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JUne, 2023


This is to certify that this research work has been read and
approved as meeting part of the requirement for the award of
Higher National Diploma (HND) in Marketing by the Department of
Marketing, Institute of Finance and Management Studies, Kwara
State Polytechnic, Ilorin.

……………………………. ……………………….
Mr Ismail Muritala Date
(Project Supervisor)

……………………………. ……………………….
Mr. Dare Ismail Date
(Project Coordinator)

……………………………. ……………………….
Mr. Olorunlambe G.A Date
(Head of Department)

……………………………. ……………………….
External Examiner Date

The major aim of this project is to demonstrate the impact of Television
advertising on the corporate image of an organization taking MTN Nig Ltd as the
case. Longe (2001) defined advertising as any personal paid form of non personal
communication which is directed to the consumers or target audiences through
various media in order to present and promote a product, services and idea. Good
advertising requires competent personnel including a number of specialists to
enable it thrive in the ever dynamic and competitive business environment. It is
therefore imperative that key personnel in departments that are directly involved
are to be carefully selected and positioned to ensure continuous success. In
recognizing the role advertising can play a growing number of companies and
establishments have to embark on a nationwide advertising campaign. Advertising
campaigns obviously informed by depressed consumer demand, thrive by
persuading the consumer on the need for consumptions. The researcher used the
systematic simple random sample technique to select the sample used for the
study. The research used the Yaro Yamene’s formular for sample size
determination to determine the sample size for the study. The researcher used the
measurement tool (the questionnaire ) as the major data collection instrument for
this study. Out of the 100 questionnaire administered by the research, 50 were
returned and analysed The researcher used tables, figures and percentage to
present and interpreted the data generated for this study while the test of
hypothesis was used for sample proportion to test the hypothesis formulated.

Title page
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Research hypothesis
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Limitation and constraints to the study
1.9 Definition of terms.
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.1.1 Promotion Concept
2.1.2 Advertising
2.1.3 Television Advertising
2.1.4 Image
2.1.5 Corporate Image
2.1.6 MTN Nig Limited
2.2 Theoretical Review
2.2.1 Wlimshurst and Macky Theory
2.2.2 Schemer Horn Theory
2.3 Empirical Review
2.3.1 Impact of Television Advertising and Corporate image of an organization
2.3.2 Classification of MTN product
2.3.3 Impact of Television Advertising
3.3.4 Reasons for embarking on Television Advertising
2.3.5 Factor that influence Television Advertising
2.3.6 Impact of Brand Image and Advertising on Television
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research design
3.2 Population of the study
3.3 Methods of Data Collection
3.4 Methods of data Analysis
3.5 Instruments used for data collection
3.6 Method of data presentation and analysis
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Data presentation and analysis
4.2 Test of hypothesis
4.3 Discussion of findings

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

We are in a very dynamic and complex world. The business environment is
becoming sophisticated day by day and as such, decision-making is becoming and
more challenging and risky. Business organization are falling due to poor decision
investor are looking their money and are unhappy. They are being discourage and
this quite unhealthy to the economy. In some other instances, organization are
springing up in great numbers; some are still akin to the barber’s chair syndrome
where all is motion but no movement; struggling to reach their target audience.
Consumers are also faced with the challenge of choice making due to
indecisiveness, skepticism, indifference and confusion which are among the key
sales killers in business world.
However, the consumer perception challenge is the first and greatest hurdle
that advertiser must cross. Perception guides all activities of the consumer from
the people he buys. In the business world, it has always been what people say
about a product or service and not what the marketer says. How a consumer
perceives each of the different brands in category, determines which brand he
chooses so many companies spend so much money on advertising sales
promotion, point of purchase displays and other marketing communications only
to discover that many people don’t even remember the product or the promotion.
On the other hands, whether the promotion and marketing communication variable
facilitate purchasing.
Today, it is no longer news that we are in a season of economic anomie. All
that could go wrong have been going wrong with the global economies and having
ripple effects on our local business environment. Reports about the current
economic crisis have been terrific and searing. More companies are recently
reported to have shut down operations while some are planning their exit from the
country due to harsh economic condition. In the face of all these, the few others in
operation are engaged in fierce battle for the consumer.
MTN Nigeria is part of the MTN group Africa’s leading cellular
telecommunications company. On may 16, 2001. MTN became the first GSM
network to make a call following the lauded Nigerian GSM auction conducted by
the Nigeria communication commission earlier in the year. Thereafter the
company launched full commercial operations beginning with Lagos, Abuja and
Port Harcourt.
Since launch in August2001, MTN has steadily developed its service across
Nigeria. It now provides services in 223 cities and towns, more than 10,000
villages and communities and a growing number of highways across the country,
spanning the 36 states of the Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.
Many of these villages and communities are being connected to the world of
telecommunication for the first time ever.
Advertising is costly; often its effect is uncertain and sometime it takes a
while before it makes any impact on consumer’s buying behavior. It is for these
reason that many6 companies think it is appropriate, occasionally to reduce
expenditure on advertising or to entirely eliminate it. On the other hand, some
companies when their brands are sometimes consider it unnecessary to advertise
when their brands are already enjoying great success without advertisement.

Many customers do not patronize a company’s product when they are
ignorant of its existence. In addition, customers find it difficult making a repeated
purchase on a product whose advertisement is neither strong nor motivating.
Consequent upon the foregoing, the problem inherent in this research work
is to know the impact of advertising on the marketing of global system for mobile
(G.S.M) communication of MTN here in Nigeria.
Primarily, the ultimate purpose underlying all advertisement is to increase
awareness and spur increased demand by customer for any range or type of
product and services involved specifically, this study to:
i. To know whether advertisement attracts new customer for MTN
ii. To find out the impact or effect of advert message of MTN on the publics
iii. To find out whether advertising is expensive or not
This research is aimed at providing solution to the following question:
a) What role does advertising play in the marketing of MTN product in
b) What will be it’s advertising budget?
c) Can advertising increase sales?
d) Which medium serves them best in advertising its product?
e) Who are the target audience or public?
The use of advertising by MTN is accused of promoting materialism in the
society just because it is used to promote product to satisfy the materialistic
requirement of customers.
H0: With the use of advertising through internet, it is essential to obtain universal
acceptance of MTN
H1: The use of advertising has been considered the most effective and efficient
way of advertising MTN product.
H0: The use of advertising is blame for enticing people with its product they never
wanted to purchase.
H1: The use of advertising by MTN mobile communication of Nigeria leads to
increased profitability in carrying out its marketing activities.
H0: Obtaining universal acceptance of any product or service is extremely
H1: Advertising has positive effect on the profit of MTN Nigeria limited.
The scope of this research is to examine the impact of the television on
sales of consumer in Nigeria.
i. Without mincing words, the level of advertising upon by MTN Nigeria in
the running of their product and service calls for researching.
ii. To service as a guide to MTN company in its advertisement saga or pursuit.
iii. It will add to the existing literature already in advertising a product or
iv. It will provide an in-depth knowledge to researchers and readers alike.

This research effort was militated against by several factors. These factors
combined to make the process more rigorous herculean from the researcher. Some
of the challenging factors are; dearth of materials at the researcher’s disposal made
the effort more challenging for instance, it was not easy to retrieving information
on the first advertisement of the MTN in Nigeria.
Another is the unwillingness of respondents to fill the questionnaire. This
to an extent constitute an impediment to the collation and collection of data for the
Also, the researcher studied the behavior that is rational. This too, posed a
great deal of the challenge to the researcher because often the respondents do not
express their habitual practices and their preferences cannot be assessed correctly
or accurately.
Below are the operational definitions of term;
Impact: This refers to the effect that MTN has on the subscribers in Nigeria.
MTN: Mobile telecommunication Network. MTN is one of the major wireless
telephone operators in Nigeria.
Advertisement: It is an appeal that contains some aesthetic information
concerning a product or service.

Advertising in Nigeria has grown from its earliest beginning of
using the town criers to announce availability of goods and services to become a
big industry in Nigeria. Advertising is now very important in the economy of the
nation, considering the fact that it serves as a source of information about goods
and services and also persuades consumers to patronize the advertized goods and
service. The aim of this paper is to critically appraise the practice of advertising in
Nigeria. The paper will discuss the development of advertising. The study will
also appraise the challenges faced by advertising in Nigeria and the prospects of
the industry. Suggestion will be proffered on how to improve advertising practice
in Nigeria.
2.1.2 Promotion Concept
Promotion is one of the most effective tools of marketing. According to
Neha and Manjo, (2003), promotion is an exercise in information, persuasion and
influence. Its aim is to reinforce positive behavior or change a negative behavior
towards a product. Promotional; activities includes; Advertising, Publicity,
Personal selling, Public relation, Sales promotion, Trade fairs and exhibition e.t.c.
Predominantly, in this chapter, discussions are concentrated on advertising.
Here, effort is made at reviewing various authors’ comments in specific area
intended to be covered. Many authors in marketing communications and
individuals who have covered a niche in advertising have said many things, which
are considered useful in this study.

One function of the mass media which is becoming increasingly important
in the modern world is the economic function of advertising. The mass media
perform this function for the people by bringing together buyers and seller through
Again, the world is fast becoming a common market place of ideas. Many
multinational companies have come to realize that people have the same basic
needs and desires. Consequently, they have heeded to calls for global marketing
and can promote their goods and services using advertisements.
An advertisement is defined by the Advertising Practitioners Council Of
Nigeria (APCON) as a “communication in the media paid for by an identifiable
sponsor and directed at a target audience with the aim of transferring information
about a product, service, idea or cause”.
According to Andrews and Shipip (2017) opined that, “Advertising is a
form of non-personal method of communicating information which is usually paid
for by a sponsor through various media”. These definitions can tell one that
advertising is a persuasive communication, because it tries to persuade the reader,
viewers or listeners to take to the sponsor’s point of view and also take some
appropriate actions towards an object of advertisement.
In an industrial and free competitive market economy, where the interplay
of economic variables dictates the market, the problems of survival of business
become a very nightmarish one for producers and manufacturers. The singular
desire of manufacturers becomes how to create awareness and market for their
goods. Advertising is then one strategy that fulfils the desire completely. The

desire to be buoyant in business and to increase profit has given advertisement an
irrevocable reputation.
Advertising is not undertaken by management just for fun or to keep
products or services. It is principally involved in persuasion or advocacy even
apparently just giving us information, using that are paid for it to get through to
the mass audience with the identity of the advertise being clear. “Advertising has
the mandate to sell the advertiser’s goods and help the consumers to shop wisely”
(Turow, 2012).
Advertising is to communicate information about a product, service or idea
and thus stimulate demand.
Although, many scholars and practitioners have variously described
advertising to reflect their understanding of the concept. An attempt will be made
to evaluate some of these definitions.
According to Atazky and Barone, (2013) which said, advertising presents
the most persuasive selling message to the right prospects for a product or service
at the least possible cost”.
Samuel, (2013) opined that, advertising is not chemistry with rules and
laws that, if followed with reasonable precision that can restore a poor product or
rejuvenate a declining market; it is not a substitute for sound business judgment
nor is advertising merely the words and picture that appears in newspapers and
magazines, on billboards and on television screens,. These are the means or the
media that advertising uses to communicate its information about products,
services and ideas to people: information designed to persuade them make buying
and action decisions.
Advertising is the art and business of persuasive communication”.
Agbeja et al. (2015) describe advertising as a process of presenting a
product or idea to a person or group of persons, some openly sponsored message
(oral or visual) about a product or seller. This message which is being presented is
known as advertising.
It was submitted by Jenkins et al. (2018) that, advertising is the means by
which we make known what we have to sell or what we want to buy.
In other words, advertising as a paid-for communication addressed to the public of
a section of it, the purpose of which is to influence the opinions or behavior of
those to whom it is addressed (Wimmer and Dominick, 2013).
Whereas, Khan (2007) sees advertising as any paid form of non-personals
presentation and promotion of idea, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
Meanwhile, Adeyeye and Akanbi, (2011) were on the opinion that,
advertising is a form of communication through the media about products, ideas
paid for by an identified sponsor.
A television advertisement or commercial is a form of advertisement in
which goods, services, organization, ideas e.t.c are promoted through the medium
of television. Most advertisement is produced by an outside advertising agency.
Advertises spread commercials across a number of programmes reaching
many more viewers. Networks now on different “spot” commercials for many
products in the same show. A spot has to stand out and be remember and this
brought about creativity in television advertising owing to the large number of
advertisements, and many products with the same quality and cost. The unique
selling point and brand awareness became every more important.

The first television advertisement was broadcast in the United State at
14:29pm on July 1, 1941, when the Bolvia watch company paid $9 to New York
City NBC affiliate WNBT (now WNBC) for a 20 second spot shows before a base
ball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Philies.
Television advertisement have heralded an unprecedented increased in economic
activities. For some, television advertisements are always one of the best things to
look out for on television because of their highly captivating, dramatic,
entertaining and humorous nature. For others, this form of advertisement is
nothing but an interruption of a nice quiet evening at home, especially when the
viewer is seriously engrossed in a highly informative news programme.
However, beyond these two extremes the advertiser must gain access to the
consumer mind in order to win his purchasing loyalty. This is why the advertiser
capitalizes on the glamour and potency of television to reach out to a wide
spectrum of consumers in order to market his wares. Ideally, television
commercial are based on the same principle as the old-time medicine show where
a medicine dealer uses Banjo player and magician to attract customer’s attention
to his product and market his wares. In television commercials the advertisers uses
talents (for dramatic spectacle) and music to put the audience in good humor, so
that the sponsor (manufacturer of the product) who corresponds to the medicine
man will have a receptive audience when he peddles his wares.
The majority of television advertisements in Nigeria recently comprise
brief advertising spots, ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes. In
the Nigeria media, advertisement of this sort has been used to sell every product
imaginable over the years from household product to goods and services. The
effect of television advertisement upon the viewing public has been so successful
and so persuasive that it is considered impossible for a political to wage a
successful election campaign in Nigeria without the use of television
Lager products are without doubt among the products that have been given
intensive and wide advertisement coverage. The products were able to arouse
using promotional strategies.
2.1.5 IMAGE
In an attempt to create a favorable mental picture of a product or firm in
mind of consumers. This image aims to associate the advertised product and/ or
firm with certain life styles or values (Dowling, 2012). It’s three basic function are
i. Increase consumer awareness.
ii. Convert the awareness into familiarity, and
iii. Use the familiarity to influence consumer buying behavior.
Meanwhile, Wheeler, (2017) beloved marketing strategies agree that brand
awareness in any industry gives that company an edge. Brand awareness
accomplishes several objectives for companies needs to be flexible enough to
grow with the company and adjust if needed. The company should seek to build
customers awareness, promotes its website and add value.
Image opened its doors in 1985 with a number of real estate firms,
including industry icons, Lincoln Property Company and KB Homes. By
remaining grounded in solid strategy and vigorous in creativity, image not only
grew its residential and commercial real estate portfolio, but expanded into
industries as diverse as food and wine, hospitality and travel, military and defense,
and hundreds more.
While holding to fundamental marketing principals, image offers a
powerful edge to its clients in targeting the psychodynamic of a market with
impactful creative’s that drive response.
The magic of image is that it captures the heart and soul of a product.
imagine what brilliant marketing could do for a year product or company convert
vision to reality (Blank, 2018)
In recent years, more organization are beginning to recognize the benefits
associate with positive corporate image, it is not just for fascination but knowing
the effect on organization survival and profitability. Today many companies need
to project strong positive reputation to their stakeholders, namely the employees,
consumers, customers, investors and the public in order to be reckoned with in the
highly competitive market projecting corporate image show casing what you are
into and stands for as a business entity which is an embodiment of their totality of
your in operations in business.
The different knowledge of stakeholder about a firm is known as corporate
image (Arendt and Brettel, 2010). Each stakeholder could have different
perception based on previous experience, beliefs, feelings, knowledge,
impressions, e.t.c about a company. Which might be valid, or invalid, to form
corporate image for defuse existing corporate reputation therefore requires
adequate information. With the reality that affordable image can boost a firm’s
sales through increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as stated both
investors and future employees while negative image will do otherwise.
Experts are of the opinion that one of the ways to form corporate image is
through quality advertising. Meanwhile, Porter and Kramer, (2023) confirmed
with the fact that, qualitative advertisement is often holistic as it will give
stakeholder necessary information about the company. It build appropriate image
of a company in a convincing manner against assumption of what is imagined and
heard from unreliable source. The methods of advertising varied but on a wide
spectrum it involved both electronic and print media.
The viable manifestation of advertising to promote corporate image varied
but could involve the use of letters. Symbols, logos and other design are measures
to promote corporate image of an organizations (Stanton and Stanton, 2012).
The idea of corporate image is certainly not new as it has been reported by
numerous authorities (Hakanson, 2014). A critical examination of the existing
views reveals three dimensions to the concept as:
i. Perceptions, a mental picture or impressions of a firm in the minds of
ii. Cognitive view; and
iii. Beliefs and feeling
Han et al. (2009), opinion that corporate image entails the total sum of
attributes which have been evaluated by customers. Image is a perception of a
receiver of his/her received projection of the corporate identity and own
reflections of interpretation of various attributes from various sources.
Virvilaite, and Daubarate, (2011) emphasize that corporate image is
influenced by informative provided by the company itself and other groups.
Corporate image is studied from two perspectives; companies and
consumers. The approach of company is directed toward improvement of
marketing activities while consumer’s approach is based on his interpretation of
corporate image and brand equity state that a crucial feedback exists: stakeholders
are influenced by company’s image forming actions and they form corporate
image in their environment.
With over 55million subscribers, MTN Nigeria communication limited
(MTNN) provides cellular network access and ICT solution to millions of
Nigerians, connecting whole communities with each other and with the rest of the
world. It is also the largest subsidiary in the MTN group- a multinational
telecommunications group offering world-class cellular network access and
business solutions to over 210 million subscribers in 22 countries across Africa
and the Middle East.
Since inception in 2001, MTNN has led the growth in the voice market to
become the biggest mobile operator in Nigeria and West Africa. It is now pursuing
new growth opportunities in the data and ICT space. This lead position is evident
in a differentiated and attractive array of product and service offerings, as well a
giving bouquet of ICT products.
With 15 service centers, 144 connect states and 247 connect points located
in every state of the federation, MTN is poised to lead the delivery of a bold, new
digital world to the Nigerian market.
MTNN is 75.81%owned by MTN international (Mauritius) limited
(MTNl); 18.7% held by Nigerian shareholder through special purpose vehicles;
2.78% owned by Mobile Telephone Network NIC B.Vand 1.76% owned by public
investment corporation soc limited.
In 1999 and 2001, Chernatony were among the early writers that examined
corporate communications as a corporate image. Corporate communication entails
advertisement as well as a medium of disseminating information about the entity
(Lodhia, 2004). Creating and managing corporate image is key function of
advertisement (Beare et al., 2018).
The concept of advertising image is relevant to the discussion. Advertising
image are used as a means to create sensation and provide information about
services or product that a specific company offers to its stakeholders. An insight
into the effect of advertising when he noted its importance on corporate image as a
foundation for creating values and morals. Themes of right and wrong, moral or
evil, are often created and sustained in image (Drumwright and Murphy, 2004).
Cost of advertisement associated with building corporate image is serves
and incomparable to benefits. The failure to give the appropriate mind set to the
general public can undermine the future if the firm thus it is expected to define the
purpose of corporate campaign envisage difficulties of marketing different quality
grades, the risk of damages of existing product lines and the difficulties of
devising sufficiently clear advertising and communication objective and assigning
expenditure, this may be undesirable to relate closely (Adejumo et al., 2014).
Theoretical framework advertising has become a very powerful and almost
necessary tool employed by producers to win consumer patronage of their
products. Consequently, it has become very relevant to know the effects on the
2.2.1 Wlimshurst and Macky (1999: 316) explaining the hierarchy of effects
theory said that advertising stimulates consumer’s behavior towards the product or
service being advertised. The Dagmar model as explained by Wilmhurts and
Mackay, states that all commercial communication that weight on the ultimate
objection of sales must carry a prospect theory four level of understanding Vizia.
The prospect must first be aware of the existence of a brand or a company .b. He
must have a comprehension of what the product is and what it will. Finally, he
must stir himself of the television commercials. The reason is that children lack
the cognitive skills and experience to comprehend perfectly what a product is and
what it will do. As a result, they are most likely to make a wrong interpretation of
television commercials. The wrong interpretation will in turn lead to wrong
decision and actions. Also used in this study, is the perception model.
2.2.2 Schemer horn (1999:336) said that perception is the process through which
people receive, organize and interpret information from the environment.
Schermerhorn sees perception as a screen or filter through which information must
pass before it has an impact on communication, decision making and action. The
result of screening process varies because individual perceptions are influenced by
a number of factors such as age, sex, education, experience and other values. This
explains why children perceive television advertisement or commercial different
from adults and display out right decision and action based on the adverts.
2.2.3 Bishnoil and Sharma (2009) in their study aimed to find the background of
the consumer and TV advertising influences the buying behavior. Teenagers from
both the genders from n urban and rural were used for study. Talking gender, age,
education, annual income, as determinants, ANOVA, percentage analysis, means
counts were analyze to conclude that rural teenagers prefer advertisement than
their urban people. The urban teenagers watch the advertisement of the product
they believed are useful and good. Advertisement on male purchase behavior than
female consumers.

2.2.4 Yousaf and Shehzad (2013) studied the effect and influence of TV
commercial illiterate and literate people of Nigeria. Findings shows that illiterate
spend more than 2hrsper day of TV commercial and literate watch less than 2hrs
per day. With regard to content to watching 70%of literate content in TV
commercial and 68% of illiterate likes content. It is found that illiterate are
behaviorally influenced whereas literate are psychologically influenced. Not all
the literates believe in the message conveyed in the advertisement are true, so they
don’t try all product listed in TV. But illiterate believed in the content and try to
buy those products.
2.2.5 According to Porter, (1980) which state that, the theoretical perspective
views competitive advantage as a position of superior performance that a firm
achieves through offering cost advantages or benefit advantages (Porter, 1980).
This model attributes competitive advantage to the external environmental factors
that a firm must respond to such as erecting barriers of entry to competitors,
product differentiations, capital requirements, and buyers switching costs (Lado et
al., 2002). The theory says that competition within an industry is determined by
five forces namely; rivalry of industry competitors, threat of new entrant,
bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and the threat of
substitute products (Porter, 1980). The theory further says that basin on the
strength or weakness of industry players, the competitive position of individual
firms is partly determined the rest of external threats notwithstanding.
Secondly, prospects new entrants to the industry, the bargaining power of
buyers, the bargaining power of suppliers and threat of substitute product,
altogether have a potential of reducing considerably the competitiveness of
organization in the market place.
Industry structure determines who will capture the value, but a firm is not a
complete prisoner of industry structure firms can influence the five forces through
their own strategies. The five forces framework highlights what is important and
directs manager toward those aspects most important to long-term advantages. In
this framework, gaining competitive advantage is determined primarily by
responding effectively to industry specific requirements. The five forces model
constitutes a very useful way of thinking about and analyzing the nature of
competition within an industry. However, the model presents a start picture of
competition which slights the role of innovation and de-emphasizes the
significance of individual company differences while overemphasizing the
importance of industry and strategic group structure as determinants of company
profit rates (Ghemawat et al., 2009)
The impact of television advertising, a television or commercial is a form
of advertisement in which goods, services, organizations, ideas e.t.c are promoted
through the medium of television. Most advertisement are produced by an outside
advertising agency.
Advertisers spread commercial across a number of programme reaching
many more viewers .network now own different “spot” commercials for many
products in the same show. A spot has to stand out and be remembered and this
brought about creativity in television advertising owing to the large number of
advertisements, and many products with the same quality and cost. The unique
selling point and brand awareness become even more important.
Corporate image of an organization is also most important, because in
recent years, more organization are beginning to recognize the benefit associated
with positive corporate image, it is not just for fascination but knowing the effect
on organizational survival and profitability. Today, many companies need to
project strong positive strong reputation to their stakeholders, namely the
employees, consumers, customers, investors and the public in order to be reckoned
with the highly competitive market.
Projecting corporate image entails show as casing what you are into and
stands firm as a business entity which is an embodiment of the totality of your
operation in business.
The different knowledge of stakeholders about a firm is known as corporate
(Arendit and Bretel, 2010) each stakeholder could have different perception
based on previous experience, beliefs, feelings, knowledge impressions, e.t.c about
a company which might be valid or invalid to form corporate image or defuse
existing corporate reputation therefore requires adequate information worth the
reality that a favorable can boost a firms sales through increased customer
satisfaction and loyalty, as well as attract both investors band future employees
while negative image will do otherwise.
i. MTN NEW DATA PROPOSITION: In a bid to ensure customer gets
more value from data propositions, MTN Nigeria has announced the
revised, news preposition and decommissioned plans on the network.
The new data plan are see in the table below:

Bundle Price (#) Validity Activation Activation Remark
plan period (sms to (ussd)
30mb 100 24hrs 104 *131*104# Revised
100mb 200 24hrs 113 *131*113# Revised
750mb 500 7 days 103 *131*103# Revised
1.5gb 1,000 30 days 106 *131*106# Revised
3.5gb 2,000 30 days 110 *131*110# Revised
10gb 5,000 30 days 116 *131*116# New
22gb 10,000 30 days 117 *131*117# New
50gb 20,000 90 days 118 *131*118# New
85gb 50,000 90 days 133 *131*133# New

7.5gb 8,000 30 days 101 *101# Decommissioned

9pm-6am 2,500 30 days 102 *102# Decommissioned


1.5gb 1,300 30 days 109 *109# Decommissioned

25mb 3,500 30 days 111 *111# Decommissioned

150 24hrs 112 *112# Decommissioned



Day 2500 30 days 120 *120# Decommissioned

(6:01am –


4.5gb 6,500 30 days 129 *129# Decommissioned

2015mbd 2015 30 days SPB *123*4*3*1# Decommissioned

better me

Unknown at Friday, May 06, 2016


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Spain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Kenya and Ghana.
Customer can dial *123*10# to check eligibility and view destinations.
Mc Donald at Wednesday, August 26, 2015.
Good morning Nigeria allows prepaid customers to make up to 30minutes
of free calls after first 3minutes of same call session changed at their base tariff.
Subscribers will listen to a start-of-call audio message advertising any of
the participating brands products/services for ARM, Coca-cola, Jumia, Leadway,
Mansard and Samsung. The audio will be played for a period of 35seconds after
initiating the call and will not interfere with the caller tune of a CRBT subscriber.
Subscriber is not charged for listening to the audio message.
How it works
Once register, the customer will enjoy Good morning Nigeria rates between and daily.
During that period 0 to 3mins of every on net call will be billed at the
customer’s base tariff, thereafter from the 3rd min of same call will be Zero rated.
To opt in simply dial *123*10# or text GMN to131
To opt out simply dial *123*11# or text NOGMN to 131
Mc, Donald at Sunday, June 14, 2015.
MTN Xtra cash is a service that allows eligible customer access short term
micro credit loans via a ussd platform from their phones. This services will not be
available to all customers it will be available ONLY to eligible prepaid customers
who are Diamond Yellow Account Holders. And a customer can check if he/she is
eligible by dialing *606# to access the Xtracash USSD menu.
Balance can be checked by dialing *606#. An individual can borrow either
#5,000 or #10,000 based on eligibility and the Xtracash loan amount would be
credited into his/her Diamond Yellow Account. There is a fee for this service with
an interest rate of 15%rthat is applicable to the service. The Xtracash service has a
maturity period of 30days. A customer has to pay up all outstanding Xtracash
loans to be eligible to use the service again.
For the customer to make initial payments before maturity date he/she can
repay through the “REPAY XTRACASH”on the menu. The customer can make
partial (in multiples of #1000) or full repayment from his/her account and when
maturity date for repayment comes the customer will receive a notification when
he/she Xtracash loan is due. Joseph Aliyu odiwo at10:30pm.
v. MTN LTE!!
LTE (long term evolution) is the 4 th generation of telecommunication tech
which delivers very high data speeds. With long term evolution, you can enjoy
high definition video streaming video and voice calls, superfast downloads, online
gaming e.t.c LTE offers faster download and upload speeds that will considerably
improve your internet experience. With LTE you van stream music and video,
upload and download faster. You can essentially use your mobile or tablet like a
fixed line internet connection.
Joseph Aliyu odiwo at 2:06 pm.
The reason for embarking of television Advertising. The television
advertising it easy to demonstrate product to customer and also gain the world is
fast becoming a common market place or ideas on the screening TV showing
program. Many multinational companies have come to realized that people have
the same basic needs and desire promote their goods and services using Television
A television advertisement or commercial is a form of advertisement in which
goods, services, organizations, ideas e.t.c are promoted through the medium of
television. Advertisers spread commercial across a number of programmes
reaching many more viewers. Networks now own different “spot” commercials for
many products in the same show. A spot has to stand out and be remembered and
this brought about creativity in television advertising owing to the large number of
advertisements, and many products with the same quality and cost. The unique
selling point and brand awareness become ever more important.
The factor that influences the television authority has become a very
powerful aid almost necessary tool employed by producers to win consumers
patronage of their products. Consequently, it has become very relevant to know
the effects of Television Advertising on the society. Wlimshurt and Mackay
(1999:316) explaining the hierarchy of effects theory, said that television
advertising stimulates consumers” behavior towards the product or service being
TV advertised prospect in research reflects that all commercial communication
that weight on the ultimate objective of sales must carry a prospect factor through
four levels of understanding VIZ.
a) The prospect must first be aware of the existence of a brand or company
that can be a factorization that influence the prospect through the television
advertising for easy influencing and convenience the prospectors.
b) He must have a comprehension of what the product is and what it will do
c) He must arrive at a mental suspicious or conviction to buy the product.
d) Finally, he must stir himself to action advancing judgment based on the
four levels of understanding of the Dagmar model, it is obvious that
children are likely to suffer or fall victims of the television commercial.
In an attempt to create a favorable mental picture of a product or firm in
mind of consumers. This brand image aim to associate the TV advertised product
and/or firm with certain lifestyles or value (Dowling, 2012). It’s three basic
function are to:
i. Increase consumer awareness advertising on TV
ii. Convert the awareness into familiarity shows advertise TV
iii. Use the familiarity to influence consumer buying behavior.
Meanwhile, Wheeler, (2017) believed, marketing strategists agree that
brand awareness in any industry gives that company and edge brand awareness
accomplishes several objectives for companies seeking to increase sales in the
market place. A brand image advertise on TV awareness campaign needs to be
flexible enough to grow with the company and adjust if needed. The company
should seek to build consumer awareness promote its website and add value.
As brand image and advertising are playing an important role in any
business to make it successful therefore the core purpose of this study is to explore
the impact of brand image and television advertisement on consumer buying
behavior we want to see that how people perceive any brand and how a brand
image and television advertising can be influence the consumer buying behavior
of people and especially the consumer buying behavior of teenagers at Nigeria.
According to Khasaneh and hasouneh. Customers realize the important of
brand while in their purchasing decision and customers demographic
characteristics have no significant relation and effective on brand awareness.
People prefer the branded product with higher price because they consider that
branded items have more quality than non branded products.
Brand preference is also a symbol of status.
Similarly Ayanwale et al., (2014) described that when there is number of
competitors and consumers have different brand choices than manufacturer need
to understand the factor that can gain the attraction of buyers. Male and Female
both equally influences by advertising for brand choicest ads are most preferred by
people. Companies should give proper attention for advertising their products to
increase their market share. Bishnoi and Sharma (2015) concluded that teenagers
in rural areas are more influenced by advertising rather than urban areas. TV ads
play a vital to role enhance the involvement of people in product selection and
purchase decision. The ads of those brands which are not required to urban
teenagers have no greater influence on them. They positively reach for those
products ads which they consider that benefits of product will be more than

This chapter presents the methodology that was used to carry out the study.
The chapter describes the proposed research design, the target population of the
study, data collection instruments and the techniques for data analysis.
Research design provides the conceptual framework with which research is
conducted; it constituted the blue print or roadmap for the collection, measurement
and analysis of data (Kothari, 2007). The research design adopted was cross
sectional descriptive design.
According to Cooper and Schindler (2000), a descriptive research design is
concerned with finding out the; who, what, when, where, when and how much.
Furthermore, a research design is structural, has investigative questions and
part of formal studies. The design was appropriate because the main interest was
to explore the viable relationship and describe how the factors support matters
under investigation.
A cross sectional study looks at data collected across a whole population to
provide a snapshot of that population at a single point in time. Descriptive design
method provided quantitative data from across section of the chosen population.
This design provided further insight into research problem by describing the
variable of interest.
Population refers to an entire group of individuals, events or objects having
common characteristics that can be observed and measured (Yin 2003). The
population of study comprised of all the providing telecommunication network
companies operating in Kwara state in particular and Nigeria in general and all of
them participated hence the study was a census. The population for this study is
therefore, 10.
The sample size for this study shall be drawn from the entire population of
the organization. Since the population of this study not more than one hundred
(100), we can therefore make use of all the population as sample size which is 10.
The study used primary data was collected through self administered
questionnaires containing closed is, easy to formulate and administer and also
provides a relatively simple and straight forward approach to the study of
attitudes, values, beliefs and motive (Robson, 2002). Questionnaires may also be
adapted to collect generalized information from almost any human population and
results to high amounts of data standardization.
The questionnaires were distributed through drop and pick “method and in
some cases by email”. There was a follow-up to ensure that questionnaires are
collected on time and assistance to the respondents having difficulty in completing
the questionnaire was offered.
Follow-up calls were made to ensure that the questionnaires and dully filled
within a reasonable period of time. This ensured that the information gather was
valid, reliable and suitable for this study.

The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics (measures of
central tendency and measure s of variations). Once the data collected, the
questionnaires were edited for accuracy, consistency and completeness. However,
before final analysis was performed, data was cleaned to eliminate discrepancies
and thereafter, classified on the basis of similarity and then tabulated. The
responses were coded into numerical form to facilitate statistical analysis. Data
was analyzed using statistical package for social science based on the
questionnaires. In particular means scores, standard deviations, percentages and
frequency distribution was used to summarize the responses and to show the
magnitude of similarities and differences results were presented in table.
The research made use of various form of tools together information in
order that aims of study may be achieve. The data were gathered both primary and
secondary source.
The tools employed include personal observation the use validated
questionnaire and personal interview.
MTN Nigeria limited with over 55million subscribes MTN Nigeria
communications limited (MTNN) provides cellular network access and ICT
solution to millions of Nigerians. Connecting whole communicates with each
other and with the rest of the world. It is also the largest subsidiary in the MTN
group a multinational telecommunications group offering world-class cellular
network access and business solution to over 210million subscribes in 22 countries
across Africa and the Middle East.
Since inception in 2001, MTNN has led the growth in the voice market to
become the biggest mobile operator in Nigeria and West Africa. It is now pursuing
new growth opportunities in the data and ICT space. This lead position is position
is evident in a differentiated and attractive array of product and service offerings,
as well a growing bouquet of ICT product.

This chapter deals with data presentation and analysis where all the
information / data gathered are presented and analyzed. The data was collected
through the use of questionnaire. The questionnaire was as administered to the
various respondents who have knowledge of the subject matter.
Table: 4.1. Distribution of respondents by Gender
Options No of respondents Percentage
Male 40 80
Female 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: field survey, 2023.
Table 4.1 show that 40 (80%) of the respondents are males, while 10 (20%)
are females. This shows that male respondents are more than female respondents.

Table 4.2 Distribution of respondents by Age.
Options No of respondents Percentage
Below 20 years 15 30
20-30 years 10 20
31-45 years 20 40
46 above 5 10
Total 50 100
Source: Field survey, 2023.
Table 4.2 shows that is (30%) of respondents are below 20 years, 10 (20%)
are between the ages of 20 and 30 years, 20 (40%) are between the ages of 31 and
45 years, while 5 (10%) of the respondents are above 46 years.
Table 4.3 Distribution of respondents by marital status
Options No of respondents Percentage
O’ level 10 20
ND/NCE 20 20
HND/BSC 20 40
MA/MSC 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: Field survey, 2023
Table 4.4 show that 10 (20%) of the respondents are O’ level certificate holder 10
(20%) an ND/NCE certificates holders, 20 (40%) an HND/Bsc certificate holder
while 10 (20%) are MA/Msc certificate holders.

Question: what factor does our company consider to advertise, it produced
Table 4.5
Options No of respondents Percentage
The cost of medium 20 40
Objective of advertising 10 20
Awareness creation 10 20
Product feature 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: field survey, 2023.
Table 4.5 shows that 20 (40%) of the respondents agreed that the factor
“Considered in advertising product is the cost of medium 10 (20%) choose
objectives of advertisement, 10 (20%) choose awareness creation 10 (20%) while
choose product feature 10 (20%).
Question: Advertising is targeted towards large significant of population
Table 4.6
Options No of respondents Percentage
Agreed 40 80
Disagreed - -
Undecided 10 20
Total 50 100
Sources: Field survey, 2023.
Table 4.6 shows that 40 (80%) of the total respondents agreed to the question 10
(20%) of them are undecided, while no respondents disagreed.

Question: Advertising enhances the purchase of organizational product by the
Table 4.7
Options No of respondents Percentage
Agreed 40 80
Disagreed - -
Undecided 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: field survey, 2023.
Table 4.7 shows that 40 (80%) of the total respondents agreed to the question, 10
(20%) of the undecided, while no respondents disagreed.
Question: Television advertising has significance impact in customers awareness
of their new product.
Table 4.8
Options No of respondents Percentage
Agreed 45 90
Disagreed 5 10
Undecided - -
Total 50 100
Source: Field of survey, 2023.
Table 4.8 shows that 45 (90%) of the total respondents agreed to the question, 5
(10%) of them disagreed, while no respondents are undecided.

Predominantly, before testing these hypotheses, it’s very important to note
a. The greater the value of the calculated chi-square, the lower the chance of
its occurrence.
b. The probability of chi-square of any given figure depends upon the number
of degrees of freedom.
In consideration of the above, the chi-square computation method is this shows
Expected frequency (E) = R X C
R = Total on each row
C = Total on each column
G = Grand total
In other word
Expected value = Row total x column
Grand total
While, XC2 = E (O-E)2
Degree of freedom (d.f) = (m-1) (n-1)
M = number of columns n = number of rows
Decision Rule

If XC2  Xt2, reject Ho and accept Hi if XC 2  Xt2, accept Ho and reject Hi where,
Xc2 =  critical value or chi square tabulated.
Ho, with the use of advertising through internet, it is essential to obtain universal
acceptance of MTN.
Hi, the use of advertising has been considered the most effective and efficient way
of advertising MTN product.
Table 4.7 observed frequency table
Options Distribution Percentage
Agreed 45 90
Disagreed 5 10
Undecided - -
Total 50 100
Source: Extracted from table 4.2
Table 4.8 contingency table
Variable Oi Ei Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei
Agreed 45 37.5 24.5 600.25 16.0067
Disagreed 5 37.5 -24.5 600.25 16.0067
Total 50 32.0134
XC2 = 32.0134, while critical value = 3.841.

From the chi-square computed above that the computed value of X 2 is greater than
the critical or table value at d.f = 1, thus we accept the alternative hypothesis,
which says that advertising has significance impacts on customer awareness of
new MTN product.
HO2, the use of advertising is blame for enticing people with H’s product they
never wanted to purchases.
Hi, the use of advertising by MTN mobile communication of Nigeria leads to
increased profitability in carrying out its marketing activities.
Table 4.3 Observed frequency
Options Distribution Percentage
Agreed 40 80
Disagreed 10 20
Undecided - -
Total 50 100
Sources: Extracted from 4.2
Table 4.5: Contingency table
Variable Oi Ei Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei
Agreed 40 37.5 32.5 1056.25 28.1667
Disagreed 10 37.5 -32.5 1056.25 28.1667
Total = 2 50 56.3334
Based on the computed value of Xc2= 56.3334 and the table value of 3.841 at d.f =
1, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis and therefore

conclude that advertising by MTN mobile communication in Nigeria. increases
profitability in carrying out its marketing activities.
H03, obtaining universal acceptance of any product or services is extremely
Hi, advertising has positive effect on the profit of MTN Nigeria limited.
Table 4.4: Observed frequency
Options Distribution Percentage
Agreed 45 90
Disagreed 5 10
Undecided - -
Total 50 100
Source: extracted from table 4.6
Table 4.5 contingency table
Variable Oi Ei Oi-Ei (Oi-Ei)2 (Oi-Ei)2/Ei
Agreed 45 25 20 400 16
Disagreed - 25 -5 25 0
Undecided 5 25 -15 225 9
Total = 3 50 25
At d.f = 2 the tabulated chi=square = 5.991 with a computed value of 25. Given
the decision rule we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative, and
conclude that advertising has positive effect on the profit of MTN Nigeria limited.

In this modern cut throat competition a firm needs to communicate the
feature and benefits of the product to current and potential customers’ offer
producing, pricing, packaging and placing it at convenient place. The forms that
advertising takes and the media in which advertisements appear are as varied as
the advertisers themselves and the messages that they wish to deliver (Scmidt and
Spreng 2000). This is consistent with the findings of the study which established
that before deciding on the medium to use to advertise, the cosmetics company
considers product feature message characteristics, objectives of advertising,
audience characteristics and the cost of medium.
Advertising plays a major role in the performance of the company. The
study established that advertising in the cosmetics companies creates good image
and promote the reiterate purchase of the product or service, create large market
segment which leads to the development of large market, helps the company to
maintain superior stand in the industry, helps to establish good relationship with
potential customers and that it helps to reduce consumer dissonance. The results of
the study are consistent with Denning (2006) findings that advertising has many
advantages to marketers such as comparatively reasonable cost than that of other
promotional mix elements, targeting large segment of population, establishing
good relationship with potential customers, creating good lineage and promoting
the reiterate purchase of the product or service.
Every business organization that is determined to succeed has to adapt an
effective system for the promotion, distribution and sales of its service. Television
advertising in the companies was found to have helped the companies create
awareness and customers and employment opportunities.
This chapter gives the summary, conclusion and recommendations and
limitations of the study. the suggestion for further research was also highlighted.
The study found out that cosmetic company advertises their products
through various medium, however before deciding which medium to used, the
companies considers the product features, message characteristics objections of
advertising, audience characteristics and the cost of medium.
The market place is evolving so rapidly in many cases that knowing what’s
working and what’s not, almost as fast as it is happening has great value TV
Advertising not only helps firms generate awareness among customers for their
products and services but also serves as a useful which vehicle in promoting brand
image of product services offered at the target market.
The study established that advertising in the cosmetic industry enables the
company’s to create goods image and promote the reiterate purchase of the
product or services, create large market segment which leads to the development
of larger market, maintain superior stand in the industry, establish good
relationship with potential customers and reduce consumer dissonance.
Performance of the cosmetic companies is influenced by advertise being
undertaken by the company as it enable the companies to achieve its set goals
through the non-uses trying to use the product while of the same time encouraging
season buying.

The survival of the companies in any industry depends on competition and
the strategies put in place by the company and therefore, the pursuit of
advertisement by the companies being one of the strategies enable the companies
to enhance the purchase of organization product by the consumer, increased
volume of sales, increased the profits of the organization and enhanced the
organization relationship with its customers.
Experience has shown that for any organization to succeed or grow and at
the same time keep abreast with the rapid changes in today’s business and
technological environment, the law of success must be observed and obeyed as a
guiding principle. Otherwise, failure will subsist.
Advertising policy is one of the inevitable laws of success in an
organization. It is a truism that success or otherwise of any company lies in its
ability to evolve the right strategies at the right time.
Right strategies at wrong time can spell down for an organization. Even the
right strategies and right timing are not sufficient, the implementation, population
and monitoring of the strategies are germane to the success of the company.
Advertising is one of these strategies from the analysis and the findings; it is
crystal clear that advertising has an effect on the performance of cosmetic
From the study, it can be concluded that advertising played a major roles in
the performance if an organization as it created awareness while at the same time
encouraging the non-users to try the products or services of the firm and this made
the company to be competitive. Advertising not only helped the companies to

maintain superior stand in the industry and profit maximization, it provides
information about a product or service of a company which is a great asset.
A well structured and continuous advertising might stand as one of those
strategies to sustain a distinct market position. It could also help to identified
strong market competitions. No matter how successful a product or service is for
company and regardless of the edge the company has in the industry, advertising
help to the development of large market, helps the company to maintain superior
stand in the industry, help to establish good relationship with potential customers
and that it helps to reduce consumer dissonance. Advertising is most and should
be a continuous activity.
The study found out that advertising plays role in the operation of the
cosmetic companies and it is recommended that the companies should
endeavourer at all time to have a planned and systematic sale should endeavor at
all time to have a planned and systematic sales promotion programme in place as
this would help to make such advertisement implementation effective. Top
management should be involved in the continuous evaluation and monitoring of
advertising to ensure that the goals and objective set are achieved and appropriate
corrective actions are taken in the event of deficiencies. The companies should
harmonize all departments so as to realize the goals and objectives of advertising.
As a result of long term benefit of advertising on the economy, the
government should compel all companies operating in the cosmetics industry to
educate consumers and the general public about advertisement of their products.
This will protect the public from side effects of the various products that are being
sold by the companies.
The companies should be aware of the fact that there are times when the
effective use of advertisements is needed e.g. during festival period.
Companies should take full advantage of such peak seasons by developing
an effective and efficient advertising campaign that can arouse consumer’s
awareness, thereby leading to increase in sales.

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