Infografía Deporte Ejercicio y Salud Ilustrada A Mano Cuaderno Marrón

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Health Benefits

Mental Benefits
Exercise also acts as a
natural and effective
treatment for anxiety. It
relieves tension and stress,
increases physical and
mental energy, and
improves well-being, also
through the release of
Physical Benefits
Exercise increases muscle
mass and bone mineral
density, improves
respiratory condition,
strengthens the immune
system and reduces the risk
of developing hypertension
and cardiovascular
problems. It also increases
strength and endurance, as
well as mobility in older
Social Benefits
At a Socio-affective
level: Teaches how to
accept and assume
mistakes. Strengthens
and improves self-
esteem. Teaches to
assume responsibilities
and accept rules. On a
physical level: Increases
the body's resistance.

Physical exercise helps self-
regulation, so its practice
reduces the intensity of
emotions such as anger,
aggression, anxiety and
depression. It also reduces
the feeling of fatigue, so the
person feels more energetic,
with greater work capacity,
and rests better.

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