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8 Secret Aura Techniques

To Self Heal

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Aura: Exploring the
Energetic Blueprint
From a spiritual perspective, the aura is often described as an energetic field that
surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is believed to be a manifestation
of our life force energy, reflecting our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-
being. The concept of the aura has been explored and revered by various spiritual
traditions throughout history, including ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians,
Greeks, and Hindus.

Spiritually, the aura is seen as a subtle, luminous emanation that extends beyond
the physical body. It is believed to contain information about our thoughts,
emotions, and energetic vibrations. The colors, patterns, and intensity of the aura
are said to reflect our state of consciousness, health, and spiritual development.
Spiritual healers and practitioners often work with the aura to clear, balance, and
protect it, aiming to promote holistic well-being and spiritual growth.

Scientifically, the existence and nature of the aura are still subjects of ongoing
exploration and debate. While traditional scientific methods may not directly
measure the aura, there is growing interest in the field of bioenergetics and subtle
energy research. Some studies have explored the electromagnetic and bioelectric
fields generated by the human body, suggesting that these fields may extend
beyond the physical body and contribute to the concept of the aura.

Moreover, advancements in technology, such as Kirlian photography and

biofeedback devices, have provided visual and measurable insights into the
energetic aspects of the human body. These tools have captured intriguing images
and data that correlate with the spiritual understanding of the aura. However, it is
important to note that the scientific understanding of the aura is still in its infancy,
and further research is needed to fully comprehend its nature and significance.

In this book, we delve into the realm of aura clearing, protection, and healing,
combining spiritual wisdom with practical techniques. The techniques provided are
intended to support individuals on their spiritual journey, promoting self-awareness,
energetic balance, and overall well-being. Whether you are a spiritual healer,
energy worker, or simply curious about exploring the subtle realms of existence, this
book offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and working with the aura.
By incorporating the techniques shared in this book into your spiritual practice, you
can learn to clear away stagnant energy, protect your aura from external influences,
and promote healing and balance within your energetic field. Remember, the aura is
a dynamic and ever-changing aspect of our being, influenced by our thoughts,
emotions, and experiences. Through conscious intention and regular practice, you
can cultivate a vibrant and harmonious aura, supporting your spiritual growth and
holistic well-being.

Embark on this journey of self-discovery and energetic exploration, and may the
wisdom and techniques shared within these pages empower you to connect with
the radiant essence of your aura, unlocking the transformative power within.

Importance of regular aura cleansing

Regular aura clearing, healing, and protection are essential practices that can have
a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, including health, relationships,
career, and finances. By understanding the importance and need for these
practices, we can cultivate a balanced and harmonious energy field that supports
our overall well-being.

The aura is an energetic field that surrounds and permeates our physical body. It
consists of different layers or levels of energy, often referred to as the subtle bodies.
These subtle bodies interact with our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
aspects, influencing our overall state of being.

1. Health: Our aura acts as a protective shield, filtering and absorbing energies
from our environment. However, it can also accumulate negative or stagnant
energies over time, which can impact our health. Regular aura clearing helps to
release these unwanted energies, promoting physical and energetic balance. By
maintaining a clear and vibrant aura, we can enhance our vitality, strengthen our
immune system, and support overall well-being.

2. Relationships: Our aura interacts with the auras of others during social
interactions. Unresolved emotions, energetic attachments, and negative thought
patterns can create imbalances in our aura, affecting our relationships. Regular
aura healing helps to release emotional baggage, clear energetic cords, and restore
harmony within ourselves and our connections with others.
3. Career: Our aura holds our energetic imprints, including our thoughts, beliefs,
and intentions. These imprints can influence our perception, behavior, and actions,
ultimately shaping our career path. Regular aura clearing and healing can help
release limiting beliefs, clear mental clutter, and align our energy with our
professional goals. This can enhance our focus, creativity, and productivity, leading
to greater success and fulfillment in our careers.

4. Finances: Our aura is interconnected with the universal energy flow, including
abundance and prosperity. Energetic blockages, such as limiting beliefs about
money or scarcity mindset, can hinder the flow of abundance into our lives. Regular
aura clearing and protection can help remove these blockages, raise our energetic
vibration, and attract positive opportunities and financial abundance.

5. Spirituality: If we want to progress on our spiritual bath, having a strong auric

field is really essential for us to be able to hold energies as we progress. If our own
aura is leaking and is broken, we will not be to hold the energies and hence we do
not get benefit from whatever spiritual process we are doing.

At the same, protecting your sacred energy by activating your aura armour regularly
is really essential so that we do not exchange energies from others and get
depleted from our own precious reservoir of pure energy & positive karma that we
are creating with our spiritual practices.

By addressing the importance and need for regular aura clearing, healing, and
protection in these specific areas, we can create a holistic approach to our well-
being. It is important to note that these practices should be complemented with
other self-care techniques, such as meditation, mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle
choices, to maximize their benefits.

Please keep in mind that the effectiveness of aura clearing, healing, and protection
may vary from person to person as each individuals personal vibration level is
different. For example: a person at level 0 vibration will have hard time healing
themselves hence external help is recommended, person at Level 1 can do much
better than person on level 0 and so on. All these levels are explained to you in the
3-days ‘Third Eye Aurascope reading’ workshop.

It is always recommended to consult with experienced energy healers, practitioners,

or professionals in this field for personalised guidance and support.
Some techniques to help you
Clear, Heal, Protect
Your Sacred Aura
Aura Clearing process to remove negative energies

Energy Brushing Technique:

Energy brushing is a powerful technique used to remove stagnant or negative

energy from the aura. It involves using a specific tool, such as a feather, a soft
brush, or your hands, to gently brush away the unwanted energy.

It is very similar to getting JHADA done especially in northern Indian temples, where
the priest use a fan made of peacock feather to brush the aura of the person
moving it in Top to bottom stroke, enacting to collect the energetic dust from the
aura and then throwing it to the ground, very much like when you remove dust using
a broom to clean your walls.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.
- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and set your intention to clear your
- Hold the feather, brush, or your hands a few inches away from your body.

- Starting from the top of your head, slowly move the tool or your hands down your
body, brushing the air around you.

- Visualize the brush or your hands collecting and sweeping away any negative or
stagnant energy from your aura.

- Continue brushing down your entire body, including your arms, torso, legs, and
feet, you can also chant some sacred mantra or an affirmation to keep your
intentions focused on the process.

- As you brush, imagine the energy being released and dissipated into the universe,
leaving your aura cleansed and refreshed.

Post cleansing, wash your hands with Coffee+Salt mix (1 spoon salt & 1/4 spoon
coffee powder) to clear your hands.

If you used a brush or peacock feather, you can put it out in sunlight for a 30mins to
remove negative energies or pass it through the smoke of some incense.
Aura Clearing process to remove negative energies

Benefits (when done daily):

- Clears and releases stagnant or negative energy from the aura.
- Enhances overall energy flow and vitality.
- Promotes a sense of lightness and clarity.
- Supports emotional and mental well-being.
- Strengthens the connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Sound Healing Technique:

Sound has a profound effect on our energy field. This technique utilizes specific
sounds or vibrations to cleanse and harmonize the aura.

- Choose a sound healing tool that resonates with you, such as Tibetan singing
bowls, tuning forks, or crystal singing bowls. Or use a good quality headphone and
play the cleansing aura sound on youtube and do the process below.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down.

- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

- Begin playing the chosen sound healing tool, allowing the vibrations to fill the
space around you.

- Visualize the sound waves penetrating your aura, gently dislodging any negative
or stagnant energy.

- Imagine the sound vibrations transforming the energy into pure, positive light.
- Continue to immerse yourself in the healing sounds for several minutes, allowing
the vibrations to permeate your entire aura.

- When you feel ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.

Benefits (when done daily):

- Clears and balances the aura's energy centers.
- Promotes deep relaxation and stress relief, Enhances spiritual connection and
intuition & Supports emotional healing and release, Amplifies overall well-being and
energy levels.
Aura Clearing process to remove negative energies

Elemental Cleansing Technique:

This technique harnesses the power of the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water
to cleanse and purify the aura.

- Find a serene outdoor location, such as a beach, forest, or park, where you can
connect with nature.

- Stand or sit comfortably, grounding yourself by placing your bare feet on the earth.

- Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to become fully present in the moment.

- Begin with the element of earth: Visualize roots extending from the soles of your
feet, anchoring you deep into the earth. Imagine the earth's energy rising up
through your roots, cleansing and grounding your aura.

- Move on to the element of air: Feel the gentle breeze on your skin and imagine it
carrying away any negative or stagnant energy from your aura. Inhale deeply,
visualizing fresh, revitalizing air filling your lungs and energizing your aura.

- Embrace the element of fire: Find a safe spot to light a small fire or a candle. Gaze
into the flames, allowing their warmth and light to purify and transform any
unwanted energy within your aura. Feel the fire's energy infusing your aura with
vitality and passion.

- Finally, connect with the element of water: If possible, find a natural body of water,
such as a river, lake, or ocean. Dip your hands into the water and gently splash it
onto your face and body. Visualize the water washing away any remaining
impurities from your aura, leaving it cleansed and refreshed.

- Take a moment to express gratitude to the elements for their cleansing and
healing energy.

Benefits (when done daily):

- Purifies and revitalizes the aura on a deep level.
- Strengthens the connection with the natural world.
- Promotes emotional and energetic balance.
Aura Healing process to raise your vibrations

Color Visualization Technique:

Color visualization is a technique that utilizes the power of specific colors to heal
and balance the aura. Each color corresponds to different aspects of our energy
field and can be used to address specific imbalances. Mentally choose the feeling
you want to increase in your life and ask your mind which colour do I associate with
this feeling and then do the exercise.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions.

- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

- Visualize a specific color that resonates with the aspect of your aura you wish to

- Imagine this color surrounding your body, gradually permeating your entire aura.

- As you breathe in, envision the color entering your body and flowing through your
energy field.

- Allow the color to infuse your aura with its healing properties, addressing any
imbalances or blockages.

- Stay with the visualization for a few minutes, absorbing the color's energy and
allowing it to work its healing magic.

- When you feel ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.

Benefits (when done daily):

- Balances and harmonizes specific aspects of the aura.
- Supports emotional healing and release.
- Enhances overall energy flow and vitality.
- Promotes clarity and focus.
- Stimulates specific qualities associated with the chosen color (e.g., blue for
communication, green for heart healing).
Aura Healing process to raise your vibrations

Regular Energy Healing Technique:

Energy healing is a practice that involves channeling universal life force energy to
promote healing and balance in the aura. This technique can be beneficial for
individuals who are not attuned to Reiki energy or have not received Reiki training.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down.

- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

- Place your hands on different parts of your body or hover them slightly above.

- Set your intention to connect with the universal life force energy for healing and
- Allow the energy to flow through your hands and into your aura.

- Visualize the healing energy enveloping your aura, gently dissolving any
imbalances or blockages.

- Trust in the intelligence of the energy to go where it is needed most for your
highest good.

- Continue the energy healing session for as long as you feel guided, allowing the
energy to work its magic.

- When you feel ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment.

Benefits (when done regularly):

Clears and balances the energy centers in your aura.
Promotes deep relaxation and relieves stress.
Supports emotional healing and release
Strengthens the connection between your mind, body, and spirit.

Remember, this technique can be a valuable addition to your self-care routine. If

you have any concerns or specific health conditions, it's always a good idea to
consult with a healthcare professional.
Aura Healing process to raise your vibrations

Affirmation and Intention Setting Technique:

Affirmations and intention setting are powerful tools that can be used to reprogram
the subconscious mind and align the aura with positive energy and healing
intentions. This is a good starting point but once you learn the advanced levels of
aurascope reading, you gain access to advanced techniques of Reprogramming
your aura field to attract or heal any aspect of your life.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.

- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and set your intention for aura healing.

- Choose a positive affirmation or healing statement that resonates with you.

- Repeat the affirmation out loud or silently, allowing its energy to permeate your

- Visualize the affirmation as a vibrant, glowing light surrounding your body and
infusing your aura.

- Feel the energy of the affirmation resonating within you, bringing healing and
balance to your energy field.

- Set clear intentions for the healing qualities you wish to cultivate within
your aura.

- Imagine these intentions as seeds being planted within your aura, ready to grow
and manifest.

- Repeat the affirmation and intention-setting process daily, reinforcing the healing
energy within your aura.

Benefits (when done daily):

- Reprograms the subconscious mind with positive beliefs and healing intentions.
- Enhances self-love, self-acceptance, and self-healing.
- Supports emotional and energetic balance.
- Amplifies overall well-being and energy levels.
- Strengthens the connection with your higher self and spiritual guidance.
Aura Protection process to Protect your energy

Mirror Shielding Technique:

Mirror shielding is a technique used to create a protective barrier around the aura,
reflecting any negative or unwanted energy back to its source.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions.

- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

- Visualize a mirror-like shield surrounding your aura, facing outward.

- Imagine this shield reflecting any negative or unwanted energy that comes into
contact with it.

- See the energy bouncing off the shield and returning to its source, unable to
penetrate your aura.

- Intend for the mirror shield to remain strong and impenetrable, protecting your
energy field.

- Feel a sense of safety and security within the shielded space of your aura.

- Repeat this visualization daily or whenever you feel the need for extra protection.

Benefits (when done daily):

- Creates a strong and impenetrable protective barrier around the aura.
- Reflects negative or unwanted energy back to its source.
- Enhances energetic boundaries and self-protection.
- Promotes a sense of safety and security.
- Shields the aura from external influences and energy drains.
Aura Protection process to Protect your energy

Sacred Symbol Protection Technique:

Sacred symbols have been used for centuries as protective talismans. This
technique involves visualizing and invoking a sacred symbol to create a shield of
protection around the aura.

- Choose a sacred symbol that resonates with you and is associated with
protection, such as the pentagram, the Hamsa hand, or the Sri Yantra.

- Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions.

- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

- Visualize the sacred symbol in your mind's eye, glowing with radiant energy.

- Imagine the symbol expanding and enveloping your aura, creating a shield of

- Feel the energy of the symbol infusing your aura, repelling any negative or
unwanted energy.

- Intend for the symbol's protective energy to remain strong and impenetrable,
safeguarding your energy field.

- Repeat this visualization daily or whenever you feel the need for extra protection.

Benefits (when done daily):

- Creates a shield of protection around the aura.
- Repels negative or unwanted energy.
- Enhances energetic boundaries and self-protection.
- Promotes a sense of safety and security.
- Amplifies the aura's natural protective energy.

Remember, these techniques are meant to be practiced with intention and respect.
Feel free to adapt them to your personal preferences and incorporate them into
your spiritual healing practice.

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