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Giant anteaters

Anteaters are edentate animals, which means they have no teeth.

They are similar to vacuum cleaners; their long tongues are more than
sufficient to lap up the 35,000 ants and termites they swallow each

These animals have poor vision, so they use their keen sense of smell,
which is 40 times more powerful than humans, to find food.

Giant anteaters can be found throughout South and Central America.

Their claws are four inches long, and the animal can fight off even a
puma or jaguar.

They are mostly solitary animals and are known for their solitary

When threatened, giant anteaters have a unique defense mechanism.

They will rear up on their hind legs and use their powerful forelimbs
and sharp claws to strike at potential predators. This behavior is
meant to deter predators rather than engage in direct combat.

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