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John was walking down the street when he dropped his wallet.

He quickly bent down

to pick it up, but was met with a sudden and unexpected crash. He and a woman had
collided on the pavement, both of them falling to the ground.

John was about to apologize, but he noticed something familiar about the woman - he
recognized her from somewhere. She looked up at him and he recognized her face. It
was his childhood sweetheart, Lisa.

John and Lisa had been separated for years, but they had never forgotten each other.
They had both moved on with their lives, but now here they were, meeting each other
again by chance. They hugged and talked for hours, catching up on the years they'd
been apart.

After the long reunion, they said their goodbyes and John decided to go for a walk in
the park before heading home. As he walked, he noticed a little girl, around seven
years old, hugging a horse. The girl noticed him looking and waved.

John immediately recognized the girl as Lisa's daughter. He walked up to her and
asked her name. She told him her name was Sarah and that she was Lisa's daughter.
John was overwhelmed with emotion and he hugged Sarah tightly, just like he had
hugged Lisa earlier.

He couldn't believe that Lisa had been able to find happiness after all these years. He
was so happy to see that she had a beautiful family and a daughter that she could be
proud of. He said his goodbyes to Sarah and started walking home with a smile on his

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