15 Questions To Change Your Life

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pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 15 hard-hitting questions that will change your life: (If you answer them honestly) 1. Am | confusing being nice with not establishing boundaries? They often look the same, but they don’t feel the same. pyramid @dean_elkholy 2. What does my ideal life look like? Be as specific as you can. Think about where you are, what you do for work, who you spend your time tenon This gives you direction. pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 3. Which habits will get me closer to my ideal life? Whatever you want, break it down into habits. Most will involve health, relationships, and money. This is the path you walk on. pyramid @dean_elkholy 4. Which habits will move me farther away from my ideal life? Don’t just think in the positive, though. Think in the negative too and identify aroma me em Olen This is the path you avoid. pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 5. Which people in my life inspire me to be better? Some people make you want to be ets Just knowing them makes you more ethical, conscientious, etc. Increase your exposure to them. pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 6. Which people in my life tempt me to be worse? Some people don’t want you to be ets They don’t want to hurt you, but being around them has a negative impact. Decrease your exposure to them. pyr tLe) Vad @dean_elkholy 7. What are my most toxic addictions, and how can | beat them? You might have conventional ones like alcohol. You might have less conventional ones like seeking approval. Either way, identify them and start working on them. pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 8. Am | prioritizing my physical and Matera Maer lag Your health comes first, always. If you’re not taking care of yourself, that has to change. It’s hard to achieve satisfaction without some level of health. pyr tLe) Vad @dean_elkholy 9. How can | spend my time more efficiently? Good time management helps you achieve your goals. It also reduces stress because you're not rushing all the time. Study productivity and increase the ROI of your efforts. pyr tLe) Vad @dean_elkholy 10. Am | satisfied with the destination my career path is leading me to? You don’t have to 100% love your career. But you should be at least somewhat satisfied with it. If you're not, it might be time to change jobs or pick up a new skill. Pye Ta aire a @dean_elkholy 11. Which skills can | learn to positively impact my life? The better your skills are, the better ole mcm elem That applies to your career and personal life. Keep reading and practicing until you're great at one thing and good at a lot of things. pyramid @dean_elkholy 12. Am | setting aside time for joy? A lot of this has been about goals. Goals are important, and they bring meaning, but only focusing on them will likely lead to unhappiness. Set time aside to just do fun things. pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 13. Am | giving back enough? Take the focus off of you for a minute. Think about how you can give back to lia ee That includes donating to charity, volunteering, and helping people out in your personal life. pyr diel ad @dean_elkholy 14. How can | show more love to others? Relationships are the most important part of living a good life. Go out of your way to love and spend time with the people who matter most. Give them as much as you can. pyramid @dean_elkholy 15. How can | show more love to MN ES= Lita Don’t forget about yourself, though. You deserve your own love. Make a point of treating yourself right and giving yourself what you need. pyramid @dean_elkholy MMe ie-e aay Uae p If you enjoyed this post: 1. Follow me 2. Give it a like 3. Leave a quick reply Thanks for reading!

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