Itd1 - Chapter 3 Draft

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Supply Chain Tracking and Document Management System with Outdated Document




This chapter focuses on discussing the research methods and procedures adhered to by
the researcher to answer. Specifically, the research design, respondents of the study, data
gathering procedure, ethical considerations plan, instrumentation and validation, and evaluation
and scoring.

Research Locale

This study applies descriptive research method, basically describing the current situation
of business processes at the GOMZ. In addition to data gathering, descriptive research also
revolves around the interpretation of the observed phenomena. Such an approach is suitable as
it enables us to assess the efficacy of current processes and determine places where automation
can give the most advantage, solving addressed complications.

As primary data source, researchers will employ observations, interviews, and

questionnaire directed at understanding how GOMZ is currently operating. This will involve
reviewing the supply chain management methods, document handling procedures, and issues
encountered by the company. The Likert Scale will be used in the questionnaire to measure
respondents' opinions and the median will be determined to estimate the average response,
making sure that the data will be analyzed in a comprehensive way.

Furthermore, a secondary data collection will be done through a detailed literature review
and internet researching that will be supportive in understanding of the current good practices,
technological solutions and legislations related supply chain tracking and document management
systems. This multifaceted method of data collection will give a picture of the GOMZ's operations
as a whole, allowing the creation of a web-based program that would assist in the optimization of
supply chain processes and document management system efficiency.

Respondents of the Study

The population for our study includes the business owner and staff members such as the
resellers, etc. of GMZ Food Company. This is composed of persons in charge of different duties
within the organization, such as managing orders, inventories, and documentation, as well as
overseeing the daily operations. Furthermore, the organization has 30 clients located throughout
the country who serve a significant role in the supply chain. Understanding the needs and views
respectively of the business owner as well as staff is critical for creating and implementing an
effective system adapted to their specific demands.

The respondents to the study are the GMZ Food Company. They are located at Purok 3
Mamatid Rd, Cabuyao, 4025 Laguna, Philippines. Upon conducting the interview, we have
gathered that their company operates without a digital system and relies on manual data entry
through Microsoft Excel. GMZ Food Company is an ideal setting for our study considering its
specific needs for system development and its location in Cabuyao, Laguna, which provides
convenient access to the researchers and resources as well. Additionally, it aligns with our
objectives which is to implement a supply chain tracking and document management system to
enhance their manufacturing processes, specifically focusing on tasks like storing receipts,
contracts, legal documents, inventory management, and order processing.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Gathering Tools. The researchers will employ a variety of methods, including internet
research, observation, interviews, and surveys, to gather data using different technologies.

Internet Research. Serve as secondary source, involving searching the web for credible, topic-
related written materials. Access to a device and internet connectivity is essential for conducting
online research.

Observation. Enables researchers to collect data directly in real-world environments, offering

valuable insights into behaviors and interactions and facilitating a more profound comprehension
of the research topic.
Interviews. The Interview serve as the primary instrument for gathering information on GMZ Food
Company to help the researchers gain a deeper understanding of their business processes and
the challenges they face in their daily operations. Interviews played significant role in acquiring
information, as the researchers conducted a face-to-face interviews with the head owner of GMZ
Food Company to engage with them and have detailed insights.

Surveys. Surveys gathering information from a sample of individuals to understand their opinions
attitudes, or behaviors on a specific topic. It helps researchers collect data efficiently and analyze
trends or patterns in responses.
Discussion on Algorithms/Mathematical Model/Formula

Figure 2. Class Diagram

Figure 2 illustrates the class diagram. The class diagram has 3 different users which are
the GMZ administrator, GMZ staffs, and the GMZ clients who are inherited to a user class. The
GMZ administrator will have a dashboard where they can visualize the performance of their
process. The admin will manage all of the user accounts, adding supplier information and handle
the tasks list for the staffs, the GMZ staff will manage the status of delivery, stocks or supplies,
inventory and the client can order from GMZ which will be processed.

Instrumentation and Validation


The researchers will employ non-probability sampling, specifically a type of purposive

sampling which is total population sampling.

To ensure that respondents selected have the relevant to the research objectives such as
firsthand knowledge and experience, this implies that the research will cover all qualified
individuals inside the organization, including the business owner and all operational staff
members. Given that the business's scope and management are manageable, the research
intends to be beneficial to everyone who works there. By including all personnel, we guarantee
that every perspective and need is considered while designing and implementing the supply chain
tracking and document management system. Total population sampling is appropriate in this
situation since it provides a complete knowledge of the organization's needs and supports the
creation of personalized solutions to GMZ Food Company's certain challenges.

Evaluation and Scoring

After the proposed web-based system has been developed, the participants will evaluate
it using their observations and experiences. There will be multiple factors on the questionnaire,
such as usability, usefulness, efficiency, effectiveness, and accessibility with multiple inquiries for
each requirement. The participant will select an option on a 5-Point Likert Scale to indicate their
preference for how they would want to be answered to the questions. Respondents will select
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD) to
complete the questionnaire. To calculate the overall evaluation score for each question, the
median will be used since the responses are classified as ordinal. This approach helps in
summarizing the participants' opinions and perceptions effectively.

Interpretation Code

Strongly Agree (SA) 5

Agree (A) 4

Undecided (U) 3
Disagree (D) 2

Strongly Disagree (SD) 1

Ethical Considerations

Given that the study will entail interactions with GMZ Food Company and its workers,
various ethical concerns must be addressed to preserve the integrity and well-being of everyone

Before engagement, researchers will visit the company and will personally inform the
company regarding the information about the study including its objectives, methods, possible
risks and benefits, and their rights as well. We will get their permission to express their voluntary
decision to engage in the study free of obligatory or any undue influence. They also have the right
to ask questions regarding the study.

To protect the privacy of the Company, all information acquired throughout the study will
be handled with all due diligence and preserved securely. Any data gathered, including personal
details or business information, will be anonymized for the sake of individual participant’s identities
as GMZ Food Company’s proprietary interests. We will provide a non-disclosure agreement
signed by both parties. Measures will be established to guarantee that only authorized workers
and staff have access to the data.

Researchers will prioritize the company’s well-being during the study. Efforts will be
implemented to reduce any possible risks associated with the engagement and necessary
precautions will be adopted to prevent damage. Furthermore, the research intends to help GMZ
Food Company by enhancing its processes. Every effort will be taken to guarantee that the
implemented system coincides with the company's goals and makes a contribution positively to
its operations.

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