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THE LICENSE AGREEMENT is made in November, 2022 BETWEEN University of Cape Coast acting through the
MANAGEMENT OF VALCO HALL (herein after referred to as the Licensor) AND ISAAC NARH KWEKU ABERTEY of Level
EDUCATION with Registration Number ET/INT/22/0063 (herein after referred to as the Licensee)

1. Whereas the Licensor Institution has offered admission to the Licensee as a student and the Licensee has accepted same as
evidenced by the payment of the prescribed fees;

2. And whereas the current policy of the Licensor Institution qualifies the Licensee to be provided a residential accommodation

3. The Licensor hereby GRANTS to the Licensee the License to occupy a bed in Room number 20 and enjoy the Room and
contents in the Room for one academic year, which runs for two consecutive semesters, starting from 7th January 2023 to
14th October 2023.

4. It is hereby agreed and declared and the Licensee hereby acknowledges that this license is not intended to confer exclusive
possession upon the Licensee nor to create the legal relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties and the Licensee
shall not be entitled to an assured tenancy or any other statutory security of tenure now or upon the determination of this
license under the Rent Act 1963, Act 220 or any amendment, modification or replacement thereof.

5. The right to reside in the Hall conferred by this license is personal to the Licensee and it is not assignable to another person
and shall terminate automatically without any separate notice at the end of the Academic year or upon rustication or
dismissal from the Licensor Institution, whichever comes earlier.

6. The Licensee agrees with the Licensor -

a. to reside in the allocated room with exclusive proprietary interest in the allocated bad only so long as he/she remains
a student and conducts him/herself well in the Hall;

b. that Licensor and any person(s) authorized by him may enter the room at any time, during daylight hours, for the
purpose of inspecting the room and for removing substituted furniture, furnishing and fittings;

c. to keep the room, the Contents and the surroundings clean and in good condition and to make good all damages to
hall properties, electrical fittings, etc by willful or negligent act, fair wear and tear excepted;

d. to replace, with articles of the same kind and value, any items of the Contents which may be lost damaged or
destroyed, fair wear and tear excepted or pay for them;

e. not to remove any of the Contents from the Room;

f. to ensure that the Room is cleaned daily and that all rubbish is disposed of daily in the rubbish bin provided;

g. to dispose of water through drains, and other such media provided for that purpose and NOT dispose of water over
the walls.

h. to wash and dry clothes at prescribed places ONLY and shall NOT dry clothes at the balconies of the Room

i. to share all facilities provided by the Hall in the rooms with lawful roommates but shall be individually bound by this

j. to ensure that the allocated bed in the Room is a sleeping place for the Licensee only;

k. to be responsible for the safety of all personal properties including vehicles parked in front of the Hall or any other
prescribed place.

l. to comply with all additional obligations that may be specified by Management of the Hall subsequent to this
agreement for the general good of the hall and other occupants.

7. Upon ceasing to be a student in the Licensor institution the Licensee shall vacate the Room promptly and to make good or
pay for the repair of any damage to the Room and to repair or replace any items of the Contents which may have been lost,
damaged or destroyed, fair wear and tear excepted.

8. Beside the terms of this Agreement, the Licensee is subject to the statutes and all regulations of the Licensor institution as
well as the laws of the Republic of Ghana. 1/2
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9. Any notice or complaint required to be made under this license shall be sufficiently served on the Licensee if the notice is
posted on the Notice Board of the Hall and on the Licensor if delivered to the Hall Administrator through the Hall Assistant
(s) on duty.

10. In this license agreement, the word "Contents" means the furniture furnishing, fittings and other items licensed to be used in
the Room.

I ISAAC NARH KWEKU ABERTEY having read and understood the terms and conditions outlined in the license agreement, do
promise to abide by them and in default, shall submit myself to suffer various consequences stated herein including expulsion from
the hall without refund of the fees paid. I also confirm that I have received a copy of the tenancy agreement.

............................................................. .............................................................
Signature of Licensee Date

............................................................. .............................................................
Signature of Hostel Administrator Date 2/2

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