‭: Draw comparisons to ethical concerns in India and the United States, emphasizing‬
‭significant similarities or differences.‬


‭Point‬‭: Ethical concerns span doping, match-fixing, and gender discrimination.‬

‭Evidence‬‭: Legal implications, governance gaps, and disputes in professional sports‬
‭leagues contribute to these concerns.‬
‭Explanation‬‭: Emphasize the need for sports legislation addressing these issues to uphold‬
‭the integrity of Indian sports.‬
‭Link‬‭: Highlight commonalities and differences between the United States and the United‬
‭Kingdom's ethical concerns, underlining critical implications.‬

‭Cited Sources:‬

‭●‬ ‭Statista. "Sport participation rate in the United Kingdom 2000-2023."‬

‭●‬ ‭Taylor & Francis Online. "Sport policy in India."‬
‭●‬ ‭ScienceDirect. "The 2022 India Report Card on physical activity for children."‬
‭●‬ ‭Sports Authority of India.‬
‭●‬ ‭Journal of Sports. "India Sports & Recreation -"‬

‭These sources provide comprehensive data for the analysis, offering important information on‬
‭the ethical concerns within the sports and recreation areas of the specific countries.‬

‭Evaluation of Sources:‬
‭The chosen sources are based on providing insights into the ethical concerns within sports and‬
‭recreation neutrally, comparatively, and unbiasedly. They offer a balanced view of the ethical‬
‭challenges in each country and are critical in understanding the nuances of ethical concerns‬
‭within the sporting domains.‬

‭Organizations Addressing Ethical Concerns in Sports and Recreation‬

‭●‬ ‭Green Sports Alliance‬

‭●‬ ‭UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) - Crime Prevention through Sports‬
‭●‬ ‭Columbus Recreation and Parks Department‬
‭●‬ ‭Institute of Sports Law and Ethics (ISLE) - Santa Clara Law‬
‭●‬ ‭Recreation Impact Sports Ethics Inc.‬
‭●‬ ‭Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP)‬
‭●‬ ‭Beyond Sport‬
‭●‬ ‭National Organisation for Women in Sports Physical Activity and Recreation‬

‭Solutions Recommended by These Organizations‬

‭The Green Sports Alliance focuses on leveraging the cultural and market influence of sports to‬
‭promote healthy, sustainable communities. Their recommended solutions include collaborating‬
‭to support climate change solutions, good forestry practices, and benefits for local communities‬
‭as advocated in their "Fan Engagement Playbook."‬

‭UNODC promotes integrity and ethical decision-making through its integrity education‬
‭programs, fostering ethical decision-making and addressing issues related to drugs and‬

‭Challenges Faced by These Organizations‬

‭The challenges faced by organizations working towards ethical concerns in sports and recreation‬

‭●‬ ‭Issues related to the implementation and enforcement of ethical guidelines‬

‭●‬ ‭Ensuring widespread awareness and adherence to ethical standards‬
‭●‬ ‭Addressing the influence of commercialization and financial interests on ethical‬
‭●‬ ‭Navigating the complexities of cultural and social differences impacting ethical‬
‭considerations in sports and recreation‬

‭Proposed Solution‬

‭​To overcome ethical concerns in sports and recreation, a comprehensive approach is necessary.‬
‭This involves the implementation of ethical guidelines and codes of conduct by sports‬
‭organizations and regulatory bodies; emphasizing fair play, sportsmanship, and integrity.‬

‭Educational programs and workshops on ethical decision-making and sports ethics should be‬
‭integrated into the training curriculum for athletes, coaches, and sports administrators to promote‬
‭a culture of ethical behavior in sports.‬

‭Additionally, developing self overlooking committees can enhance accountability and‬

‭transparency within the sports industry‬

‭Citations providing insights and recommendations for addressing ethical concerns:‬

‭"Ethical Concerns in the Business of Recreation and Leisure" from ScholarWorks‬

‭"Upholding Ethical Standards in Sport Management" from Ohio University College of‬

‭NGOs Working in a Local Perspective (India)‬

‭●‬ ‭ACE Foundation‬

‭●‬ ‭Bridges of Sports‬
‭●‬ ‭Victory Sports Foundation‬
‭●‬ ‭OSCAR Foundation‬
‭●‬ ‭Youth Football Club Rurka Kalan‬

‭​These organizations work at the grassroots level, using sports and education as tools to make a‬
‭positive impact in local communities in India. (Source: Various NGO listings and initiatives in‬

‭NGOs Working in a Global Perspective (UK)‬

‭●‬ ‭World Vision UK‬

‭●‬ ‭ICA: UK‬
‭●‬ ‭CBM UK‬
‭●‬ ‭Bond‬
‭●‬ ‭Retrak‬

‭On the other hand, in the UK, organizations such as World Vision UK, ICA: UK, CBM UK,‬
‭Bond, and Retrak are actively involved in international development and humanitarian work on a‬
‭global scale, addressing various social, political, and economic challenges.‬

‭These organizations work on a broader global scale and focus on addressing complex challenges‬
‭that have an impact beyond national borders.‬

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