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Breathing is a mechanicsl process. In breathing, an organism takes in oxygen

from its environment and release carbondioxide.

Disease of respiratory organ

1. Asthma, is a respiratory blockage disorder caused by allergies of dust,
feathers, orweather changes.
2. Tuberculosis (TB), is a lung disease caused by Mycobacterium
3. Bronchitis, is a disturbance in the branches of the windpipe due to infection.
4. Influenza (flu), is a disease caused by influenza virus.

1. Human are breathing to get air into the body. (Air)

2. Human respiratory organ is lung
3. Air that human needs contain oxygen
4. Oxygen is needed to get energy from food.
5. Air enter through nose into nassal cavity.
6. pharinx is the intersection between respiratory tract on the front and the
digestive tract on the back.
7. The branch of trachea is broncus
8. Bronchiolus is the branch of broncus
9. Part of lungs that has shape like grapes are alveolus
10. The oxygen absorbed into blood vessel

bab 6 parts of body

bab 7 adjctives
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Menghitung luas (area) dan perimeter (keliling) bagun datar (square,

rectangle, triangle and trapezoid)

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